Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _check(self, A, B, P, **kwargs):
     Perform the most common tests on the poles computed by place_poles
     and return the Bunch object for further specific tests
     fsf = place_poles(A, B, P, **kwargs)
     expected, _ = np.linalg.eig(A - np.dot(B, fsf.gain_matrix))
     return fsf
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_complex(self):
        # Test complex pole placement on a linearized car model, taken from L.
        # Jaulin, Automatique pour la robotique, Cours et Exercices, iSTE
        # editions p 184/185
        A = np.array([0,7,0,0,0,0,0,7/3.,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]).reshape(4,4)
        B = np.array([0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1]).reshape(4,2)
        # Test complex poles on YT
        P = np.array([-3, -1, -2-1j, -2+1j])
        self._check(A, B, P)

        # Try to reach the specific case in _YT_complex where two singular
        # values are almost equal. This is to improve code coverage but I
        # have no way to be sure this code is really reached

        P = [0-1e-6j,0+1e-6j,-10,10]
        self._check(A, B, P, maxiter=1000)

        # Try to reach the specific case in _YT_complex where the rank two
        # update yields two null vectors. This test was found via Monte Carlo.

        A = np.array(
                    [-2148,-2902, -2267, -598, -1722, -1829, -165, -283, -2546,
                   -167, -754, -2285, -543, -1700, -584, -2978, -925, -1300,
                   -1583, -984, -386, -2650, -764, -897, -517, -1598, 2, -1709,
                   -291, -338, -153, -1804, -1106, -1168, -867, -2297]

        B = np.array(
                    [-108, -374, -524, -1285, -1232, -161, -1204, -672, -637,
                     -15, -483, -23, -931, -780, -1245, -1129, -1290, -1502,
                     -952, -1374, -62, -964, -930, -939, -792, -756, -1437,
                     -491, -1543, -686]
        P = [-25.-29.j, -25.+29.j, 31.-42.j, 31.+42.j, 33.-41.j, 33.+41.j]
        self._check(A, B, P)

        # Use a lot of poles to go through all cases for update_order
        # in _YT_loop

        big_A = np.ones((11,11))-np.eye(11)
        big_B = np.ones((11,10))-np.diag([1]*10,1)[:,1:]
        big_A[:6,:6] = A
        big_B[:6,:5] = B

        P = [-10,-20,-30,40,50,60,70,-20-5j,-20+5j,5+3j,5-3j]
        self._check(big_A, big_B, P)

        #check with only complex poles and only real poles
        P = [-10,-20,-30,-40,-50,-60,-70,-80,-90,-100]
        self._check(big_A[:-1,:-1], big_B[:-1,:-1], P)
        P = [-10+10j,-20+20j,-30+30j,-40+40j,-50+50j,
        self._check(big_A[:-1,:-1], big_B[:-1,:-1], P)

        # need a 5x5 array to ensure YT handles properly when there
        # is only one real pole and several complex
        A = np.array([0,7,0,0,0,0,0,7/3.,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
        B = np.array([0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,2,3]).reshape(5,2)
        P = np.array([-2, -3+1j, -3-1j, -1+1j, -1-1j])
        place_poles(A, B, P)

        # same test with an odd number of real poles > 1
        # this is another specific case of YT
        P = np.array([-2, -3, -4, -1+1j, -1-1j])
        self._check(A, B, P)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_errors(self):
        # Test input mistakes from user
        A = np.array([0,7,0,0,0,0,0,7/3.,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]).reshape(4,4)
        B = np.array([0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1]).reshape(4,2)

        #should fail as the method keyword is invalid
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2.1,-2.2,-2.3,-2.4),

        #should fail as poles are not 1D array
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B,

        #should fail as A is not a 2D array
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A[:,:,np.newaxis], B,

        #should fail as B is not a 2D array
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B[:,:,np.newaxis],

        #should fail as there are too many poles
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2.1,-2.2,-2.3,-2.4,-3))

        #should fail as there are not enough poles
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2.1,-2.2,-2.3))

        #should fail as the rtol is greater than 1
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2.1,-2.2,-2.3,-2.4),

        #should fail as maxiter is smaller than 1
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2.1,-2.2,-2.3,-2.4),

        # should fail as rank(B) is two
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2,-2,-2,-2))

        #unctrollable system
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, np.ones((4,4)),
                      np.ones((4,2)), (1,2,3,4))

        # Should not raise ValueError as the poles can be placed but should
        # raise a warning as the convergence is not reached
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            fsf = place_poles(A, B, (-1,-2,-3,-4), rtol=1e-16, maxiter=42)
            assert_(len(w) == 1)
            assert_(issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning))
            assert_("Convergence was not reached after maxiter iterations"
                    in str(w[-1].message))
            assert_equal(fsf.nb_iter, 42)

        # should fail as a complex misses its conjugate
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B, (-2+1j,-2-1j,-2+3j,-2))

        # should fail as A is not square
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A[:,:3], B, (-2,-3,-4,-5))

        # should fail as B has not the same number of lines as A
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B[:3,:], (-2,-3,-4,-5))

        # should fail as KNV0 does not support complex poles
        assert_raises(ValueError, place_poles, A, B,
                      (-2+1j,-2-1j,-2+3j,-2-3j), method="KNV0")