Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_frequency(self):
        import scipy.signal as ss
        nsteps = 10000
        dt = 0.1

        t,w = self.regular_integrator.run(self.regular_w0, dt=dt, nsteps=nsteps)
        f,fft = fft_orbit(t, w)

        peak_ix = ss.find_peaks_cwt(fft[:,0], widths=np.linspace(dt*2, dt*100, 10))

        plt.axvline(self.regular_par[1]/(2*np.pi), linewidth=3., alpha=0.35, color='b')
        plt.axvline(1/(2*np.pi), linewidth=3., alpha=0.35, color='r')
        plt.semilogx(f[:,0], fft[:,0], marker=None)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        t,w = self.chaotic_integrator.run(self.chaotic_w0, dt=dt, nsteps=nsteps)
        f,fft = fft_orbit(t, w)

        peak_ix = ss.find_peaks_cwt(fft[:,0], widths=np.linspace(dt*2, dt*100, 10))

        plt.axvline(self.chaotic_par[1]/(2*np.pi), linewidth=3., alpha=0.35, color='b')
        plt.axvline(1/(2*np.pi), linewidth=3., alpha=0.35, color='r')
        plt.semilogx(f[:,0], fft[:,0], marker=None)
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def fft_analysis(self,position=None):
    Performes Fast fourier analysis on data sets and returns either five most significant frequencies or numpy arrays of 
    frequencies and power spectrum when specific position number is passed as parameter.

    if position is None:
      for dp, pr in zip(self.data_points, self.prumery):
        ps=np.abs(np.fft.rfft(dp.data-pr))**2 #Power spectrum
        freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(dp.data.size, time_step)
        peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(ps, np.arange(1,50))
        freqs_5 = np.append(freqs_5,freqs[peakind[:5]])
      return freqs[peakind[:5]] #Returns first five most significant frequencies
    else: #Returns arrays of frequencies and power spectrum and five most significant frequencies.
      for dp,pr in zip(self.data_points, self.prumery):
        if position == dp.position_no:
          ps=np.abs(np.fft.rfft(dp.data-pr))**2 #Power spectrum
          #ps=np.angle(np.fft.rfft(dp.data-pr)) #Phase spectrum
          #ps=20*np.log10(np.abs(np.fft.rfft(dp.data-pr))) #Amplitude spectrum in [dB]
          freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(dp.data.size, time_step)
          peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(ps, np.arange(1,50))
          return freqs, ps, freqs[peakind[:5]]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def find_threshold(filename, base_offset=0, pos_pol=True, **kws):
    with trace_gen(filename, base_offset=base_offset, **kws) as gen:
        if pos_pol:
            min_data = [event[100:-100].max() for event in gen]
            min_data = [event[100:-100].min() for event in gen]
    hist = histogram(min_data, bins=2048)
    # second = 2 if pos_pol else -2
    # index = argrelmax(hist[0][hist[0] != 0], order=5)[0][second]
    second = 1 if pos_pol else -1
        index = find_peaks_cwt(hist[0][hist[0] != 0], arange(10, 40))[second]
    except IndexError:
        index = find_peaks_cwt(hist[0][hist[0] != 0], arange(10, 40))[0]
    return hist[1][hist[0] != 0][index] * 3 / 4, len(min_data)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def find_peaks(x, y, widthrange, rel_threshold=0.1):
    """Peak-finding in a 2d dataset.
    x, y : array_like
        Input arrays.
    widthrange : tuple
        Lower and upper limit of peak widths to find.
    rel_threshold : float, optional
        Peaks with a height lower than this value times the height of the
        maximum in 'y' are ignored.

        Array indices of where the peaks were found in 'y'.

    See Also
    scipy.signal.find_peaks_cwt : Peak-finding using a continous wavelet
    transform technique.
    dx = abs(x[1] - x[0])
    minwidth, maxwidth = widthrange
    widths = np.arange(floor(minwidth/dx), ceil(maxwidth/dx))
    peakpos = find_peaks_cwt(y, widths)
    maxy = max(y)
    return [pos for pos in peakpos if y[pos] >= rel_threshold*maxy]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def execute_analysis(self):
        The continuous wavelet transform peak identification algorithm from scipy.signal.find_peaks_cwt().
        In openmsi it is renamed "findpeaks_cwt" with one fewer underscore.

        from scipy import signal as sig

        msidata = self['msidata']    #now in memory as hdf5 cube or np.ndarray
        widths = self['widths']      #should already be numpy ndarray
        min_snr = self['min_snr']

        shape_x = msidata.shape[0]
        shape_y = msidata.shape[1]

        mzindices = []

        for xi in xrange(0, shape_x):
            for yi in xrange(0, shape_y):
                print xi, yi

                # Load the spectrum
                m = msidata[xi, yi, :]

                # find indices of m where peaks are
                peak_indices = sig.find_peaks_cwt(m, widths=widths, wavelet=sig.ricker, min_snr=min_snr)
        return mzindices
Ejemplo n.º 6
def checkerboard_matrix_filtering(similarity_matrix, kernel_width, peak_range):
    Moving the checkerboard matrix over the main diagonal of the similarity matrix one sample at a time.

    :param similarity_matrix:
    :param peak_range: the number of samples in which the peak detection algorithms finds a peak (TODO:clarify)
    :param kernel_width: the size of one quarter of the checkerboard matrix
    :return: peaks and convolution values

    checkerboard_matrix = get_checkerboard_matrix(kernel_width)

    # The values calculated in this step are starting from the 'kernel_width' position and ending
    # at length - kernel_width
    d = []
    for i in range(0, similarity_matrix.shape[0] - 2 * kernel_width):
        base = similarity_matrix[i:i + kernel_width * 2, i:i + kernel_width * 2]
        d.append(np.sum(np.multiply(base, checkerboard_matrix)))

    # The missing values from 0 to kernel_width are calculated here
    top_left_d = []
    for i in range(0, kernel_width):
        base = similarity_matrix[0:i + kernel_width, 0:i + kernel_width]
        top_left_d.append(np.sum(np.multiply(base, checkerboard_matrix[kernel_width - i:, kernel_width - i:])))

    # The missing kernel_width values at the bottom right are set to 0
    convolution_values = top_left_d + d + [0 for i in range(0, kernel_width)]

    peaks = find_peaks_cwt(convolution_values, np.arange(1, peak_range))
    peaks = [0] + peaks + [len(convolution_values)-1]
    return peaks, convolution_values
def determine_step_process(dwell, percentage, start, end, jump):
	attempt = np.array([])
	firstpeak = np.array([])
	lastpeak = np.array([])
	suminterval = np.array([])
	for window in np.arange(start, (end+jump*2), jump*2):
		#print 'testing interval:', interval,
		#window must be an odd number
		if window/jump % 2 == 0:
			window += jump

		ma = convertma(dwell, window, jump)
		interval = window / jump
		std = movstd(ma, interval)
		oripeak = signal.find_peaks_cwt(std, np.arange(interval * percentage, interval, interval*0.05))
		if oripeak != []:
			peaklength = np.append(oripeak, np.cumsum(dwell)[-1]/jump-1) - np.append(0, oripeak)
			if np.amin(peaklength) > interval:
				attempt = np.append(attempt, 1)
				attempt = np.append(attempt, 0)
			firstpeak = np.append(firstpeak, oripeak[0])
			lastpeak = np.append(lastpeak, oripeak[-1])
			suminterval = np.append(suminterval, interval)

	np.savez(pathfilename+'_'+str(start)+'_'+str(end), attempt = attempt, firstpeak = firstpeak, lastpeak = lastpeak, suminterval = suminterval)
 def get_peaks(self, data, domain):
     thresh = 1.1  # TODO: Make this adjustable - issue#2
     peakrange = np.arange(1, 100)
     rawpeaks = np.array(sc_sg.find_peaks_cwt(data, peakrange))
     rawpeaks = rawpeaks[rawpeaks > rawpeaks.min()]  # Remove leftmost peak (false positive at input)
     threshpeaks = rawpeaks[data[rawpeaks] > thresh]
     return np.array([domain[threshpeaks], data[threshpeaks]]).T
def calculatepeak(step, jump, dwell):
	totalpeak = np.array([])
	totalinterval = np.array([])
	totalfilterpeak = np.array([])
	totalfilterinterval = np.array([])
	for window in step:
		if window/jump % 2 == 0:
			window += jump
		ma = convertma(dwell, window, jump)
		interval = window / jump
		#Calculate the moving average of the result
		std = movstd(ma, interval)
		#Calculate the moving standard deviation of the result
		oripeak = signal.find_peaks_cwt(std, np.arange(interval * percentage, interval, interval*0.05))
		oristdamp = std[oripeak]
		#Obtain the standard deviation peak and the amplitude of the peak

		if len(oripeak) == 0:
			oripopendiffpeak = calpopendiffpeak(dwell, oripeak)
			#Calculate the difference in Popen from the raw data using the time of the peak
			oripopendiffstdamp = oristdamp / np.sqrt(1.0/12)
			#Calculate the difference in Popen based on the value of the standard deviation peak
			filterpeak, oripopendiffstdamp, oripopendiffpeak = filterpeaktime(dwell, std, oripeak, oripopendiffstdamp, oripopendiffpeak)

			totalpeak = np.append(totalpeak, oripeak)
			totalinterval = np.append(totalinterval, [interval] * len(oripeak))
			totalfilterpeak = np.append(totalfilterpeak, filterpeak)
			totalfilterinterval = np.append(totalfilterinterval, [interval] * len(filterpeak))
			for iprint in range(len(filterpeak)):
				print 'peak', filterpeak[iprint], 'Popen(avg)', oripopendiffpeak[iprint], 'Popen(std)', oripopendiffstdamp[iprint]

	np.savez(pathfilename+str(step[0])+'_'+str(step[-1]), totalpeak=totalpeak, totalinterval=totalinterval, totalfilterpeak=totalfilterpeak, totalfilterinterval=totalfilterinterval)
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: accproc.py Proyecto: jessab/ML
 def curPeakdetect(y, x):
     if ds["type"] == "cwt":
         _maxidx = find_peaks_cwt(y, ds["widths"])
         _max = zip(x[_maxidx], y[_maxidx])
         _max, _ = peakdetect(y, x, lookahead=ds["lookahead"], delta=ds["delta"])
     return _max
def main(data):
    start = time.time()
    T = 1.0/SAMPLING_RATE # sampling interval
    Fs = 1.0 / T
    ir_data, bpm_data, avg_bpm_data = clean_data(data)
    hr_data = zero_mean(ir_data)

    cutoff_bpm = [50.0, 200.0]
    cutoff_hz = [x/60 for x in cutoff_bpm] # cutoff frequency in HZ
    cutoff = [x/(Fs/2) for x in cutoff_hz]
    [b, a] = signal.butter(2, cutoff, 'bandpass') # 2nd order butterworth filter

    is_valid = check_data_good(ir_data)
    if (is_valid == False):
        return "Heart Rate: Please Place Sensor on Feet"
        # filter out the noise from signal
        hr_filt = signal.lfilter(b, a, hr_data)

        pks = signal.find_peaks_cwt(hr_filt, np.arange(3, 10))
        num_pks = len(pks)
        beats_from_peaks = num_pks/2
        bpm_from_peaks = beats_from_peaks*60/TIME_SEC
        print("HR Found from Beats is = " + str(bpm_from_peaks) + " BPM")
        time_btw_peaks = sum(np.array(pks[1:num_pks]) - np.array(pks[0:-1]))/(num_pks - 1)
        bpm_from_peaks = SAMPLING_RATE*60/time_btw_peaks/2
        print("HR Found from Time is = " + str(bpm_from_peaks) + " BPM")
        end = time.time()
        print("total time = " + str(end - start))
        return bpm_from_peaks
Ejemplo n.º 12
def sort_spikes(sweep):
    filtered = np.array(sweep) - medfilt(sweep, 51)
    pks = find_peaks_cwt(filtered, np.arange(9, 20))
    offsets = np.zeros_like(pks)
    datamtrx = np.zeros(shape=(80, len(pks[3:])))

    for i, pk in enumerate(pks[3:]):
        offset = np.argmax(filtered[pk - 40 : pk + 40]) - 40
        datamtrx[:, i] = filtered[pk - 40 + offset : pk + 40 + offset]
        offsets[i + 3] = offset
        # plb.plot(filtered[pk-40+offset:pk+20+offset],color = 'k', alpha = 0.1)

    from scipy.linalg import svd

    U, s, Vt = svd(datamtrx, full_matrices=False)
    V = Vt.T

    ind = np.argsort(s)[::-1]
    U = U[:, ind]
    s = s[ind]
    V = V[:, ind]

    features = V
    es, idx = kmeans2(features[:, 0:4], 4, iter=50)
    colors = [([1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1])[i] for i in idx]
Ejemplo n.º 13
def autocorrelation(x, y):

    # normalise so range is 2 - no idea if this is the right thing to do...
    y = 2*y/(max(y)-min(y))
    y = y-np.median(y)

    # calculate autocorrelation fn
    lags, acf, lines, axis = pb.acorr(y, maxlags = len(y)/2.)

    # halve acf and find peaks
    acf = acf[len(acf)/2.:]
    pks = find_peaks_cwt(acf, np.arange(10, 20)) # play with these params,

    #they define peak widths
    peaks = pks[1:] # lose the first peak
    period =  peaks[0]*cadence
    print 'acf period = ', period

    pl.plot(x[:4000], y[:4000], 'k.')
    pl.title('Period = %s' %period)
    pl.plot(np.arange(5000)*cadence, acf[:5000])
#     pl.plot(np.arange(len(acf))*cadence, acf)
    [pl.axvline(peak*cadence, linestyle = '--', color = 'r') for peak in peaks]
    pl.xlim(0, 5000*cadence)
    pl.savefig('/Users/angusr/Python/george/acf/%sacf' %int(KID))
#     np.savetxt('/Users/angusr/Python/george/acf/%sacf_per.txt'%int(KID), period)

    return period
Ejemplo n.º 14
def call_boundary_peaks(Pb):
    n = len(Pb)
    peaks = find_peaks_cwt(

    regions = []
    for i in peaks:
        top = Pb[i]
        x = [l for l in range(1, min(i, 5)) if Pb[i-l] > 0.4*top]
        y = [r for r in range(1, min(n-i, 5)) if Pb[i+r] > 0.4*top]
        start = (i - x[-1]) if len(x) else i
        end = (i + y[-1]) if len(y) else i
        regions.append([start-1, end+1, top])

    if len(regions):
        starts, ends, values = zip(*regions)
        starts, ends, values = [], [], []

    return np.array(starts), np.array(ends), np.array(values)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def wavelet_peaks(vector, *args, **kwargs):
        This is the function that will be mapped by multiprocess. This is a wrapper around the scipy function.
        It uses a parameter - wavelet_widths that is configured outside this function.

        vector : 1D numpy array
            Feature vector containing peaks

        peak_indices : list
            List of indices of peaks within the prescribed peak widths
            peak_width_bounds = kwargs.get('peak_widths')
            peak_width_step = kwargs.get('peak_step', 20)
            # The below numpy array is used to configure the returned function wpeaks
            wavelet_widths = np.linspace(peak_width_bounds[0], peak_width_bounds[1], peak_width_step)

            peak_indices = find_peaks_cwt(np.abs(vector), wavelet_widths, **kwargs)

            return peak_indices

        except KeyError:
            warn('Error: Please specify "peak_widths" kwarg to use this method')
Ejemplo n.º 16
def find_peak_data(data, n, spec=False):
    indices = find_peaks_cwt(data, arange(30, 80))
    values = [data[i] for i in indices]
    params = [val for i in range(n) for val in [values[i], indices[i], 30]]
    if spec:
        params.extend((0.2, 1))
    return params
Ejemplo n.º 17
def dih_plotter3(dirname,savename,numplot):
    inlist = dih_tablereader(dirname)
    plotlist = inlist[0:numplot]
    colors = iter(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0,1,len(plotlist)))) #creates color table
    for memberlist in plotlist:
        x = memberlist[0] #x coordinate data
        y = memberlist[1] #y coordinate data
        ysmooth = dih_boxcar(y)
        xshort = x[0:len(ysmooth)]
        peaklist =signal.find_peaks_cwt(ysmooth, np.arange(1,30))#continuous wavelet transformation
        plt.plot(xshort,ysmooth,color = next(colors))
        for num in peaklist:
            plt.plot(xshort[num],ysmooth[num],'gD')#places markers on peaks
        peak = max(ysmooth)
        peaklist2 = [i for i, j in enumerate(ysmooth) if j == peak]
        for num in peaklist2:

#finish up plot characteristics
    plt.title('Super Most Awesome Graph!')
    plt.savefig(savename)#saves postscript file
    return plotlist
Ejemplo n.º 18
def detect_lines(w_arr, f_arr, sigma=3, bsigma=None, niter=5, mask=None,
                 kern=default_kernal, center=False):
    """Detect lines goes through a 1-D spectra and detect peaks

      w_arr--xaxis array (pixels, wavelength, etc)
      f_arr--yaxis array (flux, counts, etc)
      sigma--Threshold for detecting sources
      bsigma--Threshold for determining background statistics
      niter--iterations to determine background
      center--return centroids and not pixels
      mask--Pixels not to use
    # set up the variables
    if bsigma is None:
        bsigma = sigma

    if mask:
        f_arr = f_arr[mask]
        w_arr = w_arr[mask]

    # find all peaks
    xp = signal.find_peaks_cwt(f_arr, np.array([sigma]))
    xp = np.array(xp)
    # set the output values
    if center:
        xdiff = int(0.5 * len(kern) + 1)
        xp = xp * 1.0
        for i in range(len(xp)):
            xp[i] = mcentroid(w_arr, f_arr, kern=kern, xdiff=xdiff, xc=w_arr[xp[i]])

    return xp
Ejemplo n.º 19
def FindPeaksInSpectrum (S):
  "Find peaks using scipy"

  Peaks = []

  peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(S, numpy.arange(1, 10), min_length=16)

  return peakind
Ejemplo n.º 20
def predict(fec,widths=None,min_snr=10,**kwargs):
    split_fec = Analysis.zero_and_split_force_extension_curve(fec)    
    force = split_fec.retract.Force
    if (widths is None):
        expected_max_log_width = int(np.ceil(np.log2(0.05 * force.size)))
        widths = np.logspace(0,expected_max_log_width,base=2,num=3)
    peak_indices = find_peaks_cwt(force,widths=widths,min_snr=min_snr,**kwargs)
    return peak_indices
Ejemplo n.º 21
def findpeaks(resdata):
    respeaks = []
    for i in resdata:
        peaks = []
        for j in range(i.shape[0]):
    return respeaks
Ejemplo n.º 22
def mean_hr_bpm(filename):
    """module to take user input for time scale, and analyze ECG input in \
    that time scale

    :param filename: the name of a file located in the /test_data folder \
    entered as a string

    :returns heartrate: heartrate during a specific period as a float
    :raises IOError: raised if user tries to input value not accepted by \
    :raises ValueError: raised if the generally accepted values fall outside \
    of the signal time range

#   time_input = input("Please input time (10 sec or 20 sec): ")
    time_input = "10 sec"
    time_vector = extract_time_data(filename)
    if np.max(time_vector) >= float(time_input[:-4]):
        if str(time_input) == "10" + " sec":
            ind = np.where(time_vector == 10)[0]
            df = import_data(filename)
            values = df.values
            trimmed = values[np.arange(0, ind), 1]
            trim_norm = trimmed - np.mean(trimmed)
            template = pd.read_csv("test_data/template.csv", header=None)
            norm_template = extract_template_data(template)
            corr = np.correlate(norm_template, trim_norm, mode="full")
            peaks = signal.find_peaks_cwt(corr, np.arange(1, 300))
            heartrate = len(peaks) / (10/60)
        elif str(time_input) == "20" + " sec":
            ind = np.where(time_vector == 20)[0]
            df = import_data(filename)
            values = df.values
            trimmed = values[np.arange(0, ind), 1]
            trim_norm = trimmed - np.mean(trimmed)
            template = pd.read_csv("test_data/template.csv", header=None)
            norm_template = extract_template_data(template)
            corr = np.correlate(norm_template, trim_norm, mode="full")
            peaks = signal.find_peaks_cwt(corr, np.arange(1, 300))
            heartrate = len(peaks) / (20/60)
            raise IOError("Invalid input. Try Again (Make sure to include "
        raise ValueError("Attempted input outside signal range")
    return heartrate
Ejemplo n.º 23
def find_peaks(img,thresh):
    data = np.sum(img_half, axis=0)
    filtered = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(data,20)
    xs = np.arange(len(filtered))
    peak_ind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(filtered, np.arange(20,300))
    peaks = np.array(peak_ind)
    peaks = peaks[filtered[peak_ind]>thresh]
    return peaks,filtered
Ejemplo n.º 24
def max_data(x_data, y_data, width, no_peaks):
    peak_ind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(y_data, np.array([width]*(no_peaks)))
    #print peakind
    x_peaks = map(lambda x: x_data[x], peak_ind)
    #print time_peaks
    y_peaks = map(lambda x: y_data[x], peak_ind)
    #print p_peaks
    return x_peaks, y_peaks
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def findAbsorptionPeaks_TESTING(self):
     #this method might lead to better results than the findAbsorptionLines method?
     return peaks
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.data_inv = [-d for d in data]

        # First we find the peaks in the inverted data which could be from the Receiver
        self.trcal = -1
        self.peaks = find_peaks_cwt(self.data_inv, np.arange(1, 0.9*tari))
        self.peaks = [p for p in self.peaks if (self.data[(int)(p - 0.5*tari)] - self.data[p]) > min_rt_th]
        self.cur_peak = 0
        self.peak_cnt = len(self.peaks)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def PeakFinder(array):
    x = array[:,0]
    y = array[:,1]
    from scipy import signal
    import numpy as np
    maxima = signal.find_peaks_cwt(y, np.arange(1,10)) # Working of this algorithm found in the following link
                            # http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/22/17/2059.long
    difference = np.diff(maxima)            # This generates an array of differences between the indices of the 
                            # local maxima which will be used below to find periodicity.
    return difference
Ejemplo n.º 28
def find_highest_two_peaks( smoothed_shots):
    peak_positions_in_pixels=np.zeros( (smoothed_shots.shape[0],2) )
    for shot_idx in range(smoothed_shots.shape[0]):
        peak_pos=find_peaks_cwt(smoothed_shots[shot_idx], range(1,11))
        max_2 = np.argsort(peak_values)[-2:]
        peak_positions_in_pixels[shot_idx]=np.where(mask)[0][peak_pos[max_2] ]

    return peak_positions_in_pixels.astype(int)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def updateWave():
    global data, fData, time, ptList, freqList, line

    freqList = []
    if len(ptList) < 2:
        fData = np.zeros(CHUNK, dtype=float)
        data = np.uint8(fData)
    elif len(ptList) == 2:
        dist = np.sqrt((ptList[0]['xPos']  - ptList[1]['xPos'])**2. +
                       (ptList[0]['yPos']  - ptList[1]['yPos'])**2. +
                       (ptList[0]['depth'] - ptList[1]['depth'])**2.)
        for point1 in ptList:
            for point2 in ptList:
                if point1 is not point2:
                    dist = np.sqrt((point1['xPos']  - point2['xPos'])**2. +
                                   (point1['yPos']  - point2['yPos'])**2. +
                                   (point1['depth'] - point2['depth'])**2.)
    fData = np.zeros(CHUNK, dtype=float)
    for freq in freqList:
        iFreq = float(int(freq/10.))
        ampl = 1./freq
        fData += ampl * np.sin(time*iFreq)
    fData = fData / np.max(np.abs(fData)) * 127 + 128
    yData = np.abs(np.fft.fft(fData[:PLOTWIDTH]))
    yData /= 100.
#    yData /= yData.max()
#    yData = np.log(yData)
    yDataSwap = np.fft.fftshift(yData)
    peakIndices = signal.find_peaks_cwt(yDataSwap, np.asarray([0.1, 0.11, 0.12]), 
    nPeaks = len(peakIndices)
    peaksTxt.set_text('Peaks %d\nFreqs %d'%(nPeaks,int((nPeaks-1)/2)))
    lineIx = 0
    for peak in peakArray:
    for peakIx in peakIndices:
        freqAt = float(plotFreq[peakIx])
#        print '%5.2f\t'%freqAt,
        peakArray[lineIx][0].set_xdata((freqAt, freqAt))
        peakArray[lineIx][0].set_ydata([0., 1000])
        lineIx += 1
    data = np.uint8(fData)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def find_peaks( signal, min_height = 25, min_peak_ratio = 0.5, max_peak_ratio = 7, ladder=False ):
    """ find peaks in the signal spectrum
        return [ (indice, height), ... ]
        we differentiate settings between ladder (since we know the absolute size of
        the peaks) and the sample

    if ladder:
        widths = np.arange(5,15)
        widths = np.arange(5,15)

    #peak_index = find_peaks_cwt( signal, widths, min_snr = 1, min_length = 1, max_distances = widths/23, noise_perc = 25, gap_thresh = 50 )

    peak_index = find_peaks_cwt( signal, widths )

    if not peak_index:
        return []

    peaks = [ ( x, signal[x] ) for x in peak_index ]
    print("initial peaks: %d" % len(peaks))
    pt.plot( signal )
    plot_peaks( peaks, 'ro' )

    # filter for min_height
    peaks = [ peak for peak in peaks if peak[1] > min_height ]
    pt.plot( signal )
    plot_peaks( peaks, 'ro' )

    if not peaks:
        return []

    heights = [ peak[1] for peak in peaks ]

    # filter for maximum peak ratio with 75th percentile
    upper_percentile = np.percentile( heights, 75 )
    max_height = upper_percentile * max_peak_ratio
    print("upper_percentile:", upper_percentile)
    print("max_height:", max_height)
    peaks = [ peak for peak in peaks if peak[1] < max_height ]
    pt.plot( signal )
    plot_peaks( peaks, 'ro' )

    return peaks
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def firstReflectionIndex(self):
     :return: a guess at the location of the first reflection using scipy find_peaks_cwt
     peak = self.peakIndex()
     endIndex = self.size()
     lengthMs = (endIndex - peak) / self._fs * 1000
     if lengthMs > 50.0:
         search_end = peak + (round(self._fs / 20))
             f"{self} has {round(lengthMs)}ms from peak to end, searching 50ms ({peak}:{search_end}) for 1st reflection")
         to_search = self.samples[peak:search_end]
         to_search = self.samples[peak:]
     return next((i + peak for i in signal.find_peaks_cwt(to_search, np.arange(10, 20)) if i > 40), self.size() - 1)
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def find_local_minima(self, f_array, window=101):
        Find the local minima of an absorption profile.

            f_array: flux array
            window: smoothing window, pixels
            indices of local minima in flux_array

        # smooth flux profile
        smoothed_flux = savgol_filter(f_array, window, 1)

        return find_peaks_cwt(smoothed_flux * -1, np.array([window / 3]))
Ejemplo n.º 33
def getpeaks(hist, max_width, min_width):
    histcounts = [x[1] for x in hist]
    if not max_width:
        mymax = 1000
        mymax = max_width
    if not min_width:
        mymin = 1
        mymin = min_width
    if len(histcounts) > 0 and mymin and mymax:
        out = find_peaks_cwt(histcounts, [x for x in range(mymin, mymax + 1)])
        out = array([], dtype=float64)
    return (out)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def estimate_pars(pars, window=999):
    estimate parameters for curve fitting
    genome, sample, xy, length = pars
    if xy is False:
        return False
    x, y = xy
    y_med = [x, median_filter(y)]
    # find indexes of peaks and troughs
    pks = signal.find_peaks_cwt(y, np.arange(100, 1000, 10000))
    trs = signal.find_peaks_cwt([-i for i in y], np.arange(100, 1000, 10000))
    # find positions on genome for peaks and troughs
    pks = [[y_med[0][i], y_med[1][i]] for i in pks]
    trs = [[y_med[0][i], y_med[1][i]] for i in trs]
    # find best pk/tr pair based on greatest distance in coverage
    # and position on genome
    ori, ter = check_peaks([pks, trs], length)
    x1, x2 = ori[0], ter[0]
    y1, y2 = ori[1], ter[1]
    if genome is not None:
        return genome, sample, (x1, x2, y1, y2, y_med)
        return x1, x2, y1, y2, y_med
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def fit_algorithm(self):

        self.X = self.X[:, 0] # TODO - this is definitely not the correct long term strategy
        num_samples = len(self.X)
        width_array = np.asarray(np.arange(1, num_samples / self.parms['peak_width']))

        if self.algorithm == "cwt":
            indexes = find_peaks_cwt(self.X, width_array, gap_thresh=self.parms['gap_threshold'], min_snr=self.parms['min_snr'], noise_perc=self.parms['noise_perc'])
        elif self.algorithm == "matlab_findpeaks":
            mph = self.parms['mph']
            if mph:
                mph = float(mph)
            indexes = detect_peaks(self.X, mph=mph, mpd=self.parms['mpd'], threshold=self.parms['threshold'], edge=self.parms['edge'], kpsh=self.parms['kpsh'], valley=self.parms['valley'])

        self.result["indexes"] = indexes.tolist()
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def find_peaks_cwt(self, vector, *args, **kwargs):
        Find peaks function based on scipy.signal package
        vector: CPD scores array
        args: see docs for https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.signal.find_peaks_cwt.html

        Array with location of peaks
        peaks = find_peaks_cwt(vector, *args, **kwargs)
        return peaks
Ejemplo n.º 37
def get_CorrStuff(st):

    ntr = len(st)

    sps = st[0].stats.sampling_rate
    strong_filter = np.ones(int(sps)) / float(sps)
    min_peak_height = 0.4
    # This value is sligtly greater than the matlab one, to account for
    # differences in floating precision

    CorPeakNumber = np.empty(ntr, dtype=int)
    INT1 = np.empty(ntr, dtype=float)
    INT2 = np.empty(ntr, dtype=float)
    INT_RATIO = np.empty(ntr, dtype=float)

    for i in xrange(ntr):
        cor = np.correlate(st[i].data, st[i].data, mode='full')
        cor = cor / np.max(cor)

        # find number of peaks
        cor_env = np.abs(hilbert(cor))
        cor_smooth = l2filter(strong_filter, 1, cor_env)
        cor_smooth2 = l2filter(strong_filter, 1,
                               cor_smooth / np.max(cor_smooth))
        ipeaks = find_peaks_cwt(cor_smooth2, np.arange(1,
                                                       len(cor_smooth2) / 2))
        n_peaks = 0
        for ip in ipeaks:
            if cor_smooth2[ip] > min_peak_height:
                n_peaks += 1
        CorPeakNumber[i] = n_peaks

        # integrate over bands
        npts = len(cor_smooth)
        ilag_0 = np.argmax(cor_smooth) + 1
        ilag_third = ilag_0 + npts / 6

        # note that these integrals are flase really (dt is not correct)
        max_cor = np.max(cor_smooth)
        int1 = np.trapz(cor_smooth[ilag_0:ilag_third + 1] / max_cor)
        int2 = np.trapz(cor_smooth[ilag_third:] / max_cor)
        int_ratio = int1 / int2

        INT1[i] = int1
        INT2[i] = int2
        INT_RATIO[i] = int_ratio

    return CorPeakNumber, INT1, INT2, INT_RATIO
Ejemplo n.º 38
def init():

    sdr = RtlSdr()

    # configure device
    sdr.sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE
    sdr.center_freq = CENTER_FREQ
    sdr.gain = GAIN

    # configure ROS stuff
    detections_pub = rospy.Publisher('sdr/detections',

    rate = rospy.Rate(PUB_RATE)

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        samples = sdr.read_samples(256 * 1024)
        [psd, freq] = plt.psd(samples,
                              Fs=sdr.sample_rate / 1e6,
                              Fc=sdr.center_freq / 1e6)
        peaks = signal.find_peaks_cwt(psd, np.array([[WIDTH]]))

        # Publish detections
        detections = SDRTagDetections()
        for peak in peaks:
            detection = SDRTagDetection()
            detection.freq = freq[peak]
            detection.psd = psd[peak]

        # Optional display
        if PLOT:
            plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
            plt.ylabel('Relative power (dB)')
                     10 * np.log10(abs(psd[peaks])),

Ejemplo n.º 39
def histogram_lane_detection(img, steps, search_window, h_window):
    Try to detect lane line pixels by applying a sliding histogram

    :param img: binary mask
    :param steps: number of steps for the sliding histogram
    :param search_window: window which limits the horizontal search space
    :param h_window: window size for horizontal histogram smoothing
    :return: x, y of detected pixels

    all_x = []
    all_y = []

    masked_img = img[:, search_window[0]:
                     search_window[1]]  # y pixels between two x-coordinates
    pixels_per_step = img.shape[
        0] // steps  # number of pixels each step will the windows will take

    for i in range(steps):

        start = masked_img.shape[0] - (i * pixels_per_step)
        end = start - pixels_per_step

        histogram = np.sum(masked_img[end:start, :], axis=0)
        histogram_smooth = signal.medfilt(histogram,
                                          h_window)  # normalize the histogram
        peaks = np.array(
            signal.find_peaks_cwt(histogram_smooth, np.arange(1, 5)))

        highest_peak = highest_n_peaks(histogram_smooth,

        if len(highest_peak) == 1:
            highest_peak = highest_peak[0]
            center = (start + end) // 2
            x, y = get_pixel_in_window(masked_img, highest_peak, center,


    all_x = np.array(all_x) + search_window[0]
    all_y = np.array(all_y)

    return all_x, all_y
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def findPeak():
     region = np.where((x_data >= self.lower) & (x_data <= self.upper))
     sub_data = y_data[region]
     sub_region = x_data[region]
     algorithm = self.algorithm.currentText()
     shape = self.shape.currentText()
     if shape == "Peak":
         const = 1
         const = -1
     sub_data = sub_data * const
     if algorithm == "Extremum":
         peak = np.max(sub_data)
         idx = np.where(sub_data == peak)
         x = sub_region[idx][0]
         y = sub_data[idx][0] * const
         return self.renderPeakPoint([x, y])
     elif algorithm == "Matlab Like":
         indexes = find_peaks(
             height=self.amplitude.value(),  #低于指定高度忽略
             threshold=self.threshold.value(),  #相邻两点高度差
             distance=self.detectDis.value(),  #两峰间距
             width=self.peakWidth.value()  #峰宽
         if np.size(indexes) == 0:
         idx = np.where(sub_data == np.max(sub_data[indexes]))
         x = sub_region[idx][0]
         y = sub_data[idx][0] * const
         return self.renderPeakPoint([x, y])
     elif algorithm == "Wavelet Transform":
         indexes = find_peaks_cwt(
             widths=self.peakWidth.value(),  #峰宽
             max_distances=self.detectDis.value(),  #两峰间距
         if np.size(indexes) == 0:
         idx = np.where(sub_data == np.max(sub_data[indexes]))
         x = sub_region[idx][0]
         y = sub_data[idx][0] * const
         return self.renderPeakPoint([x, y])
Ejemplo n.º 41
def threshold(pseudocounts):
    """The input for the threshold function is an array of pseudocounts.
    (This can be changed)
    The ouput is a threshold (cutoff value);
    words with pseudocounts less than this threshold are
    deemed as low relevance for the topic (concept).
    density = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(pseudocounts)
    xs = np.linspace(0, 1, 2000)
    ys = density(xs)
    peaks = signal.find_peaks_cwt(-ys, np.array([0.001, 0.01, 0.1]))
    if peaks.any():
        return min(xs[peaks])
        return 0
def histogram_base_points(lanes, min_peak=25.0):
    """Uses histogram to find possible base points for lane lines"""
    hist = np.sum(lanes[int(lanes.shape[0] * 0.5):, :], axis=0)

    widths = [100]
    idx = find_peaks_cwt(hist, widths, max_distances=widths, noise_perc=50)
    if len(idx) < 2:
        return None

    # Avoid edges
    idx = [
        i for i in idx if i > lanes.shape[1] * 0.1 and i < lanes.shape[1] *
        0.9 and max(hist[i - 50:i + 50]) > min_peak

    return [min(idx), max(idx)]
Ejemplo n.º 43
def callback_auto_detect_peaks_button():
    global peaks
    global user_AUTO_PEAK_DETECT_MIN_SNR
    peaks = signal.find_peaks_cwt(
    new_peaks_data = dict()
    new_peaks_data['peaks'] = peaks
    new_peaks_data['wavenumber_peaks'] = calibrate_model(peaks)
    new_peaks_data['intensities'] = np.array(
         for i in peaks]) + raman_configs.PEAK_MARKS_OVERHANG
    peaks_data_source.data = new_peaks_data
Ejemplo n.º 44
def find_peaks(x, y):
    # Default peak detection parameters
    wavelet = signal.ricker  # wavelet of choice
    widths = np.arange(1, 20)  # range of widths of the ricker wavelet to search/evaluate
    max_distances = widths / 8.  # ridgeline connectivity threshold; smaller values gives more peaks; larger values considers overlapping peaks as one
    gap_thresh = 4  # threshold number of rows for ridgeline connectivity; smaller values gives more peaks
    min_length = 3  # minimum ridgeline length; smaller values gives more peaks
    min_snr = 2  # Minimum SNR
    noise_perc = 10  # percentile of points below which to consider noise
    h = 3  # number of points skipped in finite differences
    truncationlow = 10  # low q truncation for zeros
    truncationhigh = 50

    peaks = signal.find_peaks_cwt(y, widths, wavelet, max_distances, gap_thresh, min_length, min_snr, noise_perc)
    peaks = peaks[1:]
    return list(np.array(np.vstack([x[peaks], y[peaks], peaks])))
Ejemplo n.º 45
def plotgraph(x, y, y2, pp, title, xlabel, ylabel, rp):
    if all(v == 0 for v in y):
        print('There is nothing in "%s"' % title)
        plt.plot(x[rp[0]:rp[1]], y[rp[0]:rp[1]])
        if y2 != 0:  ### <>
            a = np.empty(np.size(x[rp[0]:rp[1]]))
            plt.plot(x[rp[0]:rp[1]], a)
        if pp == 1:
            peakFind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(y, np.arange(0.01, 1))
            plt.plot(x[peakFind], y[peakFind], 'ro')
Ejemplo n.º 46
def estimate_max(table):
    table = table[1:]
    sim_freqs = [(x[0],(x[2]-x[3]))for x in table]
    sim_freqs = sorted(sim_freqs, key=lambda x: x[1])

    # find the peaks
    xs = [x[1] for x in sim_freqs]
    peaks = list(find_peaks_cwt(xs, np.arange(50, 200)))

    # this produces a list. Find the biggest one in the list
    big = (0,0)
    for peak in peaks:
        if sim_freqs[peak][1] > big[1]:
            big = (sim_freqs[peak][0], sim_freqs[peak][1])

    return big[0]
Ejemplo n.º 47
def call_tads(ob: np.ndarray):
    Currently this method will results too much tads.
    from scipy import ndimage, signal
    ob[~np.isfinite(ob)] = 0

    insu = insu_score(ob)
    gau_insu = -ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(insu, 3)
    peaks = signal.find_peaks_cwt(gau_insu, np.arange(2, 5))
    borders = [0] + list(peaks) + [len(insu)]

    info = {'ob': ob}
    score = TadScore(info=info)
    dp = dp_solve(borders, score)
    return dp[0][-1].extract_tads()
Ejemplo n.º 48
def lane_peaks(histogram):
    peaks = signal.find_peaks_cwt(histogram, np.arange(1, 150), min_length=150)

    midpoint = np.int(histogram.shape[0] / 2)
    # if we found at least two peaks use the signal approach (better in shadows)
    if len(peaks) > 1:
        # in case more then 2 found just get the left and right one
        peak_left, *_, peak_right = peaks

    # otherwise just choose the highest points in left and right of center segments

        peak_left = np.argmax(histogram[:midpoint])
        peak_right = np.argmax(histogram[midpoint:]) + midpoint

    return peak_left, peak_right
    def update_graph(self):
        """Updates the graph with new letters frequencies"""
        # get the letters frequencies
        #l, v = self.parse_file(self.lineEdit.text())
        time,  voltage = self.get_the_wave(self.lineEdit.text())
        # clear the Axes
        # draw a bar chart for letters and their frequencies
        # set width to 0.5 and shift bars of 0.25, to be centered
        #self.mpl.canvas.ax.bar(np.arange(len(l))-0.25, v, width=0.5)
        # reset the X limits
        #self.mpl.canvas.ax.set_xlim(xmin=-0.25, xmax=len(l)-0.75)
        # set the X ticks & tickslabel as the letters
        # enable grid only on the Y axis
        self.mpl.canvas.ax.plot(voltage,  'k')
        # draw a bar chart for letters and their frequencies
        # set width to 0.5 and shift bars of 0.25, to be centered
        #self.mpl.canvas.bx.bar(np.arange(len(l))-0.25, v, width=0.5)
        updated_voltage = np.fft.rfft(voltage)
        for i in range(len(updated_voltage)):
            if abs(updated_voltage[i]) < self.thresholdSlider.value():
                updated_voltage[i] = 0
        updated_voltage = np.fft.irfft(updated_voltage)
        m = []
        for i in range(len(updated_voltage)):
        self.mpl.canvas.bx.plot(updated_voltage,  'b')
        peakkind  =  signal.find_peaks_cwt(m, np.arange(1,2500))
        for i in peakkind:
            self.mpl.canvas.bx.annotate('local',  xy=(i,  m[i]), \
            arrowprops = dict(facecolor = 'black', shrink = 0.1))
        # reset the X limits
#        self.mpl.canvas.bx.set_xlim(xmin=-0.25, xmax=len(l)-0.75)
        # set the X ticks & tickslabel as the letters
  #      self.mpl.canvas.bx.set_xticks(range(len(l)))
    #    self.mpl.canvas.bx.set_xticklabels(l)
        # enable grid only on the Y axis
        # force an image redraw
Ejemplo n.º 50
def fit(xdata, ydata, distribution):
    """Identify and fit an arbitrary number of peaks in a 1-d spectrum array.

    xdata : 1-d array
        X data.

    ydata : 1-d array
        Y data.

    results : lmfit.MinimizerResults.
        results of the fit. To get parameters, use `results.params`.
    # Identify peaks
    index = find_peaks_cwt(ydata, widths=np.arange(1, 100))

    # Number of peaks
    n_peaks = len(index)

    # Construct initial guesses
    parameters = lmfit.Parameters()

    for peak_i in range(n_peaks):
        idx = index[peak_i]

        # Add center parameter
        parameters.add(name='peak_{}_center'.format(peak_i), value=xdata[idx])

        # Add height parameter
        parameters.add(name='peak_{}_height'.format(peak_i), value=ydata[idx])

        # Add width parameter

    # Minimize the above residual function.
    results = lmfit.minimize(residual,
                             args=[distribution, xdata],
                             kws={'ydata': ydata})

    return results, parameters
def getlanelinesbase(imgx):
    Returns lane (left, rigth) lines
    imgx: Input image bird eye binary therhold
    img = imgx
    imghalf = int(img.shape[0] * 0.5)
    imglength = img.shape[0]

    hist = np.sum(img[imghalf:, :], axis=0)
    indexvec = find_peaks_cwt(hist, np.arange(1, 550))

    indexl = indexvec[0]
    indexr = indexvec[-1]

    lanebase = [(indexl, imglength), (indexr, imglength)]
    return lanebase
def x_corr(ken_volt, norm_volts):
    """This finds the maximum peak using pattern match for
    peaks between the the selected kernel and entire signal.
    :param array ken_volts:voltage array for selected kernel in mV
    :param array norm_volts:normalized filtered signal (dimensionless) 
    :return float corr_max: maximum peak 
    :return array corr: Resultant array from correlation
    from numpy import correlate, arange
    from scipy import signal

    corr = correlate(ken_volt, norm_volts, "full")
    threshold = 0.6 * max(corr)
    all_peak_ind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(corr, arange(1, 10))
    corr_peak = [corr[int(i)] for i in all_peak_ind]
    corr_max = [i for i, x in enumerate(corr_peak) if x >= threshold]
    return corr_max, corr
Ejemplo n.º 53
def doCompute():
    zw = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin'][
        'Value'][0] + 1
    width = np.arange(1, zw)
    while True:

        data = xa.Input['Input'][0, 0, :]
        # Find signal peaks
        peakidx = signal.find_peaks_cwt(data, width)
        out = np.zeros(data.shape)
        out[peakidx] = data[peakidx]
        xa.Output['Find Peaks'] = out
        # Output
Ejemplo n.º 54
def peakDetect(t, v):
    """ Detects R wave peaks from processed ECG data.

    This function identifies R wave peaks using the continuous
    wavelet transform

        t (list): List of ECG time floats
        v (list): List of processed ECG voltage floats.

        peakind (list): List of integer indices corresponding to peaks
         in input lists.

    peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(v, np.arange(20, 40, .1))
    return peakind
Ejemplo n.º 55
def number_cwt_peaks(x, n):
    This feature calculator searches for different peaks in x. To do so, x is smoothed by a ricker wavelet and for
    widths ranging from 1 to n. This feature calculator returns the number of peaks that occur at enough width scales
    and with sufficiently high Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR)

    :param x: the time series to calculate the feature of
    :type x: pandas.Series
    :param n: maximum width to consider
    :type n: int
    :return: the value of this feature
    :return type: int
    return len(
                       widths=np.array(range(1, n + 1)),
Ejemplo n.º 56
def DatosyFourier(datos_segundos, amplitud):

    total = len(amplitud)
    tiempo = total / datos_segundos

    tiempo_x = np.linspace(0, tiempo, total)
    """ Aquí se aplica la transformada de Fourier"""

    f = abs(np.fft.fft(amplitud))
    freq = abs(np.fft.fftfreq(len(amplitud), d=tiempo_x[1] - tiempo_x[0]))
    indexes = find_peaks_cwt(f, np.arange(2, 10))
    freqBus = freq[indexes]
    frecuenciasFinales = freqBus[:2]

    Numero = DeterminarNumero(frecuenciasFinales[0], frecuenciasFinales[1])

    return Numero
Ejemplo n.º 57
            def wpeaks(vector):
                This is the function that will be mapped by multiprocess. This is a wrapper around the scipy function.
                It uses a parameter - wavelet_widths that is configured outside this function.

                vector : 1D numpy array
                    Feature vector containing peaks

                peak_indices : list
                    List of indices of peaks within the prescribed peak widths
                peak_indices = find_peaks_cwt(np.abs(vector), wavelet_widths, **kwargs)
                return peak_indices
Ejemplo n.º 58
def find_peaks(x, y, width=5, threshold=5, limit=20):
    Find peaks in active data set using continuous wavelet transformation

    width: float (default=5)
        estimate of peak size in x data units
    threshold: float (default=5)
        min percent of max to count as a peak (eg 5 = only peaks above 5
        percent reported)
    limit: int
        max limit of peaks to report (sorted by intensity)

    peak_pos : list
        indices associated with peak positions

    Do I really want to include x data here? Should I report x-positions in
    terms of indices or in terms of x positions
    # scale factor to remove units from x data
    xscale = len(x) / (max(x) - min(x))

    lower = width * xscale * 0.75
    upper = width * xscale * 1.25

    peak_pos = signal.find_peaks_cwt(y, np.arange(lower, upper))

    data_max = np.max(y)
    # remove peaks that are not above the threshold.
    peak_pos = [i for i in peak_pos if (y[i] / data_max) > (threshold / 100)]

    # only use the most intense peaks, zip two lists together,
    # make the y-values as the first item, and sort by it (descending)
    peak_pos = [
        for (index, yval) in sorted(zip(y[peak_pos], peak_pos), reverse=True)

    peak_pos = sorted(peak_pos[0:limit])

    return peak_pos
Ejemplo n.º 59
def histogram_base_points(lanes, min_peak=25.0, edge_percentage=0.9):
    hist = np.sum(lanes[int(lanes.shape[0] * 0.5):, :], axis=0)

    idx = find_peaks_cwt(hist, [100], max_distances=[100], noise_perc=50)

    # Doesn't make sense if there are less than two lanes
    if len(idx) < 2:
        return None

    # Avoid edges
    idx = [
        i for i in idx
        if i > lanes.shape[1] * (1 - edge_percentage) and i < lanes.shape[1] *
        edge_percentage and max(hist[i - 50:i + 50]) > min_peak

    return [min(idx), max(idx)]
Ejemplo n.º 60
    def cwt_average_dist_between(x: np.ndarray):
            peaks, _ = find_peaks(x)

            if len(peaks) > 1:
                peak_width, _, _, _ = peak_widths(x, peaks)
                peaks_cwt_ = find_peaks_cwt(x, peak_width)
                if len(peaks_cwt_) > 1:
                    out = np.mean(np.diff(peaks_cwt_))
                    out = 0
                out = 0
        except ValueError:
            out = np.nan

        return out