Ejemplo n.º 1
 def setFunction(self):
     Set bode function from transfer function
     if self.filterType == 0:
         # -R/L
         self.sig = signal.lti(\
         [-self.R/self.L], \
         [0], \
     elif self.filterType == 1:
         # -1/RC
         self.sig = signal.lti(\
         [0], \
         [-1/(self.C*self.R)], \
     elif self.filterType == 2:
         self.sig = signal.lti(\
         [0], \
         [((-1/self.L)-(1/self.L)*(self.C-4*self.L))/2,((-1/self.L)+(1/self.L)*(self.C-4*self.L))/2], \
     elif self.filterType == 3:
         self.sig = signal.lti(\
         [(-1/self.L*self.C)**(1/2),-(-1/self.L*self.C)**(1/2)], \
         [((-1/self.L)-(1/self.L)*(self.C-4*self.L))/2,((-1/self.L)+(1/self.L)*(self.C-4*self.L))/2], \
Ejemplo n.º 2
def decimate(x, q, n=None, ftype='iir', axis=-1, zero_phase=False):
    Downsample the signal by using a filter.

    By default, an order 8 Chebyshev type I filter is used.  A 30 point FIR
    filter with hamming window is used if `ftype` is 'fir'.

    x : ndarray
        The signal to be downsampled, as an N-dimensional array.
    q : int
        The downsampling factor.
    n : int, optional
        The order of the filter (1 less than the length for 'fir').
    ftype : str {'iir', 'fir'}, optional
        The type of the lowpass filter.
    axis : int, optional
        The axis along which to decimate.
    zero_phase : bool
        Prevent phase shift by filtering with ``filtfilt`` instead of ``lfilter``.
    y : ndarray
        The down-sampled signal.

    See also

    The ``zero_phase`` keyword was added in 0.17.0.
    The possibility to use instances of ``lti`` as ``ftype`` was added in 0.17.0.


    if not isinstance(q, int):
        raise TypeError("q must be an integer")

    if ftype == 'fir':
        if n is None:
            n = 30
        system = lti(firwin(n + 1, 1. / q, window='hamming'), 1.)

    elif ftype == 'iir':
        if n is None:
            n = 8
        system = lti(*cheby1(n, 0.05, 0.8 / q))
        system = ftype

    if zero_phase:
        y = filtfilt(system.num, system.den, x, axis=axis)
        y = lfilter(system.num, system.den, x, axis=axis)

    sl = [slice(None)] * y.ndim
    sl[axis] = slice(None, None, q)
    return y[sl]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_lti_instantiation(self):
        # Test that lti can be instantiated with sequences, scalars.
        # See PR-225.

        # TransferFunction
        s = lti([1], [-1])
        assert_(isinstance(s, TransferFunction))
        assert_(isinstance(s, lti))
        assert_(not isinstance(s, dlti))
        assert_(s.dt is None)

        # ZerosPolesGain
        s = lti(np.array([]), np.array([-1]), 1)
        assert_(isinstance(s, ZerosPolesGain))
        assert_(isinstance(s, lti))
        assert_(not isinstance(s, dlti))
        assert_(s.dt is None)

        # StateSpace
        s = lti([], [-1], 1)
        s = lti([1], [-1], 1, 3)
        assert_(isinstance(s, StateSpace))
        assert_(isinstance(s, lti))
        assert_(not isinstance(s, dlti))
        assert_(s.dt is None)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _getABCD(arg):
    """Utility method to convert the input arg to an A, B, C, D representation.


    arg, which may be:

    * ZPK tuple,
    * num, den tuple,
    * A, B, C, D tuple,
    * a scipy LTI object,
    * a sequence of the tuples of any of the above types.


    The sequence of ndarrays A, B, C, D


    TypeError, ValueError
    if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
        # ABCD matrix
        A, B, C, D = partitionABCD(arg)
    elif hasattr(arg, '__class__') and arg.__class__.__name__ == 'lti':
        A, B, C, D = arg.A, arg.B, arg.C, np.atleast_2d(arg.D)
    elif _is_zpk(arg) or _is_num_den(arg) or _is_A_B_C_D(arg):
        sys = lti(*arg)
        A, B, C, D = sys.A, sys.B, sys.C, sys.D
    elif isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable):
        A, B, C, D = None, None, None, None
        for i in arg:
            # Note we do not check if the user has assembled a list with
            # mismatched lti representations.
            sys = lti(*i) if not hasattr(i, 'A') else i
            if A is None:
                A = sys.A
            elif not np.allclose(sys.A, A, atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-5):
                raise ValueError("Mismatched lti list, A matrix disagreement.")
            if B is None:
                B = sys.B
                B = np.hstack((B, sys.B))
            if C is None:
                C = sys.C
            elif not np.allclose(sys.C, C, atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-5):
                raise ValueError("Mismatched lti list, C matrix disagreement.")
            if D is None:
                D = sys.D
                D = np.hstack((D, sys.D))
        raise TypeError("Unknown LTI representation: %s" % arg)
    return A, B, C, D
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def SistemaW(self):
        Monta função de transferência do sistema em malha aberta ou fechada
        considerando com entrada w(t).

        if self.Malha == 'Aberta':
            return signal.lti(self.polyG2num.coeffs,self.polyG2den.coeffs)
            num = self.polyG2num * self.polyCden * self.polyGden * self.polyHden
            den = (self.polyCden * self.polyGden * self.polyG2den * self.polyHden) + (self.K * self.polyCnum * self.polyGnum * self.polyG2num * self.polyHnum)
            return signal.lti(num.coeffs,den.coeffs)
def series(sys1, sys2):

    """Series connection of two systems.
    if not isinstance(sys1, signal.lti):
        sys1 = signal.lti(*sys1)
    if not isinstance(sys2, signal.lti):
        sys2 = signal.lti(*sys2)
    num = np.polymul(sys1.num, sys2.num)
    den = np.polymul(sys1.den, sys2.den)
    sys = signal.lti(num, den)
    return sys
def feedback(plant, sensor=None):
    """Negative feedback connection of plant and sensor.
    If sensor is None, then it is assumed to be 1.
    if not isinstance(plant, signal.lti):
        plant = signal.lti(*plant)
    if sensor is None:
        sensor = signal.lti([1], [1])
    elif not isinstance(sensor, signal.lti):
        sensor = signal.lti(*sensor)
    num = np.polymul(plant.num, sensor.den)
    den = np.polyadd(np.polymul(plant.den, sensor.den),
                     np.polymul(plant.num, sensor.num))
    sys = signal.lti(num, den)
    return sys
Ejemplo n.º 8
  def GetSimWaveform(self, r,phi,z,scale, switchpoint,  numSamples, temp=None, num=None, den=None, smoothing=None, electron_smoothing=None):
    if num is not None and den is not None:
      self.tfSystem = signal.lti(num, den)
    if temp is not None:
    if electron_smoothing is None:
      sig_wf = self.GetRawSiggenWaveform(r, phi, z)
      if sig_wf is None:
        return None
      #smoothing for charge cloud size effects
      if smoothing is not None:
        ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(sig_wf, smoothing, output=sig_wf)
      sim_wf = self.ProcessWaveform(sig_wf, numSamples, scale, switchpoint)

      electron_wf = self.GetRawElectronWaveform(r, phi, z)
      hole_wf = self.GetRawHoleWaveform(r, phi, z)
      if hole_wf is None or electron_wf is None: #should i require only the hole signal... ??
        return None

      ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(electron_wf, electron_smoothing, output=electron_wf)
      ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(hole_wf, smoothing, output=hole_wf)
      np.add(electron_wf, hole_wf, out=hole_wf)
      sim_wf = self.ProcessWaveform(hole_wf, numSamples, scale, switchpoint)
    return sim_wf
Ejemplo n.º 9
def tfc (num, den, freq, mf='std', pf='rad'):
    """Calculate magnitude and phase of a transfer function for a given

        num, den: 1D-arrays
            see scipy.signal.lti for documentation
        freq: scalar
            frequency (Hz)
        mf: string, optional, default: 'std'
            accepted values: 'std', 'dB'
        pf: string, optional, default: 'rad'
            accepted values: 'rad', 'deg'
    Returns: mag, ph
        mag: scalar if mf valid else None
            its unity measure depends on mf
            NB: mag_dB = 20 * log10(mag_std)
        ph: scalar if pf valid else None
            its unity measure depends on pf
    mag, ph = None, None
    sys = signal.lti(num, den)
    w, magl, phl = signal.bode(sys, w=[2*np.pi*freq])
    mag_dB, ph_deg = magl[0], phl[0]
    mag_std, ph_rad = 10**(mag_dB/20.), ph_deg/180.*np.pi
    if mf == 'std':
        mag = mag_std
    elif mf == 'dB':
        mag = mag_dB
    if pf == 'rad':
        ph = ph_rad
    elif pf == 'deg':
        ph = ph_deg
    return mag, ph
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _H(self):
        r"""Continuous-time linear time invariant system.

        This method is used to create a Continuous-time linear
        time invariant system for the mdof system.
        From this system we can obtain poles, impulse response,
        generate a bode, etc.

        Z = np.zeros((self.n, self.n))
        I = np.eye(self.n)

        # x' = Ax + Bu
        B2 = I
        A = self.A()
        B = np.vstack([Z, la.solve(self.M, B2)])

        # y = Cx + Du
        # Observation matrices
        Cd = I
        Cv = Z
        Ca = Z

        C = np.hstack((Cd - Ca @ la.solve(self.M, self.K), Cv - Ca @ la.solve(self.M, self.C)))
        D = Ca @ la.solve(self.M, B2)

        sys = signal.lti(A, B, C, D)

        return sys
Ejemplo n.º 11
def bode_plot():
            # パラメータ設定
    m = 1
    c = 1
    k = 400

    A = np.array([[0, 1], [-k/m, -c/m]])
    B = np.array([[0], [k/m]])
    C = np.array([1, 0])
    D = np.array([0])

    s1 = signal.lti(A, B,   C, D)
    w, mag, phase = signal.bode(s1, np.arange(1, 500, 1)) 

    # プロット
    plt.loglog(w, 10**(mag/20))
    plt.semilogx(w, phase)
    plt.ylim(-180, 180)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_partitionABCD():
	"""Test function for partitionABCD()"""
	# FIXME: no test for m-input systems
	import numpy as np
	from scipy.signal import lti
	ob = lti((1, ), (1, 2, 10))
	ab = np.hstack((ob.A, ob.B))
	cd = np.hstack((ob.C, ob.D.reshape((1,1))))
	abcd = np.vstack((ab, cd))
	a, b, c, d = partitionABCD(abcd)
	assert np.allclose(a, ob.A, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)
	assert np.allclose(b, ob.B, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)
	assert np.allclose(c, ob.C, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)
	assert np.allclose(d, ob.D, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)
	ABCD = [[1.000000000000000, 0., 0., 0.044408783846879, -0.044408783846879],
	        [0.999036450096481, 0.997109907515262, -0.005777399147297, 0., 0.499759089304780],
	        [0.499759089304780, 0.999036450096481, 0.997109907515262,  0., -0.260002096136488],
	        [0,                 0,                 1.000000000000000,  0, -0.796730400347216]]
	ABCD = np.array(ABCD)
	at = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
	              [0.999036450096481, 0.997109907515262, -0.005777399147297],
	              [0.499759089304780, 0.999036450096481,  0.997109907515262]
	bt = np.array([[0.044408783846879, -0.044408783846879],
	              [0., 0.499759089304780],
                      [0., -0.260002096136488]
	ct = np.array([0., 0, 1])
	dt = np.array([0., -0.796730400347216])
	ar, br, cr, dr = partitionABCD(ABCD)
	assert np.allclose(at, ar, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)
	assert np.allclose(bt, br, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)
	assert np.allclose(ct, cr, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)
	assert np.allclose(dt, dr, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def filter(self, zeros=[], poles=[], gain=1, inplace=False):
        """Apply a filter to this `Spectrum` in zero-pole-gain format.

        zeros : `list`, optional
            list of zeros for the transfer function
        poles : `list`, optional
            list of poles for the transfer function
        gain : `float`, optional
            amplitude gain factor
        inplace : `bool`, optional
            modify this `Spectrum` in-place, default `True`

            either a view of the current `Spectrum` with filtered data,
            or a new `Spectrum` with the filtered data
        # generate filter
        f = self.frequencies.data
        if not zeros and not poles:
            if inplace:
                self *= gain
                return self
                return self * gain
            lti = signal.lti(numpy.asarray(zeros), numpy.asarray(poles), gain)
            return self.filterba(lti.num, lti.den, inplace=inplace)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def second_ordre(f0, Q, filename='defaut.png', type='PBs', f=None):
    '''Petite fonction pour faciliter l'utilisation de la fonction "bode" du 
    module "signal" quand on s'intéresse à des filtres du 2e ordre. Il suffit 
    de donner la fréquence propre f0 et le facteur de qualité Q pour obtenir 
    ce que l'on veut. Autres paramètres:
    * filename: le nom du fichier ('defaut.png' par défaut)
    * type: le type du filtre, à choisir parmi 'PBs' (passe-bas), 
    'PBd' (passe-bande) et 'PHt' (passe-haut). On peut aussi définir soi-même 
    le numérateur sous forme d'une liste de plusieurs éléments, le degré le 
    plus haut donné en premier. NB: le '1.01' des définitions est juste là 
    pour améliorer sans effort le rendu graphique.
    * f: les fréquences à échantillonner (si None, la fonction choisit 
    d'elle-même un intervalle adéquat).
    den = [1. / f0**2, 1. /
           (Q * f0), 1]              # Le dénominateur de la fonction de transfert
    if type == 'PBs':
        num = [1.01]          # Le numérateur pour un passe-bas
    elif type == 'PBd':
        num = [1.01 / (Q * f0), 0]  # pour un passe-bande
    elif type == 'PHt':
        num = [1.01 / f0**2, 0, 0]  # pour un passe-haut
        # sinon, c'est l'utilisateur qui le définit.
        num = type
    # Définition de la fonction de transfert
    s1 = signal.lti(num, den)
    # Obtention des valeurs adéquates
    f, GdB, phase = signal.bode(s1, f)
    # Dessin du diagramme proprement dit
    diag_bode(f, GdB, phase, filename)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def rhSCCDisplacement(angVel, time):
    radius = 3.2e-03    
    #define transfer function
    T1 = 0.01 #value from wikibook
    T2 = 5 #value from wikibook

    #aligne with reid's line
    rM_reid = thr.R2(-15)
    #define orientation and size of right horizontal semicircular canal, and turn it into space-fixed coordinates
    rhScc = np.array([0.32269,-0.03837,-0.94573])
    rhSccSpace = rM_reid.dot(rhScc)
    #sensed angular velocity in right horizontal semicircular canal
    vel = angVel.dot(rhSccSpace)    

    numerator = [T1*T2, 0]
    denominator = [T1*T2, T1+T2, 1]
    scc = ss.lti(numerator,denominator)
    #calculate system response of input using transfer function defined above
    timeOut,sysResponse,timeEvol = ss.lsim(scc,vel,time)
    #calculate the displacement of the cupula from the system response
    displacementCupula = sysResponse*radius
    return displacementCupula
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def work(self, input_items, output_items):
      in0  = input_items[:1] 
      out0 = output_items[:1]
            # <+signal processing here+>
	#from multiorder_tf_sci import csim	
    #out[:self.n] = csim(self.param0,self.param1,self.param2,self.param3,self.param4,self.param5,self.param6,self.param7,self.param8,self.param9,self.param10,in0[:self.n].tolist()) 
	#print "OUT", out[:self.n]
      num = [self.param3] 
      den = [self.param7,self.param8,self.param9]
      tf = lti(num, den)
# get t = time, s = unit-step response
      #t, s = step(tf)
      out0[0:] = step(tf)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def returnScipySignalLTI(self):
        """Return a list of a list of scipy.signal.lti objects.

        For instance,

        >>> out = tfobject.returnScipySignalLTI()
        >>> out[3][5]

        is a signal.scipy.lti object corresponding to the
        transfer function from the 6th input to the 4th output.


        # TODO: implement for discrete time systems
        if (self.dt != 0 and self.dt is not None):
            raise NotImplementedError("Function not \
                    implemented in discrete time")

        # Preallocate the output.
        out = [[[] for j in range(self.inputs)] for i in range(self.outputs)]

        for i in range(self.outputs):
            for j in range(self.inputs):
                out[i][j] = lti(self.num[i][j], self.den[i][j])

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 18
def fdfilter(data, *filt, **kwargs):
    """Filter a frequency-domain data object

    See Also
    # parse keyword args
    inplace = kwargs.pop('inplace', False)
    analog = kwargs.pop('analog', False)
    fs = kwargs.pop('sample_rate', None)
    if kwargs:
        raise TypeError("filter() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                        % list(kwargs.keys())[0])

    # parse filter
    if fs is None:
        fs = 2 * (data.shape[-1] * data.df).to('Hz').value
    form, filt = parse_filter(filt, analog=analog, sample_rate=fs)
    lti = signal.lti(*filt)

    # generate frequency response
    freqs = data.frequencies.value.copy()
    fresp = numpy.nan_to_num(abs(lti.freqresp(w=freqs)[1]))

    # apply to array
    if inplace:
        data *= fresp
        return data
    new = data * fresp
    return new
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def siggen_model(s, rad, phi, z, e, temp, num_1, num_2, num_3, den_1, den_2, den_3):
      out = np.zeros_like(data)
      siggen_wf= detector.GetSiggenWaveform(rad, phi, z, energy=2600)

      if siggen_wf is None:
        return np.ones_like(data)*-1.
      if np.amax(siggen_wf) == 0:
        print "wtf is even happening here?"
        return np.ones_like(data)*-1.
      siggen_wf = np.pad(siggen_wf, (detector.zeroPadding,0), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))

      num = [num_1, num_2, num_3]
      den = [1,   den_1, den_2, den_3]
#      num = [-1.089e10,  5.863e17,  6.087e15]
#      den = [1,  3.009e07, 3.743e14,5.21e18]
      system = signal.lti(num, den)
      t = np.arange(0, len(siggen_wf)*10E-9, 10E-9)
      tout, siggen_wf, x = signal.lsim(system, siggen_wf, t)
      siggen_wf /= np.amax(siggen_wf)
      siggen_data = siggen_wf[detector.zeroPadding::]
      siggen_data = siggen_data*e
      out[s:] = siggen_data[0:(len(data) - s)]

      return out
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def plot_bode(self,b,c):
	s1 = signal.lti(b,c)
	w, mag, phase = signal.bode(s1)
	plt.semilog(w, mag)
	plt.semilog(w, phase)
def transfunc():

    num = [1]
    den = [m, b, k]

    tf = scisig.lti(num, den)

    return tf
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def _init_sub(self):
        """further init function"""
        sys = signal.lti(self._num, self._den)
        if self._fmin is not None and self._fmax is not None :
            wnp = np.logspace(np.log10(self._fmin*2*np.pi),
                              num=1000) # consider frequencies
            w, mag, ph = signal.bode(sys, w=wnp)
            f = w/(2.*np.pi) # consider frequencies
            w, mag, ph = signal.bode(sys, n=1000)
            f = w/(2.*np.pi) # consider frequencies
            self._fmin = f[0]
            self._fmax = f[-1]

        self._aM_bl, = self.aM.semilogx(f, mag)
        self.aM.set_xlim([self._fmin, self._fmax])
        [ymin, ymax] = self.aM.get_ylim()
        dy = (ymax - ymin) * 0.05
        self.aM.set_ylim([ymin - dy, ymax + dy])
        self.aM.set_ylabel('magnitude (dB)', size='small')
        self._aP_bl, = self.aP.semilogx(f, ph)
        self.aP.set_xlim([self._fmin, self._fmax])
        [ymin, ymax] = self.aP.get_ylim()
        dy = (ymax - ymin) * 0.05
        self.aP.set_ylim([ymin - dy, ymax + dy])
        self.aP.set_ylabel('phase (degrees)', size='small')
        self._aM_pl, = self.aM.plot([], [], 'ro')
        self._aP_pl, = self.aP.plot([], [], 'ro')

        viniz = (np.log10(self._fmax) - np.log10(self._fmin))/4. + \
        self._slider = Slider(self.aS, r'freq', np.log10(self._fmin),
                              np.log10(self._fmax), valinit=viniz)
        txts = filter(lambda x: type(x)==mpl.text.Text, self.aS.get_children())

        self._txt['f'] = self.aT.text(0, 0, '')
        self._txt['m'] = self.aT.text(0.34, 0, '')
        self._txt['p'] = self.aT.text(0.73, 0, '')
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def add_filter(self, filter_, frequencies=None, dB=True,
                   analog=False, sample_rate=None, **kwargs):
        """Add a linear time-invariant filter to this BodePlot

        filter_ : `~scipy.signal.lti`, `tuple`
            the filter to plot, either as a `~scipy.signal.lti`, or a
            `tuple` with the following number and meaning of elements

                 - 2: (numerator, denominator)
                 - 3: (zeros, poles, gain)
                 - 4: (A, B, C, D)

        frequencies : `numpy.ndarray`, optional
            list of frequencies (in Hertz) at which to plot

        dB : `bool`, optional
            if `True`, display magnitude in decibels, otherwise display
            amplitude, default: `True`

            any other keyword arguments accepted by

        mag, phase : `tuple` of `lines <matplotlib.lines.Line2D>`
            the lines drawn for the magnitude and phase of the filter.
        if not analog:
            if not sample_rate:
                raise ValueError("Must give sample_rate frequency to display "
                                 "digital (analog=False) filter")
            sample_rate = Quantity(sample_rate, 'Hz').value
            dt = 2 * pi / sample_rate
            if not isinstance(frequencies, (type(None), int)):
                frequencies = numpy.atleast_1d(frequencies).copy()
                frequencies *= dt

        # parse filter (without digital conversions)
        _, fcomp = parse_filter(filter_, analog=False)
        if analog:
            lti = signal.lti(*fcomp)
            lti = signal.dlti(*fcomp, dt=dt)

        # calculate frequency response
        w, mag, phase = lti.bode(w=frequencies)

        # convert from decibels
        if not dB:
            mag = 10 ** (mag / 10.)

        # draw
        mline = self.maxes.plot(w, mag, **kwargs)[0]
        pline = self.paxes.plot(w, phase, **kwargs)[0]
        return mline, pline
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def test_05(self):
     # Test that bode() finds a reasonable frequency range.
     # 1st order low-pass filter: H(s) = 1 / (s + 1)
     system = lti([1], [1, 1])
     n = 10
     # Expected range is from 0.01 to 10.
     expected_w = np.logspace(-2, 1, n)
     w, mag, phase = bode(system, n=n)
     assert_almost_equal(w, expected_w)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_from_zpk(self):
     # 4th order low-pass filter: H(s) = 1 / (s + 1)
     system = lti([],[-1]*4,[1])
     w = [0.1, 1, 10, 100]
     w, H = freqresp(system, w=w)
     s = w * 1j
     expected = 1 / (s + 1)**4
     assert_almost_equal(H.real, expected.real)
     assert_almost_equal(H.imag, expected.imag)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def test_freq_range(self):
     # Test that freqresp() finds a reasonable frequency range.
     # 1st order low-pass filter: H(s) = 1 / (s + 1)
     # Expected range is from 0.01 to 10.
     system = lti([1], [1, 1])
     n = 10
     expected_w = np.logspace(-2, 1, n)
     w, H = freqresp(system, n=n)
     assert_almost_equal(w, expected_w)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def setUp(self):
     zeros = np.array(())
     poles = np.array((.5,))
     k = 1.
     self.zpk_tuple = zeros, poles, k
     splti = lti(zeros, poles, k)
     self.num_den_tuple = (splti.num, splti.den)
     self.ABCD_tuple = (splti.A, splti.B, splti.C, splti.D)
     self.splti = splti
Ejemplo n.º 28
def step_response(sys,sysd,Ts): #Draw the step response for the continuous-time and discrete-time systems
    sysnum = asarray(sys.num)[0][0]
    sysden = asarray(sys.den)[0][0]
    sysdnum = asarray(sysd.num)[0][0]
    sysdden = asarray(sysd.den)[0][0]
    x = arange(0,100,0.1)
    syslti = signal.lti(sysnum,sysden)
    sysdlti = signal.lti(sysdnum,sysdden)
    t,s = signal.step(syslti,T=x)
    t2,s2 = signal.dstep((sysdnum,sysdden,Ts),t=x)
    ax = plt.subplot(3,2,4)
    plt.plot(t, s,color='blue',label='Continuous-time')
    plt.plot(t2, s2[0],color='red',label='Discrete-time')
    plt.title('Step response')
    plt.xlabel('Time [sec]')
    plt.tight_layout(w_pad = 3.0)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def reponse_capteur(entree):

    return t,y
Ejemplo n.º 30
def main(argv):

  fitSamples = 250 #has to be longer than the longest wf you're gonna fit
  tempGuess = 81.5
  #Set up detectors
  num = [3.64e+09, 1.88e+17, 6.05e+15]
  den = [1, 4.03e+07, 5.14e+14, 7.15e+18]
  system = signal.lti(num, den)

  gradList = np.linspace(0.01, 0.16, num=16)
  pcRadList = np.linspace(1.5, 2.9, num=15)
  pcLenList = np.linspace(1.5, 2.9, num=15)
  wpArray  = None
  efld_rArray = None
  efld_zArray = None
  for (radIdx, pcRad) in enumerate(pcRadList):
    for (lenIdx, pcLen) in enumerate(pcLenList):
      for (gradIdx,grad) in enumerate(gradList):
        detName = "conf/P42574A_grad%0.2f_pcrad%0.2f_pclen%0.2f.conf" % (grad,pcRad, pcLen)
        det =  Detector(detName, temperature=tempGuess, timeStep=1., numSteps=fitSamples*10, tfSystem=system)
        efld_r = np.array(det.siggenInst.GetElectricFieldR(), dtype=np.dtype('f4'), order='C')
        efld_z = np.array(det.siggenInst.GetElectricFieldZ(), dtype=np.dtype('f4'), order='C')
        #The "phi" component is always zero
  #      efld_phi = np.array(det.siggenInst.GetElectricFieldPhi(), dtype=np.dtype('f4'), order='C')
        if efld_rArray is None:
          efld_rArray = np.zeros(  (efld_r.shape[0], efld_r.shape[1], len(gradList), len(pcRadList), len(pcLenList) ), dtype=np.dtype('f4'))
          efld_zArray = np.zeros(  (efld_z.shape[0], efld_z.shape[1], len(gradList), len(pcRadList), len(pcLenList)  ), dtype=np.dtype('f4'))
        efld_rArray[:,:,gradIdx, radIdx, lenIdx] = efld_r
        efld_zArray[:,:,gradIdx, radIdx, lenIdx] = efld_z

      #WP doesn't change with impurity grad, so only need to loop thru pcRad
      wp = np.array(det.siggenInst.GetWeightingPotential(), dtype=np.dtype('f4'), order='C')
      if wpArray is None:
        wpArray = np.zeros((wp.shape[0], wp.shape[1], len(pcRadList), len(pcLenList) ), dtype=np.dtype('f4'))
      wpArray[:,:,radIdx, lenIdx] = wp

#  np.savez("P42574A_fields.npz", wpArray = wpArray, efld_rArray=efld_rArray, efld_zArray = efld_zArray, gradList = gradList, pcRadList = pcRadList  )

  r_space = np.arange(0, wpArray.shape[0]/10. , 0.1, dtype=np.dtype('f4'))
  z_space = np.arange(0, wpArray.shape[1]/10. , 0.1, dtype=np.dtype('f4'))

  wp_function = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((r_space, z_space, pcRadList, pcLenList), wpArray)
  efld_r_function = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((r_space, z_space, gradList, pcRadList, pcLenList), efld_rArray)
  efld_z_function = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((r_space, z_space, gradList, pcRadList, pcLenList), efld_zArray)

  np.savez("P42574A_fields.npz",  wpArray = wpArray, efld_rArray=efld_rArray, efld_zArray = efld_zArray, gradList = gradList, pcRadList = pcRadList, pcLenList = pcLenList, wp_function = wp_function, efld_r_function=efld_r_function, efld_z_function = efld_z_function  )
Ejemplo n.º 31
ax.semilogx(w, p_const_offset, lw=weight, label="constant")
ax.semilogx(w, p_zero1, lw=weight, label="zero 1")
ax.semilogx(w, p_pole1, lw=weight, label="pole 1")
ax.semilogx(w, p_pole2, lw=weight, label="pole 2")
            np.sum([p_const_offset, p_zero1, p_pole1, p_pole2], axis=0),
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\omega$ (rad/s)")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$\angle H(\omega) (^{\circ})$")

# Compare approximation with exact
s = signal.lti([0.1, 100], [10**-14, 10**-6 + 10**-8, 1])
w_exact, mag, phase = signal.bode(s, w=np.logspace(0, 11, 1200))
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True, figsize=figsize(width))
axarr[0].semilogx(w_exact, mag, lw=weight, label="exact")
                  np.sum([const_offset, zero1, pole1, pole2], axis=0),
axarr[0].set_ylabel(r"$\mid H(\omega)\mid (dB)$")
axarr[1].semilogx(w_exact, phase, lw=weight, label="exact")
                  np.sum([p_const_offset, p_zero1, p_pole1, p_pole2], axis=0),
Ejemplo n.º 32
Code by Gugulothu Yashwanth Naik
April 30,2020
Released under GNU GPL

from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import *

#if using termux
import subprocess
import shlex
#end if

#closed loop transfer function
s1 = signal.lti([50, 150], [1, 6, 58, 150])
w, mag, phase = signal.bode(s1)

subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.semilogx(w, mag, label='original plot of CLTF')
plt.title('Magnitude plot')

#data points from intersection
x = [
    5.08, 5.67, 6.34, 6.88, 6.98, 7.08, 7.58, 7.9, 8.02, 9.86, 11.17, 14.33,
y = [
    5.15, 6.8, 7.64, 7.64, 7.64, 7.64, 6.48, 5.15, 5.15, -0.81, -4.29, -10.17,
Ejemplo n.º 33
def new_fod(*args):
    new_fod(r, N, wb, wh, b, d) creates a ZPK object with a refined
    Oustaloup filter approximation of a fractional-order operator
    s^r of order N and valid within frequency range (wb, wh).

    s^r = (d*wh/b)^r * (ds^2 + b*wh*s)/(d*(1-r)*s^2+b*wh*s+d*r)*Gp
    Gp =    | |    (s+w'_k)
            | |  ----------
            | |    (s+wk)
    k= -N

    wk  = (b*wh/d)^((r+2k)/(2N+1))
    w'k = (d*wb/b)^((r-2k)/(2N+1)).

    Should parameters b and d be omitted, the default values will be
    used: b=10, d=9.

    :param r:   signifies s^r
    :param N:   order
    :param wb:  frequency lower band
    :param wh:  frequency upper band
    :param b:
    :param d:
    :return: Fractional Order Object

    if len(args) < 4:
        raise ValueError('new_fod: Not enough input arguments')
    elif len(args) == 4:
        r = args[0]
        N = args[1]
        wb = args[2]
        wh = args[3]
        b = 10
        d = 9
    elif len(args) == 6:
        r = args[0]
        N = args[1]
        wb = args[2]
        wh = args[3]
        b = args[4]
        d = args[5]

    if r == 0:
        return signal.lti(0)
        mu = wh / wb

        w_kz = [
            wb * (mu**((k + N + 0.5 - (0.5 * r)) / (2 * N + 1)))
            for k in range(1, N + 1, 1)
        w_kp = [
            wb * (mu**((k + N + 0.5 + (0.5 * r)) / (2 * N + 1)))
            for k in range(1, N + 1, 1)

        K = pow((d * wh / b), r)
        tff = signal.lti(
            (w_kz, w_kp, K) * tf([d, b * wh, 0], [d * (1 - r), b * wh, d * r]))
        return tff
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def test_pole_zero(self):
     # Test that freqresp() doesn't fail on a system with a pole at 0.
     # integrator, pole at zero: H(s) = 1 / s
     system = lti([1], [1, 0])
     w, H = freqresp(system, n=2)
     assert_equal(w[0], 0.01)  # a fail would give not-a-number
Ejemplo n.º 35
#U, I = symbols('U I', positive=True)

#t = symbols('t', positive=True, real = True)
#s = symbols('s', positive=True)

L = 25
C = 2.3
R = 1.5

A_CLR = A_C(C) * A_L(L) * A_R(R)
H = trans_A2H(A_CLR)

test_func = sympy_to_dlti(H[1, 1])
num, den = sympy_to_num_den(H[1, 1])

cont_sys = signal.lti(1, den)

dis_sys = cont_sys.to_discrete(0.1)

# Input
t_in = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000)
u_in = np.sin(t_in) + 2

plt.plot(t_in, u_in)

# Output
u_out = dis_sys.output(u_in, t_in)
u_out_cont = cont_sys.output(u_in, t_in)

plt.plot(u_out[0], u_out[1])
Ejemplo n.º 36
    max_v, min_v = np.matrix(max_v), np.matrix(min_v)

    # the analysis of rise time, overshoot decay ratio
    if max_peeks > 1:
        decay_ratio = (max_v[0, 0] - 1) / (max_v[1, 0] - 1)
        overshoot = max_v[0, 0]

    print 'decay ratio = ', decay_ratio
    print 'overshoot = ', overshoot

    total_varaince = np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(y)))
    print 'Total Varaince ', total_varaince

    plt.plot(time_max, max_v, 'rD')
    plt.plot(time_min, min_v, 'bD')

# example
# time constant = 1 dampening coefficient = 0.7 and steady state gain = 1
# G = 1/(s**2+1.4*s+1)

f = scs.lti([1], [1, 0.8, 1])
[t, y] = f.step()

#y = np.random.random(20)
#t = np.linspace(0, 19, 20)

Analyses_second_order(y, t, 2)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
import control
from control import tf
import subprocess
import shlex
w1 = [
    0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 9.0, 20.0, 35.0,
    50.0, 100.0
H_w = [
    34, 28, 24.6, 14.2, 8, 1.5, -3.5, -7.2, -10, -12.5, -14.7, -16.0, -17.5,
    -17.5, -18, -18.5
plt.semilogx((w1), H_w, 'b', label='Given Frequency response data')
system = signal.lti([1, 8.5, 15], [1, 0.8, 0.07])
r = np.linspace(0.1, 100, 1001)
w, mag, phase = signal.bode(system, w=r)
plt.semilogx(w, (mag), 'g',
             label='Bode plot of Transfer Function')  # Bode magnitude plot
#if using termux
    shlex.split("termux-open ./figs/ee18btech11006/ee18btech11006_2.pdf"))
#end if
Ejemplo n.º 38
def _convertToTransferFunction(sys, **kw):
    """Convert a system to transfer function form (if needed).

    If sys is already a transfer function, then it is returned.  If sys is a
    state space object, then it is converted to a transfer function and
    returned.  If sys is a scalar, then the number of inputs and outputs can be
    specified manually, as in:

    >>> sys = _convertToTransferFunction(3.) # Assumes inputs = outputs = 1
    >>> sys = _convertToTransferFunction(1., inputs=3, outputs=2)

    In the latter example, sys's matrix transfer function is [[1., 1., 1.]
                                                              [1., 1., 1.]].

    If sys is an array-like type, then it is converted to a constant-gain
    transfer function.

    >>> sys = _convertToTransferFunction([[1. 0.], [2. 3.]])

    In this example, the numerator matrix will be
       [[[1.0], [0.0]], [[2.0], [3.0]]]
    and the denominator matrix [[[1.0], [1.0]], [[1.0], [1.0]]]

    from .statesp import StateSpace

    if isinstance(sys, TransferFunction):
        if len(kw):
            raise TypeError("If sys is a TransferFunction, " +
                            "_convertToTransferFunction cannot take keywords.")

        return sys
    elif isinstance(sys, StateSpace):
            from slycot import tb04ad
            if len(kw):
                raise TypeError(
                    "If sys is a StateSpace, " +
                    "_convertToTransferFunction cannot take keywords.")

            # Use Slycot to make the transformation
            # Make sure to convert system matrices to numpy arrays
            tfout = tb04ad(sys.states, sys.inputs, sys.outputs, array(sys.A),
                           array(sys.B), array(sys.C), array(sys.D), tol1=0.0)

            # Preallocate outputs.
            num = [[[] for j in range(sys.inputs)] for i in range(sys.outputs)]
            den = [[[] for j in range(sys.inputs)] for i in range(sys.outputs)]

            for i in range(sys.outputs):
                for j in range(sys.inputs):
                    num[i][j] = list(tfout[6][i, j, :])
                    # Each transfer function matrix row
                    # has a common denominator.
                    den[i][j] = list(tfout[5][i, :])
            # print(num)
            # print(den)
        except ImportError:
            # If slycot is not available, use signal.lti (SISO only)
            if (sys.inputs != 1 or sys.outputs != 1):
                raise TypeError("No support for MIMO without slycot")

            lti_sys = lti(sys.A, sys.B, sys.C, sys.D)
            num = squeeze(lti_sys.num)
            den = squeeze(lti_sys.den)
            # print(num)
            # print(den)

        return TransferFunction(num, den, sys.dt)

    elif isinstance(sys, (int, float, complex)):
        if "inputs" in kw:
            inputs = kw["inputs"]
            inputs = 1
        if "outputs" in kw:
            outputs = kw["outputs"]
            outputs = 1

        num = [[[sys] for j in range(inputs)] for i in range(outputs)]
        den = [[[1] for j in range(inputs)] for i in range(outputs)]

        return TransferFunction(num, den)

    # If this is array-like, try to create a constant feedthrough
        D = array(sys)
        outputs, inputs = D.shape
        num = [[[D[i, j]] for j in range(inputs)] for i in range(outputs)]
        den = [[[1] for j in range(inputs)] for i in range(outputs)]
        return TransferFunction(num, den)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Failure to assume argument is matrix-like in"
              " _convertToTransferFunction, result %s" % e)

    raise TypeError("Can't convert given type to TransferFunction system.")
Ejemplo n.º 39

### Desde aca sistema Digital
### Convierto Forward Euler
Fsampling = 4800
Tsampling = 1 / Fsampling
num_d1, den_d1, td = cont2discrete((planta_real.num, planta_real.den),
# num_d1, den_d1, td = cont2discrete((planta_real.num, planta_real.den), Tsampling, method='zoh')
# num_d1, den_d1, td = cont2discrete((planta_real.num, planta_real.den), Tsampling, method='backward_diff')
# num_d1, den_d1, td = cont2discrete((planta_real.num, planta_real.den), Tsampling, method='bilinear')
print('Numerador Digital planta out 1 ' + str(num_d1))
print('Denominador Digital planta out 1 ' + str(den_d1))

planta_d1 = lti(num_d1, den_d1)
planta_d1_zpk = planta_d1.to_zpk()
print('Ceros Digitales ' + str(planta_d1_zpk.zeros))
print('Polos Digitales ' + str(planta_d1_zpk.poles))
print('Gain Digital ' + str(planta_d1_zpk.gain))

# convierto a planta_d2 ajusto al sistema digital 2 zeros en infinito y corrijo la ganancia
zd2, pd2, kd2 = tf2zpk(num_d1, den_d1)

while (np.shape(zd2) < np.shape(pd2)):
    zd2 = np.append(zd2, [-1])

planta_d2 = ZerosPolesGain(zd2, pd2, kd2)
planta_d2 = planta_d2.to_tf()
zd2, pd2, kd2 = tf2zpk(planta_d2.num, planta_d2.den)
Ejemplo n.º 40
from mpldatacursor import datacursor
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

medicion = "meas_data/low_pass.csv"
bodede = "modulo"

R = 12000
C = 2.2e-9
Rg = 47
Cg = 10e-9
Zg = 200e3
BWP = 3e6 * 2 * pi
sysposta = signal.lti([C * Cg * Rg, BWP * C * Cg * Rg, BWP], [
    C**2 * Cg * R * Rg + C * Cg * R * Zg + C * Cg * Rg * Zg,
    BWP * C**2 * Cg * R * Rg + BWP * C * Cg * Rg * Zg + C * Cg * Rg + C * R +
    C * Rg + Cg * Zg, BWP * C * Cg * Rg + BWP * C * R + BWP * C * Rg + 1, BWP

sys = signal.lti([1], [(C * Rg) * Cg * Zg, C * R, 1])

simu = "spice_data/lowpass.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(medicion)
freq = df["freq"]
amp = df["amp"]
pha = df["pha"]

if medicion == "meas_data/low_pass.csv":
    amp = -amp
    pha = -pha
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def lti_nowarn(self, *args):
     with suppress_warnings() as sup:
         system = lti(*args)
     return system
Ejemplo n.º 42
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Mar 14 03:42:46 2019

@author: adithya

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Question 5

H = sp.lti(1, np.poly1d([1e-12, 1e-4, 1]))
w, S, phi = H.bode()
plt.semilogx(w, S)
plt.title("Magnitude plot")
plt.semilogx(w, phi)
plt.title("Phase plot")

# Question 6
t = np.linspace(0, 30e-6, 1000)
Ejemplo n.º 43
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

lp = signal.lti([1.0], [1.0, 1.0])
lp2 = signal.lti(*signal.lp2lp(lp.num, lp.den, 2))
w, mag_lp, p_lp = lp.bode()
w, mag_lp2, p_lp2 = lp2.bode(w)

plt.plot(w, mag_lp, label='Lowpass')
plt.plot(w, mag_lp2, label='Transformed Lowpass')
plt.xlabel('Frequency [rad/s]')
plt.ylabel('Magnitude [dB]')
Ejemplo n.º 44
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

s = signal.lti([1], [1, 1, 3])
w, mag, phase = signal.bode(s)
plt.semilogx(w, mag)
plt.xlabel('frequency in radians')
plt.ylabel('gain in dB')  # Bode magnitude plot
plt.semilogx(w, phase)
plt.xlabel('frequency in radians')
plt.ylabel('phase in degrees')
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def test_error(self):
     # Raise an error for continuous-time systems
     system = lti([1], [1, 1])
     assert_raises(AttributeError, dbode, system)
Ejemplo n.º 46
April 12,2020
Released under GNU GPL

#if using termux
import subprocess
import shlex
#end if

#Bode phase plot using scipy in python
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import *
#Defining the transfer function
#Since the transfer function is 1/(s(1+2s)(s+1)) = 1/(2s^3 + 3s^2 + s)
s1 = signal.lti([1], [2, 3, 1, 0])

#signal.bode takes transfer function as input and returns frequency,magnitude and phase arrays
w, mag, phase = signal.bode(s1)

subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.title('Magnitude plot')
plt.plot(0.7, -3.5, 'o')
plt.text(0.7, -3.5, '({}, {})'.format(0.7, -3.5))
plt.axvline(x=0.7, ymax=0.59, color='k', linestyle='dashed')
plt.semilogx(w, mag, 'b')  # Bode Magnitude plot

subplot(2, 1, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def test_dlsim(self):

        a = np.asarray([[0.9, 0.1], [-0.2, 0.9]])
        b = np.asarray([[0.4, 0.1, -0.1], [0.0, 0.05, 0.0]])
        c = np.asarray([[0.1, 0.3]])
        d = np.asarray([[0.0, -0.1, 0.0]])
        dt = 0.5

        # Create an input matrix with inputs down the columns (3 cols) and its
        # respective time input vector
        u = np.hstack(
            (np.asmatrix(np.linspace(0, 4.0,
                                     num=5)).transpose(), 0.01 * np.ones(
                                         (5, 1)), -0.002 * np.ones((5, 1))))
        t_in = np.linspace(0, 2.0, num=5)

        # Define the known result
        yout_truth = np.asmatrix(
            [-0.001, -0.00073, 0.039446, 0.0915387, 0.13195948]).transpose()
        xout_truth = np.asarray([[0, 0], [0.0012, 0.0005], [0.40233, 0.00071],
                                 [1.163368, -0.079327],
                                 [2.2402985, -0.3035679]])

        tout, yout, xout = dlsim((a, b, c, d, dt), u, t_in)

        assert_array_almost_equal(yout_truth, yout)
        assert_array_almost_equal(xout_truth, xout)
        assert_array_almost_equal(t_in, tout)

        # Make sure input with single-dimension doesn't raise error
        dlsim((1, 2, 3), 4)

        # Interpolated control - inputs should have different time steps
        # than the discrete model uses internally
        u_sparse = u[[0, 4], :]
        t_sparse = np.asarray([0.0, 2.0])

        tout, yout, xout = dlsim((a, b, c, d, dt), u_sparse, t_sparse)

        assert_array_almost_equal(yout_truth, yout)
        assert_array_almost_equal(xout_truth, xout)
        assert_equal(len(tout), yout.shape[0])

        # Transfer functions (assume dt = 0.5)
        num = np.asarray([1.0, -0.1])
        den = np.asarray([0.3, 1.0, 0.2])
        yout_truth = np.asmatrix(
            [0.0, 0.0, 3.33333333333333, -4.77777777777778,

        # Assume use of the first column of the control input built earlier
        tout, yout = dlsim((num, den, 0.5), u[:, 0], t_in)

        assert_array_almost_equal(yout, yout_truth)
        assert_array_almost_equal(t_in, tout)

        # Retest the same with a 1-D input vector
        uflat = np.asarray(u[:, 0])
        uflat = uflat.reshape((5, ))
        tout, yout = dlsim((num, den, 0.5), uflat, t_in)

        assert_array_almost_equal(yout, yout_truth)
        assert_array_almost_equal(t_in, tout)

        # zeros-poles-gain representation
        zd = np.array([0.5, -0.5])
        pd = np.array([1.j / np.sqrt(2), -1.j / np.sqrt(2)])
        k = 1.0
        yout_truth = np.asmatrix([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.25, 2.5]).transpose()

        tout, yout = dlsim((zd, pd, k, 0.5), u[:, 0], t_in)

        assert_array_almost_equal(yout, yout_truth)
        assert_array_almost_equal(t_in, tout)

        # Raise an error for continuous-time systems
        system = lti([1], [1, 1])
        assert_raises(AttributeError, dlsim, system, u)
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def test_07(self):
     # bode() should not fail on a system with pure imaginary poles.
     # The test passes if bode doesn't raise an exception.
     system = lti([1], [1, 0, 100])
     w, mag, phase = bode(system, n=2)
Ejemplo n.º 49
print("H = ")

#convierto a lti con Lm = 86uHy y Cp 2.3pF
#num = [1.29e-16, 3.9e-11, 1]
#den = [2.967e-28, 8.97e-23, 3.8e-12, 0]

#convierto a lti con Lm = 86uHy y Cp 1.9pF
numH = [1.29e-16, 3.9e-11, 1]
denH = [2.451e-28, 7.41e-23, 3.4e-12, 0]

#convierto a lti con Lm = 86nHy
#num = [1.29e-19, 3.9e-11, 1]
#den = [2.967e-31, 8.97e-23, 3.8e-12, 0]

#convierto a lti con Lm = 86uHy y Cp 1.9pF
numZ = [34704347.826087, 7826086956521.74, 2.58031221777835e+26]
denZ = [7.982e-5, 18.0, 593906592697716.0, 0]

sawZ = lti(numZ, denZ)
wZ, magZ, phaseZ = bode(sawZ, freq)

sawH = lti(numH, denH)
wH, magH, phaseH = bode(sawH, freq)

plt.semilogx(wH, magH, color="blue", linewidth="1")
plt.semilogx(wZ, magZ, color="green", linewidth="1")
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def test_08(self):
     # Test that bode() return continuous phase, issues/2331.
     system = lti([], [-10, -30, -40, -60, -70], 1)
     w, mag, phase = system.bode(w=np.logspace(-3, 40, 100))
     assert_almost_equal(min(phase), -450, decimal=15)
Ejemplo n.º 51

	Caracterizacion circuito RC
	Analogica y Digital

#Caracteristica del circuito
R = 159.23
C = 1e-6

#Desde aca utilizo ceros y polos que entrego sympy
num = [6280.22]				#esto es b0 s^1 y b1 s^0 (orden descendente)
den = [1, 6280.22]				#esto es a0 s^1 y a1 s^0

planta = lti(num, den)

print ('Ceros')
print (planta.zeros)

print ('Polos')
print (planta.poles)

freq = np.arange(100, 1e5, 1)

w, mag, phase = bode(planta, freq)
# wc, magc, phasec = bode(control, freq)
# wo, mago, phaseo = bode(openl, freq)

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1)
ax1.semilogx (w/6.28, mag, 'b-', linewidth="1")
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def test_06(self):
     # Test that bode() doesn't fail on a system with a pole at 0.
     # integrator, pole at zero: H(s) = 1 / s
     system = lti([1], [1, 0])
     w, mag, phase = bode(system, n=2)
     assert_equal(w[0], 0.01)  # a fail would give not-a-number
Ejemplo n.º 53
from scipy import *
from pylab import *

from scipy import signal

T = 2.0
fs = 100
dt = 1.0 / fs
t = arange(0.0, T, dt)  #create the time vector
u = where(t > 0.5, 1, 0)  #create the step input vector

ylim([-0.1, 1.1])
p = 4.0 * 2 * pi
mysys = signal.lti(p, [1, p])  #this line defines a transfer function
yo = signal.lsim2(
    mysys, u, t
)  #this line simulates the output of the system based on input u and time t
u = squeeze(u)
plot(t, u, t, yo[1])
legend(['input', 'output'], 2)
xlabel('Time (sec)')
title('Step Response')

df = 1.0 / T  #(t.max()-t.min())
f = arange(0, fs, df)
Ejemplo n.º 54
#import control as ctrl
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Programa que obtiene respuestas de lazo abierto y cerrado para
# la funcion de transferencia obtenida

#definir la funcion de transferencia
num = [200, 0]
den = [1, 102, 200]

#G=ctrl.tf(num, den)
#forma alternativa usando scipy
G = signal.lti(num, den)
#calcular la respuesta en frecuencia
#mag, phase, omega = ctrl.bode(G)
omega, mag, phase = signal.bode(G)

#graficar la respuesta en frecuencia
l1, = plt.semilogx(omega, mag)
plt.title('Respuesta en frecuencia')

l2, = plt.semilogx(omega, phase)
Ejemplo n.º 55
def _convertToStateSpace(sys, **kw):
    """Convert a system to state space form (if needed).

    If sys is already a state space, then it is returned.  If sys is a transfer
    function object, then it is converted to a state space and returned.  If sys
    is a scalar, then the number of inputs and outputs can be specified
    manually, as in:

    >>> sys = _convertToStateSpace(3.) # Assumes inputs = outputs = 1
    >>> sys = _convertToStateSpace(1., inputs=3, outputs=2)

    In the latter example, A = B = C = 0 and D = [[1., 1., 1.]
                                                  [1., 1., 1.]].
    if isinstance(sys, StateSpace):
        if len(kw):
            raise TypeError("If sys is a StateSpace, _convertToStateSpace \
cannot take keywords.")

        # Already a state space system; just return it
        return sys
    elif isinstance(sys, xferfcn.TransferFunction):
            from slycot import td04ad
            if len(kw):
                raise TypeError("If sys is a TransferFunction, _convertToStateSpace \
    cannot take keywords.")

            # Change the numerator and denominator arrays so that the transfer
            # function matrix has a common denominator.
            num, den = sys._common_den()
            # Make a list of the orders of the denominator polynomials.
            index = [len(den) - 1 for i in range(sys.outputs)]
            # Repeat the common denominator along the rows.
            den = array([den for i in range(sys.outputs)])
            # TODO: transfer function to state space conversion is still buggy!
            #print num
            #print shape(num)
            ssout = td04ad('R',sys.inputs, sys.outputs, index, den, num,tol=0.0)

            states = ssout[0]
            return StateSpace(ssout[1][:states, :states],
                ssout[2][:states, :sys.inputs], 
                ssout[3][:sys.outputs, :states], 
        except ImportError:
            lti_sys = lti(squeeze(sys.num), squeeze(sys.den))#<-- do we want to squeeze first
                                                               # and check dimenations?  I think
                                                               # this will fail if num and den aren't 1-D
                                                               # after the squeeze
            return StateSpace(lti_sys.A, lti_sys.B, lti_sys.C, lti_sys.D)

    elif isinstance(sys, (int, long, float, complex)):
        if "inputs" in kw:
            inputs = kw["inputs"]
            inputs = 1
        if "outputs" in kw:
            outputs = kw["outputs"]
            outputs = 1

        # Generate a simple state space system of the desired dimension
        # The following Doesn't work due to inconsistencies in ltisys:
        #   return StateSpace([[]], [[]], [[]], eye(outputs, inputs))
        return StateSpace(0., zeros((1, inputs)), zeros((outputs, 1)), 
            sys * ones((outputs, inputs)))
        raise TypeError("Can't convert given type to StateSpace system.")
Ejemplo n.º 56
import math as mp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
import control
from control import tf
import subprocess
import shlex
for i in range(15):
plt.semilogx((w1),H_w,'b',label='Given Frequency response data')
system = signal.lti([1,8.5,15], [1,0.8,0.07])
r = np.linspace(0.1, 100,1001)
w, mag, phase = signal.bode(system, w=r)
plt.semilogx(w,mag,'g',label='Bode plot of transfer function without gain') 
system = signal.lti([1*0.1778,8.5*0.1778,15*0.1778], [1,0.8,0.07])
r = np.linspace(0.1, 100,1001)
w, mag, phase = signal.bode(system, w=r)
plt.semilogx(w,mag,'r',label='Bode plot of final transfer function') 
plt.xlabel("[rad/s]")   # Bode magnitude plot
#if using termux
subprocess.run(shlex.split("termux-open ./figs/ee18btech11006/ee18btech11006_3.pdf"))
Ejemplo n.º 57
f = datos[:,0]
A = datos[:,1]

simulacion = open("/Users/rodrigovazquez/Library/Mobile Documents/3L68KQB4HG~com~readdle~CommonDocuments/Documents/ADC/TP2019/Simulacion/PasaAlto.txt","r")
datos = np.loadtxt(simulacion,delimiter='\t')
# Generador de transferencia en funcion de los coeficientes del numerador y denominador
numI = [1,0,0]
denI = [1,3510,1.004e7]
numR = [1,0,0]
denR = [1,(100000/33),9768868]

hz = np.logspace(6.2, 8)
rad_n = hz * 2 * np.pi / (1 / 5e-05)

s1 = signal.lti(numI,denI)
s2 = signal.lti(numR,denR)
wI, amplitudI, faseI = signal.bode(s1, w=rad_n)
wR, amplitudR, faseR = signal.bode(s2, w=rad_n)
wI = wI / 2 / np.pi
wR = wR / 2 / np.pi

# Graficos
plt.semilogx(wI,amplitudI,'-b',linewidth = 1.8,label = 'Curva ideal') # Grafica bode ideal
plt.semilogx(wR,amplitudR,'--r',linewidth = 1.8, label = 'Curva real')
plt.semilogx(f,A,'.g',linewidth = 1.8,label = 'Curva medida') # Grafica bode de modulo
plt.title('Bode de modulo')
plt.xlabel('Frecuencia [Hz]')
plt.ylabel('Amplitud [dB]')
plt.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize = 'large')
plt.grid(which = 'major', color = 'gray', linestyle = '--')
Ejemplo n.º 58
    dSlopes = Slopes[1:] - Slopes[:-1]
    Num = []
    Den = []
    for i in range(len(dSlopes)):
        if dSlopes[i] % 20 != 0:
            return None
        if dSlopes[i] >= 0:
            Num += [10**(i + 1)] * (dSlopes[i] // 20)
            Den += [10**(i + 1)] * (-dSlopes[i] // 20)

    return np.array(Num), np.array(Den)

Num, Den = getTransferFunction(Slopes)
s1 = signal.lti(Num, Den, 1e15)
w, mag, phase = signal.bode(s1)
plt.title("Bode Plot")
plt.semilogx(w, mag)  # Bode magnitude plot

x = np.array([1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7])
y = []
k = 100
for i in range(len(x) - 1):

    k += Slopes[i]
Ejemplo n.º 59
@author: Hrithik

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#if using termux
import subprocess
import shlex
#end if

G = 1
num = [0, -0.01, 0.05]  #describing transfer function
den = [0.0001, 0, 1]
system = signal.lti(num, den)

T, yout = signal.impulse(system)  #oscillating response

plt.plot(T, yout)
plt.xlabel("time (t)")
plt.title("Impulse system response ")
#if using termux
    shlex.split("termux-open ./figs/es17btech11009/es17btech11009_imp.pdf"))
from pylab import *
from scipy import signal

# Define transfer function
k = 1  # sensitivity
wn = 546.72  # rad/s
z = 0.467  # damping

sys = signal.lti(k * wn**2, [1, 2 * z * wn, wn**2])
plot(arange(1000) / wn, sys.step(N=1000)[1])
title('Step response')
xlabel('$t$ [sec]')
ylabel('E [V]')