def linear2mu(signal, mu=255): """ -1 < signal < 1 """ assert signal.max() <= 1 and signal.min() >= -1 y = np.sign(signal) * np.log(1.0 + mu * np.abs(signal)) / np.log(mu + 1) return y
def compute(self): signal = self.get_input("Input").get_array().squeeze() print "signal.shape = ", signal.shape lof = self.get_input("Low Freq") hif = self.get_input("High Freq") num_scalar_bins = self.get_input("Scalar Bins") num_pts = signal.size min_s = signal.min() max_s = signal.max() d = max_s - min_s print "Accumulating over " + str(num_pts) + " points" histo = numpy.zeros((num_scalar_bins,hif-lof)) f_sig = scipy.fftpack.fftn(signal) for z in range(signal.shape[0]): for y in range(signal.shape[1]): for x in range(signal.shape[2]): yray = f_sig[z,:,x].squeeze() ty = self.stockwell(yray, lof, hif) zray = f_sig[:,y,x].squeeze() tz = self.stockwell(zray, lof, hif) xray = f_sig[z,y,:].squeeze() tx = self.stockwell(xray, lof, hif) tx = tx[:,z].squeeze() ty = ty[:,y].squeeze() tz = tz[:,x].squeeze() tx = tx * tx.conjugate() ty = ty * ty.conjugate() tz = tz * tz.conjugate() ar = tx.real + ty.real + tz.real ar = ar / ar.sum() scalar = signal[z,y,x] try: bin = int((scalar - min_s) / d * float(num_scalar_bins-1.)) # dist[bin] += 1 # print bin, scalar, ar sigma = self.force_get_input("Sigma") if sigma: ar = scipy.signal.gaussian(ar.size, sigma) * ar histo[bin,:] += ar except: print "Cannot assign to bin: " + str(bin) +", scalar: " +str(scalar) print "location = ", x, y, z raise ModuleError("Cannot assign to bin: " + str(bin) +", scalar: " +str(scalar)) # print "done with y = ", y print "done with z = ", z out = NDArray() out.set_array(histo) self.set_output("Output", out)
def compute(self): signal = self.getInputFromPort("Input").get_array() lof = self.getInputFromPort("Low Freq") hif = self.getInputFromPort("High Freq") num_pts = signal.size min_s = signal.min() max_s = signal.max() d = max_s - min_s print "Accumulating over " + str(num_pts) + " points" histo = numpy.zeros((512, hif - lof + 1)) print "Histo: ", histo.shape dist = numpy.zeros(512) for z in range(signal.shape[2]): for y in range(signal.shape[1]): for x in range(signal.shape[0]): sigx = signal[z, y, :] sigy = signal[z, :, x] tx =, lof, hif) ty =, lof, hif) sigz = signal[:, y, z] tz =, lof, hif) tz = tz[:, x].squeeze() tz = tz * tz.conjugate() tx = tx[:, z].squeeze() ty = ty[:, y].squeeze() tx = tx * tx.conjugate() ty = ty * ty.conjugate() ar = tx.real + ty.real + tz.real ar = ar / ar.sum() # ar = ar.sum(axis=1) # print "ar: ", ar.shape # ar.shape = (ar.shape[0],1) scalar = signal[z, y, x] try: bin = int((scalar - min_s) / d * 511.) # dist[bin] += 1 # print bin, scalar, ar sigma = self.forceGetInputFromPort("Sigma") if sigma: ar = scipy.signal.gaussian(ar.size, sigma) * ar histo[bin, :] += ar except: print "Cannot assign to bin: " + str( bin) + ", scalar: " + str(scalar) print "location = ", x, y, z raise ModuleError("Cannot assign to bin: " + str(bin) + ", scalar: " + str(scalar)) # print "done with y = ", y print "done with z = ", z out = NDArray() out.set_array(histo) # / dist) self.setResult("Output", out)
def compute(self): signal = self.get_input("Input").get_array() lof = self.get_input("Low Freq") hif = self.get_input("High Freq") num_pts = signal.size min_s = signal.min() max_s = signal.max() d = max_s - min_s print "Accumulating over " + str(num_pts) + " points" histo = numpy.zeros((512,hif-lof+1)) print "Histo: ",histo.shape dist = numpy.zeros(512) for z in range(signal.shape[2]): for y in range(signal.shape[1]): for x in range(signal.shape[0]): sigx = signal[z,y,:] sigy = signal[z,:,x] tx =, lof, hif) ty =, lof, hif) sigz = signal[:,y,z] tz =, lof, hif) tz = tz[:,x].squeeze() tz = tz * tz.conjugate() tx = tx[:,z].squeeze() ty = ty[:,y].squeeze() tx = tx * tx.conjugate() ty = ty * ty.conjugate() ar = tx.real + ty.real + tz.real ar = ar / ar.sum() # ar = ar.sum(axis=1) # print "ar: ", ar.shape # ar.shape = (ar.shape[0],1) scalar = signal[z,y,x] try: bin = int((scalar - min_s) / d * 511.) # dist[bin] += 1 # print bin, scalar, ar sigma = self.force_get_input("Sigma") if sigma: ar = scipy.signal.gaussian(ar.size, sigma) * ar histo[bin,:] += ar except: print "Cannot assign to bin: " + str(bin) +", scalar: " +str(scalar) print "location = ", x, y, z raise ModuleError("Cannot assign to bin: " + str(bin) +", scalar: " +str(scalar)) # print "done with y = ", y print "done with z = ", z out = NDArray() out.set_array(histo)# / dist) self.set_output("Output", out)
def normalize(signal): """Normalize signal between 0 and 1 Args: signal (np.array/th.tensor): Signal to normalize Returns: np.array/th.tensor: Normalized signal """ signal -= signal.min() signal /= signal.max() return signal
def waveform_shaded(signal: np.ndarray, fs: int, start=0, end=None): if end is None: end = len(signal) / fs ymargin_factor = 1.1 x_range = [start, end] y_range = [ymargin_factor * signal.min(), ymargin_factor * signal.max()] t = np.linspace(start, end, num=len(signal)) df = pd.DataFrame(data={'Time': t, 'Signal': signal}) cvs = ds.Canvas(x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, plot_width=1500) cols = ['Signal'] aggs = OrderedDict((c, cvs.line(df, 'Time', c)) for c in cols) img = tf.shade(aggs['Signal']) arr = np.array(img) z = arr.tolist() dims = len(z[0]), len(z) x = np.linspace(x_range[0], x_range[1], dims[0]) y = np.linspace(y_range[0], y_range[1], dims[0]) fig = { 'data': [{ 'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z, 'type': 'heatmap', 'showscale': False, 'colorscale': [[0, 'rgba(255, 255, 255,0)'], [1, '#75baf2']], }], 'layout': { 'height': 350, 'xaxis': { 'title': 'Time [s]', 'showline': True, 'zeroline': False, 'showgrid': False, 'showticklabels': True }, 'yaxis': { 'title': 'Amplitude', 'fixedrange': True, 'showline': False, 'zeroline': False, 'showgrid': False, 'showticklabels': False, 'ticks': '' }, 'title': 'Waveform' } } return fig
def plot_signal_attr(fig, ax, attr, signal, fs=1.0, filter=True, lw=1.0): # Plots a signal with explanation strength as sample colors if filter: signal = bandpass_filter(signal, fs, fc=[1, 30]) t = np.linspace(0, len(signal) / fs, len(signal)) points = np.array([t, signal]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) # Create a continuous norm to map from data points to colors norm = plt.Normalize(attr.min(), attr.max()) lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap='inferno_r', norm=norm) # Set the values used for colormapping lc.set_array(attr) lc.set_linewidth(lw) line = ax.add_collection(lc) ax.set_xlim(t.min(), t.max()) ax.set_ylim(signal.min(), signal.max()) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([])
def compute(self): signal = self.getInputFromPort("Input").get_array().squeeze() print "signal.shape = ", signal.shape lof = self.getInputFromPort("Low Freq") hif = self.getInputFromPort("High Freq") num_scalar_bins = self.getInputFromPort("Scalar Bins") num_pts = signal.size min_s = signal.min() max_s = signal.max() d = max_s - min_s print "Accumulating over " + str(num_pts) + " points" histo = numpy.zeros((num_scalar_bins, hif - lof)) f_sig = scipy.fftpack.fftn(signal) for z in range(signal.shape[0]): for y in range(signal.shape[1]): for x in range(signal.shape[2]): yray = f_sig[z, :, x].squeeze() ty = self.stockwell(yray, lof, hif) zray = f_sig[:, y, x].squeeze() tz = self.stockwell(zray, lof, hif) xray = f_sig[z, y, :].squeeze() tx = self.stockwell(xray, lof, hif) tx = tx[:, z].squeeze() ty = ty[:, y].squeeze() tz = tz[:, x].squeeze() tx = tx * tx.conjugate() ty = ty * ty.conjugate() tz = tz * tz.conjugate() ar = tx.real + ty.real + tz.real ar = ar / ar.sum() scalar = signal[z, y, x] try: bin = int( (scalar - min_s) / d * float(num_scalar_bins - 1.)) # dist[bin] += 1 # print bin, scalar, ar sigma = self.forceGetInputFromPort("Sigma") if sigma: ar = scipy.signal.gaussian(ar.size, sigma) * ar histo[bin, :] += ar except: print "Cannot assign to bin: " + str( bin) + ", scalar: " + str(scalar) print "location = ", x, y, z raise ModuleError("Cannot assign to bin: " + str(bin) + ", scalar: " + str(scalar)) # print "done with y = ", y print "done with z = ", z out = NDArray() out.set_array(histo) self.setResult("Output", out)
def generate_feat_opts(path=None, cfg={ 'pkg': 'pysp', 'type': 'logfbank', 'nfilt': 40, 'delta': 2 }, signal=None, rate=16000): cfg = dict(cfg) if cfg['pkg'] == 'pysp': # python_speech_features # if signal is None: rate, signal = if cfg['type'] == 'logfbank': feat_mat = pyspfeat.base.logfbank(signal, rate, nfilt=cfg.get('nfilt', 40)) elif cfg['type'] == 'mfcc': feat_mat = pyspfeat.base.mfcc(signal, rate, numcep=cfg.get('nfilt', 26) // 2, nfilt=cfg.get('nfilt', 26)) elif cfg['type'] == 'wav': feat_mat = pyspfeat.base.sigproc.framesig( signal, frame_len=cfg.get('frame_len', 400), frame_step=cfg.get('frame_step', 160)) else: raise NotImplementedError( "feature type {} is not implemented/available".format( cfg['type'])) pass # delta # comb_feat_mat = [feat_mat] delta = cfg['delta'] if delta > 0: delta_feat_mat =, 2) comb_feat_mat.append(delta_feat_mat) if delta > 1: delta2_feat_mat =, 2) comb_feat_mat.append(delta2_feat_mat) if delta > 2: raise NotImplementedError( "max delta is 2, larger than 2 is not normal setting") return np.hstack(comb_feat_mat) elif cfg['pkg'] == 'rosa': if signal is None: signal, rate = librosa.core.load(path, sr=cfg['sample_rate']) assert rate == cfg[ 'sample_rate'], "sample rate is different with current data" if cfg.get('preemphasis', None) is not None: # signal = np.append(signal[0], signal[1:] - cfg['preemphasis']*signal[:-1]) signal = signal_util.preemphasis(x, self.cfg['preemphasis']) if cfg.get('pre', None) == 'meanstd': signal = (signal - signal.mean()) / signal.std() elif cfg.get('pre', None) == 'norm': signal = (signal - signal.min()) / (signal.max() - signal.min()) * 2 - 1 # raw feature if cfg['type'] == 'wav': if cfg.get('post', None) == 'mu': signal = linear2mu(signal) feat_mat = pyspfeat.base.sigproc.framesig( signal, frame_len=cfg.get('frame_len', 400), frame_step=cfg.get('frame_step', 160)) return feat_mat # spectrogram-based feature raw_spec = signal_util.rosa_spectrogram( signal, n_fft=cfg['nfft'], hop_length=cfg.get('winstep', None), win_length=cfg.get('winlen', None))[0] if cfg['type'] in ['logmelfbank', 'melfbank']: mel_spec = signal_util.rosa_spec2mel(raw_spec, nfilt=cfg['nfilt']) if cfg['type'] == 'logmelfbank': return np.log(mel_spec) else: return mel_spec elif cfg['type'] == 'lograwfbank': return np.log(raw_spec) elif cfg['type'] == 'rawfbank': return raw_spec else: raise NotImplementedError() elif cfg['pkg'] == 'taco': # SPECIAL FOR TACOTRON # tacohelper = TacotronHelper(cfg) if signal is None: signal = tacohelper.load_wav(path) assert len(signal) != 0, ('file {} is empty'.format(path)) try: if cfg['type'] == 'raw': feat = tacohelper.spectrogram(signal).T elif cfg['type'] == 'mel': feat = tacohelper.melspectrogram(signal).T else: raise NotImplementedError() except: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() pass return feat elif cfg['pkg'] == 'world': if path is None: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpfile: wavfile.write(, rate, signal) logf0, bap, mgc = world_vocoder_util.world_analysis(, cfg['mcep']) else: logf0, bap, mgc = world_vocoder_util.world_analysis( path, cfg['mcep']) vuv, f0, bap, mgc = world_vocoder_util.world2feat(logf0, bap, mgc) # ignore delta, avoid curse of dimensionality # return vuv, f0, bap, mgc else: raise NotImplementedError() pass