Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_shape_compatibility(self):
        A = csc_matrix([[1., 0], [0, 2]])
        bs = [
            [1, 6],
            array([1, 6]),
            [[1], [6]],
            array([[1], [6]]),
            csc_matrix([[1], [6]]),
            csr_matrix([[1], [6]]),
            dok_matrix([[1], [6]]),
            bsr_matrix([[1], [6]]),
            array([[1., 2., 3.], [6., 8., 10.]]),
            csc_matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [6., 8., 10.]]),
            csr_matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [6., 8., 10.]]),
            dok_matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [6., 8., 10.]]),
            bsr_matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [6., 8., 10.]]),

        for b in bs:
            x = np.linalg.solve(A.toarray(), toarray(b))
            for spmattype in [csc_matrix, csr_matrix, dok_matrix, lil_matrix]:
                x1 = spsolve(spmattype(A), b, use_umfpack=True)
                x2 = spsolve(spmattype(A), b, use_umfpack=False)

                # check solution
                if x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[1] == 1:
                    # interprets also these as "vectors"
                    x = x.ravel()

                                          err_msg=repr((b, spmattype, 1)))
                                          err_msg=repr((b, spmattype, 2)))

                # dense vs. sparse output  ("vectors" are always dense)
                if isspmatrix(b) and x.ndim > 1:
                    assert_(isspmatrix(x1), repr((b, spmattype, 1)))
                    assert_(isspmatrix(x2), repr((b, spmattype, 2)))
                    assert_(isinstance(x1, np.ndarray), repr(
                        (b, spmattype, 1)))
                    assert_(isinstance(x2, np.ndarray), repr(
                        (b, spmattype, 2)))

                # check output shape
                if x.ndim == 1:
                    # "vector"
                    assert_equal(x1.shape, (A.shape[1], ))
                    assert_equal(x2.shape, (A.shape[1], ))
                    # "matrix"
                    assert_equal(x1.shape, x.shape)
                    assert_equal(x2.shape, x.shape)

        A = csc_matrix((3, 3))
        b = csc_matrix((1, 3))
        assert_raises(ValueError, spsolve, A, b)
def fit_model(phi, eps=0.):
    assert phi.ndim == 2, 'data has to be two-dimensional'
    assert phi.shape[1] > phi.shape[0], 'data samples have to be in columns'
    d, nsamples = phi.shape
    nij = d**2 - d  # number of coupling terms

    adata, arow, acol, b = fill_model_matrix(phi)
    a = sparse.coo_matrix((adata, (arow, acol)), (nij, nij))

    tic('matrix inversion')
    if eps > 0:
        a2 = np.dot(a.T,
                    a) + eps * nsamples * sparse.eye(nij, nij, format='coo')
        b2 = np.dot(a.todense().T, np.atleast_2d(b).T)
        # this sparse multiplication is buggy !!!!, I can't get the shape of b2 to be = (b.size,)
        b3 = b2.copy().flatten().T
        b3.shape = (b3.size, )
        k_vec = dsolve.spsolve(a2.tocsr(), b3)
        k_mat = np.zeros((d, d), complex)
        k_mat.T[np.where(np.diag(np.ones(d)) - 1)] = k_vec.ravel()
        k_vec = dsolve.spsolve(a.tocsr(), b)
        k_mat = np.zeros((d, d), complex)
        k_mat.T[np.where(np.diag(np.ones(d)) - 1)] = k_vec
    toc('matrix inversion')
    return k_mat
Ejemplo n.º 3
def fit_model(phi, eps=0.):
    assert phi.ndim == 2, 'data has to be two-dimensional'
    assert phi.shape[1] > phi.shape[0], 'data samples have to be in columns'    
    d, nsamples = phi.shape
    nij = d**2-d # number of coupling terms

    adata, arow, acol, b = fill_model_matrix(phi)
    a = sparse.coo_matrix((adata,(arow,acol)), (nij,nij))

    tic('matrix inversion')
    if eps > 0:
        a2 = np.dot(a.T,a) + eps*nsamples*sparse.eye(nij,nij,format='coo')
        b2 = np.dot(a.todense().T,np.atleast_2d(b).T)
        # this sparse multiplication is buggy !!!!, I can't get the shape of b2 to be = (b.size,)
        b3 = b2.copy().flatten().T
        b3.shape = (b3.size,)
        k_vec = dsolve.spsolve(a2.tocsr(),b3)
        k_mat = np.zeros((d,d),complex)
        k_mat.T[np.where(np.diag(np.ones(d))-1)] = k_vec.ravel()
        k_vec = dsolve.spsolve(a.tocsr(),b)
        k_mat = np.zeros((d,d),complex)
        k_mat.T[np.where(np.diag(np.ones(d))-1)] = k_vec
    toc('matrix inversion')
    return k_mat
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_shape_compatibility(self):
        A = csc_matrix([[1., 0], [0, 2]])
        bs = [
            [1, 6],
            array([1, 6]),
            [[1], [6]],
            array([[1], [6]]),
            csc_matrix([[1], [6]]),
            csr_matrix([[1], [6]]),
            dok_matrix([[1], [6]]),
            bsr_matrix([[1], [6]]),
            array([[1., 2., 3.], [6., 8., 10.]]),
            csc_matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [6., 8., 10.]]),
            csr_matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [6., 8., 10.]]),
            dok_matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [6., 8., 10.]]),
            bsr_matrix([[1., 2., 3.], [6., 8., 10.]]),

        for b in bs:
            x = np.linalg.solve(A.toarray(), toarray(b))
            for spmattype in [csc_matrix, csr_matrix, dok_matrix, lil_matrix]:
                x1 = spsolve(spmattype(A), b, use_umfpack=True)
                x2 = spsolve(spmattype(A), b, use_umfpack=False)

                # check solution
                if x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[1] == 1:
                    # interprets also these as "vectors"
                    x = x.ravel()

                assert_array_almost_equal(toarray(x1), x, err_msg=repr((b, spmattype, 1)))
                assert_array_almost_equal(toarray(x2), x, err_msg=repr((b, spmattype, 2)))

                # dense vs. sparse output  ("vectors" are always dense)
                if isspmatrix(b) and x.ndim > 1:
                    assert_(isspmatrix(x1), repr((b, spmattype, 1)))
                    assert_(isspmatrix(x2), repr((b, spmattype, 2)))
                    assert_(isinstance(x1, np.ndarray), repr((b, spmattype, 1)))
                    assert_(isinstance(x2, np.ndarray), repr((b, spmattype, 2)))

                # check output shape
                if x.ndim == 1:
                    # "vector"
                    assert_equal(x1.shape, (A.shape[1],))
                    assert_equal(x2.shape, (A.shape[1],))
                    # "matrix"
                    assert_equal(x1.shape, x.shape)
                    assert_equal(x2.shape, x.shape)

        A = csc_matrix((3, 3))
        b = csc_matrix((1, 3))
        assert_raises(ValueError, spsolve, A, b)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_dtype_cast(self):
     A_real = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([[1, 2, 0], [0, 0, 3], [4, 0, 5]])
     A_complex = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([[1, 2, 0], [0, 0, 3],
                                          [4, 0, 5 + 1j]])
     b_real = np.array([1, 1, 1])
     b_complex = np.array([1, 1, 1]) + 1j * np.array([1, 1, 1])
     x = spsolve(A_real, b_real)
     assert_(np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.floating))
     x = spsolve(A_real, b_complex)
     assert_(np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.complexfloating))
     x = spsolve(A_complex, b_real)
     assert_(np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.complexfloating))
     x = spsolve(A_complex, b_complex)
     assert_(np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.complexfloating))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def n_springs(N, mu, f_vec):
    Compute the ratio $u_N/f_0$ for a chain
    of $N$ springs. The range of frequencies
    is given by $[f_{\min}, f_{\max}]$. $\mu$ is
    the ratio of masses $\mu = m_2/m_1$.
    nfreq = len(f_vec)
    uf_ratio = np.zeros(nfreq)
    force = np.zeros(2 * N + 1)
    force[0] = -1.0
    for k, freq in enumerate(f_vec):
        d_main = np.zeros(2 * N + 1)
        d_main[1:-1:2] = -2. + mu * freq**2
        d_main[2:-1:2] = -2. + freq**2
        d_main[0] = -1.0 + freq**2
        d_main[-1] = -1.0 + freq**2
        d_low = np.ones(2 * N + 1)
        data = [d_low, d_main, d_low]
        diags = [-1, 0, 1]
        A = sparse.spdiags(data, diags, 2 * N + 1, 2 * N + 1, format='csc')

        x = dsolve.spsolve(A, force)
        uf_ratio[k] = x[-1]

    return uf_ratio
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def Solve(self,fext,spcs):
        if ( self.Kmat==None ):
            print 'Kmat not set  in FeSolver'
        for i in xrange(n):
	    tr += self.Kmat[i,i]
	kappa = self.penfact*beta
	for ispc in spcs:
	   ii = ispc.gid
	   iv = ispc.dval
	   for jj in xrange(n):
	       fext[jj] = fext[jj] - self.Kmat[jj,ii]*iv
	for ispc in spcs:
  	   ii = ispc.gid
	   self.Kmat[ii,ii] = kappa
	   fext[ii] = kappa*ispc.dval

	d = dsolve.spsolve(self.Kmat, fext, use_umfpack=True)
	for ii in xrange(n):
	    self.Kmat[ii,ii] = Kreac[ii]
	freac = self.Kmat.dot(d) 
	return [d,freac]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def fesolve2(Kmat,fext,ispc,vspc=None):
	for i in xrange(n):
		tr += Kmat[i,i]
	if vspc==None:
	else: # inhomogenious bc
		for i in xrange(nspc):
			ii = ispc[i]
			iv = vspc[i]
			for jj in xrange(Kmat.shape[0]):
			     fext[jj] = fext[jj] - Kmat[jj,ii]*iv
	for i in xrange(nspc):
  	       ii = ispc[i]
  	       for jj in xrange(n):
  	           if ( not(Kmat[ii,jj]==0) ):
	               Kmat[ii,jj] = 0.0
	           if ( not(Kmat[jj,ii]==0) ):
	               Kmat[jj,ii] = 0.0
	       Kmat[ii,ii] = beta
	       fext[ii] = beta*vspc[i]

	d = dsolve.spsolve(Kmat, fext, use_umfpack=True)
	freac = Kreac.dot(d)
	return [d,freac]
def n_springs(N, mu, f_vec):
    Compute the ratio $u_N/f_0$ for a chain
    of $N$ springs. The range of frequencies
    is given by $[f_{\min}, f_{\max}]$. $\mu$ is
    the ratio of masses $\mu = m_2/m_1$.
    nfreq = len(f_vec)
    uf_ratio = np.zeros(nfreq)
    force = np.zeros(2*N + 1)
    force[0] = -1.0
    for k, freq in enumerate(f_vec):
        d_main = np.zeros(2*N + 1)
        d_main[1:-1:2] = -2. + mu*freq**2
        d_main[2:-1:2] = -2. + freq**2
        d_main[0] = -1.0 + freq**2
        d_main[-1] = -1.0  + freq**2
        d_low = np.ones(2*N + 1)
        data = [d_low, d_main, d_low]
        diags = [-1,0,1]
        A = sparse.spdiags(data, diags, 2*N+1, 2*N+1, format='csc')

        x = dsolve.spsolve(A, force)
        uf_ratio[k] = x[-1]

    return uf_ratio
Ejemplo n.º 10
def step_elliptical_1d(dx, W, alpha, beta, gamma, left_boundary_condition,
                       left_boundary_condition_value, right_boundary_condition,
    # Solves 1D elliptical equation on staggered grid
    # (W(x) u_x)_x - alpha(x) u + gamma(x)*u_x = beta(x)
    def boundary_modifier(x, val):
        return {'Dirichlet': [val, 0, val], 'vonNeuman': [-val, val, -val]}[x]

    N_intervals = np.size(alpha) - 1
    val = np.mean(np.abs(2 * W + dx**2.0 * alpha - gamma * dx))
    left_modifier = boundary_modifier(left_boundary_condition, val)
    right_modifier = boundary_modifier(right_boundary_condition, val)
    rhs = dx * dx * beta
    rhs[0] = left_modifier[2] * left_boundary_condition_value
    rhs[np.size(rhs) - 1] = right_modifier[2] * right_boundary_condition_value
    A = csc_matrix(
            np.hstack((W[0:N_intervals - 1], right_modifier[1], 0)),
                (left_modifier[0], -(W[0:N_intervals - 1] + W[1:N_intervals] +
                                     alpha[1:N_intervals] * dx * dx) -
                 (gamma[1:N_intervals] + gamma[0:N_intervals - 1]) / 2.0 * dx,
                (0, left_modifier[1], W[1:N_intervals] +
                 (gamma[1:N_intervals] + gamma[0:N_intervals - 1]) / 2.0 * dx))
        ], [-1, 0, 1], N_intervals + 1, N_intervals + 1))
    u = dsolve.spsolve(A, rhs, use_umfpack=True)
    return u
Ejemplo n.º 11
def step_diffusion_1d(dt, dx, phi, sourceTerm, D, left_boundary_condition,
                      left_boundary_condition_value, right_boundary_condition,
    # Solves 1D diffusion on staggered grid; give the midpotins only, not the artificial points outside the boundary, they are specified by the given boundary condition.
    # Input values are dt, dx, phi (solution in the previous time-step) on the nodes, source term on the nodes, diffusion coefficient vector on midpoints (size N+1)
    # Boundary conditions can be vonNeuman or Dirichlet
    def boundary_modifier(x, dx):
        return {'Dirichlet': [1, 0, 1], 'vonNeuman': [1, -1, dx]}[x]

    N_intervals = np.size(phi) - 1
    rhs = -dx * dx * (phi / dt + sourceTerm)
    left_modifier = boundary_modifier(left_boundary_condition, dt)
    right_modifier = boundary_modifier(right_boundary_condition, dt)
    if left_boundary_condition == 'vonNeuman':
        rhs[0] = -left_modifier[2] * left_boundary_condition_value
    elif left_boundary_condition == 'Dirichlet':
        rhs[0] = left_modifier[2] * left_boundary_condition_value
    rhs[-1] = right_modifier[2] * right_boundary_condition_value

    A = csc_matrix(
            np.hstack((D[0:N_intervals - 1], right_modifier[1], 0)),
                 -(D[0:N_intervals - 1] + D[1:N_intervals] + dx * dx / dt),
            np.hstack((0, left_modifier[1], D[1:N_intervals]))
        ], [-1, 0, 1], N_intervals + 1, N_intervals + 1))
    phi = dsolve.spsolve(A, rhs, use_umfpack=True)
    return phi
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def Solve(self, fext, spcs):

        if (self.Kmat == None):
            print 'Kmat not set  in FeSolver'

        n = np.shape(self.Kmat)[0]
        tr = 0.0
        for i in xrange(n):
            tr += self.Kmat[i, i]
        beta = tr / (1.0 * n)

        Kreac = self.Kmat.diagonal()
        kappa = self.penfact * beta
        for ispc in spcs:
            ii = ispc.gid
            iv = ispc.dval
            for jj in xrange(n):
                fext[jj] = fext[jj] - self.Kmat[jj, ii] * iv

        for ispc in spcs:
            ii = ispc.gid
            self.Kmat[ii, ii] = kappa
            fext[ii] = kappa * ispc.dval

        self.Kmat = self.Kmat.tocsr()
        d = dsolve.spsolve(self.Kmat, fext, use_umfpack=True)

        for ii in xrange(n):
            self.Kmat[ii, ii] = Kreac[ii]
        freac = self.Kmat.dot(d)

        return [d, freac]
Ejemplo n.º 13
def fesolve2(Kmat, fext, ispc, vspc=None):
    n = np.shape(Kmat)[0]
    tr = 0.0
    for i in xrange(n):
        tr += Kmat[i, i]
    beta = tr / (1.0 * n)
    nspc = len(ispc)

    Kreac = Kmat[ispc, :].tocsr()
    if vspc == None:
        vspc = np.zeros((nspc, 1))
    else:  # inhomogenious bc
        for i in xrange(nspc):
            ii = ispc[i]
            iv = vspc[i]
            for jj in xrange(Kmat.shape[0]):
                fext[jj] = fext[jj] - Kmat[jj, ii] * iv

    for i in xrange(nspc):
        ii = ispc[i]
        for jj in xrange(n):
            if (not (Kmat[ii, jj] == 0)):
                Kmat[ii, jj] = 0.0
            if (not (Kmat[jj, ii] == 0)):
                Kmat[jj, ii] = 0.0
        Kmat[ii, ii] = beta
        fext[ii] = beta * vspc[i]

    Kmat = Kmat.tocsr()
    d = dsolve.spsolve(Kmat, fext, use_umfpack=True)
    freac = Kreac.dot(d)
    return [d, freac]
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_singular(self):
     A = csc_matrix((5,5), dtype='d')
     b = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5],dtype='d')
     with suppress_warnings() as sup:
         sup.filter(MatrixRankWarning, "Matrix is exactly singular")
         x = spsolve(A, b)
     assert_(not np.isfinite(x).any())
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_singular(self):
     A = csc_matrix((5, 5), dtype='d')
     b = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype='d')
     with suppress_warnings() as sup:
         sup.filter(MatrixRankWarning, "Matrix is exactly singular")
         x = spsolve(A, b)
     assert_(not np.isfinite(x).any())
 def solve(self):
     self.populate_matrix_6th_order() if self.uniform else self.populate_matrix()
     self.mtx = sparse.csr_matrix(self.mtx)
     self.mtx = self.mtx.astype(np.float64)
     self.U = dsolve.spsolve(self.mtx, np.array(self.vec), use_umfpack=True)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_singular(self):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=MatrixRankWarning)

            A = csc_matrix((5,5), dtype='d')
            b = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5],dtype='d')
            x = spsolve(A, b, use_umfpack=False)
            assert_(not np.isfinite(x).any())
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_singular(self):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=MatrixRankWarning)

            A = csc_matrix((5,5), dtype='d')
            b = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5],dtype='d')
            x = spsolve(A, b, use_umfpack=False)
            assert_(not np.isfinite(x).any())
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_sparsity_preservation(self):
     ident = csc_matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
     b = csc_matrix([[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]])
     x = spsolve(ident, b)
     assert_equal(ident.nnz, 3)
     assert_equal(b.nnz, 2)
     assert_equal(x.nnz, 2)
     assert_allclose(x.A, b.A, atol=1e-12, rtol=1e-12)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_dtype_cast(self):
     A_real = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([[1, 2, 0],
                                       [0, 0, 3],
                                       [4, 0, 5]])
     A_complex = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([[1, 2, 0],
                                          [0, 0, 3],
                                          [4, 0, 5 + 1j]])
     b_real = np.array([1,1,1])
     b_complex = np.array([1,1,1]) + 1j*np.array([1,1,1])
     x = spsolve(A_real, b_real)
     assert_(np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.floating))
     x = spsolve(A_real, b_complex)
     assert_(np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.complexfloating))
     x = spsolve(A_complex, b_real)
     assert_(np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.complexfloating))
     x = spsolve(A_complex, b_complex)
     assert_(np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.complexfloating))
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_bmatrix_smoketest(self):
     Adense = array([[0., 1., 1.], [1., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 1.]])
     As = csc_matrix(Adense)
     x = random.randn(3, 4)
     Bdense = As.dot(x)
     Bs = csc_matrix(Bdense)
     x2 = spsolve(As, Bs)
     assert_array_almost_equal(x, x2.todense())
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_bvector_smoketest(self):
        Adense = array([[0., 1., 1.], [1., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 1.]])
        As = csc_matrix(Adense)
        x = random.randn(3)
        b = As * x
        x2 = spsolve(As, b)

        assert_array_almost_equal(x, x2)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def start_solving_newton(self):
        """ Starts solving the problem. 
        self.mesh.output_vtk_mesh(self.model_name + "0", 
                                  ["pressure", "domain"])

        self.time_step_output(0., 0)

        m_multipliers = np.ones(self.mesh.get_number_of_cells(), dtype=np.dtype('d'))

        for time_step in range(1,self.number_of_time_steps+1):
            current_time = time_step*self.delta_t
            for i in range(100):
                rhs_current = np.zeros(self.mfd.get_number_of_dof(), dtype=np.dtype('d'))
                rhs_current += self.rhs_mfd
                for cell_index in range(self.mesh.get_number_of_cells()):
                    density = -self.ref_pressure
                    density += self.current_pressure[cell_index]
                    density *= self.compressibility
                    density += 1.
                    density *= self.ref_density

                    # We multiply by the inverse of \frac{\rho}{\mu}
                    m_multipliers[cell_index] = self.viscosity/density

                    c_entry = self.compressibility
                    c_entry *= self.porosities[cell_index]
                    c_entry /= self.delta_t
                    c_entry *= self.mesh.get_cell_volume(cell_index)

                                cell_index] += c_entry*self.current_pressure[cell_index]

                    self.lhs_coo.data[self.c_start+cell_index] = c_entry

                for [index, cell_index] in enumerate(self.rate_wells):
                    rhs_current[self.mfd.flux_dof+cell_index] += \

                self.mfd.update_m(self.lhs_coo.data[:self.m_x_coo_length], m_multipliers)

                solution = dsolve.spsolve(self.lhs_coo.tocsr(), rhs_current)
                self.current_pressure = solution[self.mfd.flux_dof:]
                self.current_velocity = solution[:self.mfd.flux_dof]

            if time_step%self.output_frequency == 0:
                                          ["pressure", "domain"])

                self.time_step_output(current_time, time_step)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_bvector_smoketest(self):
        Adense = matrix([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
        As = csc_matrix(Adense)
        x = random.randn(3)
        b = As * x
        x2 = spsolve(As, b)

        assert_array_almost_equal(x, x2)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_bmatrix_smoketest(self):
     Adense = matrix([[0.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
     As = csc_matrix(Adense)
     x = random.randn(3, 4)
     Bdense = As.dot(x)
     Bs = csc_matrix(Bdense)
     x2 = spsolve(As, Bs)
     assert_array_almost_equal(x, x2.todense())
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def start_solving_newton(self):
        """ Starts solving the problem. 
        self.mesh.output_vtk_mesh(self.model_name + "0", 
                                  ["pressure", "domain"])

        self.time_step_output(0., 0)

        m_multipliers = np.ones(self.mesh.get_number_of_cells(), dtype=np.dtype('d'))

        for time_step in range(1,self.number_of_time_steps+1):
            current_time = time_step*self.delta_t
            for i in range(100):
                rhs_current = np.zeros(self.mfd.get_number_of_dof(), dtype=np.dtype('d'))
                rhs_current += self.rhs_mfd
                for cell_index in range(self.mesh.get_number_of_cells()):
                    density = -self.ref_pressure
                    density += self.current_pressure[cell_index]
                    density *= self.compressibility
                    density += 1.
                    density *= self.ref_density

                    # We multiply by the inverse of \frac{\rho}{\mu}
                    m_multipliers[cell_index] = self.viscosity/density

                    c_entry = self.compressibility
                    c_entry *= self.porosities[cell_index]
                    c_entry /= self.delta_t
                    c_entry *= self.mesh.get_cell_volume(cell_index)

                                cell_index] += c_entry*self.current_pressure[cell_index]

                    self.lhs_coo.data[self.c_start+cell_index] = c_entry

                for [index, cell_index] in enumerate(self.rate_wells):
                    rhs_current[self.mfd.flux_dof+cell_index] += \

                self.mfd.update_m(self.lhs_coo.data[:self.m_x_coo_length], m_multipliers)

                solution = dsolve.spsolve(self.lhs_coo.tocsr(), rhs_current)
                self.current_pressure = solution[self.mfd.flux_dof:]
                self.current_velocity = solution[:self.mfd.flux_dof]

            if time_step%self.output_frequency == 0:
                                          ["pressure", "domain"])

                self.time_step_output(current_time, time_step)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def FDM_implicit(self,
                     bc0=[-1.5, 2., -.5, 0.],
                     bcn=[1.5, -2., .5, 0.],
        Calculate one step of the implicit Finite Elements Method for Fick's 
        second law equation.

        bc0 : array_like
            Parameters for the boundary condition at the 0-th node
        bcn : array_like
            Parameters for the boundary condition at the n-th node

        At the 0-th node, the correspondent linear equation is given by 
        bc0[0]*c[0] + bc0[1]*c[1] + bc0[1]*c[2] = bc0[3].
        At the n-th node, the correspondent linear equation is given by 
        bcn[0]*c[-1] + bcn[1]*c[-2] + bcn[2]*c[-3] = bcn[3].

        Dirichlet boundary condition is given by bc0/bcn = (1.,0.,0.,c_i).
        Neumann boundary condition (flux = 0) can be defined either by 
        bc0 (bcn) = [1.5,-2.,.5,0.] or bc0 (bcn) = [1.,-1.,0.,0.]

        dia1_, dia1 = np.zeros(self.n), np.zeros(self.n)
        dia2_, dia2 = np.zeros(self.n), np.zeros(self.n)

        dia0 = 1. + 2. * self.r
        dia1_[:-1], dia1[1:] = -(self.r[1:] - self.g[1:]), -(self.r[:-1] +
        self._b[:] = self.c

        # First row of the matrix. Determines the boundary condition at i=0
        dia0[0], dia1[1], dia2[2] = bc0[0], bc0[1], bc0[2]
        # Determines the boundary condition at i=0
        self._b[0] = bc0[3]

        # Last row of the matrix. Determines the boundary condition at i=n
        dia0[-1], dia1_[-2], dia2_[-3] = bcn[0], bcn[1], bcn[2]
        # Determines the boundary condition at i=n
        self._b[-1] = bcn[3]

        mtx = spdiags([dia2_, dia1_, dia0, dia1, dia2], [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2],
                      self.n, self.n)
        A = csc_matrix(mtx, dtype=np.float64)

        # Solve the linear system A*c = b
        self._c = dsolve.spsolve(A, self._b, use_umfpack=True)

        if self._c[0] < lowerbound or self._c[-1] < lowerbound:
            return True

        self.c[:] = self._c
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def tick_fem_sparse(self,dt):
        tick Finite Element Model simulation by dt hours using sparse stiffness matrix
        # initialise stiffness matrix
        # for each wall, add a component to the stiffness matrix
        for wall in self.walls:
            Ra = self.FEM_E*self.FEM_S/L/dt
            Rf = self.FEM_E*self.FEM_I/(L**3)/dt
            M =numpy.array(((Ra  , 0   , 0      , -Ra , 0    , 0      ),
                          (0   , Rf*12  , -Rf*6*L    , 0   , -Rf*12  , -Rf*6*L    ),
                          (0   , -Rf*6*L , Rf*4*L**2 , 0   , Rf*6*L , Rf*2*L**2 ),
                          (-Ra , 0   , 0      , Ra  , 0    , 0      ),
                          (0   , -Rf*12 , Rf*6*L   , 0   , Rf*12   , Rf*6*L   ),
                          (0   , -Rf*6*L , Rf*2*L**2 , 0   , Rf*6*L , Rf*4*L**2 )))
            # rotate from local coord frame to global

            c=wall.get_cosine() #math.cos(theta)
            s=wall.get_sine() #math.sin(theta)
            # add component to stiffness matrix

        # apply turgor force
        for cell in self.cells.values():
        # solve for displacement (find d in S.d=f)
        # fixing first node
Ejemplo n.º 29
def ResoLpl(f22D,N,M):
    global dx
    global dy
    global LAP2

    f2 = f22D.reshape(N*M)

    T = spsolve(LAP2,f2)  # Solving the linear system


    return u2D
Ejemplo n.º 30
def ResoLpl(f22D, N, M):
    global dx
    global dy
    global LAP2

    f2 = f22D.reshape(N * M)

    T = spsolve(LAP2, f2)  # Solving the linear system

    u2D = T.reshape(N, M)

    return u2D
Ejemplo n.º 31
def solveHJB(mu1, mu2, sigma, lambda1, lambda2, Kb, Ks, rho, T):
    Ny = 1000
    Nt = 200

    beta = 1e7
    tol = 1e-8

    psell = []
    pbuy = []

    h = 1.0/Ny
    dt = T*1.0/Nt
    y = np.array([h*i for i in range(Ny+1)])
    v = np.array([np.log(1-Ks) for i in range(Ny+1)])
    vnew = [1 for i in range(Ny+1)]

    c2 = 0.5*np.array([((mu1-mu2)*x*(1-x)/sigma)**2 for x in y])/h/h
    c1 = (-(lambda1+lambda2)*y+lambda2)/h
    c0 = 0
    f0= (mu1-mu2)*y+(mu2-rho-sigma**2/2)
    left = -c2+c1*(c1<0)
    middle = 1/dt+2*c2+np.abs(c1)-c0;
    right = -c2-c1*(c1>0)

    for t in range(int(T/dt)):
        counter = 0
        vn = v

        while True:
            counter = counter+1

            Indi1 = beta*(v-(np.log(1+Kb))>0);
            Indi2 = beta*((np.log(1-Ks))-v>0);
            b = vn/dt+(np.log(1+Kb))*Indi1+(np.log(1-Ks))*Indi2+f0;
            A = scipy.sparse.spdiags(np.array([right, middle+Indi1+Indi2, left]),[-1,0,1],Ny+1,Ny+1).T
            b[0] = A[0,0]*np.log(1-Ks)
            A[0,1] = 0
            b[Ny] = A[Ny,Ny]*np.log(1+Kb)
            vnew = dsolve.spsolve(A,b,use_umfpack=False)
            if (np.linalg.norm(vnew-v)*1.0/np.linalg.norm(v))<tol:
            v = vnew

        uu = vnew
        temp = np.where(uu-(np.log(1+Kb))>=0)[0]
        temp = np.where(uu-(np.log(1-Ks))<=0)[0]

    return [pbuy[Nt-1], psell[Nt-1]]
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def solve_linear_system(self, A=None, use_Wendland_compsupp=True, regularisation=None, save_Gram_rows=[False,None],
        Solves the linear system defined by generalised interpolation problem
        :param A: Interpolation matrix
        :param use_Wendland_compsupp: When A is not given and the kernel is Wendland kernel, use the
        compact support to speed up population of interpolation matrix.
        :param save_Gram_rows: Option to save Gram matrix row-by-row - 2nd list element is for path
                            (currently only for gram_Wendland())
        :return: solution vector stored in self.coefficients
        #TODO: Implement save_Gram_rows for other gram functions
        if regularisation!=None:

        # Check the Data list is not empty
        data_empty = True
        for data_object in self.data_points:
            if data_object.numpoints > 0: data_empty = False
        if data_empty == True:
            print("ERROR: Cannot solve linear system - no data points")
        if A==None:
            if verbose: print('making Gram matrix')
            if use_Wendland_compsupp==False or not isinstance(self.K, Wendland):
                if verbose: print('using gram')
                self.gram = gram(self)
                if verbose: print('using gram_Wendland')
                self.gram = gram_Wendland(self, save_rows=save_Gram_rows)
            if verbose: print('finished making Gram matrix')
            self.gram = A
        #if self.regularisation != 0:
        #    print('Adding regularisation: ', self.regularisation)
        #    self.gram = self.gram + (self.regularisation * sparse.identity(self.gram.shape[0]))
        if verbose: print('solving linear system')
        self.beta = np.array([])
        for data_object in self.data_points:
            #self.dim = data_object.points.shape[0]
            self.beta = np.hstack((self.beta, data_object.targets))
        if sparse.issparse(self.gram):
            if not isinstance(self.gram, sparse.csr.csr_matrix):
                self.gram = sparse.csr_matrix(self.gram)
            self.coefficients = spsolve(self.gram + (self.regularisation * sparse.identity(self.gram.shape[0])), self.beta)
            self.coefficients = np.linalg.solve(self.gram + (self.regularisation * sparse.identity(self.gram.shape[0])), self.beta)
        if verbose: print('finished linear system')
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def test_sparsity_preservation(self):
     ident = csc_matrix([
         [1, 0, 0],
         [0, 1, 0],
         [0, 0, 1]])
     b = csc_matrix([
         [0, 1],
         [1, 0],
         [0, 0]])
     x = spsolve(ident, b)
     assert_equal(ident.nnz, 3)
     assert_equal(b.nnz, 2)
     assert_equal(x.nnz, 2)
     assert_allclose(x.A, b.A, atol=1e-12, rtol=1e-12)
    def solvePoissonProblem_sparse(mesh, densityValues):
        Solve a Poisson problem on the mesh, using sparse matrix operations.
        This will be nearly identical to the dense method.
        The results should be stored on the vertices in a variable named 'solutionVal'.

        densityValues is a dictionary mapping {vertex ==> value} that specifies any
        densities. The density is implicitly zero at every vertex not in this dictionary.

        Note: Be sure to look at the notes on the github wiki about sparse matrix
        computation in Python.

        When you run this program with 'python Assignment3.py part2 path/to/your/mesh.obj',
        you will get to click on vertices to specify density conditions. See the
        assignment document for more details.

        index_map = enumerateVertices(mesh)
        L = buildLaplaceMatrix_sparse(mesh, index_map)

        M = buildMassMatrix_dense(mesh, index_map)  #M <= 2D
        rho = np.zeros((len(mesh.verts)), float)

        for key in densityValues:
            #index_val = index_map[key]
            print 'key dual area = ', key.dualArea
            rho[index_map[key]] = densityValues[key]  #*key.dualArea

        # convert to sparse matrix (CSR method)
        #Lsparse = csr_matrix(L)
        #iL = np.linalg.inv(L)
        #sol_vec = np.dot(iL,rho)

        #sol_vec = np.linalg.solve(L, rho)
        #sol_vec = linsolve.spsolve(L, rho)

        #sol_vec = linsolve.spsolve(L, np.dot(M,rho) )
        #sol_vec = dsolve.spsolve(L, rho, use_umfpack=False)
        sol_vec = dsolve.spsolve(L, np.dot(M, rho), use_umfpack=True)

        for vert in mesh.verts:
            key = index_map[vert]
            #print 'TLM sol_vec = ',sol_vec[key]
            vert.solutionVal = sol_vec[key]
            if rho[key]:
                vert.densityVal = rho[key]
                vert.densityVal = 0.

    def computeCoExactComponent(self, omega):
        print 'system 2, Beta'
        #solve system 2 for delta Beta
        # page 117-118-119
        # scipy.linalg.lu
        print 'build LHS...'
        t0 = time.time()
        LHS = self.d1.dot(self.ihodge1)
        #ss = np.shape(LHS)[0]
        LHS = csc_matrix(LHS)
        LHS = LHS.dot(self.d1T)
        #LHS = LHS + 1.e-8 * csc_matrix(np.identity(ss,float))
        tSolve = time.time() - t0
        print("...sparse Beta LHS build completed.")
        print("Beta LHS build took {:.5f} seconds.".format(tSolve))

        print 'build RHS...'
        t0 = time.time()
        #RHS = np.matmul(d1,omega)
        RHS = self.d1.dot(omega)
        tSolve = time.time() - t0
        print("...sparse Beta RHS completed.")
        print("Beta RHS build took {:.5f} seconds.".format(tSolve))

        print 'solve'
        Beta = dsolve.spsolve(LHS, RHS, use_umfpack=True)

        #LU decomposition:
        #DLU = scipy.sparse.linalg.splu(LHS)
        #Beta = DLU.solve(RHS)

        #        print 'solve complete, transform'
        #        Beta = np.dot(ihodge2,Beta)
        #        print 'transform complete, Beta complete'
        # store exact, coexact, harmonic components on the mesh edges.
        print 'decomposition field to mesh'

        #now pull back to a 1 form using the codifferential *d*
        # *d* Beta => *d0*
        #Beta = np.dot(hodge0,np.dot(d0,
        #              np.dot(hodge2,Beta)))
        # the easy way:
        Beta = self.d1T.dot(Beta)
        print 'solve complete, transform Beta'
        Beta = np.dot(self.ihodge1, Beta)
        print 'transform complete, Beta complete'
        return Beta
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def test_singular_gh_3312(self):
        # "Bad" test case that leads SuperLU to call LAPACK with invalid
        # arguments. Check that it fails moderately gracefully.
        ij = np.array([(17, 0), (17, 6), (17, 12), (10, 13)], dtype=np.int32)
        v = np.array([0.284213, 0.94933781, 0.15767017, 0.38797296])
        A = csc_matrix((v, ij.T), shape=(20, 20))
        b = np.arange(20)

            # should either raise a runtimeerror or return value
            # appropriate for singular input
            x = spsolve(A, b)
            assert_(not np.isfinite(x).any())
        except RuntimeError:
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def test_singular_gh_3312(self):
        # "Bad" test case that leads SuperLU to call LAPACK with invalid
        # arguments. Check that it fails moderately gracefully.
        ij = np.array([(17, 0), (17, 6), (17, 12), (10, 13)], dtype=np.int32)
        v = np.array([0.284213, 0.94933781, 0.15767017, 0.38797296])
        A = csc_matrix((v, ij.T), shape=(20, 20))
        b = np.arange(20)

            # should either raise a runtimeerror or return value
            # appropriate for singular input
            x = spsolve(A, b)
            assert_(not np.isfinite(x).any())
        except RuntimeError:
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def test_example_comparison(self):
        row = array([0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2])
        col = array([0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2])
        data = array([1, 2, 3, -4, 5, 6])
        sM = csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(3, 3), dtype=float)
        M = sM.todense()

        row = array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0])
        col = array([0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0])
        data = array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
        sN = csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(3, 3), dtype=float)
        N = sN.todense()

        sX = spsolve(sM, sN)
        X = scipy.linalg.solve(M, N)

        assert_array_almost_equal(X, sX.todense())
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def test_twodiags(self):
        A = spdiags([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 5, 8, 9, 10]], [0, 1], 5, 5)
        b = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

        # condition number of A
        cond_A = norm(A.todense(), 2) * norm(inv(A.todense()), 2)

        for t in ['f', 'd', 'F', 'D']:
            eps = finfo(t).eps  # floating point epsilon
            b = b.astype(t)

            for format in ['csc', 'csr']:
                Asp = A.astype(t).asformat(format)

                x = spsolve(Asp, b)

                assert_(norm(b - Asp * x) < 10 * cond_A * eps)
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def test_example_comparison(self):
        row = array([0,0,1,2,2,2])
        col = array([0,2,2,0,1,2])
        data = array([1,2,3,-4,5,6])
        sM = csr_matrix((data,(row,col)), shape=(3,3), dtype=float)
        M = sM.todense()

        row = array([0,0,1,1,0,0])
        col = array([0,2,1,1,0,0])
        data = array([1,1,1,1,1,1])
        sN = csr_matrix((data, (row,col)), shape=(3,3), dtype=float)
        N = sN.todense()

        sX = spsolve(sM, sN)
        X = scipy.linalg.solve(M, N)

        assert_array_almost_equal(X, sX.todense())
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def test_twodiags(self):
        A = spdiags([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 5, 8, 9, 10]], [0, 1], 5, 5)
        b = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

        # condition number of A
        cond_A = norm(A.todense(),2) * norm(inv(A.todense()),2)

        for t in ['f','d','F','D']:
            eps = finfo(t).eps  # floating point epsilon
            b = b.astype(t)

            for format in ['csc','csr']:
                Asp = A.astype(t).asformat(format)

                x = spsolve(Asp,b)

                assert_(norm(b - Asp*x) < 10 * cond_A * eps)
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def test_example_comparison(self):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=SparseEfficiencyWarning)
            row = array([0,0,1,2,2,2])
            col = array([0,2,2,0,1,2])
            data = array([1,2,3,-4,5,6])
            sM = csr_matrix((data,(row,col)), shape=(3,3), dtype=float)
            M = sM.todense()

            row = array([0,0,1,1,0,0])
            col = array([0,2,1,1,0,0])
            data = array([1,1,1,1,1,1])
            sN = csr_matrix((data, (row,col)), shape=(3,3), dtype=float)
            N = sN.todense()

            sX = spsolve(sM, sN)
            X = scipy.linalg.solve(M, N)

            assert_array_almost_equal(X, sX.todense())
Ejemplo n.º 43
Archivo: Solver.py Proyecto: wathen/PhD
def SchurPCD2(Mass,L,F, backend):
    Mass = Mass.sparray()
    F = F.sparray()
    L = L.sparray()
    X = np.empty_like(Mass.todense())
    print X.shape
    Mass = Mass+ 1e-4*sp.identity(Mass.shape[0])
    Mass = Mass.toarray()
    print np.array(Mass[:,0]).T
    for i in range(X.shape[1]):
        print Mass[i,:].T
        X[i,:] = spsolve(F,Mass[:,i])    # print Schur.todense()

    Schur = L*X
    print Schur.diagonal()
    if backend == "PETSc":
        return PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=Schur.transpose().shape,csr=(Schur.transpose().indptr, Schur.transpose().indices, Schur.transpose().data))
        return Schur.transpose()
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def test_example_comparison(self):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=SparseEfficiencyWarning)
            row = array([0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2])
            col = array([0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2])
            data = array([1, 2, 3, -4, 5, 6])
            sM = csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(3, 3), dtype=float)
            M = sM.todense()

            row = array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0])
            col = array([0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0])
            data = array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
            sN = csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(3, 3), dtype=float)
            N = sN.todense()

            sX = spsolve(sM, sN)
            X = scipy.linalg.solve(M, N)

            assert_array_almost_equal(X, sX.todense())
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def solve(self):
        Solve the PDE.
        maxiter = 50
        trace = True
        for iter in xrange(0, maxiter):

            flagConv, err = self.checkConv()
            if trace:
                print iter, err
            if flagConv:

            dx = np.negative(dsolve.spsolve(self.state.J, self.state.b))
            self.state.dx = self.dampStep(dx)

            self.state.x = np.add(self.state.x, self.state.dx)
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def solve(self):
        Solve the PDE.
        trace = True
        for iter in xrange(0,maxiter):

            flagConv, err = self.checkConv()
            if trace:
                print iter, err
            if flagConv:

            dx = np.negative(dsolve.spsolve(self.state.J, self.state.b))
            self.state.dx = self.dampStep(dx)

            self.state.x = np.add(self.state.x, self.state.dx)
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def update_pressure(self):
        """ Updates the pressure equation explicitly
        m_multipliers = np.ones(self.mesh.get_number_of_cells())

        rhs_current = np.zeros(self.mfd.get_number_of_dof())        
        rhs_current += self.rhs_mfd

        for cell_index in range(self.mesh.get_number_of_cells()):
            density = -self.ref_pressure
            density += self.current_pressure[cell_index]
            density *= self.compressibility
            density += 1.
            density *= self.ref_density

            # We multiply by the inverse of \frac{\rho}{\mu}
            m_multipliers[cell_index] = self.viscosity/density

            c_entry = self.compressibility
            c_entry *= self.porosities[cell_index]
            c_entry /= self.delta_t
            c_entry *= self.mesh.get_cell_volume(cell_index)

                        cell_index] += c_entry*self.current_pressure[cell_index]

            self.lhs_coo.data[self.c_start+cell_index] = c_entry

        for [index, cell_index] in enumerate(self.rate_wells):
            rhs_current[self.mesh.get_number_of_faces()+cell_index] += \

        self.mfd.update_m(self.lhs_coo.data[:self.m_x_coo_length], m_multipliers)

        solution = dsolve.spsolve(self.lhs_coo.tocsr(), rhs_current)
        self.prev_pressure = self.current_pressure
        self.current_pressure = solution[self.mesh.get_number_of_faces():]
        self.current_velocity = solution[:self.mesh.get_number_of_faces()]
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def update_pressure(self):
        """ Updates the pressure equation explicitly
        m_multipliers = np.ones(self.mesh.get_number_of_cells())

        rhs_current = np.zeros(self.mfd.get_number_of_dof())
        rhs_current += self.rhs_mfd

        for cell_index in range(self.mesh.get_number_of_cells()):
            density = -self.ref_pressure
            density += self.current_pressure[cell_index]
            density *= self.compressibility
            density += 1.
            density *= self.ref_density

            # We multiply by the inverse of \frac{\rho}{\mu}
            m_multipliers[cell_index] = self.viscosity / density

            c_entry = self.compressibility
            c_entry *= self.porosities[cell_index]
            c_entry /= self.delta_t
            c_entry *= self.mesh.get_cell_volume(cell_index)

                self.mesh.get_number_of_faces() +
                cell_index] += c_entry * self.current_pressure[cell_index]

            self.lhs_coo.data[self.c_start + cell_index] = c_entry

        for [index, cell_index] in enumerate(self.rate_wells):
            rhs_current[self.mesh.get_number_of_faces()+cell_index] += \


        solution = dsolve.spsolve(self.lhs_coo.tocsr(), rhs_current)
        self.prev_pressure = self.current_pressure
        self.current_pressure = solution[self.mesh.get_number_of_faces():]
        self.current_velocity = solution[:self.mesh.get_number_of_faces()]
Ejemplo n.º 49
def SchurPCD2(Mass, L, F, backend):
    Mass = Mass.sparray()
    F = F.sparray()
    L = L.sparray()
    X = np.empty_like(Mass.todense())
    print X.shape
    Mass = Mass + 1e-4 * sp.identity(Mass.shape[0])
    Mass = Mass.toarray()
    print np.array(Mass[:, 0]).T
    for i in range(X.shape[1]):
        print Mass[i, :].T
        X[i, :] = spsolve(F, Mass[:, i])  # print Schur.todense()

    Schur = L * X
    print Schur.diagonal()
    if backend == "PETSc":
        return PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=Schur.transpose().shape,
        return Schur.transpose()
Ejemplo n.º 50
def solveDiffusion(nx, ny, inputd):
    # Create the DA and setup the problem
    if inputd.kspType == 'sd':
        U = 0.0
        self = 0.0
        [M, R, row, col, val] = build_A(inputd, self)
        tic = PETSc.Log().getTime()
        U = dsolve.spsolve(M, R, use_umfpack=True)  #Direct solver
        toc = PETSc.Log().getTime()
        its = 1.0
        rnorm = np.linalg.norm(M * U - R)
        pde = 0.0
        da = PETSc.DA().create([nx, ny],
                               boundary_type=('ghosted', 'ghosted'))
        pde = diffusion2D(da)
        print "Solving using", pde.solver_name
        #Now solve
        tic = PETSc.Log().getTime()
        pde.solve(pde.b, pde.x)
        toc = PETSc.Log().getTime()
        its = pde.ksp.getIterationNumber()
        rnorm = pde.ksp.getResidualNorm()
        M = 0.0
        U = M

    # output performance/convergence information
    time = toc - tic
    timePerGrid = time / nx / ny

    #rnorm = np.linalg.norm(M*U-R)

    print "Nx Ny its    ||r||_2     ElapsedTime (s)    Elapsed Time/N_tot"
    print nx, ny, its, rnorm, time, timePerGrid

    return pde, time, timePerGrid, its, rnorm, U, M
Ejemplo n.º 51
def n_springs(N, f_vec):
    Compute the ratio $u_N/f_0$ for a chain
    of $N$ springs. The range of frequencies
    is given by $[f_{\min}, f_{\max}]$.
    nfreq = len(f_vec)
    uf_ratio = np.zeros(nfreq)
    for k, freq in enumerate(f_vec):
        d_main = -2.0 * np.ones(N) + freq**2
        d_main[0] = -1.0 + freq**2
        d_main[-1] = -1.0 + freq**2
        d_low = np.ones(N)
        data = [d_low, d_main, d_low]
        diags = [-1, 0, 1]
        A = sparse.spdiags(data, diags, N, N, format='csc')
        force = np.zeros(N)
        force[0] = -1.0

        x = dsolve.spsolve(A, force)
        uf_ratio[k] = x[-1]

    return uf_ratio
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def test_new_gram(self):
        start = time.time()
        print('making sparse gram')
        self.sparse_gram = gram_Wendland_sparse(self, self.io.dir + '/Gram matrix')  #only for COPAN Interpolant objects
        print('finished sparse gram')
        end_sparse = time.time()
        print('making Gram with gram() function')
        self.gram = gram(self)
        print('finished gram')
        end_gram = time.time()
        print('making Gram with gram_Wendland function')
        self.gram_Wendland = gram_Wendland(self)
        print('finished gram_Wendland')
        end_gram_Wendland = time.time()

        print('Time for sparse: ', end_sparse - start)
        print('Time for gram: ', end_gram - end_sparse)
        print('Time for gram_Wendland: ', end_gram_Wendland - end_gram)

        print('type(self.sparse_gram) = ', type(self.sparse_gram))

        print('Difference in norm between gram and sparse_gram: ',
              np.linalg.norm(self.gram - self.sparse_gram.toarray()))

        print('Difference in norm between gram_Wendland and sparse_gram: ',
              np.linalg.norm(self.gram_Wendland - self.sparse_gram.toarray()))

        for data_object in self.data_points:
            #self.dim = data_object.points.shape[0]
            self.beta = np.hstack((self.beta, data_object.targets))

        self.coefficients = np.linalg.solve(self.gram_Wendland, self.beta)
        self.coefficients2 = spsolve(self.sparse_gram, self.beta)

        print('Difference in coeffs between gram_Wendland and sparse_gram: ', np.linalg.norm(self.coefficients -
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def update_state(self):
        Ah = self.Ah
        J = self.J

        b = self.to1d(self.F)
        u = dsolve.spsolve(Ah, b)

        z = np.empty([J + 2, J + 2])

        for i in range(0, J + 2):
            for j in range(0, J + 2):

                n = j + J * (i - 1)  # Going from two indices to one

                if i == 0 or i == J + 1:
                    z[i, j] = 0.0
                if j == 0 or j == J + 1:
                    z[i, j] = 0.0
                if i > 0 and j > 0 and i < J + 1 and j < J + 1:
                      j] = u[n - 1]  # elements of u are numbered starting at 0

        self.state = z
def n_springs(N, f_vec):
    Compute the ratio $u_N/f_0$ for a chain
    of $N$ springs. The range of frequencies
    is given by $[f_{\min}, f_{\max}]$.
    nfreq = len(f_vec)
    uf_ratio = np.zeros(nfreq)
    for k, freq in enumerate(f_vec):
        d_main = -2.0*np.ones(N) + freq**2
        d_main[0] = -1.0 + freq**2
        d_main[-1] = -1.0  + freq**2
        d_low = np.ones(N)
        data = [d_low, d_main, d_low]
        diags = [-1,0,1]
        A = sparse.spdiags(data, diags, N, N, format='csc')
        force = np.zeros(N)
        force[0] = -1.0

        x = dsolve.spsolve(A, force)
        uf_ratio[k] = x[-1]

    return uf_ratio
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def test_ndarray_support(self):
        A = array([[1., 2.], [2., 0.]])
        x = array([[1., 1.], [0.5, -0.5]])
        b = array([[2., 0.], [2., 2.]])

        assert_array_almost_equal(x, spsolve(A, b))
Ejemplo n.º 56
def SolPhaseField(FemInf,MatInf,MacroInf):
    Node_xy = FemInf.Node_xy
    Elem    = FemInf.Elem
    Hmax   = FemInf.Hmax
    GcI     = MatInf.GcI
    Lc      = MatInf.Lc

    Nnode = FemInf.Nnode
    Nelem = FemInf.Nelem

    NPE  = FemInf.Npoint  # Node Number per element
    NGP  = FemInf.Ngauss  # Number of Gauss Point per element

    w,r,s,t = QuadraturePoint()

    Kg_irow  = np.zeros((6*6*Nelem,),dtype = np.int)
    Kg_icol  = np.zeros((6*6*Nelem,),dtype = np.int)
    Kg_V     = np.zeros((6*6*Nelem,),dtype = np.float)
    K_g_index = 0

    Fn = np.zeros((Nnode),dtype=np.float)

    for ielement in range(Nelem):

        Node_xy_e = np.zeros((6,2),dtype=np.float)
        for inode in range(NPE):
            Node_xy_e[inode,:]   = Node_xy[Elem[ielement,inode+1]-1,1:3]

        Eldof = np.zeros((NPE,),dtype=np.int)

        for inode in range(NPE):
            Eldof[inode]   = Elem[ielement,inode+1]-1

        K1_e = np.zeros((6,6),dtype=np.float)
        K2_e = np.zeros((6,6),dtype=np.float)
        Fn_e = np.zeros((6,),dtype=np.float)
        for igauss in range(NGP):

            dNdr = np.array([[4.*r[igauss]-1.,                               0.,   -3.+4.*(r[igauss]+s[igauss]),
                                 4.*s[igauss],                   -4.*s[igauss],  4.-8.*r[igauss]- 4.*s[igauss]],
                             [              0.,                 4.*s[igauss]-1.,    -3.+4.*(r[igauss]+s[igauss]),
                                 4.*r[igauss],  4.-4.*r[igauss]- 8.*s[igauss],                    -4.*r[igauss]]],dtype=np.float)

            J    = np.dot(dNdr,Node_xy_e)
            detJ = J[0,0]*J[1,1]-J[1,0]*J[0,1]
            invJ = np.array([[    J[1,1], -1.*J[0,1]],
                             [-1.*J[1,0],     J[0,0]]])/detJ

            dNdx = np.dot(invJ,dNdr)
            Bs_e = dNdx

            Ns_e = np.matrix([(2.*r[igauss]-1.)*r[igauss], (2.*s[igauss]-1.)*s[igauss], (2.*t[igauss]-1.)*t[igauss],
                                4.*r[igauss]*s[igauss],      4.*s[igauss]*t[igauss],      4.*t[igauss]*r[igauss]])

            K1_e = K1_e + w[igauss]*detJ*(Ns_e.T*Ns_e)*(Hmax[ielement,igauss]+GcI/4./Lc)


            K2_e = K2_e + w[igauss]*detJ*(Ndx.T*Ndx+Ndy.T*Ndy)*GcI*Lc

            Fn_e = Fn_e + w[igauss]*detJ*1.*Hmax[ielement,igauss]*Ns_e

        for i in range(6):
            Fn[Eldof[i]] = Fn[Eldof[i]] + Fn_e[0,i]
            for j in range(6):
                Kg_irow[K_g_index] = Eldof[i]
                Kg_icol[K_g_index] = Eldof[j]
                Kg_V   [K_g_index] = K1_e[i,j] + K2_e[i,j]
                K_g_index = K_g_index + 1

    K_g = sparse.coo_matrix((Kg_V,(Kg_irow,Kg_icol)),shape=(Nnode,Nnode))

    K_g = K_g.tocsc()
    Phase = dsolve.spsolve(K_g,Fn,use_umfpack=True)

    FemInf.Phase = Phase
    return FemInf
Ejemplo n.º 57
    def update_pressure(self, time_step):
        """ Solve the pressure system for p_o. self.current_p_o and
        self.current_u_t are considered the pressure and velocity
        at time n, and routine computes these quantities for time
        # po_k, ut_k are the current newton iteration approximations
        # to pressure and velocity.
        po_k = np.array(self.current_p_o)
        ut_k = np.array(self.current_u_t)

        newton_residual = 100.

        newton_step = 0

        while abs(newton_residual > self.newton_threshold):
            current_total_mobility = self.water_mobility(self.current_s_w, po_k)
            current_total_mobility += self.oil_mobility(self.current_s_w, po_k)
            current_total_mobility = 1./current_total_mobility

            current_c_matrix = self.ref_density_water*self.current_s_w
            current_c_matrix *= self.compressibility_water

            current_c_matrix += self.ref_density_oil*(self.compressibility_oil

            current_c_matrix *= self.porosities
            current_c_matrix *= \
            current_c_matrix /= self.delta_t


            for (cell_index, pressure_pi) in zip(self.pressure_wells,
                current_c_matrix[cell_index] += \

            self.lhs_coo.data[self.c_start:self.c_end] = current_c_matrix

            lhs = self.lhs_coo.tocsr()
            ## J(x_n)(x_{n+1}-x_n) = -F(x_n)
            ## This line applies F(x_n)
            ut_k_po_k_combo = np.concatenate((ut_k, po_k))
            rhs = -self.mfd.build_rhs()
            rhs += lhs.dot(ut_k_po_k_combo)

            f2sum_l = np.ones(self.mesh.get_number_of_cells())
            f2sum_l *= self.ref_density_water*self.current_s_w
            f2sum_l *= self.porosities/self.delta_t
            f2sum_l *= self.mesh.cell_volume[:self.mesh.get_number_of_cells()]

            f2sum2_l = np.ones(self.mesh.get_number_of_cells())
            f2sum2_l *= self.ref_density_oil
            f2sum2_l *= 1.-self.current_s_w
            f2sum2_l *= self.porosities/self.delta_t
            f2sum2_l *= self.mesh.cell_volume[:self.mesh.get_number_of_cells()]

            f2sum3_l = np.zeros(self.mesh.get_number_of_cells())
            f2sum3_l += self.ref_density_water*(1.+self.compressibility_water*
            f2sum3_l *= self.current_s_w
            f2sum3_l += self.ref_density_oil*\

            f2sum3_l *= self.porosities/self.delta_t
            f2sum3_l *= self.mesh.cell_volume[:self.mesh.get_number_of_cells()]

            rhs[self.mfd.flux_dof:] += f2sum_l
            rhs[self.mfd.flux_dof:] += f2sum2_l
            rhs[self.mfd.flux_dof:] -= f2sum3_l

            for (well_index, cell_index) in enumerate(self.rate_wells):
                rhs[cell_index+self.mfd.flux_dof] += \
                rhs[cell_index+self.mfd.flux_dof] += \

            for (cell_index, bhp, pressure_pi) in zip(self.pressure_wells,
                rhs[cell_index+self.mfd.flux_dof] -= \

            newton_residual = np.linalg.norm(rhs)/float(len(rhs))

            if newton_residual > self.newton_threshold:
                if self.solver == 0:
                    self.newton_solution = dsolve.spsolve(lhs, -rhs)
                    delta_po_k = self.newton_solution[self.mfd.flux_dof:]
                    delta_ut_k = self.newton_solution[:self.mfd.flux_dof]

                if self.solver == 1:
                    self.mfd.update_m(self.m_coo.data, current_total_mobility)
                    m_csr = self.m_coo.tocsr()

                    self.c_coo.data = current_c_matrix
                    c_csr = self.c_coo.tocsr()


                    m_diag = m_csr.diagonal()
                    m_diag = 1./m_diag
                    m_diag = sparse.csr_matrix((m_diag,

                    pc_matrix = -self.div_csr.dot(m_diag.dot(self.div_t_csr))
                    pc_matrix += c_csr

                    self.pc_petsc = PETSc.Mat()




                    x, y = self.c_petsc.getVecs()
                    df1, f1 = self.m_petsc.getVecs()

                    self.schur_mat.ksp.solve(f1, df1)

                    df1 = self.div_coo.dot(df1)
                    temp1, temp2 = self.c_petsc.getVecs()
                    self.schur_mat.mult(None, temp1, temp2)

                    self.ksp.setOperators(self.schur_petsc, self.pc_petsc)
                    self.ksp.solve(x, y)
                    if newton_step == 1:
                        self.last_solution = np.array(y.getArray())

                    delta_po_k = y
                    f1_minvp, delta_ut_k = self.m_petsc.getVecs()
                    self.schur_mat.ksp.solve(f1_minvp, delta_ut_k)

                    delta_po_k = delta_po_k.getArray()
                    delta_ut_k = delta_ut_k.getArray()

                po_k += delta_po_k
                ut_k += delta_ut_k

            print("\t\t", newton_step, newton_residual)
            newton_step += 1
            if newton_step > self.newton_step_max:

        self.previous_p_o = np.array(self.current_p_o)
        self.previous_u_t = np.array(self.current_u_t)

        self.current_p_o = po_k
        self.current_u_t = ut_k
Ejemplo n.º 58
def fischer_newton(A, b, x, max_iter=0, tol_rel=0.00001, tol_abs=np.finfo(np.float64).eps*10, solver='perturbation', profile=True):
    Copyright 2012, Michael Andersen, DIKU, michael (at) diku (dot) dk

    # Human readable dictionary of exit messages
    msg = {1 : 'preprocessing',  # flag = 1
           2 : 'iterating',      # flag = 2
           3 : 'relative',       # flag = 3
           4 : 'absolute',       # flag = 4
           5 : 'stagnation',     # flag = 5
           6 : 'local minima',   # flag = 6
           7 : 'nondescent',     # flag = 7
           8 : 'maxlimit',       # flag = 8

    # We use N as a reference for the usage of asserts throughout the
    # program. We assume that everything is column vector of shape
    # (N,1) if not the asserts will catch them.
    N = np.size(b)
    flag = 1

    assert x.shape == (N,1), 'x0 is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(x.shape)
    assert A.shape == (N,N), 'A is not a square matrix, it has shape: ' + repr(A.shape)
    assert b.shape == (N,1), 'b is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(b.shape)

    if max_iter == 0:
        max_iter = np.floor(N/2.0)

    # Ensure sane values
    max_iter = max(max_iter,1)
    # Rest of the value should be sane

    ##### Magic constants #####
    h      = 1e-7
    alpha  = 0.5
    beta   = 0.001
    gamma  = 1e-28

    eps    = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
    rho    = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
    gmres_tol = 10*eps

    ##### Warm start of FN using Blocked Gauss-Seidel from PyAMG #####
    warm_start = False
    max_warm_iterate = 5
    max_bgs_iterate = 5
    if warm_start:
        x = fischer_warm_start(A, x, b, max_warm_iterate, max_bgs_iterate)

    ##### Values needed file iterating #####
    convergence = np.zeros(max_iter+1)

    # Should use np.infty.
    err     = 1e20
    iterate = 1
    flag    = 2

    grad_steps = 0
    grad_steps_max = max_iter
    use_grad_steps = True

    while iterate <= max_iter:

        alpha  = 0.5

        take_grad_step = False

        y = np.dot(A,x) + b
        assert y.shape == (N,1), 'y is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(y.shape)
        assert np.all(np.isreal(y)), 'y is not real'

        # Calculate the fischer function value
        phi = fischer(y,x)
        assert phi.shape == (N,1), 'phi is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(phi.shape)
        assert np.all(np.isreal(phi)), 'phi is not real'
        old_err = err
        # Calculate merit value, error
        err = 0.5*np.dot(phi.T,phi)
        assert err.shape == (1,1), 'err is not a scalar, it has shape: ' + repr(err.shape)
        assert np.isreal(err), 'err is not real'

        if profile:
            convergence[iterate-1] = err

        if grad_steps > grad_steps_max:
            # Should we break or should we just stop using grad steps?
            use_grad_steps = False
            # flag = 10 # Number of grad steps exceeded.
            # break

        ##### Test the stopping criterias used #####
        rel_err = np.abs(err-old_err)/np.abs(old_err)

        if rel_err < tol_rel:
            if use_grad_steps:
                take_grad_step = True
            elif rel_err < eps:
                flag = 3

        if err < tol_abs:
            flag = 4

        ##### Solving the Newton system
        dx = np.zeros((N,1))

        # Bitmask of True/False values where the conditions are
        # satisfied, that is where phi and x are near
        # singular/singular.
        S = np.logical_and(np.abs(phi) < gamma, np.abs(x) < gamma)
        # Bitmask of nonsingular values
        I = np.logical_not(S)
        idx = np.where(I)

        restart = min(np.size(A,0), 10) # Number of iterates done
                                        # before Restart for GMRES
                                        # should restart

        if 'random' == str.lower(solver): # Works on full system

            # Initialize as sparse, otherwise indexing will not work.
            J = sps.lil_matrix((N,N))
            dx = sps.lil_matrix((N,1))

            q = np.random.rand(N,1) / np.sqrt(2) - 1.0
            p = np.random.rand(N,1) / np.sqrt(2) - 1.0

            q[I] = (y[I]/((y[I]**2+x[I]**2)**(0.5)))-1
            p[I] = (x[I]/((y[I]**2+x[I]**2)**(0.5)))-1

            J[idx[0],idx[0]] = np.diag(p[I])*np.identity(A[idx].shape[0]) + np.dot(np.diag(q[I]),A[idx[0],:][:,idx[0]])
            J = J.toarray()

            # Call GMRES (This is very slow, might consider another
            # approach)
            dx[idx] = gmres(J[idx[0],:][:,idx[0]], (-phi[idx]), tol=gmres_tol, restart=restart)[0].reshape(idx[0].size,1)

            dx = dx.toarray()
            dx = dx.reshape(-1,1)

            assert dx.shape == (N,1), 'dx is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(dx.shape)
            assert np.all(np.isreal(dx)), 'dx is not real'

            ##### Available methods from scipy #####
            # bicg(A, b[, x0, tol, maxiter, xtype, M, ...]) Use BIConjugate Gradient iteration to solve A x = b
            # bicgstab(A, b[, x0, tol, maxiter, xtype, M, ...]) Use BIConjugate Gradient STABilized iteration to solve A x = b
            # cg(A, b[, x0, tol, maxiter, xtype, M, callback]) Use Conjugate Gradient iteration to solve A x = b
            # cgs(A, b[, x0, tol, maxiter, xtype, M, callback]) Use Conjugate Gradient Squared iteration to solve A x = b
            # gmres(A, b[, x0, tol, restart, maxiter, ...]) Use Generalized Minimal RESidual iteration to solve A x = b.
            # lgmres(A, b[, x0, tol, maxiter, M, ...]) Solve a matrix equation using the LGMRES algorithm.
            # minres(A, b[, x0, shift, tol, maxiter, ...]) Use MINimum RESidual iteration to solve Ax=b
            # qmr(A, b[, x0, tol, maxiter, xtype, M1, M2, ...]) Use Quasi-Minimal Residual iteration to solve A x = b

        elif 'perturbation' == str.lower(solver): # Works on full system

            px = np.zeros(x.shape)
            px[:] = x # Copy x
            assert px.shape == (N,1), 'px is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(px.shape)
            assert np.all( np.isreal(px) ), 'px is not real'
            direction = np.zeros(x.shape)
            direction[:] = np.sign(x)
            direction[ direction == 0 ] = 1
            px[S] = gamma * direction[S]
            p = np.zeros(px.shape)
            p = (px / (np.sqrt(np.power(y,2) + np.power(px,2))))-1
            assert p.shape == (N,1), 'p is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(p.shape)
            assert np.all(np.isreal(p)), 'p is not real'

            q = np.zeros(y.shape)
            q = (y / (np.sqrt(np.power(y,2) + np.power(px,2)))) - 1
            assert q.shape == (N,1), 'q is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(q.shape)
            assert np.all(np.isreal(q)), 'q is not reeal'

            J = np.dot(np.diag(p[:,0]),np.identity(N)) + np.dot(np.diag(q[:,0]),A)
            assert J.shape == (N,N), 'J is not a square matrix, it has shape: ' + repr(J.shape)
            assert np.all(np.isreal(J)), 'J is not real'

            # Reciprocal conditioning number of J
            rcond = 1/np.linalg.cond(J)
            if np.isnan(rcond):
                rcond = np.nan_to_num(rcond)

            # Check conditioning of J, if bad use pinv to solve the system.
            if rcond < 2*eps:
                if np.any(np.isnan(J)):
                    print "J contains nan"
                if np.any(np.isnan(phi)):
                    print "phi contains nan"
                    dx = np.dot(spl.pinv(J), (-phi))
                except Exception:
                    print repr(dir(Exception))
                    dx = np.dot(spl.pinv2(J), (-phi))

                J = sps.csc_matrix(J)
                dx = dsolve.spsolve(J, (-phi), use_umfpack=True)
                dx = dx.reshape(dx.size,1)
                J = J.toarray()

            assert dx.shape == (N,1), 'dx is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(dx.shape)
            assert np.all(np.isreal(dx)), 'dx is not real'

        elif 'zero' == str.lower(solver):
            J = sps.lil_matrix((N,N))
            dx = sps.lil_matrix((N,1))
            q = (y[I]/((y[I]**2+x[I]**2)**(0.5)))-1
            p = (x[I]/((y[I]**2+x[I]**2)**(0.5)))-1
            J[idx[0],idx[0]] = np.diag(p)*np.identity(A[idx].shape[0]) + np.dot(np.diag(q),A[idx[0],:][:,idx[0]])
            J = J.toarray()

            # Call GMRES (This is very slow, might consider another
            # approach)
            dx[idx] = gmres(J[idx[0],:][:,idx[0]], (-phi[idx]), tol=gmres_tol, restart=restart)[0].reshape(idx[0].size,1)

            dx = dx.toarray()
            dx = dx.reshape(-1,1)

            assert dx.shape == (N,1), 'dx is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(dx.shape)

        elif 'approximation' == str.lower(solver):

            ### THIS IS NOT WORKING YET ###
            J  = sps.lil_matrix((N,N))
            dx = sps.lil_matrix((N,1))
            q  = np.zeros(x.shape)
            p  = np.zeros(x.shape)
            q[I] = y[I]/((y[I]**2+x[I]**2)**(0.5))-1
            p[I] = x[I]/((y[I]**2+x[I]**2)**(0.5))-1

            J[idx[0],idx[0]] = np.diag(p[I])*np.identity(A[idx].shape[0]) + np.dot(np.diag(q[I]),A[idx[0],:][:,idx[0]])

            # Call GMRES, how do we handle a function handle for gmres?
            fun = lambda dx: (fischer(np.dot(A[idx[0],:][:,idx[0]],(x[I]+dx[I]*h)) + b[I],x[I] + dx[I]*h) - phi[I]) / h

            LO = LinearOperator((N,1), matvec = fun)

            dx[idx] = gmres(LO, -phi[I], tol=gmres_tol, restart=restart)
            # dx[idx] = gmres(fun, -phi[I], tol=1e-20, restart=restart)

            sys.stderr.write('Unknown solver method for Newton subsystem')

        nabla_phi = np.dot(phi.T, J)
        # We could use nabla_phi = nabla_phi.reshape(nabla_phi.size,
        # 1) instead this creates a column vector no matter what.
        nabla_phi = nabla_phi.T
        assert nabla_phi.shape == (N,1), 'nabla_phi is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(nabla_phi.shape)
        assert np.all(np.isreal(nabla_phi)), 'nabla_phi is not real'

        # Perform gradient descent step if take_grad_step is defined
        if take_grad_step:
            alpha = 0.9
            dx = -nabla_phi
            grad_steps += 1

        # Tests whether the search direction is below machine
        # precision.
        if np.max(np.abs(dx)) < eps:
            flag = 5
            # If enabled and the relative change in error is low, use
            # a gradient descent step
            if take_grad_step:
                dx = -nabla_phi
                grad_steps += 1
                print "*** Search direction below machine precision at iterate " + repr(iterate) + ", choosing gradient as search direction."

        # Test whether we are stuck in a local minima
        if np.linalg.norm(nabla_phi) < tol_abs:
            flag = 6

        # Test whether our direction is a sufficient descent direction
        if np.dot(nabla_phi.T,dx) > -rho*(np.dot(dx.T, dx)):
            # Otherwise we should try gradient direction instead.
            if use_grad_steps:
                dx = -nabla_phi
                grad_steps += 1
                print "*** Non descend direction at iterate " + repr(iterate) + ", choosing gradient as search direction."
                flag = 7

        ##### Armijo backtracking combined with a projected line-search #####
        tau = 1.0
        f_0 = err
        grad_f = beta*np.dot(nabla_phi.T,dx)

        x_k = x[:]
        assert x_k.shape == (N,1), 'x_k is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(x_k)
        assert np.all(np.isreal(x_k)), 'x_k is not real'
        # Perform line search
        while True:
            x_k = np.maximum(0, x + dx*tau)
            assert x_k.shape == (N,1), 'x_k is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(x_k.shape)
            assert np.all(np.isreal(x_k)), 'x_k is not real'

            y_k = np.dot(A,x_k)+b
            assert y_k.shape == (N,1), 'y_k is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(y_k.shape)
            assert np.all(np.isreal(y_k)), 'y_k is not real'
            phi_k = fischer(y_k,x_k)
            assert phi_k.shape == (N,1), 'phi_k is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(phi_k.shape)
            assert np.all(np.isreal(phi_k)), 'phi_k is not real'

            f_k = 0.5*(np.dot(phi_k.T,phi_k))
            # Test Armijo condition for sufficient decrease
            if f_k <= f_0 + tau*grad_f:
            # Test whether the stepsize has become too small
            if tau*tau < gamma:

            tau *= alpha

        # Update iterate with result from line search.
        x = x_k
        assert x.shape == (N,1), 'x is not a column vector, it has shape: ' + repr(x.shape)
        assert np.all(np.isreal(x)), 'x is not real.'

        # Increment iterate
        iterate +=1

    if iterate >= max_iter:
        iterate -= 1
        flag = 8

    print "No grad steps: " + repr(grad_steps)
    return (x, err, iterate, flag, convergence[:iterate], msg[flag])
Ejemplo n.º 59
 def test_singular(self):
     A = csc_matrix((5, 5), dtype='d')
     b = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype='d')
     x = spsolve(A, b, use_umfpack=False)
Ejemplo n.º 60
    def test_ndarray_support(self):
        A = array([[1., 2.], [2., 0.]])
        x = array([[1., 1.], [0.5, -0.5]])
        b = array([[2., 0.], [2., 2.]])

        assert_array_almost_equal(x, spsolve(A, b))