Ejemplo n.º 1
def _trace(A):
    # A compatibility function which should eventually disappear.
    if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(A):
        return A.diagonal().sum()
    elif is_pydata_spmatrix(A):
        return A.to_scipy_sparse().diagonal().sum()
        return np.trace(A)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _exact_1_norm(A):
    # A compatibility function which should eventually disappear.
    if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(A):
        return max(abs(A).sum(axis=0).flat)
    elif is_pydata_spmatrix(A):
        return max(abs(A).sum(axis=0))
        return np.linalg.norm(A, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def factorized(A):
    Return a function for solving a sparse linear system, with A pre-factorized.

    A : (N, N) array_like

    solve : callable
        To solve the linear system of equations given in `A`, the `solve`
        callable should be passed an ndarray of shape (N,).

    >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import factorized
    >>> A = np.array([[ 3. ,  2. , -1. ],
    ...               [ 2. , -2. ,  4. ],
    ...               [-1. ,  0.5, -1. ]])
    >>> solve = factorized(A) # Makes LU decomposition.
    >>> rhs1 = np.array([1, -2, 0])
    >>> solve(rhs1) # Uses the LU factors.
    array([ 1., -2., -2.])

    if is_pydata_spmatrix(A):
        A = A.to_scipy_sparse().tocsc()

    if useUmfpack:
        if noScikit:
            raise RuntimeError('Scikits.umfpack not installed.')

        if not isspmatrix_csc(A):
            A = csc_matrix(A)
            warn('splu requires CSC matrix format', SparseEfficiencyWarning)

        A = A.asfptype()  # upcast to a floating point format

        if A.dtype.char not in 'dD':
            raise ValueError(
                "convert matrix area_data to double, please, using"
                " .astype(), or set linsolve.useUmfpack = False")

        umf_family, A = _get_umf_family(A)
        umf = umfpack.UmfpackContext(umf_family)

        # Make LU decomposition.

        def solve(b):
            return umf.solve(umfpack.UMFPACK_A, A, b, autoTranspose=True)

        return solve
        return splu(A).solve
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _ident_like(A):
    # A compatibility function which should eventually disappear.
    if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(A):
        return scipy.sparse.construct.eye(A.shape[0], A.shape[1],
                dtype=A.dtype, format=A.format)
    elif is_pydata_spmatrix(A):
        import sparse
        return sparse.eye(A.shape[0], A.shape[1], dtype=A.dtype)
        return np.eye(A.shape[0], A.shape[1], dtype=A.dtype)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __eq__(self, other):
        # Scalar other.
        if isscalarlike(other):
            if np.isnan(other):
                return self.__class__(self.shape, dtype=np.bool_)

            if other == 0:
                    "Comparing a sparse matrix with 0 using == is inefficient"
                    ", try using != instead.",
                all_true = self.__class__(np.ones(self.shape, dtype=np.bool_))
                inv = self._scalar_binopt(other, operator.ne)
                return all_true - inv
                return self._scalar_binopt(other, operator.eq)
        # Dense other.
        elif isdense(other):
            return self.todense() == other
        # Pydata sparse other.
        elif is_pydata_spmatrix(other):
            return NotImplemented
        # Sparse other.
        elif isspmatrix(other):
                "Comparing sparse matrices using == is inefficient, try using"
                " != instead.",
            # TODO sparse broadcasting
            if self.shape != other.shape:
                return False
            elif self.format != other.format:
                other = other.asformat(self.format)
            res = self._binopt(other, '_ne_')
            all_true = self.__class__(np.ones(self.shape, dtype=np.bool_))
            return all_true - res
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 6
def splu(A,
    Compute the LU decomposition of a sparse, square matrix.

    A : sparse matrix
        Sparse matrix to factorize. Should be in CSR or CSC format.
    permc_spec : str, optional
        How to permute the columns of the matrix for sparsity preservation.
        (default: 'COLAMD')

        - ``NATURAL``: natural ordering.
        - ``MMD_ATA``: minimum degree ordering on the structure of A^T A.
        - ``MMD_AT_PLUS_A``: minimum degree ordering on the structure of A^T+A.
        - ``COLAMD``: approximate minimum degree column ordering

    diag_pivot_thresh : float, optional
        Threshold used for a diagonal entry to be an acceptable pivot.
        See SuperLU user's guide for details [1]_
    relax : int, optional
        Expert option for customizing the degree of relaxing supernodes.
        See SuperLU user's guide for details [1]_
    panel_size : int, optional
        Expert option for customizing the panel size.
        See SuperLU user's guide for details [1]_
    options : dict, optional
        Dictionary containing additional expert options to SuperLU.
        See SuperLU user guide [1]_ (section 2.4 on the 'Options' argument)
        for more details. For example, you can specify
        ``options=dict(Equil=False, IterRefine='SINGLE'))``
        to turn equilibration off and perform a single iterative refinement.

    invA : scipy.sparse.linalg.SuperLU
        Object, which has a ``solve`` method.

    See also
    spilu : incomplete LU decomposition

    This function uses the SuperLU library.

    .. [1] SuperLU http://crd.lbl.gov/~xiaoye/SuperLU/

    >>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
    >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import splu
    >>> A = csc_matrix([[1., 0., 0.], [5., 0., 2.], [0., -1., 0.]], dtype=float)
    >>> B = splu(A)
    >>> x = np.array([1., 2., 3.], dtype=float)
    >>> B.solve(x)
    array([ 1. , -3. , -1.5])
    >>> A.dot(B.solve(x))
    array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])
    >>> B.solve(A.dot(x))
    array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])

    if is_pydata_spmatrix(A):
        csc_construct_func = lambda *a, cls=type(A): cls(csc_matrix(*a))
        A = A.to_scipy_sparse().tocsc()
        csc_construct_func = csc_matrix

    if not isspmatrix_csc(A):
        A = csc_matrix(A)
        warn('splu requires CSC matrix format', SparseEfficiencyWarning)

    # sum duplicates for non-canonical format
    A = A.asfptype()  # upcast to a floating point format

    M, N = A.shape
    if (M != N):
        raise ValueError("can only factor square matrices")  # is this true?

    _options = dict(DiagPivotThresh=diag_pivot_thresh,
    if options is not None:
    return _superlu.gstrf(N,
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: _svds.py Proyecto: yacth/scipy
def svds(A, k=6, ncv=None, tol=0, which='LM', v0=None,
         maxiter=None, return_singular_vectors=True,
         solver='arpack', options=None):
    Partial singular value decomposition of a sparse matrix.

    Compute the largest or smallest `k` singular values and corresponding
    singular vectors of a sparse matrix `A`. The order in which the singular
    values are returned is not guaranteed.

    In the descriptions below, let ``M, N = A.shape``.

    A : sparse matrix or LinearOperator
        Matrix to decompose.
    k : int, default: 6
        Number of singular values and singular vectors to compute.
        Must satisfy ``1 <= k < min(M, N)``.
    ncv : int, optional
        When ``solver='arpack'``, this is the number of Lanczos vectors
        generated. See :ref:`'arpack' <sparse.linalg.svds-arpack>` for details.
        When ``solver='lobpcg'``, this parameter is ignored.
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance for singular values. Zero (default) means machine precision.
    which : {'LM', 'SM'}
        Which `k` singular values to find: either the largest magnitude ('LM')
        or smallest magnitude ('SM') singular values.
    v0 : ndarray, optional
        The starting vector for iteration; see method-specific
        documentation (:ref:`'arpack' <sparse.linalg.svds-arpack>` or
        :ref:`'lobpcg' <sparse.linalg.svds-lobpcg>`) for details.
    maxiter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations; see method-specific
        documentation (:ref:`'arpack' <sparse.linalg.svds-arpack>` or
        :ref:`'lobpcg' <sparse.linalg.svds-lobpcg>`) for details.
    return_singular_vectors : bool or str, optional
        Singular values are always computed and returned; this parameter
        controls the computation and return of singular vectors.

        - ``True``: return singular vectors.
        - ``False``: do not return singular vectors.
        - ``"u"``: only return the left singular values, without computing the
          right singular vectors (if ``N > M``).
        - ``"vh"``: only return the right singular values, without computing
          the left singular vectors (if ``N <= M``).

    solver : str, optional
            The solver used.
            :ref:`'arpack' <sparse.linalg.svds-arpack>` and
            :ref:`'lobpcg' <sparse.linalg.svds-lobpcg>` are supported.
            Default: `'arpack'`.
    options : dict, optional
        A dictionary of solver-specific options. No solver-specific options
        are currently supported; this parameter is reserved for future use.

    u : ndarray, shape=(M, k)
        Unitary matrix having left singular vectors as columns.
        If `return_singular_vectors` is ``"vh"``, this variable is not
        computed, and ``None`` is returned instead.
    s : ndarray, shape=(k,)
        The singular values.
    vh : ndarray, shape=(k, N)
        Unitary matrix having right singular vectors as rows.
        If `return_singular_vectors` is ``"u"``, this variable is not computed,
        and ``None`` is returned instead.

    This is a naive implementation using ARPACK or LOBPCG as an eigensolver
    on ``A.conj().T @ A`` or ``A @ A.conj().T``, depending on which one is more

    Construct a matrix ``A`` from singular values and vectors.

    >>> from scipy.stats import ortho_group
    >>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, diags
    >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
    >>> rng = np.random.default_rng()
    >>> orthogonal = csc_matrix(ortho_group.rvs(10, random_state=rng))
    >>> s = [0.0001, 0.001, 3, 4, 5]  # singular values
    >>> u = orthogonal[:, :5]         # left singular vectors
    >>> vT = orthogonal[:, 5:].T      # right singular vectors
    >>> A = u @ diags(s) @ vT

    With only three singular values/vectors, the SVD approximates the original

    >>> u2, s2, vT2 = svds(A, k=3)
    >>> A2 = u2 @ np.diag(s2) @ vT2
    >>> np.allclose(A2, A.todense(), atol=1e-3)

    With all five singular values/vectors, we can reproduce the original

    >>> u3, s3, vT3 = svds(A, k=5)
    >>> A3 = u3 @ np.diag(s3) @ vT3
    >>> np.allclose(A3, A.todense())

    The singular values match the expected singular values, and the singular
    values are as expected up to a difference in sign. Consequently, the
    returned arrays of singular vectors must also be orthogonal.

    >>> (np.allclose(s3, s) and
    ...  np.allclose(np.abs(u3), np.abs(u.todense())) and
    ...  np.allclose(np.abs(vT3), np.abs(vT.todense())))

    if which == 'LM':
        largest = True
    elif which == 'SM':
        largest = False
        raise ValueError("which must be either 'LM' or 'SM'.")

    if (not (isinstance(A, LinearOperator) or isspmatrix(A)
             or is_pydata_spmatrix(A))):
        A = np.asarray(A)

    n, m = A.shape

    if k <= 0 or k >= min(n, m):
        raise ValueError("k must be between 1 and min(A.shape), k=%d" % k)

    if isinstance(A, LinearOperator):
        if n > m:
            X_dot = A.matvec
            X_matmat = A.matmat
            XH_dot = A.rmatvec
            XH_mat = A.rmatmat
            X_dot = A.rmatvec
            X_matmat = A.rmatmat
            XH_dot = A.matvec
            XH_mat = A.matmat

            dtype = getattr(A, 'dtype', None)
            if dtype is None:
                dtype = A.dot(np.zeros([m, 1])).dtype

        if n > m:
            X_dot = X_matmat = A.dot
            XH_dot = XH_mat = _herm(A).dot
            XH_dot = XH_mat = A.dot
            X_dot = X_matmat = _herm(A).dot

    def matvec_XH_X(x):
        return XH_dot(X_dot(x))

    def matmat_XH_X(x):
        return XH_mat(X_matmat(x))

    XH_X = LinearOperator(matvec=matvec_XH_X, dtype=A.dtype,
                          shape=(min(A.shape), min(A.shape)))

    # Get a low rank approximation of the implicitly defined gramian matrix.
    # This is not a stable way to approach the problem.
    if solver == 'lobpcg':

        if k == 1 and v0 is not None:
            X = np.reshape(v0, (-1, 1))
            X = np.random.RandomState(52).randn(min(A.shape), k)

        eigvals, eigvec = lobpcg(XH_X, X, tol=tol ** 2, maxiter=maxiter,

    elif solver == 'arpack' or solver is None:
        eigvals, eigvec = eigsh(XH_X, k=k, tol=tol ** 2, maxiter=maxiter,
                                ncv=ncv, which=which, v0=v0)

        raise ValueError("solver must be either 'arpack', or 'lobpcg'.")

    # Gramian matrices have real non-negative eigenvalues.
    eigvals = np.maximum(eigvals.real, 0)

    # Use the sophisticated detection of small eigenvalues from pinvh.
    t = eigvec.dtype.char.lower()
    factor = {'f': 1E3, 'd': 1E6}
    cond = factor[t] * np.finfo(t).eps
    cutoff = cond * np.max(eigvals)

    # Get a mask indicating which eigenpairs are not degenerately tiny,
    # and create the re-ordered array of thresholded singular values.
    above_cutoff = (eigvals > cutoff)
    nlarge = above_cutoff.sum()
    nsmall = k - nlarge
    slarge = np.sqrt(eigvals[above_cutoff])
    s = np.zeros_like(eigvals)
    s[:nlarge] = slarge
    if not return_singular_vectors:
        return np.sort(s)

    if n > m:
        vlarge = eigvec[:, above_cutoff]
        ularge = (X_matmat(vlarge) / slarge
                  if return_singular_vectors != 'vh' else None)
        vhlarge = _herm(vlarge)
        ularge = eigvec[:, above_cutoff]
        vhlarge = (_herm(X_matmat(ularge) / slarge)
                   if return_singular_vectors != 'u' else None)

    u = (_augmented_orthonormal_cols(ularge, nsmall)
         if ularge is not None else None)
    vh = (_augmented_orthonormal_rows(vhlarge, nsmall)
          if vhlarge is not None else None)

    indexes_sorted = np.argsort(s)
    s = s[indexes_sorted]
    if u is not None:
        u = u[:, indexes_sorted]
    if vh is not None:
        vh = vh[indexes_sorted]

    return u, s, vh