Ejemplo n.º 1
def align_magnetism(m, vectors):
    """ Rotates a matrix, to align its components with the direction
  of the magnetism """
    if not len(m) == 2 * len(vectors):  # stop if they don't have
        # compatible dimensions
    # pauli matrices
    from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, bmat

    sx = csc_matrix([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
    sy = csc_matrix([[0.0, -1j], [1j, 0.0]])
    sz = csc_matrix([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0]])
    n = len(m) / 2  # number of sites
    R = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]  # rotation matrix
    from scipy.linalg import expm  # exponenciate matrix

    for (i, v) in zip(range(n), vectors):  # loop over sites
        vv = np.sqrt(v.dot(v))  # norm of v
        if vv > 0.000001:  # if nonzero scale
            u = v / vv
        else:  # if zero put to zero
            u = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        #    rot = u[0]*sx + u[1]*sy + u[2]*sz
        uxy = np.sqrt(u[0] ** 2 + u[1] ** 2)  # component in xy plane
        phi = np.arctan2(u[1], u[0])
        theta = np.arctan2(uxy, u[2])
        r1 = phi * sz / 2.0  # rotate along z
        r2 = theta * sy / 2.0  # rotate along y
        # a factor 2 is taken out due to 1/2 of S
        rot = expm(1j * r2) * expm(1j * r1)
        R[i][i] = rot  # save term
    R = bmat(R)  # convert to full sparse matrix
    mout = R * csc_matrix(m) * R.H  # rotate matrix
    return mout.todense()  # return dense matrix
Ejemplo n.º 2
def PETScAssemble(FS, A, b, opt = 'Matrix'):

    if str(FS.__class__).find('dict') != -1:
        if opt == 'Matrix':
            if A.has_key('C') == True:
                Aout = PETScMatOps.Scipy2PETSc(bmat([[A['A'],A['B'].T],

                Aout = PETScMatOps.Scipy2PETSc(bmat([[A['A'],A['B'].T],
            for key, value in A.iteritems():
                A[key] = PETScMatOps.Scipy2PETSc(value)
            Aout = PETSc.Mat().createPython([FS.keys()[0] + FS.keys()[1], FS.keys()[0] + FS.keys()[1]])
            p = MHDmulti.MHDmat(W,A)
        b = PETScMatOps.arrayToVec(b)

        Aout, b = PETScMatOps.Assemble(A,b)

    print b.array
    return Aout, b
Ejemplo n.º 3
def add_pairing(deltas=[[0.,0],[0.,0.]],is_sparse=True,r1=[],r2=[]):
  """ Adds a general pairing in real space"""
  def get_pmatrix(r1i,r2j): # return the different pairings
    if callable(deltas): dv = deltas(r1i,r2j) # get the components
    else: dv = deltas
    duu = dv[0,1] # delta up up
    ddd = dv[1,0] # delta dn dn
    dud = dv[0,0] # delta up dn
    ddu = dv[1,1] # delta up dn
    # be aware of the minus signs coming from the definition of the
    # Nambu spinor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    # c_up d_dn d^\dagger_dn -d^\dagger_up
    D = csc_matrix([[dud,duu],[ddd,ddu]]) # SC matrix
#    D = bmat([[None,D],[-D.H,None]]) # the minus sign comes from triplet
    return D
  # superconducting coupling
  n = len(r1)  # number of sites
  pout = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] # initialize None matrix
  # zeros in the diagonal
#  for i in range(n): bout[i][i] = csc_matrix(np.zeros((4,4),dtype=np.complex))
  for i in range(n): # loop over sites
    for j in range(n): # loop over sites
      pout[i][j] = get_pmatrix(r1[i],r2[j]) # get this pairing
  diag = csc_matrix(np.zeros((2*len(r1),2*len(r1)),dtype=np.complex)) # diag
  pout = bmat(pout) # convert to block matrix
#  mout = [[diag,pout],[np.conjugate(pout),diag]] # output matrix
  mout = [[diag,pout],[None,diag]] # output matrix
#  mout = [[diag,pout],[pout,diag]] # output matrix
  mout = bmat(mout) # return full matrix
  mout = reorder(mout) # reorder the entries
  return mout
Ejemplo n.º 4
def solve_qp_constrained(P,q,nlabel,x0,**kwargs):
    import solver_qp_constrained as solver
    ## constrained solver
    nvar = q.size
    npixel = nvar/nlabel
    F = sparse.bmat([
        [sparse.bmat([[-sparse.eye(npixel,npixel) for i in range(nlabel-1)]])],
    ## quadratic objective
    objective = solver.ObjectiveAPI(P, q, G=1, h=0, F=F,**kwargs)
    ## log barrier solver
    t0 = kwargs.pop('logbarrier_initial_t',1.0)
    mu = kwargs.pop('logbarrier_mu',20.0)
    epsilon = kwargs.pop('logbarrier_epsilon',1e-3)
    solver = solver.ConstrainedSolver(
    ## remove zero entries in initial guess
    xinit = x0.reshape((-1,nlabel),order='F')
    xinit[xinit<1e-10] = 1e-3
    xinit = (xinit/np.c_[np.sum(xinit, axis=1)]).reshape((-1,1),order='F')
    x = solver.solve(xinit, **kwargs)
    return x
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def compute_search_direction(self,useH):
        fdata = self.fdata
        problem = self.problem
        barrier = self.barrier
        sigma = self.sigma
        theta = self.theta

        problem.combine_H(-sigma*self.nu+problem.f,not useH)
        self.code[0] = 'h' if useH else 'g'

        Hfsigma = problem.H_combined/sigma
        Hphi = fdata.Hphi
        HphiB = fdata.HphiB
        G = coo_matrix((np.concatenate((Hphi.data,theta*HphiB.data,Hfsigma.data)),

        if problem.A.size:
            W = bmat([[G,None,None],
            W = bmat([[G,None],
        b = np.hstack((-fdata.GradF/sigma,

        if not self.linsolver1.is_analyzed():

        return self.linsolver1.factorize_and_solve(W,b)[:self.x.size]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def honeycomb2squareMoS2(h,check=True):
  """Transforms a honeycomb lattice into a square lattice"""
  ho = deepcopy(h) # output geometry
  g = h.geometry # geometry
  go = deepcopy(g) # output geometry
  go.a1 = g.a1 + g.a2 
  go.a2 = g.a1 - g.a2
  # now put the first vector along the x axis
  go.r = np.concatenate([g.r,g.r + g.a1])
  go = sculpt.rotate_a2b(go,go.a1,np.array([1.,0.,0.]))
  # perform a check to see if the supercell is well built  
  a1a2 = go.a1.dot(go.a2)
#  if a1a2>0.001: 
  if np.abs(go.a1)[1]>0.001 or np.abs(go.a2[0])>0.001: 
    ang = go.a1.dot(go.a2)
    print("The projection of lattice vectors is",ang)
    if check: raise
  go.r2xyz() # update r atribbute
  zero = csc(h.tx*0.)
  # define sparse
  intra = csc(h.intra)
  tx = csc(h.tx)
  ty = csc(h.ty)
  txy = csc(h.txy)
  txmy = csc(h.txmy)
  # define new hoppings
  ho.intra = bmat([[intra,tx],[tx.H,intra]]).todense()
  ho.tx = bmat([[txy,zero],[ty,txy]]).todense()
  ho.ty = bmat([[txmy,zero],[ty.H,txmy]]).todense()
  ho.txy = bmat([[zero,zero],[tx,zero]]).todense()
  ho.txmy = bmat([[zero,zero],[zero,zero]]).todense()
  ho.geometry = go
  return ho
Ejemplo n.º 7
def rashba(r1,r2=None,c=0.,d=[0.,0.,1.],is_sparse=False):
  Add Rashba coupling, returns a spin polarized matrix
  This will assume only Rashba between first neighbors
  zero = coo_matrix([[0.,0.],[0.,0.]])
  if r2 is None:
    r2 = r1
  nat = len(r1) # number of atoms
  m = [[None for i in range(nat)] for j in range(nat)] # create matrix
  for i in range(nat): m[i][i] = zero.copy() # initilize
  neighs = neighbor.connections(r1,r2) # neighbor connections
  for i in range(nat): # loop over first atoms
#    for j in range(nat):  # loop over second atoms
    for j in neighs[i]:  # loop over second atoms
      rij = r2[j] - r1[i]   # x component
      dx,dy,dz = rij[0],rij[1],rij[2]  # different components
      rxs = [dy*sz-dz*sy,dz*sx-dx*sz,dx*sy-dy*sx]  # cross product
      ms = 1j*(d[0]*rxs[0] + d[1]*rxs[1] + d[2]*rxs[2]) # E dot r times s
      s = 0.0*ms
      if 0.9<(rij.dot(rij))<1.1: # if nearest neighbor
        if callable(c): s = ms*c((r1[i]+r2[j])/2.) # function
        else:s = ms*c # multiply
      m[i][j] = s # rashba term
  if not is_sparse: m = bmat(m).todense()  # to normal matrix
  else: m = bmat(m) # sparse matrix
  return m
Ejemplo n.º 8
def block2full(ht,sparse=False):
  """Convert a heterostructure with block diagonal Hamiltonian
  into the full form"""
  if not ht.block_diagonal: return ht # stop
  ho = ht.copy()
  ho.block_diagonal = False # set in false from now on
  nb = len(ht.central_intra) # number of blocks
  lc = [csc_matrix(ht.central_intra[i][i].shape) for i in range(nb)]
  rc = [csc_matrix(ht.central_intra[i][i].shape) for i in range(nb)]
  lc[0] = csc_matrix(ht.left_coupling)
  rc[nb-1] = csc_matrix(ht.right_coupling)
  # convert the central to sparse form
  central = [[None for i in range(nb)] for j in range(nb)]
  for i in range(nb):
    for j in range(nb):
      if ht.central_intra[i][j] is None: continue
        central[i][j] = csc_matrix(ht.central_intra[i][j])
  from scipy.sparse import vstack
  if sparse:
    ho.left_coupling = vstack(lc)
    ho.right_coupling = vstack(rc)
    ho.central_intra = bmat(ht.central_intra) # as sparse matrix
    ho.left_coupling = vstack(lc).todense()
    ho.right_coupling = vstack(rc).todense()
    ho.central_intra = bmat(central).todense() # as dense matrix
  return ho
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def compute_search_direction(self,useH):

        problem = self.problem
        fdata = self.fdata

        miu = np.maximum(self.miu,1e-8)
        if useH:
            problem.combine_H(-miu*self.nu+problem.f,False) # exact Hessian
            self.code[0] = 'h'
            problem.combine_H(-miu*self.nu+problem.f,True) # ensure pos semidef
            self.code[0] = 'g'

        Hfmiu = problem.H_combined/miu
        Hphi = problem.Hphi
        G = coo_matrix((np.concatenate((Hphi.data,Hfmiu.data)),

        if problem.A.size:
            W = bmat([[G,None,None],
            W = bmat([[G,None],
        b = np.hstack((-fdata.GradF/self.miu,

        if not self.linsolver1.is_analyzed():

        return self.linsolver1.factorize_and_solve(W,b)[:self.x.size]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def interface_multienergy(h1,h2,k=[0.0,0.,0.],energies=[0.0],delta=0.01,
  """Get the Green function of an interface"""
  from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix as csc
  from scipy.sparse import bmat
  fun1 = green_kchain_evaluator(h1,k=k,delta=delta,hs=None,
                   only_bulk=False,reverse=True) # surface green function 
  fun2 = green_kchain_evaluator(h2,k=k,delta=delta,hs=None,
                   only_bulk=False,reverse=False) # surface green function 
  out = [] # output
  for energy in energies: # loop
    gs1,sf1 = fun1(energy)
    gs2,sf2 = fun2(energy)
    ## 1  C  2 ##
    # Now apply the Dyson equation
    (ons1,hop1) = get1dhamiltonian(h1,k,reverse=True) # get 1D Hamiltonian
    (ons2,hop2) = get1dhamiltonian(h2,k,reverse=False) # get 1D Hamiltonian
    havg = (hop1.H + hop2)/2. # average hopping
    if dh1 is not None: ons1 = ons1 + dh1
    if dh2 is not None: ons2 = ons2 + dh2
    ons = bmat([[csc(ons1),csc(havg)],[csc(havg.H),csc(ons2)]]) # onsite
    self2 = bmat([[csc(ons1)*0.0,None],[None,csc(hop2@[email protected])]])
    self1 = bmat([[csc(hop1@[email protected]),None],[None,csc(ons2)*0.0]])
    # Dyson equation
    ez = (energy+1j*delta)*np.identity(ons1.shape[0]+ons2.shape[0]) # energy
    ginter = (ez - ons - self1 - self2).I # Green function
    # now return everything, first, second and hybrid
  return out # return output
Ejemplo n.º 11
def supercell(h,nsuper,sparse=False):
  """ Get a supercell of the system,
      h is the hamiltonian
      nsuper is the number of replicas """
  from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix as csc
  from scipy.sparse import bmat
  from copy import deepcopy
  hout = deepcopy(h) # output hamiltonian
  intra = csc(h.intra)  # intracell matrix
  inter = csc(h.inter)  # intercell matrix
  # crease supercells block matrices
  intra_super = [[None for i in range(nsuper)] for j in range(nsuper)] 
  inter_super = [[None for i in range(nsuper)] for j in range(nsuper)] 
  for i in range(nsuper):  # onsite part
    intra_super[i][i] = intra
    inter_super[i][i] = 0.0*intra
  for i in range(nsuper-1):  # inter minicell part
    intra_super[i][i+1] = inter
    intra_super[i+1][i] = inter.H
  inter_super[nsuper-1][0] = inter # inter supercell part
  inter_super[0][nsuper-1] = inter.H # inter supercell part
  # create dense matrices
  if not sparse:
    intra_super = bmat(intra_super).todense()
    inter_super = bmat(inter_super).todense()
  # add to the output hamiltonian
  hout.intra = intra_super
  hout.inter = inter_super
  import geometry
  hout.geometry = h.geometry.supercell(nsuper)
  return hout
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __mul__(u, v):
     """Hadamard product u*v."""
     if isinstance(v, ADI):
         if len(u.val) == len(v.val):
             # Note: scipy.sparse.diags has changed parameters between
             # versions 0.16x and 0.17x. This code is only tested on 0.16x.
             # TODO test code in SciPy 0.17x
             uJv = [sps.diags([u.val.flat],[0])*jv for jv in v.jac] # MATRIX multiplication
             vJu = [sps.diags([v.val.flat],[0])*ju for ju in u.jac] # MATRIX multiplication
             jac = [a+b for (a,b) in zip(uJv, vJu)]
             return ADI(u.val*v.val, jac)
         if len(v.val) == 1:
             # Fix dimensions and recurse
             vval = np.tile(v.val, (u.val.shape[0],1) )
             vjac = [sps.bmat([[j]]*len(u.val)) for j in v.jac]
             return u.__mul__(ADI(vval, vjac))
         if len(u.val) == 1:
             # Fix dimensions and recurse
             uval = np.tile(u.val, (v.val.shape[0],1) )
             ujac = [sps.bmat([[j]]*len(v.val)) for j in u.jac]
             return ADI(uval, ujac).__mul__(v)
         raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch")
         v = np.atleast_2d(v)
         if len(u.val) == 1:
             val = u.val * v
             jac = [sps.diags(v.flat,0)*sps.bmat([[j]]*len(v)) for j in u.jac]
             return ADI(val, jac)
         if len(v) == 1:
             return ADI(u.val*v, [v.flat[0]*ju for ju in u.jac])
         if len(u.val) == len(v):
             vJu = [sps.diags(v.flat, 0)*ju for ju in u.jac] # MATRIX multiplication
             return ADI(u.val*v, vJu)
         raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch")
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def get_problem_for_Q(self,p,r):
        Constructs second-stage quadratic problem
        in the form

        minimize(x)   (1/2)x^THx + g^Tx
        subject to    Ax = b
                      l <= x <= u,

        where x = (q,w,s,z).

        p : generator powers
        r : renewable powers

        problem : QuadProblem

        # Constatns
        num_p = self.num_p
        num_w = self.num_w
        num_r = self.num_r
        num_bus = self.num_bus
        num_br = self.num_br
        Ow = coo_matrix((num_w,num_w))
        Os = coo_matrix((num_r,num_r))
        Oz = coo_matrix((num_br,num_br))
        Iz = eye(num_br,format='coo')
        ow = np.zeros(num_w)
        os = np.zeros(num_r)
        oz = np.zeros(num_br)
        cost_factor = self.parameters['cost_factor']

        H1 = self.H1/cost_factor
        g1 = self.g1/cost_factor
        # Form QP problem
        H = bmat([[H1,None,None,None],  # q: gen power adjustments
                  [None,Ow,None,None],  # w: bus voltage angles
                  [None,None,Os,None],  # s: curtailed renewable powers
                  [None,None,None,Oz]], # z: slack variables for thermal limits
        g = np.hstack((g1,ow,os,oz))
        A = bmat([[self.G,-self.A,self.R,None],
        b = np.hstack((self.b-self.G*p,oz))
        l = np.hstack((self.p_min-p,
        u = np.hstack((self.p_max-p,
        # Return
        return QuadProblem(H,g,A,b,l,u)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def add_zeeman(h,zeeman=[0.0,0.0,0.0]):
  """ Add Zeeman to the hamiltonian """
  from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix as coo
  from scipy.sparse import bmat
  if h.has_spin: # only if the system has spin
    sx = coo([[0.0,1.0],[1.0,0.0]])   # sigma x
    sy = coo([[0.0,-1j],[1j,0.0]])   # sigma y
    sz = coo([[1.0,0.0],[0.0,-1.0]])   # sigma z
    no = h.num_orbitals # number of orbitals (without spin)
    # create matrix to add to the hamiltonian
    bzee = [[None for i in range(no)] for j in range(no)]
    # assign diagonal terms
    if not callable(zeeman): # if it is a number
      for i in range(no):
        bzee[i][i] = zeeman[0]*sx+zeeman[1]*sy+zeeman[2]*sz
    elif callable(zeeman): # if it is a function
      x = h.geometry.x  # x position
      y = h.geometry.y  # y position
      for i in range(no):
        z = zeeman(x[i],y[i])  # get the value of the zeeman
        bzee[i][i] = z[0]*sx+z[1]*sy+z[2]*sz
    bzee = bmat(bzee) # create matrix
    if h.has_eh: # if electron hole, double the dimension
      bzee = bmat([[bzee,None],[None,-bzee]])
    bzee = bzee.todense() # create dense matrix
    h.intra = h.intra + bzee
  if not h.has_spin:  # still have to implement this...
Ejemplo n.º 15
def bulk2ribbon(h,n=10):
  """Converts a hexagonal bulk hamiltonian into a ribbon hamiltonian"""
  go = h.geometry.copy() # copy geometry
  ho = h.copy() # copy hamiltonian
  ho.dimensionality = 1 # reduce dimensionality
  ho.geometry.dimensionality = 1 # reduce dimensionality
  intra = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
  inter = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
  for i in range(n): # to the the sam index
    intra[i][i] = csc(h.intra)
    inter[i][i] = csc(h.tx)
  for i in range(n-1): # one more or less
    intra[i][i+1] = csc(h.ty)
    intra[i+1][i] = csc(h.ty.H)
    inter[i+1][i] = csc(h.txmy)
    inter[i][i+1] = csc(h.txy)
  ho.intra = bmat(intra).todense()
  ho.inter = bmat(inter).todense()
  # calculate the angle 
  import sculpt
  go = sculpt.rotate_a2b(go,go.a1,np.array([1.,0.,0.]))
  ho.geometry.celldis = go.a1[0] # first eigenvector
  r = []
  for i in range(n):
    for ri in go.r:
  ho.geometry.r = np.array(r)
  ho.geometry.r2xyz() # get r positions
  return ho
Ejemplo n.º 16
def honeycomb2square(h):
  """Transforms a honeycomb lattice into a square lattice"""
  ho = deepcopy(h) # output geometry
  g = h.geometry # geometry
  go = deepcopy(g) # output geometry
  go.a1 = - g.a1 - g.a2 
  go.a2 = g.a1 - g.a2
  go.x = np.concatenate([g.x,g.x-g.a1[0]])
  go.y = np.concatenate([g.y,g.y-g.a1[1]])
  go.z = np.concatenate([g.z,g.z])
  go.xyz2r() # update r atribbute
  zero = csc(h.tx*0.)
  # define sparse
  intra = csc(h.intra)
  tx = csc(h.tx)
  ty = csc(h.ty)
  txy = csc(h.txy)
  txmy = csc(h.txmy)
  # define new hoppings
  ho.intra = bmat([[intra,tx.H],[tx,intra]]).todense()
  ho.tx = bmat([[txy.H,zero],[ty.H,txy.H]]).todense()
  ho.ty = bmat([[txmy,ty.H],[txmy,zero]]).todense()
  ho.txy = bmat([[zero,None],[None,zero]]).todense()
  ho.txmy = bmat([[zero,zero],[tx.H,zero]]).todense()
  ho.geometry = go
  return ho
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, U, Y, statedim, reg=None):
        if size(shape(U)) == 1:
            U = reshape(U, (-1,1))
        if size(shape(Y)) == 1:
            Y = reshape(Y, (-1,1))
        if reg is None:
            reg = 0

        yDim = size(Y,1)
        uDim = size(U,1)

        self.output_size = size(Y,1) # placeholder

        # number of samples of past/future we'll mash together into a 'state'
        width = 1
        # total number of past/future pairings we get as a result
        K = size(U,0) - 2 * width + 1

        # build hankel matrices containing pasts and futures
        U_p = array([ravel(U[t : t + width]) for t in range(K)]).T
        U_f = array([ravel(U[t + width : t + 2 * width]) for t in range(K)]).T
        Y_p = array([ravel(Y[t : t + width]) for t in range(K)]).T
        Y_f = array([ravel(Y[t + width : t + 2 * width]) for t in range(K)]).T

        # solve the eigenvalue problem
        YfUfT = dot(Y_f, U_f.T)
        YfUpT = dot(Y_f, U_p.T)
        YfYpT = dot(Y_f, Y_p.T)
        UfUpT = dot(U_f, U_p.T)
        UfYpT = dot(U_f, Y_p.T)
        UpYpT = dot(U_p, Y_p.T)
        F = bmat([[None, YfUfT, YfUpT, YfYpT],
                  [YfUfT.T, None, UfUpT, UfYpT],
                  [YfUpT.T, UfUpT.T, None, UpYpT],
                  [YfYpT.T, UfYpT.T, UpYpT.T, None]])
        Ginv = bmat([[pinv(dot(Y_f,Y_f.T)), None, None, None],
                     [None, pinv(dot(U_f,U_f.T)), None, None],
                     [None, None, pinv(dot(U_p,U_p.T)), None],
                     [None, None, None, pinv(dot(Y_p,Y_p.T))]])
        F = F - eye(size(F, 0)) * reg

        # Take smallest eigenvalues
        _, W = eigs(Ginv.dot(F), k=statedim, which='SR')

        # State sequence is a weighted combination of the past
        W_U_p = W[ width * (yDim + uDim) : width * (yDim + uDim + uDim), :]
        W_Y_p = W[ width * (yDim + uDim + uDim):, :]
        X_hist = dot(W_U_p.T, U_p) + dot(W_Y_p.T, Y_p)

        # Regress; trim inputs to match the states we retrieved
        R = concatenate((X_hist[:, :-1], U[width:-width].T), 0)
        L = concatenate((X_hist[:, 1: ], Y[width:-width].T), 0)
        RRi = pinv(dot(R, R.T))
        RL  = dot(R, L.T)
        Sys = dot(RRi, RL).T
        self.A = Sys[:statedim, :statedim]
        self.B = Sys[:statedim, statedim:]
        self.C = Sys[statedim:, :statedim]
        self.D = Sys[statedim:, statedim:]
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def eval_jac_g(x,flag):
     if flag:
         J = bmat([[problem.A],[problem.J]],format='coo')
         return J.row,J.col
         J = bmat([[problem.A],[problem.J]],format='coo')
         return J.data
Ejemplo n.º 19
def augment_plcp(plcp,scale,**kwargs):
    P = plcp.Phi
    U = plcp.U
    q = plcp.q
    (N,K) = P.shape
    assert((K,N) == U.shape)

    x = kwargs.get('x0',np.ones(N))
    y = kwargs.get('y0',np.ones(N))

    d = x - y
    proj_d = P.dot(P.T.dot(d))
    err = np.linalg.norm(d - proj_d)
    print 'Projection residual in x-y',err
    #assert(err < 1e-12)
    assert(np.all(x > 0))
    assert(np.all(y > 0))

    x0 = 1
    y0 = scale

    # b = y - Mx - q
    #   = y - (PUx + x - PPtx) - q
    #   = y -  PUx - x + PPtx - PPtq
    #   = PPt(y-x) + P(-Ux + Pt(x-q))
    # Assuming q and y-u in the span of P
    d = P.T.dot(y - x)
    b = d + -U.dot(x) + P.T.dot(x - q)
    assert((K,) == b.shape)
    # [P 0]
    # [0 1]
    new_P = sps.bmat([[P,None],
    # [U b]
    # [0 s]
    new_U = sps.bmat([[U,b[:,np.newaxis]],
    new_q = np.hstack([q,0])

    # Pw = u - u + q = q; w = Ptq
    # Pw0 = x0 - y0 = 1 - scale
    w = np.hstack([P.T.dot(q), 1.0 - scale])
    x = np.hstack([x,x0])
    y = np.hstack([y,y0])
    # w doesn't have to be +ve

    assert (N+1,K+1) == new_P.shape
    assert (K+1,N+1) == new_U.shape
    assert (N+1,) == new_q.shape
    assert (N+1,) == x.shape
    assert (N+1,) == y.shape
    assert (K+1,) == w.shape
    return ProjectiveLCPObj(new_P,new_U,new_q),x,y,w
Ejemplo n.º 20
def get_smatrix(ht,energy=0.0,delta=0.000001,as_matrix=False,check=True):
  """Calculate the S-matrix of an heterostructure"""
  # now do the Fisher Lee trick
  smatrix = [[None,None],[None,None]] # smatrix in list form
  from .green import gauss_inverse # calculate the desired green functions
  # get the selfenergies, using the same coupling as the lead
  selfl = ht.get_selfenergy(energy,delta=delta,lead=0,pristine=True)
  selfr = ht.get_selfenergy(energy,delta=delta,lead=1,pristine=True)
  if ht.block_diagonal:
    ht2 = enlarge_hlist(ht) # get the enlaged hlist with the leads
# selfenergy of the leads (coupled to another cell of the lead)
    gmatrix = effective_tridiagonal_hamiltonian(ht2.central_intra,selfl,selfr,
    test_gauss = False # do the tridiagonal inversion
#    print(selfr)
  else: # not block diagonal
    gmatrix = build_effective_hlist(ht,energy=energy,delta=delta,selfl=selfl,
    test_gauss = True # gauss only works with square matrices
#    print(selfr)
  # gamma functions
  gammar = 1j*(selfr-selfr.H)
  gammal = 1j*(selfl-selfl.H)
  # calculate the relevant terms of the Green function
  g11 = gauss_inverse(gmatrix,0,0,test=test_gauss)
  g12 = gauss_inverse(gmatrix,0,-1,test=test_gauss)
  g21 = gauss_inverse(gmatrix,-1,0,test=test_gauss)
  g22 = gauss_inverse(gmatrix,-1,-1,test=test_gauss)
#  print("NAN",np.sum(np.isnan(g12)))
#  print (gammal*g12*gammar*g21).trace()
  ######## now build up the s matrix with the fisher trick
  # the identity can have different dimension ignore for now....
  iden = np.matrix(np.identity(g11.shape[0],dtype=complex)) # create identity
  iden11 = np.matrix(np.identity(g11.shape[0],dtype=complex)) # create identity
  iden22 = np.matrix(np.identity(g22.shape[0],dtype=complex)) # create identity
  smatrix[0][0] = -iden + 1j*sqrtm(gammal)*g11*sqrtm(gammal) # matrix
  smatrix[0][1] = 1j*sqrtm(gammal)*g12*sqrtm(gammar) # transmission matrix
  smatrix[1][0] = 1j*sqrtm(gammar)*g21*sqrtm(gammal) # transmission matrix
  smatrix[1][1] = -iden + 1j*sqrtm(gammar)*g22*sqrtm(gammar) # matrix
  if check: # check whether the matrix is unitary
      from scipy.sparse import bmat,csc_matrix
      smatrix2 = [[csc_matrix(smatrix[i][j]) for j in range(2)] for i in range(2)]
      smatrix2 = bmat(smatrix2).todense()
  #    print("Determinant",np.abs(np.linalg.det(smatrix2)))
      error = np.max(np.abs(smatrix2.I -smatrix2.H)) #  check unitarity
      if error> 100*delta: 
        print("S-matrix is not unitary",error)
#        raise
  if as_matrix: 
    from scipy.sparse import bmat,csc_matrix
    smatrix2 = [[csc_matrix(smatrix[i][j]) for j in range(2)] for i in range(2)]
    smatrix = bmat(smatrix2).todense()
  return smatrix
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_multiply(self):

        # check scalar multiplication
        block = self.block_m
        m = self.basic_m * 5.0
        scipy_mat = bmat([[block, block], [None, block]], format='coo')
        mulscipy_mat = scipy_mat * 5.0
        dinopy_mat = m.tocoo()
        drow = np.sort(dinopy_mat.row)
        dcol = np.sort(dinopy_mat.col)
        ddata = np.sort(dinopy_mat.data)
        srow = np.sort(mulscipy_mat.row)
        scol = np.sort(mulscipy_mat.col)
        sdata = np.sort(mulscipy_mat.data)
        self.assertListEqual(drow.tolist(), srow.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(dcol.tolist(), scol.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(ddata.tolist(), sdata.tolist())

        m = 5.0 * self.basic_m
        dinopy_mat = m.tocoo()
        drow = np.sort(dinopy_mat.row)
        dcol = np.sort(dinopy_mat.col)
        ddata = np.sort(dinopy_mat.data)
        self.assertListEqual(drow.tolist(), srow.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(dcol.tolist(), scol.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(ddata.tolist(), sdata.tolist())

        # check dot product with block vector
        block = self.block_m
        m = self.basic_m
        scipy_mat = bmat([[block, block], [None, block]], format='coo')
        x = BlockVector(2)
        x[0] = np.ones(block.shape[1], dtype=np.float64)
        x[1] = np.ones(block.shape[1], dtype=np.float64)

        res_scipy = scipy_mat.dot(x.flatten())
        res_dinopy = m * x
        res_dinopy_flat = m * x.flatten()

        self.assertListEqual(res_dinopy.tolist(), res_scipy.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(res_dinopy_flat.tolist(), res_scipy.tolist())

        dense_mat = dinopy_mat.todense()
        self.basic_m *= 5.0
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(dense_mat, self.basic_m.todense()))

        flat_mat = self.basic_m.tocoo()
        result = flat_mat * flat_mat
        dense_result = result.toarray()
        mat = self.basic_m * self.basic_m.tocoo()
        dense_mat = mat.toarray()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(dense_mat, dense_result))
    def _rebuild_operators(self):


        dof = self.mesh.dof(include_bc=True)

        oc = self.operator_components

        built = oc.get('_numpy_components_built', False)

        # build the static components
        if not built:
            # build laplacian
            oc.L = build_derivative_matrix(self.mesh,

            # build sigmaz
            sz = build_sigma(self.mesh, self.mesh.z)
            oc.sigmaz = make_diag_mtx(sz)

            # build Dz
            oc.Dz = build_derivative_matrix(self.mesh,

            # build other useful things
            oc.I = spsp.eye(dof, dof)
            oc.empty = spsp.csr_matrix((dof, dof))

            # Stiffness matrix K doesn't change
            oc.K = spsp.bmat([[-oc.L,    -oc.Dz],
                              [oc.sigmaz*oc.Dz, oc.sigmaz]])

            oc._numpy_components_built = True

        C = self.model_parameters.C
        oc.m = make_diag_mtx((C**-2).reshape(-1,))

        C = spsp.bmat([[oc.sigmaz*oc.m, None],
                       [None, oc.I]]) / self.dt

        M = spsp.bmat([[oc.m,     None],
                       [None, oc.empty]]) / self.dt**2

        Stilde_inv = M+C
        Stilde_inv.data = 1./Stilde_inv.data

        self.A_k = Stilde_inv*(2*M - oc.K + C)
        self.A_km1 = -1*Stilde_inv*(M)
        self.A_f = Stilde_inv
Ejemplo n.º 23
def mat_h2_plus_old(bond_length, bspline_set, l_list):
    """ gives hamiltonian matrix and overlap matrix of hydrogem molecule ion

    bond_length : Double
         bond length of hydrogen molecular ion
    bspline_set : BSplineSet
    l_list: list of non negative integer
         list of angular quauntum number to use

    h_mat : numpy.ndarray
        hamiltonian matrix
    s_mat : numpy.ndarray
        overlap pmatrix

    # compute r1 matrix  (B_i|O|B_j)
    # (-1/2 d^2/dr^2, 1, 1/r^2, {s^L/g^{L+1} | L<-l_list})
    rs = bspline_set.xs
    d2_rmat = bspline_set.d2_mat()
    r2_rmat = bspline_set.v_mat(1.0/(rs*rs))
    s_rmat = bspline_set.s_mat()
    tmp_L_list = uniq(flatten([ls_non_zero_YYY(L1, L2)
                               for L1 in l_list for L2 in l_list]))
    en_r1mat_L = {}
    for L in tmp_L_list:
        en_r1mat_L[L] = bspline_set.en_mat(L, bond_length/2.0)

    # compute r1Y matrix (B_iY_L1M1|O|B_jY_L2M2)
    def one_block(L1, L2):
        v = -2.0*sum([sqrt(4.0*pi/(2*L+1)) *
                      y1mat_Yqk((L1, 0), (L, 0), (L2, 0)) *
                      for L in ls_non_zero_YYY(L1, L2)])
        if L1 == L2:
            L = L1
            t = -0.5 * d2_rmat + L*(L+1)*0.5*r2_rmat
            return t+v
            return v

    H_mat = bmat([[one_block(L1, L2)
                   for L1 in l_list]
                  for L2 in l_list])
    S_mat = bmat([[s_rmat if L1 == L2 else None
                   for L1 in l_list]
                  for L2 in l_list])
    return (H_mat, S_mat)
    def _rebuild_operators(self):

        dof = self.mesh.dof(include_bc=True)

        oc = self.operator_components

        built = oc.get('_numpy_components_built', False)

        oc.I = spsp.eye(dof, dof)

        # build the static components
        if not built:
            # build laplacian
            oc.L = build_derivative_matrix(self.mesh,

            # build sigmaz
            sz = build_sigma(self.mesh, self.mesh.z)
            oc.sigmaz = make_diag_mtx(sz)

            # build Dz
            oc.Dz = build_derivative_matrix(self.mesh,

            # build other useful things
            oc.empty = spsp.csr_matrix((dof, dof))

            # Stiffness matrix K doesn't change
            self.K = spsp.bmat([[-oc.L,    -oc.Dz],
                                [oc.sigmaz*oc.Dz, oc.sigmaz]])

            oc._numpy_components_built = True

        C = self.model_parameters.C
        oc.m = make_diag_mtx((C**-2).reshape(-1,))

        self.C = spsp.bmat([[oc.sigmaz*oc.m, None],
                            [None,           oc.I]])

        self.M = spsp.bmat([[oc.m,     None],
                            [None, oc.empty]])

        self.dM = oc.I
        self.dC = oc.sigmaz
        self.dK = 0
Ejemplo n.º 25
def generate_prefix_dyn_cstr(G, T, init):
    """Generate equalities (47c), (47e) for prefix dynamics"""
    K = G.K()
    M = G.M()

    # variables: u[0], ..., u[T-1], x[1], ..., x[T]

    # Obtain system matrix
    B = G.system_matrix()

    # (47c)
    # T*K equalities
    A_eq1_u = sp.block_diag((B,) * T)
    A_eq1_x = sp.block_diag((sp.identity(K),) * T)
    b_eq1 = np.zeros(T * K)

    # (47e)
    # T*K equalities
    A_eq2_u = sp.block_diag((_id_stacked(K, M),) * T)
    A_eq2_x = sp.bmat([[sp.coo_matrix((K, K * (T - 1))),
                        sp.coo_matrix((K, K))],
                       [sp.block_diag((sp.identity(K),) * (T - 1)),
                        sp.coo_matrix((K * (T - 1), K))]
    b_eq2 = np.hstack([init, np.zeros((T - 1) * K)])

    # Forbid non-existent modes
    # T * len(ban_idx) equalities
    ban_idx = [G.order_fcn(v) + m * K
               for v in G.nodes_iter()
               for m in range(M)
               if G.mode(m) not in G.node_modes(v)]
    A_eq3_u_part = sp.coo_matrix(
        (np.ones(len(ban_idx)), (range(len(ban_idx)), ban_idx)),
        shape=(len(ban_idx), K * M)
    A_eq3_u = sp.block_diag((A_eq3_u_part,) * T)
    A_eq3_x = sp.coo_matrix((T * len(ban_idx), T * K))
    b_eq3 = np.zeros(T * len(ban_idx))

    # Stack everything
    A_eq_u = sp.bmat([[A_eq1_u],
    A_eq_x = sp.bmat([[-A_eq1_x],
    b_eq = np.hstack([b_eq1, b_eq2, b_eq3])

    return A_eq_u, A_eq_x, b_eq
Ejemplo n.º 26
def global_spin_rotation(m, vector=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), angle=0.0, spiral=False, atoms=None):
    """ Rotates a matrix along a certain qvector """
    # pauli matrices
    from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, bmat

    sx = csc_matrix([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
    sy = csc_matrix([[0.0, -1j], [1j, 0.0]])
    sz = csc_matrix([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0]])
    iden = csc_matrix([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
    n = len(m) / 2  # number of sites
    if atoms == None:
        atoms = range(n)  # all the atoms
    R = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]  # rotation matrix
    from scipy.linalg import expm  # exponenciate matrix

    for i in range(n):  # loop over sites
        u = np.array(vector)
        u = u / np.sqrt(u.dot(u))  # unit vector
        rot = u[0] * sx + u[1] * sy + u[2] * sz
        # a factor 2 is taken out due to 1/2 of S
        rot = expm(np.pi * 1j * rot * angle / 2.0)
        #    if i in atoms:
        R[i][i] = rot  # save term
    #    else:
    #      R[i][i] = iden  # save term
    R = bmat(R)  # convert to full sparse matrix
    if spiral:  # for spin spiral
        mout = R * csc_matrix(m)  # rotate matrix
    else:  # normal global roration
        mout = R * csc_matrix(m) * R.H  # rotate matrix
    return mout.todense()  # return dense matrix
Ejemplo n.º 27
def intra_super2d(h,n=1,central=None):
  """ Calculates the intra of a 2d system"""
  from scipy.sparse import bmat
  from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix as csc
  tx = csc(h.tx)
  ty = csc(h.ty)
  txy = csc(h.txy)
  txmy = csc(h.txmy)
  intra = csc(h.intra)
  for i in range(n):
    intrasuper[i][i] = intra # intracell
    (x1,y1) = inds[i]
    for j in range(n):
      (x2,y2) = inds[j]
      dx = x2-x1
      dy = y2-y1
      if dx==1 and  dy==0: intrasuper[i][j] = tx
      if dx==-1 and dy==0: intrasuper[i][j] = tx.H
      if dx==0 and  dy==1: intrasuper[i][j] = ty
      if dx==0 and  dy==-1: intrasuper[i][j] = ty.H
      if dx==1 and  dy==1: intrasuper[i][j] = txy
      if dx==-1 and dy==-1: intrasuper[i][j] = txy.H
      if dx==1 and  dy==-1: intrasuper[i][j] = txmy
      if dx==-1 and dy==1: intrasuper[i][j] = txmy.H
  # substitute the central cell if it is the case
  if central!=None:
    ic = (n-1)/2
    intrasuper[ic][ic] = central
  # now convert to matrix
  intrasuper = bmat(intrasuper).todense() # supercell
  return intrasuper
Ejemplo n.º 28
def _sparse_block_diag(mats, format=None, dtype=None):
    """An implementation of scipy.sparse.block_diag since old versions of
    scipy don't have it. Forms a sparse matrix by stacking matrices in block
    diagonal form.

    mats : list of matrices
        Input matrices.
    format : str, optional
        The sparse format of the result (e.g. "csr"). If not given, the
        matrix is returned in "coo" format.
    dtype : dtype specifier, optional
        The data-type of the output matrix. If not given, the dtype is
        determined from that of blocks.

    res : sparse matrix
    nmat = len(mats)
    rows = []
    for ia, a in enumerate(mats):
        row = [None] * nmat
        row[ia] = a
    return sparse.bmat(rows, format=format, dtype=dtype)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def stokes2(k, meshevents, v, points):
    vortelts1 = pe.HcurlElements(k)
    vortelts2 = pe.HcurlElements(k)
    velelts1 = pe.HdivElements(k)
    velelts2 = pe.HdivElements(k)
    pressureelts1 = pe.L2Elements(k)
    quadrule = pu.pyramidquadrature(k+1)
    Asys = pa.SymmetricSystem(vortelts1, quadrule, meshevents, [])
#    Bsys = pa.AsymmetricSystem(velelts1, vortelts2, quadrule, meshevents, [bdytag], [])
    BsysT = pa.AsymmetricSystem(vortelts2, velelts1, quadrule, meshevents, [], [bdytag])
    Csys = pa.AsymmetricSystem(pressureelts1,velelts2, quadrule, meshevents, [], [bdytag])
    A = Asys.systemMatrix(False)
    BT = BsysT.systemMatrix(True, False)
    C = Csys.systemMatrix(False, True)
    vv = lambda x: np.tile(v,(len(x), 1))[:,np.newaxis,:]
    vn = lambda x,n: np.tensordot(n,v,([1],[1]))
#    vt = lambda x,n: (v - vn(x,n)*n)[:,np.newaxis,:]
    vc = lambda x,n: np.cross(v, n)[:, np.newaxis, :]
    BTI, BTE, BTGs = BsysT.processBoundary(BT, {bdytag:vv})
    CI, CE, CGs = Csys.processBoundary(C, {bdytag:vv})
    P = Csys.loadVector(lambda x: np.ones((len(x),1,1)))
#    print "P ",P
    Gt = Asys.boundaryLoad({bdytag: vc}, pu.squarequadrature(k+1), pu.trianglequadrature(k+1), False)

#    print "Gt ",Gt
    print A.shape, BT.shape, C.shape, BTI.shape, BTE[bdytag].shape, BTGs[bdytag].shape, CI.shape

    AL = Gt[bdytag] + BTE[bdytag] * BTGs[bdytag]
 #   print "AL ",AL
    CL = -CE[bdytag] * CGs[bdytag]
    nvort = A.get_shape()[0]
    nvel = BTI.get_shape()[1]
#    S = ss.bmat([[A, -BTI, None],[-BTI.transpose(), None, CI.transpose()],[None, CI, None]])
#    L = np.vstack((AL,np.zeros((nvel,1)), CL))
    S = ss.bmat([[A, -BTI, None, None],[-BTI.transpose(), None, CI.transpose(), None],[None, CI, None, P], [None,None,P.transpose(), None]])
    L = np.vstack((AL,np.zeros((nvel,1)), CL, np.zeros((1,1))))
    print "solving"
    X = ps.solve(S, L)
    U = X[nvort:(nvort + nvel)]
#    print "X",X
#    print "U", U
#    print "BTGs", BTGs
    u = BsysT.evaluate(points, U, BTGs, False)
#    uu = Asys.evaluate(points, np.eye(nvort)[-2], {}, False)
#    uu = BsysT.evaluate(points, U, {}, False)
    uu = BsysT.evaluate(points, np.zeros_like(U), BTGs, False)
#    print np.hstack((points, u))
#    print u

    return u, uu
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def solve(self, objective, constraints, cached_data,
              warm_start, verbose, solver_opts):
        """Returns the result of the call to the solver.

        objective : CVXPY objective object
            Raw objective passed by CVXPY. Can be convex/concave.
        constraints : list
            The list of raw constraints.

            (status, optimal value, primal, equality dual, inequality dual)

        sym_data = self.get_sym_data(objective, constraints)

        id_map = sym_data.var_offsets
        N = sym_data.x_length

        extractor = QuadCoeffExtractor(id_map, N)

        # Extract the coefficients
        (Ps, Q, R) = extractor.get_coeffs(objective.args[0])

        P = Ps[0]
        q = np.asarray(Q.todense()).flatten()
        r = R[0]

        # Forming the KKT system
        if len(constraints) > 0:
            Cs = [extractor.get_coeffs(c._expr)[1:] for c in constraints]
            As = sp.vstack([C[0] for C in Cs])
            bs = np.array([C[1] for C in Cs]).flatten()
            lhs = sp.bmat([[2*P, As.transpose()], [As, None]], format='csr')
            rhs = np.concatenate([-q, -bs])
        else:  # avoiding calling vstack with empty list
            lhs = 2*P
            rhs = -q


        # Actually solving the KKT system
            sol = SLA.spsolve(lhs.tocsr(), rhs)
            x = np.array(sol[:N])
            nu = np.array(sol[N:])
            p_star = np.dot(x.transpose(), P*x + q) + r
        except SLA.MatrixRankWarning:
            x = None
            nu = None
            p_star = None


        result_dict = {s.PRIMAL: x, s.EQ_DUAL: nu, s.VALUE: p_star}

        return self.format_results(result_dict, None, cached_data)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def eigensystem(N,

    if ell == 0: return 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

    def D(mu, i, deg):
        if mu == +1: return B.op('D+', N, i, ell + deg)
        if mu == -1: return B.op('D-', N, i, ell + deg)

    def E(i, deg):
        return B.op('E', N, i, ell + deg)

    Z = B.op('0', N, 0, ell)

    xim, xip = B.xi([-1, +1], ell)

    R00 = E(1, -1).dot(E(0, -1))
    R11 = E(1, 0).dot(E(0, 0))
    R22 = E(1, +1).dot(E(0, +1))

    R = sparse.bmat([[R00, Z, Z, Z], [Z, R11, Z, Z], [Z, Z, R22, Z],
                     [Z, Z, Z, Z]])
    R = R.tocsr()

    L00 = -D(-1, 1, 0).dot(D(+1, 0, -1))
    L11 = -D(-1, 1, +1).dot(D(+1, 0, 0))
    L22 = -D(+1, 1, 0).dot(D(-1, 0, +1))

    L03 = xim * E(+1, -1).dot(D(-1, 0, 0))
    L23 = xip * E(+1, +1).dot(D(+1, 0, 0))

    L30 = xim * D(+1, 0, -1)
    L32 = xip * D(-1, 0, +1)

    L = sparse.bmat([[L00, Z, Z, L03], [Z, L11, Z, Z], [Z, Z, L22, L23],
                     [L30, Z, L32, Z]])

    N0, N1, N2, N3 = BC_rows(N)

    if boundary_conditions == 'no-slip':

        row0 = np.concatenate((B.op('r=1', N, 0, ell - 1), np.zeros(N3 - N0)))
        row1 = np.concatenate((np.zeros(N0 + 1), B.op('r=1', N, 0,
                                                      ell), np.zeros(N3 - N1)))
        row2 = np.concatenate(
            (np.zeros(N1 + 1), B.op('r=1', N, 0, ell + 1), np.zeros(N3 - N2)))

    if boundary_conditions == 'stress-free':

        Q = B.Q[(ell, 2)]
        rDmm = B.xi(-1, ell - 1) * B.op('r=1', N, 1, ell - 2) * D(-1, 0, -1)
        rDpm = B.xi(+1, ell - 1) * B.op('r=1', N, 1, ell) * D(+1, 0, -1)
        rDm0 = B.xi(-1, ell) * B.op('r=1', N, 1, ell - 1) * D(-1, 0, 0)
        rDp0 = B.xi(+1, ell) * B.op('r=1', N, 1, ell + 1) * D(+1, 0, 0)
        rDmp = B.xi(-1, ell + 1) * B.op('r=1', N, 1, ell) * D(-1, 0, +1)
        rDpp = B.xi(+1, ell + 1) * B.op('r=1', N, 1, ell + 2) * D(+1, 0, +1)

        rD = np.array([
            rDmm, rDm0, rDmp, 0. * rDmm, 0. * rDm0, 0. * rDmp, rDpm, rDp0, rDpp
        QSm = Q[:, ::3].dot(rD[::3])
        QS0 = Q[:, 1::3].dot(rD[1::3])
        QSp = Q[:, 2::3].dot(rD[2::3])
        u0m = B.op('r=1', N, 0, ell - 1) * B.Q[(ell, 1)][1, 0]
        u0p = B.op('r=1', N, 0, ell + 1) * B.Q[(ell, 1)][1, 2]

        row0 = np.concatenate(
            (QSm[1] + QSm[3], QS0[1] + QS0[3], QSp[1] + QSp[3],
             np.zeros(N3 - N2)))
        row1 = np.concatenate((u0m, np.zeros(N0 + 1), u0p, np.zeros(N3 - N2)))
        row2 = np.concatenate(
            (QSm[5] + QSm[7], QS0[5] + QS0[7], QSp[5] + QSp[7],
             np.zeros(N3 - N2)))

    if boundary_conditions == 'potential-field':

        row0 = np.concatenate((B.op('r=1', N, 0, ell - 1), np.zeros(N3 - N0)))
        #L[N0]=np.concatenate((               B.op('r=1',N,1,ell  )*D(+1,0,-1),np.zeros(N3-N0)))
        row1 = np.concatenate(
            (np.zeros(N0 + 1), B.op('r=1', N, 1, ell - 1) * D(-1, 0, 0),
             np.zeros(N3 - N1)))
        row2 = np.concatenate(
            (np.zeros(N1 + 1), B.op('r=1', N, 1, ell) * D(-1, 0, +1),
             np.zeros(N3 - N2)))

    if boundary_conditions == 'pseudo-vacuum':

        row0 = np.concatenate((B.op('r=1', N, 0, ell - 1), np.zeros(N3 - N0)))
        #L[N0]=np.concatenate((               B.op('r=1',N,1,ell  )*D(+1,0,-1),np.zeros(N3-N0)))
        row1 = np.concatenate(
            (np.zeros(N0 + 1), B.op('r=1', N, 1, ell - 1) * D(-1, 0, 0) -
             ell * B.op('r=1', N, 0, ell), np.zeros(N3 - N1)))
        row2 = np.concatenate(
            (np.zeros(N1 + 1), B.op('r=1', N, 1, ell) * D(-1, 0, +1),
             np.zeros(N3 - N2)))

    if boundary_conditions == 'perfectly-conducting':

        row0 = np.concatenate((np.zeros(N2 + 1), B.op('r=1', N, 0, ell)))
        row1 = np.concatenate((np.zeros(N0 + 1), B.op('r=1', N, 0,
                                                      ell), np.zeros(N3 - N1)))
        row2 = np.concatenate(
            (B.xi(+1, ell) * B.op('r=1', N, 0, ell - 1), np.zeros(N0 + 1),
             -B.xi(-1, ell) * B.op('r=1', N, 0, ell + 1), np.zeros(N3 - N2)))

    C0 = connection(N, ell - 1, alpha_BC, 2)
    C1 = connection(N, ell, alpha_BC, 2)
    C2 = connection(N, ell + 1, alpha_BC, 2)

    R00 = E(1, -1).dot(E(0, -1))
    R11 = E(1, 0).dot(E(0, 0))
    R22 = E(1, +1).dot(E(0, +1))

    tau0 = C0[:, -1]
    tau0 = tau0.reshape((len(tau0), 1))
    tau1 = C1[:, -1]
    tau1 = tau1.reshape((len(tau1), 1))
    tau2 = C2[:, -1]
    tau2 = tau2.reshape((len(tau2), 1))

    col0 = np.concatenate((tau0, np.zeros((N3 - N0, 1))))
    col1 = np.concatenate((np.zeros((N0 + 1, 1)), tau1, np.zeros(
        (N3 - N1, 1))))
    col2 = np.concatenate((np.zeros((N1 + 1, 1)), tau2, np.zeros(
        (N3 - N2, 1))))

    L = sparse.bmat([[L, col0, col1, col2], [row0, 0, 0, 0], [row1, 0, 0, 0],
                     [row2, 0, 0, 0]])

    R = sparse.bmat([[R, 0 * col0, 0 * col1, 0 * col2], [0 * row0, 0, 0, 0],
                     [0 * row1, 0, 0, 0], [0 * row2, 0, 0, 0]])

    # The rate-limiting step
    vals, vecs = eig(L.todense(), b=R.todense())
    bad = (np.abs(vals) > cutoff)
    vals[bad] = np.inf
    good = np.isfinite(vals)
    vals, vecs = vals[good], vecs[:, good]
    i = np.argsort(vals.real)
    vals, vecs = vals[i], vecs.transpose()[i]

    return vals, vecs
Ejemplo n.º 32
element = {'u': ElementLineP2(), 'p': ElementLineP1()}
basis = {v: InteriorBasis(mesh, e, intorder=4) for v, e in element.items()}

L = asm(laplace, basis['u'])
M = asm(mass, basis['u'])
P = asm(mass, basis['u'], basis['p'])
B = -asm(divergence, basis['u'], basis['p'])
V = asm(base_velocity, basis['u'])
W = asm(base_shear, basis['u'])

re = 1e4                        # Reynolds number
alpha = 1.                      # longitudinal wavenumber
jare = 1j * alpha * re
Kuu = jare * V + alpha**2 * M + L
stiffness = bmat([[Kuu,       re * W, jare * P.T],
                  [None,      Kuu,    re * B.T],
                  [-jare * P, re * B, None]], 'csc')
mass_matrix = block_diag([M, M, csr_matrix((basis['p'].N,)*2)], 'csr')

# Seek only 'even' modes, 'even' in terms of conventional
# stream-function formulation, so that the longitudinal component u of
# the perturbation to the velocity vanishes on the centre-line z = 0,
# z here being the sole coordinate.

u_boundaries = basis['u'].get_dofs().all()
walls = np.concatenate([u_boundaries,
                        u_boundaries[1:] + basis['u'].N])

pencil = condense(stiffness, mass_matrix, D=walls, expand=False)
c = {'Criminale et al': np.loadtxt(Path(__file__).with_suffix('.csv'),
Ejemplo n.º 33
def merge_files(data_paths,
    Merges multiple files into a single file...

        data_paths (list of paths to data files - mtx or txt files, in genes x cells order)
        gene_paths (list of paths to gene txt files)
        dataset_names (names of each dataset)
        output_path (directory to write to)
        keep_genes (bool): whether or not to include genes that only occur in some data files (values will be set to zero).
        use_batch_correction (bool): whether or not to use batch effect correction (with the MNN method)

    This saves an output file as 'data.mtx.gz' in output_path, and a genes file as 'gene_names.txt',
    and returns two files: a sparse

    It also deletes all the temporary files.
    if len(data_paths) == 1 and len(gene_paths) == 1:
        data_output_path = data_paths[0].replace('_1', '')
        os.rename(data_paths[0], data_output_path)
        if gene_paths[0] is not None:
            gene_output_path = gene_paths[0].replace('_1', '')
            os.rename(gene_paths[0], gene_output_path)
        return data_output_path, gene_output_path
    all_data = []
    all_genes = []
    genes_set = set()
    data_array = []
    for data_path, gene_path, dataset_name in zip(data_paths, gene_paths,
        # TODO: if gene_path is None... what do we do?
        if gene_path is not None:
            genes = np.loadtxt(gene_path, dtype=str)
        if data_path.endswith('mtx.gz') or data_path.endswith('mtx'):
            data = scipy.io.mmread(data_path)
            data = np.loadtxt(data_path)
        # TODO: infer gene shape/data
        n_genes = genes.shape[0]
        if n_genes == data.shape[1]:
            data = data.T
        data_array += [dataset_name] * data.shape[1]
        if keep_genes or len(genes_set) == 0:
            genes_set = genes_set.intersection(genes)
    np.savetxt(os.path.join(output_path, 'samples.txt'), data_array, fmt='%s')

    # combine gene lists
    # decide whether any of the genes are different
    all_genes_same = True
    for g1 in all_genes:
        for g2 in all_genes:
            if len(g1) != len(g2) or (g1 != g2).any():
                all_genes_same = False
    data_output_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'data.mtx')
    genes_output_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'gene_names.txt')
    if all_genes_same:
        combined_genes = all_genes[0]
        # combine matrices...
        # TODO: make sure that transposing the matrices is done before...
        # we assume that all input matrices are of shape (gene, cell)
        if use_batch_correction:
            from .batch_correction import batch_correct_mnn
            # use batch effect correction
            output_matrix = batch_correct_mnn(all_data)
            output_matrix = sparse.hstack(all_data)
        # save output matrix as mtx.gz
        scipy.io.mmwrite(data_output_path, output_matrix)
        import subprocess
        subprocess.call(['gzip', data_output_path])
        data_output_path += '.gz'
        # save gene path
        os.rename(gene_paths[0], genes_output_path)
        # TODO: what if multiple genes have the same name?
        # then we just take the max value
        combined_genes = np.array(list(genes_set))
        modified_matrices = []
        # do the mapping...
        # TODO: add an option to remove genes that only occur in one file
        for genes, data in zip(all_genes, all_data):
            data = sparse.csr_matrix(data)
            # use bmat - concatenate by rows
            gene_to_index = {g: i for i, g in enumerate(genes)}
            #for i, g in enumerate(genes):
            #    if g in gene_to_index:
            #        gene_to_index[g].append(i)
            #    else:
            #        gene_to_index[g] = [i]
            sub_blocks = []
            for gene in combined_genes:
                if gene not in gene_to_index:
                    if keep_genes:
                    sub_blocks.append([data[gene_to_index[gene], :]])
                    #sub_blocks.append([data[gene_to_index[gene], :].max(0)])
            data_new = sparse.bmat(sub_blocks)
        if use_batch_correction:
            from .batch_correction import batch_correct_mnn
            output_matrix = batch_correct_mnn(modified_matrices)
            output_matrix = sparse.hstack(modified_matrices)
        scipy.io.mmwrite(data_output_path, output_matrix)
        import subprocess
        subprocess.call(['gzip', data_output_path])
        data_output_path += '.gz'
        # save gene path
        np.savetxt(genes_output_path, combined_genes, fmt='%s')
    # remove uploaded files
    for path in gene_paths:
    for path in data_paths:
    return data_output_path, genes_output_path
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def solve(self, objective, constraints, cached_data,
              warm_start, verbose, solver_opts):
        """Returns the result of the call to the solver.

        objective : LinOp
            The canonicalized objective.
        constraints : list
            The list of canonicalized cosntraints.
        cached_data : dict
            A map of solver name to cached problem data.
        warm_start : bool
            Not used.
        verbose : bool
            Should the solver print output?
        solver_opts : dict
            Additional arguments for the solver.

            (status, optimal value, primal, equality dual, inequality dual)
        import mosek
        with mosek.Env() as env:
            with env.Task(0, 0) as task:
                kwargs = sorted(solver_opts.keys())
                if "mosek_params" in kwargs:
                    self._handle_mosek_params(task, solver_opts["mosek_params"])
                if kwargs:
                    raise ValueError("Invalid keyword-argument '%s'" % kwargs[0])

                if verbose:
                    # Define a stream printer to grab output from MOSEK
                    def streamprinter(text):
                        import sys
                    env.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, streamprinter)
                    task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, streamprinter)

                data = self.get_problem_data(objective, constraints, cached_data)

                A = data[s.A]
                b = data[s.B]
                G = data[s.G]
                h = data[s.H]
                c = data[s.C]
                dims = data[s.DIMS]

                # size of problem
                numvar = len(c) + sum(dims[s.SOC_DIM])
                numcon = len(b) + dims[s.LEQ_DIM] + sum(dims[s.SOC_DIM]) + \
                    sum([el**2 for el in dims[s.SDP_DIM]])

                # otherwise it crashes on empty probl.
                if numvar == 0:
                    result_dict = {s.STATUS: s.OPTIMAL}
                    result_dict[s.PRIMAL] = []
                    result_dict[s.VALUE] = 0. + data[s.OFFSET]
                    result_dict[s.EQ_DUAL] = []
                    result_dict[s.INEQ_DUAL] = []
                    return result_dict

                # objective
                task.putclist(np.arange(len(c)), c)
                task.putvarboundlist(np.arange(numvar, dtype=int),

                # SDP variables
                if sum(dims[s.SDP_DIM]) > 0:

                # linear equality and linear inequality constraints
                if A.shape[0] and G.shape[0]:
                    constraints_matrix = sp.bmat([[A], [G]])
                    constraints_matrix = A if A.shape[0] else G
                coefficients = np.concatenate([b, h])

                row, col, el = sp.find(constraints_matrix)
                task.putaijlist(row, col, el)

                type_constraint = [mosek.boundkey.fx] * len(b)
                type_constraint += [mosek.boundkey.up] * dims[s.LEQ_DIM]
                sdp_total_dims = sum([cdim**2 for cdim in dims[s.SDP_DIM]])
                type_constraint += [mosek.boundkey.fx] * \
                    (sum(dims[s.SOC_DIM]) + sdp_total_dims)

                task.putconboundlist(np.arange(numcon, dtype=int),

                # cones
                current_var_index = len(c)
                current_con_index = len(b) + dims[s.LEQ_DIM]

                for size_cone in dims[s.SOC_DIM]:
                    row, col, el = sp.find(sp.eye(size_cone))
                    row += current_con_index
                    col += current_var_index
                    task.putaijlist(row, col, el)  # add a identity for each cone
                    # add a cone constraint
                                    0.0,  # unused
                                              current_var_index + size_cone))
                    current_con_index += size_cone
                    current_var_index += size_cone

                # SDP
                for num_sdp_var, size_matrix in enumerate(dims[s.SDP_DIM]):
                    for i_sdp_matrix in range(size_matrix):
                        for j_sdp_matrix in range(size_matrix):
                            coeff = 1. if i_sdp_matrix == j_sdp_matrix else .5
                            current_con_index += 1

                # solve

                if verbose:

                return self.format_results(task, data, cached_data)
Ejemplo n.º 35
def symmetrize_hamiltonian(orb_file="orbitals.wan",
                           nlook=[4, 4, 1],
    """Write in a file the new Hamiltonian, symmetrized"""
    (inds, atoms, orbs,
     rs) = read_orbitals(input_file=orb_file)  # read the orbitals
    anames = get_atom_names(atoms)  # different atom names
    # function to get hoppings to arbitrary cells
    get_hopping = multicell.read_from_file(input_file=ham_file)
    # get the dictionaries
    idict = index_dictionary(inds, atoms, orbs)
    odict = orbital_dictionary(inds, atoms, orbs)
    rdict = position_dictionary(atoms, rs)
    # matrix that will reorder the orbitals
    T = reorder_basis(anames, odict, idict)
    # read unit cell vectors
    (a1, a2, a3) = read_unit_cell()
    # generate the symmetrizer matrices
    h0 = get_hopping(0, 0, 0)  # onsite matrix
    ons = [extract_matrix(a, a, odict, idict, h0)
           for a in anames]  # in each atom
    sdict = local_symmetrizer(anames, ons, odict,
                              sym_file=sym_file)  # matrices
    # now look into neighbors to get matrices
    stored_rs = []  # distances between atoms stored
    stored_atoms = []  # distances between atoms stored
    stored_matrix = []  # distances between atoms stored
    stored_vectors = []  # vectors between atoms
    for ia in anames:  # loop over atoms
        for ja in anames:  # loop over atoms
            ri = rdict[ia]  # position of iesim atom
            ri = ri[0] * a1 + ri[1] * a2 + ri[
                2] * a3  # position in real coordinates
            for n1 in range(-nlook[0], nlook[0] + 1):
                for n2 in range(-nlook[1], nlook[1] + 1):
                    for n3 in range(-nlook[2], nlook[2] + 1):
                        rj = rdict[ja]  # position of iesim atom
                        # position in real coordinates
                        rj = (rj[0] + n1) * a1 + (rj[1] + n2) * a2 + (rj[2] +
                                                                      n3) * a3
                        dr = rj - ri  # vector between this two atoms
                        drr = np.sqrt(dr.dot(dr))  # distance between atoms
                        m = get_hopping(n1, n2,
                                        n3)  # hopping in this direction
                        tij = extract_matrix(ia, ja, odict, idict,
                                             m)  # hopping between atoms
                        # special case of onsite matrices
                        if ia == ja and n1 == n2 == n3 == 0:
                            tij = sdict[
                                ia]  # get the symmetrized onsite matrix
                        Ri = rotation_operator(odict[ia], dr)  # rotate basis i
                        Rj = rotation_operator(odict[ja], dr)  # rotate basis j
                        Rtij = Ri.H * tij * Rj  # hopping matrix in the new frame
                        # now store the different things needed
                        stored_rs.append(drr)  # store the distance
                        stored_vectors.append(dr)  # store the vector
                        stored_atoms.append((ia, ja))  # store the atom pairs
                        stored_matrix.append(Rtij)  # store the rotated matrix
    # get the function that generated symmetric hoppings
    hop_gen = symmetric_hopping_generator(stored_rs, stored_vectors,
                                          stored_atoms, stored_matrix)
    # now create hoppings of the symmetric Hamiltonian
    rmax = np.sqrt(a1.dot(a1)) * (nlook[0] + 1) / 2.  # maximum distance
    print("Cutoff distance is", rmax)
    ns_list = []  # list with ns
    hops_list = []  # list with ns
    for n1 in range(-nlook[0], nlook[0] + 1):
        for n2 in range(-nlook[1], nlook[1] + 1):
            for n3 in range(-nlook[2], nlook[2] + 1):
                hop = [[None for i in range(len(anames))]
                       for j in range(len(anames))]
                for i in range(len(anames)):  # loop over atoms
                    for j in range(len(anames)):  # loop over atoms
                        ia = anames[i]  # name of the atom
                        ja = anames[j]  # name of the atom
                        ri = rdict[ia]  # position of iesim atom
                        rj = rdict[ja]  # position of jesim atom
                        ri = ri[0] * a1 + ri[1] * a2 + ri[
                            2] * a3  # position in real coordinates
                        rj = (rj[0] + n1) * a1 + (rj[1] + n2) * a2 + (rj[2] +
                                                                      n3) * a3
                        dr = rj - ri  # vector between this two atoms
                        drr = np.sqrt(dr.dot(dr))  # distance between atoms
                        m = hop_gen(ia, ja, dr)  # get the symmetric hopping
                        Ri = rotation_operator(odict[ia], dr)  # rotate basis i
                        Rj = rotation_operator(odict[ja], dr)  # rotate basis j
                        if m is not None:
                            m = Ri * m * Rj.H  # hopping matrix in the new frame, opposite rot
                            if drr > rmax: m *= 0.  # reached maximum distance
                            hop[i][j] = csc_matrix(m)  # store the matrix
                hop = bmat(hop).todense()  # create dense matrix
                hop = T.H * hop * T  # convert to the original order
                hops_list.append(hop)  # store hopping
                ns_list.append([n1, n2, n3])  # store indexes
    multicell.save_multicell(ns_list, hops_list)
Ejemplo n.º 36
def intersect_sparse(h1, h2):
    if h1.ambiant_dimension != h2.ambiant_dimension:
        raise ValueError("Different ambiant\
            spaces dimensions ({}!={})".format(len(w1), len(w2)))
#    elif pl.allclose(w1,w2) and pl.allclose(b1,b2):
#        print("return same object")
#        return copy(h1)
#    elif pl.allclose(w1,w2) and not pl.allclose(b1,b2):
#        print("return empty set")
#        return None

#Now that the trivial cases have been removed there exists an
#intersection of the two hyperplanes to obtain the new form of
#the hyperplane we perform the following 3 steps:
# (1)consider the intersection of two affine spaces as the intersection
#    of a linear space and an affine space with modified bias
# (2)express the bias of the affine space in the linear space,
#    this gives us the bias that will be for the new affine space
# (3)compute the basis of the intersection of the two linear spaces
#    this gives us the span of the linear space, jointly with the above
#    bias corresponding to the affine space from the intersection
    bp = h2.bias - h1.bias
    A = sp.hstack([h1.basis, h2.basis])
    output = sparse_lsqr(A, bp)
    alpha_beta_star, istop, itn = output[:3]
    if (istop == 2):
        warnings.warn("In Intersection of {} with {},\
                least square solution is approximate".format(h1.name, h2.name))
    bpp = h2.basis.dot(alpha_beta_star[h1.dim:])
    print("New bias is {}".format(bpp))
    # (3) --------- Implement the Zassenhaus algorithm -------------
    # assumes each space basis is in the same basis
    # first need to create the original matrix
    print(h1.basis.todense(), '\n\n')
    print(h2.basis.todense(), '\n\n')
    matrix = sp.bmat([[h1.basis, h2.basis], [h1.basis, None]]).T
    # Now we need to put the top left half in row echelon form
    # loop over the columns of the left half
    for column in range(h1.ambiant_dimension - 1):
        print('start column:{}\nmatrix:\n{}\n\n'.format(
            column, matrix.todense()))
        # compute current index and value of pivot A_{column,column}
        pivot_index = pl.flatnonzero((matrix.col == column)
                                     & (matrix.row == column))
        pivot = pl.squeeze(matrix.data[pivot_index])
        # compute indices to act upon
        current_indices = pl.flatnonzero((matrix.col == column)
                                         & (matrix.row > column))
        current_data = matrix.data[current_indices]
        # check for active pivoting to switch current row
        # with the one with maximum value
        maximum_index = current_indices[current_data.argmax()]
        maximum_value = matrix.data[maximum_index]
        print('maximum value', maximum_value, 'pivot', pivot)
        if abs(maximum_value) > abs(pivot):
            print('needs preventive pivoting')
            row_w_maximum = matrix.row[maximum_index]
            matrix.row[matrix.row == row_w_maximum] = column
            matrix.row[matrix.row == column] = row_w_maximum
            pivot = pl.squeeze(maximum_value)
            print('\tstart column:{}\n\tmatrix:\n\t{}\n\n'.format(
                column, matrix.todense()))
        # create a buffer to add new values
        to_add = {'row': [], 'col': [], 'data': []}
        considered_column_indices = pl.flatnonzero((matrix.col >= column)
                                                   & (matrix.row == column))
        # Loop over the rows
        for row, value in zip(matrix.row[current_indices],
            multiplicator = value / pivot
            # Compute which column of the current row are nonzeros
            pivot_nonzero_indices = pl.flatnonzero((matrix.col >= column)
                                                   & (matrix.row == row))
            # Find the columns that are both nonzeros at row column and row row
            both_nonzero = pl.array([
                i for i in pivot_nonzero_indices
                if i in considered_column_indices
            # Find here zero but pivot row nonzero, this corresponds to the column that will
            # need to have new values in it
            hereonly_nonzero = pl.array([
                i for i in considered_column_indices
                if i not in pivot_nonzero_indices
            # Loop over the columns which are both nonzeros
            if (len(both_nonzero) > 0):
                for pos, val in zip(
                    val -= multiplicator * value
                    print('New Value', val)
            # Loop over column that are here zero and thus need a new placeholder
            if (len(hereonly_nonzero) > 0):
                for pos in hereonly_nonzero:
        # add the newly introduces nonzero values ot the sparse matrix
        matrix.row = pl.concatenate([matrix.row, to_add['row']])
        matrix.col = pl.concatenate([matrix.col, to_add['col']])
        matrix.data = pl.concatenate([matrix.data, to_add['data']])
        #        # now need to remove the entries that are now 0
        #        # first from the ones explicitly reduces
        #        to_delete        = pl.flatnonzero((matrix.col==column) & (matrix.row > column))
        #        # now form the possible ones that became 0 during row operations
        #        indices          = pl.flatnonzero(matrix.row<column)
        #        data             = matrix.data[indices]
        #        extras_to_delete = pl.flatnonzero(pl.isclose(data,0))
        #        # merge both lists
        #        to_delete        = pl.concatenate([to_delete,extras_to_delete])
        #        # delete the corresponding indices alternative: matrix.eliminate_zeros()
        #        matrix.col  = pl.delete(matrix.col,to_delete, None)
        #        matrix.row  = pl.delete(matrix.row,to_delete, None)
        #        matrix.data = pl.delete(matrix.data,to_delete, None)
        #        # end of this procedure, move over to the next column
        #        # check if completed
        block_indices = pl.flatnonzero((matrix.col < h1.ambiant_dimension)
                                       & (matrix.row > column))
        if (len(current_indices) == 0): return matrix.to_dense()
Ejemplo n.º 37
def densebmat(m):
    """Turn a block matrix dense"""
    ms = [[todense(mi) for mi in mij] for mij in m]
    return todense(bmat(ms))  # return block matrix
Ejemplo n.º 38
basis = {
    variable: InteriorBasis(mesh, e, intorder=3)
    for variable, e in element.items()

def body_force(v, dv, w):
    return w.x[0] * v[1]

A = asm(vector_laplace, basis['u'])
B = asm(divergence, basis['u'], basis['p'])
C = asm(mass, basis['p'])

K = bmat([[A, -B.T], [-B, 1e-6 * C]]).tocsr()

f = np.concatenate([asm(body_force, basis['u']), np.zeros(B.shape[0])])

D = basis['u'].get_dofs().all()
uvp = np.zeros(K.shape[0])
uvp[np.setdiff1d(np.arange(K.shape[0]), D)] = solve(*condense(K, f, D=D))

velocity, pressure = np.split(uvp, [A.shape[0]])

def rot(v, dv, w):
    return dv[1] * w.w[0] - dv[0] * w.w[1]

Ejemplo n.º 39
 def to_V(upsilon):
     bot = np.zeros((Xp, Lp))
     for row, (i, j) in enumerate(slices(bs.pos_groups)):
         bot[row, i:j] = upsilon.flat[i:j]
     return sp.bmat([[sp.eye(Ln, Ln), None], [None,
Ejemplo n.º 40
def convergence_test(N, gb_ref, solver, solver_fct):

    f = open(solver + "_error.txt", "w")
    for i in np.arange(N):

        cells_2d = 200 * 4 ** i
        alpha_1d = None
        alpha_mortar = 0.75
        gb = example_1_data.create_gb(cells_2d, alpha_1d, alpha_mortar)

        example_1_data.add_data(gb, solver)
        folder = "example_1_" + solver + "_" + str(i)
        solver_fct(gb, folder)

        error_0d = 0
        ref_0d = 0
        error_1d = 0
        ref_1d = 0

        for e_ref, d_ref in gb_ref.edges():
            for e, d in gb.edges():
                if d_ref["edge_number"] == d["edge_number"]:

            mg_ref = d_ref["mortar_grid"]
            mg = d["mortar_grid"]

            m_ref = d_ref["mortar_solution"]
            m = d["mortar_solution"]
            num_cells = int(mg.num_cells / 2)
            m_switched = np.hstack((m[num_cells:], m[:num_cells]))

            if mg_ref.dim == 0:
                error_0d += np.power(m - m_ref, 2)[0]
                ref_0d += np.power(m_ref, 2)[0]

            if mg_ref.dim == 1:
                Pi_ref = np.empty((mg.num_sides(), mg.num_sides()), dtype=np.object)

                for idx, (side, g_ref) in enumerate(mg_ref.side_grids.items()):
                    g = mg.side_grids[side]
                    Pi_ref[idx, idx] = mortars.split_matrix_1d(
                        g, g_ref, example_1_data.tol()

                Pi_ref = sps.bmat(Pi_ref, format="csc")

                inv_k = 1.0 / (2.0 * d_ref["kn"])
                M = sps.diags(inv_k / mg_ref.cell_volumes)
                delta = m_ref - Pi_ref * m
                delta_switched = m_ref - Pi_ref * m_switched

                error_1d_loc = np.dot(delta, M * delta)
                error_1d_loc_switched = np.dot(delta_switched, M * delta_switched)

                error_1d += min(error_1d_loc, error_1d_loc_switched)
                ref_1d += np.dot(m_ref, M * m_ref)

        error_0d = "%1.2e" % np.sqrt(error_0d / ref_0d)
        error_1d = "%1.2e" % np.sqrt(error_1d / ref_1d)

        def cond(g):
            return not (isinstance(g, Grid))

        diam_mg = "%1.2e" % gb.diameter(cond)

        def cond(g):
            return isinstance(g, Grid)

        diam_g = "%1.2e" % gb.diameter(cond)

            + " \t"
            + diam_g
            + " \t"
            + diam_mg
            + " \t"
            + error_0d
            + " \t"
            + error_1d
            + "\n"

Ejemplo n.º 41
mesh = from_file(
    Path(__file__).parent / 'meshes' / 'backward-facing_step.json')

element = {'u': ElementVectorH1(ElementTriP2()), 'p': ElementTriP1()}
basis = {
    variable: InteriorBasis(mesh, e, intorder=3)
    for variable, e in element.items()

D = np.concatenate([b.all() for b in basis['u'].find_dofs().values()])

A = asm(vector_laplace, basis['u'])
B = -asm(divergence, basis['u'], basis['p'])

K = bmat([[A, B.T], [B, None]], 'csr')
uvp = np.zeros(K.shape[0])

inlet_basis = FacetBasis(mesh, element['u'], facets=mesh.boundaries['inlet'])
inlet_dofs = inlet_basis.find_dofs()['inlet'].all()

def parabolic(x):
    """return the plane Poiseuille parabolic inlet profile"""
    return np.stack([4 * x[1] * (1. - x[1]), np.zeros_like(x[0])])

uvp[inlet_dofs] = project(parabolic, basis_to=inlet_basis, I=inlet_dofs)
uvp = solve(*condense(K, np.zeros_like(uvp), uvp, D=D))

velocity, pressure = np.split(uvp, [A.shape[0]])
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def mono2tri(m):
     """Increase the size of the matrices"""
     mo = [[None for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)]
     for i in range(3):
         mo[i][i] = csc(m)
     return bmat(mo).todense()
Ejemplo n.º 43
Archivo: BGCN.py Proyecto: FIBLAB/BGCN
    def __init__(self, info, dataset, raw_graph, device, pretrain=None):
        super().__init__(info, dataset, create_embeddings=True)
        self.items_feature = nn.Parameter(
            torch.FloatTensor(self.num_items, self.embedding_size))

        self.epison = 1e-8

        assert isinstance(raw_graph, list)
        ub_graph, ui_graph, bi_graph = raw_graph
        bb_graph = bi_graph @ bi_graph.T

        #  deal with weights
        bundle_size = bi_graph.sum(axis=1) + 1e-8
        bb_graph @= sp.diags(1 / bundle_size.A.ravel())

        #  pooling graph
        bi_graph = sp.diags(1 / bundle_size.A.ravel()) @ bi_graph

        print_graph_density(bb_graph, 'bb graph')
        print_graph_density(ub_graph, 'ub graph')

        if ui_graph.shape == (self.num_users, self.num_items):
            # add self-loop
            atom_graph = sp.bmat([[sp.identity(ui_graph.shape[0]), ui_graph],
            raise ValueError(r"raw_graph's shape is wrong")
        self.atom_graph = to_tensor(laplace_transform(atom_graph)).to(device)
        print('finish generating atom graph')

        if ub_graph.shape == (self.num_users, self.num_bundles) \
                and bb_graph.shape == (self.num_bundles, self.num_bundles):
            # add self-loop
            non_atom_graph = sp.bmat(
                [[sp.identity(ub_graph.shape[0]), ub_graph],
                 [ub_graph.T, bb_graph]])
            raise ValueError(r"raw_graph's shape is wrong")
        self.non_atom_graph = to_tensor(
        print('finish generating non-atom graph')

        self.pooling_graph = to_tensor(bi_graph).to(device)
        print('finish generating pooling graph')

        # copy from info
        self.act = self.info.act
        self.num_layers = self.info.num_layers
        self.device = device

        #  Dropouts
        self.mess_dropout = nn.Dropout(self.info.mess_dropout, True)
        self.node_dropout = nn.Dropout(self.info.node_dropout, True)

        # Layers
        self.dnns_atom = nn.ModuleList([
            nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, self.embedding_size)
            for _ in range(self.num_layers)
        self.dnns_non_atom = nn.ModuleList([
            nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, self.embedding_size)
            for _ in range(self.num_layers)

        # pretrain
        if not pretrain is None:
            self.users_feature.data = F.normalize(pretrain['users_feature'])
            self.items_feature.data = F.normalize(pretrain['items_feature'])
            self.bundles_feature.data = F.normalize(
Ejemplo n.º 44
def read_supercell_hamiltonian(input_file="hr_truncated.dat",is_real=False,nsuper=1):
  """Reads an output hamiltonian for a supercell from wannier"""
  mt = np.genfromtxt(input_file) # get file
  m = mt.transpose() # transpose matrix
  # read the hamiltonian matrices
  class Hopping: pass # create empty class
  tlist = []
  def get_t(i,j,k):
    norb = int(np.max([np.max(np.abs(m[3])),np.max(np.abs(m[4]))]))
    mo = np.matrix(np.zeros((norb,norb),dtype=np.complex))  
    for l in mt: # look into the file
      if i==int(l[0]) and j==int(l[1]) and k==int(l[2]):
        if is_real:
          mo[int(l[3])-1,int(l[4])-1] = l[5] # store element
          mo[int(l[3])-1,int(l[4])-1] = l[5] + 1j*l[6] # store element
    return mo # return the matrix
  # this function will be called in a loop
  g = geometry.kagome_lattice() # create geometry
  h = g.get_hamiltonian() # build hamiltonian
  h.has_spin = False
  nstot = nsuper**2
  intra = [[None for i in range(nstot)] for j in range(nstot)]
  tx = [[None for i in range(nstot)] for j in range(nstot)]
  ty = [[None for i in range(nstot)] for j in range(nstot)]
  txy = [[None for i in range(nstot)] for j in range(nstot)]
  txmy = [[None for i in range(nstot)] for j in range(nstot)]
  from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix as csc
  vecs = []
  # create the identifacion vectors
  inds = []
  acu = 0
  try: # read different supercells
    nsuperx = nsuper[0]
    nsupery = nsuper[1]
    nsuperz = nsuper[2]
  except: # read different supercells
    nsuperx = nsuper
    nsupery = nsuper
    nsuperz = nsuper
  for i in range(nsuperx): # loop over first replica
    for j in range(nsupery): # loop over second replica
      vecs.append(np.array([i,j])) # append vector
      acu += 1 # add one to the accumulator
  for i in inds: # loop over first vector
    for j in inds:  # loop over second vector
      v1 = vecs[i] # position of i esim cell
      v2 = vecs[j] # position of j esim cell
      dv = v2 - v1 # difference in vector
      # get the different block elements
      intra[i][j] = csc(get_t(dv[0],dv[1],0))
      tx[i][j] = csc(get_t(dv[0]+nsuper,dv[1],0))
      ty[i][j] = csc(get_t(dv[0],dv[1]+nsuper,0))
      txy[i][j] = csc(get_t(dv[0]+nsuper,dv[1]+nsuper,0))
      txmy[i][j] = csc(get_t(dv[0]+nsuper,dv[1]-nsuper,0))
  h.intra = bmat(intra).todense()
  h.tx = bmat(tx).todense()
  h.ty = bmat(ty).todense()
  h.txy = bmat(txy).todense()
  h.txmy = bmat(txmy).todense()
  h.geometry = read_geometry() # read the geometry of the system
  if nsuper>1:
    h.geometry = h.geometry.supercell(nsuper) # create supercell
  if len(h.geometry.r)!=len(h.intra): 
    print("Dimensions do not match",len(g.r),len(h.intra))
 #   raise # error if dimensions dont match
  # names of the orbitals
  h.orbitals = get_all_orbitals()*nsuper**2

  return h
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def get_left_matrix(self):

        mesh = self.mesh
        NE = mesh.number_of_edges()
        NC = mesh.number_of_cells()

        hx1 = self.hx1
        hy1 = self.hy1
        hx3 = self.hx3
        hy3 = self.hy3

        itype = mesh.itype
        ftype = mesh.ftype

        idx = np.arange(NE)
        isBDEdge = mesh.ds.boundary_edge_flag()
        isYDEdge = mesh.ds.y_direction_edge_flag()
        isXDEdge = mesh.ds.x_direction_edge_flag()

        C = self.get_nonlinear_coef()
        A11 = spdiags(C, 0, NE, NE)  # correct

        edge2cell = mesh.ds.edge_to_cell()
        I, = np.nonzero(~isBDEdge & isYDEdge)
        L = edge2cell[I, 0]
        R = edge2cell[I, 1]
        data = np.ones(len(I), dtype=ftype) / hx3

        A12 = coo_matrix((data, (I, R)), shape=(NE, NC))
        A12 += coo_matrix((-data, (I, L)), shape=(NE, NC))

        I, = np.nonzero(~isBDEdge & isXDEdge)
        L = edge2cell[I, 0]
        R = edge2cell[I, 1]
        data = np.ones(len(I), dtype=ftype) / hy3
        A12 += coo_matrix((-data, (I, R)), shape=(NE, NC))
        A12 += coo_matrix((data, (I, L)), shape=(NE, NC))
        A12 = A12.tocsr()

        cell2edge = mesh.ds.cell_to_edge()
        I = np.arange(NC, dtype=itype)
        data = np.ones(NC, dtype=ftype)
        #        A21 = coo_matrix((data/hx1, (I, cell2edge[:, 1])), shape=(NC, NE), dtype=ftype)
        #        A21 += coo_matrix((-data/hx1, (I, cell2edge[:, 3])), shape=(NC, NE), dtype=ftype)
        #        A21 += coo_matrix((data/hy1, (I, cell2edge[:, 2])), shape=(NC, NE), dtype=ftype)
        #        A21 += coo_matrix((-data/hy1, (I, cell2edge[:, 0])), shape=(NC, NE), dtype=ftype)
        A21 = coo_matrix((hy1 * data, (I, cell2edge[:, 1])),
                         shape=(NC, NE),
        A21 += coo_matrix((-hy1 * data, (I, cell2edge[:, 3])),
                          shape=(NC, NE),
        A21 += coo_matrix((hx1 * data, (I, cell2edge[:, 2])),
                          shape=(NC, NE),
        A21 += coo_matrix((-hx1 * data, (I, cell2edge[:, 0])),
                          shape=(NC, NE),
        A21 = A21.tocsr()
        A = bmat([(A11, A12), (A21, None)], format='csr', dtype=ftype)

        return A
Ejemplo n.º 46
mesh = make_mesh(lcar=.5**2)

element = {'u': ElementVectorH1(ElementTriP2()), 'p': ElementTriP1()}
basis = {
    variable: InteriorBasis(mesh, e, intorder=3)
    for variable, e in element.items()

D = np.setdiff1d(basis['u'].get_dofs().all(),

A = asm(vector_laplace, basis['u'])
B = asm(divergence, basis['u'], basis['p'])
C = asm(mass, basis['p'])

K = bmat([[A, -B.T], [-B, None]], 'csr')
uvp = np.zeros(K.shape[0])

inlet_basis = FacetBasis(mesh, element['u'], facets=mesh.boundaries['inlet'])
inlet_dofs = inlet_basis.get_dofs(mesh.boundaries['inlet']).all()

def parabolic(x, y):
    """return the plane Poiseuille parabolic inlet profile"""
    return 4 * y * (1. - y), np.zeros_like(y)

uvp[inlet_dofs] = L2_projection(parabolic, inlet_basis, inlet_dofs)
I = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(K.shape[0]), D)
uvp = solve(*condense(K, 0 * uvp, uvp, I))
Ejemplo n.º 47
def intersect(h1, h2):
    if h1.ambiant_dimension != h2.ambiant_dimension:
        raise ValueError("Different ambiant\
            spaces dimensions ({}!={})".format(len(w1), len(w2)))

#    elif pl.allclose(w1,w2) and pl.allclose(b1,b2):
#        print("return same object")
#        return copy(h1)
#    elif pl.allclose(w1,w2) and not pl.allclose(b1,b2):
#        print("return empty set")
#        return None

#Now that the trivial cases have been removed there exists an
#intersection of the two hyperplanes to obtain the new form of
#the hyperplane we perform the following 3 steps:
# (1)consider the intersection of two affine spaces as the intersection
#    of a linear space and an affine space with modified bias
# (2)express the bias of the affine space in the linear space,
#    this gives us the bias that will be for the new affine space
# (3)compute the basis of the intersection of the two linear spaces
#    this gives us the span of the linear space, jointly with the above
#    bias corresponding to the affine space from the intersection
# we set h2 to be without bias and thus we alter h1 bias as follows
    bp = h1.bias - h2.bias
    A = sp.hstack([h1.basis, h2.basis])
    output = sparse_lsqr(A, bp)
    alpha_beta_star, istop, itn = output[:3]
    if (istop == 2):
        warnings.warn("In Intersection of {} with {},\
                least square solution is approximate".format(h1.name, h2.name))
    # since we set h2 to be without bias we need to express the bias vector w.r.t.
    # the h2 basis as follows
    bpp = h2.basis.dot(alpha_beta_star[h1.dim:])
    print("New bias is {}".format(bpp))
    # (3) --------- Implement the Zassenhaus algorithm -------------
    # assumes each space basis is in the same basis
    # first need to create the original matrix
    print(h1.basis.todense(), '\n\n')
    print(h2.basis.todense(), '\n\n')
    matrix = sp.bmat([[h1.basis, h2.basis], [h1.basis, None]]).T.todense()
    # Now we need to put the top left half in row echelon form
    # loop over the columns of the left half
    rows = range(matrix.shape[0])
    for column in range(h1.dim + h2.dim):
        #        print('start column:{}\nmatrix:\n{}\n\n'.format(column,matrix))
        # compute current index and value of pivot A_{column,column}
        pivot = matrix[rows[column], column]
        # check for active pivoting to switch current row
        # with the one with maximum value
        maximum_index = matrix[rows[column:], column].argmax() + column
        if maximum_index > column:
            print('needs preventive partial pivoting')
            rows[column] = maximum_index
            rows[maximum_index] = column
            pivot = matrix[rows[maximum_index], column]
        # Loop over the rows
        multiplicators = matrix[rows[column + 1:], column] / pivot
        matrix[rows[column + 1:]] -= multiplicators.reshape(
            (-1, 1)) * matrix[rows[column]].reshape((1, -1))
        if (pl.allclose(matrix[rows[column + 1:]], 0)): return matrix
Ejemplo n.º 48
def HBDG(coor,
    N = coor.shape[0]  #number of lattice sites
    Nx = int((max(coor[:, 0]) - min(coor[:, 0])) +
             1)  #number of lattice sites in x-direction, parallel to junction
    Ny = int(
        (max(coor[:, 1]) - min(coor[:, 1])) +
        1)  #number of lattice sites in y-direction, perpendicular to junction
    Wsc = int((Ny - Wj) / 2)  #width of single superconductor
    D = Delta(coor=coor,

    if plot_junction:
        V = potentials.Vjj(coor=coor,
        row = []
        col = []
        data = []
        for i in range(N):
            inSC, which = check.is_in_SC(i,
            if inSC:
            if not inSC:
        R = sparse.csc_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(N, N))
        plots.Zeeman_profile(coor, R)
        plots.potential_profile(coor, V)
        plots.delta_profile(coor, D)

    QX11 = None
    QY11 = None
    if qx is not None:
        QX11 = -qx
    if qy is not None:
        QY11 = -qy

    H00 = H0(coor,
    H11 = -1 * H0(coor,
    H01 = D
    H10 = -D.conjugate()

    H = sparse.bmat([[H00, H01], [H10, H11]], format='csc', dtype='complex')
    return H
Ejemplo n.º 49
    tuspace = ReducedDivFreeNonConformingVirtualElementSpace2d(mesh, p, q=6)
    # 分片常数压力空间
    tpspace = ScaledMonomialSpace2d(mesh, 0)

    isBdDof = tuspace.boundary_dof()

    tudof = tuspace.number_of_global_dofs()
    tpdof = tpspace.number_of_global_dofs()

    tuh = tuspace.function()
    tph = tpspace.function()

    A = tuspace.stiff_matrix()
    P = tuspace.div_matrix()
    F = tuspace.source_vector(pde.source)
    AA = bmat([[A, P.T], [P, None]], format='csr')
    FF = np.block([F, np.zeros(tpdof, dtype=tuspace.ftype)])

    tuspace.set_dirichlet_bc(tuh, pde.dirichlet)
    x = np.block([tuh, tph])
    isBdDof = np.block(
        [isBdDof, isBdDof,
         np.zeros(NC * idof + tpdof, dtype=np.bool)])
    gdof = tudof + tpdof
    FF -= AA @ x
    bdIdx = np.zeros(gdof, dtype=np.int)
    bdIdx[isBdDof] = 1
    Tbd = spdiags(bdIdx, 0, gdof, gdof)
    T = spdiags(1 - bdIdx, 0, gdof, gdof)
    AA = T @ AA @ T + Tbd
Ejemplo n.º 50
A, b = assemble_system(a, L, bc)
A_ = mat_to_csr(A)

# B block, one column per point. Represents the action of dela @ point
column = assemble(inner(Constant(0), v)*dx)

points = [Point(0.44, 0.21), Point(0.12, 0.4)]
B_ = np.zeros((A_.shape[0], len(points)))
for col, point in enumerate(points):
    delta = PointSource(V, point)
    B_[:, col] = column.array()

# The saddle system
AA = bmat([[A_, B_], [B_.T, None]])
bb = np.r_[b.array(), np.zeros(len(points))]

# Preconditioner diag(ML(A), I)
ml = smoothed_aggregation_solver(A_)
PA = ml.aspreconditioner()

def Pmat_vec(x):
    yA = PA.matvec(x[:V.dim()])
    # Identity on part of x from point sources
    return np.r_[yA, x[V.dim():]]

P = LinearOperator(shape=AA.shape, matvec=Pmat_vec)
residuals = []
# Run the iterations
Ejemplo n.º 51
def H0(coor,
    N = coor.shape[0]  #number of lattice sites
    Nx = int((max(coor[:, 0]) - min(coor[:, 0])) +
             1)  #number of lattice sites in x-direction, parallel to junction
    Ny = int(
        (max(coor[:, 1]) - min(coor[:, 1])) +
        1)  #number of lattice sites in y-direction, perpendicular to junction
    I = sparse.identity(N)  #identity matrix of size NxN
    V = potentials.Vjj(coor=coor,
                       cutyB=cutyB)  #potential matrix NxN

    Wsc = int((Ny - Wj) / 2)  #width of single superconductor

    k_x = kx(coor, ax, ay, NN, NNb=NNb, qx=qx)
    k_y = ky(coor, ax, ay, NN, NNb=NNb, qy=qy)
    k_x2 = kx2(coor, ax, ay, NN, NNb=NNb, qx=qx)
    k_y2 = ky2(coor, ax, ay, NN, NNb=NNb, qy=qy)

    if diff_g_factors and Tesla:
        row = []
        col = []
        data = []
        for i in range(N):
            inSC, which = check.is_in_SC(i,
            if inSC:
            if not inSC:
        g_factor = sparse.csc_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(N, N))
    elif diff_g_factors and not Tesla:
        row = []
        col = []
        data = []
        for i in range(N):
            inSC, which = check.is_in_SC(i,
            if inSC:
            if not inSC:
        R = sparse.csc_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(N, N))
    elif not diff_g_factors:
        g_factor = I * g_normal
        R = I

    if diff_meff:
        row = []
        col = []
        data = []
        for i in range(N):
            inSC_i = check.is_in_SC(i,
            if inSC_i:
                data.append(const.hbsqr_m0 / (2 * meff_sc))
                data.append(const.hbsqr_m0 / (2 * meff_normal))
        meff = sparse.csc_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(N, N))
    elif not diff_meff:
        meff = const.hbsqr_m0 / (2 * meff_normal)

    if Tesla:
        H00 = (k_x2 + k_y2).multiply(
            meff) + V + (1 / 2) * (const.muB * gamz) * g_factor - mu * I
        H11 = (k_x2 + k_y2).multiply(
            meff) + V - (1 / 2) * (const.muB * gamz) * g_factor - mu * I
        H10 = alpha * (1j * k_x - k_y) * I + (1 / 2) * (
            const.muB * gamx) * g_factor + 1j * (1 / 2) * (const.muB *
                                                           gamy) * g_factor
        H01 = alpha * (-1j * k_x - k_y) * I + (1 / 2) * (
            const.muB * gamx) * g_factor - 1j * (1 / 2) * (const.muB *
                                                           gamy) * g_factor
    elif not Tesla:
        #Then gamx is in units of meV and R is "Reduction factor"
        #R is a matrix multiplying SC sites by a fraction in proportion to
        #the ratio of g-factors
        H00 = (k_x2 + k_y2).multiply(meff) - mu * I + V + gamz * R
        H01 = alpha * (-1j * k_x - k_y) * I + gamx * R - 1j * gamy * R
        H10 = alpha * (1j * k_x - k_y) * I + gamx * R + 1j * gamy * R
        H11 = (k_x2 + k_y2).multiply(meff) - mu * I + V - gamz * R

    H = sparse.bmat([[H00, H01], [H10, H11]], format='csc', dtype='complex')
    return H
Ejemplo n.º 52
        primal_ele = assemble_firedrake(primal_lin, bcs=bcs_primal)

        stokes = assemble_firedrake(stokes_lin, bcs=bcs)
        n = H1.dim()
        m = P1.dim()
        print(m + n)
        A = stokes[:n, :][:, :n].toarray()
        B = stokes[n:n + m, :][:, :n].toarray()
        L = stokes[n:n + m, :][:, n:n + m].toarray()
        S_primal = A + np.matmul(B.T, np.linalg.solve(L, B))
        S_dual = np.matmul(B, np.linalg.solve(A, B.T))

        P_dual = sparse.block_diag([A, dual_ele]).toarray()
        P_dual_eps = sparse.block_diag([A, dual_ele_eps]).toarray()
        P_primal = sparse.block_diag([primal_ele, L]).toarray()
        K = sparse.bmat([[A, B.T], [B, None]]).toarray()

        fig = plt.figure()
        e, _ = linalg.eig(K, P_dual)
        e = np.sort(np.real(e))
        plt.plot(e, "o", label="$\\mathcal{A}x = \\lambda \\mathcal{P}_1x$")
        e, _ = linalg.eig(K, P_dual_eps)
        e = np.sort(np.real(e))
        plt.plot(e, "x", label="$\\mathcal{A}x = \\lambda \\mathcal{P}_2x$")
        e, _ = linalg.eig(K, P_primal)
        e = np.sort(np.real(e))
        plt.plot(e, "+", label="$\\mathcal{A}x = \\lambda \\mathcal{P}_3x$")
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def two_cell_test(self, p=2, plot=True):
        from fealpy.pde.stokes_model_2d import StokesModelData_7
        pde = StokesModelData_7()

        node = np.array([(-1, -1), (1, -1), (1, 1), (-1, 1), (3, -1), (3, 1)],
        cell = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 2], dtype=np.int)
        cellLocation = np.array([0, 4, 8], dtype=np.int)
        mesh = PolygonMesh(node, cell, cellLocation)

        uspace = DivFreeNonConformingVirtualElementSpace2d(mesh, p)
        pspace = ScaledMonomialSpace2d(mesh, p - 1)
        ldof = pspace.number_of_local_dofs()

        isBdDof = uspace.boundary_dof()

        udof = uspace.number_of_global_dofs()
        pdof = pspace.number_of_global_dofs()

        uh = uspace.function()
        ph = pspace.function()
        uspace.set_dirichlet_bc(uh, pde.dirichlet)

        A = uspace.matrix_A()
        P = uspace.matrix_P()
        C = uspace.CM[:, 0, :ldof].reshape(-1)
        F = uspace.source_vector(pde.source)

        AA = bmat([[A, P.T, None], [P, None, C[:, None]], [None, C, None]],
        FF = np.block([F, np.zeros(pdof + 1, dtype=uspace.ftype)])
        x = np.block([uh, ph, np.zeros((1, ), dtype=uspace.ftype)])
        isBdDof = np.r_['0', isBdDof, np.zeros(pdof + 1, dtype=np.bool)]
        gdof = udof + pdof + 1

        FF -= AA @ x
        bdIdx = np.zeros(gdof, dtype=np.int)
        bdIdx[isBdDof] = 1
        Tbd = spdiags(bdIdx, 0, gdof, gdof)
        T = spdiags(1 - bdIdx, 0, gdof, gdof)
        AA = T @ AA @ T + Tbd
        FF[isBdDof] = x[isBdDof]
        x[:] = spsolve(AA, FF)
        uh[:] = x[:udof]
        ph[:] = x[udof:-1]
        print('ph:', ph)

        print('uh:', uh)
        up = uspace.project_to_smspace(uh)
        print('up:', up)
        integralalg = uspace.integralalg
        error = integralalg.L2_error(pde.velocity, up)

        uv = uspace.project(pde.velocity)
        print('uproject:', uv)
        up = uspace.project_to_smspace(uv)
        print('up', up)

        error = integralalg.L2_error(pde.velocity, up)
        if plot:
            fig = plt.figure()
            axes = fig.gca()
            mesh.find_node(axes, showindex=True)
            mesh.find_edge(axes, showindex=True)
Ejemplo n.º 54
def main(kf, is_coarse=False):

    mesh_size = 0.045
    gb, domain = make_grid_bucket(mesh_size)

    # Assign parameters
    add_data(gb, domain, kf)

    # Choose and define the solvers and coupler
    solver_flow = pp.DualVEMMixedDim("flow")
    A, b = solver_flow.matrix_rhs(gb, return_bmat=True)

    # Select the grid of higher dimension and the position in the matrix A
    g_h = gb.grids_of_dimension(gb.dim_max())[0]
    pos_hn = [gb.node_props(g_h, "node_number")]
    # Determine the number of dofs [u, p] for the higher dimensional grid
    dof_h = A[pos_hn[0], pos_hn[0]].shape[0]

    # Select the co-dimensional grid positions
    pos_ln = [d["node_number"] for g, d in gb if g.dim < g_h.dim]

    # select the positions of the mortars blocks, for both the high dimensional
    # and lower dimensional grids
    num_nodes = gb.num_graph_nodes()
    pos_he = []
    pos_le = []
    for e, d in gb.edges():
        gl_h = gb.nodes_of_edge(e)[1]
        if gl_h.dim == g_h.dim:
            pos_he.append(d["edge_number"] + num_nodes)
            pos_le.append(d["edge_number"] + num_nodes)

    # extract the blocks for the higher dimension
    A_h = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_hn + pos_he, pos_hn + pos_he)])
    b_h = np.concatenate(tuple(b[pos_hn + pos_he]))

    # matrix that couple the 1 co-dimensional pressure to the mortar variables
    C_h = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_he, pos_ln)])

    # Select the grid that realise the jump operator given the mortar variables
    C_l = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_ln, pos_he)])

    # construct the rhs with all the active pressure dof in the 1 co-dimension
    if_p = np.zeros(C_h.shape[1], dtype=np.bool)
    pos = 0
    for g, d in gb:
        if g.dim != g_h.dim:
            pos += g.num_faces
            # only the 1 co-dimensional grids are interesting
            if g.dim == g_h.dim - 1:
                if_p[pos:pos + g.num_cells] = True
            pos += g.num_cells

    # compute the bases
    num_bases = np.sum(if_p)
    dof_bases = C_h.shape[0]
    bases = np.zeros((C_h.shape[1], C_h.shape[1]))

    # we solve many times the same problem, better to factorize the matrix
    LU = sps.linalg.factorized(A_h.tocsc())

    # solve to compute the ms bases functions for homogeneous boundary
    # conditions
    for dof_basis in np.where(if_p)[0]:
        rhs = np.zeros(if_p.size)
        rhs[dof_basis] = 1.
        # project from the co-dimensional pressure to the Robin boundary
        # condition
        rhs = np.concatenate((np.zeros(dof_h), -C_h * rhs))
        x = LU(rhs)
        # compute the jump of the mortars
        bases[:, dof_basis] = C_l * x[-dof_bases:]

        # save = pp.Exporter(g_h, "vem"+str(dof_basis), folder="vem_ms")
        # save.write_vtk({'pressure': x[g_h.num_faces:dof_h]})

    # solve for non-zero boundary conditions
    x_h = LU(b_h)

    # construct the problem in the fracture network
    A_l = np.empty((2, 2), dtype=np.object)
    b_l = np.empty(2, dtype=np.object)
    # the multiscale bases are thus inserted in the right block of the lower
    # dimensional problem
    A_l[0, 0] = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_ln, pos_ln)]) + sps.csr_matrix(bases)
    dof_l = A_l[0, 0].shape[0]
    # add to the righ-hand side the non-homogenous solution from the higher
    # dimensional problem
    b_l[0] = np.concatenate(tuple(b[pos_ln])) - C_l * x_h[-dof_bases:]
    # in the case of > 1 co-dimensional problems
    if len(pos_le) > 0:
        A_l[0, 1] = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_ln, pos_le)])
        A_l[1, 0] = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_le, pos_ln)])
        A_l[1, 1] = sps.bmat(A[np.ix_(pos_le, pos_le)])
        b_l[1] = np.concatenate(tuple(b[pos_le]))

    # assemble and solve for the network
    A_l = sps.bmat(A_l, "csr")
    b_l = np.concatenate(tuple(b_l))
    x_l = sps.linalg.spsolve(A_l, b_l)

    # compute the higher dimensional solution
    rhs = x_l[:if_p.size]
    rhs = np.concatenate((np.zeros(dof_h), -C_h * rhs))
    x_h = LU(b_h + rhs)

    # save and export using standard algorithm
    x = np.zeros(x_h.size + x_l.size)
    x[:dof_h] = x_h[:dof_h]
    x[dof_h:(dof_h + dof_l)] = x_l[:dof_l]
    solver_flow.split(gb, "up", x)

    gb.add_node_props(["discharge", "pressure", "P0u"])
    solver_flow.extract_u(gb, "up", "discharge")
    solver_flow.extract_p(gb, "up", "pressure")
    solver_flow.project_u(gb, "discharge", "P0u")

    save = pp.Exporter(gb, "vem", folder="vem")
    save.write_vtk(["pressure", "P0u"])
Ejemplo n.º 55
from scipy.sparse import bmat, identity
from scipy.sparse.linalg import splu
from skfem import *
from skfem.models import laplace, mass

m = MeshLine().refined(6)
basis = Basis(m, ElementLineP1())

N = basis.N
L = laplace.assemble(basis)
M = mass.assemble(basis)
I = identity(N)
c = 1.

# reduction to first order system in time
A0 = bmat([[I, None], [None, M]], "csc")

B0 = bmat([[None, I], [-c**2 * L, None]], "csc")

# Crank-Nicolson
dt = .01
theta = .5
A = A0 + theta * B0 * dt
B = A0 - (1. - theta) * B0 * dt
backsolve = splu(A).solve

# timestepping
def evolve(t, u):
    while t < 1:
        t = t + dt
Ejemplo n.º 56
def solve_problem3(m, element_type='P1', solver_type='pcg', tol=1e-8):
    separated without BTMB

    # equation 1

    if element_type == 'P1':
        element1 = ElementTriP1()
    elif element_type == 'P2':
        element1 = ElementTriP2()
        raise Exception("Element not supported")

    basis1 = InteriorBasis(m, element1, intorder=intorder)

    K1 = asm(laplace, basis1)
    f1 = asm(f_load, basis1)

    wh = solve(*condense(K1, f1, D=basis1.find_dofs()),

    # equation 2

    element2 = ElementTriMorley()
    basis2 = InteriorBasis(m, element2, intorder=intorder)

    K2 = asm(zv_load, basis2)
    f2 = asm(laplace, basis1, basis2) * wh

    zh = solve(*condense(K2, f2, D=easy_boundary(basis2)),

    # equation 3

    element3 = {'phi': ElementVectorH1(ElementTriCR()), 'p': ElementTriP0()}
    basis3 = {
        variable: InteriorBasis(m, e, intorder=intorder)
        for variable, e in element3.items()

    A = asm(phipsi_load1,
            basis3['phi']) + epsilon**2 * asm(phipsi_load2, basis3['phi'])
    B = asm(phiq_load, basis3['phi'], basis3['p'])
    C = asm(mass, basis3['p']) / alpha
    F1 = asm(zpsi_load, basis2, basis3['phi']) * zh

    f3 = np.concatenate([F1, np.zeros(B.shape[0])])
    K3 = bmat([[A, -B.T], [-B, C * 0]], 'csr')

    K, f, _, I_withp = condense(K3, f3, D=basis3['phi'].find_dofs())

    len_condensed = K.shape[0] - C.shape[0]

    invC = sparse.eye(C.shape[0]) * C.shape[0] * alpha

    I = I_withp[:-C.shape[0]]
    B_reshaped = B.T[I].T

    # multilevel_solver = pyamg.ruge_stuben_solver(K[:len_condensed, :len_condensed])

    multilevel_solver = pyamg.ruge_stuben_solver(
        K[:len_condensed, :len_condensed])
    M11_op = multilevel_solver.aspreconditioner()

    def matvec(b):
        u2 = invC * b[len_condensed:]
        u1 = M11_op.matvec(b[:len_condensed] - B_reshaped.T * u2)
        return np.append(u1, -invC * B_reshaped * u1 - u2)

    M = LinearOperator(K.shape, matvec)

    gmres_time_start = time.time()
    phip_minres_full_gmres = solve(K,
                                       spl.gmres, M=M, tol=gmres_tol))
    gmres_time_end = time.time()

    out_phip = np.zeros(K3.shape[0])
    out_phip[I_withp] = phip_minres_full_gmres
    phih, ph3 = np.split(out_phip, [A.shape[0]])

    # equation 4

    element4 = ElementTriMorley()
    basis4 = InteriorBasis(m, element4, intorder=intorder)

    K4 = asm(uchi_load, basis4)
    f4 = asm(phichi_load, basis3['phi'], basis4) * phih

    uh0 = solve(*condense(K4, f4, D=easy_boundary(basis4)),

    print('GMRES Time Cost {:.3e} s'.format(gmres_time_end - gmres_time_start))
    print('dofs:', K.shape[0])
    return uh0, {'u': basis4}
    def solve_poisson_2d(self, n=3, p=0, plot=True):
        pde = CosCosData()
        mesh = pde.init_mesh(n=n, meshtype='tri')
        space = RaviartThomasFiniteElementSpace2d(mesh, p=p)

        udof = space.number_of_global_dofs()
        pdof = space.smspace.number_of_global_dofs()
        gdof = udof + pdof

        uh = space.function()
        ph = space.smspace.function()
        A = space.stiff_matrix()
        B = space.div_matrix()
        F1 = space.source_vector(pde.source)
        AA = bmat([[A, -B], [-B.T, None]], format='csr')

        if True:
            F0 = space.neumann_boundary_vector(pde.dirichlet)
            FF = np.r_['0', F0, F1]
            x = spsolve(AA, FF).reshape(-1)
            uh[:] = x[:udof]
            ph[:] = x[udof:]
            error0 = space.integralalg.L2_error(pde.flux, uh)

            def f(bc):
                xx = mesh.bc_to_point(bc)
                return (pde.solution(xx) - ph(xx))**2

            error1 = space.integralalg.integral(f)
            print(error0, error1)
            isBdDof = space.set_dirichlet_bc(uh, pde.neumann)
            x = np.r_['0', uh, ph]
            isBdDof = np.r_['0', isBdDof, np.zeros(pdof, dtype=np.bool_)]

            FF = np.r_['0', np.zeros(udof, dtype=np.float64), F1]

            FF -= AA @ x
            bdIdx = np.zeros(gdof, dtype=np.int)
            bdIdx[isBdDof] = 1
            Tbd = spdiags(bdIdx, 0, gdof, gdof)
            T = spdiags(1 - bdIdx, 0, gdof, gdof)
            AA = T @ AA @ T + Tbd
            FF[isBdDof] = x[isBdDof]
            x[:] = spsolve(AA, FF)
            uh[:] = x[:udof]
            ph[:] = x[udof:]

            error0 = space.integralalg.L2_error(pde.flux, uh)

            def f(bc):
                xx = mesh.bc_to_point(bc)
                return (pde.solution(xx) - ph(xx))**2

            error1 = space.integralalg.integral(f)
            print(error0, error1)

        if plot:
            box = [-0.5, 1.5, -0.5, 1.5]
            fig = plt.figure()
            axes = fig.gca()
            mesh.add_plot(axes, box=box)
            #mesh.find_node(axes, showindex=True)
            #mesh.find_edge(axes, showindex=True)
            #mesh.find_cell(axes, showindex=True)
            #node = ps.reshape(-1, 2)
            #uv = phi.reshape(-1, 2)
            #axes.quiver(node[:, 0], node[:, 1], uv[:, 0], uv[:, 1])
Ejemplo n.º 58
def filter_ppi_patients(ppi_total,
    """Keeping only the connections with the best influencers and Filtering some
    patients based on mutation number

    'the 11 most influential neighbors of each gene in the network as
    determined by network influence distance were used'
    'Only mutation data generated using the Illumina GAIIx platform were
    retained for subsequent analy- sis, and patients with fewer than 10
    mutations were discarded.'

    ppi_total : sparse matrix
        Built from all sparse sub-matrices (AA, ... , CC).

    mut_total : sparse matrix
        Patients' mutation profiles of all genes (rows: patients,
        columns: genes of AA, BB and CC).

    ppi_filt : sparse matrix
        Filtration from ppi_total : only genes in PPI are considered.

    final_influence :
        Smoothed PPI influence matrices based on minimum or maximum weight.

    ngh_max : int
        Number of best influencers in PPI.

    keep_singletons : boolean, default: False
        If True, proteins not annotated in PPI (genes founded only in patients'
        mutation profiles) will be also considered.
        If False, only annotated proteins in PPI will be considered.

    min_mutation, max_mutation : int
        Numbers of lowest mutations and highest mutations per patient.

    ppi_final, mut_final : sparse matrix
        PPI and mutation profiles after filtering.
    # n = final_influence.shape[0]
    # final_influence = index_to_sym_matrix(n, final_influence)

    ppi_ngh = best_neighboors(ppi_filt, final_influence, ngh_max)
    # print('ppi_ngh ', ppi_ngh.dtype)
    deg0 = Ppi(ppi_total).deg == 0  # True if protein degree = 0

    if keep_singletons:
        ppi_final = sp.bmat(
            [[ppi_ngh, sp.csc_matrix((ppi_ngh.shape[0], sum(deg0)))],
                 sp.csc_matrix((sum(deg0), ppi_ngh.shape[0])),
                 sp.csc_matrix((sum(deg0), sum(deg0)))
             ]])  # -> COO matrix
        # mut_final=sp.bmat([[mut_total[:,deg0==False],mut_total[:,deg0==True]]])
        mut_final = mut_total
        ppi_final = ppi_ngh
        mut_final = mut_total[:, Ppi(ppi_total).deg > 0]

    # filtered_patients = np.array([k < min_mutation or k > max_mutation for k in Patient(mut_final).mut_per_patient])
    # mut_final = mut_final[filtered_patients == False, :]

    # to avoid worse comparison '== False'
    mut_final = mut_final[np.array([
        min_mutation < k < max_mutation
        for k in Patient(mut_final).mut_per_patient

        " Removing %i patients with less than %i or more than %i mutations" %
        (mut_total.shape[0] - mut_final.shape[0], min_mutation, max_mutation))
    # print("New adjacency matrix:", ppi_final.shape)
    # print("New mutation profile matrix:", mut_final.shape)

    return ppi_final, mut_final
Ejemplo n.º 59
 def mono2bi(m):
     """Increase the size of the matrices"""
     return bmat([[csc(m), None], [None, csc(m)]]).todense()
Ejemplo n.º 60
def mkbigD(m, track_flows=False, use_correction=False):
    '''with Q correction'''
    matlist_flow = mkflowmat(m)
    matlist_proc = mkprocmat(m)
    if use_correction == True:
        matlist_flow_Q = mkflowmatQ(m)
        matlist_proc_Q = mkprocmatQ(m)

    # check for same shape of all matrices
    matshp = matlist_flow[0].shape
    for m in matlist_flow + matlist_proc:
        if m.shape != matshp:
            print("mkbigD: inconsistent matrix dimensions. Aborting!\n")

    # add matrices for intercell transport  and intracell processes
    matlist = []
    outbigD = []
    if use_correction == True:
        matlist_Q = []
    for ts in arange(0, len(matlist_flow)):
        matlist.append(matlist_flow[ts] + matlist_proc[ts])
        outbigD.append(matlist_flow[ts] + matlist_proc[ts])
        if use_correction == True:
            matlist_Q.append(matlist_flow_Q[ts] + matlist_proc_Q[ts])

    # construct proper diagonals
    for ts in arange(0, len(matlist)):
        # seperate matrices from their diagonals
        # define todense() since it can not work in high resolution   FY
        array_matlist1 = zeros((matlist[ts].shape[0], matlist[ts].shape[1]))
        for i in range(matlist[ts].shape[0]):
            array_matlist1[i, :] = matlist[ts][i, :].todense()
        diagonal = diag(array_matlist1)  #FY
        matlist[ts] = matlist[ts] - sp.spdiags(
            diagonal, 0, matshp[0], matshp[1], format="csc")
        if use_correction == True:
            diagonal_Q = diag(matlist_Q[ts].todense())
            matlist_Q[ts] = matlist_Q[ts] - sp.spdiags(
                diagonal_Q, 0, matshp[0], matshp[1], format="csc")
        # put losses by transport to other cells on diagonal and
        # put back intra-cell loss with negative sign
        #loss=sum(matlist[ts].todense(), axis=0)
        array_matlist2 = zeros((matlist[ts].shape[0], matlist[ts].shape[1]))
        for i in range(matlist[ts].shape[0]):
            array_matlist2[i, :] = matlist[ts][i, :].todense()
        loss = sum(array_matlist2, axis=0)  #FY
        if use_correction == True:
        if track_flows == True:
            diagonals = -sp.spdiags(loss,0,matshp[0],matshp[1],format="csc")\
            outbigD[ts] = sp.bmat([[ outbigD[ts], None],[diagonals,\
    return (outbigD)