Ejemplo n.º 1
    def to_tree(cls, node: Rotation, ctx):
        Convert an instance of the 'Dimension' type into YAML representations.

        node :
            Instance of the 'Dimension' type to be serialized.

        ctx :
            An instance of the 'AsdfFile' object that is being written out.

            A basic YAML type ('dict', 'list', 'str', 'int', 'float', or
            'complex') representing the properties of the 'Dimension' type to be

        tree = {}

        if not hasattr(node,
                       "wx_meta"):  # default to quaternion representation
            tree["quaternions"] = node.as_quat()
        elif node.wx_meta["constructor"] == "from_quat":
            tree["quaternions"] = node.as_quat()
        elif node.wx_meta["constructor"] == "from_matrix":
            tree["matrix"] = node.as_matrix()
        elif node.wx_meta["constructor"] == "from_rotvec":
            tree["rotvec"] = node.as_rotvec()
        elif node.wx_meta["constructor"] == "from_euler":
            seq_str = node.wx_meta["seq"]
            if not len(seq_str) == 3:
                if all([c in "xyz" for c in seq_str]):
                    seq_str = seq_str + "".join(
                        [c for c in "xyz" if c not in seq_str])
                elif all([c in "XYZ" for c in seq_str]):
                    seq_str = seq_str + "".join(
                        [c for c in "XYZ" if c not in seq_str])
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Mix of intrinsic and extrinsic euler angles.")

            angles = node.as_euler(seq_str, degrees=node.wx_meta["degrees"])
            angles = np.squeeze(angles[..., :len(node.wx_meta["seq"])])

            if node.wx_meta["degrees"]:
                angles = Q_(angles, "degree")
                angles = Q_(angles, "rad")

            tree["sequence"] = node.wx_meta["seq"]
            tree["angles"] = angles

        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise NotImplementedError("unknown or missing constructor")

        return tree
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def from_rotation(rotation: Rotation, frame: Frame) -> Orientation:
     :param rotation: Scipy Rotation object
     :param frame: Frame of orientation
     :return: Orientation object
     return Orientation(*rotation.as_quat(), frame=frame)  # type: ignore
Ejemplo n.º 3
def scipy_rot_to_ros_odom(rotation: Rotation):
    odom_out = Odometry()
    q_rotation = rotation.as_quat()

    odom_out.pose.pose.orientation.x = q_rotation[0]
    odom_out.pose.pose.orientation.y = q_rotation[1]
    odom_out.pose.pose.orientation.z = q_rotation[2]
    odom_out.pose.pose.orientation.w = q_rotation[3]

    return odom_out
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def dt(cls, V: V3, dVdt: V3, theta: R, omega: V3, domegadt: V3) \
     -> np.ndarray:
     o1 = omega[0]
     o2 = omega[1]
     o3 = omega[2]
     mat = np.array([[0, -o1, -o2, -o3], [o1, 0, o3, -o2], [o2, -o3, 0, o1],
                     [o3, o2, -o1, 0]])
     dXdt = V
     dthetadt = np.dot(mat, theta.as_quat())
     return np.concatenate([dXdt, dVdt, dthetadt, domegadt])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def to_yaml_tree(self, obj: Rotation, tag: str, ctx) -> dict:
        """Convert to python dict."""
        tree = {}

        if not hasattr(obj, ROT_META):  # default to quaternion representation
            tree["quaternions"] = obj.as_quat()
        elif getattr(obj, ROT_META)["constructor"] == "from_quat":
            tree["quaternions"] = obj.as_quat()
        elif getattr(obj, ROT_META)["constructor"] == "from_matrix":
            tree["matrix"] = obj.as_matrix()
        elif getattr(obj, ROT_META)["constructor"] == "from_rotvec":
            tree["rotvec"] = obj.as_rotvec()
        elif getattr(obj, ROT_META)["constructor"] == "from_euler":
            seq_str = getattr(obj, ROT_META)["seq"]
            if not len(seq_str) == 3:
                if all(c in "xyz" for c in seq_str):
                    seq_str = seq_str + "".join(
                        [c for c in "xyz" if c not in seq_str])
                elif all(c in "XYZ" for c in seq_str):
                    seq_str = seq_str + "".join(
                        [c for c in "XYZ" if c not in seq_str])
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Mix of intrinsic and extrinsic euler angles.")

            angles = obj.as_euler(seq_str,
                                  degrees=getattr(obj, ROT_META)["degrees"])
            angles = np.squeeze(
                angles[..., :len(getattr(obj, ROT_META)["seq"])])

            if getattr(obj, ROT_META)["degrees"]:
                angles = Q_(angles, "degree")
                angles = Q_(angles, "rad")

            tree["sequence"] = getattr(obj, ROT_META)["seq"]
            tree["angles"] = angles

        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise NotImplementedError("unknown or missing constructor")

        return tree
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def state_deriv(t, x):
     c = self.a * self.alpha
     ang_vel_mat = np.array([
         [    0,  x[6], -x[5], x[4]],
         [-x[6],     0,  x[4], x[5]],
         [ x[5], -x[4],     0, x[6]],
         [-x[4], -x[5], -x[6],    0]
     orientation = Rotation(x[7:11])
     net_force = orientation.apply([0, 0, self.alpha * np.sum(x[0:4])])
     return np.array([
         0, 0, 0, 0,                                               # Motor torque derivatives
         (x[1] - x[3])*c/self.principal_moments[0],                # Angular accel x
         (x[2] - x[0])*c/self.principal_moments[1],                # Angular accel y
         (x[0] + x[2] - x[1] - x[3])/self.principal_moments[2]     # Angular accel z
         ] + list(0.5 * ang_vel_mat @ orientation.as_quat())           # Quaternion derivative
           + list([0, 0, -9.8] + net_force/self.mass)                  # Acceleration
Ejemplo n.º 7
def quaternionFromScipy(quaternion : Rot, quaternionpb = Quaterniond_pb2.Quaterniond()):
   return quaternionFromNumpy(quaternion.as_quat(), quaternionpb = quaternionpb)
Ejemplo n.º 8
                  for p in label_tag.other_agent_trajectories[-1].poses
             quatsreconstructed = np.array([[
                 p.rotation.x, p.rotation.y, p.rotation.z, p.rotation.w
             ] for p in label_tag.other_agent_trajectories[-1].poses],
             velreconstructed = np.array(
                 [[v.vector.x, v.vector.y, v.vector.z]
                  for v in label_tag.other_agent_trajectories[-1].
             assert (np.allclose(positions_samp.astype(np.float32),
             assert (np.allclose(Rot.as_quat(rotations_samp).astype(
             assert (np.allclose(velocities_samp.astype(np.float32),
 if debug and (not time_trial) and (not len(
         label_tag.other_agent_trajectories) == 0) and idx % 30 == 0:
     image_file = "image_%d.jpg" % idx
     print("Found a match for %s. Metadata:" % (image_file, ))
     print("Match positions: " + str(match_positions))
     print("Closest packet index: " + str(istart))
     print("Car indices: " + str(label_tag.trajectory_car_indices))
     # imagein = cv2.imread(os.path.join(image_folder,image_file))
     # cv2.imshow("Image",imagein)
     # cv2.waitKey(0)
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: camera.py Proyecto: 3b1b/manim
 def set_orientation(self, rotation: Rotation):
     self.uniforms["orientation"][:] = rotation.as_quat()
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def update(self, t, state, flat_output):
        This function receives the current time, true state, and desired flat
        outputs. It returns the command inputs.

            t, present time in seconds
            state, a dict describing the present state with keys                       # State
                x, position, m
                v, linear velocity, m/s
                q, quaternion [i,j,k,w]
                w, angular velocity, rad/s
            flat_output, a dict describing the present desired flat outputs with keys  # Desired
                x,        position, m
                x_dot,    velocity, m/s
                x_ddot,   acceleration, m/s**2
                x_dddot,  jerk, m/s**3
                x_ddddot, snap, m/s**4
                yaw,      yaw angle, rad
                yaw_dot,  yaw rate, rad/s

            control_input, a dict describing the present computed control inputs with keys  # Output
                cmd_motor_speeds, rad/s
                cmd_thrust, N (for debugging and laboratory; not used by simulator)
                cmd_moment, N*m (for debugging; not used by simulator)
                cmd_q, quaternion [i,j,k,w] (for laboratory; not used by simulator)
        cmd_motor_speeds = np.zeros((4,))
        cmd_thrust = 0
        cmd_moment = np.zeros((3,))
        cmd_q = np.zeros((4,))

        # STUDENT CODE HERE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # define error

        error_pos = state.get('x') - flat_output.get('x')
        error_vel = state.get('v') - flat_output.get('x_dot')

        error_vel = np.array(error_vel).reshape(3, 1)
        error_pos = np.array(error_pos).reshape(3, 1)

        # Equation 26
        rdd_des = np.array(flat_output.get('x_ddot')).reshape(3, 1) - np.matmul(self.Kd, error_vel) - np.matmul(self.Kp,
        # Equation 28
        F_des = (self.mass * rdd_des) + np.array([0, 0, self.mass * self.g]).reshape(3, 1)  # (3 * 1)

        # Find Rotation matrix
        R = Rotation.as_matrix(Rotation.from_quat(state.get('q')))  # Quaternions to Rotation Matrix
        # print(R.shape)
        # Equation 29, Find u1
        b3 = R[0:3, 2:3]

        # print(b3)
        u1 = np.matmul(b3.T, F_des)  # u1[0,0] to access value
        # print(np.transpose(b3))

        # ----------------------- the following is to  find u2 ---------------------------------------------------------

        # Equation 30
        b3_des = F_des / np.linalg.norm(F_des)  # 3 * 1
        a_Psi = np.array([np.cos(flat_output.get('yaw')), np.sin(flat_output.get('yaw')), 0]).reshape(3, 1)  # 3 * 1
        b2_des = np.cross(b3_des, a_Psi, axis=0) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(b3_des, a_Psi, axis=0))
        b1_des = np.cross(b2_des, b3_des, axis=0)

        # Equation 33
        R_des = np.hstack((b1_des, b2_des, b3_des))
        # print(R_des)

        # Equation 34
        # R_temp = 0.5 * (np.matmul(np.transpose(R_des), R) - np.matmul(np.transpose(R), R_des))
        temp = R_des.T @ R - R.T @ R_des
        R_temp = 0.5 * temp
        # orientation error vector
        e_R = 0.5 * np.array([-R_temp[1, 2], R_temp[0, 2], -R_temp[0, 1]]).reshape(3, 1)
        # Equation 35
        u2 = self.inertia @ (-self.K_R @ e_R - self.K_w @ (np.array(state.get('w')).reshape(3, 1)))

        gama = self.k_drag / self.k_thrust
        Len = self.arm_length
        cof_temp = np.array(
            [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, Len, 0, -Len, -Len, 0, Len, 0, gama, -gama, gama, -gama]).reshape(4, 4)

        u = np.vstack((u1, u2))

        F_i = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(cof_temp), u)

        for i in range(4):
            if F_i[i, 0] < 0:
                F_i[i, 0] = 0
                cmd_motor_speeds[i] = self.rotor_speed_max
            cmd_motor_speeds[i] = np.sqrt(F_i[i, 0] / self.k_thrust)
            if cmd_motor_speeds[i] > self.rotor_speed_max:
                cmd_motor_speeds[i] = self.rotor_speed_max

        cmd_thrust = u1[0, 0]
        cmd_moment[0] = u2[0, 0]
        cmd_moment[1] = u2[1, 0]
        cmd_moment[2] = u2[2, 0]
        cmd_q = Rotation.as_quat(Rotation.from_matrix(R_des))
        control_input = {'cmd_motor_speeds': cmd_motor_speeds,
                         'cmd_thrust': cmd_thrust,
                         'cmd_moment': cmd_moment,
                         'cmd_q': cmd_q}

        return control_input
 def canonicalize_rotation(self, rotation: Rotation):
     q_rotation = rotation.as_quat()
     for i in q_rotation:
         if i < 0:
             return Rotation.from_quat(-1 * q_rotation)
     return rotation
Ejemplo n.º 12
def rotation_2_quaternion(rot):
    r = R.from_matrix(rot)
    q_array = R.as_quat(r)
    return q_array # retrun numpy array
Ejemplo n.º 13
fx = interpolate.interp1d(time_array, data[:,1], fill_value="extrapolate")
fy = interpolate.interp1d(time_array, data[:,2], fill_value="extrapolate")
fz = interpolate.interp1d(time_array, data[:,3], fill_value="extrapolate")
pos_new = np.zeros((t_new.shape[0], 3))
pos_new[:,0] = fx(t_new)
pos_new[:,1] = fy(t_new)
pos_new[:,2] = fz(t_new)

att_array = np.empty((0,4))
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
    att_array = np.append(att_array, quat_wx2xw(Euler2quat(data[i,7:10]))[np.newaxis,:], axis=0)
key_rots = R.from_quat(att_array)
slerp = Slerp(time_array, key_rots)
interp_rots = slerp(t_new)
att_new_array = R.as_quat(interp_rots)
att_new = np.zeros_like(att_new_array)
for i in range(t_new.shape[0]):
    att_new[i,:] = quat_xw2wx(att_new_array[i,:])

# Progress Bar
data_len = t_new.shape[0]
print("data length: {}".format(data_len))
bar_iter = 0
bar_max = data_len
bar = Bar('Processing Video', max=bar_max, suffix='%(percent)d%%')
bar_step = np.around(data_len/bar_max)

# Request Image and Save
for i in range(data_len):
    filename = "{}/{}.png".format(save_path,i)