Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_graph_from_geometry(geometry):

    # let's transform the geometry into lists of channel names and coordinates
    chans, coords = zip(*[(ch, xy) for ch, xy in geometry.iteritems()])

    # we'll perform the triangulation and extract the
        tri = spatial.Delaunay(coords)
    except QhullError:
        # oh no! we probably have a linear geometry.
        chans, coords = list(chans), list(coords)
        x, y = zip(*coords)
        # let's add a dummy channel and try again
        coords.append((max(x) + 1, max(y) + 1))
        tri = spatial.Delaunay(coords)

    # then build the list of edges from the triangulation
    indices, indptr = tri.vertex_neighbor_vertices
    edges = []
    for k in range(indices.shape[0] - 1):
        for j in indptr[indices[k]:indices[k + 1]]:
                edges.append((chans[k], chans[j]))
            except IndexError:
                # let's ignore anything connected to the dummy channel
    return edges
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_graph_from_geometry(geometry):
    # let's transform the geometry into lists of channel names and coordinates
    chans, coords = zip(*[(ch, xy) for ch, xy in geometry.iteritems()])

    # we'll perform the triangulation and extract the
        tri = spatial.Delaunay(coords)
        x, y = zip(*coords)
        coords = list(coords)
        coords.append((max(x) + 1, max(y) + 1))
        tri = spatial.Delaunay(coords)

    # then build the list of edges from the triangulation
    indices, indptr = tri.vertex_neighbor_vertices
    print indices, indptr
    edges = []
    for k in range(indices.shape[0] - 1):
        for j in indptr[indices[k]:indices[k + 1]]:
                edges.append((chans[k], chans[j]))
            except IndexError:
                # ignore dummy site
    return edges
Ejemplo n.º 3
def is_in_hull(
        points: ArrayLike, hull: Union[ss.Delaunay, ss.ConvexHull,
                                       ArrayLike]) -> np.ndarray:
    test if points in `points` are in `hull`

    points: array_like,
        an `NxK` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions
    hull: Delaunay object or ConvexHull object, or array_like,
        the objects which defines the hull, essentially an `MxK` array of the coordinates of `M` points in `K`dimensions

    ndarray of bool
    if isinstance(hull, ss.Delaunay):
        _h = hull
    elif isinstance(hull, ss.ConvexHull):
        _h = ss.Delaunay(hull.points)
        _h = ss.Delaunay(hull)

    return _h.find_simplex(points) >= 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def estimate(self, src, dst):
        """Set the control points with which to perform the piecewise mapping.

        Number of source and destination coordinates must match.

        src : (N, 2) array
            Source coordinates.
        dst : (N, 2) array
            Destination coordinates.


        # forward piecewise affine
        # triangulate input positions into mesh
        self._tesselation = spatial.Delaunay(src)
        # find affine mapping from source positions to destination
        self.affines = []
        for tri in self._tesselation.vertices:
            affine = AffineTransform()
            affine.estimate(src[tri, :], dst[tri, :])

        # inverse piecewise affine
        # triangulate input positions into mesh
        self._inverse_tesselation = spatial.Delaunay(dst)
        # find affine mapping from source positions to destination
        self.inverse_affines = []
        for tri in self._inverse_tesselation.vertices:
            affine = AffineTransform()
            affine.estimate(dst[tri, :], src[tri, :])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def match_candidates_by_graph(
    images_ref: List[str],
    images_cand: List[str],
    exifs: Dict[str, Any],
    reference: geo.TopocentricConverter,
    rounds: int,
    """Find by triangulating the GPS points on X/Y axises"""
    if len(images_cand) == 0 or rounds < 1:
        return set()

    images_cand_set = set(images_cand)
    images_ref_set = set(images_ref)
    images = list(images_cand_set | images_ref_set)

    representative_points = get_representative_points(images, exifs, reference)

    points = np.zeros((len(images), 2))
    for i, point in enumerate(representative_points.values()):
        points[i] = point[0:2]

    def produce_edges(triangles):
        for triangle in triangles:
            for vertex1, vertex2 in combinations(triangle, 2):
                image1, image2 = images[vertex1], images[vertex2]
                if image1 == image2:
                pair_way1 = image1 in images_cand_set and image2 in images_ref_set
                pair_way2 = image2 in images_cand_set and image1 in images_ref_set
                if pair_way1 or pair_way2:
                    yield sorted_pair(image1, image2), (vertex1, vertex2)

    pairs = set()

    # first round compute scale based on edges (and push delaunay edges)
    edge_distances = []
    triangles = spatial.Delaunay(points).simplices
    for (image1, image2), (vertex1, vertex2) in produce_edges(triangles):
        pairs.add((image1, image2))
        edge_distances.append(norm_2d(points[vertex1] - points[vertex2]))
    scale = np.median(edge_distances)

    # further rounds produces edges from jittered version of the original points
    # in order to get 'alternative' delaunay triangulations : a perfect square
    # will only produce one diagonal edge, so by jittering it, we get more
    # chances of getting such diagonal edges and having more diversity
    for _ in range(rounds):
        points_current = copy.copy(points) + np.random.rand(*points.shape) * scale
        triangles = spatial.Delaunay(points_current).simplices
        for (image1, image2), _ in produce_edges(triangles):
            pairs.add((image1, image2))

    return pairs
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def evaluate(self, points, values, rpoints, method="linear"):
        if len(np.array(points).shape) == 1:
            self._dim = 1
            points = points[:, np.newaxis]
        elif len(points.shape) == 2:
            self._dim = points.shape[1]
            raise ValueError("Points must be ndarray of shape (npoints,dim)")

        methods = ["nearest", "linear", "cubic"]
        if not method in methods:
            raise ValueError("Supported methods: {}".format(
                ", ".join(methods)))

        if method == "cubic" and self._dim > 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cubic interpolator only supported for 1D and 2D data")

        nanmask = ~np.isnan(values)
        if not np.array_equal(self._points, points) \
          or self._method != method \
          or not np.array_equal(self._nanmask, nanmask):
            self._kdtree = spatial.cKDTree(points)
            if self._dim == 1:
                self._triangulation = None
            elif method == "nearest":
                self._triangulation = None
            elif method == "linear":
                self._triangulation = spatial.Delaunay(points)
            elif method == "cubic":
                self._triangulation = spatial.Delaunay(points[nanmask])
            self._points = points
            self._method = method
            self._nanmask = nanmask

        if method == "nearest":
            ivalues = self._nearest_interpolator(rpoints, values)
        elif method == "linear":
            lval = self._linear_interpolator(rpoints, values)
            mask = np.isnan(lval)
            if np.any(mask):
                lval[mask] = self._nearest_interpolator(
                    [x[mask] for x in rpoints], values)
            ivalues = lval
        elif method == "cubic":
            cval = self._cubic_interpolator(rpoints, values)
            nval = self._nearest_interpolator(rpoints, values)
            cval[np.isnan(nval)] = np.nan
            ivalues = cval
        return np.squeeze(ivalues)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def getBlendedImage(self, alpha):
     trianglePoints = spatial.Delaunay(self.endPoints).vertices
     sourceTarget = np.zeros(self.startImage.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
     endTarget = np.zeros(self.endImage.shape, np.uint8)
     for vertices in trianglePoints:
         sourceP1 = (self.startPoints[vertices[0]][0],
         sourceP2 = (self.startPoints[vertices[1]][0],
         sourceP3 = (self.startPoints[vertices[2]][0],
         endP1 = (self.endPoints[vertices[0]][0],
         endP2 = (self.endPoints[vertices[1]][0],
         endP3 = (self.endPoints[vertices[2]][0],
         destP1 = ((1 - alpha) * sourceP1[0] + alpha * endP1[0],
                   (1 - alpha) * sourceP1[1] + alpha * endP1[1])
         destP2 = ((1 - alpha) * sourceP2[0] + alpha * endP2[0],
                   (1 - alpha) * sourceP2[1] + alpha * endP2[1])
         destP3 = ((1 - alpha) * sourceP3[0] + alpha * endP3[0],
                   (1 - alpha) * sourceP3[1] + alpha * endP3[1])
         sourceAffine = Affine(np.array([sourceP1, sourceP2, sourceP3]),
                               np.array([destP1, destP2, destP3]))
         sourceAffine.transform(self.startImage, sourceTarget)
         endAffine = Affine(np.array([endP1, endP2, endP3]),
                            np.array([destP1, destP2, destP3]))
         endAffine.transform(self.endImage, endTarget)
     return np.array((1 - alpha) * sourceTarget + alpha * endTarget,
Ejemplo n.º 8
def alpha_shape_auto(xys, step=1, verbose=False):
    triangulation = spat.Delaunay(xys)
    triangles = xys[triangulation.simplices]
    a_pts = triangles[:, 0, :]
    b_pts = triangles[:, 1, :]
    c_pts = triangles[:, 2, :]
    radii = r_circumcircle_triangle(a_pts, b_pts, c_pts)
    radii[np.isnan(radii)] = 0  # "Line" triangles to be kept for sure
    del triangles, a_pts, b_pts, c_pts
    radii_sorted_i = radii.argsort()
    triangles = triangulation.simplices[radii_sorted_i][::-1]
    radii = radii[radii_sorted_i][::-1]
    geoms_prev = alpha_geoms((1 / radii.max()) - 1e-10, triangles, radii, xys)
    xys_bb = np.array([*xys.min(axis=0), *xys.max(axis=0)])
    if verbose:
        print('Step set to %i' % step)
    for i in range(0, len(radii), step):
        radi = radii[i]
        alpha = (1 / radi) - 1e-100
        if verbose:
            print('%.2f%% | Trying a = %f'\
    %((i+1)/radii.shape[0], alpha))
        geoms = alpha_geoms(alpha, triangles, radii, xys)
        if (geoms.shape[0] != 1) or not (np.all(xys_bb == geoms.total_bounds)):
            geoms_prev = geoms
    return geoms_prev[0]  # Return a shapely polygon
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def generate_throats(self):
     Generate the throats (connections, numbering and types)
     self._logger.info("generate_throats: Define connections between pores")
     Np = self._net.get_num_pores()
     pts = self._net.pore_properties['coords']
     #Generate 6 dummy domains to pad onto each face of real domain
     #This prevents surface pores from making long range connections to each other
     Lx = self.domain_size[0]
     Ly = self.domain_size[1]
     Lz = self.domain_size[2]
     f = 0.1; #Scale factor for size of dummy domains
     ptsX0 = np.hstack((-np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Lx*f, np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Ly, np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Lz))
     ptsY0 = np.hstack((np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Lx, -np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Ly*f, np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Lz))
     ptsZ0 = np.hstack((np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Lx, np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Ly, -np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Lz*f))
     ptsXX = np.hstack((np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Lx*f+Lx, np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Ly, np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Lz))
     ptsYY = np.hstack((np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Lx, np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Ly*f+Ly, np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Lz))
     ptsZZ = np.hstack((np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Lx, np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Ly, np.random.rand(Np*f,1)*Lz*f+Lz))
     #Add dummy domains to real domain
     pts = np.concatenate([pts,ptsX0,ptsXX,ptsY0,ptsYY,ptsZ0,ptsZZ])
     #Perform tessellation
     Tri = sptl.Delaunay(pts)
     adjmat = sprs.lil_matrix((Np,Np),dtype=int)
     for i in np.arange(0,np.shape(Tri.simplices)[0]):
         #Keep only simplices that are fully in real domain
         adjmat[Tri.simplices[i][Tri.simplices[i]<Np],Tri.simplices[i][Tri.simplices[i]<Np]] = 1
     #Remove duplicate (lower triangle) and self connections (diagonal) 
     #and convert to coo
     adjmat = sprs.triu(adjmat,k=1,format="coo")
     self._net.throat_properties['connections'] = np.vstack((adjmat.row, adjmat.col)).T
     self._net.throat_properties['type'] = np.zeros_like(adjmat.row)
     self._net.throat_properties['numbering'] = np.arange(0,np.size(adjmat.row))
     self._logger.debug("generate_throats: End of method")
Ejemplo n.º 10
def min_dist(point_list):
    Find the minimum distance between two points in a point list using
    Delaunay triangulation.

    # Find the Delaunay triangulation
    mesh = spatial.Delaunay(point_list)

    # Get the edges of the triangulation
    edges = np.vstack((mesh.simplices[:, :2], mesh.simplices[:, -2:]))

    # The x- and y- coordinates of the edges
    x = mesh.points[edges[:, 0]]
    y = mesh.points[edges[:, 1]]

    # Calculate the lengths of the Delaunay edges, which are candidates for minimum distance
    dists = np.sqrt(np.sum((x - y)**2, axis=1))

    idx = np.argmin(dists)
    idx1, idx2 = edges[idx]
    p1, p2 = point_list[edges[idx]]

    print('The closest points are:')
    print('Index: {}, coordinates: {}'.format(idx1, tuple(p1)))
    print('Index: {}, coordinates: {}'.format(idx2, tuple(p2)))

    return np.min(dists)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _compute_hull(self, qhull_options):
        """Compute properties of the convex hull and set up the outer hull.
        self.inside_vertices = self.in_hull(self.vor.vertices)
        self.hull_points = self._flatten_simplices(self.hull.convex_hull)
        self.hull_center = np.mean(self.hull.points[self.hull_points], axis=0)

        # enlarge hull:
        # estimate area needed for a poisson process with same mean distance:
        new_area = 4.0 * self.mean_nearest_distance**2 * self.vor.npoints
        fac = np.sqrt(new_area / self.hull_area())
        self.outer_hull_points = np.zeros(
            (len(self.hull_points), self.vor.ndim))
        for k, point in enumerate(self.hull.points[self.hull_points]):
            point -= self.hull_center
            point *= fac
            point += self.hull_center
            self.outer_hull_points[k] = point
        # compute outer hull:
        self.outer_hull = sp.Delaunay(self.outer_hull_points,
        self.outer_min_bound = np.min(self.outer_hull_points, axis=0)
        self.outer_max_bound = np.max(self.outer_hull_points, axis=0)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _generate_mesh(self, env):
        # generate nodes, first node is the goal
        points = env._generate_points(self._sample_num - 2)
        points = np.concatenate(([[env._end.x, env._end.y], [env._start.x, env._start.y]], points))
        while True:
            dist_list = np.array([Point(xy[0], xy[1]).distance(env.obstacles) for xy in points])
            collision_mask = dist_list < 1e-5
            collision_count = np.sum(collision_mask)
            if collision_count == 0:

            # resample
            points[collision_mask] = env._generate_points(collision_count)
        self._samples = MultiPoint(points)

        # generate triangles
        tesselation = sps.Delaunay(points)
        triangles = tesselation.simplices.copy()
        edges = set()
        for tri in triangles:
            sortnodes = np.sort(tri)
            edges.add((sortnodes[0], sortnodes[1]))
            edges.add((sortnodes[1], sortnodes[2]))
            edges.add((sortnodes[0], sortnodes[2]))

        line_list = []
        obstacle_union = unary_union(env.obstacles)
        for n1, n2 in edges:
            line = LineString([self._samples[n1], self._samples[n2]])
            if line.intersection(obstacle_union).is_empty:
                line_list.append((n1, n2))
        self._connections = line_list
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def rectangle(cls, parent, height, width, pos_com=(0.,0.)):
        Generate a rectangle of given height, width and center of mass.

        parent : :class:`~nngt.SpatialGraph` or subclass
            The parent container.
        height : float
            Height of the rectangle.
        width : float
            Width of the rectangle.
        pos_com : tuple of floats, optional (default: (0., 0.))
            Position of the rectangle's center of mass

        shape : :class:`~nngt.Shape`
            Rectangle shape.
        shape = cls(parent)
        half_diag = np.sqrt(np.square(height/2.) + np.square(width/2.)) / 2.
        pos_com = np.array(pos_com)
        points = [  pos_com + [half_diag,half_diag],
                    pos_com + [half_diag,-half_diag],
                    pos_com - [half_diag,half_diag],
                    pos_com - [half_diag,-half_diag] ]
        shape._convex_hull = sptl.Delaunay(points)
        shape._com = pos_com
        shape._area = height * width
        return shape
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def build_tri(self):
        Create a matplotlib triangulation object from the grid
        Used primarily to contour the data (but also for interpolation)      
        if '_tri' not in self.__dict__:
            maxfaces = self.nfaces.max()
            if maxfaces == 3:
                self._tri = tri.Triangulation(self.xp, self.yp, self.cells)


                # Need to compute a delaunay triangulation for mixed meshes
                pts = np.vstack([self.xp, self.yp]).T
                D = spatial.Delaunay(pts)
                self._tri = tri.Triangulation(self.xp, self.yp, D.simplices)

                # Compute a mask by removing triangles outside of the polygon
                xy = D.points
                cells = D.simplices
                xv,yv = circumcenter(xy[cells[:,0],0],\
                mask = self.find_cell(xv, yv)
                self._tri.set_mask(mask == -1)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _interp_functor(interpolator, xi, points, *points_props):
    points = np.array(points)
    points_props = tuple(map(np.array, points_props))
    xi = tuple(map(np.array, xi))

    delaunay = (spatial.Delaunay(points) if points.shape[1] >= 2
                else Delaunay1D(points[:, 0]))
    simplex_map = delaunay.find_simplex(np.stack(xi, axis=-1))
    simplex_outer_loc = np.unique(delaunay.convex_hull)

    simplex_outer_base = points[simplex_outer_loc]
    simplex_outer_args = tuple(arg[simplex_outer_loc] for arg in points_props)
    interp = (interpolator(xi, simplex_outer_base, *simplex_outer_args)
              if len(simplex_outer_loc) == points.shape[0] - 1
              else np.full(xi[0].shape, np.nan))

    for i, s in enumerate(delaunay.simplices):
        mask = simplex_map == i
        masked_xi = tuple(dim[mask] for dim in xi)

        simplex_base = points[s]
        simplex_args = tuple(arg[s] for arg in points_props)

        interp[mask] = interpolator(masked_xi, simplex_base, *simplex_args)

    return interp
Ejemplo n.º 16
def triangleRemoval(triangulation, heights, K):
    removes triangulation from the delaunay triangulation
    :param triangulation: delaunay triangulation object
    :param heights: 1d array of the heights of the triangle points
    :param K: number of triangles to keep
    :return: simplified triangulation using triangle removal method
    deleted_points = []
    while triangulation.simplices.shape[0] > K:
        area = computeTriArea(triangulation)
        tri_to_delete = triangulation.simplices[np.argmin(area)]

        points_to_delete = tri_to_delete  # indices of the points of the triangle we deleting
            np.hstack((np.take(triangulation.points, tri_to_delete,
                               axis=0), np.take(heights, tri_to_delete,

        # deleting the chosen points and their heights
        temp_points = np.delete(triangulation.points, [*points_to_delete],
        heights = np.delete(heights, [*points_to_delete], axis=0)

        triangulation = spat.Delaunay(temp_points)
        print("number of triangles is ",
              triangulation.simplices.shape[0])  # progress indication

    return triangulation, heights, np.vstack(deleted_points)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def vertexRemoval(triangulation, heights, K):
    detects and removes a vertex from a given set of points. returns an updated delaunay triangulation
    :param triangulation: delaunay triangulation object
    :param heights: 1d array of the heights of the triangle points
    :param K: number of triangles to keep
    :return: simplified triangulation using vertex removal method
    deleted_points = []
    while triangulation.simplices.shape[0] > K:
        area = computeTriArea(triangulation)
        tri_to_delete = triangulation.simplices[np.argmin(area)]

        points_to_delete = tri_to_delete[
            0]  # indices of the points of the triangle we are deleting

        # deleting the chosen points and their heights
        temp_points = np.delete(triangulation.points, points_to_delete, axis=0)
        heights = np.delete(heights, points_to_delete, axis=0)

        triangulation = spat.Delaunay(temp_points)
        print("number of triangles is ",
              triangulation.simplices.shape[0])  # progress indication

    return triangulation, heights, np.vstack(deleted_points)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def _find_delaunay(df, parameters=None, call_num=None):
    method_key = get_method_key('neighbours')
    cutoff = get_param_val(parameters[method_key]['cutoff'])

    points = df[['x', 'y']].values
    particle_ids = df[['particle']].values.flatten()
    tess = sp.Delaunay(points)
    list_indices, point_indices = tess.vertex_neighbor_vertices
    # neighbour_ids = [particle_ids[point_indices[a:b].tolist()] for a, b in zip(list_indices[:-1], list_indices[1:])]
    neighbour_ids = [
        for a, b in zip(list_indices[:-1], list_indices[1:])
    dist = sp.distance.squareform(sp.distance.pdist(points))

    neighbour_dists = [(dist[i, row] < cutoff).tolist()
                       for i, row in enumerate(neighbour_ids)]
    indices = []
    for index, row in enumerate(neighbour_ids):
            for j, dummy in enumerate(row) if neighbour_dists[index][j]
    df.loc[:, ['neighbours']] = indices
    return df
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def refine_by_delaunay(self, triangles):
        """refines given elements by the delaunay refinement method"""
        p = self.node_list
        t = self.face_list

        for tr in triangles:
            pmid = (p[t[tr][0]] + p[t[tr][1]] + p[t[tr][2]]) / 3
            p = np.append(p, [pmid], axis=0)

        self.edge_length /= 2
        dp = self.edge_length

        for i in range(1, int(ceil(1 / dp))):
            p = np.append(p, [[i * dp, 0]], axis=0)
        for i in range(int(ceil(.5 / dp))):
            p = np.append(p, [[1, i * dp]], axis=0)
        for i in range(int(ceil(.5 / dp))):
            p = np.append(p, [[1 - i * dp, .5]], axis=0)
        for i in range(int(ceil(.5 / dp))):
            p = np.append(p, [[.5, .5 + i * dp]], axis=0)
        for i in range(int(ceil(.5 / dp))):
            p = np.append(p, [[.5 - i * dp, 1]], axis=0)
        for i in range(int(ceil(1 / dp))):
            p = np.append(p, [[0, 1 - i * dp]], axis=0)

        p = unique2d(p)

        t = spspatial.Delaunay(p).vertices
        # remove triangles where centroid outside boundary (good enough...)
        pmid = p[t].sum(1) / 3
        t = t[self.fd(pmid) < 1e-15]

        t = [Face(t[i]) for i in range(len(t))]
        self.node_list = p
        self.face_list = t
Ejemplo n.º 20
def delaunay(points, shape=[1, 1, 1]):
    Generate a network based on Delaunay triangulation of random points

    points : array_like or int
        Can either be an N-by-3 array of point coordinates which will be used,
        or a scalar value indicating the number of points to generate
    shape : array_like
        Indicates the size and shape of the domain

    network : dict
        A dictionary containing 'vert.coords' and 'edge.conns'
    tri : Delaunay tessellation object
        The Delaunay tessellation object produced by ``scipy.spatial.Delaunay``
    points = tools.parse_points(points=points, shape=shape)
    mask = ~np.all(points == 0, axis=0)
    tri = sptl.Delaunay(points=points[:, mask])
    coo = tri_to_am(tri)
    d = {}
    d['vert.coords'] = points
    d['edge.conns'] = np.vstack((coo.row, coo.col)).T
    return d, tri
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def make(self, key):
        density = 110000  # per cubic mm
        xyz = np.stack((design.Geometry.EPixel() & key).fetch('e_loc'))
        margin = 75
        bounds_min = xyz.min(axis=0) - margin
        bounds_max = xyz.max(axis=0) + margin
        volume = (bounds_max - bounds_min).prod() * 1e-9
        npoints = int(volume * density + 0.5)

        # generate random points that aren't too close
        min_distance = 10.0  # cells aren't not allowed any closer
        points = np.empty((npoints, 3), dtype='float32')
        replace = np.r_[:npoints]
        while replace.size:
            points[replace, :] = np.random.rand(replace.size, 3) * (bounds_max - bounds_min) + bounds_min
            replace = spatial.cKDTree(points).query_pairs(min_distance, output_type='ndarray')[:, 0]

        # eliminate points that are too distant
        inner = (spatial.Delaunay(xyz).find_simplex(points)) != -1
        d, _ = spatial.cKDTree(points[inner, :]).query(points[~inner, :], distance_upper_bound=margin)
        points = np.vstack((points[inner, :], points[~inner, :][d < margin, :]))

            key, margin=margin,
            npoints=points.shape[0], min_distance=min_distance,
            volume=spatial.ConvexHull(points).volume * 1e-9,
def DrawVoronoiTesselation(hdf5_file, frame=0):

    wanted structure: np.array([[3, 0], [4.2, 1], [0, 8], ...])

    x_gfp, y_gfp, x_rfp, y_rfp = GetXandYcoordinatesPerFrame(hdf5_file=hdf5_file, frame=frame)
    #x_gfp, y_gfp, x_rfp, y_rfp = ConvertXandYcoordinates(x_gfp, y_gfp, x_rfp, y_rfp)

    # Restructure so that you get a matrix; merge channels as the cell identity is not important in this case:
    points = []
    for x, y in zip(x_gfp + x_rfp, y_gfp + y_rfp):
        points.append([x, y])
    points = np.array(points)

    vor = sp.Voronoi(points)
    tri = sp.Delaunay(points)

    fig = sp.voronoi_plot_2d(vor)
    fig = sp.delaunay_plot_2d(tri)

    return vor, tri
Ejemplo n.º 23
def mkPlns(plnOr, org=[0, 0, 0], bxSdLen=1, scl=1, res=100, transp=0.5):

    edge = True
    smooth = True
    shader = 'shaded'
    glOpt = 'translucent'
    plnClr = [1, 0, 1, transp]

    # plnVert=np.array([list(itTl.product([0,1],repeat=3))])[0]

    if np.array_equal(plnOr, np.array([1, 1, 1])):
        plnVert = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        # plnFc=

    elif np.array_equal(plnOr, np.array([1, 1, 0])):
        plnVert = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1]])

    elif np.array_equal(plnOr, np.array([1, 0, 0])):
        plnVert = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]])

    plnFc = spatial.Delaunay(plnVert)
    plnDat = gl.MeshData(vertexes=plnVert, faces=plnFc.convex_hull)
    plnObj = gl.GLSurfacePlotItem(plnVert,
                                  color=(plnClr[0], plnClr[1], plnClr[2],

    plnObj.translate(org[0] + bxSdLen / 2, org[0] + bxSdLen / 2,
                     org[0] + bxSdLen / 2)
    return plnObj
def voronoiVessels(nPoints=10):
    # Generate a bunch of points that pass the box extents slightly
    xyz = random.uniform(-1.2, 1.2, size=(nPoints, 3))

    # Triangulate them
    dt = spatial.Delaunay(xyz)

    # Set of already traced edges (2x speedup)
    tracedEdges = set()

    solid = np.zeros((100, 100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
    # Go throrough the tetrahedra
    for n, tet in enumerate(dt.vertices):
        print(n, dt.vertices.shape)
        for eTuple in itertools.permutations(tet, 2):
            # Sort the edge indices to make matches
            eList = list(eTuple)
            eRef = "%i-%i" % tuple(eList)

            # If we already traced this edge, skip it
            if eRef in tracedEdges:

            # Dereference the points of interest
            idx1, idx2 = eList
            pt1 = xyz[idx1, :]
            pt2 = xyz[idx2, :]

            # Trace the line onto our list
            solid |= doLineSegment(pt1, pt2)

    return solid
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, startImage, startPoints, endImage, endPoints):
        # Validate startImage input.
        if not isinstance(startImage, np.ndarray):
            raise TypeError("startImage must be a numpy array.")

        # Validate startPoints input.
        if not isinstance(startPoints, np.ndarray):
            raise TypeError("startPoints must be a numpy array.")

        # Validate endImage input.
        if not isinstance(endImage, np.ndarray):
            raise TypeError("endImage must be a numpy array.")

        # Validate endPoints input.
        if not isinstance(endPoints, np.ndarray):
            raise TypeError("endPoints must be a numpy array.")

        # Define triangulation.
        simplices = spatial.Delaunay(startPoints).simplices

        # Initialize blender data.
        self.startImage = startImage
        self.startPoints = startPoints
        self.endImage = endImage
        self.endPoints = endPoints
        self.simplices = simplices
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def checkTriangles(self):
        if self.chkTriangles.isChecked():
            if self.startPoints is not None and self.startPoints.shape[0] == self.endPoints.shape[0] and self.startPoints.shape[0] > 2:
                # Initialize triangle color and simplices.
                if self.hasPresetPoints and self.hasCustomPoints: pen = QPen(QtCore.Qt.cyan)
                elif self.hasPresetPoints: pen = QPen(QtCore.Qt.red)
                else: pen = QPen(QtCore.Qt.blue)

                self.simplices = spatial.Delaunay(self.startPoints).simplices
                for triangle in self.simplices:
                    # Draw triangles in start.
                    sTri = QPolygonF([QPointF(self.startPoints[triangle[0]][0], self.startPoints[triangle[0]][1]),
                                          QPointF(self.startPoints[triangle[1]][0], self.startPoints[triangle[1]][1]),
                                          QPointF(self.startPoints[triangle[2]][0], self.startPoints[triangle[2]][1])])
                    self.startScene.addPolygon(sTri, pen)

                    # Draw triangles in end.
                    dTri = QPolygonF([QPointF(self.endPoints[triangle[0]][0], self.endPoints[triangle[0]][1]),
                                          QPointF(self.endPoints[triangle[1]][0], self.endPoints[triangle[1]][1]),
                                          QPointF(self.endPoints[triangle[2]][0], self.endPoints[triangle[2]][1])])
                    self.endScene.addPolygon(dTri, pen)
            # Remove triangles from start.
            for item in self.startScene.items():
                if type(item) is QGraphicsPolygonItem:

            # Remove triangles from end.
            for item in self.endScene.items():
                if type(item) is QGraphicsPolygonItem:
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def in_tetrahedron(self, t, p, true_interior=False):
        """Checks if the point P, pointed to by vector p, is inside(including the surface) the tetrahedron
            If 'p' is not guaranteed a true tetrahedron, use interior().

        :param t: ndarray
            The four points of a tetrahedron
        :param p: ndarray
            The point to be tested for inclusion in the tetrahedron.
        :param true_interior: bool
            Activate to exclude the surface of the tetrahedron from the search.
        :return: Bool
            True if q is inside or on the surface of the tetrahedron.

        # If the surface is to be excluded, return False if p is on the surface.
        if true_interior and (self.in_triangle(np.delete(t, 0, 0), p)
                              or self.in_triangle(np.delete(t, 1, 0), p)
                              or self.in_triangle(np.delete(t, 2, 0), p)
                              or self.in_triangle(np.delete(t, 3, 0), p)):
            return False

        # Check if 'p' is in the tetrahedron.
        hull = spatial.Delaunay(
            t)  # Generate a convexHull representation of the points
        return hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0  # return True if 'p' is a vertex.
Ejemplo n.º 28
def avgIm3(im1, im2, im3, pts1, pts2, pts3):
		compute the morph result of three images 
    imout = np.zeros(im1.shape, dtype=np.int)
    pts_avg = 1 / 3 * pts1 + 1 / 3 * pts2 + 1 / 3 * pts3
    tri = spatial.Delaunay(pts_avg)
    tri_pts = pts_avg[tri.simplices]
    tri_pts1 = pts1[tri.simplices]
    tri_pts2 = pts2[tri.simplices]
    tri_pts3 = pts3[tri.simplices]
    for i in range(len(tri_pts)):
        transfrom1 = solveAffineTransform(tri_pts[i], tri_pts1[i])
        transfrom2 = solveAffineTransform(tri_pts[i], tri_pts2[i])
        transfrom3 = solveAffineTransform(tri_pts[i], tri_pts3[i])
        insiders = wholePtsInTriangle(tri_pts[i])
        for insider in insiders:
            inv1 = np.dot(transfrom1, insider)
            inv2 = np.dot(transfrom2, insider)
            inv3 = np.dot(transfrom3, insider)
            imout[insider[0]][insider[1]] = \
             (1/3* computeBilinear(inv1, im1) + \
             1/3 * computeBilinear(inv2, im2) + \
             1/3 * computeBilinear(inv3, im3)).astype(int)
    return imout
Ejemplo n.º 29
def mkOctHdr(org=[0,0,0],bxSdLen=1,scl=1,transp=0.5):

	clr=[0, 1, 1, transp]

	norm4du=np.array([np.sqrt(2)/2, -np.sqrt(2)/2, 0, 0])
	norm4dv=np.array([np.sqrt(6)/6, np.sqrt(6)/6, -np.sqrt(2/3), 0])
	norm4dw=np.array([np.sqrt(12)/12, np.sqrt(12)/12, np.sqrt(12)/12, -np.sqrt(3)/2])

	ocGrObj=gl.GLMeshItem(meshdata=ocThObj, drawEdges=edge, smooth=smooth, 
			color=(clr[0], clr[1], clr[2], clr[3]),
			shader=shader, glOptions=glOpt)

	ocGrObj.translate(-((bxSdLen/2)+org[0]), -((bxSdLen/2)+org[1]), -((bxSdLen/2)+org[2]))
	ocGrObj.translate(((bxSdLen/2)+org[0]), ((bxSdLen/2)+org[1]), ((bxSdLen/2)+org[2]))

	return ocGrObj
Ejemplo n.º 30
def obtain_boundary(trj):
    t0 = trj.index.get_level_values("time").unique().values[0]
    Delaunay = spa.Delaunay(trj.loc[idx[t0, :], :].values)
    boundary = list(np.unique(Delaunay.convex_hull.flatten()))
    boundary = list(
        trj.loc[idx[t0, :], :].index.get_level_values("id").values[boundary])
    return boundary