Ejemplo n.º 1
    def trim(self, points, radius):
        remove points too close to the cut curve. they dont add anything, and only lead to awkward faces
        #some precomputations
        tree   = KDTree(points)
        cp     = self.vertices[self.faces]
        normal = util.normalize(np.cross(cp[:,0], cp[:,1]))
        mid    = util.normalize(cp.sum(axis=1))
        diff   = np.diff(cp, axis=1)[:,0,:]
        edge_radius = np.sqrt(util.dot(diff, diff)/4 + radius**2)

        index = np.ones(len(points), np.bool)

        #eliminate near edges
        def near_edge(e, p):
            return np.abs(np.dot(points[p]-mid[e], normal[e])) < radius
        for i,(p,r) in enumerate(izip(mid, edge_radius)):
            coarse = tree.query_ball_point(p, r)
            index[[c for c in coarse if near_edge(i, c)]] = 0
        #eliminate near points
        for p in self.vertices:
            coarse = tree.query_ball_point(p, radius)
            index[coarse] = 0

        return points[index]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def rho_delta(x, gk):
    m = x.shape[0]
    data = Tree(x)
    rho = np.zeros(m, dtype=np.float16)

    # Compute Rho
    for i in range(m):
        points = data.query_ball_point(x[i, :], gk)
        rho[i] = np.max([len(points), 0])
    ordrho = np.argsort(rho)[::-1]

    # Compute delta
    delta = np.zeros(m, dtype=np.float16)
    x_sort = x[ordrho, :]
    data_srt = Tree(x_sort)
    for i in np.arange(1, m):
        points = np.array(data_srt.query_ball_point(x_sort[i, :], 3 * gk))
        points = points[points < i]
        min_d = 5 * gk
        if len(points):
            d = np.sqrt(np.min(np.sum((x_sort[points] - x_sort[i])**2,
            if d < min_d:
                min_d = d
        delta[i] = min_d
    delta[0] = np.max(delta)

    # Re-shuffle delta correctly
    out_delta = np.zeros(m, dtype=np.float16)
    out_delta[ordrho] = delta

    return rho, out_delta
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def update(self, d_t: float, position_kd_tree: cKDTree) -> np.ndarray:
        """Updates the CellSignal given a cKDTree with all cells positions and
        a time step. This finds all cells within it's current diameter. It then
        increases the diameter using d_t and evaluates the cells inside that
        diameter. The indices of the difference between the two is returned.

            d_t (float): The time step to evaluate.
            position_kd_tree (cKDTree): The KDTree containing the positions of
                the cells.

            np.asarray: An array of Cell indices into the KDTree of cells which
                have received the signal at this time step.

        # First get the set of cells within the signal radius
        initial_idxs = position_kd_tree.query_ball_point(
            self.position, self.diameter / 2)
        received_cells = np.asarray([])
        # If the diameter exceeds the maximum diameter, the signal dies
        if self.diameter < self.max_diameter:
            self.diameter = self.diameter + d_t * self.speed
            new_idxs = position_kd_tree.query_ball_point(
                self.position, self.diameter / 2)
            received_cells = np.setdiff1d(new_idxs, initial_idxs)
            self.is_active = False
            self.last_signaled = self.clock

        return received_cells
Ejemplo n.º 4
def group_vectors(vectors, 
                  angle = np.radians(10), 
                  include_negative = False):
    Group vectors based on an angle tolerance, with the option to 
    include negative vectors. 
    This is very similar to a group_rows(stack_negative(rows))
    The main difference is that max_angle can be much looser, as we
    are doing actual distance queries. 
    dist_max            = np.tan(angle)
    unit_vectors, valid = unitize(vectors, check_valid = True)
    valid_index         = np.nonzero(valid)[0]
    consumed            = np.zeros(len(unit_vectors), dtype=np.bool)
    tree                = KDTree(unit_vectors)
    unique_vectors      = deque()
    aligned_index       = deque()
    for index, vector in enumerate(unit_vectors):
        if consumed[index]: 
        aligned = np.array(tree.query_ball_point(vector, dist_max))
        vectors = unit_vectors[aligned]
        if include_negative:
            aligned_neg = tree.query_ball_point(-1.0*vector, dist_max)
            vectors     = np.vstack((vectors, -unit_vectors[aligned_neg]))
            aligned     = np.append(aligned, aligned_neg)
        aligned = aligned.astype(int)
        consumed[aligned] = True
        unique_vectors.append(np.median(vectors, axis=0))
    return np.array(unique_vectors), np.array(aligned_index)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def group_vectors(vectors, 
                  angle = np.radians(10), 
                  include_negative = False):
    Group vectors based on an angle tolerance, with the option to 
    include negative vectors. 
    This is very similar to a group_rows(stack_negative(rows))
    The main difference is that max_angle can be much looser, as we
    are doing actual distance queries. 
    dist_max            = np.tan(angle)
    unit_vectors, valid = unitize(vectors, check_valid = True)
    valid_index         = np.nonzero(valid)[0]
    consumed            = np.zeros(len(unit_vectors), dtype=np.bool)
    tree                = KDTree(unit_vectors)
    unique_vectors      = deque()
    aligned_index       = deque()
    for index, vector in enumerate(unit_vectors):
        if consumed[index]: 
        aligned = np.array(tree.query_ball_point(vector, dist_max))
        vectors = unit_vectors[aligned]
        if include_negative:
            aligned_neg = tree.query_ball_point(-1.0*vector, dist_max)
            vectors     = np.vstack((vectors, -unit_vectors[aligned_neg]))
            aligned     = np.append(aligned, aligned_neg)
        aligned = aligned.astype(int)
        consumed[aligned] = True
        unique_vectors.append(np.median(vectors, axis=0))
    return np.array(unique_vectors), np.array(aligned_index)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def find_points_in_tiles(tiles, ra, dec, radius=None):
    """Return a list of indices of points that are within each provided tile(s).

    This function is optimized to query a lot of points with relatively few tiles.

    radius is in units of degrees. The return value is an array
    of lists that contains the index of points that are in each tile.
    The indices are not sorted in any particular order.

    if tiles is a scalar, a single list is returned.

    default radius is from desimodel.focalplane.get_tile_radius_deg()
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

    if radius is None:
        radius = focalplane.get_tile_radius_deg()

    # check for malformed input shapes. Sorry we currently only
    # deal with vector inputs. (for a sensible definition of indices)

    assert ra.ndim == 1
    assert dec.ndim == 1

    points = _embed_sphere(ra, dec)
    tree = KDTree(points)

    # radius to 3d distance
    threshold = 2.0 * np.sin(np.radians(radius) * 0.5)
    xyz = _embed_sphere(tiles['RA'], tiles['DEC'])
    indices = tree.query_ball_point(xyz, threshold)
    return indices
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_neighbors(kd_tree: cKDTree,
                  point_ix: int,
                  radius: float,
                  known=None) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Get a point's neighbors within a specific radius,
    excluding the ones we already know about from a previous query with a small radius

    known: set or None

    neigh_ix: list of ints
        Index of new neighboring points
    points: Numpy array
        Coordinates of the new neighboring points
    if known is None:
        known = {point_ix}
    neigh = kd_tree.query_ball_point(kd_tree.data[point_ix, :], radius)
    neigh = np.array(list(set(neigh) - set(known)))

    try:  # normal behavior
        return neigh, kd_tree.data[neigh, :]
    except IndexError:
        # except for the last run, one neuron left so neigh becomes a empty list and tree.data indexing is not possible
        return np.array([]), np.array([])  # return empty vector
Ejemplo n.º 8
def find_neighbor_pixels(pix_x, pix_y, rad):
    """uses a KD-Tree to quickly find nearest neighbors of the pixels in a
    camera. This function can be used to find the neighbor pixels if
    such a list is not already present in the file.

    pix_x : array_like
        x position of each pixel
    pix_y : array_like
        y position of each pixels
    rad : float
        radius to consider neighbor it should be slightly larger
        than the pixel diameter.

    array of neighbor indices in a list for each pixel

    points = np.array([pix_x, pix_y]).T
    indices = np.arange(len(pix_x))
    kdtree = KDTree(points)
    neighbors = [kdtree.query_ball_point(p, r=rad) for p in points]
    for nn, ii in zip(neighbors, indices):
        nn.remove(ii)  # get rid of the pixel itself
    return neighbors
Ejemplo n.º 9
def query_index_polygon(index, polygon_geometry):
    """Query database for CPTs
    within given polygon."""

    # Setup KDTree based on points
    npindex = np.array(index)
    tree = KDTree(npindex[:, 0:2])

    # Find center of polygon bounding box
    # and circle encompasing bbox and thus polygon
    polygon = shape(polygon_geometry)
    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = polygon.bounds
    xr, yr = (maxx - minx) / 2, (maxy - miny) / 2
    radius = math.sqrt(xr**2 + yr**2)
    x, y = minx + xr, miny + yr

    # Find all points in circle and do
    # intersect with actual polygon
    indices = []
    points_slice = tree.query_ball_point((x, y), radius)
    points = npindex[points_slice, :]
    for point in points:
        x, y, start, end = point
        p = Point(x, y)
        if p.intersects(polygon):
            indices.append((int(start), int(end)))

    return indices
Ejemplo n.º 10
def remove_close(points, radius):
    Given an (n, m) set of points where n=(2|3) return a list of points
    where no point is closer than radius.

    points : (n, dimension) float
      Points in space
    radius : float
      Minimum radius between result points

    culled : (m, dimension) float
      Points in space
    mask : (n,) bool
      Which points from the original set were returned
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

    tree = KDTree(points)
    consumed = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    unique = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    for i in range(len(points)):
        if consumed[i]:
        neighbors = tree.query_ball_point(points[i], r=radius)
        consumed[neighbors] = True
        unique[i] = True

    return points[unique], unique
Ejemplo n.º 11
def find_points_radec(telra, teldec, ra, dec, radius=None):
    """Return a list of indices of points that are within a radius of an arbitrary telra, teldec.
    This function is optimized to query a lot of points with a single telra and teldec.
    radius is in units of degrees. The return value is a list
    that contains the index of points that are in each tile.
    The indices are not sorted in any particular order.
    if tiles is a scalar, a single list is returned.
    default radius is from desimodel.focalplane.get_tile_radius_deg()
    Note: This is simply a modified version of find_points_in_tiles, but this function does not know about tiles.
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
    import numpy as np

    if radius is None:
        radius = focalplane.get_tile_radius_deg()

    # check for malformed input shapes. Sorry we currently only
    # deal with vector inputs. (for a sensible definition of indices)

    assert ra.ndim == 1
    assert dec.ndim == 1

    points = _embed_sphere(ra, dec)
    tree = KDTree(points)

    # radius to 3d distance
    threshold = 2.0 * np.sin(np.radians(radius) * 0.5)
    xyz = _embed_sphere(telra, teldec)
    indices = tree.query_ball_point(xyz, threshold)
    return indices
Ejemplo n.º 12
def remove_close(points, radius):
    Given an (n, m) set of points where n=(2|3) return a list of points
    where no point is closer than radius.

    points : (n, dimension) float
      Points in space
    radius : float
      Minimum radius between result points

    culled : (m, dimension) float
      Points in space
    mask : (n,) bool
      Which points from the original set were returned
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

    tree = KDTree(points)
    consumed = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    unique = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    for i in range(len(points)):
        if consumed[i]:
        neighbors = tree.query_ball_point(points[i], r=radius)
        consumed[neighbors] = True
        unique[i] = True

    return points[unique], unique
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_patch_kdtree(kdtree: spatial.cKDTree, rng: np.random.RandomState,
                     query_point, patch_radius, points_per_patch, n_jobs):

    if patch_radius <= 0.0:
        pts_dists_ms, patch_pts_ids = kdtree.query(x=query_point,
        patch_pts_ids = kdtree.query_ball_point(x=query_point,
    patch_pts_ids = np.array(patch_pts_ids, dtype=np.int32)
    point_count = patch_pts_ids.shape[0]

    # if there are too many neighbors, pick a random subset
    if point_count > points_per_patch:
        patch_pts_ids = patch_pts_ids[rng.choice(np.arange(point_count),

    # pad with zeros
    if point_count < points_per_patch:
        missing_points = points_per_patch - point_count
        padding = np.full((missing_points), -1, dtype=np.int32)
        if point_count == 0:
            patch_pts_ids = padding
            patch_pts_ids = np.concatenate((patch_pts_ids, padding), axis=0)

    return patch_pts_ids
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def filter_neighbours(self, num_neighbours=1, elements=None, cutoff=6.0):
        """Remove atoms that has to few neighbours within the specified cutoff.

        :param int num_neighbours: Number of required neighbours
        :param elements: Which elements are considered part of the cluster
        :type elements: list of strings
        :param float cutoff: Cut-off radius in angstrom
        from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
        if elements is None:
            raise TypeError("No elements given!")

        print("Filtering out atoms with less than {} elements "
              "of type {} within {} angstrom"
              "".format(num_neighbours, elements, cutoff))

        tree = KDTree(self.cluster.get_positions())
        indices_in_cluster = []
        for atom in self.cluster:
            neighbours = tree.query_ball_point(atom.position, cutoff)
            num_of_correct_symbol = 0
            for neigh in neighbours:
                if self.cluster[neigh].symbol in elements:
                    num_of_correct_symbol += 1
            if num_of_correct_symbol >= num_neighbours:

        self.cluster = self.cluster[indices_in_cluster]
        # Have to remesh everything
        self.mesh = self._mesh()
        self.surf_mesh = self._extract_surface_mesh(self.mesh)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _findNeighbours(self, xPos, yPos, radius):
        use a KD-Tree to quickly find nearest neighbours
        (e.g., of the pixels in a camera or mirror facets)

        xPos : array_like
            x position of each e.g., pixel
        yPos : array_like
            y position of each e.g., pixel
        radius : float
            radius to consider neighbour it should be slightly larger
            than the pixel diameter or mirror facet.

        neighbours: array_like
            Array of neighbour indices in a list for each e.g., pixel

        points = np.array([xPos, yPos]).T
        indices = np.arange(len(xPos))
        kdtree = KDTree(points)
        neighbours = [kdtree.query_ball_point(p, r=radius) for p in points]

        for neighbourNow, indexNow in zip(neighbours, indices):
                indexNow)  # get rid of the pixel or mirror itself

        return neighbours
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _find_neighbor_pixels(pix_x, pix_y, rad):
    """use a KD-Tree to quickly find nearest neighbors of the pixels in a
    camera. This function can be used to find the neighbor pixels if
    they are not already present in a camera geometry file.

    pix_x : array_like
        x position of each pixel
    pix_y : array_like
        y position of each pixels
    rad : float
        radius to consider neighbor it should be slightly larger
        than the pixel diameter.

    array of neighbor indices in a list for each pixel


    points = np.array([pix_x, pix_y]).T
    indices = np.arange(len(pix_x))
    kdtree = KDTree(points)
    neighbors = [kdtree.query_ball_point(p, r=rad) for p in points]
    for nn, ii in zip(neighbors, indices):
        nn.remove(ii)  # get rid of the pixel itself
    return neighbors
Ejemplo n.º 17
class smoothKDtree:
    Smooth model with nearest neighbours

    def __init__(self, X, z, leafsize=3):
        assert len(X) == len(z), "len(X) %d != len(z) %d" % (len(X), len(z))
        self.tree = KDTree(X, leafsize=leafsize)  # build the tree
        self.z = z
        self.wn = 0
        self.wsum = None

    def __call__(self, q, eps=0, p=3, distance=500):
        # nnear nearest neighbours of each query point --
        q = np.asarray(q)
        qdim = q.ndim
        if qdim == 1:
            q = np.array([q])
        self.distance = distance
        # self.ix = self.tree.query.( q, k=100, eps=eps, distance_upper_bound=distance )
        # interpol = np.zeros( (len(self.distances),) + np.shape(self.z[0]) )
        interpol = np.zeros((len(q), ) + np.shape(self.z[0]))
        jinterpol = 0
        # for dist, ix in zip( self.distances, self.ix ):
        for v in q:
            # weight z s by 1/dist --
            # w = 1 / dist**p
            # w /= np.sum(w)
            # wz = np.dot( w, self.z[ix] )
            ix = self.tree.query_ball_point(v, eps=eps, p=p, r=distance)
            wzlog = np.mean(np.log10(self.z[ix]))
            interpol[jinterpol] = np.power(10, wzlog)
            jinterpol += 1
        return interpol if qdim > 1 else interpol[0]
Ejemplo n.º 18
def find_tiles_over_point(tiles, ra, dec, radius=None):
    """Return a list of indices of tiles that covers the points.

    This function is optimized to query a lot of points.
    radius is in units of degrees. The return value is an array
    of list objects that are the indices of tiles that cover each point.

    The indices are not sorted in any particular order.

    if ra, dec are scalars, a single list is returned.

    default radius is from desimodel.focalplane.get_tile_radius_deg()
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

    if radius is None:
        radius = focalplane.get_tile_radius_deg()

    tilecenters = _embed_sphere(tiles['RA'], tiles['DEC'])
    tree = KDTree(tilecenters)

    # radius to 3d distance
    threshold = 2.0 * np.sin(np.radians(radius) * 0.5)
    xyz = _embed_sphere(ra, dec)
    indices = tree.query_ball_point(xyz, threshold)
    return indices
Ejemplo n.º 19
def query_index(index, x, y, radius=1000.):
    """Query database for CPTs
    within radius of x, y.

    :param index: Index is a array with columns: x y begin end
    :type index: np.array
    :param x: X coordinate
    :type x: float
    :param y: Y coordinate
    :type y: float
    :param radius: Radius (m) to use for searching. Defaults to 1000.
    :type radius: float
    :return: 2d array of start/end (columns) for each location (rows).
    :rtype: np.array

    # Setup KDTree based on points
    npindex = np.array(index)
    tree = KDTree(npindex[:, 0:2])

    # Query point and return slices
    points = tree.query_ball_point((x, y), radius)

    # Return slices
    return npindex[points, 2:4].astype(np.int64)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def group_distance(values, distance):
    Find groups of points which have neighbours closer than radius,
    where no two points in a group are farther than distance apart.

    points:   (n, d) points (of dimension d)
    distance: max distance between points in a cluster

    unique: (m, d), median value of group
    groups: (m)     sequence of indexes

    values = np.asanyarray(values, dtype=np.float64)

    consumed = np.zeros(len(values), dtype=np.bool)
    tree = KDTree(values)

    # (n, d) set of values that are unique
    unique = []
    # (n) sequence of indicies in values
    groups = []

    for index, value in enumerate(values):
        if consumed[index]:
        group = np.array(tree.query_ball_point(value, distance), dtype=np.int)
        consumed[group] = True
        unique.append(np.median(values[group], axis=0))
    return np.array(unique), np.array(groups)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def analyse(points, radii):
    points = points[:1024]
    closest = closest_neighbors(points)
    points *= 2 / closest
    tree = KDTree(points)
    indices = tree.query_ball_point(points, np.max(radii))
    dists = [
        np.linalg.norm(points[ind] - points[i], axis=-1)
        for i, ind in enumerate(indices)
    del indices
    means = []
    maxs = []
    for r in radii:
        counts = np.array([np.count_nonzero(d < r) for d in dists])
    ax = plt.gca()
    ax.plot(radii, means)
    ax.plot(radii, maxs)
    ax.plot(radii, approx_max_neighbors(radii, 2))
    plt.legend(['mean', 'max', '2D approx'])
Ejemplo n.º 22
def cull_dataset(outdir, field_ra, field_dec, table):

	Efficiently finds all neighbors within 0.01 degrees using
	kdt.query_ball_point method to get points within radius d, where
	d is the cartesian distance equivalent to 0.01 degree separation
	resulting from calculation:

	ra1, ra2 = 0, 0.01
	dec1, dec2 = 0, 0
	c1 = spherical_to_cartesian(ra1, dec1)
	c2 = spherical_to_cartesian(ra2, dec2)
	d = np.sqrt(sum( [ (c1[i] - c2[i])**2 for i in range(3) ] ))

	If there are any neighbors within 0.01 degrees of a given source,
	and if any of these neighbors are brighter than 2 magnitudes fainter
	than the source, remove the source from the table. Also use the
	Wang et al. 2012 relations to get the angular size of each source and
	remove any sources with angular size greater than 0.01 arcsec.

	Returns a pandas DataFrame object containing the culled dataset.

	good = (table.array['V'] != 30.0) & (table.array['K'] != 30.0)
	arr = table.array[good]
	df = get_ang_size(pd.DataFrame.from_records(arr))

	# ignore sources with theta >= 0.01 arcsec
	df = df[df.theta < 0.01]
	if df.shape[0] == 0:
		return None
	ra, dec, Vmag = [np.array(i) for i in [df.RA, df.DEC, df.V]]
	kdt = KDT(radec_to_coords(ra, dec))
	d = 0.00017453292497790891
	no_neighbors = np.ones(df.shape[0])

	for i in range(df.shape[0]):

		coords = radec_to_coords(ra[i],dec[i])

		# skip the first returned index - this is the query point itself
		idx = kdt.query_ball_point(coords,d)[0][1:]

		if len(idx) < 1:

		ds = great_circle_distance(ra[i],dec[i],ra[idx],dec[idx])[0]
		Vmag_i = Vmag[i]
		Vmag_neighbors = Vmag[idx]

		# flag sources that have bright nearby neighbors as bad
		for Vmag_j in Vmag_neighbors:
			if Vmag_j - Vmag_i < 2:
				no_neighbors[i] = 0

	df = df[no_neighbors.astype('bool')]
	log(outdir, field_ra, field_dec, df.shape[0], arr.shape[0])
	return df
Ejemplo n.º 23
class NearestAtoms:
    def __init__(self, atomic_numbers, atomic_positions):
        self.nums = atomic_numbers
        self.positions = atomic_positions
        self.tree = KDTree(self.positions)

    def neighbours(self, pt, r):
        idx = self.tree.query_ball_point(pt, r)
        return self.nums[idx], self.positions[idx]
Ejemplo n.º 24
def refine_high_density(points, noise_n, rad=15):
    p_qt = Tree(points)
    max_len = 0
    max_idx = []
    for n_ in np.arange(noise_n):
        idx_points = p_qt.query_ball_point(points[n_], rad)
        if len(idx_points) > max_len:
            max_idx = idx_points
            max_len = len(idx_points)

    return max_idx
Ejemplo n.º 25
def density(x):
    # parameters
    n = x.shape[0]
    p_r = 50
    p_t = 5

    data = Tree(x)
    dist = np.zeros(n)
    for i in np.arange(n):
        points = data.query_ball_point(x[i, :], p_r)
        dist[i] = len(points) > p_t

    keep_points = np.where(dist == True)[0]
    remove_points = np.where(dist == False)[0]
    assignment = np.arange(n)
    for n_ in keep_points:
        # decide root
        root = assignment[n_]
        points = data.query_ball_point(x[n_, :], p_t)
        assignment[points] = root
    assignment[remove_points] = -1

    sort_index = np.argsort(assignment)
    assignment = assignment[sort_index]
    sort_points = x[sort_index, :]
    unique_elements, index, mu_count = np.unique(assignment,
    mu_count = mu_count[1:]
    k = unique_elements.shape[0] - 1
    if k > 2:
        mu = np.zeros((k, 2))
        for i_ in np.arange(index.shape[0] - 2):
            mu[i_, :] = np.mean(sort_points[index[i_ + 1]:index[i_ + 2], :],
        mu[-1, :] = np.mean(sort_points[index[-1]:, :], axis=0)
        print("Failed Initial Condition")
        raise SystemExit

    return mu, mu_count
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def geo_search(self, radius, node=None, center=False, **kwargs):
        '''Get a list of nodes whose coordinates are closer than *radius* to *node*.'''
        node = as_node(node if node is not None else self)

        G = self.subgraph(**kwargs)

        pos = nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'pos')
        if not pos:
            return []
        nodes, coords = list(zip(*pos.items()))
        kdtree = KDTree(coords)  # Cannot provide generator.
        indices = kdtree.query_ball_point(pos[node], radius)
        return [nodes[i] for i in indices if center or (nodes[i] != node)]
def cluster_MV(input, radius, acceptable_points):
    # set method
    All = input
    rS = radius
    pairs = [(All[0][i], All[1][i], All[2][i]) for i in range(All.shape[1])]
    Mdl = KDTree(pairs)
    # Now I will loop through every point to cluster them.
    cluster = [[] for i in range(len(pairs))]
    for i in range(len(pairs)):
        idx_S = Mdl.query_ball_point(pairs[i], rS)
        # print(idx_S)
        # print(type(idx_S)) #list
        for j in idx_S:
        # print(pairs[i])
        # print(cluster[i])
    # Merge clusters if they have a common point using set
    out = []
    while len(cluster) > 0:
        first, *rest = cluster
        first = set(first)
        lf = -1
        while len(
        ) > lf:  # this condition means there is no intersection between first and rest
            lf = len(first)

            rest2 = []
            for r in rest:
                if len(first.intersection(set(r))) > 0:
                    first |= set(r)
            rest = rest2

        cluster = rest
        point_number = []
    for i in range(len(out)):
    point_number = np.array(point_number)
    out2 = []
    for i in range(len(out)):
        if point_number[i] > acceptable_points:
    out2 = list(out2)
    for i in range(len(out2)):
        out2[i] = list(out2[i])

    return out2
Ejemplo n.º 28
def remove_close(points, radius):
    Given an (n, m) set of points where n=(2|3) return a list of points
    where no point is closer than radius
    tree     = KDTree(points)
    consumed = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    unique   = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    for i in xrange(len(points)):
        if consumed[i]: continue
        neighbors = tree.query_ball_point(points[i], r=radius)
        consumed[neighbors] = True
        unique[i]           = True
    return points[unique]
Ejemplo n.º 29
def get_experimental_results(radii, r0=0.04, num_dims=3, num_samples=100000):
    points = (np.random.uniform(size=(num_samples, num_dims)) - 0.5) * 4
    indices = rejection_sample_with_tree(KDTree(points), 2 * r0)
    points = points[indices]
    points /= r0
    tree = KDTree(points)

    dist, index = tree.query(np.zeros(num_dims,), 1)
    del dist
    center = points[index]
    indices = tree.query_ball_point(center, np.max(radii))
    neighbors = points[indices]
    dists = np.linalg.norm(neighbors - center, axis=-1)
    n = np.array([np.count_nonzero(dists < r) for r in radii])
    return n
Ejemplo n.º 30
def remove_close_withfaceid(points, face_index, radius):
    Given an (n, m) set of points where n=(2|3) return a list of points
    where no point is closer than radius
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

    tree     = KDTree(points)
    consumed = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    unique   = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    for i in range(len(points)):
        if consumed[i]: continue
        neighbors = tree.query_ball_point(points[i], r=radius)
        consumed[neighbors] = True
        unique[i] = True
    return points[unique], face_index[unique]
Ejemplo n.º 31
def dataavgmap(xy, vr, xyi, radius):
    tree = KDTree(xy)
    vravg = np.arange(xyi[:, 0].size)
    for i in range(xyi[:, 0].size):
        npts = tree.query_ball_point([xyi[i, 0], xyi[i, 1]], radius)
        #print [xyi[j] for j in np]
        vrsum = 0
        for j in npts:
            vrsum += vr[j]
        if len(npts) > 0:
            vravg[i] = vrsum / len(npts)
            vravg[i] = vrsum
        print("%-10d  xyi: %12.2f  %12.2f  Points: %5d %10.3f " %
              (i, xyi[i, 0], xyi[i, 1], len(npts), vravg[i]))
    return vravg
Ejemplo n.º 32
def remove_close(points, face_index, radius):
    Given an (n, m) set of points where n=(2|3) return a list of points
    where no point is closer than radius
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

    tree     = KDTree(points)
    consumed = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    unique   = np.zeros(len(points), dtype=np.bool)
    for i in range(len(points)):
        if consumed[i]: continue
        neighbors = tree.query_ball_point(points[i], r=radius)
        consumed[neighbors] = True
        unique[i] = True
    return points[unique], face_index[unique]
Ejemplo n.º 33
def group_distance(values, distance):
    consumed = np.zeros(len(values), dtype=np.bool)
    tree     = KDTree(values)

    # (n, d) set of values that are unique
    unique  = deque()
    # (n) sequence of indicies in values
    groups = deque()
    for index, value in enumerate(values):
        if consumed[index]: 
        group = np.array(tree.query_ball_point(value, distance), dtype=np.int)
        consumed[group] = True
        unique.append(np.median(values[group], axis=0))
    return np.array(unique), np.array(groups)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def chain_edge_points(pts):
    tree = KDTree(np.array([(pt[0], pt[1]) for pt in pts]))

    def dot(p0, p1):
        return p0[0] * p1[0] + p0[1] * p1[1]

    def envec(p0, p1):
        return p1[0] - p0[0], p1[1] - p0[1]

    def perp(p0):
        return p0[1], -p0[0]

    def dist(p0, p1):
        return ((p0[0] - p1[0])**2 + (p0[1] - p1[1])**2)**0.5

    links = bidict()
    for e in pts:
        # TODO 循环内可以优化
        # nhood = [n for n in tree.search_nn_dist(e, 4) if dot(e.g, n.g) > 0]
        idx_nhood = [
            n for n in tree.query_ball_point(np.array([e[0], e[1]]), r=2)
        nhood = [pts[idx] for idx in idx_nhood]
        nf = [n for n in nhood if dot(envec(e, n), perp(e.g)) > 0]
        nb = [n for n in nhood if dot(envec(e, n), perp(e.g)) < 0]

        if nf:
            nf_dist = [dist(e, n) for n in nf]
            f = nf[nf_dist.index(min(nf_dist))]
            if f not in links.inv or dist(e, f) < dist(links.inv[f], f):
                if f in links.inv:
                    del links.inv[f]
                if e in links:
                    del links[e]
                links[e] = f

        if nb:
            nb_dist = [dist(e, n) for n in nb]
            b = nb[nb_dist.index(min(nb_dist))]
            if b not in links or dist(b, e) < dist(b, links[b]):
                if b in links:
                    del links[b]
                if e in links.inv:
                    del links.inv[e]
                links[b] = e
    return links
Ejemplo n.º 35
def group_distance(values, distance):
    consumed = np.zeros(len(values), dtype=np.bool)
    tree     = KDTree(values)

    # (n, d) set of values that are unique
    unique  = deque()
    # (n) sequence of indicies in values
    groups = deque()
    for index, value in enumerate(values):
        if consumed[index]: 
        group = np.array(tree.query_ball_point(value, distance), dtype=np.int)
        consumed[group] = True
        unique.append(np.median(values[group], axis=0))
    return np.array(unique), np.array(groups)
Ejemplo n.º 36
def get_rdf(pos, inside, Nbins=250, maxdist=30.0):
    """Radial distribution function, not normalised.
    For each particle tagged as inside, count the particles around and bin then with respect to distance. Need to be normalised by inside.sum() and density x volume of the spherical shell between r and r+maxdist/Nbins.
     - pos is a Nxd array of coordinates, with d the dimension of space
     - inside is a N array of booleans. For example all particles further away than maxdist from any edge of the box.
     - Nbins is the number of bins along r
     - maxdist is the maximum distance considered"""
    g = np.zeros(Nbins, int)
    #spatial indexing
    tree = KDTree(pos, 12)
    for i in np.where(inside)[0]:
        js = np.array(tree.query_ball_point(pos[i], maxdist))
        js = js[js!=i]
        rs = np.sqrt(np.sum((pos[js] - pos[i])**2, -1)) / maxdist * g.shape[0]
        np.add.at(g, rs.astype(int), 1)
    return g
Ejemplo n.º 37
def change_rvir_of_lagrangian_regions_only(simulation, factor=1.2):
    Updates a simulation with a higehr virial radius definition
    for the lagrangian regions (all halos have their capture
    radius increased by factor).

    # First find the halo centers and radii
    centers, radii = find_all_halo_centers(

    # Increase the radii
    radii *= factor

    # Now find the particles that lie within that radii
    # Need to build a tree for the dark matter
    tree = KDTree(simulation.snapshot_end.dark_matter.coordinates,

    # Now need to recover the actual halo numbers
    cut_halos = simulation.snapshot_end.dark_matter.halos[
        simulation.snapshot_end.dark_matter.halos != -1]
    halos = np.unique(cut_halos)

    new_lagrangian_regions = np.empty_like(
        simulation.snapshot_end.dark_matter.halos, dtype=int)
    new_lagrangian_regions[...] = -1

    for halo, center, radius in zip(halos, centers, radii):
        dmlist = tree.query_ball_point(x=center, r=radius, n_jobs=-1)

        new_lagrangian_regions[dmlist] = halo

    # Set this array on the DM particles
    simulation.snapshot_end.dark_matter.lagrangian_regions = new_lagrangian_regions

    # Re-identify the lagrangian regions using the original code

    # Return the now changed object
    return simulation
Ejemplo n.º 38
def init_points(points, merge_distance=20):
    # Merging Close-by Points
    p_qt = Tree(points)
    taken = -1 * np.ones(points.shape[0], dtype=np.int32)
    for i_, p_ in enumerate(points):
        if i_ % 250000 == 0:
            print('Processing:', i_, ' datapoints')
        idx = p_qt.query_ball_point(p_, merge_distance)
        if len(idx) > 1:
            d = cdist(p_.reshape(1, 2), points[idx, :])
            pp = np.where(d == d[d > 0].min())[1][0]
            if taken[i_] == -1:
                if taken[idx[pp]] == -1:
                    taken[idx[pp]] = i_
                    taken[i_] = i_
                    taken[i_] = taken[idx[pp]]
            elif taken[i_] > -1:
                if taken[idx[pp]] == -1:
                    taken[idx[pp]] = taken[i_]
                    # merge centers
                    center1 = taken[idx[pp]]
                    center2 = taken[i_]
                    if not (center1 == center2):
                        taken[taken == center2] = center1
                        taken[center2] = center1

    # Calculating Centers
    sort_index = np.argsort(taken)
    taken = taken[sort_index]
    sort_points = points[sort_index, :]
    unique_elements, index, mu_count = np.unique(taken,
    mu_count = mu_count[1:]
    k = unique_elements.shape[0] - 1
    mu = np.zeros((k, 2))
    for i_ in np.arange(index.shape[0] - 2):
        mu[i_, :] = np.mean(sort_points[index[i_ + 1]:index[i_ + 2], :],
    mu[-1, :] = np.mean(sort_points[index[-1]:, :], axis=0)

    return mu, mu_count
Ejemplo n.º 39
def merge_vertices_kdtree(mesh, max_angle=None):
    Merges vertices which are identical, AKA within 
    Cartesian distance TOL_MERGE of each other.  
    Then replaces references in mesh.faces
    If max_angle == None, vertex normals won't be looked at. 
    if max_angle has a value, vertices will only be considered identical
    if they are within TOL_MERGE of each other, and the angle between
    their normals is less than angle_max

    Performance note:
    cKDTree requires scipy >= .12 for this query type and you 
    probably don't want to use plain python KDTree as it is crazy slow (~1000x in tests)
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
    tree    = KDTree(mesh.vertices)
    used    = np.zeros(len(mesh.vertices), dtype=np.bool)
    inverse = np.arange(len(mesh.vertices), dtype=np.int)
    unique  = deque()
    if max_angle != None: mesh.verify_normals()

    for index, vertex in enumerate(mesh.vertices):
        if used[index]: continue
        neighbors = np.array(tree.query_ball_point(mesh.vertices[index], TOL_MERGE))
        used[[neighbors]] = True
        if max_angle != None:
            normals, aligned = group_vectors(mesh.vertex_normals[[neighbors]], 
                                             max_angle = max_angle)
            for group in aligned:
                inverse[neighbors[[group]]] = len(unique)
            inverse[neighbors] = neighbors[0]

    mesh.update_vertices(unique, inverse)
    log.debug('merge_vertices_kdtree reduced vertex count from %i to %i', 
Ejemplo n.º 40
def non_overlapping(positions, radii):
    """Give the mask of non-overlapping particles. Early bird."""
    assert len(positions)==len(radii)
    tree = KDTree(positions)
    rmax = radii.max()
    good = np.ones(len(positions), dtype=bool)
    for i, (p,r) in enumerate(zip(positions, radii)):
        if not good[i]:
        for j in tree.query_ball_point(p, rmax + r):
            if j==i or not good[j]:
            #the python loop is actually faster than numpy on small(3) arrays
            s = 0.0
            for pd, qd in zip(positions[j], p):
                s = (pd - pd)**2
            if s < (radii[j] + r)**2:
                good[j] = False
    return good
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def refine(self, points):
        refine the contour such as to maintain it as a constrained boundary under triangulation using a convex hull
        this is really the crux of the method pursued in this module
        we need to 'shield off' any points that lie so close to the edge such as to threaten our constrained boundary
        by adding a split at the projection of the point on the line, for all vertices within the swept circle of the edge,
        we may guarantee that a subsequent convex hull of the sphere respects our original boundary
        allpoints = np.vstack((self.vertices, points))
        tree = KDTree(allpoints)

        cp     = util.gather(self.faces, self.vertices)
        normal = util.normalize(np.cross(cp[:,0], cp[:,1]))
        mid    = util.normalize(cp.sum(axis=1))
        diff   = np.diff(cp, axis=1)[:,0,:]
        radius = np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=1) / 2

        def insertion_point(e, c):
            """calculate insertion point"""
            coeff = np.dot( np.linalg.pinv(cp[e].T), allpoints[c])
            coeff = coeff / coeff.sum()
            return coeff[0], np.dot(cp[e].T, coeff)

        #build new curves
        _curve_p = [c for c in self.vertices]
        _curve_idx = []
        for e,(m,r,cidx) in enumerate(izip( mid, radius, self.faces)):
                d,ip = min(     #codepath for use in iterative scheme; only insert the most balanced split; probably makes more awkward ones obsolete anyway
                    [insertion_point(e,v) for v in tree.query_ball_point(m, r) if not v in cidx],
                    key=lambda x:(x[0]-0.5)**2)     #sort on distance from midpoint
                nidx = len(_curve_p)
                _curve_idx.append((cidx[0], nidx))  #attach on both ends
                _curve_idx.append((nidx, cidx[1]))
                _curve_p.append(ip)                   #append insertion point
                _curve_idx.append(cidx)             #if edge is not split, just copy it

        return Curve(_curve_p, _curve_idx)
Ejemplo n.º 42
class KDTreeNodeSearcher(NodeSearcher, SetupMixin):
    __prerequisites__ = ['nodes']
    def nodes(self):
        return self._nodes
    def nodes(self, nodes):
        self._nodes = nodes
        coords = [node.coord for node in nodes]
        self.kd_tree = KDTree(coords)
    def search_indes(self, x, rad, eps=0):
        rad *= (1 + eps)
        return self.kd_tree.query_ball_point(x, rad)
    def search(self, x, rad, eps=0):
        indes = self.search_indes(x, rad, eps)
        nodes = self.nodes
        return [nodes[i] for i in indes]
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def self_intersect(self):
        test curve of arc-segments for intersection
        raises exception in case of intersection
        alternatively, we might resolve intersections by point insertion
        but this is unlikely to have any practical utility, and more likely to be annoying
        vertices = self.vertices
        faces = self.faces
        tree   = KDTree(vertices)
        # curve points per edge, [n, 2, 3]
        cp     = util.gather(faces, vertices)
        # normal rotating end unto start
        normal = util.normalize(np.cross(cp[:,0], cp[:,1]))
        # midpoints of edges; [n, 3]
        mid    = util.normalize(cp.sum(axis=1))
        # vector from end to start, [n, 3]
        diff   = np.diff(cp, axis=1)[:,0,:]
        # radius of sphere needed to contain edge, [n]
        radius = np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=1) / 2 * 1.01

        # FIXME: this can be vectorized by adapting pinv
        projector = [np.linalg.pinv(q) for q in np.swapaxes(cp, 1, 2)]

        # incident[vertex_index] gives a list of all indicent edge indices
        incident = npi.group_by(faces.flatten(), np.arange(faces.size))

        def intersect(i,j):
            """test if spherical line segments intersect. bretty elegant"""
            intersection = np.cross(normal[i], normal[j])                               #intersection direction of two great circles; sign may go either way though!
            return all(np.prod(np.dot(projector[e], intersection)) > 0 for e in (i,j))  #this direction must lie within the cone spanned by both sets of endpoints
        for ei,(p,r,cidx) in enumerate(izip(mid, radius, faces)):
            V = [v for v in tree.query_ball_point(p, r) if v not in cidx]
            edges = np.unique([ej for v in V for ej in incident[v]])
            for ej in edges:
                if len(np.intersect1d(faces[ei], faces[ej])) == 0:      #does not count if edges touch
                    if intersect(ei, ej):
                        raise Exception('The boundary curves intersect. Check your geometry and try again')
Ejemplo n.º 44
class smoothKDtree:
    Smooth model with nearest neighbours


    def __init__( self, X, z, leafsize=3):
        assert len(X) == len(z), "len(X) %d != len(z) %d" % (len(X), len(z))
        self.tree = KDTree( X, leafsize=leafsize )  # build the tree
        self.z = z
        self.wn = 0
        self.wsum = None;

    def __call__( self, q, eps=0, p=3, distance = 500):
            # nnear nearest neighbours of each query point --
        q = np.asarray(q)
        qdim = q.ndim
        if qdim == 1:
            q = np.array([q])
        self.distance = distance
        # self.ix = self.tree.query.( q, k=100, eps=eps, distance_upper_bound=distance )
        # interpol = np.zeros( (len(self.distances),) + np.shape(self.z[0]) )
        interpol = np.zeros( (len(q),) + np.shape(self.z[0]) )
        jinterpol = 0
        # for dist, ix in zip( self.distances, self.ix ):
        for v in q:
            # weight z s by 1/dist --
            # w = 1 / dist**p
            # w /= np.sum(w)
            # wz = np.dot( w, self.z[ix] )
            ix = self.tree.query_ball_point( v , eps=eps, p=p, r=distance )
            wzlog = np.mean(np.log10(self.z[ix]))
            interpol[jinterpol] = np.power(10,wzlog)
            jinterpol += 1
        return interpol if qdim > 1  else interpol[0]
Ejemplo n.º 45
class KDTreeSupportNodeSearcher(SupportNodeSearcher, SetupMixin):
    __prerequisites__ = ['nodes']
    __optionals__ = [('node_radiuses', None), ('loosen', None)]
    __after_setup__ = ['build_tree']
    def build_tree(self):
        nodes = self.nodes
        if self.node_radiuses is None:
            rads = [node.radius for node in nodes]
            self.node_radiuses = rads
        loosen = self.loosen
        if loosen is None:
            self.loosen = self.estimate_loosen(self.node_radiuses)
        elif isinstance(loosen, Number):
            self.loosen = loosen
            self.loosen = loosen(nodes, self.node_radiuses)
        self.node_coords = np.array([node.coord for node in nodes], dtype=float)
        return self
    def estimate_loosen(self, rads):
        mean = np.mean(rads)
        std = np.std(rads)
        return mean + std
    def _build_kd_tree(self, rads):
        keys = []
        medium_indes = []
        loosen = self.loosen
        coords = self.node_coords
        for i in range(len(coords)):
            coord = coords[i]
            rad = rads[i]
            if rad <= loosen:
                alter_num_per_dim = ceil(rad / loosen)
                for alter_coord in itertools.product(*[np.linspace(c - rad + loosen, c + rad - loosen, alter_num_per_dim) for c in coord]):
        if len(coords) < len(keys):
            self.medium_indes = np.array(medium_indes, dtype=int)
            self._indes_generation = np.zeros(len(self.nodes), dtype=int)
            self._current_generation = 1
            self.medium_indes = None
        self.kd_tree = KDTree(keys)
    def search_indes(self, x):
        r = self.loosen
        indes = self.kd_tree.query_ball_point(x, r, p=float('inf'))
        if self.medium_indes is not None:
            indes_generation = self._indes_generation
            medium_indes = self.medium_indes
            current_generation = self._current_generation
            result = []
            for i in indes:
                index = medium_indes[i]
                if indes_generation[index] == current_generation:
                indes_generation[index] = current_generation
                rad = self.node_radiuses[index]
                coord = self.node_coords[index]
                if np.linalg.norm(x - coord) >= rad:
            return result
            return [i for i in indes if np.linalg.norm(self.node_coords[i] - x) < self.node_radiuses[i]]
    def search_nodes(self, x):
        return [self.nodes[i] for i in self.search_indes(x)]
    def _shift_current_generation(self):
        if self._current_generation == sys.maxsize:
            self._current_generation = 1
            self._current_generation += 1   
Ejemplo n.º 46
def cull_dataset(outdir, field_ra, field_dec, table):

	Efficiently finds all neighbors within 0.01 degrees using
	kdt.query_ball_point method to get points within radius d, where
	d is the cartesian distance equivalent to 0.01 degree separation
	resulting from calculation:

	ra1, ra2 = 0, 0.01
	dec1, dec2 = 0, 0
	c1 = spherical_to_cartesian(ra1, dec1)
	c2 = spherical_to_cartesian(ra2, dec2)
	d = np.sqrt(sum( [ (c1[i] - c2[i])**2 for i in range(3) ] ))

	If there are any neighbors within 0.01 degrees of a given source,
	and if any of these neighbors are brighter than 2 magnitudes fainter
	than the source, remove the source from the table. Also use the
	Wang et al. 2012 relations to get the angular size of each source and
	remove any sources with angular size greater than 0.01 arcsec.

	Returns a pandas DataFrame object containing the culled dataset.

	# good = ~table.array['Vmag'].mask & ~table.array['Kmag'].mask
	# arr = table.array[good]
	# df = get_ang_size(pd.DataFrame.from_records(arr))

	# # ignore sources with theta >= 0.01 arcsec
	# df = df[df.theta < 0.01]

	# right now just ignore angular size and focus only on Vmag
	good = ~table.array['Vmag'].mask
	arr = table.array[good]
	df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(arr)

	# ignore sources with Vmag < 10 or Vmag > 15.5
	df = df[(df.Vmag >= 10) & (df.Vmag <= 15.5)]

	if df.shape[0] == 0:
		return None

	# # begin old neighbor code
	# ra, dec, Vmag = map(np.array, [df.RAJ2000, df.DEJ2000, df.Vmag])
	# kdt = KDT(radec_to_coords(ra, dec))
	# d = 0.00017453292497790891
	# no_neighbors = np.ones(df.shape[0])

	# for i in range(df.shape[0]):

	# 	coords = radec_to_coords(ra[i],dec[i])

	# 	# skip the first returned index - this is the query point itself
	# 	idx = kdt.query_ball_point(coords,d)[0][1:]

	# 	if len(idx) < 1:
	# 		continue

	# 	ds = great_circle_distance(ra[i],dec[i],ra[idx],dec[idx])[0]
	# 	Vmag_i = Vmag[i]
	# 	Vmag_neighbors = Vmag[idx]

	# 	# flag sources that have bright nearby neighbors as bad
	# 	for Vmag_j in Vmag_neighbors:
	# 		if Vmag_j - Vmag_i < 2:
	# 			no_neighbors[i] = 0

	# df = df[no_neighbors.astype('bool')]
	# # end old neighbor code

	# begin new neighbor code - starlight accumulator as per Amy T.'s email
	ra, dec, Vmag = map(np.array, [df.RAJ2000, df.DEJ2000, df.Vmag])
	kdt = KDT(radec_to_coords(ra, dec))
	d = 9.6962736183922984e-05
	no_neighbors = np.ones(df.shape[0])

	for i in range(df.shape[0]):

		coords = radec_to_coords(ra[i],dec[i])

		# skip the first returned index - this is the query point itself
		idx = kdt.query_ball_point(coords,d)[0][1:]

		if len(idx) < 1:

		Vmag_i = Vmag[i]
		Vmag_neighbors = Vmag[idx]

		# use stellar flux accumulator to flag stars with too much nearby flux
		starlight_sum = 0
		for Vmag_j in Vmag_neighbors:
			starlight_sum += 100 ** (-Vmag_j/5.)
		magnitude_sum = -5 * np.log10(starlight_sum) / 2.
		if magnitude_sum < Vmag_i:
			no_neighbors[i] = 0

	df = df[no_neighbors.astype('bool')]
	# end new neighbor code

	log(outdir, field_ra, field_dec, df.shape[0], arr.shape[0])
	return df
Ejemplo n.º 47
def get_potential_cells(coors, cmesh, centroids=None, extrapolate=True):
    Get cells that potentially contain points with the given physical

    coors : array
        The physical coordinates.
    cmesh : CMesh instance
        The cmesh defining the cells.
    centroids : array, optional
        The centroids of the cells.
    extrapolate : bool
        If True, even the points that are surely outside of the
        cmesh are considered and assigned potential cells.

    potential_cells : array
        The indices of the cells that potentially contain the points.
    offsets : array
        The offsets into `potential_cells` for each point: a point ``ip`` is
        potentially in cells ``potential_cells[offsets[ip]:offsets[ip+1]]``.
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

    if centroids is None:
        centroids = cmesh.get_centroids(cmesh.tdim)

    kdtree = KDTree(coors)

    conn = cmesh.get_cell_conn()
    cc = conn.indices.reshape(cmesh.n_el, -1)
    cell_coors = cmesh.coors[cc]

    rays = cell_coors - centroids[:, None]
    radii = nm.linalg.norm(rays, ord=nm.inf, axis=2).max(axis=1)

    potential_cells = [[]] * coors.shape[0]
    for ic, centroid in enumerate(centroids):
        ips = kdtree.query_ball_point(centroid, radii[ic], p=nm.inf)
        if len(ips):
            for ip in ips:
                if not len(potential_cells[ip]):
                    potential_cells[ip] = []


    lens = nm.array([0] + [len(ii) for ii in potential_cells], dtype=nm.int32)

    if extrapolate:
        # Deal with the points outside of the field domain - insert elements
        # incident to the closest mesh vertex.
        iin = nm.where(lens[1:] == 0)[0]
        if len(iin):
            kdtree = KDTree(cmesh.coors)
            ics = kdtree.query(coors[iin])[1]
            cmesh.setup_connectivity(0, cmesh.tdim)
            conn = cmesh.get_conn(0, cmesh.tdim)

            oo = conn.offsets
            for ii, ip in enumerate(iin):
                ik = ics[ii]
                potential_cells[ip] = conn.indices[oo[ik] : oo[ik + 1]]
                lens[ip + 1] = len(potential_cells[ip])

    offsets = nm.cumsum(lens, dtype=nm.int32)
    potential_cells = nm.concatenate(potential_cells).astype(nm.int32)

    return potential_cells, offsets
Ejemplo n.º 48
class Spade:
    """ Class implementing Peng Qiu's SPADE algorithm, following S8 in the
    supplemental methods of his Nature Paper.
    nsamples = 2000
    distance_metric = 1
    distance_threshold = None
    alpha = 5   # if distance_threshold is none, then distance_threshold = median_min_dist * alpha

    def __init__(self, data, use_KD_tree = True):
        # We assume that data comes in the format stored in Flowdata class
        self.data = data.transpose()
        self.use_KD_tree = use_KD_tree
        if self.use_KD_tree:

        if self.use_KD_tree is False:
            self.kd_tree = None

    def run(self):
            Apply SPADE algorithm
        # Step 1: apply density dependent downsampling

    def _init_KD_tree(self):
        self.kd_tree = KDTree(self.data)

    def estimate_median_dist(self):
        """Estimate the median distance between cells.
        This is used to compute 
        # Randomly selected indices
        if self.nsamples >= self.data.shape[1]:
            index = np.random.choice(self.data.shape[0], self.nsamples, replace = False)
            x = self.data[index,:]
            index = np.range(0,self.data.shape[0])
            x = self.data
        # which ell_p norm is used

        if self.use_KD_tree:
            # We need to take the first two points (k=2), since distance of the point
            # to itself is zero.
            (dist, i) = self.kd_tree.query(x, k=2, p = self.distance_metric)
            dist = dist[:,1] 
            dist = np.zeros(self.nsamples)
            d = np.zeros(self.data.shape[0])
            for j in range(self.nsamples):
                err = (np.abs(x[j] - self.data))**distance_metric
                # give infinite distance to the point with itself
                d[index[j]] = float('inf')
                dist[j] = d.min()
        self.median_dist = np.median(dist)
        if self.distance_threshold is None:
            self.distance_threshold =  self.alpha*self.median_dist   

        return self.median_dist

    def compute_local_density_using_pairs(self):
        local_density = np.zeros(self.data.shape[0])
        if self.use_KD_tree:
            pairs = self.kd_tree.query_pairs(self.distance_threshold, p = self.distance_metric)
            print "Found {} pairs".format(len(pairs))
            for p in pairs:
                local_density[p[0]] += 1
                local_density[p[1]] += 1

        print local_density.max()
    def compute_local_density(self): 
        print self.distance_threshold 
        # This approach seems slightly faster, likely due to decreased memory
        # requirements 
        if self.use_KD_tree:
            local_density = np.zeros(self.data.shape[0])
            for j in range(self.data.shape[0]):
                index = self.kd_tree.query_ball_point(self.data[j], 
                            p = self.distance_metric)
                local_density[j] = len(index) -1
        # A slightly slower approach, I am leaving here in case of later
        # version changes
        if self.use_KD_tree and False:
            index = self.kd_tree.query_ball_point(self.data,
                        p = self.distance_metric)
            local_density = map(lambda i: len(i) - 1, index)

        print local_density
        self.local_density = local_density
        return local_density

    def downsample(self):
        target_density = 10
        outlier_density = 3
        local_density = self.local_density
        # compute the probability of keeping vector

        # events that are in the outlier range
        prob = np.less_equal(outlier_density, local_density)*np.less(local_density,target_density)
        downsampled_data = self.data[prob,:]

        # events that are in high density regions
        prob2 = np.less(target_density, local_density)*(target_density/(local_density + 1e-14))
        downsample_index = np.random.choice(self.data.shape[0], 
                                replace = False, 
                                p = prob2/prob2.sum())
        downsampled_data = np.append(downsampled_data, self.data[downsample_index,:])
        print downsampled_data.shape

        self.downsampled_data = downsampled_data
Ejemplo n.º 49
def spherematch(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, tol=None, nnearest=1, threads=1):
    Determines the matches between two catalogues of sources with ra,dec coordinates
    ra1 : array-like
        Right Ascension in degrees of the first catalog
    dec1 : array-like
        Declination in degrees of the first catalog (shape of array must match `ra1`)
    ra2 : array-like
        Right Ascension in degrees of the second catalog
    dec2 : array-like
        Declination in degrees of the second catalog (shape of array must match `ra2`)
    tol : float or None, optional
        How close (in degrees) a match has to be to count as a match.  If None,
        all nearest neighbors for the first catalog will be returned.
    nnearest : int, optional
        The nth neighbor to find.  E.g., 1 for the nearest nearby, 2 for the
        second nearest neighbor, etc.  Particularly useful if you want to get
        the nearest *non-self* neighbor of a catalog.  To do this, use:
        ``spherematch(ra, dec, ra, dec, nnearest=2)``
        if nnearest==0, all matches are returned
    idx1 : int array
        Indecies into the first catalog of the matches. Will never be
        larger than `ra1`/`dec1`.
    idx2 : int array
        Indecies into the second catalog of the matches. Will never be
        larger than `ra1`/`dec1`.
    ds : float array
        Distance (in degrees) between the matches
    #convert arguments into arrays for ease of use
    ra1 = np.array(ra1, copy=False)
    dec1 = np.array(dec1, copy=False)
    ra2 = np.array(ra2, copy=False)
    dec2 = np.array(dec2, copy=False)

    #check to see if arguments are consistent
    if ra1.shape != dec1.shape:
        raise ValueError('ra1 and dec1 do not match!')
    if ra2.shape != dec2.shape:
        raise ValueError('ra2 and dec2 do not match!')  

    #convert spherical coordinates into cartesian coordinates
    x1, y1, z1 = _spherical_to_cartesian_fast(ra1.ravel(), dec1.ravel(), threads) 

    # this is equivalent to, but faster than just doing np.array([x1, y1, z1])
    coords1 = np.empty((x1.size, 3))
    coords1[:, 0] = x1
    coords1[:, 1] = y1
    coords1[:, 2] = z1   

    #convert spherical coordinates into cartesian coordinates
    x2, y2, z2 = _spherical_to_cartesian_fast(ra2.ravel(), dec2.ravel(), threads)

    # this is equivalent to, but faster than just doing np.array([x1, y1, z1])
    coords2 = np.empty((x2.size, 3))
    coords2[:, 0] = x2
    coords2[:, 1] = y2
    coords2[:, 2] = z2
    #create tree structure
    kdt = KDT(coords2)
    #find neighbors
    if nnearest == 1:
        idxs2 = kdt.query(coords1)[1]
    elif nnearest == 0 and (tol is not None):  #if you want all matches
        p1x, p1y, p1z = _spherical_to_cartesian_fast(90, 0, threads)
        p2x, p2y, p2z = _spherical_to_cartesian_fast(90, tol, threads)
        p1x = float(p1x)
        p2x = float(p2x)
        p1y = float(p1y)
        p2y = float(p2y)
        p1z = float(p1z)
        p2z = float(p2z)
        r = np.sqrt((p2x-p1x)**2+(p2y-p1y)**2+(p2z-p1z)**2) #cartesian tol
        idxs2 = kdt.query_ball_point(coords1, r)[0]
    elif nnearest > 1:
        idxs2 = kdt.query(coords1, nnearest)[1][:, -1]
        raise ValueError('invalid nnearest ' + str(nnearest))
    #calculate distances between matches
    ds = _great_circle_distance_fast(ra1, dec1, ra2[idxs2], dec2[idxs2], threads) 

    #if tolerance is None, then all objects will have a match
    idxs1 = np.arange(ra1.size)
    #remove matches that are beyond the tolerance seperation
    if (tol is not None) and nnearest != 0:
        msk = ds < tol
        idxs1 = idxs1[msk]
        idxs2 = idxs2[msk]
        ds = ds[msk]

    return idxs1, idxs2, ds
Ejemplo n.º 50
class LocalLinearApproximation(object):

    def __init__(self, theta, f_theta, nfactor=None):
        self.theta = np.atleast_2d(theta)
        self.f_theta = np.atleast_2d(f_theta)
        self.nsamples, self.ndim = self.theta.shape
        _, self.nout = self.f_theta.shape
        if self.f_theta.shape[0] != self.nsamples:
            raise ValueError("dimension mismatch; there must be a realization "
                             "for every sample")
        self.tree = KDTree(self.theta)
        self.ndef = self.get_ndef(self.ndim)
        if nfactor is None:
            nfactor = np.sqrt(self.ndim)
        self.ntot = max(int(nfactor * self.ndef), self.ndef + 2)

    def evaluate(self, theta, cross_validate=False):
        theta = np.atleast_1d(theta)
        if theta.shape != (self.ndim, ):
            raise ValueError("dimension mismatch; theta must have shape {0}"
                             .format((self.ndim, )))

        dists, inds = self.tree.query(theta, self.ntot)
        if len(inds) != self.ntot:
            raise ValueError("could not construct list of {0} neighbors"

        # Compute the weights.
        rout = dists[-1]
        rdef = dists[self.ndef-1]
        weights = (1.0 - ((dists-rdef)/(rout-rdef))**3)**3
        weights *= (dists <= rout) * (dists >= rdef)
        weights += 1.0 * (dists < rdef)

        # Construct the regression matrices.
        A = self.get_design_matrix((self.theta[inds] - theta) / rout)
        AT = A.T
        Aw = A * weights[:, None]
        yw = self.f_theta[inds] * weights[:, None]
        Apred = self.get_design_matrix([theta])

        # Evaluate the model at the requested point.
        ATA = np.dot(AT, Aw)
        ATy = np.dot(AT, yw)
        w = np.linalg.solve(ATA, ATy)
        pred = np.dot(Apred, w)[0]
        if not cross_validate:
            return pred

        # Leave-one-out cross validation scheme.
        preds = []
        rng = np.arange(self.ntot)
        for i in rng:
            m = rng != i
            ATA = np.dot(AT[:, m], Aw[m])
            ATA = np.dot(AT[:, m], Aw[m])
            ATy = np.dot(AT[:, m], yw[m])
            w = np.linalg.solve(ATA, ATy)
            preds.append(np.dot(Apred, w))
        return pred, np.concatenate(preds, axis=0)

    def find_refinement_coords(self, theta):
        theta = np.atleast_1d(theta)
        if theta.shape != (self.ndim, ):
            raise ValueError("dimension mismatch; theta must have shape {0}"
                             .format((self.ndim, )))
        dists, _ = self.tree.query(theta, self.ntot)
        R = dists[-1]
        inds = self.tree.query_ball_point(theta, 3*R)
        thetas = self.theta[inds]

        def cost(t):
            if np.sum((t - theta)**2) > R**2:
                return 1e12
            return np.min(np.sum((t[None, :] - thetas)**2, axis=1))

        def grad_cost(t):
            r = t[None, :] - thetas
            i = np.argmin(np.sum(r**2, axis=1))
            return 2 * r[i]

        v = minimize(cost, theta, method="L-BFGS-B", jac=grad_cost,
                     bounds=[(t-R, t+R) for t in theta])
        return v.x

    def get_ndef(self, ndim):
        return ndim + 1

    def get_design_matrix(self, x):
        return np.concatenate((x, np.ones((len(x), 1))), axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 51
class KDTreeSegmentSearcher(SegmentSearcher, SetupMixin):
    __prerequisites__ = ['segments']
    __optionals__ = [('loosen', None)]
    __after_setup__ = ['build_tree']
    def build_tree(self):
        segments = self.segments
        loosen = self.loosen
        seg_sizes = [norm(seg.end.coord - seg.start.coord) for seg in segments]
        if loosen is None:
            self.loosen = _estimate_loosen(seg_sizes)
        elif isinstance(loosen, Number):
            if loosen <= 0:
                raise ValueError()
            self.loosen = float(loosen)
        elif isinstance(loosen, Callable):
            self.loosen = loosen(segments)
            raise ValueError()
    def _gen_kdtree(self, seg_sizes):
        loosen = self.loosen
        segments = self.segments
        keys = []
        medium_indes = []
        rad_plus = 0
        for i in range(len(segments)):
            segment = segments[i]
            seg_size = seg_sizes[i]
            if seg_size < loosen * 2:
                keys.append((segment.start.coord + segment.end.coord) / 2)
                half_seg_size = seg_size / 2
                if half_seg_size > rad_plus:
                    rad_plus = half_seg_size
                new_keys_num = ceil(seg_size / loosen / 2)
                start = 1 / new_keys_num / 2
                stop = 1 - start
                ts = np.linspace(start, stop, new_keys_num)
                u = segment.end.coord - segment.start.coord
                half_fake_seg_size = seg_size / new_keys_num / 2
                if half_fake_seg_size > rad_plus:
                    rad_plus = half_fake_seg_size
                for t in ts:
                    keys.append((segment.start.coord + u * t))
        self.kd_tree = KDTree(keys)
        self.rad_plus = rad_plus
        if len(keys) == len(segments):
            self.medium_indes = None
            self.medium_indes = np.array(medium_indes, dtype=int)
            self._indes_generation = np.zeros(len(self.segments), dtype=int)
            self._current_generation = 1
    def rough_search_indes(self, x, rad, eps=0):
        r = (rad + self.rad_plus) * (1 + eps)
        indes = self.kd_tree.query_ball_point(x, r, eps=eps)
        if self.medium_indes is not None:
            indes_generation = self._indes_generation
            medium_indes = self.medium_indes
            current_generation = self._current_generation
            result = []
            for i in indes:
                index = medium_indes[i]
                if indes_generation[index] == current_generation:
                    indes_generation[index] = current_generation
            return result
            return indes
    def _shift_current_generation(self):
        if self._current_generation == sys.maxsize:
            self._current_generation = 1
            self._current_generation += 1
    def search_indes(self, x, rad, eps=0):
        rough_indes = self.rough_search_indes(x, rad, eps)
        segments = self.segments
        r = rad * (1 + eps)
        return [i for i in rough_indes if _distance_to_seg(x, segments[i]) < r]
    def search(self, x, rad, eps=0):
        rough_indes = self.rough_search_indes(x, rad, eps)
        segments = self.segments
        r = rad * (1 + eps)
        return [segments[i] for i in rough_indes if _distance_to_seg(x, segments[i]) < r]
Ejemplo n.º 52
def carte2d_and_z_match(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ztol, stol):
    Finds matches in one catalog to another.

    x1 : array-like
        Cartesian coordinate x of the first catalog
    y1 : array-like
        Cartesian coordinate y of the first catalog (shape of array must match `x1`)
    z1 : array-like
        Cartesian coordinate z of the first catalog (shape of array must match `x1`)
    x2 : array-like
        Cartesian coordinate x of the second catalog
    y2 : array-like
        Cartesian coordinate y of the second catalog (shape of array must match `x2`)
    z2 : array-like
        Cartesian coordinate z of the second catalog (shape of array must match `x2`)
    ztol: float or array-like
        The tolarance in z direction. Its shape must match to `x1` if it is an array.
    stol: float or None, optional
        How close (in the unit of the cartesian coordinate) a match has to be to count as a match.  If None,
        all nearest neighbors for the first catalog will be returned.
    nnearest : int, optional
        The nth neighbor to find.  E.g., 1 for the nearest nearby, 2 for the
        second nearest neighbor, etc.  Particularly useful if you want to get
        the nearest *non-self* neighbor of a catalog.  To do this, use:
        ``carte2dmatch(x, y, x, y, nnearest=2)``

    idx1 : int array
        Indecies into the first catalog of the matches. Will never be
        larger than `x1`/`y1`.
    idx2 : int array
        Indecies into the second catalog of the matches. Will never be
        larger than `x1`/`y1`.
    ds : float array
        Distance (in the unit of the cartesian coordinate) between the matches
    dz : float array
        Distance (in the unit of the cartesian coordinate) between the matches

    # sanitize
    x1   = np.array(x1, copy=False)
    y1   = np.array(y1, copy=False)
    z1   = np.array(z1, copy=False)
    x2   = np.array(x2, copy=False)
    y2   = np.array(y2, copy=False)
    z2   = np.array(z2, copy=False)

    # check
    if x1.shape != y1.shape or x1.shape != z1.shape:
        raise ValueError('x1 and y1/z1 do not match!')
    if x2.shape != y2.shape or x2.shape != z2.shape:
        raise ValueError('x2 and y2/z2 do not match!')

    # this is equivalent to, but faster than just doing np.array([x1, y1])
    coords1 = np.empty((x1.size, 2))
    coords1[:, 0] = x1
    coords1[:, 1] = y1

    # this is equivalent to, but faster than just doing np.array([x1, y1])
    coords2 = np.empty((x2.size, 2))
    coords2[:, 0] = x2
    coords2[:, 1] = y2

    # set kdt for coord2
    kdt = KDT(coords2)

    # ---
    # Match using kdt
    # ---
    idxs2_within_balls   = kdt.query_ball_point(coords1, stol)                    # find the neighbors within a ball
    n_within_ball        = np.array(map(len, idxs2_within_balls), dtype = np.int) # counts within each ball
    zero_within_ball     = np.where( n_within_ball == 0)[0]                       # find which one does not have neighbors
    nonzero_within_ball  = np.where( n_within_ball >  0)[0]                       # find which one has neighbors
    # declare the distance / idxs2 for each element in nonzero_within_ball
    # I use no-brain looping here, slow but seems to be acceptable
    dz_within_ball       = []   # the distance
    idxs2                = []
    for i in nonzero_within_ball:
        #print i, len(idxs2_within_balls[i]), z1[i], z2[ idxs2_within_balls[i] ]
        # Another sub-kdt within a ball, but this times we use kdt.query to find the nearest one
        dz_temp, matched_id_temp   = KDT( np.transpose([ z2[ idxs2_within_balls[i] ] ]) ).query( np.transpose([ z1[i] ]) )
        matched_id_temp            = idxs2_within_balls[i][ matched_id_temp ]
        # append
        dz_within_ball.append(dz_temp)      # the distance of the nearest neighbor within the ball
        idxs2.append(matched_id_temp)       # the index in array2 of the nearest neighbor within the ball

    # index for coord1 - only using the object with non-zero neighbor in the ball
    idxs1           = np.arange(x1.size)[ nonzero_within_ball ]
    idxs2           = np.array(idxs2, dtype = np.int)
    dz_within_ball  = np.array(dz_within_ball, dtype = np.float)

    # clean
    del dz_temp, matched_id_temp

    # msk to clean the object with dz > ztol
    ztol            = np.array(ztol, ndmin=1)
    if    len(ztol) ==  1:
        msk             = ( dz_within_ball < ztol )
    elif  len(ztol) ==  len(x1):
        msk             = ( dz_within_ball < ztol[ nonzero_within_ball ] )
        raise ValueError("The length of ztol has to be 1 (float) or as the same as input x1/y1. len(ztol):", len(ztol))

    # only keep the matches which have dz < ztol
    idxs1           = idxs1[ msk ]
    idxs2           = idxs2[ msk ]
    ds              = np.hypot( x1[idxs1] - x2[idxs2], y1[idxs1] - y2[idxs2] )
    dz              = dz_within_ball[ msk ]
    return idxs1, idxs2, ds, dz
Ejemplo n.º 53
def match(x1, y1, m1, x2, y2, m2, dr_tol, dm_tol=None):
    Finds matches between two different catalogs. No transformations are done and it
    is assumed that the two catalogs are already on the same coordinate system
    and magnitude system.

    For two stars to be matched, they must be within a specified radius (dr_tol) and
    delta-magnitude (dm_tol). For stars with more than 1 neighbor (within the tolerances),
    if one is found that is the best match in both brightness and positional offsets
    (closest in both), then the match is made. Otherwise,
    their is a conflict and no match is returned for the star.
    x1 : array-like
        X coordinate in the first catalog
    y1 : array-like
        Y coordinate in the first catalog (shape of array must match `x1`)
    m1 : array-like
        Magnitude in the first catalog. Must have the same shape as x1.
    x2 : array-like
        X coordinate in the second catalog
    y2 : array-like
        Y coordinate in the second catalog (shape of array must match `x2`)
    m2 : array-like
        Magnitude in the second catalog. Must have the same shape as x2.
    dr_tol : float
        How close (in units of the first catalog) a match has to be to count as a match.
        For stars with more than one nearest neighbor, the delta-magnitude is checked
        and the closest in delta-mag is chosen.
    dm_tol : float or None, optional
        How close in delta-magnitude a match has to be to count as a match.
        If None, then any delta-magnitude is allowed.
    idx1 : int array
        Indicies into the first catalog of the matches. Will never be
        larger than `x1`/`y1`.
    idx2 : int array
        Indicies into the second catalog of the matches. Will never be
        larger than `x1`/`y1`.
    dr : float array
        Distance between the matches.
    dm : float array
        Delta-mag between the matches. (m1 - m2)
    x1 = np.array(x1, copy=False)
    y1 = np.array(y1, copy=False)
    m1 = np.array(m1, copy=False)
    x2 = np.array(x2, copy=False)
    y2 = np.array(y2, copy=False)
    m2 = np.array(m2, copy=False)
    if x1.shape != y1.shape:
        raise ValueError('x1 and y1 do not match!')
    if x2.shape != y2.shape:
        raise ValueError('x2 and y2 do not match!')
    # Setup coords1 pairs and coords 2 pairs
    # this is equivalent to, but faster than just doing np.array([x1, y1])
    coords1 = np.empty((x1.size, 2))
    coords1[:, 0] = x1
    coords1[:, 1] = y1
    # this is equivalent to, but faster than just doing np.array([x1, y1])
    coords2 = np.empty((x2.size, 2))
    coords2[:, 0] = x2
    coords2[:, 1] = y2

    # Utimately we will generate arrays of indices.
    # idxs1 is the indices for matches into catalog 1. This
    # is just a place holder for which stars actually
    # have matches.
    idxs1 = np.ones(x1.size, dtype=int) * -1
    idxs2 = np.ones(x1.size, dtype=int) * -1

    # The matching will be done using a KDTree.
    kdt = KDT(coords2)

    # This returns the number of neighbors within the specified
    # radius. We will use this to find those stars that have no or one
    # match and deal with them easily. The more complicated conflict
    # cases will be dealt with afterward.
    i2_match = kdt.query_ball_point(coords1, dr_tol)
    Nmatch = np.array([len(idxs) for idxs in i2_match])

    # What is the largest number of matches we have for a given star?
    Nmatch_max = Nmatch.max()

    # Loop through and handle all the different numbers of matches.
    # This turns out to be the most efficient so we can use numpy
    # array operations. Remember, skip the Nmatch=0 objects... they
    # already have indices set to -1.
    for nn in range(1, Nmatch_max+1):
        i1_nn = np.where(Nmatch == nn)[0]

        if len(i1_nn) == 0:

        if nn == 1:
            i2_nn = np.array([i2_match[mm][0] for mm in i1_nn])
            if dm_tol != None:
                dm = np.abs(m1[i1_nn] - m2[i2_nn])
                keep = dm < dm_tol
                idxs1[i1_nn[keep]] = i1_nn[keep]
                idxs2[i1_nn[keep]] = i2_nn[keep]
                idxs1[i1_nn] = i1_nn
                idxs2[i1_nn] = i2_nn
            i2_tmp = np.array([i2_match[mm] for mm in i1_nn])

            # Repeat star list 1 positions and magnitudes
            # for nn times (tile then transpose) 
            x1_nn = np.tile(x1[i1_nn], (nn, 1)).T
            y1_nn = np.tile(y1[i1_nn], (nn, 1)).T
            m1_nn = np.tile(m1[i1_nn], (nn, 1)).T

            # Get out star list 2 positions and magnitudes
            x2_nn = x2[i2_tmp]
            y2_nn = y2[i2_tmp]
            m2_nn = m2[i2_tmp]
            dr = np.abs(x1_nn - x2_nn, y1_nn - y2_nn)
            dm = np.abs(m1_nn - m2_nn)

            if dm_tol != None:
                # Don't even consider stars that exceed our
                # delta-mag threshold. 
                dr_msk = np.ma.masked_where(dm > dm_tol, dr)
                dm_msk = np.ma.masked_where(dm > dm_tol, dm)

                # Remember that argmin on masked arrays can find
                # one of the masked array elements if ALL are masked.
                # But our subsequent "keep" check should get rid of all
                # of these.
                dm_min = dm_msk.argmin(axis=1)
                dr_min = dr_msk.argmin(axis=1)

                # Double check that "min" choice is still within our
                # detla-mag tolerence.
                dm_tmp = np.choose(dm_min, dm.T)

                keep = (dm_min == dr_min) & (dm_tmp < dm_tol)
                dm_min = dm.argmin(axis=1)
                dr_min = dr.argmin(axis=1)

                keep = (dm_min == dr_min)

            i2_keep_2D = i2_tmp[keep]
            dr_keep = dr_min[keep]  # which i2 star for a given i1 star
            ii_keep = np.arange(len(dr_keep))  # a running index for the i2 keeper stars.

            idxs1[i1_nn[keep]] = i1_nn[keep]
            idxs2[i1_nn[keep]] = i2_keep_2D[ii_keep, dr_keep]

    idxs1 = idxs1[idxs1 >= 0]
    idxs2 = idxs2[idxs2 >= 0]        

    dr = np.hypot(x1[idxs1] - x2[idxs2], y1[idxs1] - y2[idxs2])
    dm = m1[idxs1] - m2[idxs2]

    # Deal with duplicates
    duplicates = [item for item, count in Counter(idxs2).iteritems() if count > 1]
    print 'Found {0:d} out of {1:d} duplicates'.format(len(duplicates), len(dm))
    # for dd in range(len(duplicates)):
    #     dups = np.where(idxs2 == duplicates[dd])[0]

    #     # Handle them in brightness order -- brightest first in the first starlist
    #     fsort = m1[dups].argsort()

    #     # For every duplicate, match to the star that is closest in space and 
    #     # magnitude. HMMMM.... this doesn't seem like it will work optimally.

    return idxs1, idxs2, dr, dm