Ejemplo n.º 1
    def psi(self, t):
        """DOG wavelet as described in Torrence and Compo (1998)

        The derivative of a Gaussian of order n can be determined using
        the probabilistic Hermite polynomials. They are explicitly
        written as:
            Hn(x) = 2 ** (-n / s) * n! * sum ((-1) ** m) * (2 ** 0.5 *
                x) ** (n - 2 * m) / (m! * (n - 2*m)!)
        or in the recursive form:
            Hn(x) = x * Hn(x) - nHn-1(x)

        Source: http://www.ask.com/wiki/Hermite_polynomials

        p = hermitenorm(self.m)
        return (-1) ** (self.m + 1) * polyval(p, t) * np.exp(-t ** 2 / 2) / np.sqrt(gamma(self.m + 0.5))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def psi(self, t):
        """DOG wavelet as described in Torrence and Compo (1998)

        The derivative of a Gaussian of order n can be determined using
        the probabilistic Hermite polynomials. They are explicitly
        written as:
            Hn(x) = 2 ** (-n / s) * n! * sum ((-1) ** m) * (2 ** 0.5 *
                x) ** (n - 2 * m) / (m! * (n - 2*m)!)
        or in the recursive form:
            Hn(x) = x * Hn(x) - nHn-1(x)

        Source: http://www.ask.com/wiki/Hermite_polynomials

        p = hermitenorm(self.m)
        return ((-1) ** (self.m + 1) * polyval(p, t) * exp(-t ** 2 / 2) / sqrt(gamma(self.m + 0.5)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_he_roots():
    rootf = orth.he_roots
    evalf = orth.eval_hermitenorm
    weightf = orth.hermitenorm(5).weight_func

    verify_gauss_quad(rootf, evalf, weightf, -np.inf, np.inf, 5)
    verify_gauss_quad(rootf, evalf, weightf, -np.inf, np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)
    verify_gauss_quad(rootf, evalf, weightf, -np.inf, np.inf, 100, atol=1e-12)

    x, w = orth.he_roots(5, False)
    y, v, m = orth.he_roots(5, True)
    assert_allclose(x, y, 1e-14, 1e-14)
    assert_allclose(w, v, 1e-14, 1e-14)

    muI, muI_err = integrate.quad(weightf, -np.inf, np.inf)
    assert_allclose(m, muI, rtol=muI_err)

    assert_raises(ValueError, orth.he_roots, 0)
    assert_raises(ValueError, orth.he_roots, 3.3)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_roots_hermitenorm():
    rootf = sc.roots_hermitenorm
    evalf = orth.eval_hermitenorm
    weightf = orth.hermitenorm(5).weight_func

    verify_gauss_quad(rootf, evalf, weightf, -np.inf, np.inf, 5)
    verify_gauss_quad(rootf, evalf, weightf, -np.inf, np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)
    verify_gauss_quad(rootf, evalf, weightf, -np.inf, np.inf, 100, atol=1e-12)

    x, w = sc.roots_hermitenorm(5, False)
    y, v, m = sc.roots_hermitenorm(5, True)
    assert_allclose(x, y, 1e-14, 1e-14)
    assert_allclose(w, v, 1e-14, 1e-14)

    muI, muI_err = integrate.quad(weightf, -np.inf, np.inf)
    assert_allclose(m, muI, rtol=muI_err)

    assert_raises(ValueError, sc.roots_hermitenorm, 0)
    assert_raises(ValueError, sc.roots_hermitenorm, 3.3)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_hermitenorm(self):
        # He_n(x) = 2**(-n/2) H_n(x/sqrt(2))
        psub = np.poly1d([1.0 / sqrt(2), 0])
        H0 = orth.hermitenorm(0)
        H1 = orth.hermitenorm(1)
        H2 = orth.hermitenorm(2)
        H3 = orth.hermitenorm(3)
        H4 = orth.hermitenorm(4)
        H5 = orth.hermitenorm(5)
        he0 = orth.hermite(0)(psub)
        he1 = orth.hermite(1)(psub) / sqrt(2)
        he2 = orth.hermite(2)(psub) / 2.0
        he3 = orth.hermite(3)(psub) / (2 * sqrt(2))
        he4 = orth.hermite(4)(psub) / 4.0
        he5 = orth.hermite(5)(psub) / (4.0 * sqrt(2))

        assert_array_almost_equal(H0.c, he0.c, 13)
        assert_array_almost_equal(H1.c, he1.c, 13)
        assert_array_almost_equal(H2.c, he2.c, 13)
        assert_array_almost_equal(H3.c, he3.c, 13)
        assert_array_almost_equal(H4.c, he4.c, 13)
        assert_array_almost_equal(H5.c, he5.c, 13)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_hermitenorm(self):
        # He_n(x) = 2**(-n/2) H_n(x/sqrt(2))
        psub = np.poly1d([1.0/sqrt(2),0])
        H0 = orth.hermitenorm(0)
        H1 = orth.hermitenorm(1)
        H2 = orth.hermitenorm(2)
        H3 = orth.hermitenorm(3)
        H4 = orth.hermitenorm(4)
        H5 = orth.hermitenorm(5)
        he0 = orth.hermite(0)(psub)
        he1 = orth.hermite(1)(psub) / sqrt(2)
        he2 = orth.hermite(2)(psub) / 2.0
        he3 = orth.hermite(3)(psub) / (2*sqrt(2))
        he4 = orth.hermite(4)(psub) / 4.0
        he5 = orth.hermite(5)(psub) / (4.0*sqrt(2))

def wavelet_inverse(wave, scale, dt, dj=0.25, mother="MORLET", param=-1):
    """Inverse continuous wavelet transform
    Torrence and Compo (1998), eq. (11)

        waves (array like):
          WAVE is the WAVELET transform. This is a complex array.
        scale (array like):
           the vector of scale indices 
        dt (float) :
            amount of time between each original value, i.e. the sampling time.
        dj (float, optional) :
            the spacing between discrete scales. Default is 0.25.
           A smaller # will give better scale resolution, but be slower to plot.
        mother (string, optional) :
            the mother wavelet function.
             The choices are 'MORLET', 'PAUL', or 'DOG'
         PARAM = the mother wavelet parameter.
            For 'MORLET' this is k0 (wavenumber), default is 6.
            For 'PAUL' this is m (order), default is 4.
            For 'DOG' this is m (m-th derivative), default is 2.    

        iwave (array like) :
            Inverse wavelet transform.
    import numpy as np

    j1, n = wave.shape
    J1 = len(scale)
    if not j1 == J1:
        print j1, n, J1
        raise Exception("Input array are inconsistent")
    sj = np.dot(scale.reshape(len(scale), 1), np.ones((1, n)))
    mother = mother.upper()

    # psi0 comes from Table 1,2 Torrence and Compo (1998)
    # Cdelta comes from Table 2 Torrence and Compo (1998)
    if mother == 'MORLET':  #-----------------------------------  Morlet
        if (param == -1): param = 6.
        psi0 = np.pi**(-0.25)
        if param == 6.:
            Cdelta = 0.776
    elif mother == 'PAUL':  #--------------------------------  Paul
        if (param == -1): param = 4.
        m = param
        psi0 = np.real(2.**m * 1j**m * np.prod(np.arange(2, m + 1)) /
                       np.sqrt(np.pi * np.prod(np.arange(2, 2 * m + 1))) *
                       (1**(-(m + 1))))
        if m == 4.:
            Cdelta = 1.132
    elif mother == 'DOG':  #--------------------------------  DOG
        if (param == -1): param = 2.
        m = param
        from scipy.special import gamma
        from numpy.lib.polynomial import polyval
        from scipy.special.orthogonal import hermitenorm
        p = hermitenorm(m)
        psi0 = (-1)**(m + 1) / np.sqrt(gamma(m + 0.5)) * polyval(p, 0)
        print psi0
        if m == 2.:
            Cdelta = 3.541
        if m == 6.:
            Cdelta = 1.966
        raise Exception("Mother must be one of MORLET,PAUL,DOG")

    #eq. (11) in Torrence and Compo (1998)
    iwave = dj * np.sqrt(dt) / Cdelta / psi0 * (np.real(wave) /
    return iwave
Ejemplo n.º 8
def wavelet_inverse(wave, scale, dt, dj=0.25, mother="MORLET",param=-1):
    """Inverse continuous wavelet transform
    Torrence and Compo (1998), eq. (11)

        waves (array like):
          WAVE is the WAVELET transform. This is a complex array.
        scale (array like):
           the vector of scale indices 
        dt (float) :
            amount of time between each original value, i.e. the sampling time.
        dj (float, optional) :
            the spacing between discrete scales. Default is 0.25.
           A smaller # will give better scale resolution, but be slower to plot.
        mother (string, optional) :
            the mother wavelet function.
             The choices are 'MORLET', 'PAUL', or 'DOG'
         PARAM = the mother wavelet parameter.
            For 'MORLET' this is k0 (wavenumber), default is 6.
            For 'PAUL' this is m (order), default is 4.
            For 'DOG' this is m (m-th derivative), default is 2.    

        iwave (array like) :
            Inverse wavelet transform.
    import numpy as np
    j1, n = wave.shape
    J1 = len(scale)
    if not j1 == J1:
        print j1,n,J1
        raise Exception("Input array are inconsistent")
    sj = np.dot(scale.reshape(len(scale),1),np.ones((1,n)))
    mother = mother.upper()
    # psi0 comes from Table 1,2 Torrence and Compo (1998)
    # Cdelta comes from Table 2 Torrence and Compo (1998)
    if mother=='MORLET':  #-----------------------------------  Morlet
        if (param == -1): param = 6.
        if param==6.:
            Cdelta = 0.776
    elif mother=='PAUL': #--------------------------------  Paul
        if (param == -1): param = 4.
        m = param   
        psi0=np.real(2.**m*1j**m*np.prod(np.arange(2, m + 1))/np.sqrt(np.pi*np.prod(np.arange(2,2*m+1)))*(1**(-(m+1))))
        if m==4.:
           Cdelta = 1.132 
    elif mother=='DOG':  #--------------------------------  DOG
        if (param == -1): param = 2.
        m = param
        from scipy.special import gamma 
        from numpy.lib.polynomial import polyval
        from scipy.special.orthogonal import hermitenorm
        p = hermitenorm(m)
        psi0=(-1)**(m+1)/np.sqrt(gamma(m+0.5))*polyval(p, 0)
        print psi0
        if m==2.:
        if m==6.:
        raise Exception("Mother must be one of MORLET,PAUL,DOG")
    #eq. (11) in Torrence and Compo (1998)
    iwave = dj * np.sqrt(dt) / Cdelta /psi0 * (np.real(wave) / sj**0.5).sum(axis=0) 
    return iwave