Ejemplo n.º 1
 def compute_rabi_coupling(self):
     Rabi couplings, see Leibfried (2003), eq:70
     eta = self.eta
     if self.sideband_order == 0:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1. / 2 * eta**2) * laguerre(
             n, 0, eta**2)
     elif self.sideband_order == 1:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(1) * (
             1. / (n + 1.))**0.5 * laguerre(n, 1, eta**2)
     elif self.sideband_order == 2:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(2) * (
             1.0 / ((n + 1.) * (n + 2)))**0.5 * laguerre(n, 2, eta**2)
     elif self.sideband_order == -1:
         coupling_func = lambda n: 0 if n == 0 else np.exp(
             -1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(1) * (1. / (n))**0.5 * laguerre(
                 n - 1, 1, eta**2)
     elif self.sideband_order == -2:
         coupling_func = lambda n: 0 if n <= 1 else np.exp(
             -1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(2) * (1.0 / (
                 (n) * (n - 1.)))**0.5 * laguerre(n - 2, 2, eta**2)
         raise NotImplementedError(
             "Can't calculate rabi couplings sideband order {}".format(
     return np.array([coupling_func(n) for n in range(self.nmax)])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_l_roots():
    weightf = orth.laguerre(5).weight_func
    verify_gauss_quad(orth.l_roots, orth.eval_laguerre, weightf, 0., np.inf, 5)

    x, w = orth.l_roots(5, False)
    y, v, m = orth.l_roots(5, True)
    assert_allclose(x, y, 1e-14, 1e-14)
    assert_allclose(w, v, 1e-14, 1e-14)

    muI, muI_err = integrate.quad(weightf, 0, np.inf)
    assert_allclose(m, muI, rtol=muI_err)

    assert_raises(ValueError, orth.l_roots, 0)
    assert_raises(ValueError, orth.l_roots, 3.3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def compute_rabi_coupling(self):
     Rabi couplings, see Leibfried (2003), eq:70
     eta = self.eta
     if self.sideband_order == 0:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1./2*eta**2) * laguerre(n, 0, eta**2)
     elif self.sideband_order == 1:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1./2*eta**2) * eta**(1)*(1./(n+1.))**0.5 * laguerre(n, 1, eta**2)
     elif self.sideband_order == 2:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1./2*eta**2) * eta**(2)*(1./((n+1.)*(n+2)))**0.5 * laguerre(n, 2, eta**2)
     elif self.sideband_order == 3:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1./2*eta**2) * eta**(3)*(1./((n+1)*(n+2)*(n+3)))**0.5 * laguerre(n, 3 , eta**2) 
     elif self.sideband_order == 4:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1./2*eta**2) * eta**(4)*(1./((n+1)*(n+2)*(n+3)*(n+4)))**0.5 * laguerre(n, 4 , eta**2)
     elif self.sideband_order == 5:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1./2*eta**2) * eta**(5)*(1./((n+1)*(n+2)*(n+3)*(n+4)*(n+5)))**0.5 * laguerre(n, 5 , eta**2)      
     elif self.sideband_order == -1:
         coupling_func = lambda n: 0 if n == 0 else np.exp(-1./2*eta**2) * eta**(1)*(1./(n))**0.5 * laguerre(n - 1, 1, eta**2)
     elif self.sideband_order == -2:
         coupling_func = lambda n: 0 if n <= 1 else np.exp(-1./2*eta**2) * eta**(2)*(1./((n)*(n-1.)))**0.5 * laguerre(n - 2, 2, eta**2)
     elif self.sideband_order == -3:
         coupling_func = lambda n: 0 if n <= 2 else np.exp(-1./2*eta**2) * eta**(3)*(1./((n)*(n-1.)*(n-2)))**0.5 * laguerre(n -3, 3, eta**2)
     elif self.sideband_order == -4:
         coupling_func = lambda n: 0 if n <= 3 else np.exp(-1./2*eta**2) * eta**(4)*(1./((n)*(n-1.)*(n-2)*(n-3)))**0.5 * laguerre(n -4, 4, eta**2)
     elif self.sideband_order == -5:
         coupling_func = lambda n: 0 if n <= 4 else np.exp(-1./2*eta**2) * eta**(5)*(1./((n)*(n-1.)*(n-2)*(n-3)*(n-4)))**0.5 * laguerre(n -5, 5, eta**2)
         raise NotImplementedError("Can't calculate rabi couplings sideband order {}".format(self.sideband_order))
     return np.array([coupling_func(n) for n in range(self.nmax)])
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _displaced_thermal(cls, alpha, nbar, n):
     returns the motional state distribution with the displacement alpha, motional temperature nbar for the state n
     # this is needed because for some inputs (larrge n or small nbar, this term is 0 while the laguerre term is infinite. their product is zero but beyond the floating point precision
         old_settings = np.seterr(invalid="raise")
         populations = (
             / (nbar + 1.0)
             * (nbar / (nbar + 1.0)) ** n
             * laguerre(n, 0, -alpha ** 2 / (nbar * (nbar + 1.0)))
             * np.exp(-alpha ** 2 / (nbar + 1.0))
     except FloatingPointError:
         print "precise calculation required", alpha, nbar
         populations = [
                     1.0 / (nbar + 1.0),
                     mp.power(nbar / (nbar + 1.0), k),
                     mp.laguerre(k, 0, -alpha ** 2 / (nbar * (nbar + 1.0))),
                     mp.exp(-alpha ** 2 / (nbar + 1.0)),
             for k in n
         print "done computing populations"
         populations = np.array(populations)
         print "returned array"
     return populations
 def _displaced_thermal(cls, alpha, nbar, n):
     returns the motional state distribution with the displacement alpha, motional temperature nbar for the state n
     #this is needed because for some inputs (larrge n or small nbar, this term is 0 while the laguerre term is infinite. their product is zero but beyond the floating point precision
         old_settings = np.seterr(invalid='raise')
         populations = 1. / (nbar +
                             1.0) * (nbar / (nbar + 1.0))**n * laguerre(
                                 n, 0, -alpha**2 /
                                 (nbar *
                                  (nbar + 1.0))) * np.exp(-alpha**2 /
                                                          (nbar + 1.0))
     except FloatingPointError:
         print 'precise calculation required', alpha, nbar
         populations = [
             mp.fprod((1. / (nbar + 1.0), mp.power(nbar / (nbar + 1.0), k),
                       mp.laguerre(k, 0, -alpha**2 / (nbar * (nbar + 1.0))),
                       mp.exp(-alpha**2 / (nbar + 1.0)))) for k in n
         print 'done computing populations'
         populations = np.array(populations)
         print 'returned array'
     return populations
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _displaced_thermal(cls, alpha, nbar, n):
     return (
         / (nbar + 1.0)
         * (nbar / (nbar + 1.0)) ** n
         * laguerre(n, 0, -alpha ** 2 / (nbar * (nbar + 1.0)))
         * np.exp(-alpha ** 2 / (nbar + 1.0))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _displaced_thermal(cls, alpha, nbar, n):
        returns the motional state distribution with the displacement alpha, motional temperature nbar for the state n
        #this is needed because for some inputs (larrge n or small nbar, this term is 0 while the laguerre term is infinite. their product is zero but beyond the floating point precision
            old_settings = np.seterr(invalid='raise')
            populations = 1./ (nbar + 1.0) * (nbar / (nbar + 1.0))**n * laguerre(n, 0 , -alpha**2 / ( nbar * (nbar + 1.0))) * np.exp( -alpha**2 / (nbar + 1.0))
        except FloatingPointError:
            print 'using coherent state'
#             np.seterr(**old_settings)
#             populations = np.exp(-alpha**2) * alpha**(2*n) / factorial(n)
            populations = (2 * np.pi * alpha**2)**(-.5) * np.exp(-(n - alpha**2)**2/(2*alpha**2))
        return populations
def rabi_coupling(n, m, eta):
    '''return the Rabi matrix elements <m+n| exp(1j*eta*(a+a.dag)) |n> for n = 0...n-1
    @ var n: size of the Hilbert space
    @ var m: order m of the sideband
    @ var eta: Lamd-Dicke parameter
    returns: Wnm Rabi matrix elements for n = 0,...n-1 
    L = np.array([laguerre(ii, abs(m), eta**2) for ii in range(n)])
    fctr = np.array([factorial_simplified(ii, abs(m))**(0.5) for ii in range(n)])
    Wmn = exp(-1./2.*eta**2) * eta**abs(m) * fctr * L
    if m<0:
        Wmn = np.concatenate((np.zeros(-m), Wmn[:m]))
    return abs(Wmn)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, date, w0 = 2*np.pi*500e3, phi=np.pi/4, nmax=3000,
     self.date = date
     self.basepath = basepath
     k = 2 * np.pi / 729.14e-9
     eta0 = k * np.sqrt(const.hbar/(2*40*const.m_p*w0))
     self.eta = eta0 * np.cos(phi)
     self.delay = 6.7
     self.nmax = nmax
     print "Generating coupling tables"
     coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1./2*self.eta**2) * laguerre(n, 0, self.eta**2)
     coupling_array = np.array([coupling_func(n) for n in range(self.nmax)])
     self.rabi_coupling = coupling_array
     self.n_array = np.arange(self.nmax)
def rabi_coupling(n, m, eta):
    '''return the Rabi matrix elements <m+n| exp(1j*eta*(a+a.dag)) |n> for n = 0...n-1
    @ var n: size of the Hilbert space
    @ var m: order m of the sideband
    @ var eta: Lamd-Dicke parameter
    returns: Wnm Rabi matrix elements for n = 0,...n-1 
    L = np.array([laguerre(ii, abs(m), eta**2) for ii in range(n)])
    fctr = np.array(
        [factorial_simplified(ii, abs(m))**(0.5) for ii in range(n)])
    Wmn = exp(-1. / 2. * eta**2) * eta**abs(m) * fctr * L
    if m < 0:
        Wmn = np.concatenate((np.zeros(-m), Wmn[:m]))
    return abs(Wmn)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_l_roots():
    weightf = orth.laguerre(5).weight_func
    verify_gauss_quad(orth.l_roots, orth.eval_laguerre, weightf, 0.0, np.inf, 5)
    verify_gauss_quad(orth.l_roots, orth.eval_laguerre, weightf, 0.0, np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)
    verify_gauss_quad(orth.l_roots, orth.eval_laguerre, weightf, 0.0, np.inf, 100, atol=1e-12)

    x, w = orth.l_roots(5, False)
    y, v, m = orth.l_roots(5, True)
    assert_allclose(x, y, 1e-14, 1e-14)
    assert_allclose(w, v, 1e-14, 1e-14)

    muI, muI_err = integrate.quad(weightf, 0, np.inf)
    assert_allclose(m, muI, rtol=muI_err)

    assert_raises(ValueError, orth.l_roots, 0)
    assert_raises(ValueError, orth.l_roots, 3.3)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def _displaced_thermal(cls, alpha, nbar, n):
     returns the motional state distribution with the displacement alpha, motional temperature nbar for the state n
     #this is needed because for some inputs (larrge n or small nbar, this term is 0 while the laguerre term is infinite. their product is zero but beyond the floating point precision
         old_settings = np.seterr(invalid='raise')
         populations = 1. / (nbar +
                             1.0) * (nbar / (nbar + 1.0))**n * laguerre(
                                 n, 0, -alpha**2 /
                                 (nbar *
                                  (nbar + 1.0))) * np.exp(-alpha**2 /
                                                          (nbar + 1.0))
     except FloatingPointError:
         print 'using coherent state'
         #             np.seterr(**old_settings)
         #             populations = np.exp(-alpha**2) * alpha**(2*n) / factorial(n)
         populations = (2 * np.pi * alpha**2)**(-.5) * np.exp(
             -(n - alpha**2)**2 / (2 * alpha**2))
     return populations
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _displaced_thermal(cls, alpha, nbar, n):
        returns the motional state distribution with the displacement alpha, motional temperature nbar for the state n
        #this is needed because for some inputs (larrge n or small nbar, this term is 0 while the laguerre term is infinite. their product is zero but beyond the floating point precision
            old_settings = np.seterr(invalid='raise')
            populations = 1. / (nbar +
                                1.0) * (nbar / (nbar + 1.0))**n * laguerre(
                                    n, 0, -alpha**2 /
                                    (nbar *
                                     (nbar + 1.0))) * np.exp(-alpha**2 /
                                                             (nbar + 1.0))
        except FloatingPointError:

            def fib():
                a, b = 0, 1
                while 1:
                    yield a
                    a, b = b, a + b

            import time
            t1 = time.time()
            print 'precise calculation required', alpha, nbar
            expon_term = mp.exp(-alpha**2 / (nbar + 1.0))
            populations = [
                    mp.fprod((mp.power(nbar / (nbar + 1.0), k),
                              mp.laguerre(k, 0,
                                          -alpha**2 / (nbar * (nbar + 1.0))),
                              expon))) for k in n
            populations = np.array(populations) / (nbar + 1)
            print time.time() - t1
            print 'done'
        return populations
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _displaced_thermal(cls, alpha, nbar, n):
     returns the motional state distribution with the displacement alpha, motional temperature nbar for the state n
     #this is needed because for some inputs (larrge n or small nbar, this term is 0 while the laguerre term is infinite. their product is zero but beyond the floating point precision
         old_settings = np.seterr(invalid='raise')
         populations = 1./ (nbar + 1.0) * (nbar / (nbar + 1.0))**n * laguerre(n, 0 , -alpha**2 / ( nbar * (nbar + 1.0))) * np.exp( -alpha**2 / (nbar + 1.0))
     except FloatingPointError:
         def fib():
             a, b = 0, 1
             while 1:
                 yield a
                 a, b = b, a + b
         import time
         t1 = time.time()
         print 'precise calculation required', alpha, nbar
         expon_term = mp.exp(-alpha**2 / (nbar + 1.0))
         populations = [float(mp.fprod((mp.power(nbar / (nbar + 1.0), k), mp.laguerre(k, 0, -alpha**2 / ( nbar * (nbar + 1.0))), expon))) for k in n]
         populations = np.array(populations) / (nbar + 1)
         print time.time() - t1 
         print 'done'
     return populations
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def compute_rabi_coupling(cls, eta, sideband_order, nmax):
     Rabi couplings, see Leibfried (2003), eq:70
     if sideband_order == 0:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1. / 2 * eta**2) * laguerre(
             n, 0, eta**2)
     elif sideband_order == 1:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(1) * (
             1. / (n + 1.))**0.5 * laguerre(n, 1, eta**2)
     elif sideband_order == 2:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(2) * (
             1. / ((n + 1.) * (n + 2)))**0.5 * laguerre(n, 2, eta**2)
     elif sideband_order == 3:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(3) * (
             1. / ((n + 1) * (n + 2) *
                   (n + 3)))**0.5 * laguerre(n, 3, eta**2)
     elif sideband_order == 4:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(4) * (
             1. / ((n + 1) * (n + 2) * (n + 3) *
                   (n + 4)))**0.5 * laguerre(n, 4, eta**2)
     elif sideband_order == 5:
         coupling_func = lambda n: np.exp(-1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(5) * (
             1. / ((n + 1) * (n + 2) * (n + 3) * (n + 4) *
                   (n + 5)))**0.5 * laguerre(n, 5, eta**2)
     elif sideband_order == -1:
         coupling_func = lambda n: 0 if n == 0 else np.exp(
             -1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(1) * (1. / (n))**0.5 * laguerre(
                 n - 1, 1, eta**2)
     elif sideband_order == -2:
         coupling_func = lambda n: 0 if n <= 1 else np.exp(
             -1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(2) * (1. / (
                 (n) * (n - 1.)))**0.5 * laguerre(n - 2, 2, eta**2)
     elif sideband_order == -3:
         coupling_func = lambda n: 0 if n <= 2 else np.exp(
             -1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(3) * (1. / (
                 (n) * (n - 1.) *
                 (n - 2)))**0.5 * laguerre(n - 3, 3, eta**2)
     elif sideband_order == -4:
         coupling_func = lambda n: 0 if n <= 3 else np.exp(
             -1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(4) * (1. / (
                 (n) * (n - 1.) * (n - 2) *
                 (n - 3)))**0.5 * laguerre(n - 4, 4, eta**2)
     elif sideband_order == -5:
         coupling_func = lambda n: 0 if n <= 4 else np.exp(
             -1. / 2 * eta**2) * eta**(5) * (1. / (
                 (n) * (n - 1.) * (n - 2) * (n - 3) *
                 (n - 4)))**0.5 * laguerre(n - 5, 5, eta**2)
         raise NotImplementedError(
             "Can't calculate rabi couplings sideband order {}".format(
     return np.array([coupling_func(n) for n in range(nmax)])
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def _displaced_thermal(cls, alpha, nbar, n):
     return 1. / (nbar + 1.0) * (nbar / (nbar + 1.0))**n * laguerre(
         n, 0, -alpha**2 / (nbar * (nbar + 1.0))) * np.exp(-alpha**2 /
                                                           (nbar + 1.0))