Ejemplo n.º 1
    def eval_basis_chan(self, mode, x, y, chan):
        """Evaluate a basis function at a specific frequency channel.
        mode : (int, int)
            What Hermite polynomial to evalutate.
        x, y : arrays
            Coordinate locations to evalutate the polynomial. If 1D array,
            evaluate the polynomial at the same location at for each channel.
        chan : int
            Index of the frequency channel.

        x, y = np.broadcast_arrays(x, y)
        # Include the center offsets.
        x = x - self.center[chan,0]
        y = y - self.center[chan,1]
        # Get Gaussian factor.
        sigma = self.width[chan] / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
        gauss = np.exp(-(x**2 + y**2) / (2 * sigma**2))
        # In the Hermite polynomials, the coordinates have to be scaled by the
        # width of the Gaussian **squared** (the weight function).
        window_sigma = sigma # Physicist Hermite polynomials.
        x /= window_sigma
        y /= window_sigma
        # Construct the basis function.
        poly_x = special.eval_hermite(mode[0], x)
        norm = 1. / math.sqrt(2**mode[0] * math.factorial(mode[0]))
        poly_y = special.eval_hermite(mode[1], y)
        norm = norm / math.sqrt(2**mode[1] * math.factorial(mode[1]))
        out = poly_x * poly_y * norm * gauss
        return out
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def eval_basis_chan(self, mode, x, y, chan):
        """Evaluate a basis function at a specific frequency channel.
        mode : (int, int)
            What Hermite polynomial to evalutate.
        x, y : arrays
            Coordinate locations to evalutate the polynomial. If 1D array,
            evaluate the polynomial at the same location at for each channel.
        chan : int
            Index of the frequency channel.

        x, y = np.broadcast_arrays(x, y)
        # Include the center offsets.
        x = x - self.center[chan, 0]
        y = y - self.center[chan, 1]
        # Get Gaussian factor.
        sigma = self.width[chan] / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
        gauss = np.exp(-(x**2 + y**2) / (2 * sigma**2))
        # In the Hermite polynomials, the coordinates have to be scaled by the
        # width of the Gaussian **squared** (the weight function).
        window_sigma = sigma  # Physicist Hermite polynomials.
        x /= window_sigma
        y /= window_sigma
        # Construct the basis function.
        poly_x = special.eval_hermite(mode[0], x)
        norm = 1. / math.sqrt(2**mode[0] * math.factorial(mode[0]))
        poly_y = special.eval_hermite(mode[1], y)
        norm = norm / math.sqrt(2**mode[1] * math.factorial(mode[1]))
        out = poly_x * poly_y * norm * gauss
        return out
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_hermite():
    allTrue = True
    for order in range(ORDER_MAX):
        x = np.random.rand(1).item()
        valuePy = sp.eval_hermite(order, x)
        valueCpp = NumCpp.hermite_Scaler(order, x)
        if np.round(valuePy, DECIMALS_ROUND) != np.round(
                valueCpp, DECIMALS_ROUND):
            allTrue = False

    assert allTrue

    allTrue = True
    for order in range(ORDER_MAX):
        shapeInput = np.random.randint(10, 100, [
        ], dtype=np.uint32)
        shape = NumCpp.Shape(*shapeInput)
        cArray = NumCpp.NdArray(shape)
        x = np.random.rand(*shapeInput)
        valuePy = sp.eval_hermite(order, x)
        valueCpp = NumCpp.hermite_Array(order, cArray)
        if not np.array_equal(np.round(valuePy, DECIMALS_ROUND),
                              np.round(valueCpp, DECIMALS_ROUND)):
            allTrue = False

    assert allTrue
Ejemplo n.º 4
def houghTilde(s, sig, m, lam, q):
    L = lam**.5
    Lnu = L * q
    prefactor = m * np.sqrt(Lnu) / (m**2 - L**2)
    minhermite = s * ((L / m) + 1) * special.eval_hermite(s - 1, sig)
    maxhermite = .5 * ((L / m) - 1) * special.eval_hermite(s + 1, sig)
    exp = np.exp(-(sig**2) / 2.)
    hermites = minhermite + maxhermite
    return prefactor * hermites * exp
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def scalar_angular_spectrum(self, theta, phi, k):
        HG_l = eval_hermite(
            self.l, k * self.width / np.sqrt(2) * np.tan(theta) * np.cos(phi))
        HG_m = eval_hermite(
            self.m, k * self.width / np.sqrt(2) * np.tan(theta) * np.sin(phi))
        exp = np.exp(-(k * self.width * np.tan(theta) / 2)**2)
        factor = (-1j)**(self.l + self.m)

        return factor * HG_l * HG_m * exp
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def potential_operator(self, potential):
     grid = np.linspace(-self.phimax, self.phimax, self.D)
     r = np.tile(row_indices(self.N, self.N), (self.D, 1, 1))
     c = np.tile(column_indices(self.N, self.N), (self.D, 1, 1))
     phis = np.rollaxis(np.tile(grid, (self.N, self.N, 1)), 2)
     fs = np.exp(-phis**2) * eval_hermite(r, phis) * eval_hermite(c, phis)
     fs *= potential(self.rescaling_factor() * phis + self.flux)
     fs /= hermite_norm(r) * hermite_norm(c)
     vop = simps(fs, np.linspace(-self.phimax, self.phimax, self.D), axis=0)
     return vop
Ejemplo n.º 7
def fcint(v1, v2):
    aa = 0.0
    for k1 in range(v1 + 1):
        for k2 in range(v2 + 1):
            if (k1 + k2) % 2 == 0:
                ik = factorial2(k1 + k2 - 1) / (a1 + a2)**((k1 + k2) / 2)
                ik = 0
            aa += comb(v1,k1)*comb(v2,k2)*eval_hermite(v1-k1,b1)\
    bb = aa * A * exp(-S) / 2**(v1 + v2) / factorial(v1) / factorial(v2) * aa
    #bb = A*exp(-S)/2**(v1+v2)
    return bb
Ejemplo n.º 8
def gaussian_hermite(n, m, mode_field_diameter=1, grid=None):
    r'''Creates a Gaussian-Hermite mode.

	This function evaluates a (n, m) order Gaussian-Hermite mode on a grid.
	The definition of the modes are the following,

	.. math:: 
		\exp{\left(-\frac{r^2}{w_0^2}\right)} H_n\left(\sqrt{2}\frac{x}{w_0}\right) H_m\left(\sqrt{2}\frac{y}{w_0}\right).
	Here :math:`w_0` is the mode_field_radius, which is :math:`\mathrm{MFD}/2`. This defintion follows 
	the Physicists definition of the Hermite polynomials. The modes are numerical normalized to have a 
	total power of 1.

	More details on the Hermite Polynomials can be found on: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HermitePolynomial.html

	n : int
		The x order.
	m : int
		The y order.
	mode_field_diameter : scalar
		The mode field diameter of the Gaussian-Laguerre mode.
	grid : Grid
		The grid on which to evaluate the mode.
		The evaluated mode.
    from ..field import Field

    if grid.is_separated and grid.is_('cartesian'):
        x = grid.x
        y = grid.y
        r2 = (x**2 + y**2) / (mode_field_diameter / 2)**2
        x, y = grid.as_('cartesian').coords
        r2 = (2 * grid.r / mode_field_diameter)**2

    # Calculate the mode.
    hg = np.exp(-r2) * eval_hermite(
        n, 2 * sqrt(2) * x / mode_field_diameter) * eval_hermite(
            m, 2 * sqrt(2) * y / mode_field_diameter)

    # Numerically normalize the mode
    hg /= np.sum(np.abs(hg)**2 * grid.weights)

    return Field(hg, grid)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def eval_psi(x, y, nx, ny, omega0, xdisp):
    "This evaluates the wave function at cartesian coordinates x and y"
    pi = math.acos(-1.0)

    psix = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0**nx * math.factorial(nx))
    psix *= (omega0 / pi)**0.25
    psix *= math.exp(-0.5 * omega0 * (x - xdisp) * (x - xdisp))
    psix *= sp.eval_hermite(nx, math.sqrt(omega0) * (x - xdisp))

    psiy = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0**ny * math.factorial(ny))
    psiy *= (omega0 / pi)**0.25
    psiy *= math.exp(-0.5 * omega0 * y * y)
    psiy *= sp.eval_hermite(ny, math.sqrt(omega0) * y)

    psi = psix * psiy
    return psi
Ejemplo n.º 10
def gen(n, x, name):
    """Generate fixture data and write to file.

    # Arguments

    * `n`: degree(s)
    * `x`: domain
    * `name::str`: output filename

    # Examples

    ``` python
    python> n = 1
    python> x = linspace(-1000, 1000, 2001)
    python> gen(n, x, './data.json')
    y = eval_hermite(n, x)
    if isinstance(n, np.ndarray):
        data = {"n": n.tolist(), "x": x.tolist(), "expected": y.tolist()}
        data = {"n": n, "x": x.tolist(), "expected": y.tolist()}

    # Based on the script directory, create an output filepath:
    filepath = os.path.join(DIR, name)

    # Write the data to the output filepath as JSON:
    with open(filepath, "w") as outfile:
        json.dump(data, outfile)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def evaluate_basis(self, x, i=0, output_array=None):
     x = np.atleast_1d(x)
     if output_array is None:
         output_array = np.zeros(x.shape)
     output_array = eval_hermite(i, x, out=output_array)
     output_array *= np.exp(-x**2 / 2) * self.factor(i)
     return output_array
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def eval_wavefunction(self, x_array: iterable):
        Computes wave function, based on eigenfunctions psi_n(x) = A_n * H_n(alpha * x) * exp(-alpha^2 * x^2 / 2)
        :parameter x_array: array containing points on the x-position axis
        :returns dictionary of two arrays containing wavefunction's real and imaginary parts evaluated in x_array
        key = 'real' : real part
        key = 'imaginary': imaginary part
        # in general psi_tot will be a complex function
        psi_tot = {
            'real': np.zeros(len(x_array)),
            'imaginary': np.zeros(len(x_array))

        for n in self.n_coeffs.keys():
            # compute factorial via np.math.factorial()
            if n <= 16:
                a_n = np.float_power(self.mass * self.omega / (np.pi * self.h_bar), 0.25) \
                      / np.sqrt(2**n * np.math.factorial(n))
            # compute factorial via Stirling Approximation
                a_n = np.float_power(self.mass * self.omega / (np.pi * self.h_bar), 0.25) \
                      / (np.float_power(2 * np.pi * n, 0.25) * np.float_power(2 * n / np.e, n * 0.5))
            hermite_n = special.eval_hermite(n, self.alpha * x_array)
            psi_n = a_n * hermite_n * np.exp((-(self.alpha * x_array)**2 / 2))

            # iteratively add real and imaginary parts of psi_tot
            psi_tot['real'] += complex(self.n_coeffs[n]).real * psi_n
            psi_tot['imaginary'] += complex(self.n_coeffs[n]).imag * psi_n

        return psi_tot
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def get_slice(self, x, y):
     m = self.coefficients.shape[1]
     n_chan = len(self.freq)
     # Convert, x and y to 2D arrays broadcastable to the length of the
     # frequency axis.
     x, y = np.broadcast_arrays(x, y)
     if x.ndim == 0:
         shape = (1, 1)
     elif x.ndim == 1:
         shape = (1, x.shape[0])
     elif x.ndim == 2:
         if x.shape[0] != n_chan and x.shape[0] != 1:
             msg = "Coordinate shapes not compatible with number of"
             msg += " channels."
             raise ValueError(msg)
         shape = x.shape
         msg = "Coordinates must be broadcastable to (n_chan, n_coord)."
         raise ValueError(msg)
     x.shape = shape
     y.shape = shape
     n_points = x.shape[1]
     # Get the Gaussian factor.
     sigma = self.width / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
     sigma.shape = (n_chan, 1)
     gauss = np.exp(-(x**2 + y**2) / (2 * sigma**2))
     # Following line normalizes integral, but we want normalized amplitude.
     # gauss /= sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
     # In the Hermite polynomials, the coordinates have to be scaled my the
     # width of the Gaussian **squared** (the weight function).
     window_sigma = sigma # Physicist Hermite polynomials.
     # Scale coordinates.
     x = x / window_sigma
     y = y / window_sigma
     # Allocate memory for output.
     out = np.zeros((n_chan, 4, n_points), dtype=np.float64)
     # Loop over the Hermite polynomials and add up the contributions.
     for ii in range(m):
         poly_x = special.eval_hermite(ii, x)[:,None,:]
         norm_x = 1. / math.sqrt(2**ii * math.factorial(ii))
         for jj in range(m - ii):
             poly_y = special.eval_hermite(jj, y)[:,None,:]
             norm = norm_x / math.sqrt(2**jj * math.factorial(jj))
             factor = norm * gauss[:,None,:]
             out += (self.coefficients[:,ii,jj,:,None]
                     * poly_x * poly_y * factor)
     return out
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def get_slice(self, x, y):
     m = self.coefficients.shape[1]
     n_chan = len(self.freq)
     # Convert, x and y to 2D arrays broadcastable to the length of the
     # frequency axis.
     x, y = np.broadcast_arrays(x, y)
     if x.ndim == 0:
         shape = (1, 1)
     elif x.ndim == 1:
         shape = (1, x.shape[0])
     elif x.ndim == 2:
         if x.shape[0] != n_chan and x.shape[0] != 1:
             msg = "Coordinate shapes not compatible with number of"
             msg += " channels."
             raise ValueError(msg)
         shape = x.shape
         msg = "Coordinates must be broadcastable to (n_chan, n_coord)."
         raise ValueError(msg)
     x.shape = shape
     y.shape = shape
     n_points = x.shape[1]
     # Get the Gaussian factor.
     sigma = self.width / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
     sigma.shape = (n_chan, 1)
     gauss = np.exp(-(x**2 + y**2) / (2 * sigma**2))
     # Following line normalizes integral, but we want normalized amplitude.
     # gauss /= sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
     # In the Hermite polynomials, the coordinates have to be scaled my the
     # width of the Gaussian **squared** (the weight function).
     window_sigma = sigma  # Physicist Hermite polynomials.
     # Scale coordinates.
     x = x / window_sigma
     y = y / window_sigma
     # Allocate memory for output.
     out = np.zeros((n_chan, 4, n_points), dtype=np.float64)
     # Loop over the Hermite polynomials and add up the contributions.
     for ii in range(m):
         poly_x = special.eval_hermite(ii, x)[:, None, :]
         norm_x = 1. / math.sqrt(2**ii * math.factorial(ii))
         for jj in range(m - ii):
             poly_y = special.eval_hermite(jj, y)[:, None, :]
             norm = norm_x / math.sqrt(2**jj * math.factorial(jj))
             factor = norm * gauss[:, None, :]
             out += (self.coefficients[:, ii, jj, :, None] * poly_x *
                     poly_y * factor)
     return out
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_boundstate(name, x, n, params = {}):
    Nx = len(x)
    # Infinite square well
    if name == "box":
        return np.sqrt(2/(x[-1]-x[0]))*np.sin(n*np.pi*(x-x[0])/(x[-1]-x[0]),dtype=np.complex_)
    # Single Delta Potential
    if name == "delta":
        if (params["Str"] >= 0):
            return np.zeros(len(x), dtype = complex)
        x0 = params["x0"]
        k = -params["Str"]
        return np.sqrt(k)*np.exp(-k*np.abs(x-x0), dtype = complex)
    # Double Delta Potential
    if name == "double delta":
        # energy equations are transendental
        def fEven(x,x0,a):
            return np.exp(-2*x*x0)+1-x/a
        def fOdd(x,x0,a):
            return np.exp(-2*x*x0)-1+x/a
        # If the delta is positive, we have scattering states, not bound
        if (params["Str"] >= 0):
            return np.zeros(len(x), dtype = complex)
        x0 = params["x0"]
        x1 = -x0
        k = -params["Str"]
        if n == 0:
            kEven = newton(fEven, k, args=(x1, k))
            even = np.empty(len(x), dtype = complex)
            even[x<x0] = np.cosh(kEven*x0)*np.exp(kEven*(x[i]-x0))
            even[np.logical_and(x>=x0,x<x1)] = np.cosh(kEven*x[i])
            even[x>=x1] = np.cosh(kEven*x1)*np.exp(-kEven*(x[i]-x1))
            even /= np.sqrt(complex_quadrature(np.abs(even)**2, x))
            return even
            if k <= 0.5/x0:
                return np.zeros(len(x), dtype = complex)
            kOdd = newton(fOdd, k, args=(x1, k))
            odd = np.empty(len(x), dtype = complex)
            odd[x<x0] = np.sinh(kOdd*x0)*np.exp(kOdd*(x[i]-x0))
            odd[np.logical_and(x>=x0,x<x1)] = odd[i] = np.sinh(kOdd*x[i])
            odd[x>=x1] = np.sinh(kOdd*x1)*np.exp(-kOdd*(x[i]-x1))
            odd /= np.sqrt(complex_quadrature(np.abs(odd)**2, x))
            return odd
    # Harmonic Oscillator
    if name == "sho":
        x0 = params["x0"]
        w0 = -params["w0"]
        m0 = -params["m0"]

        a = m0*w0
        y = np.sqrt(a)*(x-x0)
        A = (a/np.pi)**0.25/np.sqrt(2**n*factorial(n))

        return A*eval_hermite(n, y)*np.exp(-0.5*y**2, dtype = complex)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def mpfun(self, ene, mporder):
     from scipy.special import eval_hermite
     dsum = 0.0
     for nn in range(mporder):
         an = (-1.0)**float(nn) / (np.math.factorial(nn) * 4.0**float(nn) *
         dsum += an * eval_hermite(2 * nn, ene) * np.exp(-ene**2.0)
     return dsum
Ejemplo n.º 17
def PsiIni(xx, yy):
    k = 10
    m = 1.
    hbar = 1.
    w = np.sqrt(k / m)

    a = 0
    b = 0

    zetx = np.sqrt(m * w / hbar) * xx
    zety = np.sqrt(m * w / hbar) * yy
    Hx = ss.eval_hermite(a, zetx)
    Hy = ss.eval_hermite(b, zety)
    c_ab = (2**(a + b) * np.math.factorial(a) * np.math.factorial(b))**(-0.5)
    cte = (m * w / (np.pi * hbar))**0.5

    return c_ab * cte * np.exp(-(zetx**2 + zety**2) / 2) * Hx * Hy
def psi(x, we, n, mu):

    alpha = np.sqrt(mu * we / hbar)

    A = np.sqrt(alpha / (np.sqrt(np.pi) * (2**n) * factorial(n)))

    return A * np.exp(-0.5 * alpha**2 * x**2) * eval_hermite(
        n, alpha * x)  #, out=None)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def phi(self, n, x):
        c = self.c()

        h_n = special.eval_hermite(n, x * np.sqrt(2 * c))

        res = ((2 * c / np.pi)**0.25) * np.exp(-c * x**2)
        res *= h_n * (1.0 / np.sqrt(2**n * special.factorial(n)))

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 20
def oscillator_wavefunction(n,x,alpha):
    Calculates wavefunctions of harmonic oscillator
    z = x*m.sqrt(alpha)
    N = (alpha/m.pi)**(1/4)/m.sqrt(2**n*sp.factorial(n))
    h = sp.eval_hermite(n,z)
    psi = N*h*np.exp(-z**2/2)
    return psi
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def timedep_eigenfunc(self, t, n, particle, h_bar=6.626e-34 / (2 * np.pi)):
        Returns the normalized eigenfunction for the Harmonic Oscillator with time dependance included. 
        t : number
            The time at which the eigenfunction is to be evaluated.
        n : `int`
            The order of the eigenfunction.
        particle : Particle class (see Particle.py for more details)
            Particle whose mass will determine the energy and therefore the time dependance of the eigenfunction.
        h_bar : number, optional
            The reduced planck constant. Defaults to 6.626e-34/2pi. For natural units, set to 1.
        out : `complex ndarray`
            The output is a complex array representing the nth normalized eigenfunction at time t for the
            Harmonic Oscillator
        Return the first excited state for a Harmonic Oscillator with k = 1 at time t = 3. Units are natural units 
        such that the electron rest mass and the reduced planck constant is 1. 

        >>> import Particle as p
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 10)
        >>> electron = p.Particle(1)
        >>> ho = HarmonicOscillator(x, 1)
        >>> ho.timedep_eigenfunc(3, 0, electron, h_bar = 1)
        array([2.79918439e-06+0.j, 3.90567063e-04+0.j, 1.58560022e-02+0.j,
               1.87294814e-01+0.j, 6.43712257e-01+0.j, 6.43712257e-01+0.j,
               1.87294814e-01+0.j, 1.58560022e-02+0.j, 3.90567063e-04+0.j,
        if n < 0 or n % 1 != 0:
            raise Exception(
                'for the harmonic oscillator, n must be a positive integer starting from 0'
        n = int(
        )  #coverts n datatype to the native Python int type to ensure number of bits is enough for calculating the square root of large numbers

        w = np.sqrt(self.k / particle.m)
        alpha = particle.m * w / h_bar

        y = np.sqrt(alpha) * self.x
        Hermite = sp.eval_hermite(n, y)

        C = (1 / np.sqrt(float(2**n) * np.math.factorial(n))) * (
            alpha / np.pi)**(1 / 4)

        return C * np.exp(-y**2 / 2) * Hermite * np.exp(
            -1j * self.eigenvalue(n, particle, h_bar=h_bar) * t / h_bar)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def hermite_gaussian_paraxial(src, x, y, z, k):
        factor = 1 / src.width * np.sqrt(2 /
                                         (np.pi * 2**src.l * 2**src.m *
                                          factorial(src.l) * factorial(src.m)))
        E0 = factor * np.sqrt((2 * Z0 * src.power))

        rho_sq = x**2 + y**2
        wav = 2 * np.pi / k

        wz = w(z, src.width, wav)
        HG_l = eval_hermite(src.l, np.sqrt(2) * x / wz)
        HG_m = eval_hermite(src.m, np.sqrt(2) * y / wz)
        N = src.l + src.m

        amp = E0 * src.width / wz * HG_l * HG_m * np.exp(-rho_sq / wz**2)
        phase = k * z + k * rho_sq * Rinv(
            z, src.width, wav) / 2 - (N + 1) * gouy(z, src.width, wav)

        return amp * np.exp(1j * phase)
def test_reduction_to_physicists_polys():
    """Tests that the multidimensional hermite polynomials reduce to the regular physicists' hermite polynomials in the appropriate limit"""
    x = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1)
    init = 1
    n_max = 5
    A = np.ones([init, init], dtype=complex)
    vals = np.array(
        [hermite_multidimensional(2 * A, n_max, y=np.array([x0], dtype=complex)) for x0 in x]
    expected = np.array([eval_hermite(i, x) for i in range(len(vals))])
    assert np.allclose(vals, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def EigenOsci(x, y):
    #    k=20.
    m = 1.

    a = 0
    b = 0
    if (k == 0.):
        return (2. / 5.) * np.sin(np.pi *
                                  (x - 2.5) / 5) * np.sin(np.pi *
                                                          (y - 2.5) / 5)
        w = np.sqrt(k / m)
        zetx = np.sqrt(m * w / hbar) * (x - 2.5)
        zety = np.sqrt(m * w / hbar) * (y - 2.5)
        Hx = ss.eval_hermite(a, zetx)
        Hy = ss.eval_hermite(b, zety)
        c_ab = (2**(a + b) * np.math.factorial(a) *
        cte = (m * w / (np.pi * hbar))**0.5
        return c_ab * cte * np.exp(-(zetx**2 + zety**2) / 2) * Hx * Hy
Ejemplo n.º 25
def hermite_function(n, x):
    Evaluates the hermite function of order n at a point x
    n = np.atleast_2d(n)
    x = np.atleast_2d(x)
    coef = np.sqrt((2**n) * factorial(n) * np.sqrt(np.pi)) * np.exp(
        (x**2) / 2,
    return eval_hermite(n, x) / coef
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def eigenfunc(self, n, particle, h_bar=6.626e-34 / (2 * np.pi)):
        Returns the normalized eigenfunction for the Harmonic Oscillator. Does not include time dependance.
        This is equivalent to the eigenfunction at time t = 0. For the eigenfunction with the time dependance included, 
        see timedep_eigenfunc().
        n : `int`
            The order of the eigenfunction.
        particle : Particle class (see Particle.py for more details)
            Particle whose mass will determine the angular frequency from the force constant
        h_bar : number, optional
            The reduced planck constant. Defaults to 6.626e-34/2pi. For natural units, set to 1.        
        out : `ndarray`
            The output is an array representing the nth normalized eigenfunction for the Harmonic Oscillator.   
        Return the ground state eigenfunction for a Harmonic Oscillator with force constant k = 1. Units are natural units such 
        that the electron rest mass and reduced Planck constant is 1.
        >>> import Particle as p
        >>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 10)
        >>> ho = HarmonicOscillator(x, 1)
        >>> electron = p.Particle(1)
        >>> ho.eigenfunc(0, electron, h_bar = 1)
        array([2.79918439e-06, 3.90567063e-04, 1.58560022e-02, 1.87294814e-01,
               6.43712257e-01, 6.43712257e-01, 1.87294814e-01, 1.58560022e-02,
               3.90567063e-04, 2.79918439e-06])        
        if n < 0 or n % 1 != 0:
            raise Exception(
                'for the harmonic oscillator, n must be a positive integer starting from 0'
        n = int(
        )  #coverts n datatype to the native Python int type to ensure number of bits is enough for calculating the square root of large numbers

        w = np.sqrt(self.k / particle.m)
        alpha = particle.m * w / h_bar

        y = np.sqrt(alpha) * self.x
        Hermite = sp.eval_hermite(n, y)

        C = (1 / np.sqrt(float(2**n) * np.math.factorial(n))) * (
            alpha / np.pi)**(1 / 4)

        return C * np.exp(-y**2 / 2) * Hermite
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_h_roots(self):
        # this test is copied from numpy's TestGauss in test_hermite.py
        x, w = orth.h_roots(100)

        n = np.arange(100)
        v = eval_hermite(n[:, np.newaxis], x[np.newaxis,:])
        vv = np.dot(v*w, v.T)
        vd = 1 / np.sqrt(vv.diagonal())
        vv = vd[:, np.newaxis] * vv * vd
        assert_almost_equal(vv, np.eye(100))

        # check that the integral of 1 is correct
        assert_almost_equal(w.sum(), np.sqrt(np.pi))
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def test_h_roots(self):
        # this test is copied from numpy's TestGauss in test_hermite.py
        x, w = orth.h_roots(100)

        n = np.arange(100)
        v = eval_hermite(n[:, np.newaxis], x[np.newaxis,:])
        vv = np.dot(v*w, v.T)
        vd = 1 / np.sqrt(vv.diagonal())
        vv = vd[:, np.newaxis] * vv * vd
        assert_almost_equal(vv, np.eye(100))

        # check that the integral of 1 is correct
        assert_almost_equal(w.sum(), np.sqrt(np.pi))
Ejemplo n.º 29
def HG_nm(x, y, n, m, z=0, wavelength=0.001, w0=1):
    # Create Hermite Gauss modes
    k = 2 * np.pi / wavelength
    zR = (k * w0**2) / 2
    wz = np.sqrt(2 * (z**2 + zR**2) / (k * zR))

    # Define all coefficients
    cf1 = np.sqrt(2 /
                  (np.pi * factorial(n) * factorial(m))) * 2**(-(n + m) / 2)
    cf2 = w0 / wz
    cf3 = np.exp(-(x**2 + y**2) / (wz**2))
    cf4 = np.exp(-1j * (k * z * (x**2 + y**2)) / (2 * (z**2 + zR**2)))
    cf5 = np.exp(-1j * (n + m + 1) * np.arctan(z / zR))

    # make hermite modes
    Hn = eval_hermite(int(n), np.sqrt(2) * x / wz)
    Hm = eval_hermite(int(m), np.sqrt(2) * y / wz)

    # Calculate HG mode
    HG = cf1 * cf2 * cf3 * cf4 * cf5 * Hn * Hm

    return (HG)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_hermite():

    for order in range(ORDER_MAX):
        x = np.random.rand(1).item()
        valuePy = sp.eval_hermite(order, x)
        valueCpp = NumCpp.hermite_Scaler(order, x)
        assert np.round(valuePy,
                        DECIMALS_ROUND) == np.round(valueCpp, DECIMALS_ROUND)

    for order in range(ORDER_MAX):
        shapeInput = np.random.randint(10, 100, [
        ], dtype=np.uint32)
        shape = NumCpp.Shape(*shapeInput)
        cArray = NumCpp.NdArray(shape)
        x = np.random.rand(*shapeInput)
        valuePy = sp.eval_hermite(order, x)
        valueCpp = NumCpp.hermite_Array(order, cArray)
        assert np.array_equal(np.round(valuePy, DECIMALS_ROUND),
                              np.round(valueCpp, DECIMALS_ROUND))
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def OsciEigen(r, param):
        xx = r[0]  #ROW
        yy = r[1]  #COLUMN

        x0 = param[0]
        y0 = param[1]
        w = param[2]
        a = int(param[3])
        b = int(param[4])

        m = 1.
        hbar = 1.
        # w=np.sqrt(abs(k)/m)

        zetx = np.sqrt(m * w / hbar) * (xx - x0)
        zety = np.sqrt(m * w / hbar) * (yy - y0)
        Hx = ss.eval_hermite(a, zetx)
        Hy = ss.eval_hermite(b, zety)

        c_ab = (2**(a + b) * np.math.factorial(a) *
        cte = (m * w / (np.pi * hbar))**0.5

        return c_ab * cte * np.exp(-(zetx**2 + zety**2) / 2) * Hx * Hy
Ejemplo n.º 32
def gen_shape_basis_direct(n1=None,n2=None,xrot=None,yrot=None,b1=None,b2=None,convolve_kern=False,shape=False):
    '''Generates the shapelet basis function for given n1,n2,b1,b2 parameters,
    at the given coords xrot,yrot
    b1,b2 should be in radians'''

    this_xrot = deepcopy(xrot)
    this_yrot = deepcopy(yrot)

    gauss = exp(-0.5*(array(this_xrot)**2+array(this_yrot)**2))

    n1 = int(n1)
    n2 = int(n2)

    norm = 1.0 / (sqrt(2**n1*factorial(n1))*sqrt(2**n2*factorial(n2)))
    norm *= 1.0 / (b1 * b2)
    norm *= sqrt(pi) / 2

    if type(convolve_kern) == ndarray:
        this_xrot.shape = shape
        this_yrot.shape = shape
        gauss.shape = shape

        h1 = eval_hermite(n1,this_xrot)
        h2 = eval_hermite(n2,this_yrot)
        basis = gauss*norm*h1*h2

        basis = fftconvolve(basis, convolve_kern, 'same')
        basis = basis.flatten()


        h1 = eval_hermite(n1,this_xrot)
        h2 = eval_hermite(n2,this_yrot)
        basis = gauss*norm*h1*h2

    return basis
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def evaluate_basis_derivative(self, x=None, i=0, k=0, output_array=None):
        if x is None:
            x = self.mesh(False, False)
        x = np.atleast_1d(x)
        v = eval_hermite(i, x, out=output_array)
        if k == 1:
            D = np.zeros((self.N, self.N))
            D[:-1, :] = hermite.hermder(np.eye(self.N), 1)
            V = np.dot(v, D)
            V -= v*x[:, np.newaxis]
            V *= np.exp(-x**2/2)[:, np.newaxis]*self.factor(i)
            v[:] = V

        elif k == 2:
            W = (x[:, np.newaxis]**2 - 1 - 2*i)*V
            v[:] = W*self.factor(i)*np.exp(-x**2/2)[:, np.newaxis]

        elif k == 0:
            v *= np.exp(-x**2/2)[:, np.newaxis]*self.factor(i)

            raise NotImplementedError

        return v
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def evalNormPoly(self,x,n):
   norm = self.norm(n)
   return norm*polys.eval_hermite(n,x)
Ejemplo n.º 35
def eval_hermite_ld(n, x):
    return eval_hermite(n.astype('l'), x)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def evalNormPoly(self,x,n):
   norm = 1.0/(np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.pi)*(2.0**n)*factorial(n)))
   return norm*polys.eval_hermite(n,x)
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def test_hermite(self):
     assert_mpmath_equal(lambda n, x: sc.eval_hermite(int(n), x),
                         [IntArg(0, 10000), Arg()])
Ejemplo n.º 38
def uVu(x):                     # integrand $u_m V u_n$
    y, c = x/a0, a0*np.sqrt(np.pi*gamma(m+1)*gamma(n+1)*2**(m+n))
    return V(x)*eval_hermite(m,y)*eval_hermite(n,y)*np.exp(-y*y)/c
Ejemplo n.º 39
def hermite_norm(n, x):
    """Normalized Hermite polynomials"""
    return eval_hermite(n, x)/ hermite_mag(n)