Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_source(I, K, sigma_s, phi_old, phi_edge_old, q, mu, N):
    """determine the new total source (scattering + q)
        I:                  number of zones
        K:                  scattering order
        sigma_s:            array of scattering cross-sections
        phi_old:            scalar flux from previous time step in each zone
        q:                  array of source within each zone
        mu:                 quadrature angles
        N:                  number of quadrature angles
        source:             scattering source for new time step + q
    source = np.zeros((I, N + 1))
    for k in range(K + 1):
        source[:, 0] += 0.5 * (2 * k + 1) * (
            sigma_s[:, k] * phi_old[:, k]) * special.eval_legendre(k, -1.0)
    source[:, 0] += 0.5 * q
    for n in range(1, N + 1):
        for k in range(K + 1):
            source[:, n] += 0.5 * (2 * k + 1) * (
                sigma_s[:, k] * phi_old[:, k]) * special.eval_legendre(
                    k, mu[n - 1])
        source[:, n] += 0.5 * q
    return source
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def evaluate_basis(self, x, i=0, output_array=None):
     x = np.atleast_1d(x)
     if output_array is None:
         output_array = np.zeros(x.shape)
     output_array[:] = eval_legendre(
         x) - i * (i + 1.) / (i + 2.) / (i + 3.) * eval_legendre(i + 2, x)
     return output_array
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def evaluate_basis(self, x, i=0, output_array=None):
     x = np.atleast_1d(x)
     if output_array is None:
         output_array = np.zeros(x.shape)
     output_array[:] = eval_legendre(i, x) - eval_legendre(i + 2, x)
     if self.is_scaled():
         output_array /= np.sqrt(4 * i + 6)
     return output_array
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def capacitance(self):
        Return the electrical capacitance of the transducer.

        return self.gamma()*self.transducer_width*self.nb_finger/2.\
               *eval_legendre(-1./self.Se, np.cos(self.delta()))\
               /eval_legendre(-1./self.Se, -np.cos(self.delta()))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def evaluate_basis(self, x, i=0, output_array=None):
     x = np.atleast_1d(x)
     if output_array is None:
         output_array = np.zeros(x.shape)
     if i < self.N - 4:
         output_array[:] = eval_legendre(
             i, x) - 2 * (2 * i + 5.) / (2 * i + 7.) * eval_legendre(
                 i + 2, x) + ((2 * i + 3.) /
                              (2 * i + 7.)) * eval_legendre(i + 4, x)
         output_array[:] = sympy.lambdify(sympy.symbols('x'),
     return output_array
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_legendre():
    allTrue = True
    for order in range(ORDER_MAX):
        x = np.random.rand(1).item()
        valuePy = sp.eval_legendre(order, x)
        valueCpp = NumCpp.legendre_p_Scaler1(order, x)
        if np.round(valuePy, DECIMALS_ROUND) != np.round(
                valueCpp, DECIMALS_ROUND):
            allTrue = False

    assert allTrue

    allTrue = True
    for order in range(ORDER_MAX):
        shapeInput = np.random.randint(10, 100, [
        ], dtype=np.uint32)
        shape = NumCpp.Shape(*shapeInput)
        cArray = NumCpp.NdArray(shape)
        x = np.random.rand(*shapeInput)
        valuePy = sp.eval_legendre(order, x)
        valueCpp = NumCpp.legendre_p_Array1(order, cArray)
        if not np.array_equal(np.round(valuePy, DECIMALS_ROUND),
                              np.round(valueCpp, DECIMALS_ROUND)):
            allTrue = False

    assert allTrue

    allTrue = True
    for order in range(ORDER_MAX):
        x = np.random.rand(1).item()
        degree = np.random.randint(order, ORDER_MAX)
        valuePy = sp.lpmn(order, degree, x)[0][order, degree]
        valueCpp = NumCpp.legendre_p_Scaler2(order, degree, x)
        if np.round(valuePy, DECIMALS_ROUND) != np.round(
                valueCpp, DECIMALS_ROUND):
            allTrue = False

    assert allTrue

    allTrue = True
    for order in range(ORDER_MAX):
        x = np.random.rand(1).item()
        valuePy = sp.lqn(order, x)[0][order]
        valueCpp = NumCpp.legendre_q_Scaler(order, x)
        if np.round(valuePy, DECIMALS_ROUND) != np.round(
                valueCpp, DECIMALS_ROUND):
            allTrue = False

    assert allTrue
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _exact_kernel(self, x):
        amplitude = (sp.eval_legendre(self._N + 1, x) -
                     sp.eval_legendre(self._N, x))
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # The kernel is so condensed near 1 at high N that np.isclose()
            # does a terrible job at letting us manually treat values close to
            # the upper limit.
            # The best way to implement K_N(t) is to let the floating point
            # division fail and then replace NaNs.
            warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)
            amplitude /= x - 1
        amplitude[np.isnan(amplitude)] = self._N + 1

        return amplitude
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def calc_a(self, multindices):

        This method builds the matrix containing the basis functions evaluated
        at sample locations, i.e. the matrix A in Au = b

        multindices : list
            the list with the multi-indices

        A : array
            the matrix with the evaluated basis functions for the samples


        dimension = self.my_experiment.dimension
        x_u_scaled = self.my_experiment.x_u_scaled
        a_matrix = np.ones([self.my_experiment.size, len(multindices)])

        # generate the A matrix
        for i, multiindex in enumerate(multindices):
            for j in range(dimension):
                deg = multiindex[j]
                if self.my_experiment.polytypes[j] == 'Legendre':
                    a_matrix[:, i] *= special.eval_legendre(
                        deg, x_u_scaled[:, j])

                elif self.my_experiment.polytypes[j] == 'Hermite':
                    a_matrix[:, i] *= special.eval_hermitenorm(
                        deg, x_u_scaled[:, j])

        return a_matrix
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def __init__(self):
		self.lmax = 2
		self.odd = 0
		self.raw = 2. * np.random.normal(0.5, size=(256, 256))
		# Simulate a ring image
		x = np.arange(0, 500)
		y = np.arange(0, 500)
		X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)  # Create a 2d map
		r = np.sqrt(X ** 2 + Y ** 2)
		X -= 250  # Center the ring
		Y -= 250  # Center the ring
		theta = theta_f(X, Y)
		r = np.sqrt(X ** 2 + Y ** 2)
		self.datas = np.exp(-(r - 80) ** 2 / 50) * eval_legendre(2, np.cos(theta))
		self.datas /= self.datas.max()
		# self.datas[self.datas<0.]=0.
		self.raw = self.datas

		self.center = (0., 0.)
		self.r = 100.
		self.scale = ArrayInfos(self.datas)

		# Output
		self.normed_pes = np.zeros(Rbin)
		self.ang = np.zeros((Angbin, self.get_NumberPoly()))
		self.output = np.zeros_like(self.datas)
		self.pes_error = np.zeros(Rbin)
		self.ang_var = np.zeros((Angbin, self.get_NumberPoly()))
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def image_for_display_alt(self):
		dim = int(1.1 * self.r)
		# Calculate new image in cartesian coordinates and return it for display
		X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-dim, dim + 1), np.arange(-dim, dim + 1))
		new_r = np.sqrt(X ** 2 + Y ** 2).ravel()
		new_t = theta_f(X, Y).ravel()
		del X, Y
		# List of legendre polynoms
		listLegendre = np.arange(0, self.lmax + 1, (not self.odd) + 1)
		kvec, list = np.meshgrid(np.arange(Funcnumber), listLegendre)
		K, Rad = np.meshgrid(kvec.T.ravel(), new_r)
		K, Theta = np.meshgrid(kvec.T.ravel(), new_t)
		del listLegendre, kvec

		Rad *= Rbin / float(self.r)
		func = np.exp(-(Rad - K * Bspace) ** 2 / (2 * Bwidth ** 2))
		leg = eval_legendre(list.T.ravel(), np.cos(Theta)) * self.coefficients

		outdata = (func * leg).sum(axis=1) * new_r
		outdata[outdata < 0] = 0
		outdata = outdata.reshape((2 * dim + 1, 2 * dim + 1))
		self.output = np.zeros_like(self.raw)
		self.output[max(self.center[1] - dim, 0):min(self.center[1] + dim + 1, self.raw.shape[0] / 2),
		max(self.center[0] - dim, 0):min(self.center[0] + dim + 1, self.raw.shape[1] / 2)] = outdata[
																							 max(0, dim / 2):min(
																								 dim / 2 + 1,
																								 self.raw.shape[1] / 2),
																							 max(0, dim / 2)::min(
																								 dim / 2 + 1,
																								 self.raw.shape[1] / 2)]
def get_rademacher_gaussian_simulation_data(p, n, split_list, sigma_squared,
    y, true_partition = [], []
    if len(split_list) == 0:
        true_partition = [range(p)]
        for i, r in enumerate(split_list):
            if i == 0:
                true_partition.append(range(int(math.floor(r * p))))
                        max(true_partition[i - 1]) + 1, int(math.floor(r * p)),
        true_partition.append(range(max(true_partition[i]) + 1, p, 1))
    for q, P in enumerate(true_partition):
        for k in P:
            nu_list, nu = [], np.random.normal(0, 1)
            for i in range(1, n, 1):
                nu = (0.5 * (i + 1) / n - 0.2) * nu + np.random.normal(0, 1)
                eval_legendre(s + q, 2 * (i + 1) / n - 1) + (k + 1) - 3 -
                5 * math.floor((k + 1) / 5) + 2 * np.sqrt(sigma_squared) *
                (((i + 1) / n - 0.5)**2) * nu_list[i] for i in range(n)
    y = np.array(y)
    return [y, true_partition]
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def gravitational_potential_sph(self, lat, radius, n_max=4, degrees=True):
        """Return normal gravitational potential V, in m**2/s**2.

        Calculate normal gravitational potential from spherical approximation.

        lat : float or array_like of floats
            Spherical (geocentric) latitude.
        radius : float or array_like of floats
            Radius, in metres.
        n_max : int
            Maximum degree.
        degrees : bool, optional
            If True, the input `lat` is given in degrees,
            otherwise radians.

        if degrees:
            lat = np.radians(lat)

        out = 0
        for degree in range(1, n_max + 1):
            leg = special.eval_legendre(2 * degree, np.sin(lat))
            out += self.j2n(degree) * (self.a / radius)**(2 * degree) * leg
        return self.gm / radius * (1 - out)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def mie_sphere(mesh, Params, name='mie-sphere.pos', field='sca'):
    count = 0
    N, params, kk = Params
    R, (ce, ci), jumps = params
    kk = Cartesian(kk)
    k = kk.norm()
    kk = kk.normalized()
    vals = [0 + 0j] * len(mesh.points)
    for ii, point in enumerate(mesh.points):
        _print_progress(ii, len(mesh.points), 'computed', mod=1)
        p = Cartesian(point)
        pnorm = p.norm()
        pn = p.normalized()
        costheta = pn.dot(kk)
        for n in myrange(N):
            if field == 'sca':
                cn = coeff_ext(n, params, k) * H1(n, k * pnorm)
            elif field == 'int':
                cn = coeff_int(n, params, k) * J(n, ci * k * pnorm)
                cn = ((1j)**n) * (2 * n + 1) * J(n, k * pnorm)
            c = eval_legendre(n, costheta)
            count += 1
            vals[ii] += cn * c
    print(' --> {1} computations i.e. N={0}.'.format(N, count))
    mesh.write(vals, name)
    return vals
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: poly.py Proyecto: shigh/pyfem
def gll_points(n):
    """GLL points and weights

    :param n: Number of points
    :returns: (x, w)

    assert n>=2

    if n==2:
        x = np.array([-1.0, 1.0])
        w = np.array([ 1.0, 1.0])
        return x, w

    # See Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Appendix A for x and
    # the Mathworld page on Lobatto Quadrature for w
    x = j_roots(n-2, 1, 1)[0]
    L = eval_legendre(n-1, x)
    w1 = 2.0/(n*(n-1))
    w  = 2.0/(n*(n-1)*L*L)
    x = np.hstack([-1.0, x, 1.0])
    w = np.hstack([w1, w, w1])
    return x, w    
Ejemplo n.º 15
def mie_sphere(mesh, Params, name="mie-sphere.pos", field="sca"):
    count = 0
    N, params, kk = Params
    R, (ce, ci), jumps = params
    kk = Cartesian(kk)
    k = kk.norm()
    kk = kk.normalized()
    vals = [0 + 0j] * len(mesh.points)
    for ii, point in enumerate(mesh.points):
        _print_progress(ii, len(mesh.points), "computed", mod=1)
        p = Cartesian(point)
        pnorm = p.norm()
        pn = p.normalized()
        costheta = pn.dot(kk)
        for n in myrange(N):
            if field == "sca":
                cn = coeff_ext(n, params, k) * H1(n, k * pnorm)
            elif field == "int":
                cn = coeff_int(n, params, k) * J(n, ci * k * pnorm)
                cn = ((1j) ** n) * (2 * n + 1) * J(n, k * pnorm)
            c = eval_legendre(n, costheta)
            count += 1
            vals[ii] += cn * c
    print(" --> {1} computations i.e. N={0}.".format(N, count))
    mesh.write(vals, name)
    return vals
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: poly.py Proyecto: shigh/pyfem
def legendre_list(order):

    l = []
    for n in range(order+1):
        l.append(lambda x, n=n: eval_legendre(n, x))

    return l
Ejemplo n.º 17
def max_rE_weights(N):
    """Return max-rE modal weight coefficients for spherical harmonics order N.

    See Also
    :py:func:`spaudiopy.sph.unity_gain` : Unit amplitude compensation.

    Zotter, F., & Frank, M. (2012). All-Round Ambisonic Panning and Decoding.
    Journal of Audio Engineering Society, eq. (10).

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        dirac_azi = np.deg2rad(45)
        dirac_colat = np.deg2rad(45)
        N = 5

        # cross section
        azi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 720, endpoint=True)

        # Bandlimited Dirac pulse, with max r_E tapering window
        w_n = spa.sph.max_rE_weights(N)
        w_n = spa.sph.unity_gain(w_n)
        dirac_tapered = spa.sph.bandlimited_dirac(N, azi - dirac_azi, w_n=w_n)

        spa.plots.polar(azi, dirac_tapered)

    theta = np.deg2rad(137.9) / (N + 1.51)
    a_n = scyspecial.eval_legendre(np.arange(N + 1), np.cos(theta))
    return a_n
Ejemplo n.º 18
def sub_ortho_poly(vis, time, mask, n):

    logger.debug('sub. mean')
    window = mask
    x = time
    upbroad = (slice(None), slice(None)) + (None, ) * (window.ndim - 1)
    window = window[None, ...]
    x_mid = (x.max() + x.min())/2.
    x_range = (x.max() - x.min()) /2.
    x = (x - x_mid) / x_range
    n = np.arange(n)[:, None]
    x = x[None, :]
    polys = special.eval_legendre(n, x, out=None)
    polys = polys[upbroad] * window

    for ii in range(n.shape[0]):
        for jj in range(ii):
            amp = np.sum(polys[ii, ...] * polys[jj, ...], axis=0)
            polys[ii, ...] -= amp[None, ...] * polys[jj, ...]
        norm  = np.sqrt(np.sum(polys[ii] ** 2, axis=0))
        norm[norm==0] = np.inf
        polys[ii] /= norm[None, ...]
    amp = np.sum(polys * vis[None, ...], 1)
    vis_fit = np.sum(amp[:, None, ...] * polys, 0)
    vis -= vis_fit
    #return vis
    return vis_fit
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: poly.py Proyecto: shigh/sempy
def gll_points(n):
    """GLL points and weights

    :param n: Number of points
    :returns: (x, w)


    assert n >= 2

    if n == 2:
        x = np.array([-1.0, 1.0])
        w = np.array([1.0, 1.0])
        return x, w

    # See Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Appendix A for x and
    # the Mathworld page on Lobatto Quadrature for w
    x = j_roots(n - 2, 1, 1)[0]
    L = eval_legendre(n - 1, x)
    w1 = 2.0 / (n * (n - 1))
    w = 2.0 / (n * (n - 1) * L * L)

    x = np.hstack([-1.0, x, 1.0])
    w = np.hstack([w1, w, w1])

    return x, w
Ejemplo n.º 20
def legendre_function(indices, x, t=-1):
    output = 1
    unique_indices = set(indices)
    for i in unique_indices:
        order = indices.count(i)
        output *= eval_legendre(order, x[t - i])
    return output
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, N, max_length=1024, measure='legs', discretization='bilinear'):
        max_length: maximum sequence length
        self.N = N
        A, B = transition(measure, N)
        B = B.squeeze(-1)
        A_stacked = np.empty((max_length, N, N), dtype=A.dtype)
        B_stacked = np.empty((max_length, N), dtype=B.dtype)
        for t in range(1, max_length + 1):
            At = A / t
            Bt = B / t
            if discretization == 'forward':
                A_stacked[t - 1] = np.eye(N) + At
                B_stacked[t - 1] = Bt
            elif discretization == 'backward':
                A_stacked[t - 1] = la.solve_triangular(np.eye(N) - At, np.eye(N), lower=True)
                B_stacked[t - 1] = la.solve_triangular(np.eye(N) - At, Bt, lower=True)
            elif discretization == 'bilinear':
                A_stacked[t - 1] = la.solve_triangular(np.eye(N) - At / 2, np.eye(N) + At / 2, lower=True)
                B_stacked[t - 1] = la.solve_triangular(np.eye(N) - At / 2, Bt, lower=True)
            else: # ZOH
                A_stacked[t - 1] = la.expm(A * (math.log(t + 1) - math.log(t)))
                B_stacked[t - 1] = la.solve_triangular(A, A_stacked[t - 1] @ B - B, lower=True)
        self.A_stacked = torch.Tensor(A_stacked) # (max_length, N, N)
        self.B_stacked = torch.Tensor(B_stacked) # (max_length, N)
        # print("B_stacked shape", B_stacked.shape)

        vals = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, max_length)
        self.eval_matrix = torch.Tensor((B[:, None] * ss.eval_legendre(np.arange(N)[:, None], 2 * vals - 1)).T)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def leg2tau(beta, legorder, taus):
    r""" Get transformation matrix from a Legendre expansion to a tau mesh.

    Computes the transformation matrix @f$ L @f$ from a finite set of Legendre
    coefficients @f$ G_l @f$ to a imaginary time mesh @f$ (\tau_i)_i @f$:
            G(\tau_i) = \sum_l L_{il} G(l)
    given simply by the evaluation of the Legendre polynomials at the different
    tau points (see Boehnke et al., 2011, eq. 1):
            L_{il} = \frac \sqrt{2l+1} \beta  P_l(x(\tau_i))

    This matrix is isometric (L*L = 1) in the limit of a dense tau mesh,
    co-isometric (LL* = 1) in the limit of infinite Legendre order and unitary
    (LL* = L*L = 1) in the combined limit.

    @see tau2leg()
    @param beta      Thermodynamic beta
    @param legorder  Number of Legendre coefficients (highest order minus 1)
    @param taus      Either array (tau mesh) or number of tau points as integer
    # Get array
    beta = _ensurebeta(beta)
    taus = _tauarray(beta, taus)
    red_taus = 2*taus/beta - 1
    legcoeffs = np.empty(shape=(taus.size,legorder))
    for l in range(0,legorder):
        legcoeffs[:,l] = np.sqrt(2*l+1)/beta * sps.eval_legendre(l,red_taus)

    return legcoeffs
Ejemplo n.º 23
def plot_it(scatter_matrix):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import scipy.special as ss
    groups = scatter_matrix.shape[0]
    orders = scatter_matrix.shape[2]
    Nmu = 50
    mu = np.linspace(-1, 1, Nmu)
    f = np.zeros(shape=(groups, groups, Nmu))
    for gin in range(groups):
        for gout in range(groups):
            data = scatter_matrix[gin, gout, :]
            data /= data[0]
            for l in range(orders):
                f[gin, gout, :] += ((float(l) + 0.5) *
                                    ss.eval_legendre(l, mu) * data[l])

    i = 0
    for gin in range(groups):
        for gout in range(groups):
            i += 1
            plt.subplot(groups, groups, i)
            plt.title(str(gin + 1) + ' to ' + str(gout + 1))
            plt.plot(mu, f[gin, gout, :])
Ejemplo n.º 24
def plot_it(scatter_matrix):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import scipy.special as ss
    groups = scatter_matrix.shape[0]
    orders = scatter_matrix.shape[2]
    Nmu = 50
    mu = np.linspace(-1, 1, Nmu)
    f = np.zeros(shape=(groups, groups, Nmu))
    for gin in range(groups):
        for gout in range(groups):
            data = scatter_matrix[gin, gout, :]
            data /= data[0]
            for l in range(orders):
                f[gin, gout, :] += ((float(l) + 0.5) *
                                    ss.eval_legendre(l, mu) * data[l])

    i = 0
    for gin in range(groups):
        for gout in range(groups):
            i += 1
            plt.subplot(groups, groups, i)
            plt.title(str(gin + 1) + ' to ' + str(gout + 1))
            plt.plot(mu, f[gin, gout, :])
Ejemplo n.º 25
def legendre_normalized_function(indices, x, t=-1):
    output = 1
    unique_indices = set(indices)
    for i in unique_indices:
        order = indices.count(i)
        norm_factor = np.sqrt(2 * order + 1)
        output *= norm_factor * eval_legendre(order, x[t - i])
    return output
Ejemplo n.º 26
def _SL(i, x, y, Beta_convol, index, legendre_orders):
    """Calculates interpolated β(r), where r= radius"""
    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + 0.1)  # + 0.1 to avoid divison by zero.

    # normalize: divison by circumference.
    BB = np.interp(r, index, Beta_convol[i, :], left=0) / (2 * np.pi * r)

    return BB * eval_legendre(legendre_orders[i], x / r)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def analytic_sol(R,a,theta,Ampli,k,N_terms):
    result = 0
    for n in range(N_terms):
        tosum = 0
        cn = -Ampli*(2*n+1)*(-1j)**(n)*(jn(n,k*a,derivative=True)/ (jn(n,k*a,derivative=True) - 1j*yn(n,k*a,derivative=True)))    
        tosum = cn*(jn(n,k*R,derivative=False) - 1j*yn(n,k*R,derivative=False))*eval_legendre(n,np.cos(theta))
        result = result + tosum
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 28
def MaxRECoefficients(Nmax):
    """rE computation (maximum zero of the Nmax+1 degree legendre polynomial)"""
    t = np.arange(0.5, 1.0, 0.05)  # Sampling the interval [0.5,1]
    # Search the highest root of the N+1 degree legendre polynom in the interval [0.5,1]. This value is the highest rE reachable.
    rE = np.max(fsolve(legendre(Nmax+1), t))

    # The coefficient we need to apply to the n order HOA signals is just the n order legendre polynom evaluate at the value rE.
    return eval_legendre(np.arange(Nmax + 1), rE)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def legendre_flux_mom(self, flux, degree):
     return the degree'th legendre flux moment for corresponding angular flux vector 
     flux_leg_mom = 0
     for ang in range(self.n):
         flux_leg_mom += flux[ang] * self.w[ang] * special.eval_legendre(
             degree, self.ang_cell_centers[ang])
     return flux_leg_mom
Ejemplo n.º 30
def weavebasket(xinfo, npoly=0):
	Make design matrix of the problem given information in "xinfo" dictionary
	# NB - swapping R&C relative to IDL->
	for i in np.arange(nix):
		for j in np.arange(nterms):
			basket[i,xinfo['rint'][i]*nterms+j] = 1.0*sps.eval_legendre(j,xinfo['rtx'][i])
			basket[i,xinfo['cint'][i]*nterms+j] = -1.0*sps.eval_legendre(j,xinfo['ctx'][i])
			# translation -
			#  design_matrix[ scan & term index, intersection ] = +/- legendre_value(order j , time_at_crossing)
			#  + or - determined by whether it's a row or a column. rows by fiat are +ve in the model. 
			#  (that is determined by makedeltavec(), which does rowdata - columndata)
	return basket
Ejemplo n.º 31
def ApproxMaxRECoefficients(Nmax):
    """Approximate maxRE coefficients for a given order, from [0].

    [0] Zotter, Franz, and Matthias Frank. "All-round ambisonic panning and
    decoding." Journal of the audio engineering society 60.10 (2012)
    rE = np.cos(np.radians(137.9 / (Nmax + 1.51)))

    return eval_legendre(np.arange(Nmax + 1), rE)
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def cmpl_set_Rn_Legendre_at_R(self, a_n, a_R):
     Brief: The function for complete set in the radial direction (at r = R).
     .      ~~~ Legendre polynomial version ~~~
     return: Rn(R; R,Delta).
     return sqrt(
         (2 * a_n + 1) / (2 * self.delta)) * eval_legendre(a_n, 0.0) / a_R
Ejemplo n.º 33
def _SL(i, x, y, Beta_convol, index, legendre_orders):
    """Calculates interpolated β(r), where r= radius"""
    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + 0.1)  # + 0.1 to avoid divison by zero.

    # normalize: divison by circumference.
    # @stggh 2/r to correctly normalize intensity cf O2 PES
    BB = np.interp(r, index, Beta_convol[i, :], left=0)/(4*np.pi*r*r)

    return BB*eval_legendre(legendre_orders[i], x/r)
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def cmpl_set_Rn_Legendre(self, a_n, a_R, a_r):
     Brief: The function for complete set in the radial direction.
     .      ~~~ Legendre polynomial version ~~~
     return: Rn(r; R,Delta).
     return (sqrt((2 * a_n + 1) / (2 * self.delta)) *
             eval_legendre(a_n, (a_r - a_R) / self.delta) / a_r)
Ejemplo n.º 35
def bandlimited_dirac(N, d, w_n=None):
    r"""Order N spatially bandlimited Dirac pulse at central angle d.

    N : int
        SH order.
    d : (Q,) array_like
        Central angle in rad.
    w_n : (N,) array_like, optional. Default is None.
        Tapering window w_n.

    dirac : (Q,) array_like
        Amplitude at central angle d.

    Normalize with

    .. math::  \sum^N \frac{2N + 1}{4 \pi} = \frac{(N+1)^2}{4 \pi} .

    Rafaely, B. (2015). Fundamentals of Spherical Array Processing. Springer.,
    eq. (1.60).

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        dirac_azi = np.deg2rad(0)
        dirac_colat = np.deg2rad(90)
        N = 5

        # cross section
        azi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 720, endpoint=True)

        # Bandlimited Dirac pulse
        dirac_bandlim = 4 * np.pi / (N + 1) ** 2 * \
                            spa.sph.bandlimited_dirac(N, azi - dirac_azi)

        spa.plots.polar(azi, dirac_bandlim)

    d = utils.asarray_1d(d)
    if w_n is None:
        w_n = np.ones(N + 1)
    g_n = np.zeros([(N + 1)**2, len(d)])
    for n, i in enumerate(range(N + 1)):
        g_n[i, :] = w_n[i] * (2 * n + 1) / (4 * np.pi) * \
                    scyspecial.eval_legendre(n, np.cos(d))
    dirac = np.sum(g_n, axis=0)
    return dirac
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def return_correction(self, x, coeff):

        y = np.zeros_like(x)
        if self.type == "polynomial":
            for i in range(self.degree + 1):
                y = y + coeff[i] * np.power(x, i)
        if self.type == "legendre":
            for i in range(self.degree + 1):
                y = y + coeff[i] * special.eval_legendre(i, x)
        return y
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def return_source(self, i, n):
     return the current RHS at iterate l if we are solving for iterate l+1 for cell i and direction n
     Q = 0
     for k in range(self.scat_order + 1):
         Q += (((2 * k) + 1) /
               2) * (self.scat_mom[k][i] +
                     self.source_mom[k][i]) * special.eval_legendre(k, n)
     return Q
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def _evalVecLegFlux(self, l, pos=0):
        Vectorized version of legendre moment of flux routine (must faster)

        group legendre group flux
        scalar_flux_lg = (1/2) * sum_n(w_n * P_l * flux_n)
        where l is the legendre order
        and n is the ordinate iterate
        legsum = np.sum(spc.eval_legendre(l, self.sNmu) *
                        self.wN * (self.ordFlux[:, pos, :]), axis=1)
        return 0.5 * legsum
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def test_scatt_positivity(self, dtype, num_mu_pts = 201, order = None):
        # This function will pass through each Ein and outgoing group and
        # will return a flag if the data set is negative and will also return
        # a list of negative iE and groups

        if (dtype == 'elastic' or dtype == 'el'):
            scatter = self.elastic
            NEin = self.NE_el
        elif (dtype == 'inelastic' or dtype == 'inel'):
            scatter = self.inelastic
            NEin = self.NE_inel
        elif (dtype == 'nuinelastic' or dtype == 'nuinel' or dtype == 'nu'):
            if self.nuinelastic_present:
                scatter = self.nuinelastic
                NEin = self.NE_inel

        # Initialize the return values
        positivity = True
        negativity_list = []
        min_value = 1.0E50

        # Set maxL equal to whatever is smaller, order, or self.scatt_order
        # Note that this will only be used if scatt_type == SCATT_TYPE_LEGENDRE
        if order != None:
            maxL = min(order, self.scatt_order)
            maxL = self.scatt_order

        mu = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, num_mu_pts)

        if self.scatt_type == SCATT_TYPE_LEGENDRE:
          for iE in xrange(NEin):
              gmin = scatter[iE].gmin
              gmax = scatter[iE].gmax

              for g in xrange(gmin, gmax + 1):
                  expanded = np.zeros(num_mu_pts)
                  for l in xrange(maxL):
                    expanded[:] = expanded[:] + \
                        (float(l) + 0.5) * ss.eval_legendre(l, mu[:]) * \
                        scatter[iE].outgoing[g - gmin][l]

                  minval = min(expanded)
                  if minval < min_value:
                      min_value = minval
                  if minval < 0.0:
                      positivity = False
                      negativity_list.append((iE, g + gmin))
        elif self.scatt_type == SCATT_TYPE_TABULAR:

        return (positivity, negativity_list, min_value)
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def conductance_central(self, M):
        Return the acoustic central conductance of the transducer.

        M : int, float
            Harmonics number

        return self.alpha(M)*M*self.center_angular_frequency()\
               /eval_legendre(-M/self.Se, -np.cos(self.delta())))**2.
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def f(self, theta):
        """Computes the (complex) scattering amplitude f(theta).
           theta: scattering angle (radians)
           f: the scattering amplitude

        retval = 0
        for delta in self.phase_shifts:
            retval += (2*l+1)*np.exp(1j*delta)*np.sin(delta)*special.eval_legendre(l,np.cos(theta))
            l += 1
        return retval/self.ki
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def calcFoxWolfram(objects, orders, weight_func):
        lvecs = [lvec(o) for o in objects]

        h = np.zeros(len(orders))
        for i in range(len(lvecs)):
            for j in range(len(lvecs)):
                cos_omega_ij = (lvecs[i].CosTheta() * lvecs[j].CosTheta() +
                    math.sqrt((1.0 - lvecs[i].CosTheta()**2) * (1.0 - lvecs[j].CosTheta()**2)) *
                    (math.cos(lvecs[i].Phi() - lvecs[j].Phi()))
                w_ij = weight_func(lvecs, lvecs[i], lvecs[j])
                vals = np.array([cos_omega_ij]*len(orders))

                p_l = np.array(eval_legendre(orders, vals))
                h += w_ij * p_l
        return h
def test_subtract_sing():
    degree = 20
    f = lambda x: eval_legendre(degree, x) * log(x + 1)
    almost_exact_x, almost_exact_w = telles_singular(51, -1)
    exact = sum(f(almost_exact_x) * almost_exact_w)
    # print exact

    gauss_x, gauss_w = gaussxw(degree + 1)
    est = sum(f(gauss_x) * gauss_w)
    error = abs(exact - est)

    f_singular_pt = lambda x: (-1.0) ** degree * log(x + 1)
    f_minus_singularity = lambda x: f(x) - f_singular_pt(x)
    addme = 0.6137056388801094 * (-1.0) ** (degree + 1)
    est2 = addme + sum(f_minus_singularity(gauss_x) * gauss_w)
    error2 = abs(exact - est2)

    # print error / exact
    # print error2 / exact

    # subtracting out the singularity is super ineffective on this problem...
    assert(abs(error2 / exact) < 0.3)
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def expand_scatt(self, outgoing, dtype, num_mu_pts = 201, order = None):
        # Outgoing is the set of legendre moments vs incoming energies
        # It is only for one group (or an already condensed set of groups)
        # num_mu_pts is the number of pts to use on the mu variable to set up
        # the functional data.
        # (Perhaps this could be moved to a sympy function in the future instead
        # of discrete pts)

        if (dtype == 'elastic' or dtype == 'el'):
            scatter = self.elastic
            NEin = self.NE_el
        elif (dtype == 'inelastic' or dtype == 'inel'):
            scatter = self.inelastic
            NEin = self.NE_inel
        elif (dtype == 'nuinelastic' or dtype == 'nuinel' or dtype == 'nu'):
            if self.nuinelastic_present:
                scatter = self.nuinelastic
                NEin = self.NE_inel

        expanded = np.zeros((NEin, num_mu_pts))
        mu = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, num_mu_pts)

        # Set maxL equal to whatever is smaller, order, or self.scatt_order
        # Note that this will only be used if scatt_type == SCATT_TYPE_LEGENDRE
        if order != None:
            maxL = min(order, self.scatt_order)
            maxL = self.scatt_order

        if self.scatt_type == SCATT_TYPE_LEGENDRE:
            for iE in xrange(NEin):
                for l in xrange(maxL):
                    expanded[iE][:] = expanded[iE][:] + \
                        (float(l) + 0.5) * ss.eval_legendre(l, mu[:]) * \

        elif self.scatt_type == SCATT_TYPE_TABULAR:
        return (expanded, mu)
Ejemplo n.º 45
def mie_N4grid_slow(field, kk, R, C, ce, ci, jumpe, jumpi, N, point):
     kk : numpy.array([kx, ky, kz])
     R  : radius of the sphere
     C  : center of the sphere
     ce, ci : contrast sqrt(epsExt), sqrt*espInt)
     jumpe: coeff jump exterior (alpha_Dir, beta_Neu)
     jumpi: coeff jump interior (alpha_Dir, beta_Neu)
     N  : Number of modes
    pt = point[:]
    kk = Cartesian(kk)
    k = kk.norm()
    kk = kk.normalized()
    # be careful with this test !!
    if sp.linalg.norm(sp.linalg.norm(pt - C) - R) > 0.3:
        return 0.0 + 0j
        jumps = (jumpe, jumpi)
        params = (R, (ce, ci), jumps)
        p = Cartesian((pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]))
        pnorm = p.norm()
        pn = p.normalized()
        costheta = pn.dot(kk)
        val = 0
        for n in myrange(N):
            if field == "sca":
                cn = k * coeff_ext(n, params, k) * H1p(n, k * pnorm)
            elif field == "int":
                cn = ci * k * coeff_int(n, params, k) * Jp(n, ci * k * pnorm)
                cn = k * ((1j) ** n) * (2 * n + 1) * Jp(n, k * pnorm)
            c = eval_legendre(n, costheta)
            val += cn * c
    return val
Ejemplo n.º 46
def eval_legendre_dd(n, x):
    return eval_legendre(n.astype('d'), x)
Ejemplo n.º 47
def eval_legendre_ld(n, x):
    return eval_legendre(n.astype('l'), x)
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def evalNormPoly(self,x,n):
   norm = 1.0/np.sqrt(2.0/(2.0*float(n)+1.0))
   return norm*polys.eval_legendre(n,x)
# In[43]:

# Evaluate Legendre from l=2 to l=lmax for each matrix entry
# [P_2(M) P_3(M) P_4(M) .... P_lmax(M) ]
# WITHOUT BROADCASTING, one would do something like 
# PlMat = []
# for i in ellval:
#    PlMat.append( eval_legendre(i, dotproductmatrix) )
# With broadcasting, we use
PlMat = eval_legendre(ellval[:, None, None], dotproductmatrix)
# PlMat = [P_2(M) P_3(M) P_4(M) .... P_lmax(M) ]
# PlMat is an array, len()=31 of 31 3072 by 3072 matrices
# PlMat.shape = (31, 3072, 3072)

# In[44]:

# multiply PlMat by (2*l+1)/4pi, i.e. norm
norm_matrix = norm[:, None, None] * PlMat
# [5/4pi * P_2(M)  7/4pi * P_3(M) ....   65/4pi * P_32(M)]

# In[ ]:

Ejemplo n.º 50
            def integrand(s, theta, delta):

                return np.sin(np.pi*s)*np.cos((s - 1./2.)*theta)\
                       /eval_legendre(-s, -np.cos(delta))
Ejemplo n.º 51
print("--> 'output/Cl_Dz.pdf' created")

----> Calculate xi(z-z'):
print("Computing xi(Dz)...")

for row in range(len(ell)):
  xi += (2.*ell[row]+1.)*Cl[:,row]*sp.eval_legendre(ell[row],cosTh) * math.exp(-ell[row]*(ell[row]+1.)/ls**2.)
xi = xi/(4.*math.pi)

Dz_axis=[2.*i*Dz for i in range(N_corr_Dz)]

"#Export data file"
Fout_xiDz = open('output/xi_Dz.dat','w')
Fout_xiDz.write('# Dz   xi\n')
for i in range(N_corr_Dz):
  Fout_xiDz.write("%e\t %e\n"%(Dz_axis[i], xi[i]))
print("--> 'output/xi_Dz.dat' created")

"Export plot"
Ejemplo n.º 52
def ComputeCov(th_line):
  for th_column in range(Npixel):
    if th_column>=th_line:
      for row in range(Nell):
         The following matrix is not handled by multi.Manager(), hence it will
         be forgotten outside this ComputeCov() function when running in parallel
        cov[th_column,th_line] += 2./fsky* (2.*ell[row]+1.) /(4.*math.pi)**2. *(Cl[Dz_bin,row]+shot_noise)**2.*sp.eval_legendre(ell[row],cosTh)*sp.eval_legendre(ell[row],cosTh_prime)
     Fill the th_line-element with all the columns in the line number=th_line.
     Hence cov_line is a vector where every element is a vector containing a
     line of cov

# In[29]:

from scipy.special import eval_legendre  ##special scipy function

# In[30]:

## Begin calculating S_ij piece by piece, in order to do the summation correctly. 
# S_ij = sum(2ell+1) C_l P_l(dotproductmatrix)


summatrix = np.sum( [eval_legendre(i, dotproductmatrix) for i in ell], axis=0)

# In[31]:

# matrix_total = 
# (1/(4*math.pi)) * sum((2 * ll + 1) * cltemp ) * eval_legendre(ll, matrix_dotprod)
# Begin with adding theoretical scalar C_l values
add_clvalues = np.sum([ i * summatrix for i in newnewcls ], axis=0)

# In[32]:
Ejemplo n.º 54
def mie_N4grid(field, kk, R, C, ce, ci, jumpe, jumpi, N, point):
     kk : numpy.array([kx, ky, kz])
     R  : radius of the sphere
     C  : center of the sphere
     ce, ci : contrast sqrt(epsExt), sqrt*espInt)
     jumpe: coeff jump exterior (alpha_Dir, beta_Neu)
     jumpi: coeff jump interior (alpha_Dir, beta_Neu)
     N  : Number of modes
    pt = point[:]
    kk = Cartesian(kk)
    k = kk.norm()
    kk = kk.normalized()
    # be careful with this test !!
    if sp.linalg.norm(sp.linalg.norm(pt - C) - R) > 0.3:
        return 0.0 + 0j
        p = Cartesian((pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]))
        pnorm = p.norm()
        pn = p.normalized()
        costheta = pn.dot(kk)

        kpnorm = k * pnorm
        ke, ki = ce * k, ci * k
        keR, kiR = ke * R, ki * R

        ae, be = jumpe
        ai, bi = jumpi

        ke_aeai = ke * ae * ai
        ki_aebi = ki * ae * bi
        ke_aibe = ke * ai * be

        ke_beae = ke * be * ae
        ke_bebe = ke * be * be
        ki_bebe = ke * ae * bi
        ke_aibe = ke * ai * be

        sqrt_e = sp.sqrt(sp.pi / (2 * keR))
        sqrt_i = sp.sqrt(sp.pi / (2 * kiR))
        sqrt_n = sp.sqrt(sp.pi / (2 * kpnorm))
        sqrt_m = sp.sqrt(sp.pi / (2 * ci * kpnorm))

        val = 0
        for n in myrange(N):
            Je = sqrt_e * jv(n + 0.5, keR)
            Ji = sqrt_i * jv(n + 0.5, kiR)

            Jpe = (n / keR) * Je - sqrt_e * jv(n + 1.5, keR)
            Jpi = (n / kiR) * Ji - sqrt_i * jv(n + 1.5, kiR)

            Ye = sqrt_e * yv(n + 0.5, keR)
            Ype = (n / keR) * Ye - sqrt_e * yv(n + 1.5, keR)

            locH1 = Je + 1j * Ye
            locH1p = Jpe + 1j * Ype

            if field == "sca":

                a = ke_aeai * Ji * Jpe
                b = ki_aebi * Jpi * Je
                c = ki_aebi * locH1 * Jpi
                d = ke_aibe * locH1p * Ji

                v = (2 * n + 1) * ((1j) ** n) * (a - b) / (c - d)

                Jn = sqrt_n * jv(n + 0.5, kpnorm)
                Jpn = (n / kpnorm) * Jn - sqrt_n * jv(n + 1.5, kpnorm)

                Yn = sqrt_n * yv(n + 0.5, kpnorm)
                Ypn = (n / kpnorm) * Yn - sqrt_n * yv(n + 1.5, kpnorm)

                locH1p = Jpn + 1j * Ypn

                cn = k * v * locH1p

            elif field == "int":

                a = ke_beae * locH1 * Jpe
                b = ke_bebe * Je * locH1p
                c = ki_aebi * locH1 * Jpi
                d = ke_aibe * locH1p * Ji

                v = (2 * n + 1) * ((1j) ** n) * (a - b) / (c - d)

                Jn = sqrt_m * jv(n + 0.5, ci * kpnorm)
                Jpn = (n / (ci * kpnorm)) * Jn - sqrt_m * jv(n + 1.5, ci * kpnorm)

                cn = ci * k * v * Jpn

                cn = k * ((1j) ** n) * (2 * n + 1) * Jp(n, k * pnorm)
            c = eval_legendre(n, costheta)
            val += cn * c
    return val
Ejemplo n.º 55
# Calculate i for which theta_i <= alpha.
n = len([i for i in theta_i if i <= alpha])

# Total number of angle points defines the size of the system of linear equations to solve.
N = len(theta_i)

M = np.zeros([N,N])

from scipy.special import eval_legendre     # Legendre polynomials

# Set up LHS of matrix equation (see Eq. 6 of Lamberti & Prato).
for i in range(N):
    for j in range(N):
        # for angles outside the aperture
        if (i >= 0 and i <= n):
            M[i][j] = math.pow(a,j) * eval_legendre(j, math.cos(theta_i[i]))
        # for angles inside the aperture
            M[i][j] = (2.0*j + 1.0) * math.pow(a, j-1) * eval_legendre(j, math.cos(theta_i[i]))

# Set up RHS vector.
V_rhs = np.zeros(N)
for i in range(N):
    if (i >= 0 and i <= n):
        V_rhs[i] = V

# Solve linear system for the coefficients A_i in Eqs. 1-2 of Lamberti & Prato.
A = np.linalg.solve(M, V_rhs)

# Calculate the surface charge density on the conductor surface (see Eq. 7 of Lamberti & Prato).
sigma = np.zeros(N)
Ejemplo n.º 56
dec = np.arcsin(2*rand(n_frb) - 1)

n_dot_n = (np.sin(ra[:,None]) * np.sin(ra[None,:])
           + np.cos(ra[:,None]) * np.cos(ra[None,:])
           * np.cos(dec[:,None] - dec[None,:]))
# Correct numerical errors on diagonal.
n_dot_n.flat[::n_frb + 1] = 1

C_tilde_alpha = np.zeros((n_l_bin, n_frb, n_frb), dtype=DTYPE)

this_l_bin_min = l_min
for ii in range(n_l_bin):
    for ll in range(this_l_bin_min, l_bin_max[ii]):
        interp_domain = np.linspace(-1., 1., 4 * l_max, endpoint=True)
        legen_interp = interp1d(interp_domain,
                                eval_legendre(ll, interp_domain), kind="linear")
        legendre = legen_interp(n_dot_n)
        C_tilde_alpha[ii,:,:] += ((2 * ll + 1) / 4. / np.pi) * legendre
    C_tilde_alpha[ii].flat[::n_frb + 1] = 0
    this_l_bin_min = l_bin_max[ii]

print "C-tilde-alpha computed."

#auto_var = 200**2   # Pulled random number from Matt McQuinn's paper. pc/cm^3.
auto_var = 100**2   # Round number for testing.

Tr_ab = np.zeros((n_l_bin, n_l_bin), dtype=float)
Tr_gab = np.zeros((n_l_bin, n_l_bin, n_l_bin), dtype=float)

for ii in range(n_l_bin):
    for jj in range(n_l_bin):
Ejemplo n.º 57
def createLegArray(sNmu, lMax):
    legArray = np.zeros((lMax + 1, len(sNmu)))
    for l in range(lMax + 1):
        legArray[l, :] = spc.eval_legendre(l, sNmu)
    return legArray
Ejemplo n.º 58
def ortho_poly(x, n, window=1., axis=-1):
    """Generate orthonormal basis polynomials.

    Generate the first `n` orthonormal basis polynomials over the given domain
    and for the given window using the Gram-Schmidt process.
    x : 1D array length m
        Functional domain.
    n : integer
        number of polynomials to generate. `n` - 1 is the maximum order of the
    window : 1D array length m
        Window (weight) function for which the polynomials are orthogonal.

    polys : n by m array
        The n polynomial basis functions. Normalization is such that
        np.sum(polys[i,:] * window * polys[j,:]) = delta_{ij}
    if np.any(window < 0):
        raise ValueError("Window function must never be negative.")
    # Check scipy versions. If there is a stable polynomial package, use it.
    s_ver = sp.__version__.split('.')
    major = int(s_ver[0])
    minor = int(s_ver[1])
    if major <= 0 and minor < 8:
        new_sp = False
        if n > 20:
            raise NotImplementedError("High order polynomials unstable.")
        new_sp = True
    # Get the broadcasted shape of `x` and `window`.
    # The following is the only way I know how to get the broadcast shape of
    # x and window.
    # Turns out I could use np.broadcast here.  Fix this later.
    shape = np.broadcast(x, window).shape
    m = shape[axis]
    # Construct a slice tuple for up broadcasting arrays.
    upbroad = [slice(sys.maxsize)] * len(shape)
    upbroad[axis] = None
    upbroad = tuple(upbroad)
    # Allocate memory for output.
    polys = np.empty((n,) + shape, dtype=float)
    # For stability, rescale the domain.
    x_range = np.amax(x, axis) - np.amin(x, axis)
    x_mid = (np.amax(x, axis) + np.amin(x, axis)) / 2.
    x = (x - x_mid[upbroad]) / x_range[upbroad] * 2
    # Reshape x to be the final shape.
    x = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) + x
    # Now loop through the polynomials and construct them.
    # This array will be the starting polynomial, before orthogonalization
    # (only used for earlier versions of scipy).
    if not new_sp:
        basic_poly = np.ones(shape, dtype=float) / np.sqrt(m)
    for ii in range(n):
        # Start with the basic polynomial.
        # If we have an up-to-date scipy, start with nearly orthogonal
        # functions.  Otherwise, just start with the next polynomial.
        if not new_sp:
            new_poly = basic_poly.copy()
            new_poly = special.eval_legendre(ii, x)
        # Orthogonalize against all lower order polynomials.
        for jj in range(ii):
            new_poly -= (np.sum(new_poly * window * polys[jj,:], axis)[upbroad]
                         * polys[jj,:])
        # Normalize, accounting for possibility that all data is masked. 
        norm = np.array(np.sqrt(np.sum(new_poly**2 * window, axis)))
        if norm.shape == ():
            if norm == 0:
                bad_inds = np.array(True)
                norm = np.array(1.)
                bad_inds = np.array(False)
            bad_inds = norm == 0
            norm[bad_inds] = 1.
        new_poly /= norm[upbroad]
        new_poly[bad_inds[upbroad]] = 0
        # Copy into output.
        polys[ii,:] = new_poly
        # Increment the base polynomial with another power of the domain for
        # the next iteration.
        if not new_sp:
            basic_poly *= x
    return polys
Ejemplo n.º 59
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import legendre, eval_legendre, eval_sh_legendre

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Legendre
    x = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.01)
    for n in range(6):
        p = eval_legendre(n, x)
        plt.plot(x, p)

    # Shifted to [0,1] Legendre 
    x = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
    for n in range(6):
        p = eval_sh_legendre(n, x)
        plt.plot(x, p)

    # Shifted to [0,A] Legendre
    A = 10
    f = lambda x: (2./A)*x - 1
    x = np.arange(0, A, 0.001)
    for n in range(6):
        p = eval_legendre(n, f(x))
        plt.plot(x, p)

Ejemplo n.º 60
def ortho_poly_2D(x, y, n, window=1):
    """Generate a 2D orthonormal polynomial basis up to order `n - 1`.

    Generate the first `n(n + 1)/2` orthonormal basis polynomials over 
    the given domain and for the given window using the Gram-Schmidt 
    x : 2D array
        Functional domain, x coordinate.
    y : 2D array
        Functional domain, y coordinate. Shape must be the same as `x` or
        broadcastable to the same shape.
    n : integer
        number of polynomials to generate. `n - 1` is the maximum order of the
    window : 2D array
        Window (weight) function for which the polynomials are orthogonal.
        Shape must be the same as `x` or broadcastable to the same shape.

    polys : array of shape (n, n) + x.shape
        The `n(n + 1)/2` polynomial basis functions. Normalization is
        such that np.sum(polys[i, j,:] * window * polys[k, l,:]) = delta_{ik}
        delta_{jl}. Note that half the array is not used and is left empty. 
    # Check input shapes
    b = np.broadcast(x, y, window)
    if b.nd != 2:
        raise ValueError("Inputs not broadcastable to a 2D array.")

    # This doesn't actually work and it might not be possible to make it work.
    msg = "This function is not working and the theory behind it is dubious."
    raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    out = np.zeros((n, n) + b.shape, dtype=float)
    # Check scipy versions. If there is a stable polynomial package, use it.
    s_ver = sp.__version__.split('.')
    major = int(s_ver[0])
    minor = int(s_ver[1])
    if major <= 0 and minor < 8:
        new_sp = False
        if n > 20:
            raise NotImplementedError("High order polynomials unstable.")
        new_sp = True
    # For stability, rescale the domain.
    x_range = np.amax(x) - np.amin(x)
    x_mid = (np.amax(x) + np.amin(x)) / 2.
    x = (x - x_mid) / x_range * 2
    y_range = np.amax(y) - np.amin(y)
    y_mid = (np.amax(y) + np.amin(y)) / 2.
    y = (y - y_mid) / y_range * 2
    # Initialize basic polynomials for x and y domains if using old scipy.
    if not new_sp:
        basic_x = np.ones_like(x)
    # Loop over the polynomial indices and generate them.
    for ii in range(n):
        if not new_sp:
            basic_y = np.ones_like(y)
        # If using the new scipy, start with stably evaluated Legendre.
        # polynomial.
        if new_sp:
            basic_x = special.eval_legendre(ii, x)
        for jj in range(n - ii):
            if new_sp:
                basic_y = special.eval_legendre(jj, y)
            # This polynomial begins as the product of the basic polynomials.
            new_poly = basic_x * basic_y
            # Orthogonalize against all lower order polynomials.
            #for kk in range(ii):
            #    for mm in range(jj):
            #        new_poly -= out[kk,mm] * np.sum(out[kk,mm] * window *
            #                                        new_poly)
            # Normalize.
            new_poly /= np.sqrt(np.sum(new_poly**2))
            # Copy to output array.
            out[ii,jj,...] = new_poly
            # If using old scipy, update the basic polynomial to the next
            # order.
            if not new_sp:
                basic_y *= y
        if not new_sp:
            basic_x *= x
    return out