Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _container_default(self):
        x = arange(-5.0, 15.0, 20.0/100)

        y = jn(0, x)
        left_plot = create_line_plot((x, y), bgcolor="white",
                                     add_grid=True, add_axis=True)
        self.left_plot = left_plot

        y = jn(1, x)
        right_plot = create_line_plot((x, y), bgcolor="white",
                                      add_grid=True, add_axis=True)
        right_plot.y_axis.orientation = "right"
        self.right_plot = right_plot

        # Tone down the colors on the grids
        right_plot.hgrid.line_color = (0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5)
        right_plot.vgrid.line_color = (0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5)
        left_plot.hgrid.line_color = (0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5)
        left_plot.vgrid.line_color = (0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5)

        container = HPlotContainer(spacing=20, padding=50, bgcolor="lightgray")
        return container
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fullDet(b, nu):
    a = rho * b
    i = ivp(nu, u1*a) / (u1*a * iv(nu, u1*a))

    if nu == 1:
        k2 = -2
        k = 0
        k2 = 2 * nu / (u2 * b)**2 - 1 / (nu - 1)
        k = -1

    X = (1 / (u1*a)**2 + 1 / (u2*a)**2)

    P1 = jn(nu, u2*a) * yn(nu, u2*b) - yn(nu, u2*a) * jn(nu, u2*b)
    P2 = (jvp(nu, u2*a) * yn(nu, u2*b) - yvp(nu, u2*a) * jn(nu, u2*b)) / (u2 * a)
    P3 = (jn(nu, u2*a) * yvp(nu, u2*b) - yn(nu, u2*a) * jvp(nu, u2*b)) / (u2 * b)
    P4 = (jvp(nu, u2*a) * yvp(nu, u2*b) - yvp(nu, u2*a) * jvp(nu, u2*b)) / (u2 * a * u2 * b)

    A = (n12 * i**2 - n32 * nu**2 * X**2)

    if nu == 1:
        B = 0
        B = 2 * n22 * n32 * nu * X * (P1 * P4 - P2 * P3)

    return (n32 * k2 * A * P1**2 +
            (n12 + n22) * n32 * i * k2 * P1 * P2 -
            (n22 + n32) * k * A * P1 * P3 -
            (n12*n32 + n22*n22) * i * k * P1 * P4 +
            n22 * n32 * k2 * P2**2 -
            n22 * (n12 + n32) * i * k * P2 * P3 -
            n22 * (n22 + n32) * k * P2 * P4 -
Ejemplo n.º 3
def neff(V, accurate_roots=True):
    """For a cylindrical fiber, find the effective indices of all modes for a given value 
    of the fiber V number. 
    V: float
        The fiber V-number.
    accurate_roots: bool (optional)
        Do we find accurate roots using Newton-Rhapson iteration, or do we just use a 
        first-order linear approach to zero-point crossing?"""
    delu = 0.04
    U = np.arange(delu/2,V,delu)
    W = np.sqrt(V**2 - U**2)
    for j in range(int(V+1)):
        f = U*special.jn(j+1,U)*special.kn(j,W) - W*special.kn(j+1,W)*special.jn(j,U)
        crossings = np.where(f[0:-1]*f[1:] < 0)[0]
        roots = U[crossings] - f[crossings]*( U[crossings+1] - U[crossings] )/( f[crossings+1] - f[crossings] )
        if accurate_roots:
            for i,root in enumerate(roots):
                roots[i] = optimize.newton(join_bessel, root, args=(V,j))
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if (j == 0): 
            n_modes = n_modes + len(roots)
            n_per_j = np.append(n_per_j, len(roots))
            n_modes = n_modes + 2*len(roots)
            n_per_j = np.append(n_per_j, len(roots)) #could be 2*length(roots) to account for sin and cos.
        all_roots = np.append(all_roots,roots)
    return all_roots, n_per_j
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __fct1(self, nu, u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq):
     if s2 < 0:  # a
         b11 = iv(nu, u2r1)
         b12 = kn(nu, u2r1)
         b21 = iv(nu, u2r2)
         b22 = kn(nu, u2r2)
         b31 = iv(nu+1, u2r1)
         b32 = kn(nu+1, u2r1)
         f1 = b31*b22 + b32*b21
         f2 = b11*b22 - b12*b21
         b11 = jn(nu, u2r1)
         b12 = yn(nu, u2r1)
         b21 = jn(nu, u2r2)
         b22 = yn(nu, u2r2)
         if s1 == 0:
             f1 = 0
             b31 = jn(nu+1, u2r1)
             b32 = yn(nu+1, u2r1)
             f1 = b31*b22 - b32*b21
         f2 = b12*b21 - b11*b22
     if s1 == 0:
         delta = 1
         delta = self.__delta(nu, u1r1, u2r1, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq)
     return f1 + f2 * delta
Ejemplo n.º 5
def neff(V, accurate_roots=True):
 """Find the effective indices of all modes for a given value of 
 the fiber V number. """
 delu = 0.04
 U = np.arange(delu/2,V,delu)
 W = np.sqrt(V**2 - U**2)
 for j in range(int(V+1)):
   f = U*special.jn(j+1,U)*special.kn(j,W) - W*special.kn(j+1,W)*special.jn(j,U)
   crossings = np.where(f[0:-1]*f[1:] < 0)[0]
   roots = U[crossings] - f[crossings]*( U[crossings+1] - U[crossings] )/( f[crossings+1] - f[crossings] )
   if accurate_roots:
     for i,root in enumerate(roots):
         roots[i] = optimize.newton(join_bessel, root, args=(V,j))
   #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
   if (j == 0): 
     n_modes = n_modes + len(roots)
     n_per_j = np.append(n_per_j, len(roots))
     n_modes = n_modes + 2*len(roots)
     n_per_j = np.append(n_per_j, len(roots)) #could be 2*length(roots) to account for sin and cos.
   all_roots = np.append(all_roots,roots)
 return all_roots, n_per_j
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _create_window(self):
        numpoints = 50
        low = -5
        high = 15.0
        x = arange(low, high, (high-low)/numpoints)
        container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor="lightgray")

        common_index = None
        index_range = None
        value_range = None
        self.animated_plots = []
        for i, color in enumerate(COLOR_PALETTE):
            if not common_index:
                animated_plot = AnimatedPlot(x, jn(i,x), color)
                common_index = animated_plot.plot.index
                index_range = animated_plot.plot.index_mapper.range
                value_range = animated_plot.plot.value_mapper.range
                animated_plot = AnimatedPlot(common_index, jn(i,x), color)
                animated_plot.plot.index_mapper.range = index_range
                animated_plot.plot.value_mapper.range = value_range

        for i, a_plot in enumerate(self.animated_plots):
            a_plot.plot.position = [50 + (i%3)*(PLOT_SIZE+50),
                                    50 + (i//3)*(PLOT_SIZE+50)]

        self.timer = Timer(100.0, self.onTimer)
        self.container = container
        return Window(self, -1, component=container)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def esa_edge_2d_line(omega, x0, xs, alpha=3/2*np.pi, Nc=None, c=None):
    """Line source by two-dimensional ESA for an edge-shaped secondary source
       distribution constisting of monopole line sources.

    One leg of the secondary sources have to be located on the x-axis (y0=0),
    the edge at the origin.

    Derived from :cite:`Spors2016`

    omega : float
        Angular frequency.
    x0 : int(N, 3) array_like
        Sequence of secondary source positions.
    xs : (3,) array_like
        Position of synthesized line source.
    alpha : float, optional
        Outer angle of edge.
    Nc : int, optional
        Number of elements for series expansion of driving function. Estimated
        if not given.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound

    (N,) numpy.ndarray
        Complex weights of secondary sources.

    x0 = np.asarray(x0)
    k = util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    phi_s = np.arctan2(xs[1], xs[0])
    if phi_s < 0:
        phi_s = phi_s + 2*np.pi
    r_s = np.linalg.norm(xs)
    L = x0.shape[0]

    r = np.linalg.norm(x0, axis=1)
    phi = np.arctan2(x0[:, 1], x0[:, 0])
    phi = np.where(phi < 0, phi+2*np.pi, phi)

    if Nc is None:
        Nc = np.ceil(2 * k * np.max(r) * alpha/np.pi)

    epsilon = np.ones(Nc)  # weights for series expansion
    epsilon[0] = 2

    d = np.zeros(L, dtype=complex)
    idx = (r <= r_s)
    for m in np.arange(Nc):
        nu = m*np.pi/alpha
        f = 1/epsilon[m] * np.sin(nu*phi_s) * np.cos(nu*phi) * nu/r
        d[idx] = d[idx] + f[idx] * jn(nu, k*r[idx]) * hankel2(nu, k*r_s)
        d[~idx] = d[~idx] + f[~idx] * jn(nu, k*r_s) * hankel2(nu, k*r[~idx])

    d[phi > 0] = -d[phi > 0]

    return -1j*np.pi/alpha * d
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_deriv():
    """ Test the derivative functionality """
    # form bessel j1
    f = Cheb(lambda x: jn(1,x),(0,100))
    anald = lambda x: 0.5*(jn(0,x) - jn(2,x))
    xs = np.random.uniform(0,100,1000)
    np.testing.assert_allclose( f.deriv()(xs), anald(xs) )
Ejemplo n.º 9
def efieldTE(m, k, pts, phase = "re"):
  pts = numpy.asarray(pts, dtype = 'd')
  r, phi, z = toCyl(pts)
  if phase == "re":
    rTrig = -numpy.sin(m * phi)
    phiTrig = numpy.cos(m * phi)
    rTrig = numpy.cos(m * phi)
    phiTrig = numpy.sin(m * phi)

  res = numpy.zeros(r.shape + (3, ), dtype = 'd')

  indsIn = numpy.logical_and(r > 0.0, r < a)
  xIn = rtEpsIn * k * r[indsIn]
  er = m * jn(m, xIn) * rTrig[indsIn] / (epsIn * r[indsIn])
  print numpy.sum(numpy.abs(er))
  ephi = -k * djn(m, xIn, 1) * phiTrig[indsIn] / rtEpsIn
  print numpy.sum(numpy.abs(ephi))
  phiIn = phi[indsIn]
  res[indsIn, 0] = er * numpy.cos(phiIn) - ephi * numpy.sin(phiIn)
  res[indsIn, 1] = er * numpy.sin(phiIn) + ephi * numpy.cos(phiIn)

  indsOut = numpy.logical_and(r >= a, r < b)
  xOut = rtEpsOut * k * r[indsOut]
  er = m * (aTE(m, k) * jn(m, xOut) + bTE(m, k) * yn(m, xOut)) * rTrig[indsOut] / (epsOut * r[indsOut])
  print numpy.sum(numpy.abs(er))
  ephi = -k * (aTE(m, k) * djn(m, xOut, 1) + bTE(m, k) * dyn(m, xOut, 1)) * phiTrig[indsOut] / rtEpsOut
  print numpy.sum(numpy.abs(ephi))
  phiOut = phi[indsOut]
  res[indsOut, 0] = er * numpy.cos(phiOut) - ephi * numpy.sin(phiOut)
  res[indsOut, 1] = er * numpy.sin(phiOut) + ephi * numpy.cos(phiOut)

  return res
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __fct2(self, nu, u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq):
     with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
         delta = self.__delta(nu, u1r1, u2r1, s1, s2, s3, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq)
         n0sq = (n3sq - n2sq) / (n2sq + n3sq)
         if s2 < 0:  # a
             b11 = iv(nu, u2r1)
             b12 = kn(nu, u2r1)
             b21 = iv(nu, u2r2)
             b22 = kn(nu, u2r2)
             b31 = iv(nu+1, u2r1)
             b32 = kn(nu+1, u2r1)
             b41 = iv(nu-2, u2r2)
             b42 = kn(nu-2, u2r2)
             g1 = b11 * delta + b31
             g2 = b12 * delta - b32
             f1 = b41*g2 - b42*g1
             f2 = b21*g2 - b22*g1
             b11 = jn(nu, u2r1)
             b12 = yn(nu, u2r1)
             b21 = jn(nu, u2r2)
             b22 = yn(nu, u2r2)
             b31 = jn(nu+1, u2r1)
             b32 = yn(nu+1, u2r1)
             b41 = jn(nu-2, u2r2)
             b42 = yn(nu-2, u2r2)
             g1 = b11 * delta - b31
             g2 = b12 * delta - b32
             f1 = b41*g2 - b42*g1
             f2 = b22*g1 - b21*g2
         return f1 + n0sq*f2
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def bc_solve(x, k, a, b):
     F = (sp.jn(k - 1, x * a) - sp.jn(k + 1, x * a)) * \
         (sp.yn(k - 1, x * b) - sp.yn(k + 1, x * b)) / 4.0 \
         - \
         (sp.jn(k - 1, x * b) - sp.jn(k + 1, x * b)) * \
         (sp.yn(k - 1, x * a) - sp.yn(k + 1, x * a)) / 4.0
     return F
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _create_plot_component():

    # Create some x-y data series (with NaNs) to plot
    x = linspace(-5.0, 15.0, 500)
    x[75:125] = nan
    x[200:250] = nan
    x[300:330] = nan
    pd = ArrayPlotData(index = x)
    pd.set_data("value1", jn(0, x))
    pd.set_data("value2", jn(1, x))

    # Create some line and scatter plots of the data
    plot = Plot(pd)
    plot.plot(("index", "value1"), name="j_0(x)", color="red", width=2.0)
    plot.plot(("index", "value2"), type="scatter", marker_size=1,
              name="j_1(x)", color="green")

    # Tweak some of the plot properties
    plot.title = "Plots with NaNs"
    plot.padding = 50
    plot.legend.visible = True

    # Attach some tools to the plot
    zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)

    return plot
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_bn(n, mc, dl, h0, F, e):
    Compute b_n from Eq. 22 of Taylor et al. (2015).

    :param n: Harmonic number
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]
    :param dl: Luminosity distance [Mpc]
    :param F: Orbital frequency of binary [Hz]
    :param e: Orbital Eccentricity

    :returns: b_n

    # convert to seconds
    mc *= const.Tsun
    dl *= const.Mpc / const.c

    omega = 2 * np.pi * F

    if h0 is None:
        amp = n * mc**(5/3) * omega**(2/3) / dl
    elif h0 is not None:
        amp = n * h0 / 2.0

    ret = (-amp * np.sqrt(1-e**2) * (ss.jn(n-2,n*e) -
           2*ss.jn(n,n*e) + ss.jn(n+2,n*e)))

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_bn(n, mc, dl, F, e):
    Compute b_n from Eq. 22 of Taylor et al. (2015).
    :param n: Harmonic number
    :param mc: Chirp mass of binary [Solar Mass]
    :param dl: Luminosity distance [Mpc]
    :param F: Orbital frequency of binary [Hz]
    :param e: Orbital Eccentricity
    :returns: b_n

    # convert to seconds
    mc *= SOLAR2S
    dl *= MPC2S

    omega = 2 * np.pi * F

    amp = n * mc ** (5 / 3) * omega ** (2 / 3) / dl

    ret = -amp * np.sqrt(1 - e ** 2) * (ss.jn(n - 2, n * e) - 2 * ss.jn(n, n * e) + ss.jn(n + 2, n * e))

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _hefield(self, wl, nu, neff, r):
        self._heceq(neff, wl, nu)
        for i, rho in enumerate(self.fiber._r):
            if r < rho:
            i += 1
        layer = self.fiber.layers[i]
        n = layer.maxIndex(wl)
        u = layer.u(rho, neff, wl)
        urp = u * r / rho

        c1 = rho / u
        c2 = wl.k0 * c1
        c3 = nu * c1 / r if r else 0  # To avoid div by 0
        c6 = constants.Y0 * n * n

        if neff < n:
            B1 = jn(nu, u)
            B2 = yn(nu, u)
            F1 = jn(nu, urp) / B1
            F2 = yn(nu, urp) / B2 if i > 0 else 0
            F3 = jvp(nu, urp) / B1
            F4 = yvp(nu, urp) / B2 if i > 0 else 0
            c2 = -c2
            B1 = iv(nu, u)
            B2 = kn(nu, u)
            F1 = iv(nu, urp) / B1
            F2 = kn(nu, urp) / B2 if i > 0 else 0
            F3 = ivp(nu, urp) / B1
            F4 = kvp(nu, urp) / B2 if i > 0 else 0

        A, B, Ap, Bp = layer.C[:, 0] + layer.C[:, 1] * self.alpha

        Ez = A * F1 + B * F2
        Ezp = A * F3 + B * F4
        Hz = Ap * F1 + Bp * F2
        Hzp = Ap * F3 + Bp * F4

        if r == 0 and nu == 1:
            # Asymptotic expansion of Ez (or Hz):
            # J1(ur/p)/r (r->0) = u/(2p)
            if neff < n:
                f = 1 / (2 * jn(nu, u))
                f = 1 / (2 * iv(nu, u))
            c3ez = A * f
            c3hz = Ap * f
            c3ez = c3 * Ez
            c3hz = c3 * Hz

        Er = c2 * (neff * Ezp - constants.eta0 * c3hz)
        Ep = c2 * (neff * c3ez - constants.eta0 * Hzp)

        Hr = c2 * (neff * Hzp - c6 * c3ez)
        Hp = c2 * (-neff * c3hz + c6 * Ezp)

        return numpy.array((Er, Ep, Ez)), numpy.array((Hr, Hp, Hz))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def mode_2d(V, r, j=0, n=0, sampling=0.3,  sz=1024):
    """Create a 2D mode profile. 
    V: Fiber V number
    r: core radius in microns
    sampling: microns per pixel
    n: radial order of the mode (0 is fundumental)
    j: azimuthal order of the mode (0 is pure radial modes)
    TODO: Nonradial modes."""
    #First, find the neff values...
    u_all,n_per_j = neff(V)
    ix = np.sum(n_per_j[0:j]) + n
    U0 = u_all[ix]
    W0 = np.sqrt(V**2 - U0**2)
    x = (np.arange(sz)-sz/2)*sampling/r
    xy = np.meshgrid(x,x)
    r = np.sqrt(xy[0]**2 + xy[1]**2)
    win = np.where(r < 1)
    wout = np.where(r >= 1)
    the_mode = np.zeros( (sz,sz) )
    the_mode[win] = special.jn(j,r[win]*U0)
    scale = special.jn(j,U0)/special.kn(j,W0)
    the_mode[wout] = scale * special.kn(j,r[wout]*W0)
    return the_mode/np.sqrt(np.sum(the_mode**2))
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: ml.py Proyecto: jpcoles/jcode
def save_bessel_functions(N):
    """Generate N 2D shapelets and plot."""

    beta2 = beta ** 2
    B = empty((grid_size, grid_size))  # Don't want matrix behaviour here

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Basis function constants, and hermite polynomials
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    vals = [[n, 1.0 / sqrt((2 ** n) * sqrt(pi) * factorial(n, 1) * beta), 0, 0, 0] for n in xrange(N)]
    expreal = exp(-theta.real ** 2 / (2 * beta2))
    expimag = exp(-theta.imag ** 2 / (2 * beta2))
    for n, K, H, _, _ in vals:
        vals[n][3] = K * jn(n, theta.real) * expreal
        vals[n][4] = K * jn(n, theta.imag) * expimag

    l = 0
    for v1 in vals:
        for v2 in vals:
            B = v1[3] * v2[4]
            pylab.subplot(N, N, l + 1)
            l += 1
    pylab.suptitle("Shapelets N=%i Beta=%.4f" % (N, beta))
    # pylab.savefig("B%i.png" % N)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def _doubleExponentialDiskPotentialR2derivIntegrandSmallk(k,R,z,gamma):
    """Internal function that gives the integrand for the double
    exponential disk radial force for k < 1/gamma"""
    gammak= gamma*k
    return k*k*0.5*(special.jn(0,k*R)-special.jn(2,k*R))\
Ejemplo n.º 19
def debye_integral_at_point(x,y,z, k,NA, n_int = 1000):
    from scipy.special import jn

    a = np.arcsin(NA)

    kr = k*np.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    phi = np.arctan2(y,x)
    kz = k*z

    t = np.linspace(0.,a,n_int)
    dt = a/(n_int-1.)

    f_0 = np.sqrt(np.cos(t))*np.sin(t)*(np.cos(t)+1.)*jn(0,kr*np.sin(t))*np.exp(1.j*kz*np.cos(t))
    f_1 = np.sqrt(np.cos(t))*np.sin(t)**2*jn(1,kr*np.sin(t))*np.exp(1.j*kz*np.cos(t))
    f_2 = np.sqrt(np.cos(t))*np.sin(t)*(np.cos(t)-1.)*jn(2,kr*np.sin(t))*np.exp(1.j*kz*np.cos(t))

    I0 = dt*(np.sum(f_0)-.5*(f_0[0]+f_0[-1]))
    I1 = dt*(np.sum(f_1)-.5*(f_1[0]+f_1[-1]))
    I2 = dt*(np.sum(f_2)-.5*(f_2[0]+f_2[-1]))

    ex = I0 +I2*np.cos(2*phi)
    ey = I2*np.sin(2*phi)
    ez = -2.j*I1*np.cos(phi)

    u = abs(ex)**2+abs(ey)**2+abs(ez)**2

    return u,ex,ey,ez
 def _R2deriv(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.):
        evaluate R2 derivative
        R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius
        z - vertical height
        phi - azimuth
        t - time
        -d K_R (R,z) d R
        2012-12-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS)
     if True:
         if isinstance(R,nu.ndarray):
             if not isinstance(z,nu.ndarray): z= nu.ones_like(R)*z
             out= nu.array([self._R2deriv(rr,zz) for rr,zz in zip(R,z)])
             return out
         if R > 16.*self._hr or R > 6.: return self._kp.R2deriv(R,z)
         if R < 1.: R4max= 1.
         else: R4max= R
         kmax= 2.*self._kmaxFac*self._beta
         maxj0zeroIndx= nu.argmin((self._j0zeros-kmax*R4max)**2.) #close enough
         maxj2zeroIndx= nu.argmin((self._j2zeros-kmax*R4max)**2.) #close enough
         ks0= nu.array([0.5*(self._glx+1.)*self._dj0zeros[ii+1] + self._j0zeros[ii] for ii in range(maxj0zeroIndx)]).flatten()
         weights0= nu.array([self._glw*self._dj0zeros[ii+1] for ii in range(maxj0zeroIndx)]).flatten()
         ks2= nu.array([0.5*(self._glx+1.)*self._dj2zeros[ii+1] + self._j2zeros[ii] for ii in range(maxj2zeroIndx)]).flatten()
         weights2= nu.array([self._glw*self._dj2zeros[ii+1] for ii in range(maxj2zeroIndx)]).flatten()
         evalInt0= ks0**2.*special.jn(0,ks0*R)*(self._alpha**2.+ks0**2.)**-1.5*(self._beta*nu.exp(-ks0*nu.fabs(z))-ks0*nu.exp(-self._beta*nu.fabs(z)))/(self._beta**2.-ks0**2.)
         evalInt2= ks2**2.*special.jn(2,ks2*R)*(self._alpha**2.+ks2**2.)**-1.5*(self._beta*nu.exp(-ks2*nu.fabs(z))-ks2*nu.exp(-self._beta*nu.fabs(z)))/(self._beta**2.-ks2**2.)
         return nu.pi*self._alpha*(nu.sum(weights0*evalInt0)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def aTM(m, k):
  kaIn = rtEpsIn * k * a
  kaOut = rtEpsOut * k * a
  kbOut = rtEpsOut * k * b

  res = jn(m, kaIn)
  res /= jn(m, kaOut) - jn(m, kbOut) * yn(m, kaOut) / yn(m, kbOut)
  return  res
Ejemplo n.º 22
def aTE(m, k):
  kaIn = rtEpsIn * k * a
  kaOut = rtEpsOut * k * a
  kbOut = rtEpsOut * k * b

  res = jn(m, kaIn)
  res /= jn(m, kaOut) - djn(m, kbOut, 1) * yn(m, kaOut) / dyn(m, kbOut, 1)
  return res
Ejemplo n.º 23
def join_bessel(U,V,j):
    """In order to solve the Laplace equation in cylindrical co-ordinates, both the
    electric field and its derivative must be continuous at the edge of the fiber...
    i.e. the Bessel J and Bessel K have to be joined together. 
    The solution of this equation is the n_eff value that satisfies this continuity
    W = np.sqrt(V**2 - U**2)
    return U*special.jn(j+1,U)*special.kn(j,W) - W*special.kn(j+1,W)*special.jn(j,U)
 def Fn(self,n):
     if n%2==1 :
         cst2 = (n * K**2) / (4. + (2.*K ** 2))
     else :
     return Fn
Ejemplo n.º 25
def highm(Ef, r, Mmax, U0):
    Jsum = np.zeros((len(r)))
    Efr = Ef + Uvals(U0,r)/2.0
    for i in range (-Mmax, Mmax+1):
        Jsum += 2.0 * (special.jn(i,(Ef*r)))**2
    drhohm = 2.0 - Jsum
    drhohm += (special.jn(-Mmax,(Ef*r)))**2
    drhohm -= (special.jn(1+Mmax,(Ef*r)))**2
    drhohm *= - abs(Ef) / 4.0 / np.pi * Uvals(U0,r)
    return drhohm
Ejemplo n.º 26
def an(n, mass, dL, omega, ecc, t, l0):  # integrating over time for residual (assuming omega and ecc not changing)
    mass *= Msol
    dL *= (10.**6.)*sc.parsec
    amp = mass**(5./3.) / ( dL * omega**(1./3.) )
    amp *= sc.G**(5./3.) / sc.c**4.

    return -amp * ( ss.jn(n-2,n*ecc) - 2.*ecc*ss.jn(n-1,n*ecc) + (2./n)*ss.jn(n,n*ecc) + \
                    2.*ecc*ss.jn(n+1,n*ecc) - ss.jn(n+2,n*ecc) ) * np.sin(n*omega*t + n*l0)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def bn(n, mass, dL, omega, ecc, t, l0):  # integrating over time for residual (assuming omega and ecc not changing)
    mass *= Msol
    dL *= (10.**6.)*sc.parsec
    amp = mass**(5./3.) / ( dL * omega**(1./3.) )
    amp *= sc.G**(5./3.) / sc.c**4.

    return amp * np.sqrt(1.-ecc**2.) * ( ss.jn(n-2,n*ecc) - 2.*ss.jn(n,n*ecc) + \
                                         ss.jn(n+2,n*ecc) ) * np.cos(n*omega*t + n*l0)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def _create_plot_component():
    # Create the index
    numpoints = 100
    low = -5
    high = 15.0
    x = arange(low, high, (high - low) / numpoints)
    plotdata = ArrayPlotData(x=x, y1=jn(0, x), y2=jn(1, x))
    # Create the left plot
    left_plot = Plot(plotdata)
    left_plot.x_axis.title = 'X'
    left_plot.y_axis.title = 'j0(x)'
    renderer = left_plot.plot(('x', 'y1'), type='line', color='blue',
    renderer.overlays.append(LineInspector(renderer, axis='value',
                             write_metadata=True, is_listener=True))
    renderer.overlays.append(LineInspector(renderer, axis='index',
                             write_metadata=True, is_listener=True))
    left_plot.overlays.append(ZoomTool(left_plot, tool_mode='range'))
    # Create the right plot
    right_plot = Plot(plotdata)
    right_plot.index_range = left_plot.index_range
    right_plot.orientation = 'v'
    right_plot.x_axis.title = 'j1(x)'
    right_plot.y_axis.title = 'X'
    renderer2 = right_plot.plot(('x', 'y2'), type='line', color='red',
    renderer2.index = renderer.index
                              write_metadata=True, is_listener=True))
    renderer2.overlays.append(LineInspector(renderer2, axis='value',
    right_plot.overlays.append(ZoomTool(right_plot, tool_mode='range'))
    container = HPlotContainer(background='lightgray')

    right_plot = Plot(plotdata)
    right_plot.index_range = left_plot.index_range
    right_plot.orientation = 'v'
    right_plot.x_axis.title = 'j1(x)'
    right_plot.y_axis.title = 'X'
    renderer2 = right_plot.plot(('x', 'y2'), type='line', color='red',
    renderer2.index = renderer.index
                              write_metadata=True, is_listener=True))
    renderer2.overlays.append(LineInspector(renderer2, axis='value',
    right_plot.overlays.append(ZoomTool(right_plot, tool_mode='range'))

    return container
Ejemplo n.º 29
def piston( f, # frequency
            a_h, a_v,
            theta, phi,
            c=343 ): # speed of sound, in m/s.
    """Rigid elliptical piston in an infinite baffle,

at frequency f Hz,
with horizontal radius a_h (in meters) and vertical radius a_v.

following description in the book by Beranek, Leo L. (1954). Acoustics.
(yes, there is a more recent edition, but I don't have a copy...)

Theta and phi, which are azimuth and elevation, resp., have units of
radians.  P is sound pressure in units of N/m^2 (? this should be
verified). If theta and phi are scalars, or one is a vector, then
behavior is as you would expect: you get a scalar or vector back.

If both theta and phi are vectors, then P is a matrix where where
columns correspond to values of theta, and rows correspond to values
of phi.

NOTES: - It is possible I have made a mistake in the below
         computations. The returned values from besselj are complex
         with, in some places, small but nonzero imaginary
         components.  I address this by taking absolute value of P
         (i.e. complex magnitude); this matches intuition but awaits
         confirmation till I learn more acoustics theory
    k = 2*np.pi*f/c # wave number
    if type(theta) is types.IntType or type(theta) is types.FloatType or type(theta) is np.float64:
        theta = np.array([theta], dtype=np.float64)
        theta = np.array(theta, dtype=np.float64)
    if type(phi) is types.IntType or type(phi) is types.FloatType or type(phi) is np.float64:
        phi = np.array([phi], dtype=np.float64)
        phi = np.array(phi, dtype=np.float64)
    h_term = k*a_h*np.sin(theta)
    v_term = k*a_v*np.sin(phi)

    h_factor = .5*np.ones(shape=h_term.shape)
    for k in range(len(h_factor)):
        if np.abs(h_term[k]) > 4*np.finfo(np.float64).eps:
            h_factor[k] = sp_special.jn(1, h_term[k])/h_term[k]
    v_factor = .5*np.ones(shape=v_term.shape)
    for k in range(len(v_factor)):
        if np.abs(v_term[k]) > 4*np.finfo(np.float64).eps:
            v_factor[k] = sp_special.jn(1, v_term[k])/v_term[k]
    if v_factor.shape[0] > 1 and h_factor.shape[0] > 1:
        return 4*np.outer(np.abs(v_factor), np.abs(h_factor)) # make P from outer product.
        return 4*np.abs(v_factor*h_factor)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def GetTaoFromQ(self,el):
        Computing wall shear stress in terms of the flow rate,
        using inverse womersley method of Cezeaux et al.1997
        self.radius = mean(el.Radius)        
        self.Res = el.R
        self.length = el.Length
        self.Name = el.Name
        self.alpha = self.radius * sqrt((2.0 *pi*self.density)/(self.tPeriod*self.viscosity))
        k = len(self.signal)
        n = 0
        while n < (self.nHarmonics):
            An = 0
            Bn = 0
            for i in arange(k):
                An += self.signal[i] * cos(n*(2.0*pi/self.tPeriod)*self.dt*self.nSteps[i])
                Bn += self.signal[i] * sin(n*(2.0*pi/self.tPeriod)*self.dt*self.nSteps[i])
            An = An * (2.0/k)
            Bn = Bn * (2.0/k)
            self.fourierModes.append(complex(An, Bn))
        self.Steps = linspace(0,self.tPeriod,self.samples)
        self.WssSignal = []  
        self.Tauplot = []
        for step in self.Steps:
            self.tao = -self.fourierModes[0].real * 2.0 
            while k < self.nHarmonics:  
                cI = complex(0.,1.)
                cA = (self.alpha * pow((1.0*k),0.5)) * pow(cI,1.5)  
                c1 = 2.0 * jn(1, cA)
                c0 = cA * jn(0, cA)
                cT = complex(0, -2.0*pi*k*self.t/self.tPeriod)  
                '''tao computation'''
                taoNum = self.alpha**2*cI**3*jn(1,cA)
                taoDen = c0-c1
                taoFract = taoNum/taoDen
                cTao = self.fourierModes[k] * exp(cT) * taoFract
                self.tao += cTao.real

            self.tao *= -(self.viscosity/(self.radius**3*pi))
            self.Tauplot.append(self.tao*10) #dynes/cm2
            self.t += self.dtPlot
        return self.WssSignal #Pascal
Ejemplo n.º 31
def create_plot():
    numpoints = 100
    low = -5
    high = 15.0
    x = linspace(low, high, numpoints)
    pd = ArrayPlotData(index=x)
    p = Plot(pd, bgcolor="oldlace", padding=50, border_visible=True)
    for i in range(10):
        pd.set_data("y" + str(i), jn(i, x))
        p.plot(("index", "y" + str(i)),
               width=2.0 * dpi_scale)
    p.x_grid.visible = True
    p.x_grid.line_width *= dpi_scale
    p.y_grid.visible = True
    p.y_grid.line_width *= dpi_scale
    p.legend.visible = True
    return p
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def _generate_transfer_matrix(self):

        source_diameters = np.array(self.sources.get_arbit_param('Diameter'))
        source_xs = np.array(self.sources.get_arbit_param('x'))
        source_ys = np.array(self.sources.get_arbit_param('y'))
        source_zs = np.array(self.sources.get_arbit_param('z'))
        source_as = np.array(self.sources.get_arbit_param('Elevation'))
        source_bs = np.array(self.sources.get_arbit_param('Azimuth'))

        receiver_xs = np.array(self.receivers['x'].values)
        receiver_ys = np.array(self.receivers['y'].values)
        receiver_zs = np.array(self.receivers['z'].values)

        # GREEN FUNC.
        distance_x = source_xs - receiver_xs[:, np.newaxis]
        distance_y = source_ys - receiver_ys[:, np.newaxis]
        distance_z = source_zs - receiver_zs[:, np.newaxis]

        distance_matrix = np.sqrt(distance_x**2 + distance_y**2 +
        greens_tensor = np.exp(
            1j * np.einsum('i,jk->ijk', self.wavenums,
                           distance_matrix)) / distance_matrix[np.newaxis, :]

        normal_vecs = np.array([
            np.sin(source_as) * np.cos(source_bs),
            np.sin(source_as) * np.sin(source_bs),
        normal_vecs_norm = np.linalg.norm(normal_vecs, axis=0)
        inner_matrix = normal_vecs[0] * receiver_xs[:, np.newaxis] \
                        + normal_vecs[1] * receiver_ys[:, np.newaxis] \
                        + normal_vecs[2] * receiver_zs[:, np.newaxis]
        theta_matrix = np.arccos(
            inner_matrix / (normal_vecs_norm[np.newaxis, :] * distance_matrix))
        inside_vessel = np.einsum(
            'i,jk->ijk', self.wavenums,
            np.sin(theta_matrix)) * source_diameters[np.newaxis,
                                                     np.newaxis, :] * 0.5
        directivity_tensor = jn(1, inside_vessel) / inside_vessel
        np.nan_to_num(directivity_tensor, nan=0.5, copy=False)

        self.transfer_matrix = directivity_tensor * greens_tensor
 def _evaluate(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.,dR=0,dphi=0):
        evaluate the potential at (R,z)
        R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius
        z - vertical height
        phi - azimuth
        t - time
        potential at (R,z)
        2010-04-16 - Written - Bovy (NYU)
        2012-12-26 - New method using Gaussian quadrature between zeros - Bovy (IAS)
        >>> doubleExpPot= DoubleExponentialDiskPotential()
        >>> r= doubleExpPot(1.,0) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
        >>> assert( r+1.89595350484)**2.< 10.**-6.
     if True:
         if isinstance(R,float):
             floatIn= True
             R= nu.array([R])
             z= nu.array([z])
             floatIn= False
         out= nu.empty(len(R))
         indx= (R <= 6.)
         out[True^indx]= self._kp(R[True^indx],z[True^indx])
         R4max= nu.copy(R)
         R4max[(R < 1.)]= 1.
         kmax= self._kmaxFac*self._beta
         for jj in range(len(R)):
             if not indx[jj]: continue
             maxj0zeroIndx= nu.argmin((self._j0zeros-kmax*R4max[jj])**2.) #close enough
             ks= nu.array([0.5*(self._glx+1.)*self._dj0zeros[ii+1] + self._j0zeros[ii] for ii in range(maxj0zeroIndx)]).flatten()
             weights= nu.array([self._glw*self._dj0zeros[ii+1] for ii in range(maxj0zeroIndx)]).flatten()
             evalInt= special.jn(0,ks*R[jj])*(self._alpha**2.+ks**2.)**-1.5*(self._beta*nu.exp(-ks*nu.fabs(z[jj]))-ks*nu.exp(-self._beta*nu.fabs(z[jj])))/(self._beta**2.-ks**2.)
             out[jj]= -2.*nu.pi*self._alpha*nu.sum(weights*evalInt)
         if floatIn: return out[0]
         else: return out
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def _Rforce(self, R, z, phi=0., t=0.):
        evaluate radial force K_R  (R,z)
        R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius
        z - vertical height
        phi - azimuth
        t - time
        K_R (R,z)
        2010-04-16 - Written - Bovy (NYU)
     if True:
         if isinstance(R, nu.ndarray):
             if not isinstance(z, nu.ndarray): z = nu.ones_like(R) * z
             out = nu.array([self._Rforce(rr, zz) for rr, zz in zip(R, z)])
             return out
         if (R > 16. * self._hr or R > 6.) and hasattr(self, '_kp'):
             return self._kp.Rforce(R, z)
         if R < 1.: R4max = 1.
         else: R4max = R
         kmax = self._kmaxFac * self._beta
         kmax = 2. * self._kmaxFac * self._beta
         maxj1zeroIndx = nu.argmin(
             (self._j1zeros - kmax * R4max)**2.)  #close enough
         ks = nu.array([
             0.5 * (self._glx + 1.) * self._dj1zeros[ii + 1] +
             self._j1zeros[ii] for ii in range(maxj1zeroIndx)
         weights = nu.array([
             self._glw * self._dj1zeros[ii + 1]
             for ii in range(maxj1zeroIndx)
         evalInt = ks * special.jn(
             1, ks * R) * (self._alpha**2. + ks**2.)**-1.5 * (
                 self._beta * nu.exp(-ks * nu.fabs(z)) -
                 ks * nu.exp(-self._beta * nu.fabs(z))) / (self._beta**2. -
         return -2. * nu.pi * self._alpha * nu.sum(weights * evalInt)
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def matter_correlation_function_fixed(self,

        if bias_f is None:
            bias_f = np.ones(pk)

        if r is None:
            r = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, npoints)[None, None, :]
        xi = np.zeros([len(redshifts), r.shape[0]])

        kh = kh[None, :, None]
        xi = np.sum( khw[None, :, None] * kh**3 * np.log(10.) * jn(0, kh*r)\
                * pk[:, :, None] * bias_f[:, :, None], axis=1) / 2. / np.pi**2

        ##lgk_min = np.log10(kh.min())
        ##lgk_max = np.log10(kh.max())
        ##pkf = lambda lgk, i: np.interp(lgk, np.log10(kh), pk[i])
        ##itf = lambda lgk, r, i: 10.**(lgk*3) * np.log(10.) * pkf(lgk, i)\
        ##        * jn(0, (10.**lgk)*r) / 2. / np.pi**2
        ##xif = np.vectorize(lambda r, i: \
        ##        fixed_quad(itf, lgk_min, lgk_max, args=(r, i), n=10000)[0])
        #if bias_f is not None:
        #    pkf = lambda k, i: np.interp(k, kh, pk[i]) * bias_f(k, i)
        #    pkf = lambda k, i: np.interp(k, kh, pk[i])
        #itf = lambda k, r, i: k**2 * pkf(k, i) * jn(0, k*r) / 2. / np.pi**2
        #xif = np.vectorize(lambda r, i: \
        #        fixed_quad(itf, k_min, k_max, args=(r, i), n=10000)[0])

        #for i in range(len(redshifts)):
        #    #print "z = %3.1f"%redshifts[i]
        #    xi[i,:] = xif(r, i)

        return xi, r.flatten()
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def _z2deriv(self, R, z, phi=0., t=0.):
        evaluate z2 derivative
        R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius
        z - vertical height
        phi - azimuth
        t - time
        -d K_Z (R,z) d Z
        2012-12-26 - Written - Bovy (IAS)
     if True:
         if isinstance(R, numpy.ndarray):
             if not isinstance(z, numpy.ndarray): z = numpy.ones_like(R) * z
             out = numpy.array(
                 [self._z2deriv(rr, zz) for rr, zz in zip(R, z)])
             return out
         if R > 16. * self._hr or R > 6.: return self._kp.z2deriv(R, z)
         if R < 1.: R4max = 1.
         else: R4max = R
         kmax = self._kmaxFac * self._beta
         maxj0zeroIndx = numpy.argmin(
             (self._j0zeros - kmax * R4max)**2.)  #close enough
         ks = numpy.array([
             0.5 * (self._glx + 1.) * self._dj0zeros[ii + 1] +
             self._j0zeros[ii] for ii in range(maxj0zeroIndx)
         weights = numpy.array([
             self._glw * self._dj0zeros[ii + 1]
             for ii in range(maxj0zeroIndx)
         evalInt = ks * special.jn(
             0, ks * R) * (self._alpha**2. + ks**2.)**-1.5 * (
                 ks * numpy.exp(-ks * numpy.fabs(z)) -
                 self._beta * numpy.exp(-self._beta * numpy.fabs(z))) / (
                     self._beta**2. - ks**2.)
         return -2. * numpy.pi * self._alpha * self._beta * numpy.sum(
             weights * evalInt)
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def f(self, r, theta, t, m, n):
	   (m,n) Modo normal:
	    Calcula el modo normal (m,n) de oscilación de la mebrana 
	    circular, donde n es el numero cuantico radial y m el 
	    numero angular.

	      *Variable r					r
	      *Variable theta					theta
	      *Variable t					t
	      *Numero cuantico angular				m
	      *Numero cuantico radial				n
        lambda_mn = sp.jn_zeros(m, n)[-1]
        return sp.jn( m, lambda_mn*r/self.R )*\
               np.cos( lambda_mn*self.c*t/self.R )*\
               np.cos( m* theta )
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def create_plot():
     numpoints = 100
     low = -5
     high = 15.0
     x = linspace(low, high, numpoints)
     pd = ArrayPlotData(index=x)
     p = Plot(pd, bgcolor="lightgray", padding=50, border_visible=True)
     for t, i in zip(cycle(['line', 'scatter']), list(range(10))):
         pd.set_data("y" + str(i), jn(i, x))
         p.plot(("index", "y" + str(i)),
                width=2.0 * dpi_scale,
     p.x_grid.visible = True
     p.x_grid.line_width *= dpi_scale
     p.y_grid.visible = True
     p.y_grid.line_width *= dpi_scale
     p.legend.visible = True
     return p
Ejemplo n.º 39
def elliptic_airy(k_in, beam):
    '''# TODO: Descriptive doc string.

     a = radius
     f = frequency
     I_0 = gain at center
    phi = np.pi * coord.angle_deg(beam.on_axis, beam.plane_normal) / 180.0
    #F[ g(ct) ] = G(f/c)/|c|
    theta = np.pi * coord.angle_deg(beam.on_axis, k_in) / 180.0
    lam = c.c / beam.f

    k = 2.0 * np.pi / lam

    f_circ = lambda r, phi: beam.I_0 * (
        (2.0 * s.jn(1, k * beam.a * np.sin(theta)) /
         (k * beam.a * np.sin(theta))))**2.0

    return ()
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def J(self, order, x):
        Return the value of the Bessel function with the given order ar the
        given point.

        order : number
            Order of the Bessel function
        x : number
            Value where we want the Bessel function evaluation.

        y : number
            Bessel function value at 'x'
        from scipy.special import jn
        return jn(order, x)
Ejemplo n.º 41
def _create_plot_component():
    # Create some x-y data series to plot
    x = linspace(-2.0, 10.0, 100)
    pd = ArrayPlotData(index=x)
    for i in range(5):
        pd.set_data("y" + str(i), jn(i, x))

    # Create some line plots of some of the data
    plot1 = Plot(pd)
    plot1.plot(("index", "y0", "y1", "y2"), name="j_n, n<3", color="red")
    plot1.plot(("index", "y3"), name="j_3", color="blue")

    # Tweak some of the plot properties
    plot1.title = "Inset Plot"
    plot1.padding = 50

    # Attach some tools to the plot
    zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot1, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)

    # Create a second scatter plot of one of the datasets, linking its
    # range to the first plot
    plot2 = Plot(pd, range2d=plot1.range2d, padding=50)
    plot2.plot(('index', 'y3'), type="scatter", color="blue", marker="circle")
    plot2.resizable = ""
    plot2.bounds = [250, 250]
    plot2.position = [550, 150]
    plot2.bgcolor = "white"
    plot2.border_visible = True
    plot2.unified_draw = True

    plot2.tools.append(MoveTool(plot2, drag_button="right"))
    zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot2, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)

    # Create a container and add our plots
    container = OverlayPlotContainer()
    return container
Ejemplo n.º 42
def show_asymptotic(nvals, x, x_asym, jn_asym):
    """Illustrate an asymptotic relation.

    This function creates a matplotlib figure.


    nvals : list
        List of values of n (Bessel order) to evaluate.

    x : array
        Array of values where the function should be sampled.

    x_asym : function
        A function taking (n, x) arguments that should return the values of x
        where the desired asymptotic form is valid.

    jn_asym : function
        A function taking (n, x) arguments and returning an asymptotic form of
        the Bessel function Jn(x).

    fig : matplotlib figure object.
        A new figure containing all the plots.

    # Start by plotting the well-known J0 and J1, as well as J5:
    fig = plt.figure()
    # Now, compute and plot the asymptotic forms (valid for x>>n, where n is
    # the order).  We must first find the valid range of x where at least x>n.
    for n in nvals:
        xa = x_asym(n, x)
        plt.plot(x, special.jn(n, x), label='$J_{%s}$' % n)
        plt.plot(xa, jn_asym(n, xa), '--', lw=3, label='$J_{%s}$ (asymp.)' % n)

    # Finish off the plot
    # horizontal line at 0 to show x-axis, but after the legend
    return fig
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def _lpcoeq(self, v0, nu):
        u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq = self.__params(v0)

        if s1 == 0:  # e
            return (jn(nu+1, u2r1) * yn(nu-1, u2r2) -
                    yn(nu+1, u2r1) * jn(nu-1, u2r2))

        (f11a, f11b) = ((jn(nu-1, u1r1), jn(nu, u1r1)) if s1 > 0 else
                        (iv(nu-1, u1r1), iv(nu, u1r1)))
        if s2 > 0:
            f22a, f22b = jn(nu-1, u2r2), yn(nu-1, u2r2)
            f2a = jn(nu, u2r1) * f22b - yn(nu, u2r1) * f22a
            f2b = jn(nu-1, u2r1) * f22b - yn(nu-1, u2r1) * f22a
        else:  # a
            f22a, f22b = iv(nu-1, u2r2), kn(nu-1, u2r2)
            f2a = iv(nu, u2r1) * f22b + kn(nu, u2r1) * f22a
            f2b = iv(nu-1, u2r1) * f22b - kn(nu-1, u2r1) * f22a
        return f11a * f2a * u1r1 - f11b * f2b * u2r1
Ejemplo n.º 44
def patch_impedance(w, l, r, h, f0):
    Compute an estimate of the patch impedance, for patch of width w and length
    l, inset feed at distance r, and height above ground h, at frequency f0.
    c0 = 299792458
    l0 = c0 / f0
    k0 = 2 * np.pi / l0
    si = lambda x: quad(lambda t: np.sin(t) / t, 0, x)[0]
    x = k0 * w
    i1 = -2 + np.cos(x) + x * si(x) + np.sin(x) / x
    g1 = i1 / (120 * np.pi**2)
    g12 = 1 / (120 * np.pi**2) * quad(
        lambda th: (np.sin((k0 * w) / 2 * np.cos(th)) / np.cos(th))**2 * jn(
            0, k0 * l * np.sin(th)) * np.sin(th)**3, 0, np.pi)[0]
    rin0 = 1 / (2 * (g1 + g12))
    rin = rin0 * np.cos(np.pi * r / l)**2
    print("l0={:.4f} g1={:.4e} g12={:.4e} rin0={:.2f} rin={:.2f}".format(
        l0, g1, g12, rin0, rin))
    return rin
Ejemplo n.º 45
def hwhmIsotropicRotationalDiffusion(q, radius, DR):
    eisf = np.zeros(q.size)
    numberLorentz = 6
    qisf = np.zeros((q.size, numberLorentz))
    hwhm = np.zeros((q.size, numberLorentz))
    jl = np.zeros((q.size, numberLorentz))
    arg = q * radius
    idx = np.argwhere(arg == 0)
    for i in range(numberLorentz):  
        jl[:,i] = np.sqrt(np.pi/2/arg) * jn(i+0.5, arg) #to solve warnings for arg=0
        hwhm[:,i] = np.repeat(i * (i+1) * DR, q.size)
        if idx.size > 0:
           if i == 0:
               jl[idx,i] = 1.0
               jl[idx,i] = 0.0
    eisf = jl[:,0]**2 
    for i in range(1,numberLorentz):
        qisf[:,i] = (2*i+1) * jl[:,i]**2
    return hwhm, eisf, qisf
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def _set_secondhalo_params(self, r_h):
		Precomputes some parameters
        kh_npoints = 1e7  # Something like 1e7
        self.kh_min = 1e-4
        self.kh_max = 1e4
        self.kh_bins = np.geomspace(self.kh_min,

        Dang_h = self.cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(
            self.z).value * self.cosmo.h  # in Mpc/h
        self.l_bins = self.kh_bins * (1 + self.z) * Dang_h

        theta = r_h / Dang_h
        self.J2 = sp.jn(2, self.l_bins * theta[:, np.newaxis])

        return None  #J2
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def createSpeckle(self, kx, ky, amplitude, phase, source):
        xLoc = kx / (2 * np.pi)
        yLoc = ky / (2 * np.pi)
        distCoords = np.copy(self.imageCoords)
        distCoords[0] -= xLoc
        distCoords[1] -= yLoc
        distCoords = np.sqrt(distCoords[0]**2 + distCoords[1]**2)
        if np.any(distCoords == 0):
            distCoords[np.where(distCoords == 0)] = 0.01
        speckle = amplitude * 2 * np.exp(phase * 1j) * spfun.jn(
            1, np.pi * distCoords) / (np.pi * distCoords)

        if source == 'probe':
            self.probeSpeckleImage += speckle

        elif source == 'real':
            self.speckleFieldImage += speckle

            raise Exception('Specify speckle source: probe or real')
Ejemplo n.º 48
def _create_plot_component():
    numpoints = 100
    low = -5
    high = 15.0
    x = arange(low, high, (high - low) / numpoints)
    container = container_class(resizable="hv",

    # Plot some bessel functions
    value_range = None
    for i in range(10):
        y = jn(i, x)
        plot = create_line_plot((x, y),
        plot.origin_axis_visible = True
        plot.origin = "top left"
        plot.padding_left = 10
        plot.padding_right = 10
        plot.border_visible = True
        plot.bgcolor = "white"
        if value_range is None:
            value_range = plot.value_mapper.range
            plot.value_range = value_range
        if i % 2 == 1:
            plot.line_style = "dash"

    container.padding_top = 50
        PlotLabel("Bessel Functions in a Strip Plot",
                  font="swiss 16",

    return container
Ejemplo n.º 49
def oneD_Airy_log(x, amplitude, xo, F):
    ''' Model function. 1D log10(Airy).

    r = (x - xo) * F
    nx = x.shape[0]

    maxmap = np.where(r == 0, np.ones(nx), np.zeros(nx))
    nbmax = np.sum(maxmap)
    if nbmax == 1:
        indmax = np.argmax(maxmap)
        r[indmax] = 1.
    elif nbmax > 1:
        print('ERROR in oneD_Airy: several nulls')

    J = spe.jn(1, r)
    Airy = amplitude * (2 * J / r)**2
    if nbmax == 1:
        Airy[indmax] = amplitude

    return np.log10(Airy)
Ejemplo n.º 50
def excitation_force(w, draft, radius, water_depth):
    """Excitation force on cylinder using Drake's first_order_excitation"""
    k = w**2 / 9.81
    ka = k * radius
    kd = k * draft
    kh = k * water_depth

    rho = 1025
    g = 9.81

    # XXX check this!
    f1 = -1j * (jn(1, ka) - jnd(1, ka) * hankel2(1, ka) / hankel2d(1, ka))
    #f1 = -1j * (jn(1, ka) - jnd(1, ka) * hankel1(1, ka) / hankel1d(1, ka))
    M = (kd * sinh(kh - kd) + cosh(kh - kd) - cosh(kh)) / (k**2 * cosh(kh))
    F = (-sinh(kh - kd) + sinh(kh)) / (k * cosh(kh))

    zs = zeros_like(F, dtype=np.complex)
    X = np.c_[F, zs, zs, zs, M, zs]
    X *= (-rho * g * pi * radius) * 2 * f1[:, newaxis]

    return X
Ejemplo n.º 51
def squarehole_beam(x, y, rw, d):
        Intensity profile of a SquareHoleBeam which propagates along z and
        has its waist at the origin (0,0,0)

        x, y  :  These can be single floats, or can be array-like for full vectorization.
        rw    :  the width of squareholebeam
        d     :  The size of squarehole
        Intensity  :  The intensity of the squarehole beam.
    r = np.maximum(np.abs(x), np.abs(y))
    k = 2.581 * 2 / rw
    a = k * np.abs(r - d / 2) + 1e-10  # add a small number to avoid divide 0
    j = jn(1, a)
    intensity = 4 * np.power(j / a, 2)
    intensity[a > 3.83] = 0
    return intensity
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def IntKernel(self, j, z, ns, omega, k, r, mt):
        qSH2, qSH1, qPS2, qPS1, qPS0 = self.GetQ(j, z, ns, omega, k, mt)
        x = k * r
        j2 = special.jn(2, x)
        j2p = (special.jn(1, x) - special.jn(3, x)) / 2
        j1 = special.jn(1, x)
        j1p = (special.jn(0, x) - special.jn(2, x)) / 2
        j0 = special.jn(0, x)
        j0p = special.jn(-1, x)
        kr1 = 2 * qSH2 * j2 / r + qPS2[0] * k * j2p
        kr2 = 1 / r * qSH1 * j1 + qPS1[0] * k * j1p
        kr3 = -qPS2[0] * j0p * k
        kr4 = qPS0[0] * j0p * k

        ko1 = qSH2 * k * j2p + 2 / r * qPS2[0] * j2
        ko2 = qSH1 * k * j1p + 1 / r * qPS1[0] * j1

        kz1 = qPS2[1] * k * j2
        kz2 = qPS1[1] * k * j1
        kz3 = qPS0[1] * k * j0
        kz4 = -qPS2[1] * k * j0
        return (kr1, kr2, kr3, kr4, ko1, ko2, kz1, kz2, kz3, kz4)
Ejemplo n.º 53
def _create_plot_component():

    # Create some x-y data series to plot
    x = linspace(-2.0, 10.0, 100)
    pd = ArrayPlotData(index=x)
    for i in range(5):
        pd.set_data("y" + str(i), jn(i, x))

    # Create some line plots of some of the data
    plot1 = Plot(pd, title="Line Plot", padding=60, border_visible=True)
    plot1.legend.visible = True
    plot1.plot(("index", "y0", "y1", "y2"), name="j_n, n<3", color="red")
    plot1.plot(("index", "y3"), name="j_3", color="blue")
    plot1.value_axis.title = "J0, J1, J2, J3"

    # Attach some tools to the plot
    zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot1, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)

    # Create a second scatter plot of one of the datasets, linking its
    # range to the first plot
    plot2 = Plot(pd,
                 title="Scatter plot",
    plot2.plot(('index', 'y3'), type="scatter", color="blue", marker="circle")

    # Configure the vertical axis:
    plot2.value_axis.title = "J3"
    plot2.value_axis.orientation = "right"
    plot2.value_axis.title_angle = 0.0  # instead of default 270 deg

    # Create a container and add our plots
    container = HPlotContainer()

    return container
def _create_plot_component():
    # Create a GridContainer to hold all of our plots
    container = GridContainer(padding=20,
                              shape=(3, 3),
                              spacing=(12, 12))

    # Create the initial series of data
    x = linspace(-5, 15.0, 100)
    pd = ArrayPlotData(index=x)

    # Plot some bessel functions and add the plots to our container
    for i in range(9):
        pd.set_data("y" + str(i), jn(i, x))
        plot = Plot(pd)
        plot.plot(("index", "y" + str(i)),

        # Tweak some of the plot properties
        plot.border_width = 1
        plot.padding = 10

        # Set each plot's aspect ratio based on its position in the
        # 3x3 grid of plots.
        n, m = divmod(i, 3)
        plot.aspect_ratio = float(n + 1) / (m + 1)

        # Attach some tools to the plot
        zoom = ZoomTool(plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)

        # Add to the grid container
    return container
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def _tmfield(self, wl, nu, neff, r):
        N = len(self.fiber)
        C = numpy.array((1, 0))
        EH = numpy.zeros(4)
        ri = 0

        for i in range(N-1):
            ro = self.fiber.outerRadius(i)
            layer = self.fiber.layers[i]
            n = layer.maxIndex(wl)
            u = layer.u(ro, neff, wl)

            if i > 0:
                C = layer.tetmConstants(ri, ro, neff, wl, EH,
                                        constants.Y0 * n * n, (0, 3))

            if r < ro:

            if neff < n:
                c1 = wl.k0 * ro / u
                F3 = jvp(nu, u) / jn(nu, u)
                F4 = yvp(nu, u) / yn(nu, u)
                c1 = -wl.k0 * ro / u
                F3 = ivp(nu, u) / iv(nu, u)
                F4 = kvp(nu, u) / kn(nu, u)

            c4 = constants.Y0 * n * n * c1

            EH[0] = C[0] + C[1]
            EH[3] = c4 * (F3 * C[0] + F4 * C[1])

            ri = ro
            layer = self.fiber.layers[-1]
            u = layer.u(ro, neff, wl)
            # C =

        return numpy.array((0, ephi, 0)), numpy.array((hr, 0, hz))
Ejemplo n.º 56
    def _generate_pswf_quad(self, n, bandlimit, phi_approximate_error,
                            lambda_max, epsilon):
        Generate Gaussian quadrature points and weights for 2D PSWF functions
        radial_quad_points, radial_quad_weights = self._generate_pswf_radial_quad(
            n, bandlimit, phi_approximate_error, lambda_max)

        num_angular_points = np.ceil(np.e * radial_quad_points * bandlimit /
                                     2 - np.log(epsilon)).astype('int') + 1

        for i in range(len(radial_quad_points)):
            ang_error_vec = np.absolute(
                jn(range(1, 2 * num_angular_points[i] + 1),
                   bandlimit * radial_quad_points[i]))

            num_angular_points[i] = self._sum_minus_cumsum_smaller_eps(
                ang_error_vec, epsilon)
            if num_angular_points[i] % 2 == 1:
                num_angular_points[i] += 1

        temp = 2 * np.pi / num_angular_points

        t = 2

        quad_rule_radial_weights = temp * radial_quad_points * radial_quad_weights
        quad_rule_weights = np.repeat(quad_rule_radial_weights,
        quad_rule_pts_r = np.repeat(radial_quad_points,
                                    repeats=(num_angular_points /
        quad_rule_pts_theta = np.concatenate([
            temp[i] * np.arange(num_angular_points[i] / t)
            for i in range(len(radial_quad_points))

        pts_x = quad_rule_pts_r * np.cos(quad_rule_pts_theta)
        pts_y = quad_rule_pts_r * np.sin(quad_rule_pts_theta)

        return pts_x, pts_y, quad_rule_weights, radial_quad_points, quad_rule_radial_weights, num_angular_points
Ejemplo n.º 57
def _create_plot_component():

    numpoints = 100
    low = -5
    high = 15.001
    x = arange(low, high, (high - low) / numpoints)

    # Plot a bessel function
    y = jn(0, x)
    plot = create_line_plot((x, y),
                            color=(0, 0, 1, 1),
    value_range = plot.value_mapper.range
    plot.active_tool = RangeSelection(plot, left_button_selects=True)
    plot.bgcolor = "white"
    plot.padding = 50

    return plot
    def _create_window(self):
        numpoints = 50
        low = -5
        high = 15.0
        x = arange(low, high, (high - low) / numpoints)
        container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor="lightgray")

        self.animated_plots = []
        for i, color in enumerate(COLOR_PALETTE):
            animated_plot = AnimatedPlot(x, jn(i, x), color)

        for i, a_plot in enumerate(self.animated_plots):
            a_plot.plot.position = [
                50 + (i % 3) * (PLOT_SIZE + 50),
                50 + (i // 3) * (PLOT_SIZE + 50)

        self.timer = Timer(100.0, self.onTimer)
        self.container = container
        return Window(self, -1, component=container)
Ejemplo n.º 59
def sheet_beam(x, y, rw, length, d):
        Intensity profile of a sheetbeam which propagates along z, sheet along y

        x, y   :  These can be single floats, or can be array-like for full vectorization.
        rw     :  the width of sheet beam
        length :  the length of sheet beam ,along y
        d      :  the distence between sheet beams
        Intensity  :  The intensity of the sheet beam.
    r = np.abs(x)
    k = 2.581 * 2 / rw
    a = k * np.abs(r - d / 2) + 1e-10  # add a small number to avoid divide 0
    j = jn(1, a)
    intensity = 4 * np.power(j / a, 2)
    intensity[a > 3.83] = 0
    intensity[np.abs(y) > length / 2] = 0
    return intensity
Ejemplo n.º 60
def create_chaco_plot(parent):
    x = linspace(-2.0, 10.0, 100)
    pd = ArrayPlotData(index=x)
    for i in range(5):
        pd.set_data("y" + str(i), jn(i, x))

    # Create some line plots of some of the data
    plot = Plot(pd, title="Line Plot", padding=50, border_visible=True)
    plot.legend.visible = True
    plot.plot(("index", "y0", "y1", "y2"), name="j_n, n<3", color="red")
    plot.plot(("index", "y3"), name="j_3", color="blue")

    # Attach some tools to the plot
    zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)

    # This Window object bridges the Enable and Qt4 worlds, and handles events
    # and drawing.  We can create whatever hierarchy of nested containers we
    # want, as long as the top-level item gets set as the .component attribute
    # of a Window.
    return Window(parent, -1, component=plot)