def _qfunc_pure(psi, alpha_vec): """ Calculate the Q-function for a pure state. """ n = # Gengyan: maximun number to use factorial() nmax = 170 if isinstance(psi, Qobj): psi = psi.full().flatten() else: psi = psi.T if n < nmax: qvec = abs( polyval( fliplr([psi / sqrt(factorial(arange(n)))])[0], conjugate(alpha_vec)))**2 * exp(-abs(alpha_vec)**2) else: # Gengyan: for m < nmax, use factorial() qvec = polyval( fliplr([psi[0:nmax] / sqrt(factorial(arange(nmax)))])[0], conjugate(alpha_vec)) * exp(-abs(alpha_vec)**2 / 2) # Gengyan: for m >= nmax, use Stirling's approximation for m in range(nmax, n): qvec += (conjugate(alpha_vec)/sqrt(m))**m*psi[m] * \ exp((m-abs(alpha_vec)**2)/2)*(2*pi*m)**(-0.25) qvec = abs(qvec)**2 return np.real(qvec) / pi
def func(self, X, V): k = self.C.TFdata.k v1 = self.C.TFdata.v1 w1 = self.C.TFdata.w1 if k >=0: J_coords = self.F.sysfunc.J_coords w = sqrt(k) q = v1 - (1j/w)*matrixmultiply(self.F.sysfunc.J_coords,v1) p = w1 + (1j/w)*matrixmultiply(transpose(self.F.sysfunc.J_coords),w1) p /= linalg.norm(p) q /= linalg.norm(q) p = reshape(p,(p.shape[0],)) q = reshape(q,(q.shape[0],)) direc = conjugate(1/matrixmultiply(transpose(conjugate(p)),q)) p = direc*p l1 = firstlyapunov(X, self.F.sysfunc, w, J_coords=J_coords, p=p, q=q) return array([l1]) else: return array([1])
def to_minimize_fidelity(theta): temp_z_gate = np.matmul( sp.linalg.expm(-2 * np.pi * 1j * theta * self.H_zeeman), U_ideal) temp_m = np.matmul(sp.conjugate(sp.transpose(target)), temp_z_gate) return np.real(1. - (sp.trace( np.matmul(temp_m, sp.conjugate(sp.transpose(temp_m)))) + np.abs(sp.trace(temp_m))**2.) / 20.)
def process(self, X, V, C): """Tolerance for eigenvalues a possible problem when checking for neutral saddles.""" BifPoint.process(self, X, V, C) J_coords = C.CorrFunc.jac(X, C.coords) eigs, LV, RV = linalg.eig(J_coords,left=1,right=1) # Check for neutral saddles found = False for i in range(len(eigs)): if abs(imag(eigs[i])) < 1e-5: for j in range(i+1,len(eigs)): if C.verbosity >= 2: if abs(eigs[i]) < 1e-5 and abs(eigs[j]) < 1e-5: print 'Fold-Fold point found in Hopf!\n' elif abs(imag(eigs[j])) < 1e-5 and abs(real(eigs[i]) + real(eigs[j])) < 1e-5: print 'Neutral saddle found!\n' elif abs(real(eigs[i])) < 1e-5: for j in range(i+1, len(eigs)): if abs(real(eigs[j])) < 1e-5 and abs(real(eigs[i]) - real(eigs[j])) < 1e-5: found = True w = abs(imag(eigs[i])) if imag(eigs[i]) > 0: p = conjugate(LV[:,j])/linalg.norm(LV[:,j]) q = RV[:,i]/linalg.norm(RV[:,i]) else: p = conjugate(LV[:,i])/linalg.norm(LV[:,i]) q = RV[:,j]/linalg.norm(RV[:,j]) if not found: del self.found[-1] return False direc = conjugate(1/matrixmultiply(conjugate(p),q)) p = direc*p # Alternate way to compute 1st lyapunov coefficient (from Kuznetsov [4]) #print (1./(w*w))*real(1j*matrixmultiply(conjugate(p),b1)*matrixmultiply(conjugate(p),b3) + \ # w*matrixmultiply(conjugate(p),trilinearform(D,q,q,conjugate(q)))) self.found[-1].w = w self.found[-1].l1 = firstlyapunov(X, C.CorrFunc, w, J_coords=J_coords, p=p, q=q, check=(C.verbosity==2)) self.found[-1].eigs = eigs, -1) return True
def hg_conv(f, g): ub = tuple(array(f.shape) + array(g.shape) - 1); fh = rfftn(cpad(f,ub)); gh = rfftn(cpad(g,ub)); res = ifftshift(irfftn(fh * sp.conjugate(gh))); del fh, gh; return res;
def MakePulseDataRepLPC(pulse,spec,N,rep1,numtype = sp.complex128): """ This will make data by assuming the data is an autoregressive process. Inputs spec - The properly weighted spectrum. N - The size of the ar process used to model the filter. pulse - The pulse shape. rep1 - The number of repeats of the process. Outputs outdata - A numpy Array with the shape of the """ lp = len(pulse) lenspec = len(spec) r1 = scfft.ifft(scfft.ifftshift(spec)) rp1 = r1[:N] rp2 = r1[1:N+1] # Use Levinson recursion to find the coefs for the data xr1 = sp.linalg.solve_toeplitz(rp1, rp2) lpc = sp.r_[sp.ones(1), -xr1] # The Gain term. G = sp.sqrt(sp.sum(sp.conjugate(r1[:N+1])*lpc)) Gvec = sp.r_[G, sp.zeros(N)] Npnt = (N+1)*3+lp # Create the noise vector and normalize xin = sp.random.randn(rep1, Npnt)+1j*sp.random.randn(rep1, Npnt) xinsum = sp.tile(sp.sqrt(sp.mean(xin.real**2+xin.imag**2, axis=1))[:, sp.newaxis],(1, Npnt)) xin = xin/xinsum outdata = sp.signal.lfilter(Gvec, lpc, xin, axis=1) outpulse = sp.tile(pulse[sp.newaxis], (rep1, 1)) outdata = outpulse*outdata[:, 2*N:2*N+lp] return outdata
def autocorrelation_1d(x): """Estimate the normalized autocorrelation function of a 1-D series Args: x: The series as a 1-D numpy array. Returns: array: The autocorrelation function of the time series. Taken from: """ x = scipy.atleast_1d(x) if len(x.shape) != 1: raise ValueError("invalid dimensions for 1D autocorrelation function") def next_pow_two(n): """Returns the next power of two greater than or equal to `n`""" i = 1 while i < n: i = i << 1 return i n = next_pow_two(len(x)) # Compute the FFT and then (from that) the auto-correlation function f = fft.fft(x - scipy.mean(x), n=2 * n) acf = fft.ifft(f * scipy.conjugate(f))[:len(x)].real acf /= acf[0] return acf
def task2(rx_sample_time, rx_signal, tx_envelope, pltfig=False): rx_quad_demod = quadrature_demodulation(rx_signal, rx_sample_time) rx_filtered = matched_filter(rx_quad_demod, sp.conjugate(sp.flipud(tx_envelope))) if pltfig: plot_sqr_magn(rx_filtered, rx_sample_time) return rx_filtered # workarround due to lack of time
def MakePulseDataRepLPC(pulse, spec, N, rep1, numtype=sp.complex128): """ This will make data by assuming the data is an autoregressive process. Inputs spec - The properly weighted spectrum. N - The size of the ar process used to model the filter. pulse - The pulse shape. rep1 - The number of repeats of the process. Outputs outdata - A numpy Array with the shape of the """ lp = len(pulse) r1 = scfft.ifft(scfft.ifftshift(spec)) rp1 = r1[:N] rp2 = r1[1:N + 1] # Use Levinson recursion to find the coefs for the data xr1 = sp.linalg.solve_toeplitz(rp1, rp2) lpc = sp.r_[sp.ones(1), -xr1] # The Gain term. G = sp.sqrt(sp.sum(sp.conjugate(r1[:N + 1]) * lpc)) Gvec = sp.r_[G, sp.zeros(N)] Npnt = (N + 1) * 3 + lp # Create the noise vector and normalize xin = sp.random.randn(rep1, Npnt) + 1j * sp.random.randn(rep1, Npnt) xinsum = sp.tile( sp.sqrt(sp.sum(xin.real**2 + xin.imag**2, axis=1))[:, sp.newaxis], (1, Npnt)) xin = xin / xinsum / sp.sqrt(2.) outdata = sp.signal.lfilter(Gvec, lpc, xin, axis=1) outpulse = sp.tile(pulse[sp.newaxis], (rep1, 1)) outdata = outpulse * outdata[:, N:N + lp] return outdata
def _cross_correlate(self, reference_image): # FFT of the projection spectra f_ref_xproj = fft(reference_image.proj_x) f_ref_yproj = fft(reference_image.proj_y) f_check_xproj = fft(self.proj_x) f_check_yproj = fft(self.proj_y) # cross correlate in and look for the maximium correlation f_ref_xproj_conj = conjugate(f_ref_xproj) f_ref_yproj_conj = conjugate(f_ref_yproj) complex_sum_x = f_ref_xproj_conj * f_check_xproj complex_sum_y = f_ref_yproj_conj * f_check_yproj phi_ref_check_m_x = ifft(complex_sum_x) phi_ref_check_m_y = ifft(complex_sum_y) z_x = max(phi_ref_check_m_x) z_pos_x = np.where(phi_ref_check_m_x == z_x) z_y = max(phi_ref_check_m_y) z_pos_y = np.where(phi_ref_check_m_y == z_y) return z_pos_x, z_pos_y, phi_ref_check_m_x, phi_ref_check_m_y
def makeCovmat(lagsDatasum,lagsNoisesum,pulses_s,Nlags): axvec=sp.roll(sp.arange(lagsDatasum.ndim),1) # Get the covariance matrix R=sp.transpose(lagsDatasum/sp.sqrt(2.*pulses_s),axes=axvec) Rw=sp.transpose(lagsNoisesum/sp.sqrt(2.*pulses_s),axes=axvec) l=sp.arange(Nlags) T1,T2=sp.meshgrid(l,l) R0=R[sp.zeros_like(T1)] Rw0=Rw[sp.zeros_like(T1)] Td=sp.absolute(T1-T2) Tl = T1>T2 R12 =R[Td] R12[Tl]=sp.conjugate(R12[Tl]) Rw12 =Rw[Td] Rw12[Tl]=sp.conjugate(Rw12[Tl]) Ctt=R0*R12+R[T1]*sp.conjugate(R[T2])+Rw0*Rw12+Rw[T1]*sp.conjugate(Rw[T2]) avecback=sp.roll(sp.arange(Ctt.ndim),-2) Cttout = sp.transpose(Ctt,avecback) return Cttout
def grad(self, A, B, q): #Compute relative transformation pr = norm(q.x) if(pr >= A.radius + B.radius ): return array([0., 0., 0., 0.]) #Load shape parameters fa = A.pft fb = B.pft da = A.pdft db = B.pdft ea = eb = #Estimate cutoff threshold cutoff = self.__get_cutoff(A, B) #Compute coordinate coefficients m = 2.j * pi / (2. * self.SHAPE_R + 1) * pr phi = atan2(q.x[1], q.x[0]) #Set up initial sums s_0 = real(fa[0][0] * fb[0][0]) s_x = 0. s_y = 0. s_ta = 0. s_tb = 0. for r in range(1, self.R): #Compute theta terms dtheta = 2. * pi / len(fa[r]) theta = arange(len(fa[r])) * dtheta #Construct multiplier / v mult = exp((m * r) * cos(theta + phi)) * r * dtheta u = pds.shift(conjugate(fb[r]), q.theta) * mult v = fa[r] * u #Check for early out s_0 += sum(real(v)) if(s_0 + min(ea[r], eb[r]) <= cutoff): return array([0.,0.,0.,0.]) #Sum up gradient vectors v = real(1.j * v) s_x -= sum(v * sin(theta + phi) ) s_y -= sum(v * cos(theta + phi) ) s_t += sum(real(da[r] * u)) if(s_0 <= cutoff): return array([0., 0., 0., 0.]) return array([s_x, s_y, s_ta, s_tb, s_0])
def _qfunc_pure(psi, alpha_mat): """ Calculate the Q-function for a pure state. """ n = if isinstance(psi, Qobj): psi = psi.full().flatten() else: psi = psi.T qmat = abs(polyval(fliplr([psi / sqrt(factorial(arange(n)))])[0], conjugate(alpha_mat))) ** 2 return real(qmat) * exp(-abs(alpha_mat) ** 2) / pi
def levinsonSymmetricConstrainA1(A, y, ncoeffs=scipy.inf): ncoeffs = min(ncoeffs, A.shape[1]) eps = A[0, 0] ref = scipy.zeros(ncoeffs - 1) x = scipy.zeros(ncoeffs) x[0] = 1 for i in range(1, ncoeffs): gamma = A[0, i] +[0, 1:i], x[1:i]) ref[i - 1] = -gamma / eps eps *= (1 - ref[i - 1] * scipy.conjugate(ref[i - 1])) temp = scipy.conjugate(scipy.flipud(x[:i + 1])) x[:i + 1] += ref[i - 1] * temp x[i] = ref[i - 1] return (x, scipy.sqrt(eps))
def subspace_angles(A, B): """ Return the principle angles and vectors between two subspaces. See Bjorck and Golub, "Numerical Methods for Computing Between Linear Subspaces" _Mathematics_of_Computation_, 27(123), 1973, pp. 579-594 Or, for a more understandable exposition, Golub and Van Loan, _Matrix_Computations_ (3rd ed.) pp. 603-604 """ A, B = scipy.asarray(A), scipy.asarray(B) if A.shape[0] != B.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Input subspaces must live in the same dimensional '\ 'space.') # Get orthogonal bases for our two subspaces. QA, QB = scipy.linalg.orth(A), scipy.linalg.orth(B) M = scipy.matrixmultiply(scipy.transpose(scipy.conjugate(QA)), QB) Y, C, Zh = scipy.linalg.svd(M) U = scipy.matrixmultiply(QA, Y) V = scipy.matrixmultiply(QB, scipy.transpose(scipy.conjugate(Zh))) return scipy.arccos(C), U, V
def _qfunc_pure(psi, alpha_mat): """ Calculate the Q-function for a pure state. """ n = prod(psi.shape) if isinstance(psi, Qobj): psi = array(psi.trans().full())[0,:] else: psi = psi.T qmat1 = abs(polyval(fliplr([psi/sqrt(factorial(arange(0, n)))])[0], conjugate(alpha_mat))) ** 2; qmat1 = real(qmat1) * exp(-abs(alpha_mat)**2) / pi; return qmat1
def levinsonSymmetricConstrainA1(A, y, ncoeffs = scipy.inf): ncoeffs = min(ncoeffs, A.shape[1]) eps = A[0,0] ref = scipy.zeros( ncoeffs - 1 ) x = scipy.zeros( ncoeffs ) x[0] = 1 for i in range(1, ncoeffs): gamma = A[0, i] +[0, 1:i], x[1:i]) ref[i-1] = - gamma / eps eps *= (1 - ref[i-1]*scipy.conjugate(ref[i-1])) temp = scipy.conjugate(scipy.flipud(x[:i+1])) x[:i+1] += ref[i-1] * temp x[i] = ref[i-1] return (x, scipy.sqrt(eps))
def _qfunc_pure(psi, alpha_mat): """ Calculate the Q-function for a pure state. """ n = prod(psi.shape) if isinstance(psi, Qobj): psi = array(psi.trans().full())[0, :] else: psi = psi.T qmat1 = abs( polyval( fliplr([psi / sqrt(factorial(arange(0, n)))])[0], conjugate(alpha_mat)))**2 qmat1 = real(qmat1) * exp(-abs(alpha_mat)**2) / pi return qmat1
def RK4(t_tot, N, Ham, psi): dt = t_tot / N #N is number of steps t = sp.linspace(0, t_tot, N + 1) y = [psi] for i in range(len(t) - 1): k1 = dt * TDSE_T(Ham, t[i], y[len(y) - 1]) k2 = dt * TDSE_T(Ham, t[i] + 0.5 * dt, y[len(y) - 1] + k1 / 2) k3 = dt * TDSE_T(Ham, t[i] + 0.5 * dt, y[len(y) - 1] + k2 / 2) k4 = dt * TDSE_T(Ham, t[i] + dt, y[len(y) - 1] + k3) ynew = y[len(y) - 1] + (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6 y.append(ynew) chi = [] for i in range(len(y)): inneri = sp.matmul(sp.conjugate(psi), y[i]) inner = abs(inneri)**2 chi.append(inner) return t, chi
def firstlyapunov(X, F, w, J_coords=None, V=None, W=None, p=None, q=None, check=False): if J_coords is None: J_coords = F.jac(X, F.coords) if p is None: alpha = bilinearform(transpose(J_coords),V[:,0],V[:,1]) - \ 1j*w*matrixmultiply(V[:,0],V[:,1]) beta = -1*bilinearform(transpose(J_coords),V[:,0],V[:,0]) + \ 1j*w*matrixmultiply(V[:,0],V[:,0]) q = alpha*V[:,0] + beta*V[:,1] alpha = bilinearform(J_coords,W[:,0],W[:,1]) + \ 1j*w*matrixmultiply(W[:,0],W[:,1]) beta = -1*bilinearform(J_coords,W[:,0],W[:,0]) - \ 1j*w*matrixmultiply(W[:,0],W[:,0]) p = alpha*W[:,0] + beta*W[:,1] p /= linalg.norm(p) q /= linalg.norm(q) direc = conjugate(1/matrixmultiply(conjugate(p),q)) p = direc*p if check: print 'Checking...' print ' |q| = %f' % linalg.norm(q) temp = matrixmultiply(conjugate(p),q) print ' |<p,q> - 1| = ', abs(temp-1) print ' |Aq - iwq| = %f' % linalg.norm(matrixmultiply(J_coords,q) - 1j*w*q) print ' |A*p + iwp| = %f\n' % linalg.norm(matrixmultiply(transpose(J_coords),p) + 1j*w*p) # Compute first lyapunov coefficient B = F.hess(X, F.coords, F.coords) D = hess3(F, X, F.coords) b1 = array([bilinearform(B[i,:,:], q, q) for i in range(B.shape[0])]) b2 = array([bilinearform(B[i,:,:], conjugate(q), linalg.solve(2*1j*w*eye(F.m) - J_coords, b1)) \ for i in range(B.shape[0])]) b3 = array([bilinearform(B[i,:,:], q, conjugate(q)) for i in range(B.shape[0])]) b4 = array([bilinearform(B[i,:,:], q, linalg.solve(J_coords, b3)) for i in range(B.shape[0])]) temp = array([trilinearform(D[i,:,:,:],q,q,conjugate(q)) for i in range(D.shape[0])]) + b2 - 2*b4 l1 = 0.5*real(matrixmultiply(conjugate(p), temp)) return l1
def f_osc(qw, E_X, a_2D, E_p = 25.0): """Formula for the oscilator strength per unit area [nm^-2] at k_par = 0. Based on Eq. (2) Andreani and Bassani, PRB 41, 7536 (1990) Keyword argumets: qw -> quantum well object. Class defined in E_X -> Exciton binding energy. a_2D -> Exciton radial extension (aka lambda parameter) E_p -> Kane parameter (dipole |S> |X> matrix element) """ E_tr = (qw.Elec.E - qw.Hole.E) + E_X # Overlapp matrix element I_cv = spi.trapz(sp.conjugate(*, qw.grid) F_QW_sq = 2.0/(sp.pi * a_2D**2) return E_p/E_tr * I_cv.real**2 * F_QW_sq
def norm(self, component=None, summed=False): r"""Calculate the :math:`L^2` norm :math:`\langle\Psi|\Psi\rangle` of the wavepacket :math:`\Psi`. :param component: The index :math:`i` of the component :math:`\Phi_i` whose norm is calculated. The default value is ``None`` which means to compute the norms of all :math:`N` components. :type component: int or ``None``. :param summed: Whether to sum up the norms :math:`\langle\Phi_i|\Phi_i\rangle` of the individual components :math:`\Phi_i`. :type summed: Boolean, default is ``False``. :type summed: Boolean, default is ``False``. :return: The norm of :math:`\Psi` or the norm of :math:`\Phi_i` or a list with the :math:`N` norms of all components. Depending on the values of ``component`` and ``summed``. """ if component is not None: result = norm(self._coefficients[component]) else: result = [ norm(item) for item in self._coefficients ] if summed is True: result = reduce(lambda x,y: x+conjugate(y)*y, result, 0.0) result = sqrt(result) return result
def H(m, out=None): """Matrix conjugate transpose (adjoint). This is just a shortcut for performing this operation on normal ndarrays. Parameters ---------- m : ndarray The input matrix. out : ndarray A matrix to hold the final result (dimensions must be correct). May be None. May also be the same object as m. Returns ------- out : ndarray The result. """ if out is None: return m.T.conj() else: out = sp.conjugate(m.T, out) return out
def plv(x, y, identities): """Function for computing phase-locking values between x and y. Output arguments: ================= cplv : ndarray Complex-valued phase-locking values. """ """Change to amplitude 1, keep angle using Euler's formula.""" x = scipy.exp(1j * (asmatrix(scipy.angle(x)))) y = scipy.exp(1j * (asmatrix(scipy.angle(y)))) """Get cPLV needed for flips and weighting.""" cplv = scipy.zeros(len(identities), dtype='complex') for i, identity in enumerate(identities): """Compute cPLV only of parcel source pairs of sources that belong to that parcel. One source belong to only one parcel.""" if (identities[i] >= 0): cplv[i] = (scipy.sum((scipy.asarray(y[identity])) * scipy.conjugate(scipy.asarray(x[i])))) cplv /= np.shape(x)[1] return cplv
def firstlyapunov(X, F, w, J_coords=None, V=None, W=None, p=None, q=None, check=False): if J_coords is None: J_coords = F.jac(X, F.coords) if p is None: alpha = bilinearform(transpose(J_coords),V[:,0],V[:,1]) - \ 1j*w*matrixmultiply(V[:,0],V[:,1]) beta = -1*bilinearform(transpose(J_coords),V[:,0],V[:,0]) + \ 1j*w*matrixmultiply(V[:,0],V[:,0]) q = alpha * V[:, 0] + beta * V[:, 1] alpha = bilinearform(J_coords,W[:,0],W[:,1]) + \ 1j*w*matrixmultiply(W[:,0],W[:,1]) beta = -1*bilinearform(J_coords,W[:,0],W[:,0]) - \ 1j*w*matrixmultiply(W[:,0],W[:,0]) p = alpha * W[:, 0] + beta * W[:, 1] p /= linalg.norm(p) q /= linalg.norm(q) direc = conjugate(1 / matrixmultiply(conjugate(p), q)) p = direc * p if check: print 'Checking...' print ' |q| = %f' % linalg.norm(q) temp = matrixmultiply(conjugate(p), q) print ' |<p,q> - 1| = ', abs(temp - 1) print ' |Aq - iwq| = %f' % linalg.norm( matrixmultiply(J_coords, q) - 1j * w * q) print ' |A*p + iwp| = %f\n' % linalg.norm( matrixmultiply(transpose(J_coords), p) + 1j * w * p) # Compute first lyapunov coefficient B = F.hess(X, F.coords, F.coords) D = hess3(F, X, F.coords) b1 = array([bilinearform(B[i, :, :], q, q) for i in range(B.shape[0])]) b2 = array([bilinearform(B[i,:,:], conjugate(q), linalg.solve(2*1j*w*eye(F.m) - J_coords, b1)) \ for i in range(B.shape[0])]) b3 = array( [bilinearform(B[i, :, :], q, conjugate(q)) for i in range(B.shape[0])]) b4 = array([ bilinearform(B[i, :, :], q, linalg.solve(J_coords, b3)) for i in range(B.shape[0]) ]) temp = array([ trilinearform(D[i, :, :, :], q, q, conjugate(q)) for i in range(D.shape[0]) ]) + b2 - 2 * b4 l1 = 0.5 * real(matrixmultiply(conjugate(p), temp)) return l1
def measure_shift(self, checkimage): """Generate a check image and measure its offset from the reference This is done using the same settings as the reference image. Parameters ---------- checkimage : str Image filename to compare to reference image Returns ------- solution_n_x : float The shift required, in X, to recentre the checkimage into the reference frame solution_n_y : float The shift required, in Y, to recentre the checkimage into the reference frame Raises ------ None """ self.checkimage = checkimage h = self.check_image_section = h[self.image_ext].data[:, self.prescan_width:-self.overscan_width] self.check_data = self.check_image_section[self.boarder:self.dimy - self.boarder, self.boarder:self.dimx - self.boarder] # adjust image if requested - same as reference if self.subtract_bkg: self.check_bkgmap = self.__generate_bkg_map(self.check_data, self.ntiles, self.tilesizex, self.tilesizey) self.check_data = self.check_data - self.check_bkgmap if self.normalise: self.check_data = self.check_data / self.texp self.check_xproj = np.sum(self.check_data, axis=0) self.check_yproj = np.sum(self.check_data, axis=1) # FFT of the projection spectra f_ref_xproj_n = fft(self.ref_xproj) f_ref_yproj_n = fft(self.ref_yproj) f_check_xproj_n = fft(self.check_xproj) f_check_yproj_n = fft(self.check_yproj) # cross correlate in and look for the maximium correlation f_ref_xproj_conj_n = conjugate(f_ref_xproj_n) f_ref_yproj_conj_n = conjugate(f_ref_yproj_n) complex_sum_x_n = f_ref_xproj_conj_n * f_check_xproj_n complex_sum_y_n = f_ref_yproj_conj_n * f_check_yproj_n phi_ref_check_m_x_n = ifft(complex_sum_x_n) phi_ref_check_m_y_n = ifft(complex_sum_y_n) z_x_n = max(phi_ref_check_m_x_n) z_pos_x_n = np.where(phi_ref_check_m_x_n == z_x_n) z_y_n = max(phi_ref_check_m_y_n) z_pos_y_n = np.where(phi_ref_check_m_y_n == z_y_n) # turn the location of the maximum into shift in pixels # quadratically interpolate over the 3 pixels surrounding # the peak in the CCF. This gives sub pixel resolution. tst_y = np.empty(3) tst_x = np.empty(3) # X if z_pos_x_n[0][0] <= len(phi_ref_check_m_x_n) / 2: lra_x = [z_pos_x_n[0][0] - 1, z_pos_x_n[0][0], z_pos_x_n[0][0] + 1] tst_x[0] = phi_ref_check_m_x_n[lra_x[0]].real tst_x[1] = phi_ref_check_m_x_n[lra_x[1]].real tst_x[2] = phi_ref_check_m_x_n[lra_x[2]].real coeffs_n_x = polyfit(lra_x, tst_x, 2) self.solution_n_x = -(-coeffs_n_x[1] / (2 * coeffs_n_x[0])) elif z_pos_x_n[0][0] > len(phi_ref_check_m_x_n) / 2 and z_pos_x_n[0][0] != len(phi_ref_check_m_x_n) - 1: lra_x = [z_pos_x_n[0][0] - 1, z_pos_x_n[0][0], z_pos_x_n[0][0] + 1] tst_x[0] = phi_ref_check_m_x_n[lra_x[0]].real tst_x[1] = phi_ref_check_m_x_n[lra_x[1]].real tst_x[2] = phi_ref_check_m_x_n[lra_x[2]].real coeffs_n_x = polyfit(lra_x, tst_x, 2) self.solution_n_x = len(phi_ref_check_m_x_n) + (coeffs_n_x[1] / (2 * coeffs_n_x[0])) elif z_pos_x_n[0][0] == len(phi_ref_check_m_x_n) - 1: lra_x = [-1, 0, 1] tst_x[0] = phi_ref_check_m_x_n[-2].real tst_x[1] = phi_ref_check_m_x_n[-1].real tst_x[2] = phi_ref_check_m_x_n[0].real coeffs_n_x = polyfit(lra_x, tst_x, 2) self.solution_n_x = 1 + (coeffs_n_x[1] / (2 * coeffs_n_x[0])) else: #if z_pos_x_n[0][0] == 0: lra_x = [1, 0, -1] tst_x[0] = phi_ref_check_m_x_n[-1].real tst_x[1] = phi_ref_check_m_x_n[0].real tst_x[2] = phi_ref_check_m_x_n[1].real coeffs_n_x = polyfit(lra_x, tst_x, 2) self.solution_n_x = -coeffs_n_x[1] / (2 * coeffs_n_x[0]) print("X: {0:.2f}".format(self.solution_n_x)) # Y if z_pos_y_n[0][0] <= len(phi_ref_check_m_y_n)/2: lra_y = [z_pos_y_n[0][0] - 1, z_pos_y_n[0][0], z_pos_y_n[0][0] + 1] tst_y[0] = phi_ref_check_m_y_n[lra_y[0]].real tst_y[1] = phi_ref_check_m_y_n[lra_y[1]].real tst_y[2] = phi_ref_check_m_y_n[lra_y[2]].real coeffs_n_y = polyfit(lra_y, tst_y, 2) self.solution_n_y = -(-coeffs_n_y[1]/(2*coeffs_n_y[0])) if z_pos_y_n[0][0] > len(phi_ref_check_m_y_n) / 2 and z_pos_y_n[0][0] != len(phi_ref_check_m_y_n) - 1: lra_y = [z_pos_y_n[0][0]-1, z_pos_y_n[0][0], z_pos_y_n[0][0]+1] tst_y[0] = phi_ref_check_m_y_n[lra_y[0]].real tst_y[1] = phi_ref_check_m_y_n[lra_y[1]].real tst_y[2] = phi_ref_check_m_y_n[lra_y[2]].real coeffs_n_y = polyfit(lra_y, tst_y, 2) self.solution_n_y = len(phi_ref_check_m_y_n) + (coeffs_n_y[1] / (2 * coeffs_n_y[0])) if z_pos_y_n[0][0] == len(phi_ref_check_m_y_n) - 1: lra_y = [-1, 0, 1] tst_y[0] = phi_ref_check_m_y_n[-2].real tst_y[1] = phi_ref_check_m_y_n[-1].real tst_y[2] = phi_ref_check_m_y_n[0].real coeffs_n_y = polyfit(lra_y, tst_y, 2) self.solution_n_y = 1 + (coeffs_n_y[1] / (2 * coeffs_n_y[0])) else: #if z_pos_y_n[0][0] == 0: lra_y = [1, 0, -1] tst_y[0] = phi_ref_check_m_y_n[-1].real tst_y[1] = phi_ref_check_m_y_n[0].real tst_y[2] = phi_ref_check_m_y_n[1].real coeffs_n_y = polyfit(lra_y, tst_y, 2) self.solution_n_y = -coeffs_n_y[1] / (2 * coeffs_n_y[0]) print("Y: {0:.2f}".format(self.solution_n_y)) return self.solution_n_x, self.solution_n_y
def evaluate_basis_at(self, grid, component, prefactor=False): r"""Evaluate the basis functions :math:`\phi_k` recursively at the given nodes :math:`\gamma`. :param grid: The grid :math:`\Gamma` containing the nodes :math:`\gamma`. :type grid: A class having a :py:meth:`get_nodes(...)` method. :param component: The index :math:`i` of a single component :math:`\Phi_i` to evaluate. :param prefactor: Whether to include a factor of :math:`\frac{1}{\sqrt{\det(Q)}}`. :type prefactor: Boolean, default is ``False``. :return: A two-dimensional ndarray :math:`H` of shape :math:`(|\mathfrak{K}_i|, |\Gamma|)` where the entry :math:`H[\mu(k), i]` is the value of :math:`\phi_k(\gamma_i)`. """ D = self._dimension bas = self._basis_shapes[component] bs = self._basis_sizes[component] # The grid grid = self._grid_wrap(grid) nodes = grid.get_nodes() nn = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) # Allocate the storage array phi = zeros((bs, nn), dtype=complexfloating) # Precompute some constants Pi = self.get_parameters(component=component) q, p, Q, P, S = Pi Qinv = inv(Q) Qbar = conjugate(Q) QQ = dot(Qinv, Qbar) # Compute the ground state phi_0 via direct evaluation mu0 = bas[tuple(D * [0])] phi[mu0, :] = self._evaluate_phi0(component, nodes, prefactor=False) # Compute all higher order states phi_k via recursion for d in range(D): # Iterator for all valid index vectors k indices = bas.get_node_iterator(mode="chain", direction=d) for k in indices: # Current index vector ki = vstack(k) # Access predecessors phim = zeros((D, nn), dtype=complexfloating) for j, kpj in bas.get_neighbours(k, selection="backward"): mukpj = bas[kpj] phim[j, :] = phi[mukpj, :] # Compute 3-term recursion p1 = (nodes - q) * phi[bas[k], :] p2 = sqrt(ki) * phim t1 = sqrt(2.0 / self._eps**2) * dot(Qinv[d, :], p1) t2 = dot(QQ[d, :], p2) # Find multi-index where to store the result kped = bas.get_neighbours(k, selection="forward", direction=d) # Did we find this k? if len(kped) > 0: kped = kped[0] # Store computed value phi[bas[kped[1]], :] = (t1 - t2) / sqrt(ki[d] + 1.0) if prefactor is True: phi = phi / self._get_sqrt(component)(det(Q)) return phi
#!/home/paulk/software/bin/python from __future__ import division from sys import argv,exit,stderr import scipy import scipy.linalg as SLA # generate random values for X and Y X = scipy.transpose(scipy.mat(scipy.random.random((5,5)))) Y = scipy.transpose(scipy.mat(scipy.random.random(5))) print "X = \n",X print print "Y = \n",Y print print "-----------------------------------------" # use least squares to get B, the regression parameters A = SLA.lstsq(X,Y) print "scipy.lstsq: A = \n",A[0] print print "hermetian: A = \n",SLA.inv(scipy.conjugate(scipy.transpose(X))*X)*scipy.conjugate(scipy.transpose(X))*Y print print "non-hermetian: A = \n",SLA.inv(scipy.transpose(X)*X)*scipy.transpose(X)*Y print
def slim_recursion(self, grid, component, prefactor=False): r"""Evaluate the Hagedorn wavepacket :math:`\Psi` at the given nodes :math:`\gamma`. This routine is a slim version compared to the full basis evaluation. At every moment we store only the data we really need to compute the next step until we hit the highest order basis functions. :param grid: The grid :math:`\Gamma` containing the nodes :math:`\gamma`. :type grid: A class having a :py:meth:`get_nodes(...)` method. :param component: The index :math:`i` of a single component :math:`\Phi_i` to evaluate. :param prefactor: Whether to include a factor of :math:`\frac{1}{\sqrt{\det(Q)}}`. :type prefactor: Boolean, default is ``False``. :return: A list of arrays or a single array containing the values of the :math:`\Phi_i` at the nodes :math:`\gamma`. Note that this function does not include the global phase :math:`\exp(\frac{i S}{\varepsilon^2})`. """ D = self._dimension # Precompute some constants Pi = self.get_parameters(component=component) q, p, Q, P, S = Pi Qinv = inv(Q) Qbar = conjugate(Q) QQ = dot(Qinv, Qbar) # The basis shape bas = self._basis_shapes[component] Z = tuple(D * [0]) # Book keeping todo = [] newtodo = [Z] olddelete = [] delete = [] tmp = {} # The grid nodes grid = self._grid_wrap(grid) nn = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) nodes = grid.get_nodes() # Evaluate phi0 tmp[Z] = self._evaluate_phi0(component, nodes, prefactor=False) psi = self._coefficients[component][bas[Z], 0] * tmp[Z] # Iterate for higher order states while len(newtodo) != 0: # Delete results that never will be used again for d in olddelete: del tmp[d] # Exchange queues todo = newtodo newtodo = [] olddelete = delete delete = [] # Compute new results for k in todo: # Center stencil at node k ki = vstack(k) # Access predecessors phim = zeros((D, nn), dtype=complexfloating) for j, kpj in bas.get_neighbours(k, selection="backward"): phim[j, :] = tmp[kpj] # Compute the neighbours for d, n in bas.get_neighbours(k, selection="forward"): if n not in tmp.keys(): # Compute 3-term recursion p1 = (nodes - q) * tmp[k] p2 = sqrt(ki) * phim t1 = sqrt(2.0 / self._eps**2) * dot(Qinv[d, :], p1) t2 = dot(QQ[d, :], p2) # Store computed value tmp[n] = (t1 - t2) / sqrt(ki[d] + 1.0) # And update the result psi = psi + self._coefficients[component][bas[n], 0] * tmp[n] newtodo.append(n) delete.append(k) if prefactor is True: psi = psi / self._get_sqrt(component)(det(Q)) return psi
parcelTimeSeries = scipy.exp(1j * (scipy.asmatrix(scipy.angle(parcelTimeSeries)))) ########## Get cPLV needed for flips and weighting cPLVArray = 1j * scipy.zeros(len(sourceIdentities), dtype=float) # Initialize as zeros (complex). for i, identity in enumerate( sourceIdentities ): # Compute cPLV only of parcel source pairs of sources that belong to that parcel. One source belong to only one parcel. if sourceIdentities[ i] >= 0: # Don't compute negative values. These should be sources not belonging to any parcel. cPLVArray[i] = scipy.sum( (scipy.asarray(parcelTimeSeries[identity])) * scipy.conjugate(scipy.asarray(sourceTimeSeries[i]))) cPLVArray /= timeOutput # Normalize by samples. For debugging. Output doesn't change even if you don't do this. ########## Get weights and flip. This could be the output. weights = scipy.zeros(len(sourceIdentities)) # Initialize as zeros for i, cPLV in enumerate(cPLVArray): weights[i] = scipy.real(cPLV)**2 * scipy.sign( scipy.real(cPLV)) # Sign is the flip; weight (real part)^2 ########## Create weighted inverse operator and normalize the norm of weighted inv op to match original inv op's norm. weightedInvOp = scipy.eye(weights.shape[0]) * weights, inverseOperator ) # Multiply sensor dimension in inverseOperator by weight. This one would be the un-normalized operator.
def absq(x): return x*sp.conjugate(x)
print "%.3f " % (time.clock() - t_solving), "secondes passed" print "V_port = " print V_port print "I_port = " print I_port print "==" * 30 # In[] t_cal_gain = time.clock() direct = calGain() D0 = np.max(direct[1][2]) / scipy.real( scipy.sum(scipy.conjugate(V_port) * I_port)) * 2 * pi4 print "gain obtained" print "%.3f " % (time.clock() - t_cal_gain), "secondes passed" print "direct = ", D0 print "gain = ", 10. * np.log10(D0), 'dBi' print "==" * 30 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np ths, phs, aug = direct[1] ts, ps = np.meshgrid(ths, phs)
def genRadiationPattern2(ths_phs): try: # print ths_phs RPs = [0 for _ in ths_phs] # 定义一个辅助空间保存各个单元的因子,其作用是利用向量乘积的办法计算远处的电场 rr = 100.0 # 对方向角度中的集合进行迭代 brs = np.zeros([len(ths_phs), 3]) for iid, th_ph in enumerate(ths_phs): th0, ph0 = th_ph # 俯仰角和方位角 # 根据俯仰角和方位角计算三个向量 try: th0, ph0 = th_ph # 俯仰角和方位角 # 根据俯仰角和方位角计算三个向量 if th0 >= 0 and th0 <= scipy.pi: br = np.array([ scipy.sin(th0) * scipy.cos(ph0), scipy.sin(th0) * scipy.sin(ph0), scipy.cos(th0) ]) * rr # 1.j*k向量 elif th0 < 0 and th0 >= -scipy.pi: th0 = -th0 ph0 = ph0 + scipy.pi br = np.array([ scipy.sin(th0) * scipy.cos(ph0), scipy.sin(th0) * scipy.sin(ph0), scipy.cos(th0) ]) * rr # 1.j*k向量 elif th0 > scipy.pi and th0 <= scipy.pi * 2.0: th0 = th0 - scipy.pi ph0 = ph0 + scipy.pi br = np.array([ scipy.sin(th0) * scipy.cos(ph0), scipy.sin(th0) * scipy.sin(ph0), scipy.cos(th0) ]) * rr # 1.j*k向量 except Exception as e: print e raise brs[iid] = br EEs = scipy.array([calE_total(br_cell) for br_cell in brs]) HHs = scipy.array([calH_total(br_cell) for br_cell in brs]) WWs = scipy.array([ scipy.real(scipy.cross(EE, scipy.conjugate(HH))) for EE, HH in zip(EEs, HHs) ]) * 0.5 RPs = scipy.array( [rr *, br_cell) for WW, br_cell in zip(WWs, brs)]) # for br in brs: # # 计算电场 # EE = calE_total(br) # # 计算磁场 # HH = calH_total(br) # # 计算坡印廷矢量 # WW = scipy.real(scipy.cross(EE,scipy.conjugate(HH)))*0.5 # # 计算功率密度 # UU = rr*,br) # # 保存,并返回 # RPs[iid] = UU return RPs except Exception as e: print e print ths_phs print np.shape(brs) print br raise
def integrand(x): return sp.conjugate( f(x) ) * f(x) * weight(x);