def sgrad(self, x, ndata=100, bound=True, average=True): low_no = sp.random.randint(0, high=50000 - ndata) high_no = low_no + ndata sli = slice(low_no, high_no) data2 = [] data2.append([0][sli]) data2.append([1][sli]) gradient = self.gradEval(x, tuple(data2)) m = int(sp.shape(gradient)[1]) '''u is the random direction matrix''' u = sp.random.randint(0, high=m, size=sp.shape(gradient)) '''taking element wise product of u and gradient and then row wise sum to get dot product of the matrices. dotprod is 10X1 matrix''' dotprod = (u * gradient).sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) stoc_grad = dotprod * u if bound == True: len_vec = sp.sqrt( sp.diagonal(, sp.transpose(stoc_grad)))) #creating the list where len_vec is greater than desired value bool_list = list(map(lambda z: z > 10, len_vec)) #converting boolean list to array of 1 0 bool_array = sp.array(bool_list, dtype=int) #calculating factor to be divided with norm_factor = sp.divide(bool_array, float(m) * len_vec) norm_factor[norm_factor == 0] = 1 #replacing 0's with 1 temp_norm = sp.reshape(norm_factor, (len(norm_factor), 1)) * sp.ones( sp.shape(stoc_grad)) stoc_grad = sp.divide(stoc_grad, temp_norm) '''alternatively we can use this for i in range(len(len_vec)): #this for loop is small as len_vec len is 10 if len_vec[i] > 10: stoc_grad[i,:] = stoc_grad[i,:]/(float(m)*float(len_vec[i]))''' return stoc_grad
def indx_1dto3d(idx, sz): """ Translate 1D vector coordinates to 3D matrix coordinates for a 3D matrix of size sz. Parameters ---------- idx : array A 1D numpy coordinate vector. sz : array Shape of 3D matrix idx. Returns ------- x : int x-coordinate of 3D matrix coordinates. y : int y-coordinate of 3D matrix coordinates. z : int z-coordinate of 3D matrix coordinates. References ---------- .. Adapted from PyClusterROI """ from scipy import divide, prod x = divide(idx, prod(sz[1:3])) y = divide(idx - x * prod(sz[1:3]), sz[2]) z = idx - x * prod(sz[1:3]) - y * sz[2] return x, y, z
def __init__(self, fc, c_vel, alp_g, mu_los, mu_nlos, a, b, noise_var, hUAV, xUAV, yUAV, xUE, yUE): dist = sp.sqrt( sp.add(sp.square(sp.subtract(yUAV, yUE)), sp.square(sp.subtract(xUAV, xUE))) ) R_dist = sp.sqrt( sp.add(sp.square(dist), sp.square(hUAV)) ) temp1 = sp.multiply(10, sp.log10(sp.power(fc*4*sp.pi*R_dist/c_vel, alp_g))) temp2 = sp.multiply(sp.subtract(mu_los, mu_nlos), sp.divide(1, (1+a*sp.exp(-b*sp.arctan(hUAV/dist)-a)))) temp3 = sp.add(sp.add(temp1, temp2), mu_nlos) self.pathloss = sp.divide(sp.real(sp.power(10, -sp.divide(temp3, 10))), noise_var)
def european_option_delta(self): numerator = sp.add( sp.log( sp.divide( self.spot_price, self.strike_price ) ), sp.multiply( ( self.interest_rate - self.dividend_yield + 0.5*sp.power(self.sigma,2)), self.time_to_maturity ) ) d1 = sp.divide( numerator, [ self.sigma, sp.sqrt(self.time_to_maturity) ], axis=0, ) ) call_delta = self.bls_erf_value(d1) put_delta = call_delta - 1 return call_delta, put_delta
def european_option_rho(self): "Price of the call option" "the vectorized method can compute price of multiple options in array" numerator = sp.add( sp.log( sp.divide( self.spot_price, self.strike_price, ) ), sp.multiply( ( self.interest_rate - self.dividend_yield + 0.5*sp.power(self.sigma,2) ), self.time_to_maturity) ) d1 = sp.divide( numerator, [ self.sigma, sp.sqrt(self.time_to_maturity) ], axis=0, ) ) d2 = sp.add( d1, -sp.multiply( self.sigma, sp.sqrt(self.time_to_maturity) ) ) j = sp.product( [ self.spot_price, self.time_to_maturity, sp.exp( sp.multiply( -self.interest_rate, self.time_to_maturity ) ), ], axis=0 ) c_rho = j * self.bls_erf_value(d2) p_rho = -j * self.bls_erf_value(-d2) return c_rho, p_rho
def PointDipole(Freq,EpsB,Cell,NX,NY,NZ,Xs,Ys,Zs,XPol,YPol,ZPol): """Returns the incident field Ein over the computational domain, produced by a point dipole source polarized as (XPol,YPol,ZPol) and located at (Xs,Ys,Zs) """ c0=299792458.0 # speed of light in vacuum Mu0=4.0*sci.pi*1.0e-7 # vacuum permeability Eps0=1.0/(Mu0*c0*c0) # vacuum permittivity Field=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ,3),complex) Omega=2.0*sci.pi*Freq EtaB=-1.0j*Omega*Eps0*EpsB ZetaB=-1.0j*Omega*Mu0 KB=Omega*sci.sqrt(Eps0*EpsB*Mu0) # 3D arrays of x,y,z coordinates xx,yy,zz=sci.mgrid[0:NX*Cell:Cell,0:NY*Cell:Cell,0:NZ*Cell:Cell] # 3D arrays of distances dd=sci.sqrt((xx-Xs)**2+(yy-Ys)**2+(zz-Zs)**2) dd2=dd*dd Xd=xx-Xs Yd=yy-Ys Zd=zz-Zs # 3D arrays of components of the Q-matrix Q11=(Xd*Xd)/dd2 Q12=(Xd*Yd)/dd2 Q13=(Xd*Zd)/dd2 Q21=Q12 Q22=(Yd*Yd)/dd2 Q23=(Yd*Zd)/dd2 Q31=Q13 Q32=Q23 Q33=(Zd*Zd)/dd2 QJ1=Q11*XPol+Q12*YPol+Q13*ZPol QJ2=Q21*XPol+Q22*YPol+Q23*ZPol QJ3=Q31*XPol+Q32*YPol+Q33*ZPol dd2=dd*dd dd3=dd2*dd Field[0:NX,0:NY,0:NZ,0]=sci.exp(1.0j*KB*dd)*\ (sci.divide((3.0*QJ1-XPol),(4.0*EtaB*sci.pi*dd3))\ +sci.divide((3.0*QJ1-XPol)*(-1.0j*KB),(4.0*EtaB*sci.pi*dd2))\ +sci.divide((QJ1-XPol),(4.0*ZetaB*sci.pi*dd))) Field[0:NX,0:NY,0:NZ,1]=sci.exp(1.0j*KB*dd)*\ (sci.divide((3.0*QJ2-YPol),(4.0*EtaB*sci.pi*dd3))\ +sci.divide((3.0*QJ2-YPol)*(-1.0j*KB),(4.0*EtaB*sci.pi*dd2))\ +sci.divide((QJ2-YPol),(4.0*ZetaB*sci.pi*dd))) Field[0:NX,0:NY,0:NZ,2]=sci.exp(1.0j*KB*dd)*\ (sci.divide((3.0*QJ3-ZPol),(4.0*EtaB*sci.pi*dd3))\ +sci.divide((3.0*QJ3-ZPol)*(-1.0j*KB),(4.0*EtaB*sci.pi*dd2))\ +sci.divide((QJ3-ZPol),(4.0*ZetaB*sci.pi*dd))) return Field
def __init__(self,WeakLearner,training_data, \ bin_training_label,T,Twl): self.T = T self.weakLearner = WeakLearner numOfSamples = len(training_data) self.numOfFeatures = len(training_data[0]) self.D = [1.0/numOfSamples for _ in xrange(0,numOfSamples)] self.w = [0.0 for _ in xrange(0,T)] = [] for t in xrange(0,T): if t%10==0: print "getting weak learner number "+str(t) wl = self.weakLearner(training_data,bin_training_label,Twl,D=self.D) epsilon=0.00001 #we want to prevent the case where epsilon=0, #because the calculation of w relays on epsilon!=0 for i in xrange(0,numOfSamples): h_t_xi =[t].Classify(training_data[i]) y_xi = bin_training_label[i] if h_t_xi != y_xi : epsilon+=self.D[i] if epsilon>0.5: print " warning: for the "+str(t)+" iteration got "+\ "{0:.2f}".format(epsilon)+" error the training set " self.w[t]=0.5*math.log(1.0/epsilon-1) for i in xrange(0,numOfSamples): yi = labelTosign(bin_training_label[i]) hti =labelTosign([t].Classify(training_data[i])) self.D[i]=self.D[i]*math.exp(-1.0*self.w[t]*yi*hti) self.D = sp.divide(self.D,sp.sum(self.D))
def density(self, x): assert x.shape == self.dim, "Problem with the dimensionalities" assert x.dtype == int, "x has to be an integer array" theta = self.params['theta'].flatten() x = x.flatten() # return (stats.poisson.pmf(x,theta) ) return**x * s.exp(-theta), s.misc.factorial(x)))
def generate_stats(trueY, forecastY, missing=True): """ From TRMF code """ nz_mask = trueY != 0 diff = forecastY - trueY abs_true = sp.absolute(trueY) abs_diff = sp.absolute(diff) def my_mean(x): tmp = x[sp.isfinite(x)] assert len(tmp) != 0 return tmp.mean() with sp.errstate(divide='ignore'): # rmse rmse = sp.sqrt((diff**2).mean()) # normalized root mean squared error nrmse = sp.sqrt((diff**2).mean()) / abs_true.mean() # baseline abs_baseline = sp.absolute(trueY[1:, :] - trueY[:-1, :]) mase = abs_diff.mean() / abs_baseline.mean() m_mase = my_mean(abs_diff.mean(axis=0) / abs_baseline.mean(axis=0)) mape = my_mean(sp.divide(abs_diff, abs_true, where=nz_mask)) return mape, mase, rmse
def __init__(self,WeakLearner,training_data, \ bin_training_label,T,Twl): self.T = T self.weakLearner = WeakLearner numOfSamples = len(training_data) self.numOfFeatures = len(training_data[0]) self.D = [1.0 / numOfSamples for _ in xrange(0, numOfSamples)] self.w = [0.0 for _ in xrange(0, T)] = [] for t in xrange(0, T): if t % 10 == 0: print "getting weak learner number " + str(t) wl = self.weakLearner(training_data, bin_training_label, Twl, D=self.D) epsilon = 0.00001 #we want to prevent the case where epsilon=0, #because the calculation of w relays on epsilon!=0 for i in xrange(0, numOfSamples): h_t_xi =[t].Classify(training_data[i]) y_xi = bin_training_label[i] if h_t_xi != y_xi: epsilon += self.D[i] if epsilon > 0.5: print " warning: for the "+str(t)+" iteration got "+\ "{0:.2f}".format(epsilon)+" error the training set " self.w[t] = 0.5 * math.log(1.0 / epsilon - 1) for i in xrange(0, numOfSamples): yi = labelTosign(bin_training_label[i]) hti = labelTosign([t].Classify(training_data[i])) self.D[i] = self.D[i] * math.exp(-1.0 * self.w[t] * yi * hti) self.D = sp.divide(self.D, sp.sum(self.D))
def reflect1(v, u, c): print("Reflect by vector math variant 1:") c = 0 center_ = eT(center(len(v))) print("center_:", center_) print("v:", v) v = scipy.subtract(v, center_) print("v:", v) print("u:", u) print("c:", c) v_dot_u =, u) print("v_dot_u:", v_dot_u) v_dot_u_minus_c = scipy.subtract(v_dot_u, c) print("v_dot_u_minus_c:", v_dot_u_minus_c) u_dot_u =, u) print("u_dot_u:", u_dot_u) quotient = scipy.divide(v_dot_u_minus_c, u_dot_u) print("quotient:", quotient) subtrahend = scipy.multiply((2 * quotient), u) print("subtrahend:", subtrahend) reflection = scipy.subtract(v, subtrahend) print("reflection:", reflection) reflection = scipy.add(reflection, center_) print("reflection:", reflection) return reflection
def hyperplane_equation_from_dimensonality(dimensions, transpositional_equivalence=False, sector=1): center_ = center(dimensions) cyclical_region_vertices_ = cyclical_region_vertices( dimensions, transpositional_equivalence) for i in range(sector): front = cyclical_region_vertices_.pop(0) cyclical_region_vertices_.append(front) upper_point = midpoint(cyclical_region_vertices_[1], cyclical_region_vertices_[2]) lower_point = midpoint(cyclical_region_vertices_[0], cyclical_region_vertices_[-1]) print("sector:", sector) print("upper_point:", upper_point) print("lower_point:", lower_point) if transpositional_equivalence == True: center_ = eT(center_) #~ lower_point = eT(lower_point) #~ upper_point = eT(upper_point) normal_vector = scipy.subtract(upper_point, lower_point) norm = scipy.linalg.norm(normal_vector) unit_normal_vector = scipy.divide(normal_vector, norm) constant_term = debug("hyperplane_equation_from_dimensonality for", dimensions, "voices:") print("center:") for e in center_: print(e) print("unit_normal_vector:") for e in unit_normal_vector: print(e) print("constant_term:", constant_term) print() return unit_normal_vector, constant_term
def hyperplane_equation_by_svd_from_vectors(points, t_equivalence='True'): t_ = [] if t_equivalence == True: debug("original points:\n", points) for point in points: t_.append(eT(point)) points = t_ debug("points:\n", points) vectors = [] subtrahend = points[-1] debug("subtrahend:", subtrahend) for i in range(len(points) - 1): vector = scipy.subtract(points[i], subtrahend) vectors.append(vector) # debug("vectors:\n", vectors) vectors = scipy.array(vectors) debug("vectors:\n", vectors) U, singular_values, V = scipy.linalg.svd(vectors) debug("U:\n", U) print("singular values:", singular_values) debug("V:\n", V) normal_vector = V[-1] debug("normal_vector:", normal_vector) norm = scipy.linalg.norm(normal_vector) debug("norm:", norm) unit_normal_vector = scipy.divide(normal_vector, norm) print("unit_normal_vector:") for e in unit_normal_vector: print(e) constant_term =, subtrahend) print("constant_term:", constant_term) print() return unit_normal_vector, constant_term
def hyperplane_equation_by_nullspace_from_points(points, t_equivalence='True'): t_ = [] if t_equivalence == True: debug("original points:\n", points) for point in points: t_.append(eT(point)) points = t_ debug("points:\n", points) try: debug("determinant of points:", scipy.linalg.det(points)) except: pass homogeneous_points = [] for point in points: homogeneous_points.append(scipy.append(point, [1])) debug("homogeneous points:", homogeneous_points) nullspace = scipy.linalg.null_space(homogeneous_points) nullspace = scipy.ndarray.flatten(nullspace[:-1]) debug("nullspace from homogeneous points:", nullspace) constant_term =, points[0]) debug("constant_term:", constant_term) norm = scipy.linalg.norm(nullspace) debug("norm:", norm) unit_normal = scipy.divide(nullspace, norm) print("unit normal vector:", unit_normal) constant_term =, points[0]) print("constant_term:", constant_term) return unit_normal, constant_term
def hyperplane_equation_by_nullspace_from_vectors(points, t_equivalence='True'): vectors = [] t_ = [] if t_equivalence == True: debug("original points:", points) for point in points: t_.append(eT(point)) points = t_ debug("points:", points) try: debug("determinant of points:", scipy.linalg.det(points)) except: pass subtrahend = points[-1] debug("subtrahend:", subtrahend) for i in range(len(points) - 1): vector = scipy.subtract(points[i], subtrahend) debug("vector[", i, "]:", vector) vectors.append(vector) nullspace = scipy.linalg.null_space(vectors) debug("nullspace from vectors:", nullspace) norm = scipy.linalg.norm(nullspace) debug("norm:", norm) unit_normal_vector = scipy.divide(nullspace, norm) print("unit_normal_vector:") for e in unit_normal_vector: print(e) constant_term =, subtrahend) print("constant_term:", constant_term) return unit_normal_vector, constant_term
def hyperplane_equation_by_cross_product(points, t_equivalence='True'): vectors = [] t_ = [] if t_equivalence == True: debug("original points:", points) for point in points: t_.append(eT(point)) points = t_ debug("points:", points) debug("determinant of points:", scipy.linalg.det(points)) subtrahend = points[-1] debug("subtrahend:", subtrahend) for i in range(len(points) - 1): vector = scipy.subtract(points[i], subtrahend) debug("vector[", i, "]:", vector) vectors.append(vector) debug("vectors:", vectors) product = generalized_cross_product(vectors) print("generalized_cross_product:", product) norm = scipy.linalg.norm(product) debug("norm:", norm) unit_normal_vector = scipy.divide(product, norm) print("unit_normal_vector:") for e in unit_normal_vector: print(e) constant_term =, subtrahend) print("constant_term:", constant_term) return unit_normal_vector, constant_term
def BodefromTwoTimeDomainVectors(timevector,output,input,truncfreq=100): """This function calculates the Bode response between two time domain signals. The timevector is used to calculate the frequency vector, which is then used to truncate the Bode response to reduce calculation time and return only useful information. Input and output are time domain vectors. The return values are freq, magnitude ratio, phase, complex The goal of this function is to be useful for small amounts of data and/or as part of a routine to calculate a Bode response from fixed sine data.""" N=len(timevector) f=makefreqvect(timevector) co=thresh_py(f,truncfreq) f=f[0:co] curin_fft=fft(input,None,0)*2/N curout_fft=fft(output,None,0)*2/N curin_fft=curin_fft[0:co] curout_fft=curout_fft[0:co] curGxx=norm2(curin_fft) curGyy=norm2(curout_fft) curGxy=scipy.multiply(scipy.conj(curin_fft),curout_fft) H=scipy.divide(curGxy,curGxx) Hmag=abs(H) Hphase=mat_atan2(scipy.imag(H),scipy.real(H))*180.0/pi return f,Hmag,Hphase,H
def get_F1Mean(self): """ Compute F1 Mean """ nl = sp.sum(self.confusionMatrix,axis=1,dtype=float) nc = sp.sum(self.confusionMatrix,axis=0,dtype=float) return 2*sp.mean( sp.divide( sp.diag(self.confusionMatrix), (nl + nc)) )
def gradEval(self, x, data1): '''gradient form is negative for the form shown in the image''' self.x_temp = x self.dat_temp = data1 self.fn2 = None map(self.secondpart, [i for i in range(10)]) gd2b = self.fn2 #DSX1 #fn_stacked creates first parts w's self.gd_stacked = sp.ones( 784) #next two steps are req for calling stack fn map(self.stack, data1[1], ['gd_stacked' for i in range(len(data1[1]))]) self.gd_stacked = sp.delete( self.gd_stacked, (0), axis=0) #deleting the first row (of ones created above) gd2a1 = self.gd_stacked * self.dat_temp[0] gd2a = sp.exp(gd2a1.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)) #DSX1 temp = sp.divide(gd2a, gd2b) * self.dat_temp[0] self.grad_vec_l = -1 * self.dat_temp[0] + temp self.grad_vec = sp.ones((10, 1)) iter_temp = sp.array([i for i in range(784)]) map(self.grad_pooling, iter_temp) self.grad_vec = sp.delete(self.grad_vec, (0), axis=1) return self.grad_vec
def array_factor(number_of_elements_x, number_of_elements_y, element_spacing_x, element_spacing_y, frequency, scan_angle_theta, scan_angle_phi, theta, phi): """ Calculate the array factor for a planar uniform array. :param number_of_elements_x: The number of elements in the x-direction. :param number_of_elements_y: The number of elements in the y-direction. :param element_spacing_x: The spacing of the elements in the x-direction (m). :param element_spacing_y: The spacing of the elements in the y-direction (m). :param frequency: The operating frequency (Hz). :param scan_angle_theta: The scan angle in the theta-direction (rad). :param scan_angle_phi: The scan angle in the phi-direction (rad). :param theta: The pattern angle in theta (rad). :param phi: The pattern angle in phi (rad). :return: The array factor for a planar uniform array. """ # Calculate the wave number k = 2.0 * pi * frequency / c # Calculate the phase psi_x = k * element_spacing_x * ( sin(theta) * cos(phi) - sin(scan_angle_theta) * cos(scan_angle_phi)) psi_y = k * element_spacing_y * ( sin(theta) * sin(phi) - sin(scan_angle_theta) * sin(scan_angle_phi)) # Break into numerator and denominator numerator = sin(0.5 * number_of_elements_x * psi_x) * sin( 0.5 * number_of_elements_y * psi_y) denominator = number_of_elements_x * number_of_elements_y * sin( 0.5 * psi_x) * sin(0.5 * psi_y) return divide(numerator, denominator, ones_like(psi_x), where=(denominator != 0.0)), psi_x, psi_y
def generate(cls, trueY, forecastY, missing=True): nz_mask = trueY != 0 diff = forecastY - trueY abs_true = sp.absolute(trueY) abs_diff = sp.absolute(diff) def my_mean(x): tmp = x[sp.isfinite(x)] assert len(tmp) != 0 return tmp.mean() with sp.errstate(divide='ignore'): nrmse = sp.sqrt((diff**2).mean()) / abs_true.mean() m_nrmse = my_mean( sp.sqrt((diff**2).mean(axis=0)) / abs_true.mean(axis=0)) nd = abs_diff.sum() / abs_true.sum() m_nd = my_mean(abs_diff.sum(axis=0) / abs_true.sum(axis=0)) abs_baseline = sp.absolute(trueY[1:, :] - trueY[:-1, :]) mase = abs_diff.mean() / abs_baseline.mean() m_mase = my_mean(abs_diff.mean(axis=0) / abs_baseline.mean(axis=0)) mape = my_mean(sp.divide(abs_diff, abs_true, where=nz_mask)) return cls(nd=nd, mase=mase, nrmse=nrmse, m_nd=m_nd, m_mase=m_mase, m_nrmse=m_nrmse, mape=mape)
def processing_part3(flann, gray_roi, gray_img): orb = cv2.ORB(nfeatures=100, nlevels=4, scaleFactor=1.3) key_points, query_descriptors = orb.detectAndCompute(gray_roi, None) matches = flann.knnMatch(np.uint8(query_descriptors), k=6) vote_array = np.zeros((gray_img.shape[0] / 10, gray_img.shape[1] / 10), dtype=np.uint8) for match in matches: for index in match: vectorx = ( key_points[index.queryIdx].size * key_points_math_array[index.trainIdx].distance[0] * scipy.cos(key_points_math_array[index.trainIdx].distance[2] + key_points[index.queryIdx].distance[2] - key_points_math_array[index.trainIdx].distance[2]) ) / key_points_math_array[index.trainIdx].size vectory = ( key_points[index.queryIdx].size * key_points_math_array[index.trainIdx].distance[0] * scipy.sin(key_points_math_array[index.trainIdx].distance[2] + key_points[index.imgIdx].distance[2] - key_points_math_array[index.trainIdx].distance[2]) ) / key_points_math_array[index.trainIdx].size kpx = int( scipy.divide(key_points[index.imgIdx].pt[0] + vectorx, 10)) kpy = int( scipy.divide(key_points[index.imgIdx].pt[1] + vectory, 10)) if (kpx > 0 and kpy > 0) and (kpx < vote_array.shape[1] and kpy < vote_array.shape[0]): vote_array[kpy, kpx] += 1 vote_array = cv2.resize(vote_array, None, fx=10, fy=10, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) max_index = np.unravel_index(vote_array.argmax(), vote_array.shape) position = (max_index[0], max_index[1]), position, gray_img.shape[1] / 33, (0, 0, 255), thickness=2) return gray_img
def updateExpectations(self): a, b = self.params['a'], self.params['b'] E = s.divide(a, a + b) lnE = special.digamma(a) - special.digamma(a + b) lnEInv = special.digamma(b) - special.digamma( a + b) # expectation of ln(1-X) lnEInv[s.isinf( lnEInv)] = -s.inf # there is a numerical error in lnEInv if E=1 self.expectations = {'E': E, 'lnE': lnE, 'lnEInv': lnEInv}
def european_option_vega(self): numerator = sp.add( sp.log( sp.divide( self.spot_price, self.strike_price ) ), sp.multiply( ( self.interest_rate - self.dividend_yield + 0.5*sp.power(self.sigma,2)), self.time_to_maturity ) ) d1 = sp.divide( numerator, [ self.sigma, sp.sqrt(self.time_to_maturity) ], axis=0, ) ) val = sp.multiply( sp.multiply( self.spot_price, sp.exp( -sp.multiply( self.dividend_yield, self.time_to_maturity ) ) ), sp.exp(-sp.square(d1)*0.5) ) val = sp.multiply( val, sp.sqrt(self.time_to_maturity) ) vega = (1/sqrt(2*pi))*val return vega
def diffTaylor(v,i): coeffs = polyfit(v,i,3) vFit = linspace(min(v),max(v),100) iFit = polyval(coeffs, vFit) polynomial = poly1d(coeffs) #didv = lambda ix: 6*coeffs[0]*((ix)**5) + 5*coeffs[1]*((ix)**4) + 4*coeffs[2]*((ix)**3) + 3*coeffs[3]*((ix)**2) + 2*coeffs[4]*(ix) + coeffs[5] didv = lambda ix: 3*coeffs[0]*((ix)**2) + 2*coeffs[1]*(ix) + coeffs[2] g = [float(didv(val)) for val in vFit] rFit = divide(1,g) return vFit, iFit, rFit
def loss_to_pair(self, pair, atg_a, atg_b, pl_exp=4, gamma=1e2): dist = sp.sqrt( sp.add(sp.square(pair.tx_x), sp.add(sp.square(pair.tx_y), sp.square(self.h)))) phi = sp.multiply(sp.divide(180, sp.pi), sp.arcsin(sp.divide(self.h, dist))) pr_LOS = sp.divide( 1, sp.add( 1, sp.multiply( atg_a, sp.exp(sp.multiply(-atg_b, sp.subtract(phi, atg_a)))))) pr_NLOS = sp.subtract(1, pr_LOS) total_loss = sp.add( sp.multiply(pr_LOS, sp.power(dist, -pl_exp)), sp.multiply(sp.multiply(pr_NLOS, gamma), sp.power(dist, -pl_exp))) return total_loss
def feval(self, x, average=True): '''I'm considering opt problem regarding parameters of each digit independently i.e.., I have ten opt problems to solve. loss_fn is an 10X1 matrix or vector''' data = loss_fn = self.funcEval(x, data) if average == True: n_vals = sp.bincount([1]).astype( float) #counts no of 1's 2's ..... in the dataset loss_fn = sp.divide(loss_fn, sp.reshape(n_vals, sp.shape(loss_fn))) return loss_fn else: return loss_fn
def sfeval(self, x, ndata=100, average=True): '''slice the data, slice size is given by ndata.''' low_no = sp.random.randint(0, high=50000 - ndata) high_no = low_no + ndata sli = slice(low_no, high_no) data2 = [] data2.append([0][sli]) data2.append([1][sli]) loss_fn = self.funcEval(x, tuple(data2)) if average == True: '''assuming that in this 100 numbers every digit happens atleast once''' n_vals = sp.bincount(data2[1]).astype(float) loss_fn = sp.divide(loss_fn, sp.reshape(n_vals, sp.shape(loss_fn))) return loss_fn else: return loss_fn
def far_fields(radius, frequency, r, theta, phi): """ Calculate the electric and magnetic fields in the far field of the aperture. :param r: The range to the field point (m). :param theta: The theta angle to the field point (rad). :param phi: The phi angle to the field point (rad). :param radius: The radius of the aperture (m). :param frequency: The operating frequency (Hz). :return: The electric and magnetic fields radiated by the aperture (V/m), (A/m). """ # Calculate the wavenumber k = 2.0 * pi * frequency / c # Calculate the wave impedance eta = sqrt(mu_0 / epsilon_0) # Calculate the argument for the Bessel function z = k * radius * sin(theta) # Calculate the Bessel function bessel_term = divide(jv(1, z), z, where=z != 0.0) # Define the radial-component of the electric far field (V/m) e_r = 0.0 # Define the theta-component of the electric far field (V/m) e_theta = 1j * k * radius**2 * exp( -1j * k * r) / r * sin(phi) * bessel_term # Define the phi-component of the electric far field (V/m) e_phi = 1j * k * radius**2 * exp(-1j * k * r) / r * cos(phi) * bessel_term # Define the radial-component of the magnetic far field (A/m) h_r = 0.0 # Define the theta-component of the magnetic far field (A/m) h_theta = 1j * k * radius**2 * exp( -1j * k * r) / r * -cos(theta) * cos(phi) / eta * bessel_term # Define the phi-component of the magnetic far field (A/m) h_phi = 1j * k * radius**2 * exp( -1j * k * r) / r * sin(phi) / eta * bessel_term # Return all six components of the far field return e_r, e_theta, e_phi, h_r, h_theta, h_phi
def diffTaylor(v, i): coeffs = polyfit(v, i, 3) vFit = linspace(min(v), max(v), 100) iFit = polyval(coeffs, vFit) polynomial = poly1d(coeffs) # Second order didv = lambda ix: 3 * coeffs[0] * ( (ix)**2) + 2 * coeffs[1] * (ix) + coeffs[2] # Fifth order #didv = lambda ix: # 6*coeffs[0]*((ix)**5) + 5*coeffs[1]*((ix)**4) + 4*coeffs[2]*((ix)**3) + # 3*coeffs[3]*((ix)**2) + 2*coeffs[4]*(ix) + coeffs[5] rFit = divide(1, [float(didv(val)) for val in vFit]) return vFit, iFit, rFit
def main(): wheel_graph = networkx.generators.classic.wheel_graph(10) model = glove.Glove(2, learning_rate=0.01, alpha=0.2, max_count=1000) adj_matrix = networkx.adjacency_matrix(wheel_graph) adj_matrix = adj_matrix.toarray().astype('d') normalized_adj_matrix = scipy.divide(adj_matrix, adj_matrix.sum(1)[:, scipy.newaxis]), epochs=1000) vertex_positions = { vertex_idx: tuple(model.word_vectors[vertex_idx]) for vertex_idx in range(wheel_graph.order()) } networkx.drawing.draw(wheel_graph, pos=vertex_positions) plt.savefig("asdf.png") pass
def reflect(v, u, c): print("Reflect by vector math:") print("v:", v) print("u:", u) print("c:", c) v_dot_u =, u) print("v_dot_u:", v_dot_u) v_dot_u_minus_c = scipy.subtract(v_dot_u, c) print("v_dot_u_minus_c:", v_dot_u_minus_c) u_dot_u =, u) print("u_dot_u:", u_dot_u) quotient = scipy.divide(v_dot_u_minus_c, u_dot_u) print("quotient:", quotient) subtrahend = scipy.multiply(u, (2 * quotient)) print("subtrahend:", subtrahend) reflection = scipy.subtract(v, subtrahend) print("reflection:", reflection) return reflection
def build_W(self, N_x, sparsity_tuples, scaling_W): # N_x integer # sparsity between 0 and 1 inclusive # scaling_W >= 1 sparsity_tuples_list = tuple([(a_row[0], a_row[1]) for a_row in sparsity_tuples]) if os.path.isfile('./W_(adjacency)/W_' + str(N_x) + '_' + str(N_x) + '_' + str(sparsity_tuples_list) + '.txt'): print("Loading W") # If file already exists W = sp.loadtxt('./W_(adjacency)/W_' + str(N_x) + '_' + str(N_x) + '_' + str(sparsity_tuples_list) + '.txt') else: # If file doesn't yet exist # No notion of locality here # Designate connection or no connection at each element of the (N_x) by (N_x) matrix: W_sparsity_list = [] # Rows used for each sparsity rows_used_for_sparsity = (sp.around( sp.multiply(sparsity_tuples[:, 1], N_x))).astype(int) for i, sparsity_pair in enumerate(sparsity_tuples): this_density = sparsity_pair[0] W_sparsity_list.append( sp.sparse.random(rows_used_for_sparsity[i], N_x, density=this_density).todense()) #TODO: Make sure there are no 'holes!' in W # Build sparse adjacency matrix W: W_unnormalized = sp.multiply( sp.random.choice((-1, 1), size=(N_x, N_x)), sp.vstack(W_sparsity_list)) # Normalize by largest eigenvalue and additional scaling factor # to control decrease of spectral radius. spectral_radius = sp.amax(abs(sp.linalg.eigvals(W_unnormalized))) print("SPECTRAL RADIUS IS IS " + str(spectral_radius)) W = sp.multiply(scaling_W, sp.divide(W_unnormalized, spectral_radius)) sp.savetxt('W_(adjacency)/W_' + str(N_x) + '_' + str(N_x) + '_' + str(sparsity_tuples_list) + '.txt', W, fmt='%.4f') return W
def load_graph_adj_matrix(): adj_list_in_ids = {} tag_name_to_idx = {} with open('graph.csv') as graph_file: graph_reader = csv.DictReader(graph_file) tag_names = set() for row in graph_reader: tag_name_1 = row['tag1'] tag_name_2 = row['tag2'] post_count = int(row['post_count']) tag_names.add(tag_name_1) tag_names.add(tag_name_2) try: adj_list_in_ids[tag_name_1].append((tag_name_2, post_count)) except KeyError: adj_list_in_ids[tag_name_1] = [(tag_name_2, post_count)] tag_name_to_idx = { tag_name: idx for idx, tag_name in enumerate(sorted(tag_names)) } # initialize empty matrix tags_count = len(adj_list_in_ids) adj_matrix = scipy.zeros((tags_count, tags_count)) for tag_name, adj_row in adj_list_in_ids.items(): tag_namex = tag_name_to_idx[tag_name] for adj_tag, post_count in adj_row: adj_tag_namex = tag_name_to_idx[adj_tag] adj_matrix[tag_namex, adj_tag_namex] = post_count adj_matrix[adj_tag_namex, tag_namex] = post_count # normalization normalized_adj_matrix = scipy.divide(adj_matrix, adj_matrix.sum(1)[:, scipy.newaxis]) #ordered_by_idx_tag_names = sorted(tag_name_to_idx.keys(), key=lambda tag_name: tag_name_to_idx[tag_name]) return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(normalized_adj_matrix), tag_name_to_idx
def CalcBodesFromDataset(tddict, bodelist, description='', \ truncfreq=100, filto=2, wn=0.1,\ avefilt=True, jump=250): # pdb.set_trace() bodedict={} bodedict['description']=description tempfreq=makefreqvect(tddict['t']) co=thresh_py(tempfreq,truncfreq) bodedict['freq']=tempfreq[0:co] bodedict['xname']='freq' bodedict['bodes']=[] avedict=copy.deepcopy(bodedict) N=len(tddict['t']) fncopy=tddict['filenames'] fnout=[] for fn in fncopy: folder,name=os.path.split(fn) fnout.append(name) bodedict['filenames']=fnout avedict['filenames']=fnout for i, curbode in enumerate(bodelist): outbode=copy.deepcopy(curbode) outbode.labels=bodedict['filenames'] curavebode=copy.deepcopy(curbode) curavebode.averaged=True curavebode.labels=outbode.labels curin_t=tddict[curbode.input] curout_t=tddict[curbode.output] t1=time.time() curin_fft=fft(curin_t,None,0)*2/N curout_fft=fft(curout_t,None,0)*2/N t2=time.time() print('fft time='+str(t2-t1)) curin_fft=curin_fft[0:co] curout_fft=curout_fft[0:co] curGxx=norm2(curin_fft) curGyy=norm2(curout_fft) curGxy=scipy.multiply(scipy.conj(curin_fft),curout_fft) H=scipy.divide(curGxy,curGxx) Hmag=abs(H) outbode.mag=Hmag Gxyave=scipy.mean(curGxy,1) Gxxave=scipy.mean(curGxx,1) Gyyave=scipy.mean(curGyy,1) cohnum=norm2(Gxyave) cohden=scipy.multiply(Gxxave,Gyyave) curavebode.coh=scipy.divide(cohnum,cohden) Have=scipy.divide(Gxyave,Gxxave) curavebode.mag=abs(Have) Hphase=mat_atan2(scipy.imag(H),scipy.real(H)) Hphase_ave=mat_atan2(scipy.imag(Have),scipy.real(Have)) Hphase=Hphase*180/scipy.pi Hphase_ave=Hphase_ave*180/scipy.pi if curbode.seedfreq and curbode.seedphase: # print('Massaging the phase') Hphase=PhaseMassage(Hphase,bodedict['freq'],curbode.seedfreq,curbode.seedphase) Hphase_ave=PhaseMassage(Hphase_ave,avedict['freq'],curbode.seedfreq,curbode.seedphase) if avefilt: Hphase=PhaseMassageFilter(Hphase,filto,wn,jump) Hphase_ave=PhaseMassageFilter(Hphase_ave,filto,wn,jump) # Hphase=AveMessage(Hphase,bodedict['freq'],curbode.seedfreq,curbode.seedphase,280.0,5) # Hphase_ave=AveMessage(Hphase_ave,avedict['freq'],curbode.seedfreq,curbode.seedphase,280.0,5) outbode.phase=Hphase curavebode.phase=Hphase_ave bodedict['bodes'].append(outbode) avedict['bodes'].append(curavebode) return bodedict,avedict
def findColorRegions(picture, res): print "Counting Color Regions:", os.path.basename(picture) , '(', res, ')...', struct = np.array([[0,1,0], [1,1,1], [0,1,0]]) ##open image im = im = im.convert("L") xsize, ysize = im.size if (xsize*res < 60) or (ysize*res < 60): print "Image to small for given resolution..." res = 60.0 / min([xsize, ysize]) print "New resolution for this image:", res im = im.resize((xsize*res, ysize*res),Image.ANTIALIAS) xsize, ysize = im.size im = fromimage(im) im = scipy.transpose(im) ##reduce colors im = scipy.divide(im, 10) im = im *10 ##make markers mark = 0 markers = np.zeros_like(im).astype('int') pd = 0 opd = 0 for x in range(xsize): pd = int(x/xsize*.5) if pd > opd: print '.', opd = pd for y in range(ysize): if (x%(int(xsize/30)) == 0) and (y%(int(ysize/30)) == 0): mark += 1 markers[x,y] = mark ##run watershed water = ndimage.watershed_ift(im.astype('uint8'), markers, structure = struct) ##make some masks and count the size of each region sizecount = [] marks = range(mark+1) for index in range(len(marks)): sizecount.append([]) pd = 0 opd = 0 for x in range(0,xsize): for y in range(0,ysize): sizecount[marks.index(water[x,y])].append((x,y)) ##make markers based on large regions mark = 0 shapes = 0 markers = np.zeros_like(im).astype('int') for mark in marks: if len(sizecount[marks.index(mark)]) >= (xsize/30 + ysize/30)/2: #should be a better ratio shapes += 1 print shapes return shapes
def waterPanelize(picture): print "Water Panalizing:", os.path.basename(picture) struct = np.array([[0,1,0], [1,1,1], [0,1,0]]) ##open image im = imcopy = im im = im.convert("L") xsize, ysize = im.size #prescaling im = im.resize((xsize*ops.scaling, ysize*ops.scaling)) xsize, ysize = im.size print "xSize:", xsize, "ySize:", ysize print '!' ##reduce colors im = scipy.divide(im, 30) im = im *30 #transpose for scipy im = scipy.transpose(im) print "im shape:", im.shape ##make markers mark = 0 markers = np.zeros_like(im).astype('int') for x in range(xsize): for y in range(ysize): if (x%(ops.markRes) == 0) and (y%(ops.markRes) == 0): mark += 1 markers[x,y] = mark ##run watershed water = ndimage.watershed_ift(im.astype('uint8'), markers, structure = struct) #water[xm, ym] = water[xm-1, ym-1] # remove the isolate seeds #make diff mask for 'gutter' bgwc = water[1,1] ##assumes that (1,1) is part of the gutter blackbg = np.zeros_like(im).astype('uint8') for x in range(xsize): for y in range(ysize): if not (water[x,y] == bgwc): blackbg[x,y] = im[x,y] #subtract balck bg mask im = im - blackbg ##run watershed water = ndimage.watershed_ift(im.astype('uint8'), markers, structure = struct) ##make some masks and count the size of each region sizecount = [] masks = [] marks = range(mark+1) for index in range(len(marks)): sizecount.append(0) masks.append([]) for x in range(0,xsize,ops.res): print int(float(x)/xsize*100), '%' for y in range(0,ysize,ops.res): sizecount[marks.index(water[x,y])] += 1 masks[marks.index(water[x,y])].append((x,y)) ##make markers based on large regions mark = 0 markers = np.zeros_like(im).astype('int') for mark in marks: if sizecount[marks.index(mark)] >= 200*200/ops.res/ops.res*ops.scaling: markers[masks[marks.index(mark)][int(200*200/ops.res/ops.res*ops.scaling)]] = mark print 'panel found' ##run watershed water = ndimage.watershed_ift(im.astype('uint8'), markers, structure = struct) ##retranspose and postscale water = scipy.transpose(water) water = water/ops.scaling ##save and view if ops.view: toimage(water).resize((xsize/2,ysize/2)).show() if print (os.path.join(ops.outDir,os.path.basename(picture)+'_mask.jpg'), "JPEG") toimage(water).convert('RGB').save(os.path.join(ops.outDir,os.path.basename(picture)+'_mask.jpg'), "JPEG") return os.path.join(ops.outDir,os.path.basename(picture)+'_mask.jpg'), "JPEG"
def findShapes(picture, res): print "Counting Shapes:", os.path.basename(picture), '(', res, ')...', struct = np.array([[0,1,0], [1,1,1], [0,1,0]]) ##open image im = im = im.convert("L") xsize, ysize = im.size if (xsize*res < 60) or (ysize*res < 60): print "Image to small for given resolution..." res = 60.0 / min([xsize, ysize]) print "New resolution for this image:", res im = im.resize((xsize*res, ysize*res), Image.ANTIALIAS) xsize, ysize = im.size im = im.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES) im = fromimage(im) im = scipy.transpose(im) im = scipy.divide(im, 10) im = im *10 ##make markers mark = 0 markers = np.zeros_like(im).astype('int') for x in range(xsize): for y in range(ysize): if (x%(int(xsize/30)) == 0) and (y%(int(ysize/30)) == 0): mark += 1 markers[x,y] = mark ##run watershed water = ndimage.watershed_ift(im.astype('uint8'), markers, structure = struct) #toimage(water).save("sw"+ os.path.basename(picture)) #debug output ##make some masks and count the size of each region sizecount = [] marks = range(mark+1) for index in range(len(marks)): sizecount.append(0) for x in range(0,xsize): for y in range(0,ysize): sizecount[marks.index(water[x,y])] += 1 ##make markers based on large regions mark = 0 shapes = 0 markers = np.zeros_like(im).astype('int') for mark in marks: if sizecount[marks.index(mark)] >= (xsize/30 + ysize/30)/2: shapes += 1 print shapes return shapes
def greentensor(Freq,EpsB,Cell,NX,NY,NZ): """Returns the Fourier transform GF of the circular extension of the Green's tensor array """ c0=299792458.0 # speed of light in vacuum Mu0=4.0*sci.pi*1.0e-7 # vacuum permeability Eps0=1.0/(Mu0*c0*c0) # vacuum permittivity Omega=2.0*sci.pi*Freq EtaB=-1.0j*Omega*Eps0*EpsB ZetaB=-1.0j*Omega*Mu0 KB=Omega*sci.sqrt(Eps0*EpsB*Mu0) G=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ,3,3),complex) GC=sci.zeros((NX*2,NY*2,NZ*2,3,3),complex) GF=sci.zeros((NX*2,NY*2,NZ*2,3,3),complex) # 3D arrays of x,y,z coordinates xx,yy,zz=sci.mgrid[0:NX*Cell:Cell,0:NY*Cell:Cell,0:NZ*Cell:Cell] dd=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) alpha=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) beta=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q11=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q12=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q13=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q21=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q22=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q23=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q31=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q32=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q33=sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) # 3D arrays of distances dd=sci.sqrt((xx)**2+(yy)**2+(zz)**2) dd2=dd*dd # 3D arrays of components of the Q-matrix Q11=sci.divide(xx*xx,dd2) Q12=sci.divide(xx*yy,dd2) Q13=sci.divide(xx*zz,dd2) Q21=Q12 Q22=sci.divide(yy*yy,dd2) Q23=sci.divide(yy*zz,dd2) Q31=Q13 Q32=Q23 Q33=sci.divide(zz*zz,dd2) # alpha and beta scalar multipliers alpha=sci.divide(sci.exp(1.0j*KB*dd),4.0*sci.pi*dd)*\ (-KB**2.0 - sci.divide(1.0j*3.0*KB,dd) + sci.divide(3.0,dd2)) beta=sci.divide(sci.exp(1.0j*KB*dd),4.0*sci.pi*dd)*\ (KB**2.0 + sci.divide(1.0j*KB,dd) - sci.divide(1.0,dd2)) print('All divisions by zero are done') # Green's tensor without self-patch G[:,:,:,0,0]=Q11*alpha+beta G[:,:,:,0,1]=Q12*alpha G[:,:,:,0,2]=Q13*alpha G[:,:,:,1,0]=Q21*alpha G[:,:,:,1,1]=Q22*alpha+beta G[:,:,:,1,2]=Q23*alpha G[:,:,:,2,0]=Q31*alpha G[:,:,:,2,1]=Q32*alpha G[:,:,:,2,2]=Q33*alpha+beta G=G*(Cell**3) # multiplying by the elementary volume # self-patch G[0,0,0,0,0]=(2./3.)*(1.-1.j*KB*Cell*((3./(4.*sci.pi))**(1./3.)))*\ sci.exp(1.j*KB*Cell*((3./(4.*sci.pi))**(1./3.)))-1.0 G[0,0,0,0,1]=0. G[0,0,0,0,2]=0. G[0,0,0,1,0]=0. G[0,0,0,1,1]=G[0,0,0,0,0] G[0,0,0,1,2]=0. G[0,0,0,2,0]=0. G[0,0,0,2,1]=0. G[0,0,0,2,2]=G[0,0,0,0,0] #Circular extension of G GC[0:NX,0:NY,0:NZ,:,:]=G DeltaOp=sci.eye(3,3) s=0 while s<=2: ss=0 while ss<=2: GC[NX+1:,0:NY,0:NZ,s,ss]=(1-2*DeltaOp[0,s])*(1-2*DeltaOp[0,ss])*G[:0:-1,:,:,s,ss] GC[NX+1:,NY+1:,0:NZ,s,ss]=(1-2*DeltaOp[0,s])*(1-2*DeltaOp[0,ss])*\ (1-2*DeltaOp[1,s])*(1-2*DeltaOp[1,ss])*G[:0:-1,:0:-1,:,s,ss] GC[NX+1:,NY+1:,NZ+1:,s,ss]=(1-2*DeltaOp[0,s])*(1-2*DeltaOp[0,ss])*\ (1-2*DeltaOp[1,s])*(1-2*DeltaOp[1,ss])*\ (1-2*DeltaOp[2,s])*(1-2*DeltaOp[2,ss])*G[:0:-1,:0:-1,:0:-1,s,ss] GC[0:NX,NY+1:,0:NZ,s,ss]=(1-2*DeltaOp[1,s])*(1-2*DeltaOp[1,ss])*G[:,:0:-1,:,s,ss] GC[0:NX,NY+1:,NZ+1:,s,ss]=(1-2*DeltaOp[1,s])*(1-2*DeltaOp[1,ss])*\ (1-2*DeltaOp[2,s])*(1-2*DeltaOp[2,ss])*G[:,:0:-1,:0:-1,s,ss] GC[0:NX,0:NY,NZ+1:,s,ss]=(1-2*DeltaOp[2,s])*(1-2*DeltaOp[2,ss])*G[:,:,:0:-1,s,ss] GC[NX+1:,0:NY,NZ+1:,s,ss]=(1-2*DeltaOp[0,s])*(1-2*DeltaOp[0,ss])*\ (1-2*DeltaOp[2,s])*(1-2*DeltaOp[2,ss])*G[:0:-1,:,:0:-1,s,ss] ss=ss+1 s=s+1 # FFT of the Green's tensor array s=0 while s<=2: ss=0 while ss<=2: GF[:,:,:,s,ss]=fft.fftn(sci.squeeze(GC[:,:,:,s,ss])) ss=ss+1 s=s+1 return GF
def SingleReceiver(E,EpsArr,Freq,EpsB,Cell,NX,NY,NZ,Xr,Yr,Zr): """Returns the scattered field 3-vector Esc at the location of the receiver (Xr,Yr,Zr) """ c0 = 299792458.0 # speed of light in vacuum Mu0 = 4.0*sci.pi*1.0e-7 # vacuum permeability Eps0 = 1.0/(Mu0*c0*c0) # vacuum permittivity Omega = 2.0*sci.pi*Freq EtaB = -1.0j*Omega*Eps0*EpsB ZetaB = -1.0j*Omega*Mu0 KB = Omega*sci.sqrt(Eps0*EpsB*Mu0) Esc = sci.zeros(3,complex) J = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ,3),complex) for s in range(3): J[0:NX,0:NY,0:NZ,s]=E[0:NX,0:NY,0:NZ,s]*(EpsArr[0:NX,0:NY,0:NZ]-1.0) G = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ,3,3),complex) # 3D arrays of x,y,z coordinates xx,yy,zz = sci.mgrid[0:NX*Cell:Cell,0:NY*Cell:Cell,0:NZ*Cell:Cell] dd = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) alpha = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) beta = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q11 = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q12 = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q13 = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q21 = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q22 = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q23 = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q31 = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q32 = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) Q33 = sci.zeros((NX,NY,NZ),complex) # 3D arrays of distances dd = sci.sqrt((Xr-xx)**2+(Yr-yy)**2+(Zr-zz)**2) dd2 = dd*dd # 3D arrays of components of the Q-matrix Q11 = sci.divide((Xr-xx)*(Xr-xx),dd2) Q12 = sci.divide((Xr-xx)*(Yr-yy),dd2) Q13 = sci.divide((Xr-xx)*(Zr-zz),dd2) Q21 = Q12 Q22 = sci.divide((Yr-yy)*(Yr-yy),dd2) Q23 = sci.divide((Yr-yy)*(Zr-zz),dd2) Q31 = Q13 Q32 = Q23 Q33 = sci.divide((Zr-zz)*(Zr-zz),dd2) # alpha and beta scalar multipliers alpha = sci.divide(sci.exp(1.0j*KB*dd),4.0*sci.pi*dd)*\ (-KB**2.0 - sci.divide(1.0j*3.0*KB,dd) + sci.divide(3.0,dd2)) beta = sci.divide(sci.exp(1.0j*KB*dd),4.0*sci.pi*dd)*\ (KB**2.0 + sci.divide(1.0j*KB,dd) - sci.divide(1.0,dd2)) # Green's tensor G[:,:,:,0,0] = Q11*alpha+beta G[:,:,:,0,1] = Q12*alpha G[:,:,:,0,2] = Q13*alpha G[:,:,:,1,0] = Q21*alpha G[:,:,:,1,1] = Q22*alpha+beta G[:,:,:,1,2] = Q23*alpha G[:,:,:,2,0] = Q31*alpha G[:,:,:,2,1] = Q32*alpha G[:,:,:,2,2] = Q33*alpha+beta G = G*(Cell**3) # multiplying by the elementary volume Esc[0] = sci.sum(sci.squeeze(sci.multiply(G[:,:,:,0,0],J[:,:,:,0])+\ sci.multiply(G[:,:,:,0,1],J[:,:,:,1])+\ sci.multiply(G[:,:,:,0,2],J[:,:,:,2]))) Esc[1] = sci.sum(sci.squeeze(sci.multiply(G[:,:,:,1,0],J[:,:,:,0])+\ sci.multiply(G[:,:,:,1,1],J[:,:,:,1])+\ sci.multiply(G[:,:,:,1,2],J[:,:,:,2]))) Esc[2] = sci.sum(sci.squeeze(sci.multiply(G[:,:,:,2,0],J[:,:,:,0])+\ sci.multiply(G[:,:,:,2,1],J[:,:,:,1])+\ sci.multiply(G[:,:,:,2,2],J[:,:,:,2]))) return Esc