Ejemplo n.º 1
	def _ang2xsys(z,phi):
		if sc.fabs(z) <= 2./3.:
			return [phi,3.*sc.pi/8.*z]
			phit= (phi % (sc.pi/2.))
			sigz= bovy_healpy._sigma(z)
			return [phi-(sc.fabs(sigz)-1.)*(phit-sc.pi/4.),sc.pi/4.*sigz]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def rekernel(self):
        dcontrol = self.control[ord('d')]
        econtrol = self.control[ord('e')]
        rcontrol = self.control[ord('r')]
        radius = rcontrol.val
        dvalue = dcontrol.val
        evalue = econtrol.val
        rmax   = rcontrol.limit[2]
        if self.rlast != radius:
            inner, outer = float(radius-1), float(radius)
            shape      = (self.edge, self.edge)
            self.radii = list(product(arange(-rmax,rmax+1,1.0), repeat=2))
            self.radii = array([sqrt(x*x+y*y) for x,y in self.radii]).reshape(shape)

            if True:
                self.negative = -exp(-dvalue*(self.radii-outer)**2)
                self.positive = +exp(-dvalue*(self.radii-inner)**2)
                self.radii = around(self.radii)
                self.negative = zeros((self.edge,self.edge),dtype=float)
                self.negative[self.radii == outer] = -1.0
                self.positive = zeros(shape,dtype=float)
                self.positive[self.radii == inner] = +1.0

            self.negative /= fabs(self.negative.sum())
            self.positive /= fabs(self.positive.sum())

            self.kernel = self.negative + self.positive
            self.rlast = radius
        if self.elast != evalue:
            self.gauss = exp(-evalue * self.radii**2)
            self.gauss /= self.gauss.sum()
            self.elast = evalue
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _ang2xsys(z, phi):
     if sc.fabs(z) <= 2. / 3.:
         return [phi, 3. * sc.pi / 8. * z]
         phit = (phi % (sc.pi / 2.))
         sigz = bovy_healpy._sigma(z)
         return [
             phi - (sc.fabs(sigz) - 1.) * (phit - sc.pi / 4.),
             sc.pi / 4. * sigz
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def _xsys2ang(xs,ys):
		if sc.fabs(ys) <= sc.pi/4.:
			return [sc.arccos(8./3./sc.pi*ys),xs]
			xt= (xs % (sc.pi/2.))
			fabsys= sc.fabs(ys)
			theta= sc.arccos((1.-1./3.*(2.-4.*fabsys/sc.pi)**2.)*ys/fabsys)
			if fabsys == sc.pi/2.:
				phi= xs-fabsys+sc.pi/4.
				phi= xs-(fabsys-sc.pi/4.)/(fabsys-sc.pi/2.)*(xt-sc.pi/4.) 
			return [theta % (sc.pi+0.0000000001),phi % (2.*sc.pi)] #Hack
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _xsys2ang(xs, ys):
     if sc.fabs(ys) <= sc.pi / 4.:
         return [sc.arccos(8. / 3. / sc.pi * ys), xs]
         xt = (xs % (sc.pi / 2.))
         fabsys = sc.fabs(ys)
         theta = sc.arccos(
             (1. - 1. / 3. * (2. - 4. * fabsys / sc.pi)**2.) * ys / fabsys)
         if fabsys == sc.pi / 2.:
             phi = xs - fabsys + sc.pi / 4.
             phi = xs - (fabsys - sc.pi / 4.) / (fabsys - sc.pi / 2.) * (
                 xt - sc.pi / 4.)
         return [theta % (sc.pi + 0.0000000001), phi % (2. * sc.pi)]  #Hack
Ejemplo n.º 6
def nmoffat(x, p):
    n = (p.size - 1) / 4
    value = scipy.zeros(x.size)
    value += p[0]
    for i in range(n):
        k = i * 4
        amp = p[k + 1]
        cent = p[k + 2]
        fwhm = p[k + 3]
        b = scipy.fabs(p[k + 4])
        a = 0.5 * fwhm / scipy.sqrt(scipy.power(2., 1. / b) - 1.)
        r = x - cent
        value += amp * scipy.power(1. + (r / a) * (r / a), -1. * b)
        p[k + 3] = scipy.fabs(p[k + 3])
    return value
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_initial_configurations(self, pose_st):
        ret_configurations = []
        #propose all the destinations and the first alignments
        # for each of the first elements
        s_I = kNN_index(pose_st[0:2], transpose(self.start_poses)[0:2], 10);
        s_i = None
        for i in s_I:
            if(fabs(tklib_normalize_theta(self.start_poses[int(i)][2]-pose_st[2])) < pi/4.0):
                s_i = int(i)
        if(s_i == None):
            print "couldn't fine a candidate start location"
            return []

        for d_i, dst in enumerate(self.dest_poses):
            #print "starting d_i=", d_i, 'of', len(self.dest_poses)
            if(tklib_euclidean_distance(dst[0:2], pose_st[0:2]) < 10e-5):
            start_confs = self.partitions[s_i][d_i].init_alignments(s_i, d_i)
        return ret_configurations
Ejemplo n.º 8
def neo_p0(setup, *args):
    ntemps, nwalkers, nsteps = setup
    t = args[0]
    ndim = args[1]
    C = args[2]

    pos = sp.zeros((ntemps, nwalkers, ndim))
    for temp in range(ntemps):
        for j in range(ndim):
            boundaries = t[C[j]].lims
            fact = sp.absolute(boundaries[0] - boundaries[1]) / nwalkers
            rnd = sp.random.uniform(0.9, 0.9999)
            dif = sp.arange(nwalkers) * fact * sp.random.uniform(0.9, 0.9999)
            if (t[C[j]].cv and t[C[j]].tag() != 'Period'):
                for i in range(nwalkers):
                    pos[temp][i][j] = (boundaries[1] + 3 * boundaries[0]) / \
                        4 + (dif[i] * 2. / 5. + fact / 2.0)
            elif t[C[j]].tag() == 'Jitter':
                jitt_ini = sp.sort(sp.fabs(sp.random.normal(0, 1,
                                                            nwalkers))) * 0.1
                dif = jitt_ini * sp.random.uniform(0.9, 0.9999)
                for i in range(nwalkers):
                    pos[temp][i][j] = boundaries[0] + (dif[i] + fact / 2.0)
                    pos[temp][i][j] *= 0.1

                for i in range(nwalkers):
                    pos[temp][i][j] = boundaries[0] + (dif[i] + fact / 2.0)

    return pos
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_exog(N, num_nonconst_covariates, cor_length):
    Returns an exog array with correlations determined by cor_length.
    The covariance matrix of exog will have (asymptotically, as
    .. math:: Cov[i,j] = \\exp(-|i-j| / cor_length)

    Higher cor_length makes the problem more ill-posed, and easier to screw
        up with noise.
    BEWARE:  With very long correlation lengths, you often get a singular KKT
        matrix (during the l1_cvxopt_cp fit)
    ## Create the noiseless exog
    uncorrelated_exog = sp.randn(N, num_nonconst_covariates)
    if cor_length == 0:
        exog = uncorrelated_exog
        cov_matrix = sp.zeros(
            (num_nonconst_covariates, num_nonconst_covariates))
        j = sp.arange(num_nonconst_covariates)
        for i in range(num_nonconst_covariates):
            cov_matrix[i, :] = sp.exp(-sp.fabs(i - j) / cor_length)
        chol = linalg.cholesky(cov_matrix)  # cov_matrix = sp.dot(chol.T, chol)
        exog = sp.dot(uncorrelated_exog, chol)
    ## Return
    return exog
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_exog(N, num_nonconst_covariates, cor_length):
    Returns an exog array with correlations determined by cor_length.
    The covariance matrix of exog will have (asymptotically, as
    .. math:: Cov[i,j] = \\exp(-|i-j| / cor_length)

    Higher cor_length makes the problem more ill-posed, and easier to screw
        up with noise.
    BEWARE:  With very long correlation lengths, you often get a singular KKT
        matrix (during the l1_cvxopt_cp fit)
    ## Create the noiseless exog
    uncorrelated_exog = sp.randn(N, num_nonconst_covariates)
    if cor_length == 0:
        exog = uncorrelated_exog
        cov_matrix = sp.zeros((num_nonconst_covariates, num_nonconst_covariates))
        j = sp.arange(num_nonconst_covariates)
        for i in xrange(num_nonconst_covariates):
            cov_matrix[i, :] = sp.exp(-sp.fabs(i - j) / cor_length)
        chol = linalg.cholesky(cov_matrix)  # cov_matrix = sp.dot(chol.T, chol)
        exog = sp.dot(uncorrelated_exog, chol)
    ## Return
    return exog
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_both():
    """signed and unsigned volumes should agree up to sign"""

    random.seed(0) #make tests repeatable                 
    for N in range(1,10):
        pts = rand(N+1,N)
        assert_almost_equal(fabs(signed_volume(pts)), unsigned_volume(pts))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def MethodeStochastique(x0, y0, pas, epsilon, maxiter):
    # initialisation
    erreur = 2. * epsilon
    x = x0
    y = y0
    i = 0
    if (x == 0.0) and (y == 0.0):
        X = 0.0
        Y = 0.0
        maximum = 1.0
        fmax = Fonction(x, y)
        fmax1 = fmax / 2.0
        # boucle principale de calcul
        while ((erreur > epsilon) and (i < maxiter)):
            j = 0
            # boucle de choix aléatoire du pas et de la direction de déplacement
            while (fmax1 <= fmax) and (j < nbtirages):
                x1 = x + pas * gauss(mu, sigma)
                y1 = y + pas * gauss(mu, sigma)
                fmax1 = Fonction(x1, y1)
                j += 1
            if (fmax1 > fmax):
                x = x1
                y = y1
                erreur = fabs(fmax1 - fmax)
                fmax = fmax1
                pas /= 2.0
            i += 1
        X = x
        Y = y
        maximum = fmax1
    return (X, Y, maximum, i)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def MethodeGradientPF(x0, y0, pas, epsilon, maxiter):
    erreur = 2. * epsilon
    x = x0
    y = y0
    i = 0
    if (x == 0.0) and (y == 0.0):
        X = 0.0
        Y = 0.0
        maximum = 1.0
        fmax = Fonction(x, y)
        while ((erreur > epsilon) and (i < maxiter)):
            dx = Fonction(x + pas, y) - Fonction(x - pas, y)
            dy = Fonction(x, y + pas) - Fonction(x, y - pas)
            gradF = hypot(dx, dy)
            x1 = x + pas * dx / gradF
            y1 = y + pas * dy / gradF
            fmax1 = Fonction(x1, y1)
            if (fmax1 > fmax):
                x = x1
                y = y1
                erreur = fabs(fmax1 - fmax)
                fmax = fmax1
                pas /= 2.0
            i += 1
            X = x
            Y = y
            maximum = fmax1
    return (X, Y, maximum, i)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def save_fit_image(self, fname):
        Save image with border
        fname: name of the file to be saved

        A, B, x0, y0, sx, sy, theta = self._p
        sx, sy = scipy.fabs([sx, sy])

        # First draw an upright ellipse
        shape = (self._shape[1], self._shape[0])

        border = Image.new('L', shape, "black")
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(border)
        bbox = ( y0-sy/2, x0-sx/2, y0+sy/2, x0+sx/2 )
        draw.ellipse(bbox, outline='white')

        # Then rotate the ellipse around (x0, y0) with angle theta
        c, s = scipy.cos(theta), -scipy.sin(theta)
        matrix = ( c, -s, y0 * (1-c) + x0 * s,
                   s,  c, x0 * (1-c) - y0 * s )

        border = border.transform(shape, Image.AFFINE, matrix)

        # Finally paste 
        rescaled = (255.0 / self._orig_image.max() * self._orig_image).astype(scipy.uint8)
        new_img = Image.fromarray(rescaled)
        new_img.paste(border, new_img)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def LyapunovFitFunc(p, traj_diff):
    Given a trajectory difference traj_diff and a tuple
        p = (lyapExponent, lyapLogPrefactor)
    returns the residuals 
        log(|y_n|) - log( exp(lyapLogPrefactor + lyapExponent * n) )

    The residual is the difference between the data and the fit:
    if the residuals were zero, the trajectory difference would be 
    perfectly described as a growing exponential.
    That is, the growth of the difference between two trajectories is 
    expected to be of the form
        |x_n - y_n| \sim lyapPrefactor * exp(lyapExponent n)

    We take the log of the difference so that the least--squares fit
    will emphasize the initial points and final points roughly equally.
    We use the log of the lyapPrefactor because it must be positive:
    it's a standard trick in nonlinear fitting to change variables like
    this to enforce ranges in parameters.

    Used by FitLyapunovExponent to generate a least-squares fit for 
    the Lyapunov exponent and prefactor.
    lyapExponent, lyapLogPrefactor = p
    residuals = \
              scipy.log(scipy.fabs(traj_diff)) - \
              (lyapLogPrefactor + lyapExponent*scipy.arange(len(traj_diff)))
    return residuals
Ejemplo n.º 16
def unique_rows(A, tol=1e-13):
    Find the unique rows of a matrix A given a tolerance

        A       []

        tuple   []

    duplicate_ks = []
    for r1 in range(A.shape[0]):
        for r2 in range(r1 + 1, A.shape[0]):
            # check if row 1 is equal to row 2 to within tol
            if sp.all(sp.fabs(A[r1, :] - A[r2, :]) <= tol):
                # only add if row 2 has not already been added from a previous
                # pass
                if r2 not in duplicate_ks:

    # generate a list of unique indices
    unique_ks = [idx for idx in range(A.shape[0]) if idx not in duplicate_ks]

    # return matrix of unique rows and associated indices
    return (A[unique_ks, :], unique_ks)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def jacob(a, b, x, y, order=4):
    """Calculation of relative area using the Jacobian
               | da_dx   db_dx |
    Jacobian = |               |
               | da_dy   db_dy |

    Then the relative area is the absolute value of the determinant of the Jacobian.

    a      set of polynomial coefficients converting from (x,y) to u
    b      set of polynomial coefficients converting from (x,y) to v
    x      x pixel position or array of x positions
    y      y pixel position or array of y positions matching the y positions
    x and y will usually be Science coordinates while u and v are Ideal coordinates
    order:  order of the polynomials

    area    area in (u,v) coordinates matching unit area in the (x,y) coordinates.


    j = dpdx(a, x, y, order) * dpdy(b, x, y, order) - dpdx(
        b, x, y, order) * dpdy(a, x, y, order)
    area = sp.fabs(j)
    return area
Ejemplo n.º 18
def WriteFileX(X_L,WriteMax,de_dec,header,filename):
	''' writes data arrays to file, writes multiple complex arrays at once 
	X_L is a list of complex arrays, WriteMax is the cutoff in energies,
	de_dec is the density of the output and header is the header line '''
	LN = len(X_L)
	f = open(filename,'w')
	f.write("# file written "+ctime()+'\n')
	line = ''
	for i in range(len(En_A)):
		if sp.fabs(En_A[i]) <= WriteMax and sp.fabs(En_A[i] - sp.around(En_A[i],de_dec)) == 0:
			line = '{0: .6f}\t'.format(float(En_A[i]))
			for k in range(LN):
				line += '{0: .6f}\t{1: .6f}\t'.format(float(sp.real(X_L[k][i])),float(sp.imag(X_L[k][i])))
	if chat: print('#   File '+filename+' written.')
Ejemplo n.º 19
def WriteFileX(X_L,WriteMax,de_dec,header,filename):
	''' writes data arrays to file, writes multiple complex arrays at once 
	X_L is a list of complex arrays, WriteMax is the cutoff in energies,
	de_dec is the density of the output and header is the header line '''
	LN = len(X_L)
	f = open(filename,'w')
	f.write("# file written "+ctime()+'\n')
	line = ''
	for i in range(len(En_A)):
		if sp.fabs(En_A[i]) <= WriteMax and sp.fabs(En_A[i] - sp.around(En_A[i],de_dec)) == 0:
			line = '{0: .6f}\t'.format(float(En_A[i]))
			for k in range(LN):
				line += '{0: .6f}\t{1: .6f}\t'.format(float(sp.real(X_L[k][i])),float(sp.imag(X_L[k][i])))
	if chat: print('#   File '+filename+' written.')
Ejemplo n.º 20
def nmodelfit(data, p, model, weight=0):
    if p.ndim == 2:
        if p.shape[0] == 2:
            p = p.T
        mask = p[:, 1].copy()
        t = scipy.zeros(mask.sum())
        static = scipy.zeros(mask.size - t.size)
        j = 0
        k = 0
        for i in range(mask.size):
            if mask[i] > 0:
                t[j] = p[i, 0]
                j += 1
                static[k] = p[i, 0]
                k += 1
        p = t.copy()
        mask = scipy.ones(p.size)
        static = scipy.zeros(0)

    if data.ndim == 1:
        x = scipy.arange(0., data.size, 1.)
        z = data.copy()
        x = data[:, 0]
        z = data[:, 1]

    good = scipy.isfinite(z)
    x = x[good]
    z = z[good]

    pars, cov, info, mesg, ier = optimize.leastsq(domodel,
                                                  args=(x, z, mask, static,
                                                        model, weight),

    chi2 = info['fvec']
    chi2 = chi2 * chi2
    if weight == 0:
        chi2 /= abs(z)
    chi2 = chi2.sum()

    p = scipy.zeros(mask.size)
    j = 0
    k = 0
    for i in range(mask.size):
        if mask[i] > 0:
            p[i] = pars[j]
            j += 1
            p[i] = static[k]
            k += 1
        if i % 3 == 0:
            p[i] = scipy.fabs(p[i])
    return p, chi2
Ejemplo n.º 21
def angle_bounds2(theta, phi):
    ''' Sets two spherical angles in bounds, -90<theta<90; 0<phi<360'''
    if type(theta) != type(arr): theta = sp.array([theta])
    if type(phi) != type(arr): phi = sp.array([phi])
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        theta[i] = angle_bounds(theta[i], -180.0, 180.0)
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        if sp.fabs(theta[i]) > 90.0:
            theta[i] = 180.0 - theta[i]
            phi[i] = phi[i] + 180.0
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        theta[i] = angle_bounds(theta[i], -180.0, 180.0)
        phi[i] = angle_bounds(phi[i], 0.0, 360.0)
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        if (sp.fabs(theta[i]) == 90.0): phi[i] = 0.0
    if len(theta) == 1:
        theta, phi = theta[0], phi[0]
    return theta, phi
Ejemplo n.º 22
def angle_bounds2 (theta, phi):
    """ Sets two spherical angles in bounds, -90<theta<90; 0<phi<360"""
    if type(theta) != type(arr):  theta = sc.array([theta])
    if type(phi) != type(arr):  phi = sc.array([phi])
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        theta[i] = angle_bounds(theta[i], -180.0, 180.0)
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        if sc.fabs(theta[i]) > 90.0:
            theta[i] = 180.0 - theta[i]
            phi[i] = phi[i] + 180.0
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        theta[i] = angle_bounds(theta[i], -180.0, 180.0)
        phi[i] = angle_bounds(phi[i], 0.0, 360.0)
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        if (sc.fabs(theta[i]) == 90.0):  phi[i] = 0.0
    if len(theta)==1:
        theta, phi = theta[0], phi[0]
    return theta, phi
Ejemplo n.º 23
def show(arr, ax=None, cbar=True, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(arr, dict):
        lim = max(sp.fabs(a).max() for a in arr.values())
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(arr))
        for (k, v), ax in zip(arr.items(), axes):
            show(v, ax, vmin=-lim, vmax=lim, cbar=False)
        return axes

    ax = plt.subplot() if ax is None else ax
    lim = sp.fabs(arr).max()
    kwargs = {'vmin': -lim, 'vmax': lim, 'cmap': 'RdBu', **kwargs}
    im = ax.imshow(arr, **kwargs)
    if cbar:
        plt.colorbar(im, fraction=.02)

    return ax
Ejemplo n.º 24
def PlotFit(traj_diff, p):
    Given a trajectory difference and p=(lyapExponent, lyapPrefactor),
    plot |traj_diff| and the fit on a semilog y axis.
    pylab.plot(scipy.fabs(traj_diff), 'b-', linewidth=4)
    fit = scipy.exp(p[1] + p[0] * scipy.arange(len(traj_diff)))
    pylab.semilogy(fit, 'r-', linewidth=2)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def DNL(k,muk,pk,q1,kv,av,bv,kp,model):
     dnl = 1
     if model == "mcdonald":
         kvel = 1.22*(1+k/0.923)**0.451
         dnl = sp.exp((k/6.4)**0.569-(k/15.3)**2.01-(k*muk/kvel)**1.5)
     elif model == "arinyo":
         growth = q1*k*k*k*pk/(2*sp.pi*sp.pi)
         pecvelocity = np.power(k/kv,av)*np.power(sp.fabs(muk),bv)
         pressure = (k/kp)*(k/kp)
         dnl = sp.exp(growth*(1-pecvelocity)-pressure)
     return dnl
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def __init__(self, radial=1):
     self.radial = radial
     div1 = 1 + 2 * radial
     div2 = 1 if radial < 1 else 2 + 1.0 / radial
     seq = [0] if radial == 0 else scipy.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, div1) / div2
     if len(seq) > 1:
         """Assert that the pickets are evenly spaced."""
         one = 2 * seq[-1] + seq[1 + len(seq) / 2]
         epsilon = scipy.fabs(1.0 - one)
         assert epsilon < 1e-10
     self.pickets = list(itertools.product(seq, repeat=2))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def gen_model(theta, time, MOAV, residuals):
    """Stellar moving average.
    In goes residuals, and out too!
    for i in range(len(time)):
        for c in range(MOAV):
            if i > c:
                MA = theta[2 * c] * sp.exp(
                    -sp.fabs(time[i - 1 - c] - time[i]) /
                    theta[2 * c + 1]) * residuals[i - 1 - c]
                residuals[i] -= MA
    return residuals
Ejemplo n.º 28
def absolute_distance(fingerprint1, fingerprint2):
    """Calculate absolute distance
    .. note: Length of fingerprints must be the same
    :param fingerprint1: List with numbers
    :param fingerprint2: List with numbers
    absolute_distance = 0
    for i, cipher in enumerate(fingerprint1):
        absolute_distance += scipy.fabs(cipher-fingerprint2[i])
    return absolute_distance
Ejemplo n.º 29
def stellar_moav(theta, time, star_moav, residuals):
    """Calculate the stellar moving average model."""
    moav = sp.zeros_like(time)
    for i in range(len(time)):
        for c in range(star_moav):
            if i > c:
                dt = sp.fabs(time[i - 1 - c] - time[i])
                timescale = theta[2 * c + 1]
                MA = theta[2 * c] * sp.exp(-dt / timescale)
                MA *= residuals[i - 1 - c]
                moav[i] = MA
    return moav
Ejemplo n.º 30
def dnl_arinyo(k, pk_lin, tracer1, tracer2, pk_fid, **kwargs):
    assert tracer1['name'] == "LYA" and tracer2['name'] == "LYA"
    q1 = kwargs["dnl_arinyo_q1"]
    kv = kwargs["dnl_arinyo_kv"]
    av = kwargs["dnl_arinyo_av"]
    bv = kwargs["dnl_arinyo_bv"]
    kp = kwargs["dnl_arinyo_kp"]

    growth = q1 * k * k * k * pk_fid / (2 * sp.pi * sp.pi)
    pecvelocity = sp.power(k / kv, av) * sp.power(sp.fabs(muk), bv)
    pressure = (k / kp) * (k / kp)
    dnl = sp.exp(growth * (1 - pecvelocity) - pressure)
    return dnl
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def add_absorber(self,lambda_absorber):
        if not hasattr(self,'ll'):

        w = np.ones(self.ll.size, dtype=bool)
        w &= sp.fabs(1.e4*(self.ll-np.log10(lambda_absorber)))>forest.absorber_mask

        ps = ['iv','ll','fl','T_dla','Fbar','mmef','diff','reso']
        for p in ps:
            if hasattr(self,p) and (getattr(self,p) is not None):

Ejemplo n.º 32
    def add_absorber(self, lambda_absorber):
        if not hasattr(self, 'll'):

        w = sp.ones(self.ll.size, dtype=bool)
        w &= sp.fabs(
            1.e4 *
            (self.ll - sp.log10(lambda_absorber))) > forest.absorber_mask

        self.iv = self.iv[w]
        self.ll = self.ll[w]
        self.fl = self.fl[w]
        if self.diff is not None:
            self.diff = self.diff[w]
            self.reso = self.reso[w]
Ejemplo n.º 33
def PlotTrajectoryDifference(g, x1, x2, N):
    Calls TrajectoryDifference to find the difference, then plots the 
    absolute value of the difference using 
    (Given just one array, pylab assumes the other axis is just the
    index into the array.)

    Notice that the differences stop growing when they become of order 
    one (naturally). Don't use such long trajectories to calculate the 
    Lyapunov exponents: it will bias the results downward.
    dx = TrajectoryDifference(g, x1, x2, N)
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def readbyu(self, byufile):
        with open(byufile,'r') as fbyu:
            ln0 = fbyu.readline()
            ln = ln0.split()
            # read header
            ncomponents = int(ln[0])	# number of components
            npoints = int(ln[1])  # number of vertices
            nfaces = int(ln[2]) # number of faces
                        #fscanf(fbyu,'%d',1);		% number of edges
                        #%ntest = fscanf(fbyu,'%d',1);		% number of edges
            for k in range(ncomponents):
                fbyu.readline() # components (ignored)
            # read data
            self.vertices = np.empty([npoints, 3])
            while k < npoints-1:
                ln = fbyu.readline().split()
                k=k+1 ;
                self.vertices[k, 0] = float(ln[0]) 
                self.vertices[k, 1] = float(ln[1]) 
                self.vertices[k, 2] = float(ln[2])
                if len(ln) > 3:
                    k=k+1 ;
                    self.vertices[k, 0] = float(ln[3])
                    self.vertices[k, 1] = float(ln[4]) 
                    self.vertices[k, 2] = float(ln[5])

            self.faces = np.empty([nfaces, 3])
            ln = fbyu.readline().split()
            kf = 0
            j = 0
            while ln:
		if kf >= nfaces:
		#print nfaces, kf, ln
                for s in ln:
                    self.faces[kf,j] = int(sp.fabs(int(s)))
                    j = j+1
                    if j == 3:
                ln = fbyu.readline().split()
        self.faces = np.int_(self.faces) - 1
        xDef1 = self.vertices[self.faces[:, 0], :]
        xDef2 = self.vertices[self.faces[:, 1], :]
        xDef3 = self.vertices[self.faces[:, 2], :]
        self.centers = (xDef1 + xDef2 + xDef3) / 3
        self.surfel =  np.cross(xDef2-xDef1, xDef3-xDef1)
Ejemplo n.º 35
	def _apply_bounds(self):
		ret = 0
		for k,v in self.sim.get_model_params().iteritems():
			if self.bounds[k][0] != None and v < self.bounds[k][0]:
				self.sim.set_model_param(k, self.bounds[k][0])
				ret += scipy.fabs((self.bounds[k][0] - v) / self.bounds[k][0])
				if self.verbose:
					print "itc_fit: Boundary violation for \"%s\" (%f<%f)"%(k,v,self.bounds[k][0])

			elif self.bounds[k][1] != None and v > self.bounds[k][1]:
				self.sim.set_model_param(k, self.bounds[k][1])
				ret += fabs((v - self.bounds[k][1]) / self.bounds[k][1])			
				if self.verbose:
					print "itc_fit: Boundary violation for \"%s\" (%f>%f)"%(k,v,self.bounds[k][1])

		return ret
Ejemplo n.º 36
def CalculateHWHM(GF_A):
	''' calculates the half-width at half-maximum of the Kondo resonance 
	and the maximum of the spectral function '''
	N = len(En_A)
	IntMin = int((N+1)/2-int(0.5/dE))
	IntMax = int((N+1)/2+int(0.5/dE))
	DOSmaxPos = sp.argmax(-sp.imag(GF_A[IntMin:IntMax])/sp.pi)
	DOSmax    = -sp.imag(GF_A[IntMin+DOSmaxPos])/sp.pi # maximum of DoS
	wmax      = En_A[IntMin+DOSmaxPos]                 # position of the maximum at energy axis
	DOS = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(En_A-1e-12,-sp.imag(GF_A)/sp.pi-DOSmax/2.0) 
	## 1e-12 breaks symmetry for half-filling, otherway DOS.roots() loses one solution.
	DOSroots_A = sp.sort(sp.fabs(DOS.roots()))
		HWHM = (DOSroots_A[0] + DOSroots_A[1])/2.0
	except IndexError:
		HWHM = 0.0
	return [HWHM,DOSmax,wmax]
Ejemplo n.º 37
def CalculateHWHM(GF_A):
	''' calculates the half-width at half-maximum of the Kondo resonance 
	and the maximum of the spectral function '''
	N = len(En_A)
	IntMin = int((N+1)/2-int(0.5/dE))
	IntMax = int((N+1)/2+int(0.5/dE))
	DOSmaxPos = sp.argmax(-sp.imag(GF_A[IntMin:IntMax])/sp.pi)
	DOSmax    = -sp.imag(GF_A[IntMin+DOSmaxPos])/sp.pi # maximum of DoS
	wmax      = En_A[IntMin+DOSmaxPos]                 # position of the maximum at energy axis
	DOS = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(En_A-1e-12,-sp.imag(GF_A)/sp.pi-DOSmax/2.0) 
	## 1e-12 breaks symmetry for half-filling, otherway DOS.roots() loses one solution.
	DOSroots_A = sp.sort(sp.fabs(DOS.roots()))
		HWHM = (DOSroots_A[0] + DOSroots_A[1])/2.0
	except IndexError:
		HWHM = 0.0
	return [HWHM,DOSmax,wmax]
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def _apply_bounds(self):
        ret = 0
        for k, v in self.sim.get_model_params().items():
            if self.bounds[k][0] != None and v < self.bounds[k][0]:
                self.sim.set_model_param(k, self.bounds[k][0])
                ret += scipy.fabs((self.bounds[k][0] - v) / self.bounds[k][0])
                if self.verbose:
                    print("itc_fit: Boundary violation for \"%s\" (%f<%f)" %
                          (k, v, self.bounds[k][0]))

            elif self.bounds[k][1] != None and v > self.bounds[k][1]:
                self.sim.set_model_param(k, self.bounds[k][1])
                ret += fabs((v - self.bounds[k][1]) / self.bounds[k][1])
                if self.verbose:
                    print("itc_fit: Boundary violation for \"%s\" (%f>%f)" %
                          (k, v, self.bounds[k][1]))

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def readCurve(self, infile):
        with open(infile,'r') as fbyu:
            ln0 = fbyu.readline()
            ln = ln0.split()
            # read header
            ncomponents = int(ln[0])	# number of components
            npoints = int(ln[1])  # number of vertices
            nfaces = int(ln[2]) # number of faces
            for k in range(ncomponents):
                fbyu.readline() # components (ignored)
            # read data
            self.vertices = np.empty([npoints, 2]) ;
            while k < npoints-1:
                ln = fbyu.readline().split()
                k=k+1 ;
                self.vertices[k, 0] = float(ln[0]) 
                self.vertices[k, 1] = float(ln[1]) 
                if len(ln) > 2:
                    k=k+1 ;
                    self.vertices[k, 0] = float(ln[2])
                    self.vertices[k, 1] = float(ln[3]) 

            self.faces = np.empty([nfaces, 2])
            ln = fbyu.readline().split()
            kf = 0
            j = 0
            while ln:
		if kf >= nfaces:
		#print nfaces, kf, ln
                for s in ln:
                    self.faces[kf,j] = int(sp.fabs(int(s)))
                    j = j+1
                    if j == 2:
                ln = fbyu.readline().split()
        self.faces = np.int_(self.faces) - 1
        xDef1 = self.vertices[self.faces[:, 0], :]
        xDef2 = self.vertices[self.faces[:, 1], :]
        self.centers = (xDef1 + xDef2) / 2
        #self.lenel = np.zeros(self.faces.shape[0], self.vertices.shape[1]) ;
        self.lenel = xDef2 - xDef1 ; 
Ejemplo n.º 40
def angle_bounds3 (theta, phi, phi_max=360.0):
    """ Sets two spherical angles in bounds, 0<theta<180; (phi_max-360.0)<phi<phi_max"""
    phi_min = phi_max-360.0
    if type(theta) != type(arr):  theta = sc.array([theta])
    if type(phi) != type(arr):  phi = sc.array([phi])
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        theta[i] = angle_bounds(theta[i], -180.0, 180.0)
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        if theta[i] < 0.0:
            theta[i] = -1.0*theta[i]
            phi[i] = phi[i] + 180.0
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        theta[i] = angle_bounds(theta[i], -180.0, 180.0)
        phi[i] = angle_bounds(phi[i], phi_min, phi_max)
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        if (sc.fabs(theta[i]) == 180.0):  phi[i] = 0.0
    if len(theta)==1:
        theta, phi = theta[0], phi[0]
    return theta, phi
Ejemplo n.º 41
def inst_moav(theta, time, ins, nins, moav, residuals):
    """Calculate the instrumental moving average model."""
    counter = 0
    insmoav = sp.zeros_like(time)
    for i in range(nins):
        idx = ins == i
        time_ins = time[idx]
        for t in range(len(time_ins)):
            for c in range(moav[i]):
                th = theta[counter:counter + moav[i] * 2]
                if t > c:
                    res = residuals[i - 1 - c]
                    dt = sp.fabs(time_ins[t - 1 - c] - time_ins[t])
                    coeff = th[c].val
                    timescale = th[c + 1].val
                    MA = coeff * sp.exp(-dt / timescale) * res
                    insmoav[i] = MA
        counter += moav[i] * 2
    return insmoav
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def _calc_fit_param(self):

        def gaussian(A, B, x0, y0, sx, sy, theta):
            Returns a gaussian function centered at (x0, y0) with 
            stdev = (sx, sy), and rotated at angle theta
            c, s = scipy.cos(theta), scipy.sin(theta)

            def f(x, y):
                xx = (c * (x-x0) - s * (y-y0)) / sx
                yy = (s * (x-x0) + c * (y-y0)) / sy
                return A*scipy.exp( -(xx**2+yy**2)/2 ) + B
            return f
        def error(p):
            X, Y = scipy.indices(self._shape)
            g = gaussian(*p)

            return (g(X, Y) - self._orig_image).ravel()

        estimate = self._estimate_fit_param()
        p, cov, infodict, mesg, ier = optimize.leastsq(error, estimate, 

        success = ier in [1,2,3,4]
        if not success:
            raise Gaussian2dFitError

            # Make sure sx and sy are positive
            p[4], p[5] = scipy.fabs([p[4], p[5]])
            dof = self._orig_image.size - len(p)
            s_sq = (infodict['fvec']**2).sum() / dof
            cov = cov * s_sq

        return p, cov
Ejemplo n.º 43
def _mad(data, center=None, constant=None, axis=0):
    """calculate the median average deviation for multi channel input

    :param ndarray data: multi channeled input data [sample, channel]
    :param float|ndarray center: will be used to calculate the residual in X,
    if None use the median of X

    :param float constant: constant to bias the result,
    if None use the constant corresponding to a normal distribution

    :param int axis: axis to use for the median calculation


    # init and check
    data = sp.asarray(data)
    ns, nc = data.shape
    center = sp.ones(nc) * (center or sp.median(data, axis=axis))
    return (constant or NORM_PPF_CONST) * sp.median(sp.fabs(data - center),
Ejemplo n.º 44
	calcSusc = bool(int(config.get('params','calcSusc')))
if config.has_option('params','GFmethod'):
	GFmethod = str(config.get('params','GFmethod'))

## I/O parameters

if config.has_option('IO','WriteOutput'):
	chat        = bool(int(config.get('IO','WriteOutput')))
if config.has_option('IO','WriteFileGreenF'):
	WriteGF     = bool(int(config.get('IO','WriteFileGreenF')))
if config.has_option('IO','WriteFileVertex'):
	WriteVertex = bool(int(config.get('IO','WriteFileVertex')))
if config.has_option('IO','WriteDataFile'):
	WriteNpz    = bool(int(config.get('IO','WriteDataFile')))
if config.has_option('IO','WriteMax'):
	WriteMax    = sp.fabs(float(config.get('IO','WriteMax')))
if config.has_option('IO','WriteStep'):
	WriteStep   = int(config.get('IO','WriteStep'))

## energy axis ############################################
## RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power: 
## for KK we need range(N)**3, for large arrays it can hit the limit of
## 9223372036854775808 == 2**63 of signed int, then decrease number of energy points

def FillEnergies(dE,N):
	"""	returns the symmetric array of energies 
	[Emin,Emin+dE,...,0,...,-Emin-dE,-Emin] of length N """
	dE_dec = int(-sp.log10(dE))
	En_A = sp.linspace(-(N-1)/2*dE,(N-1)/2*dE,N)
	return sp.around(En_A,dE_dec+2)
def hand_move_incremental(goalangles, maxincrement = None, anglethreshold = .01, currentfingerangs = None):
    verbose = 0
    sentcommand = 0

    #track which motors to move individually
    moveindmotors = scipy.array([1,1,1,1])            
    #how much are we trying to move by?
    if currentfingerangs == None:
        currentfingerangs = hand_get_finger_angles()
    currentfingerangs = scipy.array(currentfingerangs[0:4])
    angdiffs = scipy.array(goalangles) - currentfingerangs

    if verbose:
        print "currentfingerangs:", ppdoublearray(currentfingerangs)
        print "angdiffs:", ppdoublearray(angdiffs)

    #don't move any motor by more than maxincrement in one step
    if maxincrement:
        posmove = hand_angleToPosition(1, maxincrement)        
        #if all fingers are trying to bend by at least maxincrement, move them all at once
        if all(angdiffs[1:4] > maxincrement):
            if verbose:
                print "moving all fingers in by maxincrement"
            cmd = "GIC " + str(posmove)
            sentcommand = 1
            moveindmotors[1:4] = [0,0,0]
        elif all(angdiffs[1:4] < -maxincrement):
            if verbose:
                print "moving all fingers out by maxincrement"
            cmd = "GIO " + str(posmove)
            sentcommand = 1
            moveindmotors[1:4] = [0,0,0]

        #clip moves to at most maxincrement
        clipArrayMag(angdiffs, maxincrement)
        goalangles = list(angdiffs + currentfingerangs)
        if verbose:
            print "clipped goalangles:", ppdoublearray(goalangles)

    #if no max increment, and all fingers are trying to bend to the same place, also move them all at once
        if math.fabs(angdiffs[1]) > anglethreshold and not any(scipy.fabs(scipy.array(goalangles) - goalangles[1])[1:4] > anglethreshold):
            posmove = hand_angleToPosition(1, goalangles[1])
            cmd = "GM " + str(posmove)
            sentcommand = 1
            moveindmotors[1:4] = [0,0,0]
            if verbose:
                print "moving all fingers to angle %.3f"%goalangles[1]

    #only move joints that aren't already close to the goal
    moveindmotors[scipy.fabs(angdiffs)<anglethreshold] = 0

    #if we're still moving all 4 motors, send all four angles as one command
    if all(moveindmotors):
        sentcommand = 1
        if verbose:
            print "moving to goalangles:", ppdoublearray(goalangles)

    #otherwise, move the relevant motors one at a time
        if verbose:
            print "moveindmotors:", moveindmotors
        for motor in range(4):
            if moveindmotors[motor]:
                hand_set_finger_angle(motor, goalangles[motor])
                sentcommand = 1
                if verbose:
                    print "moving motor", motor, "to angle %.3f"%goalangles[motor]

    return sentcommand
Ejemplo n.º 46
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import Classes.DM_structure as DM_structure
import scipy
import Classes.Gadget2 as Gadget2

A = DM_structure.DM_structure(FileName)
S = A.Snapshot
R = scipy.sqrt( S.x**2 + S.y**2 + S.z**2 )
Beta = 0.05
S.vx *= scipy.sqrt(Beta)
S.vy *= scipy.sqrt(Beta)
S.vz *= scipy.sqrt(Beta)
T = scipy.sum(0.5*S.m*(S.vx**2+S.vy**2+S.vz**2))
U = 0.5*scipy.sum(S.m*S.V)
print 2*T/scipy.fabs(U)
Gadget2.WriteGadget2(FileName + '_Beta' + str(Beta) , S )
print 'Created file',FileName + '_Beta' + str(Beta)
Ejemplo n.º 47
	if chat: print('# calculating the fully static vertex at half-filling as a starting point:')
	GFzero_A = GFlambda(En_A)
	Bubble_A = TwoParticleBubble(GFzero_A,GFzero_A,'eh')
	Lambda0 = CalculateLambda(Bubble_A,GFzero_A,GFzero_A)
	if chat: print('# - Lambda0 = {0: .8f}'.format(Lambda0))
	if chat: print('# Initial guess for Lambda: L(++) = {0: .6f}, L(+-) = {1: .6f}'.format(LppIn,LmpIn))
## calculate filling of the thermodynamic Green function
if chat: print('#\n# calculating the initial thermodynamic Green function:')
[nTup,nTdn] = [0.5,0.5]
[nTupOld,nTdnOld] = [1e8,1e8]

k = 1
while any([sp.fabs(nTupOld-nTup) > epsn, sp.fabs(nTdnOld-nTdn) > epsn]):
	[nTupOld,nTdnOld] = [nTup,nTdn]
	if T == 0.0:
		nup_dens = lambda x: DensityLambda(ed+U/2.0*(x+nTdn-1.0)-h) - x
		ndn_dens = lambda x: DensityLambda(ed+U/2.0*(nTup+x-1.0)+h) - x
		nup_dens = lambda x: Filling(GFlambda(En_A-ed-U/2.0*(x+nTdn-1.0)+h)) - x
		ndn_dens = lambda x: Filling(GFlambda(En_A-ed-U/2.0*(nTup+x-1.0)-h)) - x
	nTup = brentq(nup_dens,0.0,1.0,xtol = epsn)
	nTdn = brentq(ndn_dens,0.0,1.0,xtol = epsn)
	if chat: print('# - - {0: 3d}:   nUp: {1: .8f}, nDn: {2: .8f}'.format(k,nTup,nTdn))
	k += 1

## fill the Green functions
GFTup_A = GFlambda(En_A-ed-U/2.0*(nTup+nTdn-1.0)+h)
GFTdn_A = GFlambda(En_A-ed-U/2.0*(nTup+nTdn-1.0)-h)
def filter(x,cutoff = 0.5):
	return exp(-pow(scipy.fabs(real(x))/cutoff,2.0) )
Ejemplo n.º 49
def jacob(a, b, x, y, order):
    '''Calculation of Jacobean, or relative area'''
    j = dpdx(a, x, y, order) * dpdy(b, x, y, order) - dpdx(
        b, x, y, order) * dpdy(a, x, y, order)
    j = scipy.fabs(j)
    return j
Ejemplo n.º 50
    SC = bool(int(config.get('params', 'SC')))
if config.has_option('params', 'FSC'):
    FSC = bool(int(config.get('params', 'FSC')))

## I/O parameters

if config.has_option('IO', 'WriteOutput'):
    chat = bool(int(config.get('IO', 'WriteOutput')))
if config.has_option('IO', 'WriteFileGreenF'):
    WriteGF = bool(int(config.get('IO', 'WriteFileGreenF')))
if config.has_option('IO', 'WriteFileVertex'):
    WriteVertex = bool(int(config.get('IO', 'WriteFileVertex')))
if config.has_option('IO', 'WriteDataFile'):
    WriteNpz = bool(int(config.get('IO', 'WriteDataFile')))
if config.has_option('IO', 'WriteMax'):
    WriteMax = sp.fabs(float(config.get('IO', 'WriteMax')))
if config.has_option('IO', 'WriteStep'):
    WriteStep = int(config.get('IO', 'WriteStep'))

## reading parameters from command line ###################
if GFtype in ['sc', 'scinf']:  ## superconducting model, run super_parquet.py
    U = float(argv[1])
    DeltaS = float(argv[2])
    GammaS = float(argv[3])
    GammaN = float(argv[4])
    P = float(argv[5])
    T = eps = h = 0.0
    Phi = P * sp.pi
else:  ## normal model, run siam_parquet.py or siam_static.py
    U = float(argv[1])
Ejemplo n.º 51
def Fonction(x, y):
    z = fabs(sinc(x) * sinc(y))
    return z
Ejemplo n.º 52
def main():
    if sys.platform=='darwin' or os.path.exists("/nomad"):

    print "Nomad loading from",s.get_dir()

    if 1==2:
        for f in flist:
            print f
            print "   Loaded %d stars"%(len(data))
            print "   Writing %d stars"%((cut1*cut2*cut3).sum())


    if 1==1:
        print "Nomad loading from",s.get_dir()
        while (i<N-1):
            #print "DEC=%6.1f RA=%7.1f     b=%5.1f     l=%5.1f"%(dec,ra,b,l)
            if math.fabs(b)<30: 
            # Load list of stars at RA, DEC
            #print "#1",i,len(s.get_data())
            # Cut on R>15
            #print "#2",i,len(s.get_data())

            # Cut on R<19
            #print "   #3",i,len(s.get_data())

            if 1==2:
                # Array of circle sizes to draw stars
                # Draw stars
            print "Total",i,b,tot
        return s

    for i in range(10):
        # Active area of 1 GFA is 0.006 deg sq
        # Active area of 6 GFA is 0.036

        # Total area is equal to a circle with radius 0.107 degrees
        # Pi r^2 = 3 * 0.1 * 0.1 = 0.03


        # Load list of stars at RA, DEC

        # Array of circle sizes to draw stars
        # Draw stars
    return s
    for dec in range(-90,91,10):
        print dec,s.dec_to_file(dec)
Ejemplo n.º 53
def KondoTemperature(U,Gamma,en):
	''' calculating Kondo temperature '''
	if U!=0.0 and Gamma!=0.0:
		return sp.sqrt(U*Gamma/2.0)*sp.exp(-sp.pi*sp.fabs(U**2-4.0*en**2)/(8.0*U*Gamma))
		return 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 54
def SpecHWHM(GFint_A):
	''' Half-width at half-maximum of the spectral function '''
	N = len(En_A)
	DOSF = -sp.imag(GFint_A[N/2])/sp.pi	# value at Fermi energy
	DOS = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(En_A,-sp.imag(GFint_A)/sp.pi-DOSF/2.0)
	return sp.amin(sp.fabs(DOS.roots()))
Ejemplo n.º 55
def stoich_subspace(Cf0s, stoich_mat):
    Compute the bounds of the stoichiometric subspace, S, from multiple feed
    points and a stoichoimetric coefficient matrix.


        stoich_mat      (n x d) array. Each row in stoich_mat corresponds to a
                        component and each column corresponds to a reaction.

        Cf0s            (M x n) matrix. Each row in Cf0s corresponds to an
                        individual feed and each column corresponds to a


        S_attributes    dictionary that contains the vertices stoichiometric
                        subspace in extent and concentration space for
                        individual feeds as well as overall stoichiometric
                        subspace for multiple feeds.

            all_Es      vertices of the individual stoichiometric subspaces in
                        extent space.

            all_Cs      vertices of the individual stoichiometric subspaces in
                        concentration space.

            all_Es_mat  list of vertices of the overall stoichiometric subspace
                        in extent space.

            all_Cs_mat  list of vertices of the overall stoichiometric subspace
                        in concentration space.

            hull_Es     extreme vertices of the overall stoichiometric subspace
                        in the extent space.

            hull_Cs     extreme vertices of the overall stoichiometric subspace
                        in concentration space.

            bounds      bounds of the stoichiometric subspace in concentration


    # create an empty list of bounds/ axis_lims
    min_lims = []
    max_lims = []

    # to store stoichSubspace_attributes
    S_attributes = {}

    # to store vertices for each feed and stoich_mat in extent and
    # concentration space
    all_Es = []
    all_Cs = []

    # if user input is not a list, then convert into a list
    if not isinstance(Cf0s, list) and not Cf0s.shape[0] > 1 or not Cf0s.shape[1] > 1:
#    if not isinstance(Cf0s, list):
        # is Cf0s a matrix of feed(s), or just a single row/column vector?
#        if Cf0s.ndim == 1 or ((Cf0s.ndim == 2) and (Cf0s.shape[0] > 1 and Cf0s.shape[1] == 1) or (Cf0s.shape[0] == 1 and Cf0s.shape[1] > 1)):
            # put it in a list
            Cf0s = [Cf0s]

    for Cf0 in Cf0s:
        # loop through each feed point, Cf0, and check if it is a column vector
        # with ndim = 2, or a (L, ) array with ndim = 1 only
        if Cf0.ndim == 2:
            Cf0 = Cf0.flatten()  # converts into (L,)

        # raise an error if the no. of components is inconsistent between
        # the feed and stoichiometric matrix
        if len(Cf0) != stoich_mat.shape[0]:
            raise Exception(
                "The number of components in the feed does not match the number of rows in the stoichiometric matrix.")

        # always treat stoich_mat as a matrix for consistency, convert if not
        if stoich_mat.ndim == 1:
            # converts a 'single rxn' row into column vector
            stoich_mat = stoich_mat.reshape((len(stoich_mat), 1))

        # check if a single reaction or multiple reactions are occuring
        if stoich_mat.shape[1] == 1 or stoich_mat.ndim == 1:
            # if stoich_mat is (L,) array this'stoich_mat.shape[1]' raises an
            # error 'tuple out of range'

            # converts into (L,)
            stoich_mat = stoich_mat.flatten()

            # calculate the limiting requirements
            limiting = Cf0 / stoich_mat

            # only choose negative coefficients as these indicate reactants
            k = limiting < 0.0

            # calc maximum extent based on limiting reactant and calc C
            # we take max() because of the negative convention of the limiting
            # requirements
            e_max = sp.fabs(max(limiting[k]))

            # calc the corresponding point in concentration space
            C = Cf0 + stoich_mat * e_max

            # form Cs and Es and return
            Cs = sp.vstack([Cf0, C])
            Es = sp.array([[0., e_max]]).T

            # extent associated with each feed vector
            Es = con2vert(-stoich_mat, Cf0)

            # calc the corresponding point in concentration space
            Cs = (Cf0[:, None] + sp.dot(stoich_mat, Es.T)).T

        # vertices for each feed and stoich_mat in extent and concentration
        # space

        # stack vertices in one list and find the overall stoichiometric
        # subspace(convex hull)
        all_Es_mat = sp.vstack(all_Es)
        all_Cs_mat = sp.vstack(all_Cs)

    # compute the convexhull of the overall stoichiometric subspace
    # if n > d + 1, then hull_Cs is returned as the full list of vertices
    if len(Cf0) > rank(stoich_mat) + 1:
        # convexHull vertices are returned as the whole stack of points
        hull_Es = all_Es_mat
        hull_Cs = all_Cs_mat
        # convexHull vertices for the overall stoichiometric subspace in extent
        # space
        hull_all = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(all_Es_mat)
        ks = hull_all.vertices
        hull_Es = all_Es_mat[ks, :]

        # convexHull vertices for the overall stoichiometric subspace in
        # concentration space
        hull_all = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(all_Cs_mat)
        ks = hull_all.vertices
        hull_Cs = all_Cs_mat[ks, :]

    hull_Es = all_Es_mat
    hull_Cs = all_Cs_mat

    # no. of components
    N = stoich_mat.shape[0]

    # create a matrix of indices
    components = sp.linspace(0, N - 1, num=N)

    for i in components:
        # loop through each component and find the (min, max) => bounds of the
        # axis
        minMatrix = min(hull_Cs[:, i])
        maxMatrix = max(hull_Cs[:, i])

        # append limits into preallocated lists (min_lims, max_lims)

        # stack them into an ndarray and flatten() into a row vector
        bounds = sp.vstack((min_lims, max_lims)).T
        bounds = bounds.flatten()  # alternating min, max values

    # create a dictionary containing all the attributes of the stoich_subspace
    S_attributes = {
        'all_Es': all_Es,
        'all_Cs': all_Cs,
        'all_Es_mat': all_Es_mat,
        'all_Cs_mat': all_Cs_mat,
        'hull_Es': hull_Es,
        'hull_Cs': hull_Cs,
        'bounds': bounds

    return S_attributes
Ejemplo n.º 56
def calc_cstr_locus(Cf, rate_fn, NUM_PTS, axis_lims, tol=1e-6, N=2e4):
    Brute-force CSTR locus solver using geometric CSTR colinearity condition
    between r(C) and (C - Cf).

        Cf          []

        rate_fn     []

        NUM_PTS     []

        axis_lims   []

        tol         Optional.
                    Default value is 1e-6.

        N           Optional.
                    Default value is 2e4.

        cstr_cs     A list of cstr effluent concentrations.

        cstr_ts     CSTR residence times corresponding to cstr_cs.

    Cs = Cf
    ts = [0.0]

    N = int(N)  # block length

    while Cs.shape[0] < NUM_PTS:

        # update display
        print "%.2f%% complete..." % (float(Cs.shape[0]) / float(NUM_PTS) *

        # generate random points within the axis limits in blocks of N points
        Xs = rand_pts(N, axis_lims)

        # loop through each point and determine if it is a CSTR point
        ks = []
        for i, ci in enumerate(Xs):
            # calculate rate vector ri and mixing vector vi
            ri = rate_fn(ci, 1)
            vi = ci - Cf

            # normalise ri and vi
            vn = vi / scipy.linalg.norm(vi)
            rn = ri / scipy.linalg.norm(ri)

            # calculate colinearity between rn and vn
            if sp.fabs(sp.fabs(sp.dot(vn, rn) - 1.0)) <= tol:

                # calc corresponding cstr residence time (based on 1st element)
                tau = vi[0] / ri[0]

        # append colinear points to current list of CSTR points
        Cs = sp.vstack([Cs, Xs[ks, :]])

    # chop to desired number of points
    Cs = Cs[0:NUM_PTS, :]
    ts = sp.array(ts[0:NUM_PTS])

    return Cs, ts