Ejemplo n.º 1
    def from_data(data, header=None):
        """build from data"""

        if not isinstance(data, str):
            raise TypeError('needs a sting as input!')
        at = 0

        # begin to build package
        grp_idx, kind, nc, tf = unpack('<HcHH', data[at:at + 7])
        data_lst = [grp_idx, kind, nc, tf]
        tf_nc = tf * nc
        at += 7

        xcoors = sp.frombuffer(data[at:at + (nc * nc * (tf * 2 - 1) * 4)],
        xcoors.shape = (nc * nc, 2 * tf - 1)
        at += nc * nc * (tf * 2 - 1) * 4

        cov = sp.frombuffer(data[at:at + (tf_nc * tf_nc * 4)],
        cov.shape = (tf_nc, tf_nc)

        return BS3CoveDataBlock(data_lst, header=header)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def svm_read_problem(self, data_file_name, return_scipy=False):
        svm_read_problem(data_file_name, return_scipy=False) -> [y, x], y: list, x: list of dictionary
        svm_read_problem(data_file_name, return_scipy=True)  -> [y, x], y: ndarray, x: csr_matrix

        Read LIBSVM-format data from data_file_name and return labels y
        and data instances x.
        if scipy != None and return_scipy:
            prob_y = array('d')
            prob_x = array('d')
            row_ptr = array('l', [0])
            col_idx = array('l')
            prob_y = []
            prob_x = []
            row_ptr = [0]
            col_idx = []
        indx_start = 1
        for i, line in enumerate(open(data_file_name)):
            line = line.split(None, 1)
            # In case an instance with all zero features
            if len(line) == 1: line += ['']
            label, features = line
            if scipy != None and return_scipy:
                nz = 0
                for e in features.split():
                    ind, val = e.split(":")
                    if ind == '0':
                        indx_start = 0
                    val = float(val)
                    if val != 0:
                        col_idx.append(int(ind) - indx_start)
                        nz += 1
                row_ptr.append(row_ptr[-1] + nz)
                xi = {}
                for e in features.split():
                    ind, val = e.split(":")
                    xi[int(ind)] = float(val)
                prob_x += [xi]
        if scipy != None and return_scipy:
            prob_y = pd.DataFrame(scipy.frombuffer(prob_y, dtype='d'))
            prob_x = scipy.frombuffer(prob_x, dtype='d')
            col_idx = scipy.frombuffer(col_idx, dtype='l')
            row_ptr = scipy.frombuffer(row_ptr, dtype='l')
            prob_x = pd.DataFrame(sparse.csr_matrix((prob_x, col_idx, row_ptr)).todense())
        return (prob_y, prob_x)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def svm_read_problem(data_file_name, return_scipy=False):
	svm_read_problem(data_file_name, return_scipy=False) -> [y, x], y: list, x: list of dictionary
	svm_read_problem(data_file_name, return_scipy=True)  -> [y, x], y: ndarray, x: csr_matrix

	Read LIBSVM-format data from data_file_name and return labels y
	and data instances x.
	if scipy != None and return_scipy:
		prob_y = array('d')
		prob_x = array('d')
		row_ptr = array('l', [0])
		col_idx = array('l')
		prob_y = []
		prob_x = []
		row_ptr = [0]
		col_idx = []
	indx_start = 1
	for i, line in enumerate(open(data_file_name)):
		line = line.split(None, 1)
		# In case an instance with all zero features
		if len(line) == 1: line += ['']
		label, features = line
		if scipy != None and return_scipy:
			nz = 0
			for e in features.split():
				ind, val = e.split(":")
				if ind == '0':
					indx_start = 0
				val = float(val)
				if val != 0:
					nz += 1
			xi = {}
			for e in features.split():
				ind, val = e.split(":")
				xi[int(ind)] = float(val)
			prob_x += [xi]
	if scipy != None and return_scipy:
		prob_y = scipy.frombuffer(prob_y, dtype='d')
		prob_x = scipy.frombuffer(prob_x, dtype='d')
		col_idx = scipy.frombuffer(col_idx, dtype='l')
		row_ptr = scipy.frombuffer(row_ptr, dtype='l')
		prob_x = sparse.csr_matrix((prob_x, col_idx, row_ptr))
	return (prob_y, prob_x)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def play(self):
        self.data = self.wf.readframes(self.chunk)

        while len(self.data) > 0:
            self.data = self.wf.readframes(self.chunk)
            self.data = frombuffer(self.data, dtype="int16")
            if self.task is None:
            elif self.task[0] == "pause":
                self.task = None
            elif self.task[0] == "stop":
                self.task = None
            elif self.task[0] == "change_speed":
                print(f"curren_speed changed to: {self.task[1]}")
                self.current_speed = self.task[1]
                self.task = None
        print("play done")
        self.isstart = False
Ejemplo n.º 5
def read_libsvm_format(
        file_path: str) -> 'tuple[list[list[int]], sparse.csr_matrix]':
    """Read multi-label LIBSVM-format data.

        file_path (str): Path to file.

        tuple[list[list[int]], sparse.csr_matrix]: A tuple of labels and features.
    def as_ints(str):
        return [int(s) for s in str.split(',')]

    prob_y = []
    prob_x = array('d')
    row_ptr = array('l', [0])
    col_idx = array('l')

    for i, line in enumerate(open(file_path)):
        line = line.split(None, 1)
        # In case an instance with all zero features
        if len(line) == 1:
            line += ['']
        label, features = line
        nz = 0
        for e in features.split():
            ind, val = e.split(':')
            val = float(val)
            if val != 0:
                col_idx.append(int(ind) - 1)
                nz += 1
        row_ptr.append(row_ptr[-1] + nz)

    prob_x = scipy.frombuffer(prob_x, dtype='d')
    col_idx = scipy.frombuffer(col_idx, dtype='l')
    row_ptr = scipy.frombuffer(row_ptr, dtype='l')
    prob_x = sparse.csr_matrix((prob_x, col_idx, row_ptr))

    return (prob_y, prob_x)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def wavread(filename, normalize=False, dtype=float64):
    win = wave.open(filename, 'r')
    length = win.getnframes() * win.getsampwidth() * win.getnchannels()
    nframes = win.getnframes()
    x = frombuffer(win.readframes(length), dtype='c').view(typeinfo[win.getsampwidth()]).reshape(nframes, win.getnchannels()).astype(dtype)
    if normalize:
        x /= abs(x).max()
        x = x / (2 ** (win.getsampwidth() * 8 - 1))
#    print "==============================================12341234==="
    return x, win.getframerate(), win.getsampwidth() * 8
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def from_data(data, header=None):
        """build from data"""

        if not isinstance(data, str):
            raise TypeError('needs a sting as input!')
        at = 0

        # groups
        group_lst = []
        ngroup, = unpack('<H', data[at:at + 2])
        at += 2
        if ngroup > 0:
            for _ in xrange(ngroup):
                grp_idx, nc, tf, cl = unpack('<HHHH', data[at:at + 8])
                at += 8
                tf_nc = tf * nc
                cov = sp.frombuffer(data[at:at + tf_nc * tf_nc * 4],
                at += tf_nc * tf_nc * 4
                cov.shape = (tf_nc, tf_nc)
                nunit, = unpack('<I', data[at:at + 4])
                at += 4
                unit_lst = []
                if nunit > 0:
                    for _ in xrange(nunit):
                        filt = sp.frombuffer(
                            data[at:at + tf_nc * 4],
                        ).reshape(tf, nc).T
                        at += tf_nc * 4
                        temp = sp.frombuffer(
                            data[at:at + tf_nc * 4],
                        ).reshape(tf, nc).T
                        at += tf_nc * 4
                        snr, active, u1, u2 = unpack('<fBHH', data[at:at + 9])
                        at += 9
                        unit_lst.append((filt, temp, snr, active, u1, u2))
                group_lst.append((grp_idx, nc, tf, cl, cov, unit_lst))
        return BS3SortSetupBlock(group_lst, header=header)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def wavread_old(fname, dtype='float'):
    Read wave file
      fname: string
        input filename
      outData: ndarray
        wave data of fname
      fs: float
        sampling rate of fname
      bit: int
        bit depth of fname
    wp = wave.open(fname, 'rb')
    fs = wp.getframerate()
    bit = wp.getsampwidth() * 8
    ch = wp.getnchannels()
    length = wp.getnframes()
    if dtype == 'float':
        scaling = 32768.0
    elif dtype == 'int':
        scaling = 1
        scaling = 32768.0

    str_data = wp.readframes(wp.getnframes())
    if bit == 16:
        data = sp.frombuffer(str_data, 'int16') / scaling # 24bit wavはどうすればいい?
    elif bit == 24:
        #data = sp.fromstring(strData, sp.int32) # 24bit wavはどうすればいい?
        data = sp.zeros(wp.getnframes())
    if (ch == 2):
        #lData = sp.int32(data[::2])
        #rData = sp.int32(data[1::2])
        l_data = data[::2]
        r_data = data[1::2]
        out_data = sp.array([l_data, r_data])
        #lData = sp.int32(data)
        l_data = data
        out_data = sp.array(l_data)

    return out_data, fs, bit
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def fill_image(self, i, l, use_binarization=True, equalize=False):
        text = l[-1]
        if len(text) > self.word_size:
            return None
        gray = int(l[2])
        box = [int(l[3]), int(l[4]), int(l[5]), int(l[6])]
        word_id = l[0].split("-")

        line_box = self.lines[line_id]
        word_dy = box[1]-line_box[1]

        if word_dy < 0:
            return None
        scale = self.scale*random.uniform(0.9, 1.1)
        new_height = floor(box[3]*scale)

        if (new_height>self.line_height):
            return None
        new_width = floor(box[2]*scale)

        if new_width < 2 or new_height < 2:
            return None
        f_name = self.word_file(l)
        data = self.word_images[l[0]]
        data = sp.frombuffer(data, sp.uint8)
            img = cv2.imdecode(data, 0)
            if equalize:
                img = cv2.equalizeHist(img,gray)
            elif use_binarization:
                _, img = cv2.threshold(img,gray,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
            img=cv2.resize(img, (new_width, new_height), cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)

            word_dy = 128 - floor(word_dy*self.scale) - new_height + floor(random.uniform(-self.rand_y, self.rand_y))
            dx = self.dx + floor(random.uniform(0, self.rand_x))
            max_x = dx+new_width
            if max_x > self.line_width:
                new_width -= max_x - self.line_width
            self.tmp[i, word_dy:word_dy+new_height, 0+dx:dx+new_width]=img
            return None
        w = l[-1]
        W = self.encode_word(w)
        return W
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def separate_wav(self, cut_interval, shift_time):
        # frames = int(self.s_info.channels * self.s_info.f_rate)
        frames = self.s_info.f_rate
        shift_frames = int(frames * shift_time)
        chunk_size = int(frames * cut_interval)

        sample = frombuffer(self.s_info.data, dtype=int16)
        sample_len = len(sample)

        def calc_begin_end(offset: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
            begin = offset * shift_frames
            end = begin + chunk_size
            return begin, end

        delimiter = ((sample_len - frames) // shift_frames) + 1

        for i in range(delimiter):
            begin, end = calc_begin_end(offset=i)
            yield sample[begin:end]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _get_echan(self, idx):
        """yields an event channel as ndarray

        :type idx: int
        :param idx: channel id.

        # checks
        if idx not in self.echan_header:
            raise IndexError('no data for this channel: %s' % idx)

        # get data
        self.fp.seek(self.echan_header[idx].data_offset, 0)
        byte_data = self.fp.read(self.echan_header[idx].n_sample * 4)

        # return
        if len(byte_data) == 0:
            return sp.array([], dtype=sp.int32)
        return sp.frombuffer(byte_data, dtype=sp.int32)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _get_echan(self, idx):
        """yields an event channel as ndarray

        :type idx: int
        :param idx: channel id.

        # checks
        if idx not in self.echan_header:
            raise IndexError('no data for this channel: %s' % idx)

        # get data
        self.fp.seek(self.echan_header[idx].data_offset, 0)
        byte_data = self.fp.read(self.echan_header[idx].n_sample * 4)

        # return
        if len(byte_data) == 0:
            return sp.array([], dtype=sp.int32)
        return sp.frombuffer(byte_data, dtype=sp.int32)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _get_achan(self, idx):
        """yields an analog channel as ndarray

        :type idx: int
        :param idx: channel id

        # checks
        if idx >= self.max_achan:
            raise IndexError('not a valid channel: %s' % idx)
        if idx not in self.achan_header:
            raise IndexError('no data for this channel: %s' % idx)

        # get data
        byte_data = self.fp.read(self.achan_header[idx].n_sample * 2)

        # return
        if len(byte_data) == 0:
            return sp.array([], dtype=sp.int16)
        return sp.frombuffer(byte_data, dtype=sp.int16)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def from_data(data, header=None):
        """build from data"""

        if not isinstance(data, str):
            raise TypeError('needs a sting as input!')
        at = 0

        # events
        event_lst = []
        nevent, = unpack('<I', data[at:at + 4])
        at += 4
        if nevent > 0:
            for _ in xrange(nevent):
                gid, uid, tv, nc, ns = unpack('<HIQHH', data[at:at + 18])
                at += 18
                wf = sp.frombuffer(
                    data[at:at + ns * nc * 2],
                ).reshape(nc, ns).T
                at += ns * nc * 2
                event_lst.append((gid, uid, tv, nc, ns, wf))
        return BS3WaveDataBlock(event_lst, header=header)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def read_mhd(mhd_path):
    """ reads the data from an mhd file and returns a np array. The data
    type to read is specified from the tifffile module by the tiff reading 
    capabilities. Based on code from the pirt library. 
    see: https://bitbucket.org/almarklein/pirt"""

    # Load description from mhd file
    mhd = open(mhd_path, 'r').read()

    # Get data filename and load raw data
    raw_path = re.findall('ElementDataFile = (.+)', mhd)[0]

    # if the path in the mhd is not an absolute path, make it one
    if raw_path[0] != '/':
        raw_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mhd_path),

    # get dimensions
    dimensions = sp.int16(re.findall('DimSize = (.+)', mhd)[0].split())

    # get correct datatype mapping
    mhd_dtype = re.findall('ElementType = (.+)', mhd)[0]
    dtype = get_np_dtype(mhd_dtype)

    # read and reshape
    fh = open(raw_path, 'rb')
    data = sp.frombuffer(fh.read(), dtype=dtype)

    if len(dimensions) == 2:
        data_reshape = sp.reshape(data, (dimensions[1], dimensions[0]))
        data_reshape = data_reshape.T
    if len(dimensions) == 3:  # FIXME
        data_reshape = sp.reshape(
            data, (dimensions[2], dimensions[1], dimensions[0]))

    return data_reshape
Ejemplo n.º 16
def split_mp3_to_wav_segment(filename, sampling_rate, mp3_length, num_segment,
    wavf = str(filename) + '.wav'
    wr = wave.open(wavf, 'r')

    ch = wr.getnchannels()
    width = wr.getsampwidth()
    fr = wr.getframerate()
    fn = wr.getnframes()
    total_time = 1.0 * fn / fr
    t = mp3_length / num_segment
    frames = int(ch * fr * t)

    data = wr.readframes(wr.getnframes())
    X = frombuffer(data, dtype=int16)

    if total_time < mp3_length:
        print('mp3_length must be shorter than total_time')

    for j in range(num_segment):
        split = df.split[index]
        clip_id = df.clip_id[index]
        outf = 'wav_segment/' + split + '_' + str(clip_id) + '_' + str(
            j + 1) + '.wav'
        x = math.floor(sampling_rate * (total_time - mp3_length) / 2)
        start_cut = j * frames + x
        end_cut = j * frames + frames + x
        Y = X[start_cut:end_cut]
        outd = struct.pack("h" * len(Y), *Y)
        ww = wave.open(outf, 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 17
def read_mhd(mhd_path):
    """ reads the data from an mhd file and returns a np array. The data
    type to read is specified from the tifffile module by the tiff reading
    capabilities. Based on code from the pirt library.

    see: https://bitbucket.org/almarklein/pirt"""

    # Load description from mhd file
    mhd = open(mhd_path,'r').read()

    # Get data filename and load raw data
    raw_path = re.findall('ElementDataFile = (.+)',mhd)[0]

    # if the path in the mhd is not an absolute path, make it one
    if raw_path[0] != '/':
        raw_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mhd_path),os.path.basename(raw_path))

    # get dimensions
    dimensions = sp.int16(re.findall('DimSize = (.+)',mhd)[0].split())

    # get correct datatype mapping
    mhd_dtype = re.findall('ElementType = (.+)',mhd)[0]
    dtype = get_np_dtype(mhd_dtype)

    # read and reshape
    fh = open(raw_path, 'rb')
    data = sp.frombuffer(fh.read(),dtype = dtype)

    if len(dimensions) == 2:
        data_reshape = sp.reshape(data,(dimensions[1],dimensions[0]))
        data_reshape = data_reshape.T
    if len(dimensions) == 3: # FIXME
        data_reshape = sp.reshape(data,(dimensions[2],dimensions[1],dimensions[0]))

    return data_reshape
Ejemplo n.º 18
    ('S1_phi', None),
    ('S1_eta', None),
    ('S1_theta', None),

print "... going to fetch data from tree"

##### copy the data to memory. This is super fast, excellent!!
data_buf = [None] * len(data_format)
tIn.SetEstimate(nevents + 1)
for idx, df in enumerate(data_format):
    print '... reading data in', df[0]
    tIn.Draw(df[0], "", "goff", nevents, 0)
    temp = tIn.GetV1()
    data_buf[idx] = copy.deepcopy(
        scipy.frombuffer(buffer=temp, dtype='double', count=nevents))

data = np.asarray(data_buf)
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[x[0] for x in data_format])
pd.set_option('expand_frame_repr', False)
pd.options.display.max_rows = 10

print "... data moved to memory"
# print data
# print dataframe

### transpose, so that row ==> evt index, column ==> property
dataframe = dataframe.transpose()

print "... dataset transposed"
print dataframe
Ejemplo n.º 19
    ## first determine average for each
    ##### copy the data to memory. This is super fast, excellent!!
    nevents = tIn.GetEntries()
    tIn.SetEstimate(nevents + 1)
    avgs = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    for idx in range(4):
        print '... making averages', idx + 1
        thecut = cut.format("S%i" % (idx + 1)) + " && has_S%i" % (idx + 1)
        print thecut
        tIn.Draw(expr.format("S%i") % (idx + 1), thecut, "goff", nevents, 0)
        temp = tIn.GetV1()
        nselected = tIn.GetEntries(thecut)
        print nselected
        data_buf = copy.deepcopy(
            scipy.frombuffer(buffer=temp, dtype='double', count=nselected))
        data = np.asarray(data_buf)
        # print data
        # print min(data), max(data)
        avgs[idx] = np.average(data)
        print " >> avg ", avgs[idx]

    h_S1 = make_histogram(tIn,
                          cut.format("S1") + " && has_S1",
                          xshift=-1. * avgs[0])  ## to be centred at 0
    h_S2 = make_histogram(tIn,
                          cut.format("S2") + " && has_S2",
Ejemplo n.º 20
                # check if the word satisfies all thresholds
                if wordConfi > confidence_threshold and (
                        wordT1 - wordT0) / wordCount > length_threshold:
                    confidences[wordPy] = wordConfi
                    timestamps[wordPy] = [wordT0, wordT1]

# extract basic information of the wave file

audio = wave.open(wav_file, 'r')
ch = audio.getnchannels()
width = audio.getsampwidth()
fr = audio.getframerate()
fn = audio.getnframes()
data = audio.readframes(fn)
audioContent = frombuffer(data, dtype=int16)

# split the wave file

if not os.path.exists('./output'):
for name in timestamps:
    segment = audioContent[int(timestamps[name][0] * fr *
                               ch):int(timestamps[name][1] * fr * ch)]
    outd = struct.pack("h" * len(segment), *segment)
    ww = wave.open('./output/' + name + '.wav', 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 21
    # ('genjet_eta'   , 'double'),
    # ('genjet_phi'   , 'double'),
    # ('genjet_mass'  , 'double'),

print "... going to fetch data from tree"

##### copy the data to memory. This is super fast, excellent!!
data_buf = [None] * len(data_format)
tIn.SetEstimate(nevents + 1)
for idx, df in enumerate(data_format):
    print '... reading data in', df[0]
    tIn.Draw(df[0], "", "goff", nevents, 0)
    temp = tIn.GetV1()
    data_buf[idx] = copy.deepcopy(
        scipy.frombuffer(buffer=temp, dtype=df[1], count=nevents))

print "... done"

data = np.asarray(data_buf)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[x[0] for x in data_format])
df = df.transpose()

## graphics options for display
pd.set_option('expand_frame_repr', False)
pd.options.display.max_rows = 10

# print df
# convert jet flav column to integer type
df['jet_flav'] = df['jet_flav'].astype(int)
# use abs eta of jet
Ejemplo n.º 22
def cut_wav(filename, time):
    wav_file = f'{filename}.wav'
    wr = wave.open(wav_file, 'r')

    ch = wr.getnchannels()
    width = wr.getsampwidth()
    fr = wr.getframerate()
    fn = wr.getnframes()
    total_time = 1.0 * fn / fr
    integer = math.floor(total_time)
    # t = int(time)
    t = time

    # フレームに応じて図の横幅が変わるため、一定値にする
    frames = int(ch * fr * t)

    num_cut = int(integer // t)

    print(f'channle: {ch}')
    print(f'sample width: {width}')
    print(f'frame rate: {fr}')
    print(f'frame num: {fn}')
    print(f'params: {wr.getparams()}')
    print(f'total time: {total_time}')
    print(f'total time(int): {integer}')
    print(f'time: {t}')
    print(f'frames: {frames}')
    print(f'number of cut: {num_cut}')

    data = wr.readframes(wr.getnframes())
    X = frombuffer(data, dtype=int16)

    out_file_path = f'{export_dir}/{filename}'
    if not os.path.exists(out_file_path):

    end_condition = frames * num_cut

    filename = os.path.basename(filename)

    frames = 10000  # 横幅を合わせるための
    for i in range(num_cut):

        out_file = f'{out_file_path}/{filename}_{i}.wav'
        start_cut = i * frames
        end_cut = (i + 10) * frames
        # end_cut = (i + 10) * frames + frames
        # print(start_cut, end_cut)
        # print()

        if end_cut > end_condition:
            print('  over frames')

        Y = X[start_cut:end_cut]
        out_date = struct.pack('h' * len(Y), *Y)

        # output
        with wave.open(out_file, 'w') as ww:
		OnePlotAxes.tick_params(axis='y', direction='out')


		N = mytree.GetEntries()

		corrhist = mytree.Draw(vartreeexp+">>htemp111%s(%d,%f,%f,%d,%f,%f)"%
								selection="%f"%(MCScales[MCSample]), create_hist=True, options="goff") 

		# mytree.GetSelectedRows() 
		y = mytree.GetV1()
		y = copy.deepcopy(scipy.frombuffer(buffer=y,dtype='double',count=1000000 ))
		x = mytree.GetV2()
		x = copy.deepcopy(scipy.frombuffer(buffer=x,dtype='double',count=1000000  ))
		w = mytree.GetW()
		w = copy.deepcopy(scipy.frombuffer(buffer=w,dtype='double',count=1000000  ))

		# print w[:100]
		# print w[-100:]

		# plt.show()
		# code.interact(local=locals())

		# Let's add on other samples that are related
		for (tmpMCSample,tmpNorm, tmpLabel, tmpFirstInCombinedSample) in MCSamples[jSample+1:]:

			if tmpFirstInCombinedSample:
Ejemplo n.º 24
def numpy_from_array(v):
    # return scipy.frombuffer(v.get_obj())
    return scipy.frombuffer(v.get_obj())
Ejemplo n.º 25
wavfile = "./futta-dream.wav"

# WAVファイルを開く
wr = wave.open(wavfile, "rb")

# WAVファイルの情報を表示(別にいらん)
print("Channel num : ", wr.getnchannels())
print("Sample size : ", wr.getsampwidth())
print("Sampling rate : ", wr.getframerate())
print("Frame num : ", wr.getnframes())
print("Prams : ", wr.getparams())
print("Sec : ", float(wr.getnframes()) / wr.getframerate())

# データの読み込み
data = wr.readframes(wr.getnframes())

# 文字型から数値型に
num_data = frombuffer(data, dtype=int16)

if (wr.getnchannels() == 2):
    # 左チャンネル
    left = num_data[::2]
    # 右チャンネル
    right = num_data[1::2]

