def con2vert(A, b): """ Convert sets of constraints to a list of vertices (of the feasible region). If the shape is open, con2vert returns False for the closed property. """ # Python implementation of con2vert.m by Michael Kleder (July 2005), # available: # -con2vert-constraints-to-vertices # Author: Michael Kelder (Original) # Andre Campher (Python implementation) c = linalg.lstsq(mat(A), mat(b))[0] btmp = mat(b)-mat(A)*c D = mat(A)/matlib.repmat(btmp, 1, A.shape[1]) fmatv = qhull(D, "Ft") #vertices on facets G = zeros((fmatv.shape[0], D.shape[1])) for ix in range(0, fmatv.shape[0]): F = D[fmatv[ix, :], :].squeeze() G[ix, :] = linalg.lstsq(F, ones((F.shape[0], 1)))[0].transpose() V = G + matlib.repmat(c.transpose(), G.shape[0], 1) ux = uniqm(V) eps = 1e-13 Av = dot(A, ux.T) bv = tile(b, (1, ux.shape[0])) closed = sciall(Av - bv <= eps) return ux, closed
def allinside(self, conset2): """ Determine if all vertices of self is within conset2. allvinside merely returns True/False whereas insidenorm returns a measure of 'inside-ness' better suited for optimisers. """ # Inside check Av = dot(conset2.A, self.vert.T) bv = tile(conset2.b, (1, self.vert.shape[0])) eps = 1e-13 intmpvals = Av - bv intmp = intmpvals <= eps allvinside = sciall(intmp) # Inside norm insidenorm = zeros((Av.shape[0], 1)) for cons in range(Av.shape[0]): for verts in range(Av.shape[1]): dist = abs(intmpvals[cons, verts])/sqrt(sum(conset2.A[cons, :]**2)) if not intmp[cons, verts]: # outside insidenorm[cons] = insidenorm[cons] - dist # Outside volume return allvinside, insidenorm#, outsidevol