Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _do_outer_iteration_stage(self):
     #Generate curve from points
     for inv_val in self._inv_points:
         #Apply one applied pressure and determine invaded pores
         logger.info('Applying capillary pressure: '+str(inv_val))
     #Store results using networks' get/set method
     self['pore.inv_Pc'] = self._p_inv
     self['throat.inv_Pc'] = self._t_inv
     #Find invasion sequence values (to correspond with IP algorithm)
     self._p_seq = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self._p_inv),self._p_inv)
     self._t_seq = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self._t_inv),self._t_inv)
     self['pore.inv_seq'] = self._p_seq
     self['throat.inv_seq'] = self._t_seq
     #Calculate Saturations
     v_total = sp.sum(self._net['pore.volume'])+sp.sum(self._net['throat.volume'])
     sat = 0.
     self['pore.inv_sat'] = 1.
     self['throat.inv_sat'] = 1.
     for i in range(self._npts):
         inv_pores = sp.where(self._p_seq==i)[0]
         inv_throats = sp.where(self._t_seq==i)[0]
         new_sat = (sum(self._net['pore.volume'][inv_pores])+sum(self._net['throat.volume'][inv_throats]))/v_total
         sat += new_sat
         self['pore.inv_sat'][inv_pores] = sat
         self['throat.inv_sat'][inv_throats] = sat
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _do_outer_iteration_stage(self):
     #Generate curve from points
     for inv_val in self._inv_points:
         #Apply one applied pressure and determine invaded pores
         logger.info('Applying capillary pressure: ' + str(inv_val))
     #Store results using networks' get/set method
     self['pore.inv_Pc'] = self._p_inv
     self['throat.inv_Pc'] = self._t_inv
     #Find invasion sequence values (to correspond with IP algorithm)
     self._p_seq = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self._p_inv), self._p_inv)
     self._t_seq = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self._t_inv), self._t_inv)
     self['pore.inv_seq'] = self._p_seq
     self['throat.inv_seq'] = self._t_seq
     #Calculate Saturations
     v_total = sp.sum(self._net['pore.volume']) + sp.sum(
     sat = 0.
     self['pore.inv_sat'] = 1.
     self['throat.inv_sat'] = 1.
     for i in range(self._npts):
         inv_pores = sp.where(self._p_seq == i)[0]
         inv_throats = sp.where(self._t_seq == i)[0]
         new_sat = (sum(self._net['pore.volume'][inv_pores]) +
                    sum(self._net['throat.volume'][inv_throats])) / v_total
         sat += new_sat
         self['pore.inv_sat'][inv_pores] = sat
         self['throat.inv_sat'][inv_throats] = sat
Ejemplo n.º 3
def incidence_matrices(relation):
    results = {}
    with tqdm(total=len(relation)) as pbar:
        for i, (subreddit, group) in enumerate(relation.groupby('subreddit')):
            links = sp.array(sorted(sp.concatenate(group.link_ids.tolist())))
            authors = sp.array(sorted(group.author))

            rs, cs = [], []
            for _, row in group.iterrows():
                r = sp.searchsorted(authors, row.author)
                c = sp.searchsorted(links, row.link_ids)

                rs.append(sp.full_like(c, r))
            rs, cs = sp.concatenate(rs), sp.concatenate(cs)
            vals = sp.ones_like(rs)

            incidence = sp.sparse.csr_matrix((vals, (rs, cs)),
                                             (len(authors), len(links)))
            results[subreddit] = {
                'incidence': incidence,
                'authors': authors,
                'links': links


    return results
Ejemplo n.º 4
def split_dt(ts, xss, dt, t_min):
    assert all(len(ts) == len(xs) for xs in xss)
    from scipy import searchsorted
    t1, t2 = t_min, t_min + dt
    i1, i2 = searchsorted(ts, t1), searchsorted(ts, t2)
    while True:
        yield ts[i1:i2], tuple(xs[i1:i2] for xs in xss)
        t2 += dt
        i1, i2 = i2, searchsorted(ts, t2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def run(self, npts=25, inv_pressures=None):
        Run the algorithm for specified number of points or at given capillary

        npts : scalar
            The number of points to obtain on the curve.  The points are
            automatically selected to span the range of capillary pressures
            using a logarithmic spacing (more points are lower capillary
            pressure values).

        inv_pressures : array_like
            A list of capillary pressures to apply. List should contain
            increasing and unique values.
        # If no invasion points are given then generate some
        if inv_pressures is None:
            logger.info('Generating list of invasion pressures')
            min_p = sp.amin(self['throat.entry_pressure']) * 0.98  # nudge down
            max_p = sp.amax(self['throat.entry_pressure']) * 1.02  # bump up
            inv_points = sp.logspace(sp.log10(min_p),
            # Make sure the given invastion points are sensible
            inv_points = sp.unique(inv_pressures)
        self._inv_points = inv_points

        # Ensure inlets are set
        if sp.sum(self['pore.inlets']) == 0:
            raise Exception('Inlet pores have not been specified')

        # Ensure outlet pores are set if trapping is enabled
        if self._trapping:
            if sp.sum(self['pore.outlets']) == 0:
                raise Exception('Outlet pores have not been specified')

        # Generate curve from points
        for inv_val in self._inv_points:
            # Apply one applied pressure and determine invaded pores
            logger.info('Applying capillary pressure: ' + str(inv_val))
            if self._trapping:
                logger.info('Checking for trapping')

        # Find invasion sequence values (to correspond with IP algorithm)
        Pinv = self['pore.inv_Pc']
        self['pore.inv_seq'] = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(Pinv), Pinv)
        Tinv = self['throat.inv_Pc']
        self['throat.inv_seq'] = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(Tinv), Tinv)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def run(self, npts=25, inv_pressures=None):
        Run the algorithm for specified number of points or at given capillary

        npts : scalar
            The number of points to obtain on the curve.  The points are
            automatically selected to span the range of capillary pressures
            using a logarithmic spacing (more points are lower capillary
            pressure values).

        inv_pressures : array_like
            A list of capillary pressures to apply. List should contain
            increasing and unique values.
        # If no invasion points are given then generate some
        if inv_pressures is None:
            logger.info('Generating list of invasion pressures')
            min_p = sp.amin(self['throat.entry_pressure']) * 0.98  # nudge down
            max_p = sp.amax(self['throat.entry_pressure']) * 1.02  # bump up
            inv_points = sp.logspace(sp.log10(min_p), sp.log10(max_p), npts)
            # Make sure the given invastion points are sensible
            inv_points = sp.unique(inv_pressures)
        self._inv_points = inv_points

        # Ensure inlets are set
        if sp.sum(self['pore.inlets']) == 0:
            raise Exception('Inlet pores have not been specified')

        # Ensure outlet pores are set if trapping is enabled
        if self._trapping:
            if sp.sum(self['pore.outlets']) == 0:
                raise Exception('Outlet pores have not been specified')

        # Generate curve from points
        for inv_val in self._inv_points:
            # Apply one applied pressure and determine invaded pores
            logger.info('Applying capillary pressure: ' + str(inv_val))
            if self._trapping:
                logger.info('Checking for trapping')

        # Find invasion sequence values (to correspond with IP algorithm)
        Pinv = self['pore.inv_Pc']
        self['pore.inv_seq'] = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(Pinv), Pinv)
        Tinv = self['throat.inv_Pc']
        self['throat.inv_seq'] = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(Tinv), Tinv)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _do_outer_iteration_stage(self, inv_points):
        # Generate curve from points
        for inv_val in inv_points:
            # Apply one applied pressure and determine invaded pores
            logger.info('Applying capillary pressure: ' + str(inv_val))

        # Find invasion sequence values (to correspond with IP algorithm)
        self['pore.inv_seq'] = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self['pore.inv_Pc']),
        self['throat.inv_seq'] = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self['throat.inv_Pc']),

        if self._trapping:
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _do_outer_iteration_stage(self, inv_points):
        # Generate curve from points
        for inv_val in inv_points:
            # Apply one applied pressure and determine invaded pores
            logger.info('Applying capillary pressure: ' + str(inv_val))

        # Find invasion sequence values (to correspond with IP algorithm)
        self['pore.inv_seq'] = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self['pore.inv_Pc']),
        self['throat.inv_seq'] = sp.searchsorted(
            sp.unique(self['throat.inv_Pc']), self['throat.inv_Pc'])

        if self._trapping:
    def remove_outliers(self, points):

        points_filtered = points[:]
        empty_space_width = .02
        check_percent = .02
        edge_width = .005

        #remove outliers in each dimension (x,y,z)
        for dim in range(3):

            #sort the points by their values in that dimension
            num_points = scipy.shape(points_filtered)[1]
            points_sorted = points_filtered[:, points_filtered[
                dim, :].argsort().tolist()[0]]

            #chop off the top points if they are more than empty_space_width away from the bounding box edge
            ind = int(math.floor(num_points * (1 - check_percent)))
            if points_sorted[dim, -1] - points_sorted[dim,
                                                      ind] > empty_space_width:

                #find the first point that isn't within edge_width of the point at ind, and lop off all points after
                searcharr = scipy.array(points_sorted[dim, :]).flatten()
                searchval = points_sorted[dim, ind] + edge_width
                thres_ind = scipy.searchsorted(searcharr, searchval)
                if thres_ind != 0 and thres_ind != len(searcharr):
                    points_filtered = points_sorted[:, 0:thres_ind]
                        "chopped points off of dim %d, highest val = %5.3f, searchval = %5.3f"
                        % (dim, points_sorted[dim, -1], searchval))
                points_filtered = points_sorted

            #do both sides for x and y
            if dim != 2:
                ind = int(math.floor(num_points * check_percent))
                if points_filtered[dim, ind] - points_filtered[
                        dim, 0] > empty_space_width:

                    #find the first point that isn't within edge_width of the point at ind, and lop off all points before
                    searcharr = scipy.array(points_sorted[dim, :]).flatten()
                    searchval = points_sorted[dim, ind] - edge_width
                    thres_ind = scipy.searchsorted(searcharr, searchval)
                    if thres_ind != 0 and thres_ind != len(searcharr):
                        points_filtered = points_filtered[:, thres_ind:-1]
                            "chopped points off of dim -%d, lowest val = %5.3f, searchval = %5.3f"
                            % (dim, points_sorted[dim, 0], searchval))
        return points_filtered
Ejemplo n.º 10
def divide_vector_to_chunks(v, p):
    """Sort a vector and divides split it to chunks at given points.

    Input arguments are a vector 'v', [ v_1, ..., v_n ] and a vector 'p'
    of split points [ p_1, ..., p_m ].

    The result is a list of vectors of type
        [ v_{k}, v_{k+1}, ..., v_{k+j} ]
        p_{t}  <=  v_{k}, ..., v_{k+j} < p_{t+1}
    for some t.

    Precondition: Both 'v' and 'p' must be sorted in ascending order!

    vectors = []

    last_i = 0
    for p_low in p:
        i = scipy.searchsorted(v, p_low)

        if i > last_i:
            last_i = i
    if last_i < len(v):
    return vectors
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def update_map(self, bar):
        thist = bar.get_value()
        xmin, xmax = self.axes.get_xlim()
        if thist<xmin or thist>xmax: return

        t, data = self.eegplot.eeg.get_data(xmin, xmax)
        if self._filterGM:
            data = filter_grand_mean(data)
        detrend = self._detrendd[self._detrend]    
        data = detrend(self._filter(t, data))

        dt = t[1]-t[0]

        indTime = searchsorted(t, thist)
        if indTime==data.shape[0]: return 
        # we do this here rather than in the eegview win so that we
        # can use this windows filter params
        slice = {}
        for trode, eoiInd in self.eegplot.eoiIndDict.items():
            indData = self.eegplot.indices[eoiInd]
            slice[trode] = -data[indTime, indData]
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _assembleInit(xdata, ydata, bounds=None):
    """assemble the initial values based on the spectrum"""

    init = scipy.zeros((3 * len(semiEmperical) + 1, ))
    output = scipy.zeros((len(init), 2))
    ones = scipy.ones(semiEmperical.shape)

    #set baseline
    init[0] = ydata.min()  #_initial[0]
    output[0] = _bounds[0]

    #set peak values
    init[1::3] = ydata[scipy.searchsorted(xdata, semiEmperical)] - init[0]
    output[1::3] = scipy.array([_bounds[1, 0] * ones, _bounds[1, 1] * ones]).T

    #set offsets
    init[2::3] = semiEmperical
    output[2::3] = (scipy.array([_bounds[2, 0] * ones, _bounds[2, 1] * ones]) +

    #set width values
    init[3::3] = _initial[3] * ones
    output[3::3] = scipy.array([_bounds[3, 0] * ones, _bounds[3, 1] * ones]).T

    if not bounds == None:
        return init, output
        return init
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _assembleInit(xdata, ydata, bounds=None):

    init = scipy.zeros((3 * len(semiEmperical) + 1, ))
    output = scipy.zeros((len(init), 2))
    ones = scipy.ones(semiEmperical.shape)

    #set baseline
    axis = scipy.mgrid[-32:65569:64]
    init[0] = (scipy.histogram(
        ydata, bins=axis)[0]).argmax() * 64  #ydata.min()#_initial[0]
    output[0] = _bounds[0]

    #set peak values
    init[1::3] = ydata[scipy.searchsorted(xdata, semiEmperical)] - init[0]
    output[1::3] = scipy.array([_bounds[1, 0] * ones, _bounds[1, 1] * ones]).T

    #set offsets
    init[2::3] = semiEmperical
    output[2::3] = (scipy.array([_bounds[2, 0] * ones, _bounds[2, 1] * ones]) +

    #set width values
    init[3::3] = _initial[3] * ones
    output[3::3] = scipy.array([_bounds[3, 0] * ones, _bounds[3, 1] * ones]).T

    if not bounds == None:
        return init, output
        return init
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _tidy(self,x1,xnew,yi):
        i = sp.searchsorted(self.x,x1) 
        #if x1 is in self.x, search.sorted returns the correct index.
        #Other wise, it matches the index for the next greater self.x,
        #but we want the index for the next lesser.
        if self.x[i] != x1:
            i -= 1
        assert i.size == 1

        #just do linear interpolation on the section spoiled by the
        if self.window =='lanczos':
            edge = 11.
        elif self.window =='cubic_conv':
            edge = 5.
            edge = 2*self.kw + 1
        if i < edge :
            z = interp1d(self.x,self.y)
            yi[i] = z(x1)

        elif  i > yi.size - edge:
            z = interp1d(self.x,self.y)
            yi[i] = z(x1)

        i2 = sp.where(xnew == x1)[0]
        assert i2.size == 1
        self.out[i2] = yi[i]
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def _do_outer_iteration_stage(self):
     #Generate curve from points
     for inv_val in self._inv_points:
         #Apply one applied pressure and determine invaded pores
         self._logger.info('Applying capillary pressure: '+str(inv_val))
     #Store results using networks' get/set method
     #Find invasion sequence values (to correspond with IP algorithm)
     self._p_seq = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self._p_inv),self._p_inv)
     self._t_seq = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self._t_inv),self._t_inv)
     #Remove temporary arrays and adjacency matrices
     del self._net.adjacency_matrix['csr']['invaded']
Ejemplo n.º 16
def rerun(name='shots2016', startidx=0):
    conn = sqlite3.connect(_tablename)

    oldConn = sqlite3.connect(_olddb)
    oldC = oldConn.cursor()

    # extract necessary idx, time, shot c_w_qc and c_w_l
    idx = scipy.squeeze((oldC.execute('SELECT id from ' + name)).fetchall())

    newstart = scipy.searchsorted(idx, [startidx])[0]
    time = scipy.squeeze(
        (oldC.execute('SELECT time from ' + name)).fetchall())[newstart:]
    c_w_qc = scipy.squeeze(
        (oldC.execute('SELECT c_W from ' + name)).fetchall())[newstart:]
    c_w_l = scipy.squeeze(
        (oldC.execute('SELECT c_w_l from ' + name)).fetchall())[newstart:]
    shots = scipy.squeeze(
        (oldC.execute('SELECT shot from ' + name)).fetchall())[newstart:]
    idx = idx[newstart:]

    uniq = scipy.unique(shots)
    for i in uniq:
        idxin = shots == i
        # find index which matches current shot

Ejemplo n.º 17
def drawpartitionmin2(G, S, xm, rm, n):
    #distance to xmin
    xm = sp.array(xm)
    ns, d = S.shape
    #R is distance from xm for each S
    R = sp.empty(ns)
    for i in xrange(ns):
        R[i] = sp.linalg.norm(S[i, :] - xm)
    #O is indicies by distance from xm
    O = sp.argsort(R)
    split = sp.searchsorted(R[O], rm) + 1
    S_ = sp.vstack([xm, S[O, :]])
    Z = G.draw_post(S_, [[sp.NaN]] * (ns + 1), n)
    Res = sp.empty([n, 5])
    Res[:, 1] = Z[:, :split].min(axis=1)
    Res[:, 2] = Z[:, split:].min(axis=1)
    Res[:, 3] = Z[:, 0]
    Res[:, 0] = Res[:, 1:3].min(axis=1)
    Res[:, 4] = Res[:, 1:3].argmin(axis=1)

    argminin = Z[:, :split].argmin(axis=1)
    argminmax = argminin.max()
    maxRin = R[O[argminmax - 1]]
    #print(str(argminin)+'\n'+str(argminmax)+'\n'+str(maxRin)+' ' +str(rm)+'\n'+str(R[O[argminin]]))
        'from {} draws {} in rpve with rad {}. Furthest within rpve index{} rad{} '
        .format(ns, split, rm, argminmax - 1, maxRin))
    return Res, maxRin
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __call__(self, x_new):
        """Find linearly interpolated y_new = <name>(x_new).

          x_new -- New independent variables.

          y_new -- Linearly interpolated values corresponding to x_new.
        # 1. Handle values in x_new that are outside of x.  Throw error,
        #    or return a list of mask array indicating the outofbounds values.
        #    The behavior is set by the bounds_error variable.
        ## RHC -- was   x_new = atleast_1d(x_new)
        x_new_1d = atleast_1d(x_new)
        out_of_bounds = self._check_bounds(x_new_1d)
        # 2. Find where in the orignal data, the values to interpolate
        #    would be inserted.
        #    Note: If x_new[n] = x[m], then m is returned by searchsorted.
        x_new_indices = searchsorted(self.x, x_new_1d)
        # 3. Clip x_new_indices so that they are within the range of
        #    self.x indices and at least 1.  Removes mis-interpolation
        #    of x_new[n] = x[0]
        # RHC -- changed Int to Numeric_Int to avoid name clash with numarray
        x_new_indices = clip(x_new_indices, 1,
                             len(self.x) - 1).astype(Numeric_Int)
        # 4. Calculate the slope of regions that each x_new value falls in.
        lo = x_new_indices - 1
        hi = x_new_indices

        # !! take() should default to the last axis (IMHO) and remove
        # !! the extra argument.
        x_lo = take(self.x, lo, axis=self.interp_axis)
        x_hi = take(self.x, hi, axis=self.interp_axis)
        y_lo = take(self.y, lo, axis=self.interp_axis)
        y_hi = take(self.y, hi, axis=self.interp_axis)
        slope = (y_hi - y_lo) / (x_hi - x_lo)
        # 5. Calculate the actual value for each entry in x_new.
        y_new = slope * (x_new_1d - x_lo) + y_lo
        # 6. Fill any values that were out of bounds with NaN
        # !! Need to think about how to do this efficiently for
        # !! mutli-dimensional Cases.
        yshape = y_new.shape
        y_new = y_new.flat
        new_shape = list(yshape)
        new_shape[self.interp_axis] = 1
        sec_shape = [1] * len(new_shape)
        sec_shape[self.interp_axis] = len(out_of_bounds)
        out_of_bounds.shape = sec_shape
        new_out = ones(new_shape) * out_of_bounds
        putmask(y_new, new_out.flat, self.fill_value)
        y_new.shape = yshape
        # Rotate the values of y_new back so that they correspond to the
        # correct x_new values.
        result = swapaxes(y_new, self.interp_axis, self.axis)
            return result
        except TypeError:
            return result[0]
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 19
	def __call__(self,exp,band,lam):
		ll = self.ll[band][exp]
		fl = self.fl[band][exp]
		iv = self.iv[band][exp]
		wd = self.wd[band][exp]

		i = sp.searchsorted(la,lam)

		flux = (la[i]-lam)*fl[i-1]*iv[i-1] + (lam-la[i-1])*fl[i]*iv[i]
		norm = (la[i]-lam)*iv[i-1] + (lam-la[i-1])*iv[i]
		ivar = norm**2
		norm_ivar = (iv[i-1]*(la[i]-lam)**2 + iv[i]*(lam-la[i-1])**2)

		w=(iv[i-1]==0) | (iv[i]==0)


		wdisp=(la[i]-lam)*wd[i-1] + (lam-la[i-1])*wd[i]
		re = sp.exp(-(sp.arange(ndiag)-ndiag/2)[:,None]**2/2./wdisp**2)
		return flux,ivar,re
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def initialize(self, state, chain):
        params = {}
        for key in self.scan_range.keys():
            # Check for single range
            if len(self.scan_range[key]) == 2:
                params[key] = sp.rand() * (self.scan_range[key][1] - self.scan_range[key][0]) + self.scan_range[key][0]
                # calculate weights of sub_regions
                sub_size = sp.array([])
                # Determine weights of region
                for i in range(0, len(self.scan_range[key]), 2):
                    sub_size = sp.append(sub_size, self.scan_range[key][i + 1] - self.scan_range[key][i])
                    self.range_weight[key] = sub_size / float(sp.sum(sub_size))

                # sample region based on size
                i_sel = 2 * sp.searchsorted(sp.cumsum(self.range_weight[key]), sp.rand())
                # sample point
                params[key] = (
                    sp.rand() * (self.scan_range[key][i_sel + 1] - self.scan_range[key][i_sel])
                    + self.scan_range[key][i_sel]

        # params=dict([(key,sp.rand()*(self.scan_range[key][1]-self.scan_range[key][0])+self.scan_range[key][0]) for key in self.scan_range.keys() if type(self.scan_range[key])==list])

        # Add constant parameters
        for key in self.constants.keys():
            params[key] = self.constants[key]

        for key in self.functions.keys():
            params[key] = self.functions[key](params)

        modelid = "%i%01i" % (self.rank, 0) + "%i" % chain.accepted

        return params, modelid
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _midpoint(self, left, right):
		given two coordinates returns the middle coordinate in terms of actual distance.
        return (scipy.searchsorted(
            self._cld[left] + (self._cld[right] - self._cld[left]) / 2))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def analyzeShot(shot, conn, name, idx, bounds=True, method=None, tol=None, serial=True):
        #find data
        lims = findTime(shot)
        data = SIFData(shot)
        if lims[1] > data.time[-1]:
            raise dd.PyddError #timebase is way wrong, toss it

        #solve for indicies of data to be fitted
        indices = scipy.searchsorted(data.time,lims)

        #snip snip
        data.data = data.data[indices[0]:indices[1]]
        data.time = data.time[indices[0]:indices[1]]

        #fit the data
        output = fitData(data, bounds=bounds, method=method, tol=tol, serial=serial)
        #write to sql database
        idx = writeData(shot, output, data.time, conn, name, idx)
        return idx
    except dd.PyddError:
        #if there is any error pulling the data (SIF or EQH), toss the shot
        return idx
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def midpoint(self, guess=None, threshold=4, smooth=10, end=5):
		Takes some perameters and returns the best guess of the midpoint.
		It does this iteritivly. It attemps to define regions based on midpoint. Then looks at the
		second to last set of regions in the shorter strand and attempts to recalculate the midpoint 
		given that region and its coorrosponding region in the longer strand. does this until convergence.
		or (until it attempts number of regions found in one long molecule)--uppper bound not super important.
		helps in absence of convergence.
        guess = guess or scipy.searchsorted(self._cld, (self._cld[-1] / 2))
        (ff, fl), (rf, rl) = self.regionify(guess,
        for i in range(min(len(ff), len(rf))):
            i = min(len(ff), len(rf)) - 2
            new_guess = self._midpoint(ff[i][1], rf[i][0])
            if guess == new_guess:
                return (guess)
            guess = new_guess
            (ff, fl), (rf, rl) = self.regionify(guess,
        return (guess)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def reAnalyzeShot2(shot, conn, idx, time, bounds=True, method=None, tol=None, serial=True, offset=9):
        #find data
        curs= conn.cursor()

        data = SIFData(shot, offset=offset)

        #solve for indicies of data to be fitted
        indices = scipy.searchsorted(data.time, time-1e-5) #the -1e-5 solves an issue with the data.time being a double, and time being a float

        #snip snip
        data.data = data.data[indices]
        data.time = data.time[indices]

        #fit the data
        output = fitData(data, bounds=bounds, method=method, tol=tol, serial=serial)
        #modify sql database
        for i in xrange(len(idx)):
            changeValue(curs, idx[i], output[i])
        return idx
    except dd.PyddError:
        #if there is any error pulling the data (SIF or EQH), toss the shot
        return idx
Ejemplo n.º 25
def _assembleInit(xdata, ydata, bounds=None):
    """assemble the initial values based on the spectrum"""

    init = scipy.zeros((3*len(semiEmperical)+1,))
    output = scipy.zeros((len(init), 2))
    ones = scipy.ones(semiEmperical.shape)
    #set baseline
    axis = scipy.mgrid[-32:65569:64]
    init[0] = (scipy.histogram(ydata,bins=axis)[0])[:pow(2,9)].argmax()*64 #ydata.min()#_initial[0] This makes the initial baseline
    #limited to the lower part of the measured ADC, which will prevent saturation events from becoming the 'baseline'
    output[0] = _bounds[0]

    #set peak values
    init[1::3] = ydata[scipy.searchsorted(xdata, semiEmperical)] - init[0]
    output[1::3] = scipy.array([_bounds[1,0]*ones, _bounds[1,1]*ones]).T

    #set offsets
    init[2::3] = semiEmperical
    output[2::3] = (scipy.array([_bounds[2,0]*ones, _bounds[2,1]*ones]) + semiEmperical).T

    #set width values
    init[3::3] = _initial[3]*ones
    output[3::3] = scipy.array([_bounds[3,0]*ones, _bounds[3,1]*ones]).T

    if not bounds == None:
        return init, output
        return init
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __call__(self,x_new):
        """Find linearly interpolated y_new = <name>(x_new).

          x_new -- New independent variables.

          y_new -- Linearly interpolated values corresponding to x_new.
        # 1. Handle values in x_new that are outside of x.  Throw error,
        #    or return a list of mask array indicating the outofbounds values.
        #    The behavior is set by the bounds_error variable.
        ## RHC -- was   x_new = atleast_1d(x_new)
        x_new_1d = atleast_1d(x_new)
        out_of_bounds = self._check_bounds(x_new_1d)
        # 2. Find where in the orignal data, the values to interpolate
        #    would be inserted.
        #    Note: If x_new[n] = x[m], then m is returned by searchsorted.
        x_new_indices = searchsorted(self.x,x_new_1d)
        # 3. Clip x_new_indices so that they are within the range of 
        #    self.x indices and at least 1.  Removes mis-interpolation
        #    of x_new[n] = x[0]
        # RHC -- changed Int to Numeric_Int to avoid name clash with numarray
        x_new_indices = clip(x_new_indices,1,len(self.x)-1).astype(Numeric_Int)
        # 4. Calculate the slope of regions that each x_new value falls in.
        lo = x_new_indices - 1; hi = x_new_indices
        # !! take() should default to the last axis (IMHO) and remove
        # !! the extra argument.
        x_lo = take(self.x,lo,axis=self.interp_axis)
        x_hi = take(self.x,hi,axis=self.interp_axis)
        y_lo = take(self.y,lo,axis=self.interp_axis)
        y_hi = take(self.y,hi,axis=self.interp_axis)
        slope = (y_hi-y_lo)/(x_hi-x_lo)
        # 5. Calculate the actual value for each entry in x_new.
        y_new = slope*(x_new_1d-x_lo) + y_lo 
        # 6. Fill any values that were out of bounds with NaN
        # !! Need to think about how to do this efficiently for 
        # !! mutli-dimensional Cases.
        yshape = y_new.shape
        y_new = y_new.flat
        new_shape = list(yshape)
        new_shape[self.interp_axis] = 1
        sec_shape = [1]*len(new_shape)
        sec_shape[self.interp_axis] = len(out_of_bounds)
        out_of_bounds.shape = sec_shape
        new_out = ones(new_shape)*out_of_bounds
        putmask(y_new, new_out.flat, self.fill_value)
        y_new.shape = yshape
        # Rotate the values of y_new back so that they correspond to the
        # correct x_new values.
        result = swapaxes(y_new,self.interp_axis,self.axis)
            return result
        except TypeError:
            return result[0]
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def get_price(self, date):
         price = self.by_date[date]
         # Search for earlier date.
         index = searchsorted(self.sorted, date) - 1
         if index < 0:
             raise KeyError("Delivery date {} not found in '{}' forward curve.".format(date, self.name))
         price = self.by_date[self.sorted[index]]
     return price
    def remove_outliers(self, points):

        points_filtered = points[:]
        empty_space_width = .02
        check_percent = .02
        edge_width = .005

        #remove outliers in each dimension (x,y,z)
        for dim in range(3):

            #sort the points by their values in that dimension
            num_points = scipy.shape(points_filtered)[1]
            points_sorted = points_filtered[:, points_filtered[dim, :].argsort().tolist()[0]]

            #chop off the top points if they are more than empty_space_width away from the bounding box edge
            ind = int(math.floor(num_points*(1-check_percent)))
            if points_sorted[dim, -1] - points_sorted[dim, ind] > empty_space_width:
                #find the first point that isn't within edge_width of the point at ind, and lop off all points after
                searcharr = scipy.array(points_sorted[dim, :]).flatten()
                searchval = points_sorted[dim, ind] + edge_width
                thres_ind = scipy.searchsorted(searcharr, searchval)
                if thres_ind != 0 and thres_ind != len(searcharr):
                    points_filtered = points_sorted[:, 0:thres_ind] 
                    rospy.loginfo("chopped points off of dim %d, highest val = %5.3f, searchval = %5.3f"%(dim, points_sorted[dim, -1], searchval))
                points_filtered = points_sorted

            #do both sides for x and y
            if dim != 2:
                ind = int(math.floor(num_points*check_percent))
                if points_filtered[dim, ind] - points_filtered[dim, 0] > empty_space_width:
                    #find the first point that isn't within edge_width of the point at ind, and lop off all points before
                    searcharr = scipy.array(points_sorted[dim, :]).flatten()
                    searchval = points_sorted[dim, ind] - edge_width
                    thres_ind = scipy.searchsorted(searcharr, searchval)
                    if thres_ind != 0 and thres_ind != len(searcharr):
                        points_filtered = points_filtered[:, thres_ind:-1]
                        rospy.loginfo("chopped points off of dim -%d, lowest val = %5.3f, searchval = %5.3f"%(dim, points_sorted[dim, 0], searchval))
        return points_filtered
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def get_price(self, date):
         price = self.by_date[date]
         # Search for earlier date.
         index = searchsorted(self.sorted, date) - 1
         if index < 0:
             raise KeyError(
                 "Delivery date {} not found in '{}' forward curve.".format(
                     date, self.name))
         price = self.by_date[self.sorted[index]]
     return price
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def plot_gridsearch_scores(self, grid_scores, filters={}):
        param_grid = self.get_param_grid()
        x, y = sp.meshgrid(param_grid[self.tau_key], param_grid[self.c_key])
        counts = sp.zeros_like(x)
        scores = sp.zeros_like(x)

        for params, s, unused in grid_scores:
            if all(params[key] == filters[key] for key in filters):
                i = sp.searchsorted(param_grid[self.c_key], params[self.c_key])
                j = sp.searchsorted(
                    param_grid[self.tau_key], params[self.tau_key])
                counts[i, j] += 1
                scores[i, j] += s
        scores /= counts

        plt.contourf(x, y, scores)
        cb = plt.colorbar()
Ejemplo n.º 31
def _assembleInit2(xdata, ydata, bounds=None):

    #internal fitting bounds and initial value for baseline and gaussian height, offset, and width
    _bounds = scipy.array([[1,65536],[0,1e15],[-3e-5,3e-5],[5e-5,3e-4]])
    _bounds2 = scipy.array([[0,scipy.inf],[0,scipy.inf],[-3e-5,3e-5],[0,scipy.inf]])
    _initial = scipy.array([0.,1.,1.,.7e-4,0.])

    init = scipy.zeros((3*len(semiEmperical)+1,))
    output = scipy.zeros((len(init), 2))
    ones = scipy.ones(semiEmperical.shape)
    #set baseline
    axis = scipy.mgrid[-32:65569:64]
    init[0] = (scipy.histogram(ydata,bins=axis)[0]).argmax()*64#ydata.min()#_initial[0]
    output[0] = _bounds[0]

    #set peak values
    print(ydata[scipy.searchsorted(xdata, semiEmperical)])
    init[1::3] = ydata[scipy.searchsorted(xdata, semiEmperical)] - init[0]
    init[1::3] = (abs(init[1::3]) + init[1::3])/2.
    output[1::3] = scipy.array([_bounds[1,0]*ones, _bounds[1,1]*ones]).T

    #set offsets
    init[2::3] = semiEmperical
    output[2::3] = (scipy.array([_bounds[2,0]*ones, _bounds[2,1]*ones]) + semiEmperical).T

    #set width values
    init[3::3] = _initial[3]*ones
    output[3::3] = scipy.array([_bounds[3,0]*ones, _bounds[3,1]*ones]).T

    init[1::3] *= init[3::3]*scipy.sqrt(scipy.pi) #convert to integrated counts
    output[1::3] *= output[3::3]*scipy.sqrt(scipy.pi) #same for these values
    print(init[1::3],'initial vals')

    if not bounds == None:
        return init, output
        return init
Ejemplo n.º 32
def linear_interp_error(x,xinterp,z):
    Does the actual calculation for error propagation on linear interpolation.

    x = xold
    xinterp = grid for interpolatin x
    z = old error spectrum

    Note, returns variance, i.e. (new error spectrum)**2

    i = sp.searchsorted(x,xinterp)
    f = (xinterp - x[i -1 ])/(x[i] - x[i -1])
    return f**2*z[i]**2 + (1 - f)**2*z[i-1]**2
Ejemplo n.º 33
def linear_interp_error(x, xinterp, z):
    Does the actual calculation for error propagation on linear interpolation.

    x = xold
    xinterp = grid for interpolatin x
    z = old error spectrum

    Note, returns variance, i.e. (new error spectrum)**2

    i = sp.searchsorted(x, xinterp)
    f = (xinterp - x[i - 1]) / (x[i] - x[i - 1])
    return f**2 * z[i]**2 + (1 - f)**2 * z[i - 1]**2
Ejemplo n.º 34
def exp_diff(file, ll):

    nexp_per_col = file[0].read_header()['NEXP'] // 2
    fltotodd = sp.zeros(ll.size)
    ivtotodd = sp.zeros(ll.size)
    fltoteven = sp.zeros(ll.size)
    ivtoteven = sp.zeros(ll.size)

    if (nexp_per_col) < 2:
        print("DBG : not enough exposures for diff")

    for iexp in range(nexp_per_col):
        for icol in range(2):
            llexp = file[4 + iexp + icol * nexp_per_col]["loglam"][:]
            flexp = file[4 + iexp + icol * nexp_per_col]["flux"][:]
            ivexp = file[4 + iexp + icol * nexp_per_col]["ivar"][:]
            mask = file[4 + iexp + icol * nexp_per_col]["mask"][:]
            bins = sp.searchsorted(ll, llexp)

            # exclude masks 25 (COMBINEREJ), 23 (BRIGHTSKY)?
            if iexp % 2 == 1:
                civodd = sp.bincount(bins, weights=ivexp * (mask & 2**25 == 0))
                cflodd = sp.bincount(bins,
                                     weights=ivexp * flexp *
                                     (mask & 2**25 == 0))
                fltotodd[:civodd.size - 1] += cflodd[:-1]
                ivtotodd[:civodd.size - 1] += civodd[:-1]
                civeven = sp.bincount(bins,
                                      weights=ivexp * (mask & 2**25 == 0))
                cfleven = sp.bincount(bins,
                                      weights=ivexp * flexp *
                                      (mask & 2**25 == 0))
                fltoteven[:civeven.size - 1] += cfleven[:-1]
                ivtoteven[:civeven.size - 1] += civeven[:-1]

    w = ivtotodd > 0
    fltotodd[w] /= ivtotodd[w]
    w = ivtoteven > 0
    fltoteven[w] /= ivtoteven[w]

    alpha = 1
    if (nexp_per_col % 2 == 1):
        n_even = (nexp_per_col - 1) // 2
        alpha = sp.sqrt(4. * n_even * (n_even + 1)) / nexp_per_col
    diff = 0.5 * (fltoteven -
                  fltotodd) * alpha  ### CHECK THE * alpha (Nathalie)

    return diff
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def _get_kernel(self,x1,func_name):
     #evaluate pixel shift
     if func_name in func_dic.keys():
         func = func_dic[func_name]
         func = lambda kx:  sp.sinc(kx)*get_window(func_name,kx.size)
     i = sp.searchsorted(self.x,x1)
     dpix = (x1 - self.x[i - 1])/(self.x[i] - self.x[i - 1])
     if dpix == 1.0: dpix = 0
     assert sp.absolute(dpix) < 1.0
     kx = sp.r_[-self.kw:self.kw + 1] + dpix
     k = func(kx)
     k = k/sp.sum(k)
     return k
Ejemplo n.º 36
def histogram(series,nbins=100):
    Generate histogram from series.
    Returns an array of histogram bins and bin counts.
    assert len(series.shape) == 1, "Cannot histogram multidimensional arrays!"
    series = scipy.sort(series)
    mx = series[-1]
    mn = series[0]
    # 2.22044604925e-16 is scipy.limits.double_epsilon
    bins = mdp.utils.linspace(mn, mx+2.22044604925e-16)
    n = scipy.searchsorted(series, bins)
    n = scipy.concatenate([n,[len(series)]])
    hist = (n[1:]-n[:-1]) / float(len(series))
    return bins, hist
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def ppf(self,u):

        Evaluates the percentile function (inverse c.d.f.) for a given array of quantiles.

        :param u: Percentiles for which the ppf will be computed.
        :type u: numpy.array
        :returns:  A Data object containing the values of the ppf.
        :rtype:    natter.DataModule.Data
        b = self.param['b']
        dt = b[1]-b[0]
        P = hstack((0,cumsum(self.param['p'])*dt))
        ind = searchsorted(P,u)
        return Data(b[ind],'Function values of the Histogram distribution')
Ejemplo n.º 38
def GenExtensionMat(y,x):
    m = y.size-1
    n = x.size-1
    mat = sp.zeros((m,n))
    mat = sp.mat(mat)
    indBase = sp.searchsorted(x, y)
    for i in range(0,m):
        ww = Weights(y[i],x,indBase[i])
            mat[i,indBase[i]-2:indBase[i]+2] = ww
            mat[i,(indBase[i]-2)%n] = ww[0]
            mat[i,(indBase[i]-1)%n] = ww[1]
            mat[i,(indBase[i])%n] = ww[2]
            mat[i,(indBase[i]+1)%n] = ww[3]
    return mat
Ejemplo n.º 39
def indexes_after(seq,tm):
    """Return an array of indexes representing the index of seq that is on or after each
       member of tm.
    seq : :ref:`time_sequence<time_sequence>`
    The sequence whose index will be searched
    tm : list of  :py:class:`datetime.datetime`
    List of times whose index is sought
    When tm is bigger than the last item of seq, it will return len(seq).
    When tm is smaller than the first time of seq, it will return 0.
    candidates = scipy.searchsorted(seq,tm)
    return candidates
Ejemplo n.º 40
def histogram(a, bins, relative=False):
    """Standard histogram straight from the Numeric manual

    If relative is True, values will be normalised againts the total and
    thus represent frequencies rather than counts.

    n = searchsorted(sort(a), bins)
    n = concatenate([n, [len(a)]])

    hist = n[1:] - n[:-1]

    if relative is True:
        hist = hist / float(sum(hist))

    return hist
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def ppf(self, u):

        Evaluates the percentile function (inverse c.d.f.) for a given array of quantiles.

        :param u: Percentiles for which the ppf will be computed.
        :type u: numpy.array
        :returns:  A Data object containing the values of the ppf.
        :rtype:    natter.DataModule.Data
        b = self.param['b']
        dt = b[1] - b[0]
        P = hstack((0, cumsum(self.param['p']) * dt))
        ind = searchsorted(P, u)
        return Data(b[ind], 'Function values of the Histogram distribution')
Ejemplo n.º 42
def histogram(a, bins, relative=False):
    """Standard histogram straight from the Numeric manual

    If relative is True, values will be normalised againts the total and
    thus represent frequencies rather than counts.

    n = searchsorted(sort(a), bins)
    n = concatenate([n, [len(a)]])

    hist = n[1:] - n[:-1]

    if relative is True:
        hist = hist / float(sum(hist))

    return hist
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def single_epoch(self,
        """Returns a callable Basefitter which computes the log-likelihood to reproduce the observed single-epoch radial velocity distribution.

        Uses the current settings of the binary properties to calculate the distribution of radial velocity offsets due to binary orbital motions.

        - `velocity`: 1D array-like giving velocities in km/s.
        - `sigvel`: 1D array-like (or single number) giving measurement uncertainties in km/s.
        - `mass`: 1D array-like (or single number) giving best estimate for mass of the observed stars in solar masses.
        - `log_minv`: 10_log of the lowest velocity bin in km/s (should be significantly smaller than the velocity dispersion).
        - `log_maxv`: 10_log maximum of the largest velocity bin (default: logarithm of maximum velocity)
        - `log_stepv`: step size in 10_log(velocity) space.
        vel = sp.sort(sp.sum(self.velocity(1.)**2., 0)**.5)
        cum_weight = sp.cumsum(1. / vel[::-1])[::-1]

        if log_maxv == None:
            log_maxv = sp.log10(vel[-1])

        vbord = 10**sp.arange(log_minv, log_maxv, log_stepv)
        ixbound = sp.searchsorted(vel, vbord)

        pdist = []
        vtot = sp.append(0, vbord)
        for ix in range(len(vbord)):
            lower = vtot[ix]
            upper = vtot[ix + 1]
            if ix == 0:
                vuse = vel[:ixbound[ix]]
                vuse = vel[ixbound[ix - 1]:ixbound[ix]]
            if ixbound[ix] == len(vel):
                est = 0.
                est = cum_weight[ixbound[ix]]
            pdist.append(est + sp.sum((vuse - lower) / vuse) / (upper - lower))

        vbound = sp.append(-vbord[::-1], sp.append(0, vbord))
        prob = sp.append(pdist[::-1], pdist) / 2. / len(vel)

        return fitter.BinaryFit(velocity, sigvel, mass, vbound, prob)
Ejemplo n.º 44
def get_probit_endog(true_params, exog, noise_level):
    Gets an endogenous response that is consistent with the true_params,
        perturbed by noise at noise_level.
    N = exog.shape[0]
    ### Create the probability of entering the different classes,
    ### given exog and true_params
    Xdotparams = sp.dot(exog, true_params)
    noise = noise_level * sp.randn(*Xdotparams.shape)

    ### Create the endog
    cdf = stats.norm._cdf(-Xdotparams)
    endog = sp.zeros(N)
    for i in range(N):
        endog[i] = sp.searchsorted(cdf[i, :], sp.rand())

    return endog
Ejemplo n.º 45
def get_probit_endog(true_params, exog, noise_level):
    Gets an endogenous response that is consistent with the true_params,
        perturbed by noise at noise_level.
    N = exog.shape[0]
    ### Create the probability of entering the different classes,
    ### given exog and true_params
    Xdotparams = sp.dot(exog, true_params)
    noise = noise_level * sp.randn(*Xdotparams.shape)

    ### Create the endog
    cdf = stats.norm._cdf(-Xdotparams)
    endog = sp.zeros(N)
    for i in xrange(N):
        endog[i] = sp.searchsorted(cdf[i, :], sp.rand())

    return endog
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def pdf(self,dat):

        Evaluates the probability density function on the data points in dat. 

        :param dat: Data points for which the p.d.f. will be computed.
        :type dat: natter.DataModule.Data
        :returns:  An array containing the values of the density.
        :rtype:    numpy.array
        b = self.param['b']
        p = self.param['p']
        dt = b[1]-b[0]
        ind = searchsorted(b,squeeze(dat.X))
        ptmp = hstack((amin(p),self.param['p'],amin(p)))
        ptmp = ptmp/sum(ptmp)/dt
        return ptmp[ind]
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def pdf(self, dat):

        Evaluates the probability density function on the data points in dat. 

        :param dat: Data points for which the p.d.f. will be computed.
        :type dat: natter.DataModule.Data
        :returns:  An array containing the values of the density.
        :rtype:    numpy.array
        b = self.param['b']
        p = self.param['p']
        dt = b[1] - b[0]
        ind = searchsorted(b, squeeze(dat.X))

        ptmp = hstack((amin(p), self.param['p'], amin(p)))
        ptmp = ptmp / sum(ptmp) / dt
        return ptmp[ind]
Ejemplo n.º 48
def get_logit_endog(true_params, exog, noise_level):
    Gets an endogenous response that is consistent with the true_params,
        perturbed by noise at noise_level.
    N = exog.shape[0]
    ### Create the probability of entering the different classes,
    ### given exog and true_params
    Xdotparams = sp.dot(exog, true_params)
    noise = noise_level * sp.randn(*Xdotparams.shape)
    eXB = sp.column_stack((sp.ones(len(Xdotparams)), sp.exp(Xdotparams)))
    class_probabilities = eXB / eXB.sum(1)[:, None]

    ### Create the endog
    cdf = class_probabilities.cumsum(axis=1)
    endog = sp.zeros(N)
    for i in xrange(N):
        endog[i] = sp.searchsorted(cdf[i, :], sp.rand())

    return endog
Ejemplo n.º 49
def get_logit_endog(true_params, exog, noise_level):
    Gets an endogenous response that is consistent with the true_params,
        perturbed by noise at noise_level.
    N = exog.shape[0]
    ### Create the probability of entering the different classes,
    ### given exog and true_params
    Xdotparams = sp.dot(exog, true_params)
    noise = noise_level * sp.randn(*Xdotparams.shape)
    eXB = sp.column_stack((sp.ones(len(Xdotparams)), sp.exp(Xdotparams)))
    class_probabilities = eXB / eXB.sum(1)[:, None]

    ### Create the endog
    cdf = class_probabilities.cumsum(axis=1)
    endog = sp.zeros(N)
    for i in range(N):
        endog[i] = sp.searchsorted(cdf[i, :], sp.rand())

    return endog
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def single_epoch(self, velocity, sigvel, mass, log_minv=-3, log_maxv=None, log_stepv=0.02):
        """Returns a callable Basefitter which computes the log-likelihood to reproduce the observed single-epoch radial velocity distribution.

        Uses the current settings of the binary properties to calculate the distribution of radial velocity offsets due to binary orbital motions.

        - `velocity`: 1D array-like giving velocities in km/s.
        - `sigvel`: 1D array-like (or single number) giving measurement uncertainties in km/s.
        - `mass`: 1D array-like (or single number) giving best estimate for mass of the observed stars in solar masses.
        - `log_minv`: 10_log of the lowest velocity bin in km/s (should be significantly smaller than the velocity dispersion).
        - `log_maxv`: 10_log maximum of the largest velocity bin (default: logarithm of maximum velocity)
        - `log_stepv`: step size in 10_log(velocity) space.
        vel = sp.sort(sp.sum(self.velocity(1.) ** 2., 0) ** .5)
        cum_weight = sp.cumsum(1. / vel[::-1])[::-1]

        if log_maxv == None:
            log_maxv = sp.log10(vel[-1])

        vbord = 10 ** sp.arange(log_minv, log_maxv, log_stepv)
        ixbound = sp.searchsorted(vel, vbord)

        pdist = []
        vtot = sp.append(0, vbord)
        for ix in range(len(vbord)):
            lower = vtot[ix]
            upper = vtot[ix + 1]
            if ix == 0:
                vuse = vel[:ixbound[ix]]
                vuse = vel[ixbound[ix - 1]: ixbound[ix]]
            if ixbound[ix] == len(vel):
                est = 0.
                est = cum_weight[ixbound[ix]]
            pdist.append(est + sp.sum((vuse - lower) / vuse) / (upper - lower))

        vbound = sp.append(-vbord[::-1], sp.append(0, vbord))
        prob = sp.append(pdist[::-1], pdist) / 2.  / len(vel)

        return fitter.BinaryFit(velocity, sigvel, mass, vbound, prob)
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def rebin(self,xnew):
        Rebin the spectrum on a new grid named xnew

        #Does not need equal spaced bins, but why would you not?

        fbin  = sp.zeros(xnew.size)
        efbin = sp.zeros(xnew.size)

        #up sampling is just interpolation
        m = (self.wv >= xnew[0])*(self.wv <= xnew[-1])
        if self.wv[m].size <= xnew.size - 1:
            fbin,efbin  = self.interp(xnew)
        #down sampling--
        #1) define bins so that xnew is at the center.
        #2) interpolate to account for fractional pixel weights
        #3) take the mean within each bin
            db  = 0.5*sp.diff(xnew)
            b2  = xnew[1::] - db
            b2  = sp.insert(b2,0,xnew[0])

            insert = sp.searchsorted(self.wv,b2)
            xinsert = sp.insert(self.wv,insert,xnew)
            xinsert = sp.unique(xinsert)
            yinsert,zinsert = self.interp(xinsert)

            i = sp.digitize(xinsert,b2)
            for j in range(b2.size):
                iuse = sp.where(i == j+1)[0]
                fbin[j]  = sp.mean(yinsert[iuse])
                efbin[j] = sp.mean(zinsert[iuse])

        self._wv = xnew
        if self.ef is not None:        
            self._ef = efbin            
        self.f = fbin
        assert self.wv.size == self.f.size
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def propose(self, X_i, state, chain):
        params = {}
        for key in self.scan_range.keys():
            # sample multiranged parameter
            if key in self.range_weight.keys():
                i_sel = 2 * sp.searchsorted(sp.cumsum(self.range_weight[key]), sp.rand())
                params[key] = (
                    sp.rand() * (self.scan_range[key][i_sel + 1] - self.scan_range[key][i_sel])
                    + self.scan_range[key][i_sel]
                params[key] = sp.rand() * (self.scan_range[key][1] - self.scan_range[key][0]) + self.scan_range[key][0]

        # Add constant parameters
        for key in self.constants.keys():
            params[key] = self.constants[key]

        # functions
        for key in self.functions.keys():
            params[key] = self.functions[key](params)

        modelid = "%i%01i" % (self.rank, 0) + "%i" % chain.accepted

        return params, modelid
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def cdf(self,dat,nonparametric=True):
        Evaluates the cumulative distribution function on the data points in dat. 

        :param dat: Data points for which the c.d.f. will be computed.
        :type dat: natter.DataModule.Data
        :param nonparametric: Determines whether the cdf should be estimated non-parametrically. 
                  This works well if the data points in dat represent a large sample from the whole 
                  range of values. 
        :type dat: boolean
        :returns:  A numpy array containing the probabilities.
        :rtype:    numpy.array
        if nonparametric:      
            u = linspace(0.,1.,dat.numex())[argsort(argsort(dat.X.ravel()))]
            b = self.param['b']
            dt = b[1]-b[0]
            P = cumsum(self.param['p'])*dt
            ind = searchsorted(b,squeeze(dat.X))
            P = hstack((0,P,1))
            u =  P[ind]
        return u
# Assign the positions of two graphes
gs = gc.GridSpec(1, 2)
gs.update(wspace=0.15, hspace=0, bottom=0.15)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1])

# histogram and fitted normal distribution of Congruent data
binsC = range(8, max(C.astype(np.int64)) + 2)
probC = mlab.normpdf(binsC, muC, sigmaC) * 24
probCt = mlab.normpdf(binsC, muCt, sigmaCt) * 22
lC = sp.linspace(8, max(C.astype(np.int64)) + 1, 100)
sC = interpolate.spline(binsC, probC, lC)
sCt = interpolate.spline(binsC, probCt, lC)

xxC = sp.searchsorted(lC, muC + sigmaC)
vC = ((sC[xxC + 1] - sC[xxC]) / (lC[xxC + 1] - lC[xxC])) * (muC + sigmaC - lC[xxC])
vC += sC[xxC]

# histogram and fitted normal distribution of Incongruent data
binsI = range(15, max(I.astype(np.int64)) + 2)
binsIt = range(15, max(It.astype(np.int64)) + 2)
probI = mlab.normpdf(binsI, muI, sigmaI) * 24
probIt = mlab.normpdf(binsI, muIt, sigmaIt) * 22
lI = sp.linspace(15, max(I.astype(np.int64)) + 1, 100)
sI = interpolate.spline(binsI, probI, lI)
sIt = interpolate.spline(binsI, probIt, lI)

ax1.hist(C, bins=binsC, align="left", histtype="step", color="black")
ax1.plot(binsC, probC, "o", color="black")
ax1.plot(binsC, probCt, "o", color="red")
Ejemplo n.º 55
def findClosestArray(input_array, target_array, tol):

    Find the set of elements in input_array that are closest to
    elements in target_array.  Record the indices of the elements in
    target_array that are within tolerance, tol, of their closest
    match. Also record the indices of the elements in target_array
    that are outside tolerance, tol, of their match.

    For example, given an array of observations with irregular
    observation times along with an array of times of interest, this
    routine can be used to find those observations that are closest to
    the times of interest that are within a given time tolerance.

    NOTE: input_array must be sorted! The array, target_array, does not have to be sorted.

      input_array:  a sorted Float64 numarray
      target_array: a Float64 numarray
      tol:          a tolerance

      closest_indices:  the array of indices of elements in input_array that are closest to elements in target_array
      accept_indices:  the indices of elements in target_array that have a match in input_array within tolerance
      reject_indices:  the indices of elements in target_array that do not have a match in input_array within tolerance
    Author: Gerry Wiener, 2004
    Version 1.0

    input_array_len = len(input_array)
    closest_indices = searchsorted(input_array, target_array) # determine the locations of target_array in input_array
#    acc_rej_indices = [-1] * len(target_array)
    curr_tol = [tol] * len(target_array)

    est_tol = 0.0
    for i in xrange(len(target_array)):
        best_off = 0          # used to adjust closest_indices[i] for best approximating element in input_array

        if closest_indices[i] >= input_array_len:
            # the value target_array[i] is >= all elements in input_array so check whether it is within tolerance of the last element
            closest_indices[i] = input_array_len - 1
            est_tol = target_array[i] - input_array[closest_indices[i]]
            if est_tol < curr_tol[i]:
                curr_tol[i] = est_tol
#                acc_rej_indices[i] = i
        elif target_array[i] == input_array[closest_indices[i]]:
            # target_array[i] is in input_array
            est_tol = 0.0
            curr_tol[i] = 0.0
#            acc_rej_indices[i] = i
        elif closest_indices[i] == 0:
            # target_array[i] is <= all elements in input_array
            est_tol = input_array[0] - target_array[i]
            if est_tol < curr_tol[i]:
                curr_tol[i] = est_tol
#                acc_rej_indices[i] = i
            # target_array[i] is between input_array[closest_indices[i]-1] and input_array[closest_indices[i]]
            # and closest_indices[i] must be > 0
            top_tol = input_array[closest_indices[i]] - target_array[i]
            bot_tol = target_array[i] - input_array[closest_indices[i]-1]
            if bot_tol <= top_tol:
                est_tol = bot_tol
                best_off = -1           # this is the only place where best_off != 0
                est_tol = top_tol

            if est_tol < curr_tol[i]:
                curr_tol[i] = est_tol
#                acc_rej_indices[i] = i

        if est_tol <= tol:
            closest_indices[i] += best_off

#    accept_indices = compress(greater(acc_rej_indices, -1),
#                                       acc_rej_indices)
#    reject_indices = compress(equal(acc_rej_indices, -1),
#                                       arange(len(acc_rej_indices)))
    return closest_indices #, accept_indices, reject_indices)
Ejemplo n.º 56
    def summed_dist_matrix(self, vectors, presorted=False):
        # This implementation is based on
        # Houghton, C., & Kreuz, T. (2012). On the efficient calculation of van
        # Rossum distances. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 23(1-2),
        # 48-58.
        # Note that the cited paper contains some errors: In formula (9) the
        # left side of the equation should be divided by two and in the last
        # sum in this equation it should say `j|v_i >= u_i` instead of
        # `j|v_i > u_i`. Also, in equation (11) it should say `j|u_i >= v_i`
        # instead of `j|u_i > v_i`.
        # Given N vectors with n entries on average the run-time complexity is
        # O(N^2 * n). O(N^2 + N * n) memory will be needed.

        if len(vectors) <= 0:
            return sp.zeros((0, 0))

        if not presorted:
            vectors = [v.copy() for v in vectors]
            for v in vectors:

        sizes = sp.asarray([v.size for v in vectors])
        values = sp.empty((len(vectors), max(1, sizes.max())))
        for i, v in enumerate(vectors):
            if v.size > 0:
                values[i, :v.size] = \
                    (v / self.kernel_size * pq.dimensionless).simplified

        exp_diffs = sp.exp(values[:, :-1] - values[:, 1:])
        markage = sp.zeros(values.shape)
        for u in xrange(len(vectors)):
            markage[u, 0] = 0
            for i in xrange(sizes[u] - 1):
                markage[u, i + 1] = (markage[u, i] + 1.0) * exp_diffs[u, i]

        # Same vector terms
        D = sp.empty((len(vectors), len(vectors)))
        D[sp.diag_indices_from(D)] = sizes + 2.0 * sp.sum(markage, axis=1)

        # Cross vector terms
        for u in xrange(D.shape[0]):
            all_ks = sp.searchsorted(values[u], values, 'left') - 1
            for v in xrange(u):
                js = sp.searchsorted(values[v], values[u], 'right') - 1
                ks = all_ks[v]
                slice_j = sp.s_[sp.searchsorted(js, 0):sizes[u]]
                slice_k = sp.s_[sp.searchsorted(ks, 0):sizes[v]]
                D[u, v] = sp.sum(
                    sp.exp(values[v][js[slice_j]] - values[u][slice_j]) *
                    (1.0 + markage[v][js[slice_j]]))
                D[u, v] += sp.sum(
                    sp.exp(values[u][ks[slice_k]] - values[v][slice_k]) *
                    (1.0 + markage[u][ks[slice_k]]))
                D[v, u] = D[u, v]

        if self.normalize:
            normalization = self.normalization_factor(self.kernel_size)
            normalization = 1.0
        return normalization * D