Ejemplo n.º 1
def circstd(samples, high=2*pi, low=0):
    """Compute the circular standard deviation for samples assumed to be in the range [low to high]
    ang = (samples - low)*2*pi / (high-low)
    res = stats.mean(exp(1j*ang))
    V = 1-abs(res)
    return ((high-low)/2.0/pi) * sqrt(V)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def rootfunc(ab,xj,N):
     a,b = ab
     tmp = (xj-a)/b
     tmp2 = exp(tmp)
     val = [sum(1.0/(1+tmp2))-0.5*N,
     return array(val)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def circvar(samples, high=2*pi, low=0):
    """Compute the circular variance for samples assumed to be in the range [low to high]
    ang = (samples - low)*2*pi / (high-low)
    res = stats.mean(exp(1j*ang))
    V = 1-abs(res)
    return ((high-low)/2.0/pi)**2 * V
Ejemplo n.º 4
def comb(N,k,exact=0):
    """Combinations of N things taken k at a time.

    If exact==0, then floating point precision is used, otherwise
    exact long integer is computed.

      - Array arguments accepted only for exact=0 case.
      - If k > N, N < 0, or k < 0, then a 0 is returned.
    if exact:
        if (k > N) or (N < 0) or (k < 0):
            return 0L
        N,k = map(long,(N,k))
        top = N
        val = 1L
        while (top > (N-k)):
            val *= top
            top -= 1
        n = 1L
        while (n < k+1L):
            val /= n
            n += 1
        return val
        k,N = asarray(k), asarray(N)
        lgam = special.gammaln
        cond = (k <= N) & (N >= 0) & (k >= 0)
        sv = special.errprint(0)
        vals = exp(lgam(N+1) - lgam(N-k+1) - lgam(k+1))
        sv = special.errprint(sv)
        return where(cond, vals, 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def circmean(samples, high=2*pi, low=0):
    """Compute the circular mean for samples assumed to be in the range [low to high]
    ang = (samples - low)*2*pi / (high-low)
    res = angle(stats.mean(exp(1j*ang)))
    if (res < 0):
        res = res + 2*pi
    return res*(high-low)/2.0/pi + low
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def thisfunc(x):
     xn = (x-mu)/sig
     return totp(xn)*exp(-xn*xn/2.0)/sqrt(2*pi)/sig
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def fixedsolve(th,xj,N):
     val = stats.sum(xj)*1.0/N
     tmp = exp(-xj/th)
     term = sum(xj*tmp)
     term /= sum(tmp)
     return val - term
Ejemplo n.º 8
def anderson(x,dist='norm'):
    """Anderson and Darling test for normal, exponential, or Gumbel
    (Extreme Value Type I) distribution.

    Given samples x, return A2, the Anderson-Darling statistic,
    the significance levels in percentages, and the corresponding
    critical values.

    Critical values provided are for the following significance levels
    norm/expon:   15%, 10%, 5%, 2.5%, 1%
    Gumbel:       25%, 10%, 5%, 2.5%, 1%
    logistic:     25%, 10%, 5%, 2.5%, 1%, 0.5%

    If A2 is larger than these critical values then for that significance
    level, the hypothesis that the data come from a normal (exponential)
    can be rejected.
    if not dist in ['norm','expon','gumbel','extreme1','logistic']:
        raise ValueError, "Invalid distribution."
    y = sort(x)
    xbar = stats.mean(x)
    N = len(y)
    if dist == 'norm':
        s = stats.std(x)
        w = (y-xbar)/s
        z = distributions.norm.cdf(w)
        sig = array([15,10,5,2.5,1])
        critical = around(_Avals_norm / (1.0 + 4.0/N - 25.0/N/N),3)
    elif dist == 'expon':
        w = y / xbar
        z = distributions.expon.cdf(w)
        sig = array([15,10,5,2.5,1])
        critical = around(_Avals_expon / (1.0 + 0.6/N),3)
    elif dist == 'logistic':
        def rootfunc(ab,xj,N):
            a,b = ab
            tmp = (xj-a)/b
            tmp2 = exp(tmp)
            val = [sum(1.0/(1+tmp2))-0.5*N,
            return array(val)
        sol = optimize.fsolve(rootfunc,sol0,args=(x,N),xtol=1e-5)
        w = (y-sol[0])/sol[1]
        z = distributions.logistic.cdf(w)
        sig = array([25,10,5,2.5,1,0.5])
        critical = around(_Avals_logistic / (1.0+0.25/N),3)
        def fixedsolve(th,xj,N):
            val = stats.sum(xj)*1.0/N
            tmp = exp(-xj/th)
            term = sum(xj*tmp)
            term /= sum(tmp)
            return val - term
        s = optimize.fixed_point(fixedsolve, 1.0, args=(x,N),xtol=1e-5)
        xbar = -s*log(sum(exp(-x/s))*1.0/N)
        w = (y-xbar)/s
        z = distributions.gumbel_l.cdf(w)
        sig = array([25,10,5,2.5,1])
        critical = around(_Avals_gumbel / (1.0 + 0.2/sqrt(N)),3)
    i = arange(1,N+1)
    S = sum((2*i-1.0)/N*(log(z)+log(1-z[::-1])))
    A2 = -N-S
    return A2, critical, sig
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def thefunc(x):
     xn = (x-mu)/sig
     return totp(xn)*exp(-xn*xn/2.0)