Ejemplo n.º 1
    def save(self, commit=True):
        instance = super(BaseSubmissionForm, self).save(commit=False)

        user, authenticated = self.request.user, True
        if not self.request.user.is_authenticated():
            # returns object if account alreay present
            user = create_new_account_internal(self.cleaned_data['email'])
            authenticated = False
        # submission author
        instance.created_by = user

        # is displayed only if authenticated
        instance.is_displayed = authenticated

        # validation hash
        hash_id = ''
        if not authenticated:
            hash_id = get_validation_hash(instance.title)
        instance.validation_hash = hash_id

        # description in HTML
        instance.description_html = compile_rest_to_html(instance.description)

        if commit:

        return instance
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def save(self, commit=True):
        instance = super(BaseSubmissionForm, self).save(commit=False)

        user, authenticated = self.request.user, True
        if not self.request.user.is_authenticated():
            # returns object if account alreay present
            user = create_new_account_internal(self.cleaned_data['email'])
            authenticated = False

        # submission author
        instance.created_by = user

        # is displayed only if authenticated
        instance.is_displayed = authenticated

        # validation hash
        hash_id = ''
        if not authenticated:
            hash_id = get_validation_hash(instance.title)
        instance.validation_hash = hash_id

        # description in HTML
        instance.description_html = compile_rest_to_html(instance.description)

        if commit:

        return instance
Ejemplo n.º 3
def new_or_edit_submission(request, item_type, bound_form=False, submission=None):
    Users wants to submit a new link item, or continue editing a submission.
    There are multiple possible paths through the logic here. Careful about
    making changes.
    # User is going to edit their submission
    sub_type = None
    if isinstance(bound_form, models.Revision):
        new_item_or_edit = True
        sub_type = bound_form.entry.sub_type # for later on...

    # Cancel button, or a GET request
    elif request.POST.has_key('spc-cancel'):
        return redirect('spc-main-page')

        new_item_or_edit = False

    commit = False
    if request.POST.has_key('spc-edit'):
        new_item_or_edit = True
        bound_form = True

    if request.POST.has_key('spc-submit'):
        bound_form = True
        commit = True

    if request.POST.has_key('spc-preview'):
        bound_form = True

    buttontext_extra = ''
    if item_type == 'snippet' and request.method == 'GET':
        itemtype = 'snippet'
        new_item_or_edit = True
    elif item_type == 'package' and request.method == 'GET':
        itemtype = 'package'
        buttontext_extra = '(Upload ZIP file on next page)'
        new_item_or_edit = True
        #return not_implemented_yet(request, 48)
    elif item_type == 'link' and request.method == 'GET':
        itemtype = 'link'
        new_item_or_edit = True
        itemtype = request.POST.get('sub_type', sub_type)

    # Important: make a copy of ``field_order``, since it may be altered
    field_order = SUBS[itemtype].field_order[:]

    theform = get_form(request, form_class=SUBS[itemtype].form,
                       field_order=field_order, bound=bound_form)

    # OK, having all that out of the way, lets process the user's submission
    # 0. Use the built-in forms checking to validate the fields.
    if new_item_or_edit or not(theform.is_valid()):
        return render_to_response('submission/new-item.html', {},
                                    {'item': theform,
                                     'buttontext': 'Preview your submission',
                                     'buttontext_extra': buttontext_extra,
                                     'autocomplete_field': 'id_sub_tags',
                                     'autocomplete_url': r'"spc-tagging-ajax"',
                                     'pagetitle': 'Create a new submission'}))

    # 1. Create user account, if required
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        user = request.user
        authenticated = True
        user = create_new_account_internal(\
        authenticated = False

    # 2. Create the submission and revision or update an existing submission
    #    with a new revision
    _, rev, tag_list = create_or_edit_submission_revision(request,

    # i.e. just previewing ...
    if not(commit):
        # 3. Create a Cancel/Edit/Submit form via a template to account for
        # hyperlinks and CSRF
        context = RequestContext(request)
        context['item'] = theform
        context['finish_button_text'] = 'Finish submission'
        # %% is required in below string to correctly format
        html = ("""<div id="spc-preview-edit-submit" class="spc-form">
                <form action="{%% url spc-new-submission item_type='%s' %%}" 
                method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">\n
                {%% csrf_token %%}\n
                <div id="spc-preview-edit-submit-button-group">
                <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="spc-cancel" value="Cancel"
                id="spc-item-cancel" />\n
                <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="spc-edit"   value="Resume editing"
                id="spc-item-edit" />\n
                <input class="btn btn-success" type="submit" name="spc-submit"
                value="{{ finish_button_text }}"
                </div></form></div>""" % itemtype)
        resp = template.Template(html)
        extra_html = resp.render(template.Context(context))
        return render_to_response('submission/item.html', {},
                                                  {'item': rev,
                                                   'tag_list': tag_list,
                                                   'extra_html': extra_html,
                                                   'preview': True,

        # 4. Thank user and return with any extra messages, and send an email
        ctx_dict = {'user': user,
                    'item': rev,
                    'site': Site.objects.get_current()

        # User is signed in
        if authenticated:
            show_url = True
            extra_messages = 'A confirmation email has been sent to you.'
            message = render_to_string('submission/email_user_thanks.txt',
            show_url = False
            extra_messages = ('You have been sent an email to '
                              '<i>confirm your submission</i> and to create '
                              'an account (if you do not have one '
                              'already). <p>Unconfirmed submissions '
                              'cannot be accepted, and <b>will be '
                              'deleted</b> after %d days. Please sign in '
                              'to avoid having to confirm your '
                              'valuable submissions in the future.') % \

            # User is not signed in, but they have validated their email address
            if user.profile.is_validated:
                message = render_to_string(\
                # User is told they first need to create account before their
                # submission shows in the website
                message = render_to_string(\

        send_email((user.email,), ("Thank you for your contribution "
                                        "to SciPy Central"), message=message)

        message = render_to_string('submission/email_website_admin.txt',
        send_email((settings.SERVER_EMAIL,), ('A new/edited submission was '
                       'made on SciPy Central'), message=message)

        return render_to_response('submission/thank-user.html', ctx_dict,
                                    {'extra_message': extra_messages,
                                     'show_url': show_url}))