Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testIntegers(self):
        print 'test integers get and set'
        a = np.array([8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13])
        d = a[np.where(a > 10)]
        self.checkitems([11, 12, 13], d)

        a.shape = 3, 2
        d = a[np.where(a > 10)]
        self.checkitems([11, 12, 13], d)

        a[np.where(a > 10)] = -1
        self.checkitems([[8, 9], [10, -1], [-1, -1]], a)

        # fancy indexing
        a = np.array([8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13])
        a.shape = 3, 2
        self.assertEquals(13, a[(2, 1)])
        d = a[(2, 1), ]
        self.checkitems([[12, 13], [10, 11]], d)

        tm = np.array(self.mm)
        d = tm[[1]]
        self.checkitems([[[20., 30.], [42., 56.]]], d)

        d = tm[np.array([0, 1]), np.array([1, 1])]
        self.checkitems([[6., 12.], [42., 56.]], d)

        d = tm[np.array([0, 1]), np.array([1, 1]), :1]
        self.checkitems([[6.], [42.]], d)

        d = tm[np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1]]), np.array([[1, 1], [1, 0]]), :1]
        self.checkitems([[[6.], [42.]], [[42.], [20.]]], d)

        d = tm[[[0, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 0]], :1]
        self.checkitems([[[6.], [42.]], [[42.], [20.]]], d)

        tm[np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1]]), np.array([[1, 1], [1, 0]]), :1] = -2.3
        self.checkitems([[[0., 2.], [-2.3, 12.]], [[-2.3, 30.], [-2.3, 56.]]],

        # fancy with booleans too
        tm = np.array(self.mm)
        d = tm[np.array([0, 1]), np.array([False, True]), :1]
        self.checkitems([[6.], [42.]], d)

        # TODO broadcasting with lower ranked booleam
        d = np.arange(8).reshape(4, 2)
        m = np.array([False, True, True, False])
        print 'broadcast', d[m]
        self.checkitems([[2, 3], [4, 5]], d[m])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testIntegers(self):
        print('test integers get and set')
        a = np.array([8,9,10,11,12,13])
        d = a[np.where(a > 10)]
        self.checkitems([11, 12, 13], d)

        a.shape = 3,2
        d = a[np.where(a > 10)]
        self.checkitems([11, 12, 13], d)

        a[np.where(a > 10)] = -1
        self.checkitems([[8,9],[10,-1], [-1, -1]], a)

        # fancy indexing
        a = np.array([8,9,10,11,12,13])
        a.shape = 3,2
        self.assertEquals(13, a[(2,1)])
        d = a[(2,1),]
        self.checkitems([[12, 13], [10, 11]], d)

        tm = np.array(self.mm)
        d = tm[[1]]
        self.checkitems([[[20., 30.], [42., 56.]]], d)
        d = tm[np.array([0, 1]), np.array([1, 1])]
        self.checkitems([[6.,  12.], [42.,  56.]], d)
        d = tm[np.array([0, 1]), np.array([1, 1]), :1]
        self.checkitems([[6.], [42.]], d)
        d = tm[np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1]]), np.array([[1, 1], [1, 0]]), :1]
        self.checkitems([[[6.], [42.]], [[42.], [20.]]], d)
        d = tm[[[0, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 0]], :1]
        self.checkitems([[[6.], [42.]], [[42.], [20.]]], d)
        tm[np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1]]), np.array([[1, 1], [1, 0]]), :1] = -2.3
        self.checkitems([[[0., 2.], [-2.3, 12.]], [[-2.3, 30.], [-2.3, 56.]]], tm)

        # fancy with booleans too
        tm = np.array(self.mm)
        d = tm[np.array([0, 1]), np.array([False, True]), :1]
        self.checkitems([[6.], [42.]], d)

        # TODO broadcasting with lower ranked booleam
        d = np.arange(8).reshape(4,2)
        m = np.array([False, True, True, False])
        print('broadcast', d[m])
        self.checkitems([[2, 3], [4, 5]], d[m])
def find_peak_coords(peak_image):
    data = peak_image[0].transpose()
    roi = data[centre[0]-width/2:centre[0]+width/2][:]
    peak_value = np.max(roi)
    coords = dnp.where(peak_image[0]==peak_value)
    coords = zip(coords[0], coords[1])
    return coords[0]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def testIntegers(self):
        print 'test integers get and set'
        a = np.array([8,9,10,11,12,13])
        d = a[np.where(a > 10)]
        self.checkitems([11, 12, 13], d)

        a.shape = 3,2
        d = a[np.where(a > 10)]
        self.checkitems([11, 12, 13], d)

        a[np.where(a > 10)] = -1
        self.checkitems([[8,9],[10,-1], [-1, -1]], a)

        # fancy indexing
        a = np.array([8,9,10,11,12,13])
        a.shape = 3,2
        self.assertEquals(13, a[(2,1)])
        d = a[(2,1),]
        self.checkitems([[12, 13], [10, 11]], d)

        tm = np.array(self.mm)
        d = tm[[1]]
        self.checkitems([[[20., 30.], [42., 56.]]], d)
        d = tm[np.array([0, 1]), np.array([1, 1])]
        self.checkitems([[6.,  12.], [42.,  56.]], d)
        d = tm[np.array([0, 1]), np.array([1, 1]), :1]
        self.checkitems([[6.], [42.]], d)
        d = tm[np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1]]), np.array([[1, 1], [1, 0]]), :1]
        self.checkitems([[[6.], [42.]], [[42.], [20.]]], d)
        d = tm[[[0, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 0]], :1]
        self.checkitems([[[6.], [42.]], [[42.], [20.]]], d)
        tm[np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1]]), np.array([[1, 1], [1, 0]]), :1] = -2.3
        self.checkitems([[[0., 2.], [-2.3, 12.]], [[-2.3, 30.], [-2.3, 56.]]], tm)

        # fancy with booleans too
        tm = np.array(self.mm)
        d = tm[np.array([0, 1]), np.array([False, True]), :1]
        self.checkitems([[6.], [42.]], d)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def onUpdatePlot(self, event=None):
        if self.paused or not self.needs_refresh:

        tnow = time.time()
        # set timescale sec/min/hour
        timescale = 1.0
        if self.time_choice.GetSelection() == 1:
            timescale = 1. / 60
        elif self.time_choice.GetSelection() == 2:
            timescale = 1. / 3600

        ylabelset, y2labelset = False, False
        xlabel = 'Elapsed Time (%s)' % self.timelabel
        itrace = -1
        update_failed = False
        hasplot = False
        span1 = (1, 0)
        did_update = False
        left_axes = self.plotpanel.axes
        right_axes = self.plotpanel.get_right_axes()

        for irow, pname, uselog, color, ymin, ymax in self.get_current_traces(
            if pname not in self.pvdata:
            itrace += 1
            if len(self.plots_drawn) < itrace:
                self.plots_drawn.extend([False] * 3)
            side = 'left'
            if itrace == 1:
                side = 'right'
            data = self.pvdata[pname][:]
            if len(data) < 2:
                update_failed = True
            tdat = timescale * (array([i[0] for i in data]) - tnow)
            mask = where(tdat > self.tmin)
            if (len(mask[0]) < 2
                    or ((abs(min(tdat)) / abs(1 - self.tmin)) > 0.1)):
                data.append((time.time(), data[0][-1]))
                tdat = timescale * (array([i[0] for i in data]) - tnow)
                mask = where(tdat > self.tmin)

            i0 = mask[0][0]
            if i0 > 0:
                i0 = i0 - 1
            i1 = mask[0][-1] + 1
            tdat = timescale * (array([i[0] for i in data[i0:i1]]) - tnow)
            ydat = array([i[1] for i in data[i0:i1]])

            if len(ydat) < 2:
                update_failed = True
            if ymin is None:
                ymin = min(ydat)
            if ymax is None:
                ymax = max(ydat)

            # for more that 2 plots, scale to left hand axis
            if itrace == 0:
                span1 = (ymax - ymin, ymin)
                if span1[0] * ymax < 1.e-6:
                    update_failed = True
            elif itrace > 1:
                yr = abs(ymax - ymin)
                if yr > 1.e-9:
                    ydat = span1[1] + 0.99 * (ydat - ymin) * span1[0] / yr
                ymin, ymax = min(ydat), max(ydat)

            if self.needs_refresh:
                if itrace == 0:
                elif itrace == 1:
                if not self.plots_drawn[itrace]:
                    plot = self.plotpanel.oplot
                    if itrace == 0:
                        plot = self.plotpanel.plot
                        self.plots_drawn[itrace] = True
                        update_failed = True
                        self.plotpanel.set_xylims((self.tmin, 0, ymin, ymax),
                        did_update = True
                        update_failed = True
                axes = left_axes
                if itrace == 1:
                    axes = right_axes
                if uselog and min(ydat) > 0:
                    axes.set_yscale('log', basey=10)

            time.strftime("%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
        if did_update:
        self.needs_refresh = update_failed
Ejemplo n.º 6
def refl(runfiles, pathtofiles, outputpath, scalar, beamheight, footprint, angularfudgefactor, wl, back=()):
        # scalar - scale factor to divide the data by
        # beamheight FWHM in microns
        # footprint in mm
        # angular offset correction in degrees
        #  wavelength in wl
        #  back is an optional variable to subtract a background, set back=1 to do a background subtraction
        qq = []
        RR = []
        dR = []
        ii = -1
        for filename in runfiles:
            data = dnp.io.load(pathtofiles + "/" + str(filename) + ".dat")
            ii += 1

            theta = data.alpha
            # work out the q vector
            qqtemp = 4 * dnp.pi * dnp.sin((theta + angularfudgefactor) * dnp.pi /180) / wl
            #qqtemp = data.qdcd
            # this section is to allow users to set limits on the q range used from each file
            if not 'qmin' + str(ii) in refl.__dict__:
                qmin = qqtemp.min()
                print "USER SET",
                qmin = refl.__getattribute__('qmin' + str(ii))
            print 'refl.qmin' + str(ii) + " = " + str(qmin) + " ;",
            if not 'qmax' + str(ii) in refl.__dict__:
                qmax = qqtemp.max()
                print "USER SET",
                qmax = refl.__getattribute__('qmax' + str(ii))
            print 'refl.qmax' + str(ii) + " = " + str(qmax) + " ;",            
            roi1_sum = data.roi1_sum
            roi1_sum = roi1_sum[dnp.where((qqtemp >= qmin) & (qqtemp <= qmax))]
            roi1dr = dnp.sqrt(roi1_sum)
            theta = theta[dnp.where((qqtemp >= qmin) & (qqtemp <= qmax))]
            qqtemp = qqtemp[dnp.where((qqtemp >= qmin) & (qqtemp <= qmax))]
            bg_sum = dnp.zeros(len(roi1_sum))
            bg_dr = dnp.zeros(len(roi1dr))
            # if background ROI number given as int, convert to a single-item tuple
            if type(back) == int:
                back = (back,)
            # subtract any background ROIs from the data
            if len(back) > 0 and back[0] > 0:
                if ii==0:
                    print "Using background from " + str(len(back)) + " ROIs: " + str(back)
                for bg in back:
                    if ('roi' + str(bg) + '_sum' in data.keys()):
                        bg_cur = data[data.keys().index('roi' +str(bg) + '_sum')]
                        dr_cur = dnp.sqrt(bg_cur)
                        (bg_sum, bg_dr) = ep.EPadd(bg_sum, bg_dr, bg_cur, dr_cur)
                (bg_sum, bg_dr) = ep.EPmulk(bg_sum, bg_dr, 1.0/len(back))
                if ii==0:
                    print "Not subtracting a background"                
            (RRtemp, drtemp) = ep.EPsub(roi1_sum, roi1dr, bg_sum, bg_dr)
            # do a footprint correction.
            # assumes that the beam is gaussian in profile, with a FWHM of "beamheight".
            # footprint of sample is measured in mm.
            areamultiplier = 2*(norm.cdf(footprint * dnp.sin((theta + angularfudgefactor) / 180 * dnp.pi) / 2, 0, 1e-3 * beamheight/ (2*dnp.sqrt(2*dnp.log(2)))) - 0.5)
            RRtemp /= areamultiplier
            drtemp /= areamultiplier

            # for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th q ranges have to splice the data on the end of the preexisting data
            if(ii > 0):
                # splice
                (scalingfactor, sferror) = nsplice.getScalingInOverlap(qq, RR, dR, qqtemp, RRtemp, drtemp)
                RRtemp *= scalingfactor
                drtemp *= scalingfactor
                print "Error in scaling factor: %2.3f %%" % (sferror/scalingfactor*100)
            # now concatenate the data.
            qq = dnp.concatenate((qq, qqtemp))
            RR = dnp.concatenate((RR, RRtemp))
            dR = dnp.concatenate((dR, drtemp))
        # end of per-file loop

        RR /= scalar
        dR /= scalar
        RR = RR[np.argsort(qq)]
        dR = dR[np.argsort(qq)]
        qq = np.sort(qq)
        # write out the data.
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def testWhere(self):
     print 'test where'
     t = np.array([[[-0.5, 0.1], [2, 0]], [[1.3, 1.4], [-10, -20]]])
     tm = np.where(t > 0, np.array(self.mm), -2.3)
     self.checkitems([ [[-2.3, 2.], [6., -2.3]], [[20., 30.], [-2.3, -2.3]] ], tm)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def testWhere(self):
     print 'test where'
     t = np.array([[[-0.5, 0.1], [2, 0]], [[1.3, 1.4], [-10, -20]]])
     tm = np.where(t > 0, np.array(self.mm), -2.3)
     self.checkitems([[[-2.3, 2.], [6., -2.3]], [[20., 30.], [-2.3, -2.3]]],
Ejemplo n.º 9
def refl(runfiles,
    # scalar - scale factor to divide the data by
    # beamheight FWHM in microns
    # footprint in mm
    # angular offset correction in degrees
    #  wavelength in wl
    #  back is an optional variable to subtract a background, set back=1 to do a background subtraction

    qq = []
    RR = []
    dR = []
    ii = -1
    for filename in runfiles:
        data = dnp.io.load(pathtofiles + "/" + str(filename) + ".dat")
        ii += 1

        theta = data.alpha
        # work out the q vector
        qqtemp = 4 * dnp.pi * dnp.sin(
            (theta + angularfudgefactor) * dnp.pi / 180) / wl
        #qqtemp = data.qdcd

        # this section is to allow users to set limits on the q range used from each file
        if not 'qmin' + str(ii) in refl.__dict__:
            qmin = qqtemp.min()
            print "USER SET",
            qmin = refl.__getattribute__('qmin' + str(ii))
        print 'refl.qmin' + str(ii) + " = " + str(qmin) + " ;",
        if not 'qmax' + str(ii) in refl.__dict__:
            qmax = qqtemp.max()
            print "USER SET",
            qmax = refl.__getattribute__('qmax' + str(ii))
        print 'refl.qmax' + str(ii) + " = " + str(qmax) + " ;",

        roi1_sum = data.roi1_sum
        roi1_sum = roi1_sum[dnp.where((qqtemp >= qmin) & (qqtemp <= qmax))]
        roi1dr = dnp.sqrt(roi1_sum)
        theta = theta[dnp.where((qqtemp >= qmin) & (qqtemp <= qmax))]
        qqtemp = qqtemp[dnp.where((qqtemp >= qmin) & (qqtemp <= qmax))]

        bg_sum = dnp.zeros(len(roi1_sum))
        bg_dr = dnp.zeros(len(roi1dr))

        # if background ROI number given as int, convert to a single-item tuple
        if type(back) == int:
            back = (back, )

        # subtract any background ROIs from the data
        if len(back) > 0 and back[0] > 0:
            if ii == 0:
                print "Using background from " + str(
                    len(back)) + " ROIs: " + str(back)
            for bg in back:
                if ('roi' + str(bg) + '_sum' in data.keys()):
                    bg_cur = data[data.keys().index('roi' + str(bg) + '_sum')]
                    dr_cur = dnp.sqrt(bg_cur)
                    (bg_sum, bg_dr) = ep.EPadd(bg_sum, bg_dr, bg_cur, dr_cur)
            (bg_sum, bg_dr) = ep.EPmulk(bg_sum, bg_dr, 1.0 / len(back))
            if ii == 0:
                print "Not subtracting a background"
        (RRtemp, drtemp) = ep.EPsub(roi1_sum, roi1dr, bg_sum, bg_dr)

        # do a footprint correction.
        # assumes that the beam is gaussian in profile, with a FWHM of "beamheight".
        # footprint of sample is measured in mm.
        areamultiplier = 2 * (norm.cdf(
            footprint * dnp.sin(
                (theta + angularfudgefactor) / 180 * dnp.pi) / 2, 0,
            1e-3 * beamheight / (2 * dnp.sqrt(2 * dnp.log(2)))) - 0.5)
        RRtemp /= areamultiplier
        drtemp /= areamultiplier

        # for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th q ranges have to splice the data on the end of the preexisting data
        if (ii > 0):
            # splice
             sferror) = nsplice.getScalingInOverlap(qq, RR, dR, qqtemp, RRtemp,
            RRtemp *= scalingfactor
            drtemp *= scalingfactor
            print "Error in scaling factor: %2.3f %%" % (sferror /
                                                         scalingfactor * 100)

        # now concatenate the data.
        qq = dnp.concatenate((qq, qqtemp))
        RR = dnp.concatenate((RR, RRtemp))
        dR = dnp.concatenate((dR, drtemp))
    # end of per-file loop

    RR /= scalar
    dR /= scalar

    RR = RR[np.argsort(qq)]
    dR = dR[np.argsort(qq)]
    qq = np.sort(qq)

    # write out the data.
        outputpath + "/" + str(runfiles[0]) + "_refl.dat",
        dnp.concatenate((qq, RR, dR)).reshape(3, qq.shape[0]).transpose())