def comparison_plot(f, u, Omega, filename='tmp.pdf', plot_title='', ymin=None, ymax=None, u_legend='approximation'): """Compare f(x) and u(x) for x in Omega in a plot.""" x = sm.Symbol('x') print 'f:', f f = sm.lambdify([x], f, modules="numpy") u = sm.lambdify([x], u, modules="numpy") if len(Omega) != 2: raise ValueError('Omega=%s must be an interval (2-list)' % str(Omega)) # When doing symbolics, Omega can easily contain symbolic expressions, # assume .evalf() will work in that case to obtain numerical # expressions, which then must be converted to float before calling # linspace below if not isinstance(Omega[0], (int,float)): Omega[0] = float(Omega[0].evalf()) if not isinstance(Omega[1], (int,float)): Omega[1] = float(Omega[1].evalf()) resolution = 401 # no of points in plot xcoor = linspace(Omega[0], Omega[1], resolution) # Vectorized functions expressions does not work with # lambdify'ed functions without the modules="numpy" exact = f(xcoor) approx = u(xcoor) plot(xcoor, approx, '-') hold('on') plot(xcoor, exact, '-') legend([u_legend, 'exact']) title(plot_title) xlabel('x') if ymin is not None and ymax is not None: axis([xcoor[0], xcoor[-1], ymin, ymax]) savefig(filename)
def comparison_plot(u, Omega, u_e=None, filename='tmp.eps', plot_title='', ymin=None, ymax=None): x = sp.Symbol('x') u = sp.lambdify([x], u, modules="numpy") if len(Omega) != 2: raise ValueError('Omega=%s must be an interval (2-list)' % str(Omega)) # When doing symbolics, Omega can easily contain symbolic expressions, # assume .evalf() will work in that case to obtain numerical # expressions, which then must be converted to float before calling # linspace below if not isinstance(Omega[0], (int,float)): Omega[0] = float(Omega[0].evalf()) if not isinstance(Omega[1], (int,float)): Omega[1] = float(Omega[1].evalf()) resolution = 401 # no of points in plot xcoor = linspace(Omega[0], Omega[1], resolution) # Vectorized functions expressions does not work with # lambdify'ed functions without the modules="numpy" approx = u(xcoor) plot(xcoor, approx) legends = ['approximation'] if u_e is not None: exact = u_e(xcoor) hold('on') plot(xcoor, exact) legends = ['exact'] legend(legends) title(plot_title) xlabel('x') if ymin is not None and ymax is not None: axis([xcoor[0], xcoor[-1], ymin, ymax]) savefig(filename)
def demo1(f=f1, nx=4, ny=3, viewx=58, viewy=345, plain_gnuplot=True): vertices, cells = mesh(nx, ny, x=[0, 1], y=[0, 1], diagonal='right') if f == 'basis': # basis function zvalues = np.zeros(vertices.shape[0]) zvalues[int(round(len(zvalues) / 2.)) + int(round(nx / 2.))] = 1 else: zvalues = fill(f1, vertices) if plain_gnuplot: plt = Gnuplotter() else: import scitools.std as plt """ if plt.backend == 'gnuplot': gpl = plt.get_backend() gpl('unset border; unset xtics; unset ytics; unset ztics') #gpl('replot') """ draw_mesh(vertices, cells, plt) draw_surface(zvalues, vertices, cells, plt) plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, zvalues.max()]) plt.view(viewx, viewy) if plain_gnuplot: plt.savefig('tmp') else: plt.savefig('tmp.pdf') plt.savefig('tmp.eps') plt.savefig('tmp.png')
def u_P1(): """ Plot P1 basis functions and a resulting u to illustrate what it means to use finite elements. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = [0, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4] phi = [np.zeros(len(x)) for i in range(len(x)-2)] for i in range(len(phi)): phi[i][i+1] = 1 #u = 5*x*np.exp(-0.25*x**2)*(4-x) u = [0, 8, 5, 4, 0] for i in range(len(phi)): plt.plot(x, phi[i], 'r-') #, label=r'$\varphi_%d$' % i) plt.text(x[i+1], 1.2, r'$\varphi_%d$' % i) plt.plot(x, u, 'b-', label='$u$') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.axis([0, x[-1], 0, 9]) plt.savefig('tmp_u_P1.png') plt.savefig('tmp_u_P1.pdf') # Mark elements for xi in x[1:-1]: plt.plot([xi, xi], [0, 9], 'm--') # Mark nodes #plt.plot(x, np.zeros(len(x)), 'ro', markersize=4) plt.savefig('tmp_u_P1_welms.png') plt.savefig('tmp_u_P1_welms.pdf')
def u_P1(): """ Plot P1 basis functions and a resulting u to illustrate what it means to use finite elements. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = [0, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4] phi = [np.zeros(len(x)) for i in range(len(x)-2)] for i in range(len(phi)): phi[i][i+1] = 1 #u = 5*x*np.exp(-0.25*x**2)*(4-x) u = [0, 8, 5, 4, 0] for i in range(len(phi)): plt.plot(x, phi[i], 'r-') #, label=r'$\varphi_%d$' % i) plt.text(x[i+1], 1.2, r'$\varphi_%d$' % i) plt.plot(x, u, 'b-', label='$u$') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.axis([0, x[-1], 0, 9]) plt.savefig('u_example_P1.png') plt.savefig('u_example_P1.pdf') # Mark elements for xi in x[1:-1]: plt.plot([xi, xi], [0, 9], 'm--') # Mark nodes #plt.plot(x, np.zeros(len(x)), 'ro', markersize=4) plt.savefig('u_example_P1_welms.png') plt.savefig('u_example_P1_welms.pdf')
def demo1(f=f1, nx=4, ny=3, viewx=58, viewy=345, plain_gnuplot=True): vertices, cells = mesh(nx, ny, x=[0,1], y=[0,1], diagonal='right') if f == 'basis': # basis function zvalues = np.zeros(vertices.shape[0]) zvalues[int(round(len(zvalues)/2.)) + int(round(nx/2.))] = 1 else: zvalues = fill(f1, vertices) if plain_gnuplot: plt = Gnuplotter() else: import scitools.std as plt """ if plt.backend == 'gnuplot': gpl = plt.get_backend() gpl('unset border; unset xtics; unset ytics; unset ztics') #gpl('replot') """ draw_mesh(vertices, cells, plt) draw_surface(zvalues, vertices, cells, plt) plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, zvalues.max()]) plt.view(viewx, viewy) if plain_gnuplot: plt.savefig('tmp') else: plt.savefig('tmp.pdf') plt.savefig('tmp.eps') plt.savefig('tmp.png')
def visualize(u, t, title='', filename='tmp'): plt.plot(t, u, 'b-') plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('u') dt = t[1] - t[0] plt.title('dt=%g' % dt) umin = 1.2*u.min(); umax = 1.2*u.max() plt.axis([t[0], t[-1], umin, umax]) plt.title(title) plt.savefig(filename + '.png') plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf')
def fe_basis_function_figure(d, target_elm=[1], N_e=3, derivative=0, filename='tmp.pdf', labels=False): """ Draw all basis functions (or their derivative), of degree d, associated with element target_elm (may be list of elements). Add a mesh with N_e elements. """ nodes, elements = mesh_uniform(N_e, d) """ x = 1.1 print locate_element_vectorized(x, elements, nodes) print locate_element_scalar(x, elements, nodes) x = 0.1, 0.4, 0.8 print locate_element_vectorized(x, elements, nodes) """ if isinstance(target_elm, int): target_elm = [target_elm] # wrap in list # Draw the basis functions for element 1 phi_drawn = [] # list of already drawn phi functions ymin = ymax = 0 for e in target_elm: for i in elements[e]: if not i in phi_drawn: x, y = phi_glob(i, elements, nodes, derivative=derivative) if x is None and y is None: return # abort ymax = max(ymax, max(y)) ymin = min(ymin, min(y)) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.hold('on') if labels: if plt.backend == 'gnuplot': if derivative == 0: plt.legend(r'basis func. %d' % i) else: plt.legend(r'derivative of basis func. %d' % i) elif plt.backend == 'matplotlib': if derivative == 0: plt.legend(r'\varphi_%d' % i) else: plt.legend(r"\varphi_%d'(x)" % i) phi_drawn.append(i) plt.axis([nodes[0], nodes[-1], ymin - 0.1, ymax + 0.1]) plot_fe_mesh(nodes, elements, element_marker=[ymin - 0.1, ymax + 0.1]) plt.hold('off') plt.savefig(filename)
def visualize(u, t, title="", filename="tmp"): plt.plot(t, u, "b-") plt.xlabel("t") plt.ylabel("u") dt = t[1] - t[0] plt.title("dt=%g" % dt) umin = 1.2 * u.min() umax = 1.2 * u.max() plt.axis([t[0], t[-1], umin, umax]) plt.title(title) plt.savefig(filename + ".png") plt.savefig(filename + ".pdf")
def fe_basis_function_figure(d, target_elm=[1], n_e=3, derivative=0, filename='tmp.pdf', labels=False): """ Draw all basis functions (or their derivative), of degree d, associated with element target_elm (may be list of elements). Add a mesh with n_e elements. """ nodes, elements = mesh_uniform(n_e, d) """ x = 1.1 print locate_element_vectorized(x, elements, nodes) print locate_element_scalar(x, elements, nodes) x = 0.1, 0.4, 0.8 print locate_element_vectorized(x, elements, nodes) """ if isinstance(target_elm, int): target_elm = [target_elm] # wrap in list # Draw the basis functions for element 1 phi_drawn = [] # list of already drawn phi functions ymin = ymax = 0 for e in target_elm: for i in elements[e]: if not i in phi_drawn: x, y = phi_glob(i, elements, nodes, derivative=derivative) if x is None and y is None: return # abort ymax = max(ymax, max(y)) ymin = min(ymin, min(y)) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.hold('on') if labels: if plt.backend == 'gnuplot': if derivative == 0: plt.legend(r'basis function no. %d' % i) else: plt.legend(r'derivative of basis function no. %d' % i) elif plt.backend == 'matplotlib': if derivative == 0: plt.legend(r'\varphi_%d' % i) else: plt.legend(r"\varphi_%d'(x)" % i) phi_drawn.append(i) plt.axis([nodes[0], nodes[-1], ymin-0.1, ymax+0.1]) plot_fe_mesh(nodes, elements, element_marker=[ymin-0.1, ymax+0.1]) plt.hold('off') plt.savefig(filename)
def plot_empirical_freq_and_amplitude(u, t): minima, maxima = minmax(t, u) p = periods(maxima) a = amplitudes(minima, maxima) plt.figure() from math import pi w = 2 * pi / p plt.plot(range(len(p)), w, 'r-') plt.hold('on') plt.plot(range(len(a)), a, 'b-') ymax = 1.1 * max(w.max(), a.max()) ymin = 0.9 * min(w.min(), a.min()) plt.axis([0, max(len(p), len(a)), ymin, ymax]) plt.legend(['estimated frequency', 'estimated amplitude'], loc='upper right') return len(maxima)
def plot_empirical_freq_and_amplitude(u, t): minima, maxima = minmax(t, u) p = periods(maxima) a = amplitudes(minima, maxima) plt.figure() from math import pi w = 2*pi/p plt.plot(range(len(p)), w, 'r-') plt.hold('on') plt.plot(range(len(a)), a, 'b-') ymax = 1.1*max(w.max(), a.max()) ymin = 0.9*min(w.min(), a.min()) plt.axis([0, max(len(p), len(a)), ymin, ymax]) plt.legend(['estimated frequency', 'estimated amplitude'], loc='upper right') return len(maxima)
def draw_sparsity_pattern(elements, num_nodes): """Illustrate the matrix sparsity pattern.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sparsity_pattern = {} for e in elements: for i in range(len(e)): for j in range(len(e)): sparsity_pattern[(e[i],e[j])] = 1 y = [i for i, j in sorted(sparsity_pattern)] x = [j for i, j in sorted(sparsity_pattern)] y.reverse() plt.plot(x, y, 'bo') ax = plt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.axis('off') plt.plot([-1, num_nodes, num_nodes, -1, -1], [-1, -1, num_nodes, num_nodes, -1], 'k-') plt.savefig('tmp_sparsity_pattern.pdf') plt.savefig('tmp_sparsity_pattern.png')
def plot_boundaries(outer_boundary, inner_boundaries=[], marked_points=None): if not isinstance(inner_boundaries, (tuple, list)): inner_boundaries = [inner_boundaries] boundaries = [outer_boundary] boundaries.extend(inner_boundaries) # Find max/min of plotting area plot_area = [ min([b.x.min() for b in boundaries]), max([b.x.max() for b in boundaries]), min([b.y.min() for b in boundaries]), max([b.y.max() for b in boundaries]), ] aspect = (plot_area[3] - plot_area[2]) / (plot_area[1] - plot_area[0]) for b in boundaries: plot(b.x, b.y, daspect=[aspect, 1, 1], daspectratio="manual") hold("on") axis(plot_area) title("Specification of domain with %d boundaries" % len(boundaries)) if marked_points: for pt, name in marked_points: text(pt[0], pt[1], name)
def plot_boundaries(outer_boundary, inner_boundaries=[], marked_points=None): if not isinstance(inner_boundaries, (tuple, list)): inner_boundaries = [inner_boundaries] boundaries = [outer_boundary] boundaries.extend(inner_boundaries) # Find max/min of plotting area plot_area = [ min([b.x.min() for b in boundaries]), max([b.x.max() for b in boundaries]), min([b.y.min() for b in boundaries]), max([b.y.max() for b in boundaries]) ] aspect = (plot_area[3] - plot_area[2]) / (plot_area[1] - plot_area[0]) for b in boundaries: plot(b.x, b.y, daspect=[aspect, 1, 1], daspectratio='manual') hold('on') axis(plot_area) title('Specification of domain with %d boundaries' % len(boundaries)) if marked_points: for pt, name in marked_points: text(pt[0], pt[1], name)
def amplification_factor(names): # Use SciTools since it adds markers to colored lines from scitools.std import ( plot, title, xlabel, ylabel, hold, savefig, axis, legend, grid, show, figure) figure() curves = {} p = linspace(0, 3, 99) curves['exact'] = A_exact(p) plot(p, curves['exact']) hold('on') name2theta = dict(FE=0, BE=1, CN=0.5) for name in names: curves[name] = A(p, name2theta[name]) plot(p, curves[name]) axis([p[0], p[-1], -20, 20]) #semilogy(p, curves[name]) plot([p[0], p[-1]], [0, 0], '--') # A=0 line title('Amplification factors') grid('on') legend(['exact'] + names, loc='lower left', fancybox=True) xlabel(r'$p=-a\cdot dt$') ylabel('Amplification factor') savefig('A_growth.png'); savefig('A_growth.pdf')
def amplification_factor(names): # Use SciTools since it adds markers to colored lines from scitools.std import (plot, title, xlabel, ylabel, hold, savefig, axis, legend, grid, show, figure) figure() curves = {} p = linspace(0, 3, 99) curves['exact'] = A_exact(p) plot(p, curves['exact']) hold('on') name2theta = dict(FE=0, BE=1, CN=0.5) for name in names: curves[name] = A(p, name2theta[name]) plot(p, curves[name]) axis([p[0], p[-1], -20, 20]) #semilogy(p, curves[name]) plot([p[0], p[-1]], [0, 0], '--') # A=0 line title('Amplification factors') grid('on') legend(['exact'] + names, loc='lower left', fancybox=True) xlabel(r'$p=-a\cdot dt$') ylabel('Amplification factor') savefig('A_growth.png') savefig('A_growth.pdf')
def estimate(truncation_error, T, N_0, m, makeplot=True): """ Compute the truncation error in a problem with one independent variable, using m meshes, and estimate the convergence rate of the truncation error. The user-supplied function truncation_error(dt, N) computes the truncation error on a uniform mesh with N intervals of length dt:: R, t, R_a = truncation_error(dt, N) where R holds the truncation error at points in the array t, and R_a are the corresponding theoretical truncation error values (None if not available). The truncation_error function is run on a series of meshes with 2**i*N_0 intervals, i=0,1,...,m-1. The values of R and R_a are restricted to the coarsest mesh. and based on these data, the convergence rate of R (pointwise) and time-integrated R can be estimated empirically. """ N = [2**i*N_0 for i in range(m)] R_I = np.zeros(m) # time-integrated R values on various meshes R = [None]*m # time series of R restricted to coarsest mesh R_a = [None]*m # time series of R_a restricted to coarsest mesh dt = np.zeros(m) legends_R = []; legends_R_a = [] # all legends of curves for i in range(m): dt[i] = T/float(N[i]) R[i], t, R_a[i] = truncation_error(dt[i], N[i]) R_I[i] = np.sqrt(dt[i]*np.sum(R[i]**2)) if i == 0: t_coarse = t # the coarsest mesh stride = N[i]/N_0 R[i] = R[i][::stride] # restrict to coarsest mesh R_a[i] = R_a[i][::stride] if makeplot: plt.figure(1) plt.plot(t_coarse, R[i], log='y') legends_R.append('N=%d' % N[i]) plt.hold('on') plt.figure(2) plt.plot(t_coarse, R_a[i] - R[i], log='y') plt.hold('on') legends_R_a.append('N=%d' % N[i]) if makeplot: plt.figure(1) plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('pointwise truncation error') plt.legend(legends_R) plt.savefig('R_series.png') plt.savefig('R_series.pdf') plt.figure(2) plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('pointwise error in estimated truncation error') plt.legend(legends_R_a) plt.savefig('R_error.png') plt.savefig('R_error.pdf') # Convergence rates r_R_I = convergence_rates(dt, R_I) print 'R integrated in time; r:', print ' '.join(['%.1f' % r for r in r_R_I]) R = np.array(R) # two-dim. numpy array r_R = [convergence_rates(dt, R[:,n])[-1] for n in range(len(t_coarse))] # Plot convergence rates if makeplot: plt.figure() plt.plot(t_coarse, r_R) plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('r') plt.axis([t_coarse[0], t_coarse[-1], 0, 2.5]) plt.title('Pointwise rate $r$ in truncation error $\sim\Delta t^r$') plt.savefig('R_rate_series.png') plt.savefig('R_rate_series.pdf')