Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_PDC(var_coef):  #the var_coef has a shape of 16 x 16*lag order
    Takes in the concatenated 16x80 VAR coefficient array and 
    apply the pdc function from SCoT library with a sampling rate of 128/2hz.
    @return: 5x16x16 array, where each of the 5 array represents a frequency band,
             eg: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Theta, Delta 
    no_of_bands = 5
    patient_pdc = []
    for x in range(no_of_bands):
        PDC_output = [None] * 16
        for i in range(len(PDC_output)):
            PDC_output[i] = [None] * 16

    c = cn.connectivity(['PDC'], var_coef, nfft=64)
    patient = c['PDC']
    for row in range(16):
        for column in range(16):
            bandwidths = [(0, 4), (4, 8), (8, 14), (14, 31), (31, 64)]
            for b in range(
                    len(bandwidths)):  #get the average value of the bandwidths
                lower_band = bandwidths[b][0]
                upper_band = bandwidths[b][1]
                patient_pdc[b][row][column] = average(
    return patient_pdc  #returns 5x16x16
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testFunction(self):
     # Three sources: a <- b <- c
     # simply test if connectivity measures are 0 where expected
     b0 = np.array([[0, 0.9, 0], [0, 0, 0.9], [0, 0, 0]])
     identity = np.eye(3)
     nfft = 5
     measures = ['A', 'H', 'COH', 'DTF', 'PDC']
     C = connectivity.Connectivity(b=b0, c=identity, nfft=nfft)
     c = connectivity.connectivity(measures, b=b0, c=identity, nfft=nfft)
     for m in measures:
         self.assertTrue(np.all(c[m] == getattr(C, m)()))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testFunction(self):
     # Three sources: a <- b <-c
     # simply test if connectivity measures are 0 where expected to be so
     b0 = np.array([[0, 0.9, 0], [0, 0, 0.9], [0, 0, 0]])
     identity = np.eye(3)
     nfft = 5
     measures = ['A', 'H', 'COH', 'DTF', 'PDC']
     C = connectivity.Connectivity(b=b0, c=identity, nfft=nfft)
     c = connectivity.connectivity(measures, b=b0, c=identity, nfft=nfft)
     for m in measures:
         self.assertTrue(np.all(c[m] == getattr(C, m)()))
Ejemplo n.º 4
print('computing GPDC connectivity...')

mvar = scot.var.VAR(morder)
# result : array, shape (`repeats`, n_channels, n_channels, nfft)
surr = scs.surrogate_connectivity(gcmethod,

# mvar coefficients (n_channels, n_channels * model_order)
# mvar covariance matrix (n_channels, n_channels)
# result : array, shape (n_channels, n_channels, `nfft`)
cau = connectivity(gcmethod, mvar.coef, mvar.rescov, nfft=nfft)

# get the band averaged, thresholded connectivity matrix
caus, max_cons, max_surrs = prepare_causality_matrix(

print('Shape of causality matrix: ', caus.shape)

# get label names used for plotting
labels_fname = get_jumeg_path() + '/examples/label_names.list'
yaml_fname = get_jumeg_path() + '/examples/aparc_cortex_based_grouping.yaml'
Ejemplo n.º 5
def causal_analysis(fn_norm, method='GPDC', morder=None, repeats=1000,
                    msave=True, per=99.99,
                    freqs=[(4, 8), (8, 12), (12, 18), (18, 30), (30, 40)]):
    Calculate causality matrices of real data and surrogates. And calculate
    the significant causal matrix for each frequency band.
    fnnorm: string
        The file name of model order estimation.
    morder: int
        The optimized model order.
    method: string
        causality measures.
    repeats: int
        Shuffling times for surrogates.
    msave: bool
        Save the causal matrix of the whole frequency domain or not.
    per: float or int
        Percentile of the surrogates.
    sfreq: float
        The sampling rate.
    freqs: list
        The list of interest frequency bands.
    import scot.connectivity_statistics as scs
    from scot.connectivity import connectivity
    import scot
    path_list = get_files_from_list(fn_norm)
    # loop across all filenames
    for fnnorm in path_list:
        cau_path = os.path.split(fnnorm)[0]
        name = os.path.basename(fnnorm)
        condition = name.split('_')[0]
        sig_path = cau_path + '/sig_cau_%d/' % morder
        fncau = fnnorm[:fnnorm.rfind('.npy')] + ',morder%d,cau.npy' % morder
        fnsurr = fnnorm[:fnnorm.rfind('.npy')] + ',morder%d,surrcau.npy' % morder
        X = np.load(fnnorm)
        X = X.transpose(2, 0, 1)
        mvar = scot.var.VAR(morder)
        surr = scs.surrogate_connectivity(method, X, mvar,
        cau = connectivity(method, mvar.coef, mvar.rescov)
        if msave:
            np.save(fncau, cau)
            np.save(fnsurr, surr)
        nfft = cau.shape[-1]
        delta_F = sfreq / float(2 * nfft)
        sig_freqs = []
        nfreq = len(freqs)
        #surr_bands = []
        #cau_bands = []
        for ifreq in range(nfreq):
            print 'Frequency index used..', ifreq
            fmin, fmax = int(freqs[ifreq][0] / delta_F), int(freqs[ifreq][1] /
            con_band = np.mean(cau[:, :, fmin:fmax + 1], axis=-1)
            np.fill_diagonal(con_band, 0)
            surr_band = np.mean(surr[:, :, :, fmin:fmax + 1], axis=-1)
            r, s, _ = surr_band.shape
            for i in xrange(r):
                ts = surr_band[i]
                np.fill_diagonal(ts, 0)
            con_b = con_band.flatten()
            con_b = con_b[con_b > 0]
            surr_b = surr_band.reshape(r, s * s)
            surr_b = surr_b[surr_b > 0]
            thr = np.percentile(surr_band, per)
            print 'max surrogates %.4f' % thr
            con_band[con_band < thr] = 0
            con_band[con_band >= thr] = 1
            histout = sig_path + '%s,%d-%d,distribution.png'\
                % (condition, freqs[ifreq][0], freqs[ifreq][1])
            throut = sig_path + '%s,%d-%d,threshold.png'\
                % (condition, freqs[ifreq][0], freqs[ifreq][1])
            _plot_hist(con_b, surr_b, histout)
            # _plot_thr(con_b, thr, surr_band.max(), alpha, throut)
            _plot_thr(con_b, thr, surr_band.max(), per, throut)
            # con_band[con_band < z_thre] = 0
            # con_band[con_band >= z_thre] = 1

        sig_freqs = np.array(sig_freqs)
        print 'Saving computed arrays..'
        np.save(sig_path + '%s_sig_con_band.npy' % condition, sig_freqs)
        #cau_bands = np.array(cau_bands)
        #np.save(fncau, cau_bands)
        #surr_bands = np.array(surr_bands)
        #np.save(fnsurr, surr_bands)
