Ejemplo n.º 1
class URLParser(object):
    """A minimal URL parser and splitter."""

    scheme_re = re.compile(r'^(\S+?)://|^(file):')
    git_ssh_re = re.compile(r'^(\S+?):(.*)')

    def __init__(self):
        self.scp = SCP()

    def get_scheme(self, url):
        match = self.scheme_re.match(url)
        if match is not None:
            return match.group(1) or match.group(2)
        return ''

    def is_url(self, url):
        return bool(self.get_scheme(url))

    def is_git_ssh_url(self, url):
        return (not self.is_url(url) and
                self.git_ssh_re.match(url) is not None and

    def abspath(self, url):
        scheme = self.get_scheme(url)
        if scheme == 'file':
            ignored, user, host, path, qs, frag = self.split(url)
            if host in ('', 'localhost'):
                # Strip leading slash to allow tilde expansion
                if host and path.startswith('/~'):
                    path = path[1:]
                path = abspath(expanduser(path))
                host = self._hostunsplit(user, host)
                return urlunsplit((scheme, host, path, qs, frag))
        return url

    def split(self, url):
        scheme = self.get_scheme(url)
        if scheme:
            ignored, host, path, qs, frag = urlsplit(url)
            user, host = self._hostsplit(host)
            return scheme, user, host, path, qs, frag
        return '', '', '', url, '', ''

    def _hostsplit(self, host):
        if '@' in host:
            return host.split('@', 1)
        return '', host

    def _hostunsplit(self, user, host):
        if user:
            return '%s@%s' % (user, host)
        return host
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Locations(object):

    def __init__(self, defaults):
        self.distbase = defaults.distbase
        self.distdefault = defaults.distdefault
        self.aliases = defaults.aliases
        self.servers = defaults.servers
        self.locations = []
        self.scp = SCP()

    def __len__(self):
        """Return number of locations.
        return len(self.locations)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over locations.
        return iter(self.locations)

    def extend(self, location):
        """Extend list of locations.

    def is_server(self, location):
        """Return True if 'location' is an index server.
        return location in self.servers

    def has_host(self, location):
        """Return True if 'location' contains a host part.
        return self.scp.has_host(location)

    def join(self, distbase, location):
        """Join 'distbase' and 'location' in such way that the
        result is a valid scp destination.
        return self.scp.join(distbase, location)

    def get_location(self, location, depth=0):
        """Resolve aliases and apply distbase.
        if not location:
            return []
        if location in self.aliases:
            res = []
            if depth > MAXALIASDEPTH:
                err_exit('Maximum alias depth exceeded: %(location)s' % locals())
            for loc in self.aliases[location]:
                res.extend(self.get_location(loc, depth+1))
            return res
        if self.is_server(location):
            return [location]
        if location == 'pypi':
            err_exit('No configuration found for server: pypi\n'
                     'Please create a ~/.pypirc file')
        if not self.has_host(location) and self.distbase:
            return [self.join(self.distbase, location)]
        return [location]

    def get_default_location(self):
        """Return the default location.
        return self.get_location(self.distdefault)

    def check_valid_locations(self, locations=None):
        """Fail if 'locations' is empty or contains bad scp destinations.
        if locations is None:
            locations = self.locations
        if not locations:
            err_exit('mkrelease: option -d is required\n%s' % USAGE)
        for location in locations:
            if not self.is_server(location) and not self.has_host(location):
                err_exit('Scp destination must contain a host part: %(location)s' % locals())