Ejemplo n.º 1
def as_xls(self):
    book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding=self.encoding)
    sheet = book.add_sheet(self.sheet_name)

    cell_styles = get_cell_styles(self)

    widths = {}
    for rowx, row in enumerate(self.data):
        for colx, value in enumerate(row):
            if value is None and self.blanks_for_none:
                value = ''
            value, cell_style = get_cell_info(self, value, cell_styles)
            sheet.write(rowx, colx, value, style=cell_style)

            # Columns have a property for setting the width.
            # The value is an integer specifying the size measured in 1/256
            # of the width of the character '0' as it appears in the sheet's default font.
            # xlwt creates columns with a default width of 2962, roughly equivalent to 11 characters wide.
            # https://github.com/python-excel/xlwt/blob/master/xlwt/BIFFRecords.py#L1675
            # Offset  Size    Contents
            # 4       2       Width of the columns in 1/256 of the width of the zero character, using default font
            #                 (first FONT record in the file)
            # Default Width: https://github.com/python-excel/xlwt/blob/master/xlwt/Column.py#L14
            # self.width = 0x0B92
            if self.auto_adjust_width:
                width = screen.calc_width(value) * 256 if isinstance(
                    value, basestring) else screen.calc_width(str(value)) * 256
                if width > widths.get(colx, 0):
                    width = min(width, self.EXCEL_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_COLUMN_WIDTH)
                    widths[colx] = width
                    sheet.col(colx).width = width

Ejemplo n.º 2
def as_row_merge_xls(self):
    book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding=self.encoding)
    sheet = book.add_sheet(self.sheet_name)

    cell_styles = get_cell_styles(self)

    widths = {}
    rowIdx = 0  # 行起始索引
    for rowx, row in enumerate(self.data):
        # Max row number for current row
        rowMax = max([(len(r) if isinstance(r, list) else 1) for r in row])
        for colx, value in enumerate(row):
            if isinstance(value, list):
                for vx, val in enumerate(value):
                    val, cell_style = get_cell_info(self, val, cell_styles)
                    sheet.write(rowIdx + vx, colx, val, style=cell_style)
                value, cell_style = get_cell_info(self, value, cell_styles)
                sheet.write_merge(rowIdx, rowIdx + rowMax - 1, colx, colx, value, style=cell_style)

            # Columns have a property for setting the width.
            # The value is an integer specifying the size measured in 1/256
            # of the width of the character '0' as it appears in the sheet's default font.
            # xlwt creates columns with a default width of 2962, roughly equivalent to 11 characters wide.
            # https://github.com/python-excel/xlwt/blob/master/xlwt/BIFFRecords.py#L1675
            # Offset  Size    Contents
            # 4       2       Width of the columns in 1/256 of the width of the zero character, using default font
            #                 (first FONT record in the file)
            # Default Width: https://github.com/python-excel/xlwt/blob/master/xlwt/Column.py#L14
            # self.width = 0x0B92
            if self.auto_adjust_width:
                # TODO: Calc width when row merge
                if not isinstance(value, basestring):
                    value = str(value)
                width = (screen.calc_width(value) + 1) * 256
                if width > widths.get(colx, 0):
                    width = min(width, self.EXCEL_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_COLUMN_WIDTH)
                    widths[colx] = width
                    sheet.col(colx).width = width

        rowIdx += rowMax  # 更新行起始索引
