Ejemplo n.º 1
def determine_small_blind_seat():
    #global game_position, small_blind_seat
    for seat in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
        if pm.small_blind_pixel(config.game_position, seat):
            shout("Seat %s is at Small Blind Seat" % seat)
            config.small_blind_seat = seat
Ejemplo n.º 2
def determine_small_big_dealer_seats():
    for seat in range(1, config.TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        if pm.small_blind_pixel(config.game_position, seat):
            shout("Small blind is on seat %s" % seat)
            config.small_blind_seat = seat

    for seat in range(1, config.TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        if pm.big_blind_pixel(config.game_position, seat):
            shout("Big blind is on seat %s" % seat)
            config.big_blind_seat = seat

    for seat in range(1, config.TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        if pm.dealer_pixel(config.game_position, seat):
            shout("Dealer is on seat %s" % seat)
            config.dealer_seat = seat
Ejemplo n.º 3
def sb_b_d_buttons_are_founded():
    """For cheet there is no small or big blind buttons"""
    small_blind_button_founded = False
    big_blind_button_founded = False
    dealer_button_founded = False
    for seat in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
        if pm.small_blind_pixel(config.game_position, seat) == True:
            small_blind_button_founded = True
    for seat in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
        if pm.big_blind_pixel(config.game_position, seat) == True:
            big_blind_button_founded = True
    for seat in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
        if pm.dealer_pixel(config.game_position, seat) == True:
            dealer_button_founded = True
    return small_blind_button_founded and big_blind_button_founded and dealer_button_founded
Ejemplo n.º 4
def sb_b_d_buttons_are_founded():
    """For cheet there is no small or big blind buttons"""
    small_blind_button_founded = False
    big_blind_button_founded = False 
    dealer_button_founded = False
    for seat in range(1, c.TOTAL_SEATS+1):
        if pm.small_blind_pixel(c.game_position, seat) == True:
            small_blind_button_founded = True
    for seat in range(1, c.TOTAL_SEATS+1):
        if pm.big_blind_pixel(c.game_position, seat) == True:
            big_blind_button_founded = True
    for seat in range(1, c.TOTAL_SEATS+1):
        if pm.dealer_pixel(c.game_position, seat) == True:
            dealer_button_founded = True
    return small_blind_button_founded and big_blind_button_founded \
           and dealer_button_founded
def test_pixel_matching():

    # This list may differ for other websites
        #'available_seat_1', 'available_seat_2', 'available_seat_3',
        #'available_seat_4', 'available_seat_5',
        #'exit_probable_advertisement', 'close_update_window',

    print('\n***testing pixel matching for buttons:***')

    for button_name in ALL_CLICK_NAMES:
        print('%s button pixel is: %s' %
              (button_name, pm.button_pixel(game_position, button_name)))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('available_seat_%s button pixel is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.available_seat_pixel(game_position, seat)))

    print('\n***testing pixel matching for non buttons:***')

    print('pre_flop_pixel is: %s' % pm.pre_flop_pixel(game_position))
    print('flop_pixel is: %s' % pm.flop_pixel(game_position))
    print('turn_pixel is: %s' % pm.turn_pixel(game_position))
    print('river_pixel is: %s' % pm.river_pixel(game_position))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('small_blind_pixel at seat %s is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.small_blind_pixel(game_position, seat)))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('big_blind_pixel at seat %s is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.big_blind_pixel(game_position, seat)))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('dealer_pixel at seat %s is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.dealer_pixel(game_position, seat)))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('player_chips_pixel at seat %s is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.player_chips_pixel(game_position, seat)))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('player_cards_pixel at seat %s is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.player_cards_pixel(game_position, seat)))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('other_player_seated_pixel at seat %s is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.other_player_seated_pixel(game_position, seat)))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('i_am_seated_pixel at seat %s is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.i_am_seated_pixel(game_position, seat)))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('active_player_pixel at seat %s is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.active_player_pixel(game_position, seat)))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('my_seat_won_pixel at seat %s is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.my_seat_won_pixel(game_position, seat)))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('other_seat_won_pixel at seat %s is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.other_seat_won_pixel(game_position, seat)))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('notification_banner_pixel at seat %s is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.notification_banner_pixel(game_position, seat)))
    for seat in range(1, TOTAL_SEATS + 1):
        print('are_chips_white_or_red_pixel at seat %s is: %s' %
              (seat, pm.are_chips_white_or_red_pixel(game_position, seat)))