Ejemplo n.º 1
def set_up(test_dict):
    """Sets up the testing environment."""    
    print "Begining test of processing raw notebook images..."
    print "\n        `process_images.py`"
    print "_"*79
    folderpath = resolve_path(__file__, "../../scripts")
    folderpath += "/null" # Necessary for the resolve_path fnc
    test_image_path = resolve_path(folderpath, test_dict["test_image_path"])
    if not os.path.exists(test_image_path):
        sys.exit("Testing image does not exist!")
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def check_file_meta(test_dict):
    """Checks the meta-dictionary for a single image."""
    image_name = test_dict["image_name_form"].format("0000")    
    known_data = resolve_path(__file__ , test_dict["test_known_data"])
    known_data = os.path.join(known_data, image_name + ".txt")
    test_meta = resolve_path(__file__ , test_dict["test_processed_img"])
    test_meta = os.path.join(test_meta, image_name, image_name + ".txt")
    with open(known_data, "r") as known:
        with open(test_meta, "r") as test:
            known_stuff = known.read()
            test_stuff = test.read()
            assert(known_stuff[-210:] == test_stuff[-210:])
    print "    ...individual image meta data confirmed."
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 3
def check_meta_existence(test_dict):
    """Checks the meta data for the test images."""
    print "\nTesting validity of meta_data..."
    meta_path = test_dict["test_meta_path"]
    known_data = test_dict["test_known_data"]
    known_png_info = resolve_path(__file__, known_data + "/png_sizes.txt")
    known_tif_info = resolve_path(__file__, known_data + "/tif_sizes.txt")
    test_png_info = resolve_path(__file__, meta_path + "/png_sizes.txt")
    test_tif_info = resolve_path(__file__, meta_path + "/tif_sizes.txt")
    assert(cmp(known_png_info, test_png_info))
    print "    ...png info successfully recorded."
    assert(cmp(known_tif_info, test_tif_info))
    print "    ...tif info successfully recorded."
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_processed_image(test_dict):
    """Checks the processed test image."""
    print "\nTesting processed image's presence and naming validity..."
    out_path = resolve_path(__file__, test_dict["test_processed_img"])
    processed_image = os.listdir(out_path)[0]
    proper_file_name = test_dict["image_name_form"].format("0000")
    assert(processed_image == proper_file_name)
    print "    ...passed with name `{}`.".format(proper_file_name)
    file_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(out_path, proper_file_name))
    assert(proper_file_name + ".png" in file_list)
    print "    ...png image created."
    assert(proper_file_name + ".tif" in file_list)
    print "    ...tif image created."
    return None