Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes(self, ctx, interactiveHeatmapParams):
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: returnVal
        #BEGIN create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes
        fparams    = interactiveHeatmapParams
        #returnVal = "ttt"
        #Set up workspace client
        user_token = ctx['token']
        workspace = fparams['workspace_name']
        ws_client  = Workspace(url=self.__WS_URL, token=user_token)
        system_params = {}
        system_params['token'] = user_token
        system_params['ws_url'] =  self.__WS_URL
        system_params['logger'] =  self.__LOGGER
        system_params['shock_url'] =  self.__SHOCK_URL
        system_params['hs_url'] =  self.__HS_URL
        system_params['scratch'] =  self.__SCRATCH
        system_params['rscripts'] =  self.__RSCRIPTS
        system_params['workspace'] = workspace

        #Read the input cuffdiff workspace object json file and get filehandle for cuffdiff tar file
        s_res = ws_client.get_objects([{
            'name' : fparams['ws_cuffdiff_id'],
            'workspace' : fparams['workspace_name']

         #Check if workspace has data
        if len(s_res) == 0:
            self.__LOGGER.info("Workspace did not return any objects")
            return returnVal
        cuffdiff_dir = join (self.__SCRATCH , "cuffdiffData/cuffdiff")
        cuffdiff_dir = script_util2.extract_cuffdiff_data (self.__LOGGER, self.__SHOCK_URL, self.__SCRATCH, s_res, user_token)
        #cuffdiff_dir = "/kb/module/work/nnc/cuffdiff"
        self.__LOGGER.info("Cuffdiff folder = " + cuffdiff_dir)

        #if (cuffdiff_dir is False):
        #    return returnVal
        fparams['cuffdiff_dir'] = cuffdiff_dir
        fparams['infile'] = join (cuffdiff_dir, "gene_exp.diff")
        fparams['outfile'] = join(system_params['scratch'],  "gene_exp.diff.filter")

        filtered_matrix = script_util2.filter_expression_matrix(fparams, system_params)
        self.__LOGGER.info("matrix is " + filtered_matrix)

        fparams['infile'] = join (system_params['scratch'], "gene_exp.diff.filter")
        fparams['outfile'] = join(system_params['scratch'],  "gene_exp.diff.filter.genelist")

        genelist_filtered_matrix_file = script_util2.get_gene_list_from_filter_step(fparams)

        # Prepare output object.
        outjson = False;

        rparams = {}
        rparams['genelist'] = filtered_matrix
        rparams['cuffdiff_dir'] = fparams['cuffdiff_dir']
        rparams['outpng'] = join (system_params['scratch'], "heatmap.png")
        rparams['imageheight'] = 1600
        rparams['imagewidth'] = 800
        rparams['plotscript'] = join(system_params['rscripts'], "heatmapplotinteractive.R")
        rparams['include_replicates'] = 1
        rparams['outmatrix'] = join (system_params['scratch'], "outmatrix")

        roptstr_basic_heatmap_rep = script_util2.get_command_line_heatmap_basic (rparams)

        # Run R script to run cummerbund json and update the cummerbund output json file
        # Prepare output object.

        # Prepare output plot list

        # List of plots to generate
        plotlist = [
                { 'roptstr': roptstr_basic_heatmap_rep,
                  'title': "Heatmap",
                  'description': "Heatmap", 
                  'exp' : fparams['ws_expression_matrix_id']

        fparams['cummerbundplotset'] = cummerbundplotset
        # Iterate through the plotlist and generate the images and json files.
        for plot in plotlist:
            fparams['title'] = plot['title']
            fparams['description'] = plot['description']

            status = script_util2.rplotanduploadinteractive(system_params,fparams, rparams, plot['roptstr'])
            if status == False:
                   self.__LOGGER.info("Problem generating image and json file - " + plot["roptstr"])

                  outjson = status
                  with open("{0}/{1}".format(self.__SCRATCH , outjson),'r') as et2:
                    eo2 = json.load(et2)
                    genome_ref = s_res[0]['data']['genome_id']
                    #eo2['genome_ref'] = genome_ref
                    self.__LOGGER.info(workspace + self.__SCRATCH + outjson + plot['exp'])
                    ws_client.save_objects({'workspace' : workspace,
                           'objects' : [{ 'type' : 'KBaseFeatureValues.ExpressionMatrix',
                           'data' : eo2,
                           'name' : plot['exp']

        returnVal = fparams['ws_expression_matrix_id']

        #END create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(returnVal, basestring):
            raise ValueError('Method create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes return value ' +
                             'returnVal is not type basestring as required.')
        # return the results
        return [returnVal]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old(self, ctx, heatmapParams):
        :param heatmapParams: instance of type "heatmapParams" -> structure:
           parameter "workspace" of String, parameter "sample1" of String,
           parameter "sample2" of String, parameter "q_value_cutoff" of
           Double, parameter "log2_fold_change_cutoff" of Double, parameter
           "num_genes" of Long, parameter "ws_cuffdiff_id" of type
           "ws_cuffdiff_id" (@id ws
           KBaseRNASeq.RNASeqCuffdiffdifferentialExpression), parameter
           "ws_expression_matrix_id" of type "ws_expression_matrix_id" (@id
           ws KBaseFeatureValues.ExpressionMatrix), parameter
           "ws_cummerbund_output" of type "ws_cummerbund_output" (@id ws
        :returns: instance of type "ResultsToReport" -> structure: parameter
           "report_name" of String, parameter "report_ref" of String
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: returnVal
        #BEGIN create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old
        fparams    = heatmapParams
        #returnVal = "ttt"
        #Set up workspace client
        user_token = ctx['token']
        workspace = fparams['workspace']
        ws_client  = Workspace(url=self.__WS_URL, token=user_token)
        system_params = {}
        system_params['token'] = user_token
        system_params['ws_url'] =  self.__WS_URL
        system_params['logger'] =  self.__LOGGER
        system_params['shock_url'] =  self.__SHOCK_URL
        system_params['hs_url'] =  self.__HS_URL
        system_params['scratch'] =  self.__SCRATCH
        system_params['rscripts'] =  self.__RSCRIPTS
        system_params['workspace'] = workspace

        #Read the input cuffdiff workspace object json file and get filehandle for cuffdiff tar file
        s_res = ws_client.get_objects([{
            'name' : fparams['ws_cuffdiff_id'],
            'workspace' : fparams['workspace']

         #Check if workspace has data
        if len(s_res) == 0:
            self.__LOGGER.info("Workspace did not return any objects")
            return returnVal
        cuffdiff_dir = join (self.__SCRATCH , "cuffdiffData/cuffdiff")
        cuffdiff_dir = script_util2.extract_cuffdiff_data (self.__LOGGER, self.__SHOCK_URL, self.__SCRATCH, s_res, user_token)
        #cuffdiff_dir = "/kb/module/work/cuffdiffData/cuffdiff"
        self.__LOGGER.info("Cuffdiff folder = " + cuffdiff_dir)

        #if (cuffdiff_dir is False):
        #    return returnVal
        fparams['cuffdiff_dir'] = cuffdiff_dir
        fparams['infile'] = join (cuffdiff_dir, "gene_exp.diff")
        fparams['outfile'] = join(system_params['scratch'],  "gene_exp.diff.filter")

        fparams['logModetmp'] = 2

        rparams = {}
        rparams['cuffdiff_dir'] = fparams['cuffdiff_dir']
        rparams['outpng'] = join (system_params['scratch'], "heatmap.png")
        rparams['imageheight'] = 1600
        rparams['imagewidth'] = 800
        rparams['plotscript'] = join(system_params['rscripts'], "heatmapplotinteractive.R")
        rparams['include_replicates'] = 1
        rparams['pairs'] = fparams ['pairs']
        rparams['logMode'] = fparams['logModetmp']
        rparams['removezeroes'] = 1
        rparams['outmatrix'] = join (system_params['scratch'], "outmatrix")
        reportObj = {}

        provenance = [{}]
        if 'provenance' in ctx:
            provenance = ctx['provenance']
        # add additional info to provenance here, in this case the input data object reference
        report = ""
        if (fparams['pairs'] != 0):
                filtered_matrix = script_util2.filter_expression_matrix(fparams, system_params)
                self.__LOGGER.info("matrix is " + filtered_matrix)
                fparams['infile'] = join (system_params['scratch'], "gene_exp.diff.filter")
                fparams['outfile'] = join(system_params['scratch'],  "gene_exp.diff.filter.genelist")
                genelist_filtered_matrix_file = script_util2.get_gene_list_from_filter_step(fparams)
                rparams['genelist'] = filtered_matrix
                report += "There was an error in creating expression matrix"
                report += "No differentially expressed genes were found"
                report += "Please change / double check  your filtering criteria"

	        reportObj = {

		reportName = 'create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old_'+str(hex(uuid.getnode()))
		report_info = ws_client.save_objects({
			  'hidden':1, # important!  make sure the report is hidden
		    ] })[0]  
		print('saved Report: '+pformat(report_info))

		returnVal = { "report_name" : reportName,"report_ref" : str(report_info[6]) + '/' + str(report_info[0]) + '/' + str(report_info[4]) }

                return [returnVal]

	    # Prepare output object.
	    outjson = False;

	    roptstr_basic_heatmap_rep = script_util2.get_command_line_heatmap_basic (rparams)

	    # Run R script to run cummerbund json and update the cummerbund output json file
	    # Prepare output object.

	    # Prepare output plot list

	    # List of plots to generate
	    plotlist = [
		    { 'roptstr': roptstr_basic_heatmap_rep,
		      'title': "Heatmap",
		      'description': "Heatmap", 
		      'exp' : fparams['ws_expression_matrix_id']

	    fparams['cummerbundplotset'] = cummerbundplotset
	    # Iterate through the plotlist and generate the images and json files.
	    for plot in plotlist:
		fparams['title'] = plot['title']
		fparams['description'] = plot['description']

		status = script_util2.rplotanduploadinteractive(system_params,fparams, rparams, plot['roptstr'])
		if status == False:
                    self.__LOGGER.info("Problem generating image and json file - " + plot["roptstr"])
                    report = "Error: Please select a different cutoff criteria. None of the genes passed fold change and q-value-cutoff. "
                    report += "Failed to create expression  matrix with differentially expressed genes(" +  fparams['ws_expression_matrix_id'] + "). No genes to show on heatmap."
                    reportObj = {
                    reportName = 'create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old_'+str(hex(uuid.getnode()))
                    report_info = ws_client.save_objects({
                        'hidden':1, # important!  make sure the report is hidden
                    ] })[0]  
                    print('saved Report: '+pformat(report_info))

                    returnVal = { "report_name" : reportName,"report_ref" : str(report_info[6]) + '/' + str(report_info[0]) + '/' + str(report_info[4]) }

                    return [returnVal]


		      outjson = status
		      with open("{0}/{1}".format(self.__SCRATCH , outjson),'r') as et2:

			eo2 = json.load(et2)
			genome_ref = s_res[0]['data']['genome_id']
			eo2['genome_ref'] = genome_ref
			self.__LOGGER.info(workspace + self.__SCRATCH + outjson + plot['exp'])
                            res = ws_client.save_objects({'workspace' : workspace,
                                   'objects' : [{ 'type' : 'KBaseFeatureValues.ExpressionMatrix',
                                   'data' : eo2,
                                   'name' : plot['exp']
                            self.__LOGGER ("xxxx6")

        report = "Successfully created expression matrix"
        reportObj = {


	reportName = 'create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old_'+str(hex(uuid.getnode()))
	report_info = ws_client.save_objects({
		  'hidden':1, # important!  make sure the report is hidden
	    ] })[0]  
	print('saved Report: '+pformat(report_info))

	returnVal = { "report_name" : reportName,"report_ref" : str(report_info[6]) + '/' + str(report_info[0]) + '/' + str(report_info[4]) }

        #END create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(returnVal, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old return value ' +
                             'returnVal is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [returnVal]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old(self, ctx, heatmapParams):
        :param heatmapParams: instance of type "heatmapParams" -> structure:
           parameter "sample1" of String, parameter "sample2" of String,
           parameter "q_value_cutoff" of Double, parameter
           "log2_fold_change_cutoff" of Double, parameter "num_genes" of
           Long, parameter "ws_cuffdiff_id" of type "ws_cuffdiff_id" (@id ws
           KBaseRNASeq.RNASeqCuffdiffdifferentialExpression), parameter
           "ws_expression_matrix_id1" of type "ws_expression_matrix_id" (@id
           ws KBaseFeatureValues.ExpressionMatrix), parameter
           "ws_expression_matrix_id2" of type "ws_expression_matrix_id" (@id
           ws KBaseFeatureValues.ExpressionMatrix), parameter
           "ws_cummerbund_output" of type "ws_cummerbund_output" (@id ws
        :returns: instance of type "ResultsToReport" -> structure: parameter
           "report_name" of String, parameter "report_ref" of String
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: returnVal
        # BEGIN create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old
        fparams = heatmapParams
        # returnVal = "ttt"
        # Set up workspace client
        user_token = ctx["token"]
        workspace = fparams["workspace_name"]
        ws_client = Workspace(url=self.__WS_URL, token=user_token)
        system_params = {}
        system_params["token"] = user_token
        system_params["ws_url"] = self.__WS_URL
        system_params["logger"] = self.__LOGGER
        system_params["shock_url"] = self.__SHOCK_URL
        system_params["hs_url"] = self.__HS_URL
        system_params["scratch"] = self.__SCRATCH
        system_params["rscripts"] = self.__RSCRIPTS
        system_params["workspace"] = workspace

        # Read the input cuffdiff workspace object json file and get filehandle for cuffdiff tar file
        s_res = ws_client.get_objects([{"name": fparams["ws_cuffdiff_id"], "workspace": fparams["workspace_name"]}])

        # Check if workspace has data
        if len(s_res) == 0:
            self.__LOGGER.info("Workspace did not return any objects")
            return returnVal
        cuffdiff_dir = join(self.__SCRATCH, "cuffdiffData/cuffdiff")
        cuffdiff_dir = script_util2.extract_cuffdiff_data(
            self.__LOGGER, self.__SHOCK_URL, self.__SCRATCH, s_res, user_token
        # cuffdiff_dir = "/kb/module/work/nnc/cuffdiff"
        self.__LOGGER.info("Cuffdiff folder = " + cuffdiff_dir)

        # if (cuffdiff_dir is False):
        #    return returnVal
        fparams["cuffdiff_dir"] = cuffdiff_dir
        fparams["infile"] = join(cuffdiff_dir, "gene_exp.diff")
        fparams["outfile"] = join(system_params["scratch"], "gene_exp.diff.filter")

        fparams["pairs"] = 1
        fparams["logModetmp"] = 2

        rparams = {}

        rparams["cuffdiff_dir"] = fparams["cuffdiff_dir"]
        rparams["outpng"] = join(system_params["scratch"], "heatmap.png")
        rparams["imageheight"] = 1600
        rparams["imagewidth"] = 800
        rparams["plotscript"] = join(system_params["rscripts"], "heatmapplotinteractive.R")
        rparams["include_replicates"] = 1
        rparams["pairs"] = fparams["pairs"]
        rparams["logMode"] = fparams["logModetmp"]
        rparams["removezeroes"] = 1
        rparams["outmatrix"] = join(system_params["scratch"], "outmatrix")
        reportObj = {}

        provenance = [{}]
        if "provenance" in ctx:
            provenance = ctx["provenance"]
        # add additional info to provenance here, in this case the input data object reference
        provenance[0]["input_ws_objects"] = [workspace + "/" + fparams["ws_cuffdiff_id"]]

        report = ""
        if fparams["pairs"] != 0:

                filtered_matrix = script_util2.filter_expression_matrix(fparams, system_params)
                self.__LOGGER.info("matrix is " + filtered_matrix)
                fparams["infile"] = join(system_params["scratch"], "gene_exp.diff.filter")
                fparams["outfile"] = join(system_params["scratch"], "gene_exp.diff.filter.genelist")
                genelist_filtered_matrix_file = script_util2.get_gene_list_from_filter_step(fparams)
                rparams["genelist"] = filtered_matrix
                report += "There was an error in creating expression matrix"
                report += "No differentially expressed genes were found"
                report += "Please change / double check  your filtering criteria"

                reportObj = {"objects_created": [], "text_message": report}

                reportName = "create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old_" + str(hex(uuid.getnode()))
                report_info = ws_client.save_objects(
                        "workspace": fparams["workspace_name"],
                        "objects": [
                                "type": "KBaseReport.Report",
                                "data": reportObj,
                                "name": reportName,
                                "meta": {},
                                "hidden": 1,  # important!  make sure the report is hidden
                                "provenance": provenance,
                print ("saved Report: " + pformat(report_info))

                returnVal = {
                    "report_name": reportName,
                    "report_ref": str(report_info[6]) + "/" + str(report_info[0]) + "/" + str(report_info[4]),

                return [returnVal]

            # Prepare output object.
            outjson = False

            roptstr_basic_heatmap_rep = script_util2.get_command_line_heatmap_basic(rparams)

            # Run R script to run cummerbund json and update the cummerbund output json file
            # Prepare output object.
            outputobject = dict()

            # Prepare output plot list
            cummerbundplotset = []

            # List of plots to generate
            plotlist = [
                    "roptstr": roptstr_basic_heatmap_rep,
                    "title": "Heatmap",
                    "description": "Heatmap",
                    "exp": fparams["ws_expression_matrix_id"],
            fparams["cummerbundplotset"] = cummerbundplotset
            # Iterate through the plotlist and generate the images and json files.
            for plot in plotlist:
                fparams["title"] = plot["title"]
                fparams["description"] = plot["description"]

                status = script_util2.rplotanduploadinteractive(system_params, fparams, rparams, plot["roptstr"])
                if status == False:
                    self.__LOGGER.info("Problem generating image and json file - " + plot["roptstr"])


                    outjson = status
                    with open("{0}/{1}".format(self.__SCRATCH, outjson), "r") as et2:

                        eo2 = json.load(et2)
                        genome_ref = s_res[0]["data"]["genome_id"]
                        eo2["type"] = "log2_level"
                        eo2["genome_ref"] = genome_ref
                        self.__LOGGER.info(workspace + self.__SCRATCH + outjson + plot["exp"])
                        res = ws_client.save_objects(
                                "workspace": workspace,
                                "objects": [
                                    {"type": "KBaseFeatureValues.ExpressionMatrix", "data": eo2, "name": plot["exp"]}

                        info = res[0]
                        self.__LOGGER("done uploading exp")
                        report = "Successfully created expression matrix"
                        reportObj = {
                            "objects_created": [
                                    "ref": str(info[6]) + "/" + str(info[0]) + "/" + str(info[4]),
                                    "description": "Expression matrix",
                            "text_message": report,

            report += "There was an error in generating expression matrix"
            reportObj = {"objects_created": [], "text_message": report}

        reportName = "create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_" + str(hex(uuid.getnode()))
        report_info = ws_client.save_objects(
                "workspace": fparams["workspace_name"],
                "objects": [
                        "type": "KBaseReport.Report",
                        "data": reportObj,
                        "name": reportName,
                        "meta": {},
                        "hidden": 1,  # important!  make sure the report is hidden
                        "provenance": provenance,
        print ("saved Report: " + pformat(report_info))

        returnVal = {
            "report_name": reportName,
            "report_ref": str(report_info[6]) + "/" + str(report_info[0]) + "/" + str(report_info[4]),

        # END create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(returnVal, dict):
            raise ValueError(
                "Method create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old return value "
                + "returnVal is not type dict as required."
        # return the results
        return [returnVal]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes(self, ctx,
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: returnVal
        #BEGIN create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes
        fparams = interactiveHeatmapParams
        #returnVal = "ttt"
        #Set up workspace client
        user_token = ctx['token']
        workspace = fparams['workspace_name']
        ws_client = Workspace(url=self.__WS_URL, token=user_token)
        system_params = {}
        system_params['token'] = user_token
        system_params['ws_url'] = self.__WS_URL
        system_params['logger'] = self.__LOGGER
        system_params['shock_url'] = self.__SHOCK_URL
        system_params['hs_url'] = self.__HS_URL
        system_params['scratch'] = self.__SCRATCH
        system_params['rscripts'] = self.__RSCRIPTS
        system_params['workspace'] = workspace

        #Read the input cuffdiff workspace object json file and get filehandle for cuffdiff tar file
        s_res = ws_client.get_objects([{
            'name': fparams['ws_cuffdiff_id'],
            'workspace': fparams['workspace_name']

        #Check if workspace has data
        if len(s_res) == 0:
            self.__LOGGER.info("Workspace did not return any objects")
            return returnVal
        cuffdiff_dir = join(self.__SCRATCH, "cuffdiffData/cuffdiff")
        cuffdiff_dir = script_util2.extract_cuffdiff_data(
            self.__LOGGER, self.__SHOCK_URL, self.__SCRATCH, s_res, user_token)
        #cuffdiff_dir = "/kb/module/work/nnc/cuffdiff"
        self.__LOGGER.info("Cuffdiff folder = " + cuffdiff_dir)

        #if (cuffdiff_dir is False):
        #    return returnVal
        fparams['cuffdiff_dir'] = cuffdiff_dir
        fparams['infile'] = join(cuffdiff_dir, "gene_exp.diff")
        fparams['outfile'] = join(system_params['scratch'],

        filtered_matrix = script_util2.filter_expression_matrix(
            fparams, system_params)
        self.__LOGGER.info("matrix is " + filtered_matrix)

        fparams['infile'] = join(system_params['scratch'],
        fparams['outfile'] = join(system_params['scratch'],

        genelist_filtered_matrix_file = script_util2.get_gene_list_from_filter_step(

        # Prepare output object.
        outjson = False

        rparams = {}
        rparams['genelist'] = filtered_matrix
        rparams['cuffdiff_dir'] = fparams['cuffdiff_dir']
        rparams['outpng'] = join(system_params['scratch'], "heatmap.png")
        rparams['imageheight'] = 1600
        rparams['imagewidth'] = 800
        rparams['plotscript'] = join(system_params['rscripts'],
        rparams['include_replicates'] = 1
        rparams['outmatrix'] = join(system_params['scratch'], "outmatrix")

        roptstr_basic_heatmap_rep = script_util2.get_command_line_heatmap_basic(

        # Run R script to run cummerbund json and update the cummerbund output json file
        # Prepare output object.
        outputobject = dict()

        # Prepare output plot list
        cummerbundplotset = []

        # List of plots to generate
        plotlist = [{
            'roptstr': roptstr_basic_heatmap_rep,
            'title': "Heatmap",
            'description': "Heatmap",
            'exp': fparams['ws_expression_matrix_id']
        fparams['cummerbundplotset'] = cummerbundplotset
        # Iterate through the plotlist and generate the images and json files.
        for plot in plotlist:
            fparams['title'] = plot['title']
            fparams['description'] = plot['description']

            status = script_util2.rplotanduploadinteractive(
                system_params, fparams, rparams, plot['roptstr'])
            if status == False:
                    "Problem generating image and json file - " +

                outjson = status
                with open("{0}/{1}".format(self.__SCRATCH, outjson),
                          'r') as et2:
                    eo2 = json.load(et2)
                    genome_ref = s_res[0]['data']['genome_id']
                    eo2['type'] = 'untransformed'
                    #eo2['genome_ref'] = genome_ref
                    self.__LOGGER.info(workspace + self.__SCRATCH + outjson +
                        'objects': [{
                            'type': 'KBaseFeatureValues.ExpressionMatrix',
                            'data': eo2,
                            'name': plot['exp']

        returnVal = fparams['ws_expression_matrix_id']

        #END create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(returnVal, basestring):
            raise ValueError(
                'Method create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes return value ' +
                'returnVal is not type basestring as required.')
        # return the results
        return [returnVal]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old(self, ctx, heatmapParams):
        :param heatmapParams: instance of type "heatmapParams" -> structure:
           parameter "workspace" of String, parameter "sample1" of String,
           parameter "sample2" of String, parameter "q_value_cutoff" of
           Double, parameter "log2_fold_change_cutoff" of Double, parameter
           "num_genes" of Long, parameter "ws_cuffdiff_id" of type
           "ws_cuffdiff_id" (@id ws
           KBaseRNASeq.RNASeqCuffdiffdifferentialExpression), parameter
           "ws_expression_matrix_id" of type "ws_expression_matrix_id" (@id
           ws KBaseFeatureValues.ExpressionMatrix), parameter
           "ws_cummerbund_output" of type "ws_cummerbund_output" (@id ws
        :returns: instance of type "ResultsToReport" -> structure: parameter
           "report_name" of String, parameter "report_ref" of String
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: returnVal
        #BEGIN create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old
        fparams = heatmapParams
        returnVal = "ttt"
        # Set up workspace client
        user_token = ctx['token']
        workspace = fparams['workspace']
        ws_client = Workspace(url=self.__WS_URL, token=user_token)
        system_params = {}
        system_params['token'] = user_token
        system_params['ws_url'] = self.__WS_URL
        system_params['logger'] = self.__LOGGER
        system_params['shock_url'] = self.__SHOCK_URL
        system_params['hs_url'] = self.__HS_URL
        system_params['scratch'] = self.__SCRATCH
        system_params['rscripts'] = self.__RSCRIPTS
        system_params['workspace'] = workspace

        # Read the input cuffdiff workspace object json file and get filehandle for cuffdiff tar file
        s_res = ws_client.get_objects([{
            'name': fparams['ws_cuffdiff_id'],
            'workspace': fparams['workspace']

        # Check if workspace has data
        if len(s_res) == 0:
            self.__LOGGER.info("Workspace did not return any objects")
            return returnVal
        cuffdiff_dir = join(self.__SCRATCH, "cuffdiffData/cuffdiff")
        cuffdiff_dir = script_util2.extract_cuffdiff_data(self.__LOGGER, self.__SHOCK_URL,
                                                          self.__SCRATCH, s_res, user_token)
        # cuffdiff_dir = "/kb/module/work/cuffdiffData/cuffdiff"
        self.__LOGGER.info("Cuffdiff folder = " + cuffdiff_dir)

        # if (cuffdiff_dir is False):
        #    return returnVal
        fparams['cuffdiff_dir'] = cuffdiff_dir
        fparams['infile'] = join(cuffdiff_dir, "gene_exp.diff")
        fparams['outfile'] = join(system_params['scratch'], "gene_exp.diff.filter")

        fparams['pairs'] = 1
        fparams['logModetmp'] = 2

        rparams = {}

        rparams['cuffdiff_dir'] = fparams['cuffdiff_dir']
        rparams['outpng'] = join(system_params['scratch'], "heatmap.png")
        rparams['imageheight'] = 1600
        rparams['imagewidth'] = 800
        rparams['plotscript'] = join(system_params['rscripts'], "heatmapplotinteractive.R")
        rparams['include_replicates'] = 1
        rparams['pairs'] = fparams['pairs']
        rparams['logMode'] = fparams['logModetmp']
        rparams['removezeroes'] = 1
        rparams['outmatrix'] = join(system_params['scratch'], "outmatrix")
        reportObj = {}

        provenance = [{}]
        if 'provenance' in ctx:
            provenance = ctx['provenance']
        # add additional info to provenance here, in this case the input data object reference
        provenance[0]['input_ws_objects'] = [workspace + '/' + fparams['ws_cuffdiff_id']]

        report = ""
        if (fparams['pairs'] != 0):

                filtered_matrix = script_util2.filter_expression_matrix(fparams, system_params)
                self.__LOGGER.info("matrix is " + filtered_matrix)
                fparams['infile'] = join(system_params['scratch'], "gene_exp.diff.filter")
                fparams['outfile'] = join(system_params['scratch'], "gene_exp.diff.filter.genelist")
                genelist_filtered_matrix_file = script_util2.get_gene_list_from_filter_step(fparams)
                rparams['genelist'] = filtered_matrix
                report += "There was an error in creating expression matrix"
                report += "No differentially expressed genes were found"
                report += "Please change / double check  your filtering criteria"

                reportObj = {
                    'objects_created': [],
                    'text_message': report

                reportName = 'create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old_' + str(hex(uuid.getnode()))
                report_info = ws_client.save_objects({
                    'workspace': fparams['workspace'],
                    'objects': [
                            'type': 'KBaseReport.Report',
                            'data': reportObj,
                            'name': reportName,
                            'meta': {},
                            'hidden': 1,  # important!  make sure the report is hidden
                            'provenance': provenance
                print('saved Report: ' + pformat(report_info))

                returnVal = {"report_name": reportName,
                             "report_ref": str(report_info[6]) + '/' + str(
                                 report_info[0]) + '/' + str(report_info[4])}

                return [returnVal]

            # Prepare output object.
            outjson = False;

            roptstr_basic_heatmap_rep = script_util2.get_command_line_heatmap_basic(rparams)

            # Run R script to run cummerbund json and update the cummerbund output json file
            # Prepare output object.
            outputobject = dict()

            # Prepare output plot list
            cummerbundplotset = []

            # List of plots to generate
            plotlist = [

                {'roptstr': roptstr_basic_heatmap_rep,
                 'title': "Heatmap",
                 'description': "Heatmap",
                 'exp': fparams['ws_expression_matrix_id']

            fparams['cummerbundplotset'] = cummerbundplotset
            # Iterate through the plotlist and generate the images and json files.
            for plot in plotlist:
                fparams['title'] = plot['title']
                fparams['description'] = plot['description']

                status = script_util2.rplotanduploadinteractive(system_params, fparams, rparams,
                if status == False:
                        "Problem generating image and json file - " + plot["roptstr"])
                    report = "Error: Please select a different cutoff criteria. None of the genes passed fold change and q-value-cutoff. "
                    report += "Failed to create expression  matrix with differentially expressed genes(" + \
                              fparams['ws_expression_matrix_id'] + "). No genes to show on heatmap."
                    reportObj = {
                        'objects_created': [],
                        'text_message': report
                    reportName = 'create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old_' + str(
                    report_info = ws_client.save_objects({
                        'workspace': fparams['workspace'],
                        'objects': [
                                'type': 'KBaseReport.Report',
                                'data': reportObj,
                                'name': reportName,
                                'meta': {},
                                'hidden': 1,  # important!  make sure the report is hidden
                                'provenance': provenance
                    print('saved Report: ' + pformat(report_info))

                    returnVal = {"report_name": reportName,
                                 "report_ref": str(report_info[6]) + '/' + str(
                                     report_info[0]) + '/' + str(report_info[4])}

                    return [returnVal]



                    outjson = status
                    with open("{0}/{1}".format(self.__SCRATCH, outjson), 'r') as et2:

                        eo2 = json.load(et2)
                        genome_ref = s_res[0]['data']['genome_id']
                        eo2['type'] = 'log2_level'
                        eo2['genome_ref'] = genome_ref
                        self.__LOGGER.info(workspace + self.__SCRATCH + outjson + plot['exp'])
                            res = ws_client.save_objects({'workspace': workspace,
                                                          'objects': [{
                                                                          'type': 'KBaseFeatureValues.ExpressionMatrix',
                                                                          'data': eo2,
                                                                          'name': plot['exp']

        report = "Successfully created expression matrix"
        reportObj = {
            'objects_created': [],
            'text_message': report


        reportName = 'create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old_' + str(hex(uuid.getnode()))
        report_info = ws_client.save_objects({
            'workspace': fparams['workspace'],
            'objects': [
                    'type': 'KBaseReport.Report',
                    'data': reportObj,
                    'name': reportName,
                    'meta': {},
                    'hidden': 1,  # important!  make sure the report is hidden
                    'provenance': provenance
        print('saved Report: ' + pformat(report_info))

        returnVal = {"report_name": reportName,
                     "report_ref": str(report_info[6]) + '/' + str(report_info[0]) + '/' + str(

        #END create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(returnVal, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method create_interactive_heatmap_de_genes_old return value ' +
                             'returnVal is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [returnVal]