def removeRelationshipAttribute(self, attribute_data: Dict[str, str]) -> str:

        attribute_name: str = attribute_data["attribute_name"]
        relationship_id: str = attribute_data["relationship_id"]
        relationship_id_tuple: Optional[
            Tuple[str, str]
        ] = uml_utilities.parse_relationship_identifier(relationship_id)

        if not relationship_id_tuple:
            raise Exception(
                "Invalid relationship identifier provided: " + relationship_id

        class_name_a: str = relationship_id_tuple[0]
        class_name_b: str = relationship_id_tuple[1]

        if not class_name_a in self.__diagram.get_all_class_names():
            return "Class " + class_name_a + " not found in the diagram."
        if not class_name_b in self.__diagram.get_all_class_names():
            return "Class " + class_name_b + " not found in the diagram."

        if not self.__diagram.remove_relationship_attribute(
            class_name_a, class_name_b, attribute_name
            return (
                "Attribute "
                + attribute_name
                + " not found in Class: "
                + uml_utilities.stringify_relationship_identifier(
                    class_name_a, class_name_b

        return ""
    def removeRelationship(self, relationship_id: str) -> str:

        relationship_id_tuple: Optional[
            Tuple[str, str]
        ] = uml_utilities.parse_relationship_identifier(relationship_id)

        if not relationship_id_tuple:
            raise Exception(
                "Invalid relationship identifier provided: " + relationship_id

        class_name_a: str = relationship_id_tuple[0]
        class_name_b: str = relationship_id_tuple[1]

        if not class_name_a in self.__diagram.get_all_class_names():
            return "Class " + class_name_a + " not found in the diagram."
        if not class_name_b in self.__diagram.get_all_class_names():
            return "Class " + class_name_b + " not found in the diagram."

        if not self.__diagram.remove_relationship(class_name_a, class_name_b):
            return "Relationship not found in diagram: {}".format(
                    class_name_a, class_name_b

        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_parse_relationship_identifier() -> None:
    assert uml_utilities.parse_relationship_identifier("[Alpha,Beta]")

    assert not uml_utilities.parse_relationship_identifier("[]")
    assert not uml_utilities.parse_relationship_identifier("[Alpha,Beta")
    assert not uml_utilities.parse_relationship_identifier("[Alpha]")
    assert not uml_utilities.parse_relationship_identifier("[Bad Name,Beta]")
    assert not uml_utilities.parse_relationship_identifier(
        "[Alpha,Beta,bad relname]")
    def do_set(self, arg: str) -> None:
        """Usage: set <identifier> <attribute_name> <attribute_value>
Adds or modifies the attribute for the specified class
For help with identifiers, type in 'help identifiers'"""

        # Check the number of arguments
        args: List[str] = arg.split()
        if len(args) != 3:
            print("Please provide a valid number of arguments.")

        # Grab arguments
        identifier: str = args[0]
        attr_name: str = args[1]
        attr_value: str = args[2]

        # Classify what kind of identifier was provided
        identifier_class: Optional[str] = uml_utilities.classify_identifier(

        # Ensure attribute name is valid
        if not uml_utilities.parse_class_identifier(attr_name):
                "Please provide a valid attribute name (no whitespace, quotes, or surrounding brackets)."

        # Handle class identifiers
        if identifier_class == "class":
            class_id: Optional[str] = uml_utilities.parse_class_identifier(
            if class_id is not None:
                self.__set_class_attribute(class_id, attr_name, attr_value)

        # Handle relationship identifiers
        elif identifier_class == "relationship":
            rel_id: Optional[Tuple[
                str]] = uml_utilities.parse_relationship_identifier(identifier)
            if rel_id is not None:
                self.__set_relationship_attribute(rel_id, attr_name,

        # If we don't return before we get here, the user provided a bad argument
        print("Invalid argument provided.")
    def do_remove(self, arg: str) -> None:
        """Usage: remove <identifier>
Removes a class or relationship if one with that identifier exists in the diagram
For help with identifiers, type in 'help identifiers'"""

        # Check the number of arguments
        args: List[str] = arg.split()
        if len(args) != 1:
                "Please provide a valid class or relationship identifier as an argument."

        # Grab arguments
        identifier: str = args[0]

        # Classify what kind of identifier was provided
        identifier_class: Optional[str] = uml_utilities.classify_identifier(

        # Handle class identifiers
        if identifier_class == "class":
            class_id: Optional[str] = uml_utilities.parse_class_identifier(
            if class_id is not None:

        # Handle relationship identifiers
        elif identifier_class == "relationship":
            rel_id: Optional[Tuple[
                str]] = uml_utilities.parse_relationship_identifier(identifier)
            if rel_id is not None:

        # If we don't return before we get here, the user provided a bad argument
        print("Invalid argument provided.")
    def setRelationshipAttribute(self, attribute_data: Dict[str, str]) -> str:

        attr_key: str = attribute_data["attr_key"]
        attr_value: str = attribute_data["attr_key"]

        relationship_id: str = attribute_data["relationship_id"]
        relationship_id_tuple: Optional[
            Tuple[str, str]
        ] = uml_utilities.parse_relationship_identifier(relationship_id)

        if not relationship_id_tuple:
            raise Exception(
                "Invalid relationship identifier provided: " + relationship_id

        class_name_a: str = relationship_id_tuple[0]
        class_name_b: str = relationship_id_tuple[1]

        if not class_name_a in self.__diagram.get_all_class_names():
            return "Class " + class_name_a + " not found in the diagram."
        if not class_name_b in self.__diagram.get_all_class_names():
            return "Class " + class_name_b + " not found in the diagram."

        if (
            not "ignore_naming_rules" in attribute_data
            and not uml_utilities.parse_class_identifier(attr_key)
            return "Attribute name is invalid. (Cannot contain whitespace or quotes, and cannot be surrounded by brackets.)"

        if not self.__diagram.set_relationship_attribute(
            relationship_id_tuple[0], relationship_id_tuple[1], attr_key, attr_value
            return "Relationship not found in diagram: {}".format(
                    class_name_a, class_name_b

        return ""