Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_and_correct_segmentation(fname_segmentation,
    This function takes the outputs of isct_propseg (centerline and segmentation) and check if the centerline of the
    segmentation is coherent with the centerline provided by the isct_propseg, especially on the edges (related
    to issue #1074).
        fname_segmentation: filename of binary segmentation
        fname_centerline: filename of binary centerline
        threshold_distance: threshold, in mm, beyond which centerlines are not coherent

    Returns: None
    sct.printv('\nCheck consistency of segmentation...', verbose)
    # creating a temporary folder in which all temporary files will be placed and deleted afterwards
    path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="propseg", verbose=verbose)
    from sct_convert import convert
            os.path.join(path_tmp, "tmp.segmentation.nii.gz"),
            os.path.join(path_tmp, "tmp.centerline.nii.gz"),
    fname_seg_absolute = os.path.abspath(fname_segmentation)

    # go to tmp folder
    curdir = os.getcwd()

    # convert segmentation image to RPI
    im_input = Image('tmp.segmentation.nii.gz')
    image_input_orientation = orientation(im_input, get=True, verbose=False)

        "-i tmp.segmentation.nii.gz -setorient RPI -o tmp.segmentation_RPI.nii.gz -v 0"
        "-i tmp.centerline.nii.gz -setorient RPI -o tmp.centerline_RPI.nii.gz -v 0"

    # go through segmentation image, and compare with centerline from propseg
    im_seg = Image('tmp.segmentation_RPI.nii.gz')
    im_centerline = Image('tmp.centerline_RPI.nii.gz')

    # Get size of data
    sct.printv('\nGet data dimensions...', verbose)
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_seg.dim

    # extraction of centerline provided by isct_propseg and computation of center of mass for each slice
    # the centerline is defined as the center of the tubular mesh outputed by propseg.
    centerline, key_centerline = {}, []
    for i in range(nz):
        slice = im_centerline.data[:, :, i]
        if np.any(slice):
            x_centerline, y_centerline = ndi.measurements.center_of_mass(slice)
            centerline[str(i)] = [x_centerline, y_centerline]

    minz_centerline = np.min(key_centerline)
    maxz_centerline = np.max(key_centerline)
    mid_slice = int((maxz_centerline - minz_centerline) / 2)

    # for each slice of the segmentation, check if only one object is present. If not, remove the slice from segmentation.
    # If only one object (the spinal cord) is present in the slice, check if its center of mass is close to the centerline of isct_propseg.
    slices_to_remove = [
    ] * nz  # flag that decides if the slice must be removed
    for i in range(minz_centerline, maxz_centerline + 1):
        # extraction of slice
        slice = im_seg.data[:, :, i]
        distance = -1
        label_objects, nb_labels = ndi.label(
            slice)  # count binary objects in the slice
        if nb_labels > 1:  # if there is more that one object in the slice, the slice is removed from the segmentation
            slices_to_remove[i] = True
        elif nb_labels == 1:  # check if the centerline is coherent with the one from isct_propseg
            x_centerline, y_centerline = ndi.measurements.center_of_mass(slice)
            slice_nearest_coord = min(key_centerline, key=lambda x: abs(x - i))
            coord_nearest_coord = centerline[str(slice_nearest_coord)]
            distance = np.sqrt((
                (x_centerline - coord_nearest_coord[0]) * px)**2 + (
                    (y_centerline - coord_nearest_coord[1]) * py)**2 +
                               ((i - slice_nearest_coord) * pz)**2)

            if distance >= threshold_distance:  # threshold must be adjusted, default is 5 mm
                slices_to_remove[i] = True

    # Check list of removal and keep one continuous centerline (improve this comment)
    # Method:
    # starting from mid-centerline (in both directions), the first True encountered is applied to all following slices
    slice_to_change = False
    for i in range(mid_slice, nz):
        if slice_to_change:
            slices_to_remove[i] = True
        elif slices_to_remove[i]:
            slice_to_change = True

    slice_to_change = False
    for i in range(mid_slice, 0, -1):
        if slice_to_change:
            slices_to_remove[i] = True
        elif slices_to_remove[i]:
            slice_to_change = True

    for i in range(0, nz):
        # remove the slice
        if slices_to_remove[i]:
            im_seg.data[:, :, i] *= 0

    # saving the image

    # replacing old segmentation with the corrected one
        '-i tmp.segmentation_RPI_c.nii.gz -setorient {} -o {} -v 0'.format(
            image_input_orientation, fname_seg_absolute).split())


    # display information about how much of the segmentation has been corrected

    # remove temporary files
    if remove_temp_files:
        # sct.printv("\nRemove temporary files...", verbose)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def detect_centerline(image_fname,
    """This method will use the OptiC to detect the centerline.

    :param image_fname: The input image filename.
    :param init_option: Axial slice where the propagation starts.
    :param contrast_type: The contrast type.
    :param optic_models_path: The path with the Optic model files.
    :param folder_output: The OptiC output folder.
    :param remove_temp_files: Remove the temporary created files.
    :param verbose: Adjusts the verbosity of the logging.

    :returns: The OptiC output filename.

    image_input = Image(image_fname)
    path_data, file_data, ext_data = sct.extract_fname(image_fname)

    sct.printv('Detecting the spinal cord using OptiC', verbose=verbose)
    image_input_orientation = orientation(image_input, get=True, verbose=False)

    temp_folder = sct.TempFolder()

    # convert image data type to int16, as required by opencv (backend in OptiC)
    image_int_filename = sct.add_suffix(file_data + ext_data, "_int16")
        args=['-i', image_fname, '-type', 'int16', '-o', image_int_filename])

    # reorient the input image to RPI + convert to .nii
    reoriented_image_filename = sct.add_suffix(image_int_filename, "_RPI")
    img_filename = ''.join(sct.extract_fname(reoriented_image_filename)[:2])
    reoriented_image_filename_nii = img_filename + '.nii'
    cmd_reorient = 'sct_image -i "%s" -o "%s" -setorient RPI -v 0' % \
                (image_int_filename, reoriented_image_filename_nii)
    sct.run(cmd_reorient, verbose=0)

    image_rpi_init = Image(reoriented_image_filename_nii)
    nxr, nyr, nzr, ntr, pxr, pyr, pzr, ptr = image_rpi_init.dim
    if init_option is not None:
        if init_option > 1:
            init_option /= (nzr - 1)

    # call the OptiC method to generate the spinal cord centerline
    optic_input = img_filename
    optic_filename = img_filename + '_optic'

    os.environ["FSLOUTPUTTYPE"] = "NIFTI_PAIR"
    cmd_optic = 'isct_spine_detect -ctype=dpdt -lambda=1 "%s" "%s" "%s"' % \
                (optic_models_path, optic_input, optic_filename)
    sct.run(cmd_optic, verbose=0)

    # convert .img and .hdr files to .nii.gz
    optic_hdr_filename = img_filename + '_optic_ctr.hdr'
    centerline_optic_RPI_filename = sct.add_suffix(file_data + ext_data,
    img = nib.load(optic_hdr_filename)
    nib.save(img, centerline_optic_RPI_filename)

    # reorient the output image to initial orientation
    centerline_optic_filename = sct.add_suffix(file_data + ext_data,
    cmd_reorient = 'sct_image -i "%s" -o "%s" -setorient "%s" -v 0' % \
    sct.run(cmd_reorient, verbose=0)

    # copy centerline to parent folder
    folder_output_from_temp = folder_output
    if not os.path.isabs(folder_output):
        folder_output_from_temp = '../' + folder_output

    sct.printv('Copy output to ' + folder_output, verbose=0)
    shutil.copy(centerline_optic_filename, folder_output_from_temp)

    if output_roi:
        fname_roi_centerline = centerline2roi(

        # Note: the .roi file is defined in RPI orientation. To be used, it must be applied on the original image with
        # a RPI orientation. For this reason, this script also outputs the input image in RPI orientation
        shutil.copy(reoriented_image_filename_nii, folder_output_from_temp)

    # return to initial folder

    # delete temporary folder
    if remove_temp_files:

    return init_option, os.path.join(folder_output, centerline_optic_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def set_orient(ref, i, i_tmp, o):
    sct_image.main(args=['-i', ref, '-copy-header', i, '-v', '0'])
        args=['-i', i, '-setorient-data', 'IPR', '-o', i_tmp, '-v', '0'])
    sct_image.main(args=['-i', i_tmp, '-setorient', 'RPI', '-o', o, '-v', '0'])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_and_correct_segmentation(fname_segmentation, fname_centerline, folder_output='', threshold_distance=5.0,
                                   remove_temp_files=1, verbose=0):
    This function takes the outputs of isct_propseg (centerline and segmentation) and check if the centerline of the
    segmentation is coherent with the centerline provided by the isct_propseg, especially on the edges (related
    to issue #1074).
        fname_segmentation: filename of binary segmentation
        fname_centerline: filename of binary centerline
        threshold_distance: threshold, in mm, beyond which centerlines are not coherent

    Returns: None
    sct.printv('\nCheck consistency of segmentation...', verbose)
    # creating a temporary folder in which all temporary files will be placed and deleted afterwards
    path_tmp = sct.tmp_create(basename="propseg", verbose=verbose)
    from sct_convert import convert
    convert(fname_segmentation, os.path.join(path_tmp, "tmp.segmentation.nii.gz"), verbose=0)
    convert(fname_centerline, os.path.join(path_tmp, "tmp.centerline.nii.gz"), verbose=0)
    fname_seg_absolute = os.path.abspath(fname_segmentation)

    # go to tmp folder
    curdir = os.getcwd()

    # convert segmentation image to RPI
    im_input = Image('tmp.segmentation.nii.gz')
    image_input_orientation = im_input.orientation

    sct_image.main("-i tmp.segmentation.nii.gz -setorient RPI -o tmp.segmentation_RPI.nii.gz -v 0".split())
    sct_image.main("-i tmp.centerline.nii.gz -setorient RPI -o tmp.centerline_RPI.nii.gz -v 0".split())

    # go through segmentation image, and compare with centerline from propseg
    im_seg = Image('tmp.segmentation_RPI.nii.gz')
    im_centerline = Image('tmp.centerline_RPI.nii.gz')

    # Get size of data
    sct.printv('\nGet data dimensions...', verbose)
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_seg.dim

    # extraction of centerline provided by isct_propseg and computation of center of mass for each slice
    # the centerline is defined as the center of the tubular mesh outputed by propseg.
    centerline, key_centerline = {}, []
    for i in range(nz):
        slice = im_centerline.data[:, :, i]
        if np.any(slice):
            x_centerline, y_centerline = ndi.measurements.center_of_mass(slice)
            centerline[str(i)] = [x_centerline, y_centerline]

    minz_centerline = np.min(key_centerline)
    maxz_centerline = np.max(key_centerline)
    mid_slice = int((maxz_centerline - minz_centerline) / 2)

    # for each slice of the segmentation, check if only one object is present. If not, remove the slice from segmentation.
    # If only one object (the spinal cord) is present in the slice, check if its center of mass is close to the centerline of isct_propseg.
    slices_to_remove = [False] * nz  # flag that decides if the slice must be removed
    for i in range(minz_centerline, maxz_centerline + 1):
        # extraction of slice
        slice = im_seg.data[:, :, i]
        distance = -1
        label_objects, nb_labels = ndi.label(slice)  # count binary objects in the slice
        if nb_labels > 1:  # if there is more that one object in the slice, the slice is removed from the segmentation
            slices_to_remove[i] = True
        elif nb_labels == 1:  # check if the centerline is coherent with the one from isct_propseg
            x_centerline, y_centerline = ndi.measurements.center_of_mass(slice)
            slice_nearest_coord = min(key_centerline, key=lambda x: abs(x - i))
            coord_nearest_coord = centerline[str(slice_nearest_coord)]
            distance = np.sqrt(((x_centerline - coord_nearest_coord[0]) * px) ** 2 +
                               ((y_centerline - coord_nearest_coord[1]) * py) ** 2 +
                               ((i - slice_nearest_coord) * pz) ** 2)

            if distance >= threshold_distance:  # threshold must be adjusted, default is 5 mm
                slices_to_remove[i] = True

    # Check list of removal and keep one continuous centerline (improve this comment)
    # Method:
    # starting from mid-centerline (in both directions), the first True encountered is applied to all following slices
    slice_to_change = False
    for i in range(mid_slice, nz):
        if slice_to_change:
            slices_to_remove[i] = True
        elif slices_to_remove[i]:
            slice_to_change = True

    slice_to_change = False
    for i in range(mid_slice, 0, -1):
        if slice_to_change:
            slices_to_remove[i] = True
        elif slices_to_remove[i]:
            slice_to_change = True

    for i in range(0, nz):
        # remove the slice
        if slices_to_remove[i]:
            im_seg.data[:, :, i] *= 0

    # saving the image

    # replacing old segmentation with the corrected one
    sct_image.main('-i tmp.segmentation_RPI_c.nii.gz -setorient {} -o {} -v 0'.
                   format(image_input_orientation, fname_seg_absolute).split())


    # display information about how much of the segmentation has been corrected

    # remove temporary files
    if remove_temp_files:
        # sct.printv("\nRemove temporary files...", verbose)