Ejemplo n.º 1
def vertebral_detection(fname, fname_seg, contrast, param, init_disc=[], verbose=1, path_template='', initc2='auto', path_output='../'):
    Find intervertebral discs in straightened image using template matching
    :param fname:
    :param fname_seg:
    :param contrast:
    :param param:  advanced parameters
    :param init_disc:
    :param verbose:
    :param path_template:
    :param path_output: output path for verbose=2 pictures
    printv('\nLook for template...', verbose)
    # if path_template == '':
    #     # get path of SCT
    #     from os import path
    #     path_script = path.dirname(__file__)
    #     path_sct = slash_at_the_end(path.dirname(path_script), 1)
    #     folder_template = 'data/template/'
    #     path_template = path_sct+folder_template
    printv('Path template: '+path_template, verbose)

    # adjust file names if MNI-Poly-AMU template is used
    fname_level = get_file_label(path_template+'template/', 'vertebral', output='filewithpath')
    fname_template = get_file_label(path_template+'template/', contrast.upper()+'-weighted', output='filewithpath')

    # if not len(glob(path_template+'MNI-Poly-AMU*.*')) == 0:
    #     contrast = contrast.upper()
    #     file_level = '*_level.nii.gz'
    # else:
    #     file_level = '*_levels.nii.gz'
    # # retrieve file_template based on contrast
    # try:
    #     fname_template_list = glob(path_template + '*' + contrast + '.nii.gz')
    #     fname_template = fname_template_list[0]
    # except IndexError:
    #     printv('\nERROR: No template found. Please check the provided path.', 1, 'error')
    # retrieve disc level from template
    # try:
    #     fname_level_list = glob(path_template+file_level)
    #     fname_level = fname_level_list[0]
    # except IndexError:
    #     printv('\nERROR: File *_levels.nii.gz not found.', 1, 'error')

    # Open template and vertebral levels
    printv('\nOpen template and vertebral levels...', verbose)
    data_template = Image(fname_template).data
    data_disc_template = Image(fname_level).data

    # open anatomical volume
    im_input = Image(fname)
    data = im_input.data

    # smooth data
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
    data = gaussian_filter(data, param.smooth_factor, output=None, mode="reflect")

    # get dimension of src
    nx, ny, nz = data.shape
    # define xc and yc (centered in the field of view)
    xc = int(round(nx/2))  # direction RL
    yc = int(round(ny/2))  # direction AP
    # get dimension of template
    nxt, nyt, nzt = data_template.shape
    # define xc and yc (centered in the field of view)
    xct = int(round(nxt/2))  # direction RL
    yct = int(round(nyt/2))  # direction AP

    # define mean distance (in voxel) between adjacent discs: [C1/C2 -> C2/C3], [C2/C3 -> C4/C5], ..., [L1/L2 -> L2/L3]
    centerline_level = data_disc_template[xct, yct, :]
    # attribute value to each disc. Starts from max level, then decrease.
    min_level = centerline_level[centerline_level.nonzero()].min()
    max_level = centerline_level[centerline_level.nonzero()].max()
    list_disc_value_template = range(min_level, max_level)
    # add disc above top one
    list_disc_value_template.insert(int(0), min_level - 1)
    printv('\nDisc values from template: ' + str(list_disc_value_template), verbose)
    # get diff to find transitions (i.e., discs)
    diff_centerline_level = np.diff(centerline_level)
    # get disc z-values
    list_disc_z_template = diff_centerline_level.nonzero()[0].tolist()
    printv('Z-values for each disc: ' + str(list_disc_z_template), verbose)
    list_distance_template = (
        np.diff(list_disc_z_template) * (-1)).tolist()  # multiplies by -1 to get positive distances
    printv('Distances between discs (in voxel): ' + str(list_distance_template), verbose)

    # if automatic mode, find C2/C3 disc
    if init_disc == [] and initc2 == 'auto':
        printv('\nDetect C2/C3 disk...', verbose)
        zrange = range(0, nz)
        ind_c2 = list_disc_value_template.index(2)
        z_peak = compute_corr_3d(src=data, target=data_template, x=xc, xshift=0, xsize=param.size_RL_initc2, y=yc, yshift=param.shift_AP_initc2, ysize=param.size_AP_initc2, z=0, zshift=param.shift_IS_initc2, zsize=param.size_IS_initc2, xtarget=xct, ytarget=yct, ztarget=list_disc_z_template[ind_c2], zrange=zrange, verbose=verbose, save_suffix='_initC2', gaussian_weighting=True, path_output=path_output)
        init_disc = [z_peak, 2]

    # if manual mode, open viewer for user to click on C2/C3 disc
    if init_disc == [] and initc2 == 'manual':
        from sct_viewer import ClickViewer
        # reorient image to SAL to be compatible with viewer
        im_input_SAL = im_input.copy()
        viewer = ClickViewer(im_input_SAL, orientation_subplot=['sag', 'ax'])
        viewer.number_of_slices = 1
        pz = 1
        viewer.gap_inter_slice = int(10 / pz)
        viewer.help_url = 'https://sourceforge.net/p/spinalcordtoolbox/wiki/sct_label_vertebrae/attachment/label_vertebrae_viewer.png'
        # start the viewer that ask the user to enter a few points along the spinal cord
        mask_points = viewer.start()
        if mask_points:
            # create the mask containing either the three-points or centerline mask for initialization
            mask_filename = sct.add_suffix(fname, "_mask_viewer")
            sct.run("sct_label_utils -i " + fname + " -create " + mask_points + " -o " + mask_filename, verbose=False)
            sct.printv('\nERROR: the viewer has been closed before entering all manual points. Please try again.', verbose, type='error')
        # assign new init_disc_z value, which corresponds to the first vector of mask_points. Note, we need to substract from nz due to SAL orientation: in the viewer, orientation is S-I while in this code, it is I-S.
        init_disc = [nz-int(mask_points.split(',')[0]), 2]

    # display init disc
    if verbose == 2:
        import matplotlib
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.matshow(np.mean(data[xc-param.size_RL:xc+param.size_RL, :, :], axis=0).transpose(), fignum=50, cmap=plt.cm.gray, clim=[0, 800], origin='lower')
        plt.title('Anatomical image')
        plt.autoscale(enable=False)  # to prevent autoscale of axis when displaying plot
        plt.figure(50), plt.scatter(yc + param.shift_AP_visu, init_disc[0], c='yellow', s=50)
        plt.text(yc + param.shift_AP_visu + 4, init_disc[0], str(init_disc[1]) + '/' + str(init_disc[1] + 1),
                 verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='left', color='pink', fontsize=15), plt.draw()
        # plt.ion()  # enables interactive mode

    # ===========================================================================
    printv('\nDetect intervertebral discs...', verbose)
    # assign initial z and disc
    current_z = init_disc[0]
    current_disc = init_disc[1]
    # mean_distance = mean_distance * pz
    # mean_distance_real = np.zeros(len(mean_distance))
    # create list for z and disc
    list_disc_z = []
    list_disc_value = []
    zrange = range(-10, 10)
    direction = 'superior'
    search_next_disc = True
    while search_next_disc:
        printv('Current disc: '+str(current_disc)+' (z='+str(current_z)+'). Direction: '+direction, verbose)
            # get z corresponding to current disc on template
            current_z_template = list_disc_z_template[current_disc]
            # in case reached the bottom (see issue #849)
            printv('WARNING: Reached the bottom of the template. Stop searching.', verbose, 'warning')
        # find next disc
        # N.B. Do not search for C1/C2 disc (because poorly visible), use template distance instead
        if not current_disc in [1]:
            current_z = compute_corr_3d(src=data, target=data_template, x=xc, xshift=0, xsize=param.size_RL, y=yc, yshift=param.shift_AP, ysize=param.size_AP, z=current_z, zshift=0, zsize=param.size_IS, xtarget=xct, ytarget=yct, ztarget=current_z_template, zrange=zrange, verbose=verbose, save_suffix='_disc'+str(current_disc), gaussian_weighting=False, path_output=path_output)

        # display new disc
        if verbose == 2:
            plt.figure(50), plt.scatter(yc+param.shift_AP_visu, current_z, c='yellow', s=50)
            plt.text(yc + param.shift_AP_visu + 4, current_z, str(current_disc)+'/'+str(current_disc+1), verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='left', color='yellow', fontsize=15), plt.draw()

        # append to main list
        if direction == 'superior':
            # append at the beginning
            list_disc_z.insert(0, current_z)
            list_disc_value.insert(0, current_disc)
        elif direction == 'inferior':
            # append at the end

        # adjust correcting factor based on already-identified discs
        if len(list_disc_z) > 1:
            # compute distance between already-identified discs
            list_distance_current = (np.diff(list_disc_z) * (-1)).tolist()
            # retrieve the template distance corresponding to the already-identified discs
            index_disc_identified = [i for i, j in enumerate(list_disc_value_template) if j in list_disc_value[:-1]]
            list_distance_template_identified = [list_distance_template[i] for i in index_disc_identified]
            # divide subject and template distances for the identified discs
            list_subject_to_template_distance = [float(list_distance_current[i]) / list_distance_template_identified[i] for i in range(len(list_distance_current))]
            # average across identified discs to obtain an average correcting factor
            correcting_factor = np.mean(list_subject_to_template_distance)
            printv('.. correcting factor: '+str(correcting_factor), verbose)
            correcting_factor = 1
        # update list_distance specific for the subject
        list_distance = [int(round(list_distance_template[i] * correcting_factor)) for i in range(len(list_distance_template))]
        # updated average_disc_distance (in case it is needed)
        # average_disc_distance = int(round(np.mean(list_distance)))

        # assign new current_z and disc value
        if direction == 'superior':
                approx_distance_to_next_disc = list_distance[list_disc_value_template.index(current_disc-1)]
            except ValueError:
                printv('WARNING: Disc value not included in template. Using previously-calculated distance: '+str(approx_distance_to_next_disc))
            # assign new current_z and disc value
            current_z = current_z + approx_distance_to_next_disc
            current_disc = current_disc - 1
        elif direction == 'inferior':
                approx_distance_to_next_disc = list_distance[list_disc_value_template.index(current_disc)]
                printv('WARNING: Disc value not included in template. Using previously-calculated distance: '+str(approx_distance_to_next_disc))
            # assign new current_z and disc value
            current_z = current_z - approx_distance_to_next_disc
            current_disc = current_disc + 1

        # if current_z is larger than searching zone, switch direction (and start from initial z minus approximate distance from updated template distance)
        if current_z >= nz or current_disc == 0:
            printv('.. Switching to inferior direction.', verbose)
            direction = 'inferior'
            current_disc = init_disc[1] + 1
            current_z = init_disc[0] - list_distance[list_disc_value_template.index(current_disc)]
        # if current_z is lower than searching zone, stop searching
        if current_z <= 0:
            search_next_disc = False

        # if verbose == 2:
        #     # close figures
        #     plt.figure(fig_corr), plt.close()
        #     plt.figure(fig_pattern), plt.close()

    # if upper disc is not 1, add disc above top disc based on mean_distance_adjusted
    upper_disc = min(list_disc_value)
    # if not upper_disc == 1:
    printv('Adding top disc based on adjusted template distance: #'+str(upper_disc-1), verbose)
    approx_distance_to_next_disc = list_distance[list_disc_value_template.index(upper_disc-1)]
    next_z = max(list_disc_z) + approx_distance_to_next_disc
    printv('.. approximate distance: '+str(approx_distance_to_next_disc), verbose)
    # make sure next disc does not go beyond FOV in superior direction
    if next_z > nz:
        list_disc_z.insert(0, nz)
        list_disc_z.insert(0, next_z)
    # assign disc value
    list_disc_value.insert(0, upper_disc-1)

    # Label segmentation
    label_segmentation(fname_seg, list_disc_z, list_disc_value, verbose=verbose)

    # save figure
    if verbose == 2:
        plt.figure(50), plt.savefig(path_output + 'fig_anat_straight_with_labels.png')
Ejemplo n.º 2
        from sct_viewer import ClickViewer
        image_input_reoriented = Image(path_tmp_viewer + reoriented_image_filename)
        viewer = ClickViewer(image_input_reoriented)
        viewer.help_url = 'https://sourceforge.net/p/spinalcordtoolbox/wiki/correction_PropSeg/attachment/propseg_viewer.png'
        if use_viewer == "mask":
            viewer.number_of_slices = 3
            viewer.gap_inter_slice = int(10 / pz)
            if viewer.gap_inter_slice == 0:
                viewer.gap_inter_slice = 1
        #    viewer.gap_inter_slice = 3

        # start the viewer that ask the user to enter a few points along the spinal cord
        mask_points = viewer.start()
        if mask_points:
            # create the mask containing either the three-points or centerline mask for initialization
            mask_filename = sct.add_suffix(reoriented_image_filename, "_mask_viewer")
            sct.run("sct_label_utils -i " + path_tmp_viewer + reoriented_image_filename + " -create " + mask_points + " -o " + path_tmp_viewer + mask_filename, verbose=False)

            # reorient the initialization mask to correspond to input image orientation
            mask_reoriented_filename = sct.add_suffix(file_fname + ext_fname, "_mask_viewer")
            sct.run('sct_image -i ' + path_tmp_viewer + mask_filename + ' -o ' + folder_output + mask_reoriented_filename + ' -setorient ' + image_input_orientation + ' -v 0', verbose=False)

            # add mask filename to parameters string
            if use_viewer == "centerline":
                cmd += " -init-centerline " + folder_output + mask_reoriented_filename
            elif use_viewer == "mask":
                cmd += " -init-mask " + folder_output + mask_reoriented_filename