Ejemplo n.º 1
def run():
    # init sdl and get window up
    window = sdl2ext.Window("Traction Edge RL", size=(800, 600))

    #create hardware accelerated context for drawing on
    context = sdl2ext.RenderContext(window, index=-1, flags=SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED)
    #create our custom renderer with the context
    renderer = systems.Renderer(context)

    # init world
    world = sdl2ext.World()

    # create our sprites
    factory = sdl2ext.SpriteFactory(sprite_type=sdl2ext.TEXTURE, renderer=context)
    sp_player = factory.from_color(WHITE, size=(32,32))

    #create player
    player = entities.Creature(world, sp_player, 100, 400)

    #main loop
    running = True
    while running:
        events = sdl2ext.get_events()
        for event in events:
            if event.type == SDL_QUIT:
                running = False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run():
    window = sdl2ext.Window("The Pong Game", size=(800, 600))

    if "-hardware" in sys.argv:
        print("Using hardware acceleration")
        renderer = sdl2ext.RenderContext(window)
        factory = sdl2ext.SpriteFactory(sdl2ext.TEXTURE, renderer=renderer)
        print("Using software rendering")
        factory = sdl2ext.SpriteFactory(sdl2ext.SOFTWARE)

    # Create the paddles - we want white ones. To keep it easy enough for us,
    # we create a set of surfaces that can be used for Texture- and
    # Software-based sprites.
    sp_paddle1 = factory.from_color(WHITE, size=(20, 100))
    sp_paddle2 = factory.from_color(WHITE, size=(20, 100))
    sp_ball = factory.from_color(WHITE, size=(20, 20))

    world = World()

    movement = MovementSystem(0, 0, 800, 600)
    collision = CollisionSystem(0, 0, 800, 600)
    aicontroller = TrackingAIController(0, 600)
    if factory.sprite_type == sdl2ext.SOFTWARE:
        spriterenderer = SoftwareRenderer(window)
        spriterenderer = TextureRenderer(renderer)


    player1 = Player(world, sp_paddle1, 0, 250)
    player2 = Player(world, sp_paddle2, 780, 250, True)
    ball = Ball(world, sp_ball, 390, 290)
    ball.velocity.vx = -BALL_SPEED
    collision.ball = ball
    aicontroller.ball = ball

    running = True
    while running:
        for event in sdl2ext.get_events():
            if event.type == sdlevents.SDL_QUIT:
                running = False
            if event.type == sdlevents.SDL_KEYDOWN:
                if event.key.keysym.sym == sdlkc.SDLK_UP:
                    player1.velocity.vy = -PADDLE_SPEED
                elif event.key.keysym.sym == sdlkc.SDLK_DOWN:
                    player1.velocity.vy = PADDLE_SPEED
            elif event.type == sdlevents.SDL_KEYUP:
                if event.key.keysym.sym in (sdlkc.SDLK_UP, sdlkc.SDLK_DOWN):
                    player1.velocity.vy = 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run():
    # You know those from the helloworld.py example.
    # Initialize the video subsystem, create a window and make it visible.
    window = sdl2ext.Window("sdlgfx drawing examples", size=(800, 600))

    # Create a rendering context for the window. The sdlgfx module requires it.
    context = sdl2ext.RenderContext(window)

    # We implement the functionality as it was done in colorpalettes.py and
    # utilise a mapping table to look up the function to be executed, together
    # with the arguments they should receive
    functions = ((draw_lines, (context, 800, 600)),
                 (draw_circles, (context, 800, 600)),
                 (draw_ellipsis, (context, 800, 600)),
                 (draw_rects, (context, 800, 600)),
                 (draw_trigons, (context, 800, 600)),
                 (draw_polygons, (context, 800, 600)),
                 (draw_mixed, (context, 800, 600))

    # A storage variable for the function we are currently on, so that we know
    # which function to execute next.
    curindex = 0
    draw_lines(context, 800, 600)

    # The event loop is nearly the same as we used in colorpalettes.py. If you
    # do not know, what happens here, take a look at colorpalettes.py for a
    # detailed description.
    running = True
    while running:
        events = sdl2ext.get_events()
        for event in events:
            if event.type == SDL_QUIT:
                running = False
            if event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                curindex += 1
                if curindex >= len(functions):
                    curindex = 0
                # In contrast to colorpalettes.py, our mapping table consists
                # of functions and their arguments. Thus, we get the currently
                # requested function and argument tuple and execute the
                # function with the arguments.
                func, args = functions[curindex]
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():

    window = sdl2ext.Window("Text display", size=(800, 600))

    renderer = sdl2ext.RenderContext(window)
    factory = sdl2ext.SpriteFactory(sdl2ext.TEXTURE, renderer=renderer)
    world = sdl2ext.World()

    fps = FPSCounter(world, renderer=renderer)

    spriteRenderer = factory.create_sprite_renderer()
    fpsController = FPSController()


    running = True

    while running:
        for event in sdl2ext.get_events():
            if event.type == sdlevents.SDL_QUIT:
                running = False
            elif event.type == sdlevents.SDL_USEREVENT:
                entity = cast(event.user.data1,
                entity.textsprite.text = "FPS: " + str(entity.fps.counter)
                entity.fps.counter = 0

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run():
    # You know those from the helloworld.py example.
    # Initialize the video subsystem, create a window and make it visible.
    window = sdl2ext.Window("UI Elements", size=(800, 600))

    # Create a sprite factory that allows us to create visible 2D elements
    # easily. Depending on what the user chosses, we either create a factory
    # that supports hardware-accelerated sprites or software-based ones.
    # The hardware-accelerated SpriteFactory requres a rendering context
    # (or SDL_Renderer), which will create the underlying textures for us.
    if "-hardware" in sys.argv:
        print("Using hardware acceleration")
        renderer = sdl2ext.RenderContext(window)
        factory = sdl2ext.SpriteFactory(sdl2ext.TEXTURE, renderer=renderer)
        print("Using software rendering")
        factory = sdl2ext.SpriteFactory(sdl2ext.SOFTWARE)

    # Create a UI factory, which will handle several defaults for
    # us. Also, the UIFactory can utilises software-based UI elements as
    # well as hardware-accelerated ones; this allows us to keep the UI
    # creation code clean.
    uifactory = sdl2ext.UIFactory(factory)

    # Create a simple Button sprite, which reacts on mouse movements and
    # button presses and fill it with a white color. All UI elements
    # inherit directly from the TextureSprite (for TEXTURE) or SoftwareSprite
    # (for SOFTWARE), so everything you can do with those classes is also
    # possible for the UI elements.
    button = uifactory.from_image(sdl2ext.BUTTON,
    button.position = 50, 50

    # Create a TextEntry sprite, which reacts on keyboard presses and
    # text input.
    entry = uifactory.from_image(sdl2ext.TEXTENTRY,
    entry.position = 50, 200

    # Create a CheckButton sprite. The CheckButton is a specialised
    # Button, which can switch its state, identified by the 'checked'
    # attribute by clicking.
    checkbutton = uifactory.from_color(sdl2ext.CHECKBUTTON, RED, size=(50, 50))
    checkbutton.position = 200, 50

    # Bind some actions to the button's event handlers. Whenever a click
    # (combination of a mouse button press and mouse button release), the
    # onclick() function will be called.
    # Whenever the mouse moves around in the area occupied by the button, the
    # onmotion() function will be called.
    # The event handlers receive the issuer of the event as first argument
    # (the button is the issuer of that event) and the SDL event data as second
    # argument for further processing, if necessary.
    button.click += onclick
    button.motion += onmotion

    # Bind some actions to the entry's event handlers. The TextEntry
    # receives input events, once it has been activated by a mouse
    # button press on its designated area. The UIProcessor class takes
    # care of this internally through its activate() method.  If the
    # TextEntry is activated, SDL_TEXTINPUT events are enabled by the
    # relevant SDL2 functions, causing input events to occur, that are
    # handled by the TextEntry.
    entry.input += oninput
    entry.editing += onedit

    checkbutton.click += oncheck
    checkbutton.factory = factory

    # Since all gui elements are sprites, we can use the
    # SpriteRenderer class, we learned about in helloworld.py, to
    # draw them on the Window.
    spriterenderer = factory.create_sprite_renderer(window)

    # Create a new UIProcessor, which will handle the user input events
    # and pass them on to the relevant user interface elements.
    uiprocessor = sdl2ext.UIProcessor()

    running = True
    while running:
        events = sdl2ext.get_events()
        for event in events:
            if event.type == SDL_QUIT:
                running = False
            # Pass the SDL2 events to the UIProcessor, which takes care of
            # the user interface logic.
            uiprocessor.dispatch([button, checkbutton, entry], event)

        # Render all user interface elements on the window.
        spriterenderer.render((button, entry, checkbutton))

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
def run():
    # Initialize the video system - this implicitly initializes some
    # necessary parts within the SDL2 DLL used by the video module.
    # You SHOULD call this before using any video related methods or
    # classes.

    # Create a new window (like your browser window or editor window,
    # etc.) and give it a meaningful title and size. We definitely need
    # this, if we want to present something to the user.
    window = sdl2ext.Window("Hello World!", size=(592, 460))

    # By default, every Window is hidden, not shown on the screen right
    # after creation. Thus we need to tell it to be shown now.

    # Create a sprite factory that allows us to create visible 2D elements
    # easily. Depending on what the user chosses, we either create a factory
    # that supports hardware-accelerated sprites or software-based ones.
    # The hardware-accelerated SpriteFactory requres a rendering context
    # (or SDL_Renderer), which will create the underlying textures for us.
    if "-hardware" in sys.argv:
        print("Using hardware acceleration")
        renderer = sdl2ext.RenderContext(window)
        factory = sdl2ext.SpriteFactory(sdl2ext.TEXTURE, renderer=renderer)
        print("Using software rendering")
        factory = sdl2ext.SpriteFactory(sdl2ext.SOFTWARE)

    # Creates a simple rendering system for the Window. The
    # SpriteRenderer can draw Sprite objects on the window.
    spriterenderer = factory.create_sprite_renderer(window)

    # Creates a new 2D pixel-based surface to be displayed, processed or
    # manipulated. We will use the one of the shipped example images
    # from the resource package to display.
    sprite = factory.from_image(RESOURCES.get_path("hello.bmp"))

    # Display the surface on the window. This will copy the contents
    # (pixels) of the surface to the window. The surface will be
    # displayed at surface.position on the window. Play around with the
    # surface.x and surface.y values or surface.position (which is just
    # surface.x and surface.y grouped as tuple)!

    # Set up an example event loop processing system. This is a necessity,
    # so the application can exit correctly, mouse movements, etc. are
    # recognised and so on. The TestEventProcessor class is just for
    # testing purposes and does not do anything meaningful.  Take a look
    # at its code to better understand how the event processing can be
    # done and customized!
    processor = sdl2ext.TestEventProcessor()

    # Start the event processing. This will run in an endless loop, so
    # everything following after processor.run() will not be executed
    # before some quitting event is raised.

    # We called video.init(), so we have to call video.quit() as well to
    # release the resources hold by the SDL DLL.
Ejemplo n.º 7
def run():
    # Create the environment, in which our particles will exist.
    world = sdl2ext.World()

    # Set up the globally available information about the current mouse
    # position. We use that information to determine the emitter
    # location for new particles.
    world.mousex = 400
    world.mousey = 300

    # Create the particle engine. It is just a simple System that uses
    # callback functions to update a set of components.
    engine = particles.ParticleEngine()

    # Bind the callback functions to the particle engine. The engine
    # does the following on processing:
    # 1) reduce the life time of each particle by one
    # 2) create a list of particles, which's life time is 0 or below.
    # 3) call createfunc() with the world passed to process() and
    #    the list of dead particles
    # 4) call updatefunc() with the world passed to process() and the
    #    set of particles, which still are alive.
    # 5) call deletefunc() with the world passed to process() and the
    #    list of dead particles. deletefunc() is respsonible for
    #    removing the dead particles from the world.
    engine.createfunc = createparticles
    engine.updatefunc = updateparticles
    engine.deletefunc = deleteparticles

    # We create all particles at once before starting the processing.
    # We also could create them in chunks to have a visually more
    # appealing effect, but let's keep it simple.
    createparticles(world, None, 300)

    # Initialize the video subsystem, create a window and make it visible.
    window = sdl2ext.Window("Particles", size=(800, 600))

    # Create a hardware-accelerated sprite factory. The sprite factory requires
    # a rendering context, which enables it to create the underlying textures
    # that serve as the visual parts for the sprites.
    renderer = sdl2ext.RenderContext(window)
    factory = sdl2ext.SpriteFactory(sdl2ext.TEXTURE, renderer=renderer)

    # Create a set of images to be used as particles on rendering. The
    # images are used by the ParticleRenderer created below.
    images = (factory.from_image(RESOURCES.get_path("circle.png")),

    # Center the mouse on the window. We use the SDL2 functions directly
    # here. Since the SDL2 functions do not know anything about the
    # sdl2.ext.Window class, we have to pass the window's SDL_Window to it.
    SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(window.window, world.mousex, world.mousey)

    # Hide the mouse cursor, so it does not show up - just show the
    # particles.

    # Create the rendering system for the particles. This is somewhat
    # similar to the SoftSpriteRenderer, but since we only operate with
    # hundreds of particles (and not sprites with all their overhead),
    # we need an own rendering system.
    particlerenderer = ParticleRenderer(renderer, images)

    # The almighty event loop. You already know several parts of it.
    running = True
    while running:
        for event in sdl2ext.get_events():
            if event.type == SDL_QUIT:
                running = False

            if event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION:
                # Take care of the mouse motions here. Every time the
                # mouse is moved, we will make that information globally
                # available to our application environment by updating
                # the world attributes created earlier.
                world.mousex = event.motion.x
                world.mousey = event.motion.y
                # We updated the mouse coordinates once, ditch all the
                # other ones. Since world.process() might take several
                # milliseconds, new motion events can occur on the event
                # queue (10ths to 100ths!), and we do not want to handle
                # each of them. For this example, it is enough to handle
                # one per update cycle.

    return 0