Ejemplo n.º 1
def home(request):
    # return variables
    context = {}
    errors = []

    # form submission items
    input_type = request.GET.get('input', '')
    inputid = request.GET.get('inputid', '')
    dnaseq = request.GET.get('dnaseq', '')
    snplocation = request.GET.get('snplocation', '')
    snpsubstitution = request.GET.get('snpsubstitution', '')
    # search error checking
    if request.GET:
        if not input_type:
            errors.append('Please select an input type')
        elif input_type == 'dna':
            dna_string = ""
            for line in dnaseq:
                dna_string += line.rstrip()  # remove new line character from multiline DNA seq input
            dnaseq = dna_string
            valid_dna = re.match('^[ATCGatcg]*$', dnaseq, re.M)
            if not dnaseq:
                errors.append('Please enter a DNA sequence')
            elif not valid_dna:
                errors.append('Please enter a valid DNA sequence')
            elif len(dnaseq) > 10000:
            	errors.append('Maximum DNA sequence input of 10,000 nucleotides')
                blast_ens_id, blast_snp_coordinate, blast_sub, blast_ancestral_snp, blast_snp_type, blast_snp_splice_site, blast_sift_prediction, blast_sift_score, blast_polyphen_prediction, blast_polyphen_score, blast_subjct_base, blast_query_base, blast_seq_before_snp, blast_seq_after_snp = seq_search(dnaseq)
                context = dna_search(request, blast_ens_id, blast_snp_coordinate, blast_sub, blast_ancestral_snp, blast_snp_type, blast_snp_splice_site, blast_sift_prediction, blast_sift_score, blast_polyphen_prediction, blast_polyphen_score, blast_subjct_base, blast_query_base, blast_seq_before_snp, blast_seq_after_snp)
                return render(request, 'snippy/dna_results.html', context)
        elif not inputid and not dnaseq and not snplocation and not snpsubstitution:
            errors.append('Please enter a search term')
        elif input_type == 'rsid':
            if not inputid:
                errors.append('Please enter an rsID')
            elif not Variation.objects.filter(name=inputid).exists():
                errors.append('Please enter a valid rsID')
            # rsID search
            elif inputid:
        	    context = rs_search(request)
        	    return render(request, 'snippy/rs_results.html', context)
        elif input_type == 'ensemblid':
            if not inputid:
                errors.append('Please enter an Ensembl gene ID')
            elif not Gene.objects.filter(stable_id=inputid).exists():
                errors.append('Please enter a valid Ensembl gene ID')
            # ensembl ID search
            elif inputid:
                if not snplocation:
                    errors.append('Please enter a SNP location')
                elif snplocation.isdigit() is False:
                    if ':' and '.' not in snplocation:
                        errors.append('Please enter a SNP location in the format 24193 or 13:g.32339667')
                    elif SeqRegion.objects.filter(name=snplocation.split(':')[0]).exists() and snplocation.split('.')[1].isdigit():
                        context = ensembl_search(request)
                        return render(request, 'snippy/ensembl_results.html', context)
            	elif snplocation.isdigit() == True:
		            context = ensembl_search(request)
		            return render(request, 'snippy/ensembl_results.html', context)
        # return errors	  
            return render(request, 'snippy/home.html', {'errors': errors})
    # return home as standard
    return render(request, 'snippy/home.html', {'errors': errors})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_seq_search():
    alist = range(10)

    assert search.seq_search(alist, 5)
    assert not search.seq_search(alist, 11)