Ejemplo n.º 1
def repo_has_been_shared_out(request, repo_id):

    has_been_shared_out = False
    username = request.user.username

    if is_org_context(request):
        org_id = request.user.org.org_id

        is_inner_org_pub_repo = False
        # check if current repo is pub-repo
        org_pub_repos = seafile_api.list_org_inner_pub_repos_by_owner(
                org_id, username)
        for org_pub_repo in org_pub_repos:
            if repo_id == org_pub_repo.id:
                is_inner_org_pub_repo = True

        if seafile_api.org_repo_has_been_shared(repo_id, including_groups=True) or is_inner_org_pub_repo:
            has_been_shared_out = True
        if seafile_api.repo_has_been_shared(repo_id, including_groups=True) or \
                (not request.cloud_mode and seafile_api.is_inner_pub_repo(repo_id)):
            has_been_shared_out = True

    return has_been_shared_out
Ejemplo n.º 2
def repo_has_been_shared_out(request, repo_id):

    has_been_shared_out = False
    username = request.user.username

    if is_org_context(request):
        org_id = request.user.org.org_id

        is_inner_org_pub_repo = False
        # check if current repo is pub-repo
        org_pub_repos = seafile_api.list_org_inner_pub_repos_by_owner(
                org_id, username)
        for org_pub_repo in org_pub_repos:
            if repo_id == org_pub_repo.id:
                is_inner_org_pub_repo = True

        if seafile_api.org_repo_has_been_shared(repo_id, including_groups=True) or is_inner_org_pub_repo:
            has_been_shared_out = True
        if seafile_api.repo_has_been_shared(repo_id, including_groups=True) or \
                (not request.cloud_mode and seafile_api.is_inner_pub_repo(repo_id)):
            has_been_shared_out = True

    return has_been_shared_out
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get(self, request, format=None):
        """ List all shared out repos.

        Permission checking:
        1. all authenticated user can perform this action.

        shared_repos = []
        username = request.user.username
            if is_org_context(request):
                org_id = request.user.org.org_id
                shared_repos += seafile_api.get_org_share_out_repo_list(
                    org_id, username, -1, -1)
                shared_repos += seafile_api.get_org_group_repos_by_owner(
                    org_id, username)
                shared_repos += seafile_api.list_org_inner_pub_repos_by_owner(
                    org_id, username)
                shared_repos += seafile_api.get_share_out_repo_list(
                    username, -1, -1)
                shared_repos += seafile_api.get_group_repos_by_owner(username)
                if not request.cloud_mode:
                    shared_repos += seafile_api.list_inner_pub_repos_by_owner(
        except Exception as e:
            error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

        returned_result = []
        shared_repos.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.repo_name, y.repo_name))
        usernames = []
        gids = []
        for repo in shared_repos:
            if repo.is_virtual:

            result = {}
            result['repo_id'] = repo.repo_id
            result['repo_name'] = repo.repo_name
            result['encrypted'] = repo.encrypted
            result['share_type'] = repo.share_type
            result['share_permission'] = repo.permission
            result['modifier_email'] = repo.last_modifier
            result['modifier_name'] = email2nickname(repo.last_modifier)
            result['modifier_contact_email'] = email2contact_email(

            if repo.share_type == 'personal':
                result['user_name'] = email2nickname(repo.user)
                result['user_email'] = repo.user
                    'contact_email'] = Profile.objects.get_contact_email_by_user(
                usernames.append((repo.repo_id, repo.user))

            if repo.share_type == 'group':
                group = ccnet_api.get_group(repo.group_id)
                result['group_id'] = repo.group_id
                result['group_name'] = group.group_name if group else ''


        user_admins = ExtraSharePermission.objects.batch_is_admin(usernames)
        group_admins = ExtraGroupsSharePermission.objects.batch_get_repos_with_admin_permission(
        for result in returned_result:
            if result['share_type'] == 'group':
                result['is_admin'] = (result['repo_id'],
                                      result['group_id']) in group_admins
            elif result['share_type'] == 'personal':
                result['is_admin'] = (result['repo_id'],
                                      result['user_email']) in user_admins

        return Response(returned_result)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def put(self, request, org_id, repo_id):
        """Transfer an organization library
        new_owner = request.data.get('email', None)

        if not new_owner:
            error_msg = 'Email invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        if not is_valid_email(new_owner):
            error_msg = 'Email invalid.'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, error_msg)

        org_id = int(org_id)
        if not ccnet_api.get_org_by_id(org_id):
            error_msg = 'Organization %s not found.' % org_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        # permission checking
        if not org_user_exists(org_id, new_owner):
            error_msg = 'User %s not in org %s.' % (new_owner, org_id)
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        repo = seafile_api.get_repo(repo_id)
        if not repo:
            error_msg = 'Library %s not found.' % repo_id
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        if not is_org_repo(org_id, repo_id):
            error_msg = 'Library %s not in org %s.' % (repo_id, org_id)
            return api_error(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, error_msg)

        repo_owner = seafile_api.get_org_repo_owner(repo_id)

        # get repo shared to user/group list
        shared_users = seafile_api.list_org_repo_shared_to(
            org_id, repo_owner, repo_id)
        shared_groups = seafile_api.list_org_repo_shared_group(
            org_id, repo_owner, repo_id)

        # get all pub repos
        pub_repos = seafile_api.list_org_inner_pub_repos_by_owner(
            org_id, repo_owner)

        seafile_api.set_org_repo_owner(org_id, repo_id, new_owner)

        # reshare repo to user
        for shared_user in shared_users:
            shared_username = shared_user.user

            if new_owner == shared_username:

            seafile_api.org_share_repo(org_id, repo_id, new_owner,
                                       shared_username, shared_user.perm)

        # reshare repo to group
        for shared_group in shared_groups:
            shared_group_id = shared_group.group_id

            if not ccnet_api.is_group_user(shared_group_id, new_owner):

            seafile_api.add_org_group_repo(repo_id, org_id, shared_group_id,
                                           new_owner, shared_group.perm)

        # check if current repo is pub-repo
        # if YES, reshare current repo to public
        for pub_repo in pub_repos:
            if repo_id != pub_repo.id:

            seafile_api.set_org_inner_pub_repo(org_id, repo_id,


        repo_info = {}
        repo_info['owner_email'] = new_owner
        repo_info['owner_name'] = email2nickname(new_owner)
        repo_info['encrypted'] = repo.encrypted
        repo_info['repo_id'] = repo.repo_id
        repo_info['repo_name'] = repo.name
        repo_info['is_department_repo'] = False
        repo_info['group_id'] = ''

        return Response(repo_info)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def list_lib_dir(request, repo_id):
        New ajax API for list library directory
    content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
    result = {}

    repo = get_repo(repo_id)
    if not repo:
        err_msg = _(u'Library does not exist.')
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': err_msg}),
                            status=400, content_type=content_type)

    username = request.user.username
    path = request.GET.get('p', '/')
    if path[-1] != '/':
        path = path + '/'

    # perm for current dir
    user_perm = check_folder_permission(request, repo.id, path)
    if user_perm is None:
        err_msg = _(u'Permission denied.')
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': err_msg}),
                            status=403, content_type=content_type)

    if repo.encrypted \
            and not seafile_api.is_password_set(repo.id, username):
        err_msg = _(u'Library is encrypted.')
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': err_msg, 'lib_need_decrypt': True}),
                            status=403, content_type=content_type)

    head_commit = get_commit(repo.id, repo.version, repo.head_cmmt_id)
    if not head_commit:
        err_msg = _(u'Error: no head commit id')
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': err_msg}),
                            status=500, content_type=content_type)

    dir_list = []
    file_list = []

        dir_id = seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path(repo.id, path)
    except SearpcError as e:
        err_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': err_msg}),
                            status=500, content_type=content_type)

    if not dir_id:
        err_msg = 'Folder not found.'
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': err_msg}),
                            status=404, content_type=content_type)

    dirs = seafserv_threaded_rpc.list_dir_with_perm(repo_id, path, dir_id,
            username, -1, -1)
    starred_files = get_dir_starred_files(username, repo_id, path)

    for dirent in dirs:
        dirent.last_modified = dirent.mtime
        if stat.S_ISDIR(dirent.mode):
            dpath = posixpath.join(path, dirent.obj_name)
            if dpath[-1] != '/':
                dpath += '/'
            if repo.version == 0:
                file_size = seafile_api.get_file_size(repo.store_id, repo.version, dirent.obj_id)
                file_size = dirent.size
            dirent.file_size = file_size if file_size else 0

            dirent.starred = False
            fpath = posixpath.join(path, dirent.obj_name)
            if fpath in starred_files:
                dirent.starred = True


    if is_org_context(request):
        repo_owner = seafile_api.get_org_repo_owner(repo.id)
        repo_owner = seafile_api.get_repo_owner(repo.id)

    result["is_repo_owner"] = False
    result["has_been_shared_out"] = False
    if repo_owner == username:
        result["is_repo_owner"] = True

            if is_org_context(request):
                org_id = request.user.org.org_id

                is_inner_org_pub_repo = False
                # check if current repo is pub-repo
                org_pub_repos = seafile_api.list_org_inner_pub_repos_by_owner(
                        org_id, username)
                for org_pub_repo in org_pub_repos:
                    if repo_id == org_pub_repo.id:
                        is_inner_org_pub_repo = True

                if seafile_api.list_org_repo_shared_group(org_id, username, repo_id) or \
                        seafile_api.list_org_repo_shared_to(org_id, username, repo_id) or \
                    result["has_been_shared_out"] = True
                if seafile_api.list_repo_shared_to(username, repo_id) or \
                        seafile_api.list_repo_shared_group_by_user(username, repo_id) or \
                        (not request.cloud_mode and seafile_api.is_inner_pub_repo(repo_id)):
                    result["has_been_shared_out"] = True
        except Exception as e:

    result["is_virtual"] = repo.is_virtual
    result["repo_name"] = repo.name
    result["user_perm"] = user_perm
    # check quota for fileupload
    result["no_quota"] = True if seaserv.check_quota(repo.id) < 0 else False
    result["encrypted"] = repo.encrypted

    dirent_list = []
    for d in dir_list:
        d_ = {}
        d_['is_dir'] = True
        d_['obj_name'] = d.obj_name
        d_['last_modified'] = d.last_modified
        d_['last_update'] = translate_seahub_time(d.last_modified)
        d_['p_dpath'] = posixpath.join(path, d.obj_name)
        d_['perm'] = d.permission # perm for sub dir in current dir

    size = int(request.GET.get('thumbnail_size', THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_SIZE))

    for f in file_list:
        f_ = {}
        f_['is_file'] = True
        f_['file_icon'] = file_icon_filter(f.obj_name)
        f_['obj_name'] = f.obj_name
        f_['last_modified'] = f.last_modified
        f_['last_update'] = translate_seahub_time(f.last_modified)
        f_['starred'] = f.starred
        f_['file_size'] = filesizeformat(f.file_size)
        f_['obj_id'] = f.obj_id
        f_['perm'] = f.permission # perm for file in current dir

        file_type, file_ext = get_file_type_and_ext(f.obj_name)
        if file_type == IMAGE:
            f_['is_img'] = True
            if not repo.encrypted and ENABLE_THUMBNAIL and \
                os.path.exists(os.path.join(THUMBNAIL_ROOT, str(size), f.obj_id)):
                file_path = posixpath.join(path, f.obj_name)
                src = get_thumbnail_src(repo_id, size, file_path)
                f_['encoded_thumbnail_src'] = urlquote(src)

        if is_pro_version():
            f_['is_locked'] = True if f.is_locked else False
            f_['lock_owner'] = f.lock_owner
            f_['lock_owner_name'] = email2nickname(f.lock_owner)
            if username == f.lock_owner:
                f_['locked_by_me'] = True
                f_['locked_by_me'] = False


    result["dirent_list"] = dirent_list

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), content_type=content_type)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get(self, request, format=None):
        """ List all shared out repos.

        Permission checking:
        1. all authenticated user can perform this action.

        shared_repos = []
        username = request.user.username
            if is_org_context(request):
                org_id = request.user.org.org_id
                shared_repos += seafile_api.get_org_share_out_repo_list(org_id, username, -1, -1)
                shared_repos += seafile_api.get_org_group_repos_by_owner(org_id, username)
                shared_repos += seafile_api.list_org_inner_pub_repos_by_owner(org_id, username)
                shared_repos += seafile_api.get_share_out_repo_list(username, -1, -1)
                shared_repos += seafile_api.get_group_repos_by_owner(username)
                if not request.cloud_mode:
                    shared_repos += seafile_api.list_inner_pub_repos_by_owner(username)
        except Exception as e:
            error_msg = 'Internal Server Error'
            return api_error(status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg)

        returned_result = []
        shared_repos.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.repo_name, y.repo_name))
        usernames = []
        gids = []
        for repo in shared_repos:
            if repo.is_virtual:

            result = {}
            result['repo_id'] = repo.repo_id
            result['repo_name'] = repo.repo_name
            result['encrypted'] = repo.encrypted
            result['share_type'] = repo.share_type
            result['share_permission'] = repo.permission
            result['modifier_email'] = repo.last_modifier
            result['modifier_name'] = email2nickname(repo.last_modifier)
            result['modifier_contact_email'] = email2contact_email(repo.last_modifier)

            if repo.share_type == 'personal':
                result['user_name'] = email2nickname(repo.user)
                result['user_email'] = repo.user
                result['contact_email'] = Profile.objects.get_contact_email_by_user(repo.user)
                usernames.append((repo.repo_id, repo.user))

            if repo.share_type == 'group':
                group = ccnet_api.get_group(repo.group_id)
                result['group_id'] = repo.group_id
                result['group_name'] = group.group_name if group else ''


        user_admins = ExtraSharePermission.objects.batch_is_admin(usernames)
        group_admins = ExtraGroupsSharePermission.objects.batch_get_repos_with_admin_permission(gids)
        for result in returned_result:
            if result['share_type'] == 'group':
                result['is_admin'] = (result['repo_id'], result['group_id']) in group_admins
            elif result['share_type'] == 'personal':
                result['is_admin'] = (result['repo_id'], result['user_email']) in user_admins

        return Response(returned_result)