Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_dlfile(self, m):
        """Test for `dl_file` standard beahavior."""

        # Test for an available text file
        url = self.test_url + '/test.txt'
        file_content = 'resp'

        m.get(url, text=file_content)
        out_file = dl_file(url, self.tempdir)

        with open(out_file) as f:
            self.assertEqual(file_content, f.read())

        # Test for an available text file with parameters in the url
        url = self.test_url + '/test.txt?id=1&out=45'
        file_content = 'resp'

        m.get(url, text=file_content)
        out_file = dl_file(url, self.tempdir)

        # Check if parameters have been correctly removed
        self.assertEqual('test.txt', fm.split(out_file)[1])

        with open(out_file) as f:
            self.assertEqual(file_content, f.read())

        # Test for an unavailable text file
        url = self.test_url + '/test2.txt'
        m.get(url, text='Not Found', status_code=404)
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as e:
            dl_file(url, self.tempdir)

            'File is not available (error code 404)' in str(e.exception))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_dlfile_headers(self, m):
        """Test for `dl_file` beahavior with additional headers."""

        # Test for an available text file (with 'content-length' header)
        url = self.test_url + '/test.txt'
        file_content = 'resp'

        m.get(url, text=file_content, request_headers={'TOKEN': 'test'})

        out_file = dl_file(url, self.tempdir, headers={'TOKEN': 'test'})

        with open(out_file) as f:
            self.assertEqual(file_content, f.read())

        # Additional headers should be ignored
        out_file = dl_file(url,
                               'TOKEN': 'test',
                               'HEADER2': '2'

        with open(out_file) as f:
            self.assertEqual(file_content, f.read())

        # download should fail if no header or wrong header is defined
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            dl_file(url, self.tempdir)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            dl_file(url, self.tempdir, headers={'TOKEN': '2'})
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            dl_file(url, self.tempdir, headers={'HEADER2': 'test'})
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def _test_dlfile(cont_disp, fn='test.txt'):

            cont_disp : str
                Content of the 'Content-Disposition' header
            fn : str, optional
                Expected filename. Default 'text.txt'.

            url = self.test_url + '/test.txt'
            file_content = 'resp'

                      'Content-Length': '4',
                      'Content-Disposition': cont_disp
            out_file = dl_file(url, self.tempdir)

            self.assertEqual(fn, fm.split(out_file)[1])

            with open(out_file) as f:
                self.assertEqual(file_content, f.read())
    def _get_data(self, file_url, dl_folder):
        """Download input datafile, unzip and store in output_path.

        file_url : str
            URL of the file to download.
        dl_folder : str
            Path to the folder where to store the downloaded file.

        f_dl = fm.join(dl_folder, 'iCubWorld28_128x128.zip?dl=1')
        if not fm.file_exist(f_dl) or md5(f_dl) != ICUBWORLD28_MD5:
            # Generate the full path to the downloaded file
            f_dl = dl_file(file_url, dl_folder, md5_digest=ICUBWORLD28_MD5)

        self.logger.info("Extracting files...")

        # Extract the content of downloaded file
        zipfile.ZipFile(f_dl, 'r').extractall(dl_folder)
        # Remove downloaded file

        # iCubWorld28 zip file contains a macosx private folder, clean it up
        if fm.folder_exist(fm.join(ICUBWORLD28_PATH, '__MACOSX')):
            fm.remove_folder(fm.join(ICUBWORLD28_PATH, '__MACOSX'), force=True)

        # iCubWorld28 zip file contains a macosx private files, clean it up
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(ICUBWORLD28_PATH):
            for file in filenames:
                if fnmatch(file, '.DS_Store'):
                    fm.remove_file(fm.join(dirpath, file))

        # Now move all data to an upper folder if needed
        if not fm.folder_exist(self._train_path) \
                or not fm.folder_exist(self._test_path):
            sub_d = fm.join(dl_folder, fm.listdir(dl_folder)[0])
            for e in fm.listdir(sub_d):
                e_full = fm.join(sub_d, e)  # Full path to current element
                try:  # Call copy_file or copy_folder when applicable
                    if fm.file_exist(e_full) is True:
                        fm.copy_file(e_full, dl_folder)
                    elif fm.folder_exist(e_full) is True:
                        fm.copy_folder(e_full, fm.join(dl_folder, e))

            # Check that the main dataset file is now in the correct folder
            if not fm.folder_exist(self._train_path) \
                    or not fm.folder_exist(self._test_path):
                raise RuntimeError("dataset main file not available!")

            # The subdirectory can now be removed
            fm.remove_folder(sub_d, force=True)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_dlfile_content_length(self, m):
        """Test for `dl_file` beahavior with 'content-length' header."""

        # Test for an available text file (with 'content-length' header)
        url = self.test_url + '/test.txt'
        file_content = 'resp'

        m.get(url, text=file_content, headers={'Content-Length': '4'})
        out_file = dl_file(url, self.tempdir)

        with open(out_file) as f:
            self.assertEqual(file_content, f.read())
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _get_data(self, file_url, dl_folder, output_path):
        """Download input datafile, unzip and store in output_path.

        file_url : str
            URL of the file to download.
        dl_folder : str
            Path to the folder where to store the downloaded file.
        output_path : str
            Full path of output file.

        # Download file and unpack
        fh = dl_file(file_url, dl_folder)
        with gzip.open(fh, 'rb') as infile:
            with open(output_path, 'wb') as outfile:
                for line in infile:
        # Remove download zipped file
    def _get_data(self, file_url, dl_folder, extract_only=False):
        """Download input datafile, unzip and store in output_path.

        file_url : str
            URL of the file to download.
        dl_folder : str
            Path to the folder where to store the downloaded file.
        extract_only : bool, optional
            If True, only extract data from the datafile. Default False.

        # Generate the full path to the downloaded file
        f = fm.join(dl_folder, self.data_url.split('/')[-1])

        if extract_only is False:
            f_dl = dl_file(file_url, dl_folder, md5_digest=self.data_md5)
            if f != f_dl:
                raise ValueError("Unexpected filename {:}".format(f_dl))

        tarfile.open(name=f, mode='r:gz').extractall(dl_folder)