Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_watched_secret_deleted_logs_warnings(caplog):
    When a watched secret is deleted, a warning is logged for the deletion and
    for each source secret event that attempts to sync to it thereafter.
    with mk_k8s() as k8s:
        src_secret = FakeSecret.mk_src("ns/src", "dst", {"foo": "aGVsbG8="})
        src_dict = src_secret.to_k8s_dict()
        k8s.secrets[("ns", "src")] = src_dict

        dst_secret = FakeSecret.mk_dst("ns/dst")
        k8s.secrets[("ns", "dst")] = dst_secret.to_k8s_dict()

        # Sync once so everything's in a sensible state.
        handlers.source_secret_event(**handler_args("ADDED", src_dict))

        # Delete the destination secret.
        dst_dict = k8s.secrets.pop(("ns", "dst"))
        handlers.watched_secret_event(**handler_args("DELETED", dst_dict))

        # Update the destination secret to trigger a sync.
        src_dict = k8s.secrets[("ns", "src")]
        src_dict["data"]["foo"] = "Z29vZGJ5ZQ=="
        handlers.source_secret_event(**handler_args("MODIFIED", src_dict))

        logger = logging.getLogger()
        assert caplog.record_tuples == [
            (logger.name, logging.WARNING, "Watched secret deleted: ns/dst"),
            (logger.name, logging.WARNING, "Secret not found: ns/dst"),
def test_source_secret_event_copies_secret_data():
    All data fields from the source are copied to the destination and the
    "watch" annotation is added to the destination.
    with mk_k8s() as k8s:
        src_secret = FakeSecret.mk_src("ns/src", "dst", {"foo": "aGVsbG8="})
        src_dict = src_secret.to_k8s_dict()
        k8s.secrets[("ns", "src")] = src_dict

        dst_secret = FakeSecret.mk_dst("ns/dst")
        k8s.secrets[("ns", "dst")] = dst_secret.to_k8s_dict()

        handlers.source_secret_event(**handler_args("ADDED", src_dict))

        new_dst = k8s.secrets[("ns", "dst")]
        assert new_dst["metadata"]["annotations"][ANN_WATCH] == "true"
        assert new_dst["data"] == {"foo": "aGVsbG8="}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_watched_secret_modified_copies_secret_data():
    When a destination secret is modified, all data fields are copied from the
    with mk_k8s() as k8s:
        src_secret = FakeSecret.mk_src("ns/src", "dst", {"foo": "aGVsbG8="})
        src_dict = src_secret.to_k8s_dict()
        k8s.secrets[("ns", "src")] = src_dict

        dst_secret = FakeSecret.mk_dst("ns/dst")
        k8s.secrets[("ns", "dst")] = dst_secret.to_k8s_dict()

        # Sync once so everything's in a sensible state.
        handlers.source_secret_event(**handler_args("ADDED", src_dict))

        dst_dict = k8s.secrets[("ns", "dst")]
        dst_dict["data"]["foo"] = "Z29vZGJ5ZQ=="
        handlers.watched_secret_event(**handler_args("MODIFIED", dst_dict))

        new_dst = k8s.secrets[("ns", "dst")]
        assert new_dst["data"] == {"foo": "aGVsbG8="}
def test_watched_secret_event_copies_secret_data(caplog):
    All data fields from the source are copied to the destination and the
    "watch" annotation is added to the destination.
    with mk_k8s() as k8s:
        src_secret = FakeSecret.mk_src("ns/src", "dst", {"foo": "aGVsbG8="})
        src_dict = src_secret.to_k8s_dict()
        k8s.secrets[("ns", "src")] = src_dict
        # We need to have seen this event to know the destination mapping.
        handlers.source_secret_event(**handler_args(None, src_dict))
        # Clear the warning about the missing destination.

        dst_secret = FakeSecret.mk_dst("ns/dst", watch=True)
        dst_dict = dst_secret.to_k8s_dict()
        k8s.secrets[("ns", "dst")] = dst_dict

        handlers.watched_secret_event(**handler_args("ADDED", dst_dict))

        new_dst = k8s.secrets[("ns", "dst")]
        assert new_dst["metadata"]["annotations"][ANN_WATCH] == "true"
        assert new_dst["data"] == {"foo": "aGVsbG8="}