Ejemplo n.º 1
def addRolePrivilege(oracle, **args):
    select_colums = ['role_id']
    where_dic = {}
    where_dic['role_id'] = args['role_id']
    sql = 'from role'
    role_info = select(oracle, select_colums, sql, where_dic)
    if (role_info == None):
        raise Warning_, '角色role_id = %s不存在' % (args['role_id'])

    select_colums = ['role_id', 'privilege_id']
    where_dic = {}
    where_dic['role_id'] = args['role_id']
    where_dic['privilege_id'] = args['privilege_id']
    sql = 'from role_privilege'
    role_info = select(oracle, select_colums, sql, where_dic)
    if (role_info != None):
        raise Warning_, '角色权限role_id = %s privilege_id = %s已经存在' % (
            role_info[0]['role_id'], role_info[0]['privilege_id'])

    insert_value = args.copy()
    del insert_value['oper_staff_id']
    insert(oracle, 'role_privilege', insert_value)

    where_dic = {}
    where_dic['role_id'] = args['role_id']
    where_dic['privilege_id'] = args['privilege_id']
    add_infos = {'oper': 'add'}
    add_infos['oper_staff_id'] = args['oper_staff_id']
    add_infos['oper_date'] = '/sysdate'
    insertLog(oracle, 'role_privilege', where_dic, add_infos)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def loginStaff(oracle, **args):
    '''登录工号 staff_id, passwd'''
    for k, v in args.items():
        exec "%s = '%s'"%(k,v)

    select_colums = ['passwd', 'staff_desc', 'staff_id', 'state']
    sql = 'from staff where staff_id = %s'%staff_id
    result = select(oracle, select_colums, sql)
    if(result == None):
        raise Warning_,'工号%s不存在'%staff_id
    staff_info = result[0]
    if(staff_info['state'] == '0'):
        raise Warning_,'这个工号已经被管理员删除了,有疑问请联系管理员!'

    m = hashlib.md5()
    in_passwd = m.hexdigest()
    if(staff_info['passwd'] ==  None):
        raise Warning_,'这个工号竟然没设密码!'

    if(staff_info['passwd'].upper()!=  in_passwd.upper()):
        raise Warning_,'密码错误!'

    select_colums = ['r.name role_name', 'r.role_id']
    sql =  '''from staff_role sr,role r
            where  sr.staff_id = %s
            and sr.role_id = r.role_id
    result = select(oracle, select_colums, sql)
    if(result == None):
        #raise Warning_,'工号%s没有角色或者机构'%staff_id
        result = [staff_info]

    select_colums = ['b.name bss_org_name', 'b.bss_org_id']
    sql =  '''
            from staff s, bss_org b
             where s.bss_org_id = b.bss_org_id
               and s.staff_id = %s
    bss_info = select(oracle, select_colums, sql)
    if(bss_info == None):
        raise Warning_,'工号%s没有机构'%staff_id

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getRetailInfo(oracle, dic):
    ''' retail_id '''
    for k, v in dic.items():
        exec "%s = '%s'" % (k, v)

    return select(oracle, ['flex_id', 'name', 'score', 'value', 'num'],
                  'from retail_detail', {'id': retail_id})
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getStaffId(oracle, select_colums, where_dic):
    ''' 取得当前持有这个发票资源的工号 '''
    sql = ' from distri '
    select_result = select(oracle, select_colums, sql, where_dic)
    distri_id = where_dic['distri_id']
    if (select_result == None):
        raise Exception('根据distri_id = %s 找不到发票持有者' % distri_id)
    return select_result
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getRealStaffID(oracle, staff_id, sys_type):
    ''' 从绑定表中取电子发票的 staff_id '''
    where_dic = {'out_staff_id':staff_id, 'sys_type':sys_type, 'state':'1'}
    result = select(oracle, ['staff_id'], 'from staff_map', where_dic)
    if(result == None):
        raise Warning_,'工号 %s 不存在绑定关系'%staff_id
        return result[0]['staff_id']
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_select_mutated(self):
     a = []
     class F(object):
         def fileno(self):
             del a[-1]
             return sys.stdout.fileno()
     a[:] = [F()] * 10
     self.assertEqual(select.select([], a, []), ([], a[:5], []))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def getNeedUpdate(oracle, table_name, partition):
    select_colums = ['count(*)']
    if(partition == None):
        sql = 'from invoice.crm_update_acct_id c, acct.%s b where c.acct_id = b.acct_id'%table_name
        sql = 'from invoice.crm_update_acct_id c, acct.%s partition(%s) b where c.acct_id = b.acct_id'%(table_name, partition)

    select_result = select(oracle, select_colums, sql)
    return select_result[0]['count(*)']
Ejemplo n.º 8
def checkIsInstance(oracle, tax_code, tax_nbr, and_the):
    select_colums = ['pool_id', 'state', 'sys_type']
    sql = "from pool where tax_code = '%s' and tax_nbr = '%s' %s" % (
        tax_code, tax_nbr, and_the)
    result = select(oracle, select_colums, sql)
    if (result == None):
        raise Warning_('待调整发票 tax_code = %s, tax_nbr = %s 未能找到,\
        请确定是否已上架.' % (tax_code, tax_nbr))
    return result[0]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def getTableColumnNames(oracle, table_name):
    select_colums = ['column_name']
    sql = 'from user_tab_columns'
    where_dic = {}
    where_dic['table_name'] = table_name.upper()
    column_names = select(oracle, select_colums, sql, where_dic)
    if (column_names == None):
        raise Exception, '表%s不存在' % (table_name)
    return column_names
Ejemplo n.º 10
def getBssOrgID(oracle):
    select_colums = ['bss_org_id']
    sql = ''' from (SELECT min(bss_org_id), max(bss_org_id)+1 bss_org_id
          FROM (SELECT bss_org_id,
                       TO_NUMBER(bss_org_id) -
                       (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY bss_org_id)) DIF
                  FROM bss_org)
         GROUP BY DIF)
 where rownum < 2'''
    return select(oracle, select_colums, sql)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def getOrgID(oracle):
    select_colums = ['id']
    sql = ''' from (SELECT min(id), max(id)+1 id
          FROM (SELECT id,
                       TO_NUMBER(id) -
                       (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY id)) DIF
                  FROM org)
         GROUP BY DIF)
            where rownum < 2'''
    return select(oracle, select_colums, sql)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def select(self, select_colums, sql, where_args=None):
         oracle = Oracle()
         return defer.succeed(select(oracle, select_colums, sql, where_args))\
             .addErrback(error, oracle)\
             .addCallback(right, oracle)
     except Warning_:
         raise Warning_(getWarningInfo())
     except Exception:
         raise Exception(getExcInfo())
Ejemplo n.º 13
def getStaffID(oracle):
    select_colums = ['staff_id']
    sql = ''' from (SELECT min(staff_id), max(staff_id)+1 staff_id
          FROM (SELECT staff_id,
                       TO_NUMBER(staff_id) -
                       (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY staff_id)) DIF
                  FROM staff)
         GROUP BY DIF)
 where rownum < 2'''
    return select(oracle, select_colums, sql)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def bondStaff(oracle, **args):
    '''工号绑定 staff_id out_staff_id sys_type passwd sys_type'''
    for k, v in args.items():
        exec "%s = '%s'"%(k,v)
    if(sys_type!= 'C' and sys_type!= 'B'):
        raise Warning_,'绑定工号时传入的系统类型为%s,不正确'

    result = select(oracle, ['out_staff_id','sys_type'], 'from staff_map', {'staff_id':staff_id, 'state':'1','sys_type':sys_type})
    if(result!= None):
        raise Warning_,'工号%s已经绑定到系统%s的工号%s,不能重复绑定'%(staff_id, result[0]['sys_type'], result[0]['out_staff_id'])

    result = select(oracle, ['staff_id'], 'from staff_map', {'out_staff_id':out_staff_id, 'state':'1', 'sys_type':sys_type})
    if(result!= None):
        raise Exception,'系统%s工号%s已经绑定到了工号%s上,不能重复绑定'%(sys_type, out_staff_id, result[0]['staff_id'])

    if(sys_type == 'C'):
        result = oracle.execute('select passwd,staff_id from v_staff_crm where upper(staff_id) = :staff_id',{'staff_id':out_staff_id.upper()})
    elif(sys_type == 'B'):
        result = oracle.execute('select passwd,staff_id from acct.staff where upper(staff_code) = :staff_id',{'staff_id':out_staff_id.upper()})

    if(len(result) == 0):
        raise Warning_,'外部系统%s 工号%s不存在'%(sys_type,out_staff_id)
    crm_passwd = result[0][0]
    out_staff_id = result[0][1]

    if(sys_type == 'C'):
        m = hashlib.md5()
        passwd = m.hexdigest().upper()

        if(passwd!= crm_passwd):
            raise Warning_,'crm工号%s在密码不正确'%out_staff_id

    insert_dic = {'staff_id':staff_id, 'out_staff_id':out_staff_id, 'state':1, 'sys_type':sys_type, 'created_date':'/sysdate', 'state_date':'/sysdate'}
    insert(oracle, 'staff_map', insert_dic)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def getTax(oracle, staff_id):
    where = {'staff_id': staff_id, 'state': 'instance'}
    from_sql = '''
	                (select *                         
	                    from  pool            
	                        where staff_id = :staff_id
	                        and state = :state   
	                            order by to_number(tax_code), to_number(tax_nbr)              
	            where rownum<2                      
    result = select(oracle, ['tax_code', 'tax_nbr'], from_sql, bind_dic=where)
    if (result == None):
        return result
        return result[0]
Ejemplo n.º 16
def addStaffRole(oracle, **args):
    '''增加工号角色 dic: role_id, staff_id, oper_staff_id'''
    insert_value = args.copy()
    del insert_value['oper_staff_id']
    where_dic = insert_value

    select_colums = ['role_id','staff_id']
    sql = 'from staff_role'
    role_info = select(oracle, select_colums, sql, where_dic)
    print role_info
    if(role_info!= None):
        raise Warning_, '角色%s己经挂到工号%s上了'%(role_info[0]['role_id'], role_info[0]['staff_id'] )

    insert(oracle, 'staff_role', insert_value)

    add_infos = {'oper':'add'}
    add_infos['oper_staff_id'] = args['oper_staff_id']
    add_infos['oper_date'] = '/sysdate'
    insertLog(oracle, 'staff_role', where_dic, add_infos)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def delStaffRole(oracle, **args):
    '''删除工号角色 dic: role_id, staff_id, oper_staff_id'''
    insert_value = args.copy()
    del insert_value['oper_staff_id']
    where_dic = insert_value

    select_colums = ['role_id','staff_id']
    sql = 'from staff_role'
    role_info = select(oracle, select_colums, sql, where_dic)
    print role_info
    if(role_info == None):
        raise Warning_, '角色%s工号%s己经不存在,无需删除'%(role_info[0]['role_id'], role_info[0]['staff_id'] )

    add_infos = {'oper':'del'}
    add_infos['oper_staff_id'] = args['oper_staff_id']
    add_infos['oper_date'] = '/sysdate'
    insertLog(oracle, 'staff_role', where_dic, add_infos)

    delete(oracle = oracle, table_name = 'staff_role', where_dic = where_dic)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def getPoolId(oracle, dic):
    select_colums = ['pool_id']
    where_dic = {}
    where_dic['tax_code'] = dic['tax_code']
    where_dic['tax_nbr'] = dic['tax_nbr']
    #where_dic['state'] = 'instance'
    sql = 'from pool'
    and_the = "and state in('instance','pre-use')"
    select_value = select(oracle, select_colums, sql, where_dic, and_the)
    #select_value = selectPool(oracle, select_colums, where_dic, and_the)
    if (select_value == None):
        raise Exception, '上架/预打记录数有%s条,tax_code = %s,tax_nbr = %s' % (
            0, where_dic['tax_code'], where_dic['tax_nbr'])
    if (len(select_value) != 1):
        raise Exception, '上架/预打记录数有%s条,tax_code = %s,tax_nbr = %s' % (
            len(select_value), where_dic['tax_code'], where_dic['tax_nbr'])
    pool_id = select_value[0]['pool_id']
    return pool_id
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_select(self):
     cmd = 'for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do echo testing...; sleep 1; done'
     p = os.popen(cmd, 'r')
     for tout in (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16) + (None,)*10:
         if test_support.verbose:
             print 'timeout =', tout
         rfd, wfd, xfd = select.select([p], [], [], tout)
         if (rfd, wfd, xfd) == ([], [], []):
         if (rfd, wfd, xfd) == ([p], [], []):
             line = p.readline()
             if test_support.verbose:
                 print repr(line)
             if not line:
                 if test_support.verbose:
                     print 'EOF'
         self.fail('Unexpected return values from select():', rfd, wfd, xfd)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def addOrg(oracle, dic):
    '''depend on flex'''
    for k, v in dic.items():
        exec "%s = '%s'" % (k, v)
    print dic.__doc__
    if ('id' in dic):
        id = dic['id']
        select_result = select(oracle, ['org_seq.nextval'], 'from dual')
        id = select_result[0]['nextval']
        dic['id'] = id

    del dic['oper_staff_id']
    insert(oracle, 'org', dic)

    add_infos = {
        'oper': 'add',
        'oper_staff_id': oper_staff_id,
        'oper_date': '/sysdate'
    insertLog(oracle, 'org', {'id': id}, add_infos)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def delRole(oracle, **args):
    '''删除角色 role_id oper_staff_id'''
    where_dic = {}
    where_dic['role_id'] = args['role_id']

    select_colums = ['staff_id']
    sql = 'from staff_role'
    staff_role_info = select(oracle, select_colums, sql, where_dic)
    if (staff_role_info != None):
        raise Warning_, '角色role_id = %s下还有工号,请先删除工号角色关系后再删除该工号' % (

    add_infos = {'oper': 'del'}
    add_infos['oper_staff_id'] = args['oper_staff_id']
    add_infos['oper_date'] = '/sysdate'
    insertLog(oracle, 'role', where_dic, add_infos)

    sql = 'delete from role where role_id = %s' % args['role_id']
    row_count = oracle.execute(sql)
    if (row_count == 0):
        raise Exception, '未能正确删除role表;role_id = %s' % args['role_id']
Ejemplo n.º 22
def addRole(oracle, **args):
    '''增加角色 dic: role_id'''
    select_colums = ['role_id', 'name']
    where_dic = {}
    where_dic['role_id'] = args['role_id']
    sql = 'from role'
    role_info = select(oracle, select_colums, sql, where_dic)
    if (role_info != None):
        raise Exception, '角色%s(%s)已经存在' % (role_info[0]['role_id'],

    insert_value = args.copy()
    del insert_value['oper_staff_id']
    insert_value['state_date'] = '/sysdate'
    insert(oracle, 'role', insert_value)

    where_dic = {}
    where_dic['role_id'] = args['role_id']
    add_infos = {'oper': 'add'}
    add_infos['oper_staff_id'] = args['oper_staff_id']
    add_infos['oper_date'] = '/sysdate'
    insertLog(oracle, 'role', where_dic, add_infos)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def checkIfExist(oracle, **args):
    select_colums = [
        'distri_id', 'tax_code', 'tax_begin_nbr', 'tax_end_nbr', 'staff_id'

    sql = '''
              from distri
             where 1 = 1
               and tax_code in (:tax_code)
               and ((to_number(tax_begin_nbr) = to_number(:tax_begin_nbr) or
                   to_number(tax_end_nbr) = to_number(:tax_begin_nbr) or
                   to_number(tax_end_nbr) = to_number(:tax_end_nbr) or
                   to_number(tax_begin_nbr) = to_number(:tax_end_nbr)) or
                   (to_number(tax_begin_nbr) > to_number(:tax_begin_nbr) and
                   to_number(tax_end_nbr) < to_number(:tax_end_nbr)) or
                   (to_number(tax_begin_nbr) < to_number(:tax_begin_nbr) and
                   to_number(tax_end_nbr) < to_number(:tax_end_nbr) and
                   to_number(tax_end_nbr) > to_number(:tax_begin_nbr)) or
                   (to_number(tax_begin_nbr) > to_number(:tax_begin_nbr) and
                   to_number(tax_end_nbr) > to_number(:tax_end_nbr) and
                   to_number(tax_begin_nbr) < to_number(:tax_end_nbr)) or
                   (to_number(tax_begin_nbr) < to_number(:tax_begin_nbr) and
                   to_number(tax_end_nbr) > to_number(:tax_end_nbr)))
               and state in ('instance','hold','in','inFromCRM')

    select_info = select(oracle, select_colums, sql, bind_dic=args)

    if (select_info != None):
        select_info = select_info[0]
        return '号段有重叠,已存在发票代码:%s 开始号码:%s,结束号码:%s,属于工号%s' % (
            select_info['tax_code'], select_info['tax_begin_nbr'],
            select_info['tax_end_nbr'], select_info['staff_id'])
        return "0"
Ejemplo n.º 24
def getNeedUpdateInfo(oracle):
    select_colums = ['id', 'table_name', 'partition', 'need_update', 'update_count']

    select_result = select(oracle, select_colums,"from invoice.update_acct_id where need_update>0 and update_count is null")
    return select_result
Ejemplo n.º 25
def hasChrild(oracle, id):
    return select(oracle, ['id'], 'from org', where_dic={'parent_id': id})
Ejemplo n.º 26
def getUpdateInfo(oracle):
    select_colums = ['id', 'table_name', 'partition', 'need_update', 'update_count']

    select_result = select(oracle, select_colums,"from invoice.update_acct_id")
    return select_result
Ejemplo n.º 27
def getSeq(oracle, seq_name):
    '''get seq use seq_name'''
    select_colums = ['%s.nextval id' % seq_name]
    sql = ' from dual'
    return select(oracle, select_colums, sql)[0]['id']
Ejemplo n.º 28
def getStaff(oracle, staff_id):
    select_colums = ['staff_id', 'staff_desc', 'bss_org_id']
    sql = 'from staff '
    where_dic = {'staff_id':staff_id}
    return select(oracle, select_colums, sql, where_dic)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def test_returned_list_identity(self):
     # See issue #8329
     r, w, x = select.select([], [], [], 1)
     self.assertIsNot(r, w)
     self.assertIsNot(r, x)
     self.assertIsNot(w, x)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def selectPool(oracle, select_colums, where_dic):
    sql = "from pool "
    return select(oracle, select_colums, sql, where_dic)