Ejemplo n.º 1
def start_algorithm():
	global data, result, numbers
	if not data:

	if (algmenu.get() == 'Selection Sort'):
		selection_sort(data, drawData)
		drawData(data, ['Green' for x in range(len(data))])
		result = "Selection Sort \n" + ' '.join(map(str, data))
		data = copy.deepcopy(numbers)

	if (algmenu.get() == 'Insertion Sort'):
		insertion_sort(data, drawData)
		drawData(data, ['Green' for x in range(len(data))])
		result = "Insertion Sort \n" + ' '.join(map(str, data))
		data = copy.deepcopy(numbers)

	if (algmenu.get() == 'Bubble Sort'):
		bubble_sort(data, drawData)
		drawData(data, ['Green' for x in range(len(data))])
		result = "Bubble Sort \n" + ' '.join(map(str, data))
		data = copy.deepcopy(numbers)

	if (algmenu.get() == 'Quick Sort'):
		quick_sort(data, 0, len(data)-1, drawData)
		drawData(data, ['Green' for x in range(len(data))])
		result = "Quick Sort \n" + ' '.join(map(str, data))
		data = copy.deepcopy(numbers)

	if (algmenu.get() == 'Merge Sort'):
		merge_sort(data, 0, len(data)-1, drawData)
		drawData(data, ['Green' for x in range(len(data))])
		result = "Merge Sort \n"' '.join(map(str, data))
		data = copy.deepcopy(numbers)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def select_sort():
     global array
     if var.get() == "Selection Sort":
         selection_sort(array, draw_array)
     elif var.get() == "Insertion Sort":
         insertion_sort(array, draw_array)
     elif var.get() == "Quicksort":
         quick_sort(array, 0, len(array) - 1, draw_array)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_selection_sort(self):
     Tests the selection_sort(list) method
     data = [3, 1, 10, 9]
     results = selection_sort(data)
     self.assertIsInstance(results, tuple)
     self.assertEqual(results[0], [1, 3, 9, 10])
     data = random.sample(range(0, 100), 10)
     results = selection_sort(data)
     self.assertEqual(results[0], sorted(data))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def simulation():    
    bubble_time = 0
    selection_time = 0
    insertion_time = 0
    merge_time = 0
    quick_time = 0
    tim_time = 0
    for i in range(EXPERIMENTS):

        # create a list with some number of values from the given range
        my_list = random.sample(range(MAX_VALUE), LIST_SIZE)    
        start = time.time()
        bubble_time += time.time() - start
        my_list = random.sample(range(MAX_VALUE), LIST_SIZE)    
        start = time.time()
        selection_time += time.time() - start
        my_list = random.sample(range(MAX_VALUE), LIST_SIZE)    
        start = time.time()
        insertion_time += time.time() - start
        my_list = random.sample(range(MAX_VALUE), LIST_SIZE)    
        start = time.time()
        merge_time += time.time() - start
        my_list = random.sample(range(MAX_VALUE), LIST_SIZE)    
        start = time.time()
        quick_time += time.time() - start
        my_list = random.sample(range(MAX_VALUE), LIST_SIZE)    
        start = time.time()
        tim_time += time.time() - start
    print('Bubble sort took', bubble_time/EXPERIMENTS*1000, 'ms')    
    print('Selection sort took', selection_time/EXPERIMENTS*1000, 'ms')    
    print('Insertion sort took', insertion_time/EXPERIMENTS*1000, 'ms')      
    print('Merge sort took', merge_time/EXPERIMENTS*1000, 'ms')    
    print('Quick sort took', quick_time/EXPERIMENTS*1000, 'ms')
    print('Timsort took', tim_time/EXPERIMENTS*1000, 'ms')
def test_repeated_numbers():
    """ Test to see how a sorting algo deals with the same number repeatedly """

    repeat_number_list = selection_sort([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4])

    assert all(repeat_number_list[i] <= repeat_number_list[i + 1]
               for i in range(len(repeat_number_list) - 1))
def test_huge_list():
    """Calls another function to test sorting algo against a really large randomly generated list"""

    huge_list = selection_sort([two_random_large_list()])

    assert all(huge_list[i] <= huge_list[i + 1]
               for i in range(len(huge_list) - 1))
 def test_selection_sort_none(self):
     self.assertEqual(selection_sort(None), 'Nothing to sort.')
 def test_selection_sort_nums_positive_and_negative_odd(self):
     self.assertEqual(selection_sort([-12, -19, -20, 45, 91]), [-20, -19, -12, 45, 91])
 def test_selection_sort_nums_negative_odd(self):
         selection_sort([-20, -12, -45, -19, -91]), [-91, -45, -20, -19, -12])
Ejemplo n.º 10
    print("Starting Insertion Sort - ASC")
    st = time.time()
    print('Insertion sort took %.3f seconds' % ((time.time() - st)))

    print("Starting Insertion Sort - DESC")
    st = time.time()
    print('Insertion sort took %.3f seconds' % ((time.time() - st)))

    # Selection Sort
    print("Starting Selection Sort - RAND")
    st = time.time()
    print('Selection sort took %.3f seconds' % ((time.time() - st)))

    print("Starting Selection Sort - ASC")
    st = time.time()
    print('Selection sort took %.3f seconds' % ((time.time() - st)))

    print("Starting Selection Sort - DESC")
    st = time.time()
    print('Selection sort took %.3f seconds' % ((time.time() - st)))

    # Merge Sort
Ejemplo n.º 11
def selection(*args):
	return selection_sort(*args)
def test_sorts_already_sorted():
    expected = [num for num in range(42)]
    now_sorted = selection_sort(expected)
    assert expected == now_sorted
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_TypeError():
    Tests non-list types throw TypeError.
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        assert selection_sort('string')
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_selection():
    A = [i for i in range(100, 0, -1)]
    assert A == B
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, name, listing):
        # Initilization steps
        self.name = name
        listing_copy = listing
        listing_copy2 = listing
        self.listing = listing_copy

        # For each algorithm, the accuracy, time, and list
        # will be tracked using the methods shown below

        # Python sort will be used as the master sort
        listing_copy_py = listing_copy
        start = timer()
        self.python_sorted_list = python_sort(listing_copy_py)
        end = timer()
        self.python_sorted_time = end - start
        # Bubble Sort will be tested against python sort
        listing_copy_bu = listing_copy
        start = timer()
        self.bubble_sorted_list = bubble_sort(listing_copy_bu)
        end = timer()
        self.bubble_sort_accurate = False
        if self.bubble_sorted_list == self.python_sorted_list:
            self.bubble_sort_accurate = True
        self.bubble_sort_time = end - start
        # Selection sort will be tested against python sort
        listing_copy_sel = listing_copy
        start = timer()
        self.selection_sorted_list = selection_sort(listing_copy_sel)
        end = timer()
        self.selection_sort_accurate = False
        if self.selection_sorted_list == self.python_sorted_list:
            self.selection_sort_accurate = True
        self.selection_sort_time = end - start
        # Merge sort will be tested against python sort
        listing_copy_mer = listing_copy
        start = timer()
        self.merge_sorted_list = merge_sort(listing_copy_mer)
        end = timer()
        self.merge_sort_accurate = False
        if self.merge_sorted_list == self.python_sorted_list:
            self.merge_sort_accurate == True
        self.merge_sort_time = end - start
        #Shell root sort will be tested against python sort
        listing_copy_she = listing_copy
        start = timer()
        self.shell_sorted_list = shell_sort(listing_copy_she)
        end = timer()
        self.shell_accurate = False
        if self.shell_sorted_list == self.python_sorted_list:
            self.shell_accurate = True
        self.shell_time = end - start
        #Insertion sort will be tested against python sort
        listing_copy_ins = listing_copy
        start = timer()
        self.insertion_sorted_list = insertion_sort(listing_copy_ins)
        end = timer()
        self.insertion_accurate = False
        if self.insertion_sorted_list == self.python_sorted_list:
            self.insertion_accurate = True
        self.insertion_time = end - start

        # Heap sort will be tested against python sort
        listing_copy_hea = listing_copy
        start = timer()
        self.heap_sorted_list = heap_sort(listing_copy_hea)
        end = timer()
        self.heap_accurate = False
        if self.heap_sorted_list == self.python_sorted_list:
            self.heap_accurate = True
        self.heap_time = end - start

        #Strand sort will be tested against python sort
        listing_copy_strand = listing_copy2

        start = timer()

        self.strand_sorted_list = strand_sort(listing_copy_strand)
        end = timer()
        self.strand_accurate = False
        if self.strand_sorted_list == self.python_sorted_list:
            self.strand_root_accurate = True
        self.strand_time = end - start
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_empty():
    Tests empty and length 1 Lists return correctly.
    assert selection_sort([]) == []
    assert selection_sort([8]) == [8]
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_two():
    Tests returns as expected.
    assert selection_sort([7, -3, 6, -99, 4, 1, 12, 8, 401,
                           5]) == [-99, -3, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 401]
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_one():
    Tests returns as expected.
    assert selection_sort([7, 2, 6, 3, 4, 1, 8, 5]) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
Ejemplo n.º 19
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sort_utils
from selection import selection_sort

tests_passed = 0
total_tests = 0

test_name = "Test 1 - a"
print(f"---- {test_name} ----------------------------")
orig = li = [12, 7, 32, 5, 16, 4]
li = list(orig)
    "---- Expected output -------------------------",
    "[12, 7, 32, 5, 16, 4]",
    "swap 0:12 <--> 5:4",
    "[4, 7, 32, 5, 16, 12]",
    "swap 1:7 <--> 3:5",
    "[4, 5, 32, 7, 16, 12]",
    "swap 2:32 <--> 3:7",
    "[4, 5, 7, 32, 16, 12]",
    "swap 3:32 <--> 5:12",
    "[4, 5, 7, 12, 16, 32]",

total_tests+= 1
expected = [4, 5, 7, 12, 16, 32]
def test_sorts_list_of_duplicates():
    unsorted = [14, 33, 27, 10, 35, 19, 42, 44]
    expected = [10, 14, 19, 27, 33, 35, 42, 44]
    now_sorted = selection_sort(unsorted)
    assert expected == now_sorted
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_sort(self):
     for j in range(10):
         array = []
         for i in range(100):
             array.append(randint(-100, 100))
         self.assertListEqual(selection_sort(array), sorted(array))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_selection_sort(array: List[int]):
    """Checks that returned array is the same as result of sorted()"""
    assert sorted(array) == selection_sort(array)
def test_fixed_list():
    """ Uses a small static list for easy verification of a working sort algo"""

    fixed = selection_sort([one_list()])

    assert all(fixed[i] <= fixed[i + 1] for i in range(len(fixed) - 1))
 def test_selection_sort_empty(self):
     self.assertEqual(selection_sort([]), 'Nothing to sort.')
 def test_selection_sort_not_nums(self):
     self.assertEqual(selection_sort([0, 'a', 3]), 'Can only sort lists of just numbers.')
     self.assertEqual(selection_sort(['a', 'b', 'c']), 'Can only sort lists of just numbers.')
def test_shuffled_list_gets_sorted():
    expected = [num for num in range(42)]
    unsorted = expected[:]
    now_sorted = selection_sort(unsorted)
    assert expected == now_sorted
 def test_selection_sort_single_value(self):
     self.assertEqual(selection_sort([5]), [5])
def test_sort_validates_expected_input():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        selection_sort('hello world')
 def test_selection_sort_nums_positive_odd(self):
     self.assertEqual(selection_sort([20, 12, 45, 19, 91]), [12, 19, 20, 45, 91])
Ejemplo n.º 30
# list2=["TupolevTu-204", 107900, 7200]
# list3=["IlushinIl-62", 280300, 11000]
# list4=["AirbusA310", 164000, 11000]
# list5=["Boeing-737", 52800, 10058]
# list6=["Boeing-777", 242600, 10668]
# frame = pd.DataFrame([list1,list2,list3,list4,list5,list6])
# frame.to_csv('plane.csv',index=False)
def open_csv(csv_file: str):
    with open(csv_file) as file:
        reader = list(csv.reader(file))
    list_of_planes = []
    for line in reader:
            plane_info.Plane(line[0], int(line[1]), int(line[2])))
    return list_of_planes

if __name__ == '__main__':
    plane_list = open_csv("plane.csv")
    for plane in plane_list:
    sorted_selection = selection.selection_sort(plane_list)
    for plane in sorted_selection:
    heapsort = heapsort.Heapsort()
    sorted_heap = heapsort.heap_sort(plane_list)
    for plane in sorted_heap:
Ejemplo n.º 31
def selection(*args):
    return selection_sort(*args)