Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, viewWidget):
     """Constructor for a Cairo scene"""
     self.viewWidget = viewWidget
     self.pieces = []
     self.redrawStatic = True
     self.showNumbering = False
     self.currentColor = None
     self.currentRow = 0
     self.guesses = [[None, None, None, None]]
     self.hints = []
     self.game = Board()
     print "the secret:", self.game.secret
     self.secret = self.game.secret
     self.game_over = False
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, viewWidget):
     """Constructor for a Cairo scene"""
     self.viewWidget = viewWidget
     self.pieces = []
     self.redrawStatic = True
     self.showNumbering = False
     self.currentColor = None
     self.currentRow = 0
     self.guesses = [[None, None, None, None]]
     self.hints = []
     self.game = Board()
     print "the secret:", self.game.secret
     self.secret = self.game.secret
     self.game_over = False
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Scene:
    BORDER = 6.0
    PIECE_BORDER = 2.0

    def __init__(self, viewWidget):
        """Constructor for a Cairo scene"""
        self.viewWidget = viewWidget
        self.pieces = []
        self.redrawStatic = True
        self.showNumbering = False
        self.currentColor = None
        self.currentRow = 0
        self.guesses = [[None, None, None, None]]
        self.hints = []
        self.game = Board()
        print "the secret:", self.game.secret
        self.secret = self.game.secret
        self.game_over = False

    def nextRow(self):
        if self.currentRow == 9:
            self.game_over = True
            return  # TODO game over FAIL

            # print "self.guesses[self.currentRow]: ", self.guesses[self.currentRow]
        hints = self.game.guess(self.guesses[self.currentRow])
        if hints == True:
            self.game_over = True
            self.hints.append([0, 0, 0, 0])
            # TODO: game over WINNER
            h = []
            for _ in range(hints[0]):
            for _ in range(hints[1]):
                # print "h:",h
            self.currentRow += 1
            self.guesses.append([None, None, None, None])

    def addPiece(self, color, position, row):
        """Add a piece model into the scene.

		Returns a reference to this piece or raises an exception.

        if color in [BLACK, WHITE]:
            piece = ColorPiece(self, color, position, row)
            piece = HintPiece(self, color, position, row)


        # Redraw the scene
        self.redrawStatic = True

        return piece

    def reshape(self, width, height):
        """Resize the viewport into the scene.

		'width' is the width of the viewport in pixels.
		'height' is the width of the viewport in pixels.
        self.width = width
        self.height = height

        # Make the squares as large as possible while still pixel aligned
        shortEdge = min(self.width, self.height)
        self.squareSize = math.floor((shortEdge - 2.0 * self.BORDER) / 9.0)
        self.pieceSize = self.squareSize - 2.0 * self.PIECE_BORDER

        boardHeight = shortEdge
        boardWidth = shortEdge / 2.0
        PERCENTAGE = 0.7  # TODO
        self.padding = boardWidth / 15.0

        self.hole_spacing = (boardWidth * PERCENTAGE - 2.0 * self.padding) / 4.0
        self.hint_spacing = (boardWidth * (1.0 - PERCENTAGE) - 2.0 * self.padding) / 2.0
        self.row_spacing = (boardHeight - 2.0 * self.padding) / (10.0 + 1 + 1)

        self.piece_radius = self.hole_spacing * 0.4
        self.hint_radius = self.piece_radius * 0.5

        self.hole_radius = self.piece_radius * 0.3
        self.minihole_radius = self.hole_radius * 0.5

        self.redrawStatic = True

        # Just in case we might want to render these differently...

    def render_secret_piece(self, context, x, y, c):
        self.render_guess_piece(context, x, y, c)

    def render_guess_piece(self, context, x, y, c):
        context.arc(x, y, self.piece_radius, 0, 2 * 3.1415)

        context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
        context.arc(x, y, self.piece_radius, 0, 2 * 3.1415)

    def render_guess_hole(self, context, x, y):
        context.arc(x, y, self.hole_radius, 0, 2 * 3.1415)

    def render_hint_piece(self, context, x, y, c):
        context.arc(x, y, self.hint_radius, 0, 2 * 3.1415)

    def render_hint_hole(self, context, x, y):
        context.arc(x, y, self.minihole_radius, 0, 2 * 3.1415)

    def render_color_picker(self, context):
        x = self.colorpicker_x(0)
        y = self.colorpicker_y(0)
        y2 = self.colorpicker_y(6)
        context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
            x - 1.3 * self.piece_radius,
            y - 1.3 * self.piece_radius,
            2.6 * self.piece_radius,
            y2 + 1.3 * self.piece_radius,

        for c in xrange(7):
            x = self.colorpicker_x(c)
            y = self.colorpicker_y(c)

                x - self.piece_radius, y - self.piece_radius, 2 * self.piece_radius, 2 * self.piece_radius

    def renderStatic(self, context):
        """Render the static elements in a scene.
        if self.redrawStatic is False:
            return False
        self.redrawStatic = False


        # Clear background

        # Draw border
        borderSize = math.ceil(self.squareSize * 9)

        context.rectangle(self.BORDER, self.BORDER, borderSize / 2, borderSize)

        if self.game_over:
            for i in xrange(4):
                x, y = self.secret_x(i), self.secret_y(i)
                c = self.secret[i]
                self.render_secret_piece(context, x, y, c)

                # Draw color picker:

        # Draw guess rows
        for row in xrange(10):
            for i in xrange(4):
                x = self.guess_x(row, i)
                y = self.row_y(row)

                if len(self.guesses) > row and self.guesses[row][i] != None:
                    c = self.guesses[row][i]
                    self.render_guess_piece(context, x, y, c)

                    self.render_guess_hole(context, x, y)

                    # Draw hints
            for i in xrange(4):
                x = self.hint_x(row, i)
                y = self.hint_y(row, i)

                if len(self.hints) > row and i < len(self.hints[row]):
                    c = self.hints[row][i]
                    self.render_hint_piece(context, x, y, c)
                    self.render_hint_hole(context, x, y)

        return True

    def renderDynamic(self, context):
        """Render the dynamic elements in a scene.

		This requires a Cairo context.

    def mouse_down(self, x, y):
        piece = self.getPiece(x, y)
        self.currentColor = None
        if piece[0] == "pick":
            self.currentColor = piece[1]
            # print "selected color: ", self.currentColor
            # print "from: ", piece

    def mouse_up(self, x, y):
        piece = self.getPiece(x, y)
        # print "to: ", piece
        # print "guesses:", self.guesses
        # print "currentRow:",self.currentRow
        if piece[0] == "guess" and piece[2] == self.currentRow:
            self.guesses[self.currentRow][piece[1]] = self.currentColor
            if not None in self.guesses[self.currentRow]:
                # Redraw the scene
            self.redrawStatic = True

    def colorpicker_x(self, c):
        return 4 * self.BORDER + 4 * self.padding + 4 * self.hole_spacing + 2 * self.hint_spacing

    def colorpicker_y(self, c):
        return 2 * self.BORDER + self.piece_radius + c * self.hole_spacing

    def secret_x(self, i):
        return self.BORDER + self.padding + (i + 0.5) * self.hole_spacing

    def secret_y(self, i):
        return self.BORDER + self.padding + (0.5) * self.row_spacing

    def row_y(self, r):
        return self.BORDER + self.padding + (r + 2.5) * self.row_spacing

    def hint_x(self, row, i):
        return self.BORDER + 3 * self.padding + 4 * self.hole_spacing + (i % 2 + 0.5) * self.hint_spacing

    def hint_y(self, row, i):
        return self.row_y(row) + (i / 2 - 0.5) * self.hint_spacing

    def guess_x(self, row, i):
        return self.BORDER + self.padding + (i + 0.5) * self.hole_spacing

    def getPiece(self, x, y):
        """Find the slot at a given 2D location.

		'x' is the number of pixels from the left of the scene to select.
		'y' is the number of pixels from the bottom of the scene to select.

        for c in xrange(7):
            x_min = self.colorpicker_x(c) - self.piece_radius
            y_min = self.colorpicker_y(c) - self.piece_radius
            x_max = x_min + 2 * self.piece_radius
            y_max = y_min + 2 * self.piece_radius
            if x > x_min and x <= x_max and y > y_min and y <= y_max:
                return "pick", c

        selected_row = None
        for row in xrange(10):
            y_row_min = self.row_y(row) - 0.5 * self.row_spacing
            y_row_max = y_row_min + self.row_spacing
            if y > y_row_min and y <= y_row_max:
                selected_row = row

        if selected_row == None:
            return None

        for i in xrange(4):
            x_min = self.guess_x(selected_row, i) - 0.5 * self.hole_spacing
            x_max = x_min + self.hole_spacing
            if x > x_min and x <= x_max:
                return "guess", i, selected_row

            x_min = self.hint_x(selected_row, i) - 0.5 * self.hint_spacing
            x_max = x_min + self.hint_spacing

            y_min = self.hint_y(selected_row, i) - 0.5 * self.hint_spacing
            y_max = y_min + self.hint_spacing

            if x > x_min and x <= x_max and y > y_min and y <= y_max:
                return "hint", i, selected_row
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Scene():
    BORDER = 6.0
    PIECE_BORDER = 2.0

    def __init__(self, viewWidget):
        """Constructor for a Cairo scene"""
        self.viewWidget = viewWidget
        self.pieces = []
        self.redrawStatic = True
        self.showNumbering = False
        self.currentColor = None
        self.currentRow = 0
        self.guesses = [[None, None, None, None]]
        self.hints = []
        self.game = Board()
        print "the secret:", self.game.secret
        self.secret = self.game.secret
        self.game_over = False

    def nextRow(self):
        if self.currentRow == 9:
            self.game_over = True
            return  #TODO game over FAIL

        #print "self.guesses[self.currentRow]: ", self.guesses[self.currentRow]
        hints = self.game.guess(self.guesses[self.currentRow])
        if hints == True:
            self.game_over = True
            self.hints.append([0, 0, 0, 0])
            #TODO: game over WINNER
            h = []
            for _ in range(hints[0]):
            for _ in range(hints[1]):
            #print "h:",h
            self.currentRow += 1
            self.guesses.append([None, None, None, None])

    def addPiece(self, color, position, row):
        """Add a piece model into the scene.

		Returns a reference to this piece or raises an exception.

        if color in [BLACK, WHITE]:
            piece = ColorPiece(self, color, position, row)
            piece = HintPiece(self, color, position, row)


        # Redraw the scene
        self.redrawStatic = True

        return piece

    def reshape(self, width, height):
        """Resize the viewport into the scene.

		'width' is the width of the viewport in pixels.
		'height' is the width of the viewport in pixels.
        self.width = width
        self.height = height

        # Make the squares as large as possible while still pixel aligned
        shortEdge = min(self.width, self.height)
        self.squareSize = math.floor((shortEdge - 2.0 * self.BORDER) / 9.0)
        self.pieceSize = self.squareSize - 2.0 * self.PIECE_BORDER

        boardHeight = shortEdge
        boardWidth = shortEdge / 2.0
        PERCENTAGE = 0.7  #TODO
        self.padding = boardWidth / 15.0

        self.hole_spacing = (boardWidth * PERCENTAGE -
                             2.0 * self.padding) / 4.0
        self.hint_spacing = (boardWidth *
                             (1.0 - PERCENTAGE) - 2.0 * self.padding) / 2.0
        self.row_spacing = (boardHeight - 2.0 * self.padding) / (10.0 + 1 + 1)

        self.piece_radius = self.hole_spacing * 0.4
        self.hint_radius = self.piece_radius * 0.5

        self.hole_radius = self.piece_radius * 0.3
        self.minihole_radius = self.hole_radius * 0.5

        self.redrawStatic = True

    #Just in case we might want to render these differently...
    def render_secret_piece(self, context, x, y, c):
        self.render_guess_piece(context, x, y, c)

    def render_guess_piece(self, context, x, y, c):
        context.arc(x, y, self.piece_radius, 0, 2 * 3.1415)

        context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
        context.arc(x, y, self.piece_radius, 0, 2 * 3.1415)

    def render_guess_hole(self, context, x, y):
        context.arc(x, y, self.hole_radius, 0, 2 * 3.1415)

    def render_hint_piece(self, context, x, y, c):
        context.arc(x, y, self.hint_radius, 0, 2 * 3.1415)

    def render_hint_hole(self, context, x, y):
        context.arc(x, y, self.minihole_radius, 0, 2 * 3.1415)

    def render_color_picker(self, context):
        x = self.colorpicker_x(0)
        y = self.colorpicker_y(0)
        y2 = self.colorpicker_y(6)
        context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
        context.rectangle(x - 1.3 * self.piece_radius,
                          y - 1.3 * self.piece_radius, 2.6 * self.piece_radius,
                          y2 + 1.3 * self.piece_radius)

        for c in xrange(7):
            x = self.colorpicker_x(c)
            y = self.colorpicker_y(c)

            context.rectangle(x - self.piece_radius, y - self.piece_radius,
                              2 * self.piece_radius, 2 * self.piece_radius)

    def renderStatic(self, context):
        """Render the static elements in a scene.
        if self.redrawStatic is False:
            return False
        self.redrawStatic = False


        # Clear background

        # Draw border
        borderSize = math.ceil(self.squareSize * 9)

        context.rectangle(self.BORDER, self.BORDER, borderSize / 2, borderSize)

        if self.game_over:
            for i in xrange(4):
                x, y = self.secret_x(i), self.secret_y(i)
                c = self.secret[i]
                self.render_secret_piece(context, x, y, c)

        # Draw color picker:

        # Draw guess rows
        for row in xrange(10):
            for i in xrange(4):
                x = self.guess_x(row, i)
                y = self.row_y(row)

                if len(self.guesses) > row and self.guesses[row][i] != None:
                    c = self.guesses[row][i]
                    self.render_guess_piece(context, x, y, c)

                    self.render_guess_hole(context, x, y)

        # Draw hints
            for i in xrange(4):
                x = self.hint_x(row, i)
                y = self.hint_y(row, i)

                if len(self.hints) > row and i < len(self.hints[row]):
                    c = self.hints[row][i]
                    self.render_hint_piece(context, x, y, c)
                    self.render_hint_hole(context, x, y)

        return True

    def renderDynamic(self, context):
        """Render the dynamic elements in a scene.

		This requires a Cairo context.

    def mouse_down(self, x, y):
        piece = self.getPiece(x, y)
        self.currentColor = None
        if piece[0] == "pick":
            self.currentColor = piece[1]
            #print "selected color: ", self.currentColor
        #print "from: ", piece

    def mouse_up(self, x, y):
        piece = self.getPiece(x, y)
        #print "to: ", piece
        #print "guesses:", self.guesses
        #print "currentRow:",self.currentRow
        if piece[0] == "guess" and piece[2] == self.currentRow:
            self.guesses[self.currentRow][piece[1]] = self.currentColor
            if not None in self.guesses[self.currentRow]:
            # Redraw the scene
            self.redrawStatic = True

    def colorpicker_x(self, c):
        return 4 * self.BORDER + 4 * self.padding + 4 * self.hole_spacing + 2 * self.hint_spacing

    def colorpicker_y(self, c):
        return 2 * self.BORDER + self.piece_radius + c * self.hole_spacing

    def secret_x(self, i):
        return self.BORDER + self.padding + (i + 0.5) * self.hole_spacing

    def secret_y(self, i):
        return self.BORDER + self.padding + (0.5) * self.row_spacing

    def row_y(self, r):
        return self.BORDER + self.padding + (r + 2.5) * self.row_spacing

    def hint_x(self, row, i):
        return self.BORDER + 3 * self.padding + 4 * self.hole_spacing + (
            i % 2 + 0.5) * self.hint_spacing

    def hint_y(self, row, i):
        return self.row_y(row) + (i / 2 - 0.5) * self.hint_spacing

    def guess_x(self, row, i):
        return self.BORDER + self.padding + (i + 0.5) * self.hole_spacing

    def getPiece(self, x, y):
        """Find the slot at a given 2D location.

		'x' is the number of pixels from the left of the scene to select.
		'y' is the number of pixels from the bottom of the scene to select.

        for c in xrange(7):
            x_min = self.colorpicker_x(c) - self.piece_radius
            y_min = self.colorpicker_y(c) - self.piece_radius
            x_max = x_min + 2 * self.piece_radius
            y_max = y_min + 2 * self.piece_radius
            if x > x_min and x <= x_max and y > y_min and y <= y_max:
                return "pick", c

        selected_row = None
        for row in xrange(10):
            y_row_min = self.row_y(row) - 0.5 * self.row_spacing
            y_row_max = y_row_min + self.row_spacing
            if y > y_row_min and y <= y_row_max:
                selected_row = row

        if selected_row == None:
            return None

        for i in xrange(4):
            x_min = self.guess_x(selected_row, i) - 0.5 * self.hole_spacing
            x_max = x_min + self.hole_spacing
            if x > x_min and x <= x_max:
                return "guess", i, selected_row

            x_min = self.hint_x(selected_row, i) - 0.5 * self.hint_spacing
            x_max = x_min + self.hint_spacing

            y_min = self.hint_y(selected_row, i) - 0.5 * self.hint_spacing
            y_max = y_min + self.hint_spacing

            if x > x_min and x <= x_max and y > y_min and y <= y_max:
                return "hint", i, selected_row