Ejemplo n.º 1
class Car:
    def __init__(self, track=1):
        #starting location, depends on track
        self.location_x = 560 if track == 2 else 80
        self.location_y = 200 if track == 2 else 200
        #starting velocity, velocity resolution and velocity limits
        self.velocity = 0
        self.velocity_step = 1
        self.velocity_limit = 1
        #Starting orientation, current change in orientation, orientation change resolution and orientation change limit
        self.orientation = 90 if track == 2 else 270
        self.orientation_change = 0
        self.orientation_step = 1
        self.orientation_change_limit = 1
        #corners of the car, defined by location, orentation and size
        self.corners = []
        #The color if rendered to PyGame
        self.color = [10, 46, 73]
        self.size = 15
        #The cars five sensors (left, left-front, front, front-right, right)
        self.sensor1 = Sensor()
        self.sensor2 = Sensor()
        self.sensor3 = Sensor()
        self.sensor4 = Sensor()
        self.sensor5 = Sensor()
        #state, defined by velocity, orientation change, and distances returned from sensors
        self.state = []

    #The car moves to a new location based on the current location, orientation and velocity
    #The orientation is also updated based on the current orientation and the orientation change
    #The sensors update there values based on the new location of the car
    #The car state is updated.
    #The current car corners are updated
    def move(self, track=1):
        self.orientation = (self.orientation + self.orientation_change) % 360
        self.location_y += math.sin(
            self.orientation * 0.0174533) * self.velocity
        self.location_x += math.cos(
            self.orientation * 0.0174533) * self.velocity
        point_set = [
        [self.location_x+math.cos((self.orientation+340)*.0174533)*self.size, self.location_y+math.sin((self.orientation+340)*0.0174533)*self.size],\
        [self.location_x+math.cos((self.orientation+20)*0.0174533)*self.size, self.location_y+math.sin((self.orientation+20)*0.0174533)*self.size],\
        [self.location_x+math.cos((self.orientation+160)*0.0174533)*self.size, self.location_y+math.sin((self.orientation+160)*0.0174533)*self.size],\
        [self.location_x+math.cos((self.orientation+200)*0.0174533)*self.size, self.location_y+math.sin((self.orientation+200)*0.0174533)*self.size]]
        self.corners = point_set

    #This function just updates
    #This function updates the location and orientation of the sensors based on the location and orientation of the car
    #It uses the sensors to find how close it is to a wall in the 5 sensor directions
    def sense(self, track):
        self.sensor1.x = self.location_x
        self.sensor2.x = self.location_x
        self.sensor3.x = self.location_x
        self.sensor4.x = self.location_x
        self.sensor5.x = self.location_x

        self.sensor1.y = self.location_y
        self.sensor2.y = self.location_y
        self.sensor3.y = self.location_y
        self.sensor4.y = self.location_y
        self.sensor5.y = self.location_y

        self.sensor1.orientation = (self.orientation - 90) % 360
        self.sensor2.orientation = (self.orientation - 45) % 360
        self.sensor3.orientation = (self.orientation) % 360
        self.sensor4.orientation = (self.orientation + 45) % 360
        self.sensor5.orientation = (self.orientation + 90) % 360


    #Function used to accelerate or decelerate the car
    def pedal(self, direction):
        if (direction == 0):
            #slow down
            self.velocity -= self.velocity_step
        if (direction == 2):
            #speed up
            self.velocity += self.velocity_step
        self.velocity = min(self.velocity, self.velocity_limit)
        self.velocity = max(self.velocity, 0)

    #Function used to steer (update orientation_change) the car
    def steer(self, direction):
        if (direction == 0):
            self.orientation_change -= self.orientation_step
        elif (direction == 2):
            self.orientation_change += self.orientation_step
        self.orientation_change = min(self.orientation_change,
        self.orientation_change = max(self.orientation_change,
                                      -1 * self.orientation_change_limit)

    #updates state based on current car properties
    def update_state(self):
        self.state = [
            round(self.velocity / self.velocity_step),
            round(self.orientation_change / self.orientation_step) + 1,
            self.sensor1.state, self.sensor2.state, self.sensor3.state,
            self.sensor4.state, self.sensor5.state

    #renders the car to the pygame screen
    def render(self, screen):
        pygame.draw.polygon(screen, tuple(self.color), self.corners)