Ejemplo n.º 1
 def update( self ):
     while not self.statusQueue.empty():
         statusData = self.statusQueue.get_nowait()
         if statusData[ 0 ] == "s":
             sensorReadingTimestamp = statusData[ 1 ]
             self.sensorConfiguration = statusData[ 2 ]
             self.batteryVoltageReading = sensors.SensorReading( statusData[ 3 ], sensorReadingTimestamp )
             self.digitalReadings = sensors.SensorReading( statusData[ 4 ], sensorReadingTimestamp )
             self.analogReadings = sensors.SensorReading( statusData[ 5 ], sensorReadingTimestamp )
             self.ultrasonicReading = sensors.SensorReading( statusData[ 6 ], sensorReadingTimestamp )
             self.encodersReading = sensors.SensorReading( ( statusData[ 7 ], statusData[ 8 ] ), sensorReadingTimestamp )
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__( self, serialPortName, baudRate ):
     self.serialPort = serial.Serial( serialPortName, baudRate, timeout=0 )
     self.responseQueue = Queue.Queue()
     self.statusQueue = Queue.Queue()
     self.serialReadProcess = SerialReadProcess( 
         self.serialPort, self.responseQueue, self.statusQueue )
     self.sensorConfiguration = SensorConfiguration()
     self.batteryVoltageReading = sensors.SensorReading( 0.0 )
     self.digitalReadings = sensors.SensorReading( 0 )
     self.analogReadings = sensors.SensorReading( [0] * NUM_ANALOG_PINS )
     self.ultrasonicReading = sensors.SensorReading( 0 )
     self.encodersReading = sensors.SensorReading( ( 0, 0 ) )
     time.sleep( self.STARTUP_DELAY )
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def getBatteryVoltageReading(self):
        """:return: A :py:class:`SensorReading` containing the most recent battery voltage read 
                    from the Mini Driver as a float
           :rtype: :py:class:`SensorReading`"""

        result = sensors.SensorReading(0.0)

        if self.connection != None:
            result = self.connection.getBatteryVoltageReading()

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def getEncodersReading(self):
        """:return: A :py:class:`SensorReading` containing the most recent reading from the 
                    Mini Driver encoders.
           :rtype: :py:class:`SensorReading`"""

        result = sensors.SensorReading((0, 0))

        if self.connection != None:
            result = self.connection.getEncodersReading()

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def getAnalogReadings(self):
        """:return: A :py:class:`SensorReading` containing the most recent set of analog readings 
                    read from the Mini Driver. There are 6 analog pins that can be read on the Mini 
                    Driver and so the :py:class:`SensorReading` contains a list of 6 floats.
           :rtype: :py:class:`SensorReading`"""

        result = sensors.SensorReading([0] * NUM_ANALOG_PINS)

        if self.connection != None:
            result = self.connection.getAnalogReadings()

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def getUltrasonicReading(self):
        """:return: A :py:class:`SensorReading` containing the most recent ultrasonic distance 
                    reading from the Mini Driver. The distance is in centimetres and the maximum
                    range is MAX_ULTRASONIC_RANGE_CM. If it looks as if no ultrasonic sensor is 
                    attached then NO_ULTRASONIC_SENSOR_PRESENT will be set as the distance.
           :rtype: :py:class:`SensorReading`"""

        result = sensors.SensorReading(0)

        if self.connection != None:
            result = self.connection.getUltrasonicReading()

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def getDigitalReadings(self):
        """:return: A :py:class:`SensorReading` containing the most recent set of digital readings 
                    read from the Mini Driver. The digital readings are returned as a byte with the 
                    bits corresponding to the digital readings from the following pins
                    pin     A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 | D13 | D12
                    bit      7                                    0
           :rtype: :py:class:`SensorReading`"""

        result = sensors.SensorReading(0)

        if self.connection != None:
            result = self.connection.getDigitalReadings()

        return result