Ejemplo n.º 1
def build_group_attachment(
    group: Group,
    tags: Mapping[str, str] = None,
    identity: Identity = None,
    rules: List[Rule] = None,
    link_to_event: bool = False,
    # XXX(dcramer): options are limited to 100 choices, even when nested
    status = group.get_status()

    members = get_member_assignees(group)
    teams = get_team_assignees(group)

    logo_url = absolute_uri(get_asset_url("sentry", "images/sentry-email-avatar.png"))
    text = build_attachment_text(group, event) or ""

    if actions is None:
        actions = []

    assignee = get_assignee(group)

    resolve_button = {
        "name": "resolve_dialog",
        "value": "resolve_dialog",
        "type": "button",
        "text": "Resolve...",

    ignore_button = {"name": "status", "value": "ignored", "type": "button", "text": "Ignore"}

    project = Project.objects.get_from_cache(id=group.project_id)

    cache_key = "has_releases:2:%s" % (project.id)
    has_releases = cache.get(cache_key)
    if has_releases is None:
        has_releases = ReleaseProject.objects.filter(project_id=project.id).exists()
        if has_releases:
            cache.set(cache_key, True, 3600)
            cache.set(cache_key, False, 60)

    if not has_releases:
        resolve_button.update({"name": "status", "text": "Resolve", "value": "resolved"})

    if status == GroupStatus.RESOLVED:
        resolve_button.update({"name": "status", "text": "Unresolve", "value": "unresolved"})

    if status == GroupStatus.IGNORED:
        ignore_button.update({"text": "Stop Ignoring", "value": "unresolved"})

    option_groups = []

    if teams:
        option_groups.append({"text": "Teams", "options": teams})

    if members:
        option_groups.append({"text": "People", "options": members})

    payload_actions = [
            "name": "assign",
            "text": "Select Assignee...",
            "type": "select",
            "selected_options": [assignee],
            "option_groups": option_groups,

    # If an event is unspecified, use the tags of the latest event (if one exists).
    event_for_tags = event if event else group.get_latest_event()

    fallback_color = LEVEL_TO_COLOR["error"]
    color = (
        LEVEL_TO_COLOR.get(event_for_tags.get_tag("level"), fallback_color)
        if event_for_tags
        else fallback_color

    fields = []
    if tags:
        event_tags = event_for_tags.tags if event_for_tags else []
        for key, value in event_tags:
            std_key = tagstore.get_standardized_key(key)
            if std_key not in tags:

            labeled_value = tagstore.get_tag_value_label(key, value)
                    "title": std_key.encode("utf-8"),
                    "value": labeled_value.encode("utf-8"),
                    "short": True,

    if actions:
        action_texts = [_f for _f in [build_action_text(group, identity, a) for a in actions] if _f]
        text += "\n" + "\n".join(action_texts)

        color = ACTIONED_ISSUE_COLOR
        payload_actions = []

    ts = group.last_seen

    if event:
        event_ts = event.datetime
        ts = max(ts, event_ts)

    footer = f"{group.qualified_short_id}"

    if rules:
        rule_url = build_rule_url(rules[0], group, project)
        footer += f" via <{rule_url}|{rules[0].label}>"

        if len(rules) > 1:
            footer += f" (+{len(rules) - 1} other)"

    obj = event if event is not None else group
    if event and link_to_event:
        title_link = group.get_absolute_url(params={"referrer": "slack"}, event_id=event.event_id)
        title_link = group.get_absolute_url(params={"referrer": "slack"})

    return {
        "fallback": f"[{project.slug}] {obj.title}",
        "title": build_attachment_title(obj),
        "title_link": title_link,
        "text": text,
        "fields": fields,
        "mrkdwn_in": ["text"],
        "callback_id": json.dumps({"issue": group.id}),
        "footer_icon": logo_url,
        "footer": footer,
        "ts": to_timestamp(ts),
        "color": color,
        "actions": payload_actions,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def build_group_attachment(
    group: Group,
    tags: Mapping[str, str] = None,
    identity: Identity = None,
    rules: List[Rule] = None,
    link_to_event: bool = False,
    issue_alert: bool = False,
    # XXX(dcramer): options are limited to 100 choices, even when nested
    logo_url = absolute_uri(
        get_asset_url("sentry", "images/sentry-email-avatar.png"))
    text = build_attachment_text(group, event) or ""
    project = Project.objects.get_from_cache(id=group.project_id)

    # If an event is unspecified, use the tags of the latest event (if one exists).
    event_for_tags = event if event else group.get_latest_event()

    fallback_color = LEVEL_TO_COLOR["error"]
    color = (LEVEL_TO_COLOR.get(event_for_tags.get_tag("level"),
             if event_for_tags else fallback_color)

    fields = build_tag_fields(event_for_tags, tags)

    ts = group.last_seen

    if event:
        event_ts = event.datetime
        ts = max(ts, event_ts)

    footer = build_footer(group, issue_alert, project, rules)

    obj = event if event is not None else group
    if event and link_to_event:
        title_link = group.get_absolute_url(params={"referrer": "slack"},
    elif issue_alert:
        title_link = group.get_absolute_url(
            params={"referrer": "IssueAlertSlack"})
        title_link = group.get_absolute_url(params={"referrer": "slack"})

    if not issue_alert:
        payload_actions, text, color = build_actions(group, project, text,
                                                     color, actions, identity)
        payload_actions = []

    return {
        "fallback": f"[{project.slug}] {obj.title}",
        "title": build_attachment_title(obj),
        "title_link": title_link,
        "text": text,
        "fields": fields,
        "mrkdwn_in": ["text"],
        "callback_id": json.dumps({"issue": group.id}),
        "footer_icon": logo_url,
        "footer": footer,
        "ts": to_timestamp(ts),
        "color": color,
        "actions": payload_actions,