Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_future_broken_callback():
    future_set = FutureSet([])

    callback = mock.Mock(side_effect=Exception("Boom!"))

    except Exception:
        assert False, "should not raise"

    assert callback.call_count == 1
    assert callback.call_args == mock.call(future_set)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_future_set_callback_error():
    future_set = FutureSet([Future() for i in range(3)])

    callback = mock.Mock()

    for i, future in enumerate(list(future_set)):
        assert callback.call_count == 0

    assert callback.call_count == 1
    assert callback.call_args == mock.call(future_set)

    other_callback = mock.Mock()

    assert other_callback.call_count == 1
    assert other_callback.call_args == mock.call(future_set)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_future_set_callback_success():
    future_set = FutureSet([Future() for i in range(3)])

    callback = mock.Mock()

    for i, future in enumerate(list(future_set)):
        assert callback.call_count == 0

    assert callback.call_count == 1
    assert callback.call_args == mock.call(future_set)

    other_callback = mock.Mock()

    assert other_callback.call_count == 1
    assert other_callback.call_args == mock.call(future_set)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def execute(*args: Sequence[Any], **kwargs: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Any:
            context = type(self).__state.context

            # If there is no context object already set in the thread local
            # state, we are entering the delegator for the first time and need
            # to create a new context.
            if context is None:
                from sentry.app import env  # avoids a circular import

                context = Context(env.request, {})

            # If this thread already has an active backend for this base class,
            # we can safely call that backend synchronously without delegating.
            if self.base in context.backends:
                backend = context.backends[self.base]
                return getattr(backend, attribute_name)(*args, **kwargs)

            # Binding the call arguments to named arguments has two benefits:
            # 1. These values always be passed in the same form to the selector
            #    function and callback, regardless of how they were passed to
            #    the method itself (as positional arguments, keyword arguments,
            #    etc.)
            # 2. This ensures that the given arguments are those supported by
            #    the base backend itself, which should be a common subset of
            #    arguments that are supported by all backends.
            callargs = inspect.getcallargs(base_value, None, *args, **kwargs)

            selected_backend_names = list(self.selector(context, attribute_name, callargs))
            if not len(selected_backend_names) > 0:
                raise self.InvalidBackend("No backends returned by selector!")

            # Ensure that the primary backend is actually registered -- we
            # don't want to schedule any work on the secondaries if the primary
            # request is going to fail anyway.
            if selected_backend_names[0] not in self.backends:
                raise self.InvalidBackend(
                    f"{selected_backend_names[0]!r} is not a registered backend."

            def call_backend_method(context: Context, backend: Service, is_primary: bool) -> Any:
                # Update the thread local state in the executor to the provided
                # context object. This allows the context to be propagated
                # across different threads.
                assert type(self).__state.context is None
                type(self).__state.context = context

                # Ensure that we haven't somehow accidentally entered a context
                # where the backend we're calling has already been marked as
                # active (or worse, some other backend is already active.)
                base = self.base
                assert base not in context.backends

                # Mark the backend as active.
                context.backends[base] = backend
                    return getattr(backend, attribute_name)(*args, **kwargs)
                except Exception as e:
                    # If this isn't the primary backend, we log any unexpected
                    # exceptions so that they don't pass by unnoticed. (Any
                    # exceptions raised by the primary backend aren't logged
                    # here, since it's assumed that the caller will log them
                    # from the calling thread.)
                    if not is_primary:
                        expected_raises = getattr(base_value, "__raises__", [])
                        if not expected_raises or not isinstance(e, tuple(expected_raises)):
                                "%s caught in executor while calling %r on %s.",
                    type(self).__state.context = None

            # Enqueue all of the secondary backend requests first since these
            # are non-blocking queue insertions. (Since the primary backend
            # executor queue insertion can block, if that queue was full the
            # secondary requests would have to wait unnecessarily to be queued
            # until the after the primary request can be enqueued.)
            # NOTE: If the same backend is both the primary backend *and* in
            # the secondary backend list -- this is unlikely, but possible --
            # this means that one of the secondary requests will be queued and
            # executed before the primary request is queued.  This is such a
            # strange usage pattern that I don't think it's worth optimizing
            # for.)
            results = [None] * len(selected_backend_names)
            for i, backend_name in enumerate(selected_backend_names[1:], 1):
                    backend, executor = self.backends[backend_name]
                except KeyError:
                        "%r is not a registered backend and will be ignored.",
                    results[i] = executor.submit(
                            call_backend_method, context.copy(), backend, is_primary=False

            # The primary backend is scheduled last since it may block the
            # calling thread. (We don't have to protect this from ``KeyError``
            # since we already ensured that the primary backend exists.)
            backend, executor = self.backends[selected_backend_names[0]]
            results[0] = executor.submit(
                functools.partial(call_backend_method, context.copy(), backend, is_primary=True),

            if self.callback is not None:
                FutureSet([_f for _f in results if _f]).add_done_callback(
                    lambda *a, **k: self.callback(
                        context, attribute_name, callargs, selected_backend_names, results

            result: TimedFuture = results[0]
            return result.result()
Ejemplo n.º 5
        def execute(*args, **kwargs):
            # If this thread already has an active backend for this base class,
            # we can safely call that backend synchronously without delegating.
            if self in self.state.backends:
                backend = type(self).state.backends[self.__backend_base]
                return getattr(backend, attribute_name)(*args, **kwargs)

            # Binding the call arguments to named arguments has two benefits:
            # 1. These values always be passed in the same form to the selector
            #    function and callback, regardless of how they were passed to
            #    the method itself (as positional arguments, keyword arguments,
            #    etc.)
            # 2. This ensures that the given arguments are those supported by
            #    the base backend itself, which should be a common subset of
            #    arguments that are supported by all backends.
            callargs = inspect.getcallargs(base_value, None, *args, **kwargs)

            selected_backend_names = list(
                self.__selector_func(attribute_name, callargs))
            if not len(selected_backend_names) > 0:
                raise self.InvalidBackend('No backends returned by selector!')

            # Ensure that the primary backend is actually registered -- we
            # don't want to schedule any work on the secondaries if the primary
            # request is going to fail anyway.
            if selected_backend_names[0] not in self.__backends:
                raise self.InvalidBackend(
                    '{!r} is not a registered backend.'.format(

            def call_backend_method(backend):
                base = self.__backend_base
                active_backends = type(self).state.backends

                # Ensure that we haven't somehow accidentally entered a context
                # where the backend we're calling has already been marked as
                # active (or worse, some other backend is already active.)
                assert base not in active_backends

                # Mark the backend as active.
                active_backends[base] = backend
                    return getattr(backend, attribute_name)(*args, **kwargs)
                    # Unmark the backend as active.
                    assert active_backends[base] is backend
                    del active_backends[base]

            # Enqueue all of the secondary backend requests first since these
            # are non-blocking queue insertions. (Since the primary backend
            # executor queue insertion can block, if that queue was full the
            # secondary requests would have to wait unnecessarily to be queued
            # until the after the primary request can be enqueued.)
            # NOTE: If the same backend is both the primary backend *and* in
            # the secondary backend list -- this is unlikely, but possible --
            # this means that one of the secondary requests will be queued and
            # executed before the primary request is queued.  This is such a
            # strange usage pattern that I don't think it's worth optimizing
            # for.)
            results = [None] * len(selected_backend_names)
            for i, backend_name in enumerate(selected_backend_names[1:], 1):
                    backend, executor = self.__backends[backend_name]
                except KeyError:
                        '%r is not a registered backend and will be ignored.',
                    results[i] = executor.submit(
                        functools.partial(call_backend_method, backend),

            # The primary backend is scheduled last since it may block the
            # calling thread. (We don't have to protect this from ``KeyError``
            # since we already ensured that the primary backend exists.)
            backend, executor = self.__backends[selected_backend_names[0]]
            results[0] = executor.submit(
                functools.partial(call_backend_method, backend),

            if self.__callback_func is not None:
                FutureSet(filter(None, results)).add_done_callback(
                    lambda *a, **k: self.__callback_func(

            return results[0].result()