Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testUnsubscribeWeakById(self):
        s = Subscriber([])
        p = Publisher()

        sid = p.subscribe('bar', s.on)
        p.unsubscribe('bar', sid)

        p.notify('foo', 'bar')
        self.assertEqual(s.events, [])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testUnsubscribeWeakById(self):
        s = Subscriber([])
        p = Publisher()

        sid = p.subscribe('bar', s.on)
        p.unsubscribe('bar', sid)

        p.notify('foo', 'bar')
        self.assertEqual(s.events, [])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def testAdaptSubscriber(self):
        pub = Publisher()

        events = []

        # Adapt the subscriber (add 10 to each event info).
        sub = Subscriber(events)
        asub = SubAdapter('info', sub, lambda s, e, i: s(e, i+10))
        del asub

        pub.notify('info', 1)
        del sub
        pub.notify('info', 2)

        # Only adapted event 1 arrives before asub dies with sub.
        self.assertEqual(events, [11])

        # Adapt the subscribing method (add 10 to each event info).
        sub = Subscriber(events)
        asub = SubAdapter('info', sub, lambda s, e, i: s.onEvent(e, i+10))
        del asub

        pub.notify('info', 1)
        del sub
        pub.notify('info', 2)

        # Only adapted event 1 arrives before asub dies with sub.
        self.assertEqual(events, [11, 31])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def testAdaptSubscriber(self):
        pub = Publisher()

        events = []

        # Adapt the subscriber (add 10 to each event info).
        sub = Subscriber(events)
        asub = SubAdapter('info', sub, lambda s, e, i: s(e, i + 10))
        del asub

        pub.notify('info', 1)
        del sub
        pub.notify('info', 2)

        # Only adapted event 1 arrives before asub dies with sub.
        self.assertEqual(events, [11])

        # Adapt the subscribing method (add 10 to each event info).
        sub = Subscriber(events)
        asub = SubAdapter('info', sub, lambda s, e, i: s.onEvent(e, i + 10))
        del asub

        pub.notify('info', 1)
        del sub
        pub.notify('info', 2)

        # Only adapted event 1 arrives before asub dies with sub.
        self.assertEqual(events, [11, 31])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def testLazyInfo(self):
        s = Subscriber([])
        p = Publisher()
        p.subscribe('bar', s.on)

        self.info_calls = 0
        def info():
            self.info_calls += 1
            return {'n': 42}

        # no subscribers to 'foo' so info won't be called.
        p.notify('foo', info)
        self.assertEqual(s.events, [])
        self.assertEqual(self.info_calls, 0)

        p.notify('bar', info)
        self.assertEqual(s.events, [('bar', {'n': 42})])
        self.assertEqual(self.info_calls, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def testLazyInfo(self):
        s = Subscriber([])
        p = Publisher()
        p.subscribe('bar', s.on)

        self.info_calls = 0

        def info():
            self.info_calls += 1
            return {'n': 42}

        # no subscribers to 'foo' so info won't be called.
        p.notify('foo', info)
        self.assertEqual(s.events, [])
        self.assertEqual(self.info_calls, 0)

        p.notify('bar', info)
        self.assertEqual(s.events, [('bar', {'n': 42})])
        self.assertEqual(self.info_calls, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def testArgs(self):
        # Non-persistent.
        events = []
        def cb(*args):

        p = Publisher()
        p.subscribe('done', cb, args=('x', 42))
        p.notify('done', True)

        self.assertEqual(events, [('done', True, 'x', 42)])

        # Persistent.
        store = {}
        storage = Storage(store)

        storage['sub'] = s = Subscriber([])
        sid = p.subscribe('dusted', s.on, args=('hello',), how=PERSISTENT)
        storage['pub'] = p

        del s, p

        p = storage['pub']
        p.notify('dusted', 14)

        # FIXME: a tuple is converted to a list here. That's a
        # serializer bug.
        self.assertEqual(storage['sub'].events, [['dusted', 14, 'hello']])

        p.unsubscribe('dusted', sid, how=PERSISTENT)
        p.notify('dusted', 15)
        self.assertEqual(len(storage['sub'].events), 1)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def testArgs(self):
        # Non-persistent.
        events = []

        def cb(*args):

        p = Publisher()
        p.subscribe('done', cb, args=('x', 42))
        p.notify('done', True)

        self.assertEqual(events, [('done', True, 'x', 42)])

        # Persistent.
        store = {}
        storage = Storage(store)

        storage['sub'] = s = Subscriber([])
        sid = p.subscribe('dusted', s.on, args=('hello', ), how=PERSISTENT)
        storage['pub'] = p

        del s, p

        p = storage['pub']
        p.notify('dusted', 14)

        # FIXME: a tuple is converted to a list here. That's a
        # serializer bug.
        self.assertEqual(storage['sub'].events, [['dusted', 14, 'hello']])

        p.unsubscribe('dusted', sid, how=PERSISTENT)
        p.notify('dusted', 15)
        self.assertEqual(len(storage['sub'].events), 1)