Ejemplo n.º 1
def bumat_search(element='94', bu_specific_file_name=file_name + burnup_adder):
    Finds values for the element given in bumat file provided
    Input: element where element is string number representing the atomic number
    Input: bu_file where the file is the current bumat file being analyzed
    Output: List of values associated with each of the isotopes of the elements given
    global divisions
    bu_file = st.read(bu_specific_file_name, 'bumat')
    iso_dict = {}
    cur_dict_list = []
    bu = bu_file.materials
    name_conv = list(bu)[-1].strip('1')
    divisions = int(list(bu)[0].strip(name_conv))
    for radius in range(len(list(bu))):
        counter = 0
        radial_name = name_conv + str(radius + 1)  # 1 is the innermost ring
        nuclides = bu.get(radial_name).get('nuclides')
        ele_key_list = list(nuclides)
        first = True
        for ele_list in ele_key_list:
            if ele_list.startswith(element):
                cur_iso_key = ele_key_list[counter]
                    cur_dict_list = iso_dict[cur_iso_key]
                    cur_dict_list = []
                iso_dict[cur_iso_key] = cur_dict_list
                counter += 1
                counter += 1
    return iso_dict
Ejemplo n.º 2
def readDataFile(path, **kwargs):
    Return a reader for the data file (test or example) file.

    All additional keyword arguments will be passed to

    path: str
        The name of the file without any additional directory

        The reader that has processed this file and stored
        all the data

        If the file for ``path`` does not exist

    See Also
    * :func:`serpentTools.read`
    if not exists(path):
        # assume this is a example/test file contained in this project
        filePath = getFile(path)
        filePath = path
    return read(filePath, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def plots_fullcore():
    Plots full-core flux detectors:
    * Spectrum
    * Axial1, Axial2, Axial3,
    * Radial1, Radial2, Radial3

    # Plot spectrum
    data = st.read('serpent/fullcore_det1b1.m', reader='det')
    name = 'EnergyDetector'
    plot_spectrum(data, name, 'figures2/fullcore')

    A = 18/np.cos(np.pi/6)  # cm length of face of the hexagon
    Ah = 6. * (A * 18./2)  # Area of the hexagon
    V = Ah * (160 + 793 + 120)
    plot_detector(data, 'Axial1', 'figures2/fullcore', V)
    plot_detector(data, 'Axial2', 'figures2/fullcore', V)
    plot_detector(data, 'Axial3', 'figures2/fullcore', V)

    H = 793
    p = 2*np.pi  # = 360 deg
    plot_radial(data, 'Radial1', 'figures2/fullcore', p*H)

    H = 79.3
    p = np.pi/90  # = 2 deg
    plot_radial(data, 'Radial2', 'figures2/fullcore', p*H)

    H = 79.3
    p = np.pi/90  # = 2 deg
    plot_radial(data, 'Radial3', 'figures2/fullcore', p*H)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_multipleGcuNoBu(multipleGcuNoBu):
    r = serpentTools.read(multipleGcuNoBu)
    assert len(r.universes) == 3
    for key in r.universes:
        assert key.step == 0
        assert key.burnup == 0
        assert key.days == 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, leakageCorrection, transportCorrection, solver,
                 inputFilesAndTemps, outputFile):

        rc.__setitem__("serpentVersion", "2.1.30")

        self.leakageCorrection = leakageCorrection
        self.transportCorrection = transportCorrection
        self.solver = solver
        self.inputFilesAndTemps = inputFilesAndTemps
        self.outputFile = outputFile

        self.serpentFilesAndTemps = {}

        self.mesh = Mesh()

        self.fileObject = open(self.outputFile, 'w')

        for temp in self.serpentFilesAndTemps:
            res = serpentTools.read(self.serpentFilesAndTemps[temp])

            if temp == list(self.serpentFilesAndTemps.keys())[0]:

            self.readSerpentOutput(res, temp)

Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_2132_nofilter(fake2132File):
    with serpentTools.settings.rc as rc:
        rc["serpentVersion"] = "2.1.32"
        reader = serpentTools.read(fake2132File)
    singleFima = numpy.array([0, 0, 1e25])
    assert "fima" in reader.resdata
    assert (reader.resdata["fima"] == singleFima).all(), reader.resdata["fima"]
    assert not reader.resdata["burnRandomizeData"].any()
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_2132_filterburnup(fake2132File):
    with serpentTools.settings.rc as rc:
        rc["serpentVersion"] = "2.1.32"
        rc["xs.variableGroups"] = ["burnup-coeff", "eig"]
        reader = serpentTools.read(fake2132File)
    assert "fima" in reader.resdata
    assert "burnDays" in reader.resdata
    assert "absKeff" in reader.resdata
    assert "pop" not in reader.metadata
 def _scrape(self, resfile):
     """Read multiplication factor from resfile"""
         reader = read(resfile, 'results')
         kinf = reader.resdata['absKeff'][0:2]
     except Exception as ee:
         move(resfile, self._pwd)
         raise ee
     return kinf
Ejemplo n.º 9
def plots_standardcolumn():
    Plots standard-column flux detector

    data = st.read('standard-column_det0.m', reader='det')
    A = 18/np.cos(np.pi/6)  # cm length of face of the hexagon
    Ah = 6. * (A * 18./2)  # Area of the hexagon
    V = Ah * (160 + 793 + 120)
    plot_detector(data, 'Axial', V)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_keff_vs_bu(filename):
    data = st.read(filename + '_res.m')
    keff = data.resdata['impKeff'][:, 0]
    days = data.resdata['burnDays'][:, 0]

    # plt.figure()
    # plt.plot(days, keff, marker='o')
    # plt.xlabel('EFFPD')
    # plt.ylabel('Keff')
    # plt.savefig('keff-vs-bu', dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
    # plt.close()

    return keff[-1]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_power(self, filename, detectorname):
        data = st.read(filename, reader='det')
        det = data.detectors[detectorname]

        self.power = []
        # 1
        self.power.append(det.tallies[0, 7])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[0, 8])
        # 2
        self.power.append(det.tallies[1, 5])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[1, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[1, 8])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[1, 9])
        # 3
        self.power.append(det.tallies[2, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[2, 7])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[2, 9])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[2, 10])
        # 4
        self.power.append(det.tallies[3, 5])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[3, 7])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[3, 8])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[3, 10])
        # 5
        self.power.append(det.tallies[4, 5])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[4, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[4, 8])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[4, 9])
        # 6
        self.power.append(det.tallies[5, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[5, 7])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[5, 9])
        # 7
        self.power.append(det.tallies[6, 5])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[6, 7])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[6, 8])
        # 8
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 5])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 8])
        # 9
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 7])
        # 10
        self.power.append(det.tallies[9, 5])
        # 11
        self.power = np.array(self.power)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def ReadPdistrHistSerpent(file, FullCoreLayout):
    SerpentLayout = GetSerpentLayout(FullCoreLayout, 2)
    # Read that Serpent history file
    hist = serpentTools.read(file)
    # For a detector (here -80), the results are grouped in three columns that
    # provide (1) the cycle-wise value,
    #         (2) the cumulative mean and
    #         (3) the corresponding relative statistical error.
    # Cf. http://serpent.vtt.fi/mediawiki/index.php/Description_of_output_files#History_output
    # Only the first is kept here.
    cycle = hist['det-80'][:, 0::3]
    # Among that, only the total deposited energy is kept
    cycle = cycle[:, 0::3]
    # Among that, only the central layer (the active core) is kept ; top and
    # bottom layers are splitted out
    cycle = np.split(cycle, 3, axis=1)[1]
    # Raise exception if inactive generations are being used. One (1) inactive
    # generation is the minimum permitted by Serpent and therefore the only
    # one we accept.
    if np.isclose(0.0, np.sum(cycle[1]), atol=1e-20):
        raise Exception('The convergence plot cannot be achieved since ' +
                        'inactive generations have been detected: ' +
                        '*set pop [x] [y] 1* should be used in Serpent.')
    # Reshaping into nbatch*size*size
    nbatch = np.shape(cycle)[0]
    nxysize = int(math.sqrt(np.shape(cycle)[1]))
    cycle.shape = (nbatch, nxysize, nxysize)
    # Prepare output
    out = np.zeros((nbatch, np.count_nonzero(FullCoreLayout)))
    for ibatch in range(1, nbatch):
        # Filter out the reflector to get only the response of the core
        thiscycle = np.where(SerpentLayout == 0, 0, cycle[ibatch])
        # Normalize the core power
        nassembly = np.count_nonzero(FullCoreLayout)
        thiscycle = nassembly * thiscycle / np.sum(thiscycle)
        # Remove columns and rows full of zeroes
        thiscycle = Deploy2D(thiscycle[np.nonzero(thiscycle)], FullCoreLayout)
        # The input is symmetrical by eighth, so we can symmetrize (a fold
        # followed by an unfold) in order to increase the statistical strength
        thiscycle = UnfoldEighth(FoldEighth(thiscycle))
        # Keep all the (non-zero) powers of the full core
        out[ibatch] = thiscycle[np.nonzero(thiscycle)]
        # ... except the first (empty) one (it is the only inactive generation)
    return out[1:]
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def get_calculated_values(self) -> bool:
        'Fill k and cr for lattice if calculated'
        if os.path.exists(self.deck_path+'/done.out') and \
                os.path.getsize(self.deck_path+'/done.out') > 30:
        else:  # Calculation not done yet
            return False

        results = serpentTools.read(self.deck_path + '/' + self.deck_name +
        self.k = results.resdata["anaKeff"][0]
        self.kerr = results.resdata["anaKeff"][1]
        self.cr = results.resdata["conversionRatio"][0]
        self.crerr = results.resdata["conversionRatio"][1]

        if my_debug:
            print("[DEBUG Lat] ---> k = {self.k}, CR = {self.cr}".format(
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def get_power(self, filename, detectorname):
        data = st.read(filename, reader='det')
        det = data.detectors[detectorname]

        self.power = []
        # 1
        # 2
        # 3
        # 4
        self.power.append(det.tallies[3, 2])
        # 5
        self.power.append(det.tallies[4, 2])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[4, 3])
        # 6
        self.power.append(det.tallies[5, 1])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[5, 3])
        # 7
        self.power.append(det.tallies[6, 1])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[6, 2])
        # 8
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 0])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 2])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 3])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 5])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 6])
        # 9
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 0])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 1])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 3])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 4])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 7])
        # 10
        self.power.append(det.tallies[9, 1])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[9, 2])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[9, 4])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[9, 5])
        # 11
        self.power.append(det.tallies[10, 2])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[10, 3])
        self.power = np.array(self.power)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def main():
    # Serpent results
    # Add legend to geometry figure
    # standard()

    # Plot flux
    data = st.read('standard-column_det0.m', reader='det')
    save = 'standard-column-detector'
    A = 18 / np.cos(np.pi / 6)  # cm length of face of the hexagon
    Ah = 6. * (A * 18. / 2)  # Area of the hexagon
    V = Ah * (160 + 793 + 120)
    # plot_serpent_axial(data, 'Axial', save, V)
    plot_serpent_axial_werrbars(data, 'Axial', save, V)

    # Moltres results
    # Add legend to geometry figure
    # moltres_assembly_legend()

    # Plot flux
    file = '3D-assembly-h**o-eig_fuel_0002.csv'
    save = 'standard-column-h**o'
    plotcsv_frommoose_groups(file, save, G=2, dire='z')
Ejemplo n.º 16
def ReadPdistrSerpent(file, FullCoreLayout, msg):
    # Retrieve Serpent detector output
    det = serpentTools.read(file)
    # Total energy deposition, see
    # http://serpent.vtt.fi/mediawiki/index.php/ENDF_reaction_MT%27s_and_macroscopic_reaction_numbers
    reaction = '-80'
    power = det.detectors[reaction].tallies
    if reaction == '-80':
        power = power[0]
    # Number of assembly-sized tallies outside the core, on each side
    outside = 2
    # Produce the core layout corresponding to tallies
    hstack = np.zeros((len(FullCoreLayout), outside))
    TalliesLayout = np.hstack([hstack, FullCoreLayout, hstack])
    vstack = np.zeros((outside, len(FullCoreLayout) + 2 * outside))
    TalliesLayout = np.vstack([vstack, TalliesLayout, vstack])
    # Compute fraction of power delivered in the reflector
    corepower = np.where(TalliesLayout == 0, 0, power[1])
    radialreflpower = np.where(TalliesLayout == 1, 0, power[1])
    botreflpower = np.sum(power[0])
    topreflpower = np.sum(power[2])
    reflpower = np.sum(radialreflpower) + botreflpower + topreflpower
    print('Fraction of the power Serpent delivers in the reflector = ' +
          str(np.sum(reflpower) / np.sum(power)) + ' (' + msg + ')')
    # Ignore reflector power and renormalize core power
    corepower = corepower / np.sum(corepower) * np.count_nonzero(corepower)
    # The input is symmetrical by eighth, so we can symmetrize (a fold followed
    # by an unfold) in order to increase the statistical strength
    symcorepower = UnfoldEighth(FoldEighth(corepower))
    # Estimate the uncertainty
    sym = symcorepower
    unsym = corepower
    reldif = unsym[np.nonzero(unsym)] / sym[np.nonzero(sym)] - 1
    print("min, max (%)=" + str(np.min(reldif) * 100) + ", " +
          str(np.max(reldif) * 100))
    # Return powers, removing all of them equal to zero
    return symcorepower[np.nonzero(symcorepower)]
Ejemplo n.º 17
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.cbook import get_sample_data
import serpentTools as st
import pathmagic
from auxiliary import plot_serpent_axial_collapse

if __name__ == "__main__":

    A = 18/np.cos(np.pi/6)  # cm length of face of the hexagon
    Ah = 6. * (A * 18./2)   # Area of the hexagon
    V = Ah * (160 + 793 + 120)
    lim = [4, 16, 26]
    name = 'Axial'

    data = st.read('standard-column-noLBP-26G_det1b1.m', reader='det')
    save = 'serpent26G-noLBP-600-collapse'
    plot_serpent_axial_collapse(data, name, save, lim, V)

    data = st.read('standard-column-noLBP-26G_det1b3.m', reader='det')
    save = 'serpent26G-noLBP-1200-collapse'
    plot_serpent_axial_collapse(data, name, save, lim, V)

    data = st.read('standard-column-LBP-26G_det1b1.m', reader='det')
    save = 'serpent26G-LBP-600-collapse'
    plot_serpent_axial_collapse(data, name, save, lim, V)

    data = st.read('standard-column-LBP-26G_det1b3.m', reader='det')
    save = 'serpent26G-LBP-1200-collapse'
    plot_serpent_axial_collapse(data, name, save, lim, V)
from numpy import empty
from itertools import product
import serpentTools
d = serpentTools.read('det_det0.m')['xymesh']

# Get data

xgrids = d.grids['X']
ygrids = d.grids['Y']

nx = xgrids.shape[0]
ny = ygrids.shape[0]

data = empty((nx * ny, 4))
data[:, 2].fill(0)

for ix, (yi, xi) in enumerate(product(range(ny), range(nx))):
    data[ix, 0] = xgrids[xi, 2]
    data[ix, 1] = ygrids[yi, 2]
    data[ix, 3] = d.tallies[yi, xi]

with open('det.csv', 'w') as out:
    out.write("X Axis,Y Axis,Z Axis,Flux\n")
    for row in data:
        out.write(','.join(map(str, row)) + "\n")
Ejemplo n.º 19
                strData = materials[currentMat][data]
                strData = ' '.join([str(dat)
                                    for dat in strData]) if isinstance(
                                        strData, np.ndarray) else str(strData)
                fh.write(str(temp) + ' ' + strData)
    return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Cross-sections from 'fullcore3G-LBP.coe' - 9 176 (fuel).

    # get data from .coe
    coeList = sT.read('fullcore3G-LBP.coe')

    # user defined parameters
    mat = 'fuel'
    item = 'fuel0'
    uni = '9'

    getdata = [
        'Flx', 'Tot', 'Sp0', 'Sp2', 'Fiss', 'Nsf', 'Kappa', 'Sp1', 'Sp3',
        'Invv', 'Chit', 'Chip', 'Chid', 'Diffcoef', 'Abs'
    goodMap = dict([(thing, 'inf' + thing) for thing in getdata])

    constants = {}
    for data in getdata:
        constants[data.upper()] = coeList.branches[item].universes[
Ejemplo n.º 20
                cur_iso_key = ele_key_list[counter]
                    cur_dict_list = iso_dict[cur_iso_key]
                    cur_dict_list = []
                iso_dict[cur_iso_key] = cur_dict_list
                counter += 1
                counter += 1
    return iso_dict

##### File Reading
    depf = st.read(file_name + depletion_adder, 'dep')
    depletion_file = True
    depletion_file = False
    print('No depletion file found.')
    resf = st.read(file_name + results_adder, 'results')
    result_file = True
    result_file = False
    print('No result file found.')

if depletion_file:
    ##### Defining Materials
    dep_fuel = depf.materials['uranium']
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_similarDetectors(similarDetectorFile):
    reader = serpentTools.read(similarDetectorFile)

    assert set(reader.detectors) == {"spectrum", "spectrumA", "spectrumB"}
    assert isinstance(reader["spectrumA"], detectors.HexagonalDetector)
Ejemplo n.º 22
SerpentLayout = GetSerpentLayout(FullCoreLayout, 2)
for file in glob.glob('../Serpent/BatchHist/Tihange*ppm_*.sss2_his0.m'):
    # Identify the file we're about to read
    basename = file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
    cbor = int(re.sub("[^0-9]", "", basename.split('_')[0]))
    if cbor == 1206:
        controlrod = 'ARO'
    elif cbor == 1084:
        controlrod = 'D'
    elif cbor == 960:
        controlrod = 'CD'
        raise Exception(cbor + ' unknown.')
    # Read that Serpent history file
    hist = serpentTools.read(file)
    # For a detector (here -80), the results are grouped in three columns that
    # provide (1) the cycle-wise value,
    #         (2) the cumulative mean and
    #         (3) the corresponding relative statistical error.
    # Cf. http://serpent.vtt.fi/mediawiki/index.php/Description_of_output_files#History_output
    # Only the first is kept here.
    cycle = hist['det-80'][:, 0::3]
    # Among that, only the total deposited energy is kept
    cycle = cycle[:, 0::3]
    # Among that, only the central layer (the active core) is kept ; top and
    # bottom layers are splitted out
    cycle = np.split(cycle, 3, axis=1)[1]
    # Raise exception if inactive generations are being used. One (1) inactive
    # generation is the minimum permitted by Serpent and therefore the only
    # one we accept.
Ejemplo n.º 23
    print("Submitting File ",i)
print("-----Files Submitted!-----")

for i,enrichment in enumerate(enrichments):
    while resname not in glob.glob("*_res.m"):
        print("Files Still Running, Waiting Ten Seconds")
    keff_sigma=results.resdata['absKeff'] #keff with sigma
    keff=results.resdata['absKeff'][0] #keff

    with open("godiva_data.csv","a+") as datafile:


Ejemplo n.º 24
# Open results file
results = openmc.deplete.ResultsList.from_hdf5("openmc/depletion_results.h5")

# Obtain K_eff as a function of time
time, keff = results.get_eigenvalue()

# Obtain concentration as a function of time
time, atoms = results.get_atoms('1', nuc)
radius = 0.39218
volume = pi * radius**2
openmc_conc = atoms * 1e-24 / volume  # [atoms] [cm^2/b] / [cm^2] = atom/b

# Read Serpent results --------------------------------------------------------

sdata = serpentTools.read('serpent/serpent_input_dep.m')
fuel = sdata['fuel']
serpent_days = fuel.days
serpent_conc = fuel.getValues(
    'days', 'adens', names=f'{ATOMIC_SYMBOL[z]}{a}{"m" if m else ""}')[0]

# Plot results ----------------------------------------------------------------

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
day = 24 * 60 * 60
ax.plot(time / day, openmc_conc, 'kx', label=f"{nuc} (OpenMC)")
ax.plot(serpent_days, serpent_conc, 'b-', label=f"{nuc} (Serpent)")
ax.set_xlabel("Time (days)")
ax.grid(True, which='both')
Ejemplo n.º 25
    plt.ylabel('Y [cm]')
    plt.savefig(save, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")

if __name__ == "__main__":

    lim26 = [4, 16, 26]  # collapse from 26 to 3
    A = 18/np.cos(np.pi/6)  # cm length of face of the hexagon
    Ah = 6. * (A * 18./2)   # Area of the hexagon
    V = Ah * (160 + 793 + 120)
    H = 79.3
    p = np.pi/180 * 2  # = 2 deg

    # plot axial and radial flux at 600K
    data = st.read('oecd-fullcore-600_det1b1.m', reader='det')
    save = 'serpent26G-600-collapse-Axial1'
    plot_serpent_axial_collapse(data, 'Axial1', save, lim26, V, 'Z')
    save = 'serpent26G-600-collapse-Radial'
    plot_serpent_radial_collapse(data, 'Radial3', save, lim26, p*H)

    # plot serpent radial power distribution 600K
    det = data.detectors['power']
    power = np.zeros(11)
    power[0] = det.tallies[0, 3]
    power[1] = det.tallies[0, 4]
    power[2] = det.tallies[1, 2]
    power[3] = det.tallies[1, 3]
    power[4] = det.tallies[1, 4]
    power[5] = det.tallies[2, 1]
    power[6] = det.tallies[2, 2]
Ejemplo n.º 26
def makePropertiesDir(outdir,
    """ Takes in a mapping from branch names to material temperatures,
    then makes a properties directory.
    Serp1 means that the group transfer matrix is transposed."""

    if serp1:
        raise NotImplementedError("C'mon, just get serpent 2!")

    if not os.path.isdir(outdir):

    # the constants moltres looks for:
    goodStuff = [
        'BETA_EFF', 'Chit', 'Chid', 'lambda', 'Diffcoef', 'Kappa', 'Sp0',
        'Nsf', 'Invv', 'Remxs', 'Fiss', 'Nubar', 'Flx'
    goodMap = dict([(thing, 'inf' + thing) for thing in goodStuff])
    goodMap['BETA_EFF'] = 'betaEff'
    goodMap['lambda'] = 'lambda'

    # map material names to universe names from serpent
    with open(unimapFile) as fh:
        uniMap = []
        for line in fh:
    # this now maps material names to serpent universes
    uniMap = dict(uniMap)

    # list of material names
    inmats = list(uniMap.keys())

    print("Making properties for materials:")
    coeList = dict([(mat, sT.read(mat + '.coe')) for mat in inmats])

    # secondary branch burnup steps
    secBranch = []
    with open(secbranchFile) as bf:
        for line in bf:

    # primary branch to temp mapping
    branch2TempMapping = open(mapFile)

    # Check if calculation uses 6 neutron precursor groups.
    # This prevents writing of excess zeros. Check if any
    # entries in the 7th and 8th group precursor positions
    # are nonzero, if so, use 8 groups.
    use8Groups = False
    for line in branch2TempMapping:
        item, temp = tuple(line.split())
        for mat in inmats:
            if mat in item:
                currentMat = mat
        if secBranch:
            for branch in secBranch:
                strData = coeList[currentMat].branches[item, branch].universes[
                    int(uniMap[currentMat]), 0, 0].gc[goodMap['BETA_EFF']]
                strData = strData[1:9]
                if np.any(strData[-2:] != 0.0):
                    use8Groups = True
            strData = coeList[currentMat].branches[item].universes[
                int(uniMap[currentMat]), 0, 0].gc[goodMap['BETA_EFF']]
            strData = strData[1:9]
            if np.any(strData[-2:] != 0.0):
                use8Groups = True

    # Now loop through a second time
    branch2TempMapping = open(mapFile)

    for line in branch2TempMapping:

        item, temp = tuple(line.split())
        for mat in inmats:
            if mat in item:
                currentMat = mat
            print('Considered materials: {}'.format(inmats))
            raise Exception(
                'Couldnt find a material corresponding to branch {}'.format(

            if secBranch:
                for branch in secBranch:
                    for coefficient in goodStuff:
                        with open(
                                outdir + '/' + filebase + '_' + currentMat +
                                '_' + branch + '_' + coefficient.upper() +
                                '.txt', 'a') as fh:
                            if coefficient == 'lambda' or \
                                    coefficient == 'BETA_EFF':
                                strData = coeList[currentMat].branches[
                                    item, branch].universes[
                                        int(uniMap[currentMat]), 0,
                                # some additional formatting is needed here
                                strData = strData[1:9]

                                # Cut off group 7 and 8 precursor params in 6
                                # group calcs
                                if not use8Groups:
                                    strData = strData[0:6]
                                strData = coeList[currentMat].branches[
                                    item, branch].universes[
                                        int(uniMap[currentMat]), 0,
                            strData = ' '.join(
                                [str(dat) for dat in strData]) if isinstance(
                                    strData, np.ndarray) else strData
                            fh.write(str(temp) + ' ' + strData)

                for coefficient in goodStuff:
                    with open(
                            outdir + '/' + filebase + '_' + currentMat + '_' +
                            coefficient.upper() + '.txt', 'a') as fh:
                        if coefficient == 'lambda' or \
                                coefficient == 'BETA_EFF':
                            strData = coeList[currentMat].branches[
                                item].universes[int(uniMap[currentMat]), 0,
                            # some additional formatting is needed here
                            strData = strData[1:9]

                            # Cut off group 7 and 8 precursor params in 6
                            # group calcs
                            if not use8Groups:
                                strData = strData[0:6]
                            strData = coeList[currentMat].branches[
                                item].universes[int(uniMap[currentMat]), 0,
                        strData = ' '.join(
                            [str(dat) for dat in strData]) if isinstance(
                                strData, np.ndarray) else strData
                        fh.write(str(temp) + ' ' + strData)

        except KeyError:
            raise Exception('Check your mapping and secondary branch files.')
Ejemplo n.º 27
from tabulate import tabulate
from uncertainties import unumpy as unp

# Read OpenMC results ---------------------------------------------------------

# Open results file
results = openmc.deplete.ResultsList.from_hdf5("openmc/depletion_results.h5")

# Obtain K_eff as a function of time
time, k = results.get_eigenvalue()
openmc_keff = unp.uarray(k[:, 0], k[:, 1])
days = time / (24 * 60 * 60)

# Read Serpent results --------------------------------------------------------

res = serpentTools.read('serpent/serpent_input_res.m')
serpent_days = res.resdata['burnDays'][:, 0]
serpent_keff = unp.uarray(res.resdata['absKeff'][:, 0],
                          res.resdata['absKeff'][:, 1])

# Plot results ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Show tabulation
data = np.vstack((days, serpent_keff, openmc_keff)).T
print(tabulate(data, headers=['Days', 'Serpent', 'OpenMC']))

diff = 1e5 * (openmc_keff - serpent_keff)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            2 * unp.std_devs(diff),
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def read(self, readable, filetype):
        """Read an output file and return the corresponding reader

        Wrapper around ``serpentTools.read`` with some extra sugar.
        First, and most plainly, if no options are pre-defined
        in :attr:`options` for a given file type, then nothing fancy
        is done.  The file is read and the resulting Reader is
        returned. Otherwise, the settings are passed to
        ``serpentTools`` and reverted after the file is read.

        readable : str
            Name of the file to be read. There should be a
            corresponding ``serpentTools`` reader that can handle
            this file.
        filetype : str
            Type of the file, e.g. ``"results"``. While this is
            not necessary on the ``serpentTools`` side, it is used
            to pull pre-defined options to improve parsing. This
            is especially useful for the result file as only
            global multiplication factor and locally homogenized
            cross sections will be read.

            serpentTools reader that processed this file

            Will be raised if setting any settings are unable to be
            passed into the settings manager. The file will be read
            regardless, but a warning will be raised

        opts = self.options.get(filetype)
        if opts is None:
            return serpentTools.read(readable, filetype)

        valuefails = {}
        unexpectedfails = {}

        with serpentTools.settings.rc as temp:
            for k, v in opts.items():
                    temp[k] = v
                except (KeyError, TypeError):
                    valuefails[k] = v
                except Exception:
                    unexpectedfails[k] = v
            serpentFile = serpentTools.read(readable, filetype)

        if valuefails:
            self._warnOptions(valuefails, "Bad settings and/or values")
        if unexpectedfails:
                "Unexpected failure with rc settings. File parsing still successful",

        return serpentFile
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def get_power(self, filename, detectorname):
        data = st.read(filename, reader='det')
        det = data.detectors[detectorname]

        self.power = []
        self.power.append(det.tallies[0, 7])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[0, 8])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[1, 5])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[1, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[1, 8])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[1, 9])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[2, 3])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[2, 4])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[2, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[2, 7])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[2, 9])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[2, 10])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[3, 2])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[3, 4])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[3, 5])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[3, 7])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[3, 8])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[3, 10])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[4, 2])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[4, 3])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[4, 5])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[4, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[4, 8])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[4, 9])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[5, 1])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[5, 3])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[5, 4])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[5, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[5, 7])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[5, 9])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[6, 1])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[6, 2])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[6, 4])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[6, 5])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[6, 7])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[6, 8])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 0])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 2])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 3])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 5])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[7, 8])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 0])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 1])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 3])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 4])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 6])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[8, 7])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[9, 1])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[9, 2])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[9, 4])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[9, 5])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[10, 2])
        self.power.append(det.tallies[10, 3])
        self.power = np.array(self.power)
Ejemplo n.º 30
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Read & Plot flux along X direction, Goofing with Godiva mk2
# Ondrej Chvala, [email protected]
# 2019-07-22

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import serpentTools

verbose: bool = True

# Read in data
godivafile = serpentTools.read("godiva.inp_det0.m")
mydet = godivafile['mydet']

# Fill simple arrays for convenient plotting
xdata = mydet.grids['X'][:, 2]  # centers of X bins [cm]
thrmflux = mydet.slice({'energy': 0})  # THERMAL FLUX
thrmfluxe = mydet.slice({'energy': 0}, 'errors')
thrmfluxe *= thrmflux  # relative -> absolute errors
epitflux = mydet.slice({'energy': 1})  # EPITHERMAL FLUX
epitfluxe = mydet.slice({'energy': 1}, 'errors')
epitfluxe *= epitflux  # relative -> absolute errors
fastflux = mydet.slice({'energy': 2})  # FAST FLUX
fastfluxe = mydet.slice({'energy': 2}, 'errors')
fastfluxe *= fastflux  # relative -> absolute errors

if verbose:
    print("XDATA: ", xdata)
    print("FAST FLUX: ", fastflux)