Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_leave_notLogin():
    token = A['token']
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']

    with pytest.raises(CF.AccessError):
        CF.channel_join(token, channelID)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_message_pin():
    Function tests for message_pin

    #Create users
    owner = auth_functions.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "pass123", \
         "Sally", "Bob")
    assert owner == {"u_id": 0, "token": encode_token_for_u_id(0)}
    owner_token = owner["token"]

    user = auth_functions.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "pass123", \
         "Rayden", "Smith")
    token = user["token"]

    #owner that creates the channel and so is the owner
    channel = channel_functions.channels_create(owner_token, "Name", True)
    channel_id = channel["channel_id"]

    #user joins the channel
    channel_functions.channel_join(token, channel_id)

    #user sends 3 messages
    assert funcs.message_send(token, channel_id, "This is a valid message") \
         == {"message_id" : 0}
    assert funcs.message_send(token, channel_id, \
         "This is another valid message") == {"message_id" : 1}
    assert funcs.message_send(owner_token, channel_id, \
         "This is not your message") == {"message_id" : 2}
    #Init finished

    #A invalid token is sent to the function
    # (A invalid user is trying to use the function)
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        funcs.message_pin("111111", 0)

    #A user is not an admin
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="User is not an admin"):
        funcs.message_pin(token, 0)

    #A admin user successfully pins a message
    assert funcs.message_pin(owner_token, 0) == {}

    #Message is invalid based on message_id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Message does not exist"):
        funcs.message_pin(owner_token, -1)

    #Message is already pinned
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Message is currently pinned"):
        funcs.message_pin(owner_token, 0)

    #Admin leaves channel
    channel_functions.channel_leave(owner_token, channel_id)

    #Admin is not a member of the channel
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match=\
         "Authorised user is not a member of the channel"):
        funcs.message_pin(owner_token, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_message_react():
    Function tests for message_react

    user = auth_functions.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "pass123", \
         "Rayden", "Smith")
    token = user["token"]

    user_2 = auth_functions.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "password", \
        "Bob", "Sally")
    token_2 = user_2["token"]

    #User creates a channel
    channel = channel_functions.channels_create(token, "Name", True)
    channel_id = channel["channel_id"]

    #user sends 3 messages
    assert funcs.message_send(token, channel_id, "This is a valid message") \
         == {"message_id" : 0}
    assert funcs.message_send(token, channel_id, \
         "This is another valid message") == {"message_id" : 1}
    assert funcs.message_send(token, channel_id, \
         "This is your message") == {"message_id" : 2}
    #Initialisation finished

    # User not a member of channel
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match=\
    "Authorised user is not a member of the channel"):
        funcs.message_react(token_2, 0, LIKE_REACT)

    channel_functions.channel_join(token_2, channel_id)

    #An invalid token is sent to the function
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        funcs.message_react("111111", 0, LIKE_REACT)

    #A user successfully reacts
    assert funcs.message_react(token, 0, LIKE_REACT) == {}

    #A user successfully reacts - with a different react (Not implemented in frontend)
    assert funcs.message_react(token, 0, HEART_REACT) == {}

    #Another user also reacts to the same message
    assert funcs.message_react(token_2, 0, LIKE_REACT) == {}

    #An user tries to react to a invalid message based on message_id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Message does not exist"):
        funcs.message_react(token, -1, LIKE_REACT)

    #An user tries to react to a message already reacted to
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Message contains an active react"):
        funcs.message_react(token, 0, LIKE_REACT)

    #An user uses a invalid react id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid React ID"):
        funcs.message_react(token, 1, -1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_standup_send():
    Test functions for standup_send


    # A message is buffered in the standup queue - Owner
    owner = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "valid_password", "a",

    channel = channel_func.channels_create(owner["token"], "Owner", True)

    length = 2

    # Channel is not currently in standup mode
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Not Currently In Standup"):
        standup_send(owner["token"], channel["channel_id"], \

    standup_start(owner["token"], channel["channel_id"], length)

    assert standup_send(owner["token"], channel["channel_id"], \
        "correct_and_valid_message") == {}

    # A invalid token is used to access the function
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        standup_send("123456", channel["channel_id"], length)

    user = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "valid_password", "a",

    # User tries to send message but has not joined channel
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Cannot Access Channel"):
        standup_send(user["token"], channel["channel_id"], \

    # A message is buffered in the standup queue - Member
    channel_func.channel_join(user["token"], channel["channel_id"])
    assert standup_send(user["token"], channel["channel_id"], \
        "correct_and_valid_message") == {}

    # Channel given does not exist
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Channel Does Not Exist"):
        standup_send(user["token"], 523523523, \

    # The message sent was greater than max message length
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Message Too Long"):
        long_string = "a" * 1001
        standup_send(user["token"], channel["channel_id"], long_string)

    # Check still works in private channel
    private = channel_func.channels_create(owner["token"], "Owner", False)
    standup_start(owner["token"], private["channel_id"], length)
    assert standup_send(owner["token"], private["channel_id"], \
        "correct_and_valid_message") == {}

Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_channel_Succjoined():
    A = auth_register("*****@*****.**", "wsad1990", "Good", "Morning")
    Pub_channel = CF.channels_create(A['token'], 'Num3', 'True')
    token = A['token']
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']

    CF.channel_join(token, channelID)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_message_remove():
    ''' Function tests for message_remove '''

    assert global_var.data["users"] == []
    #Create users
    owner = auth_functions.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "pass123", \
         "Sally", "Bob")
    owner_token = owner["token"]

    user = auth_functions.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "pass123", \
         "Rayden", "Smith")
    token = user["token"]
    assert global_var.data["users"] != []

    #owner creates a channel and so is the owner
    channel = channel_functions.channels_create(owner_token, "Name", True)
    assert channel == {"channel_id": 0}
    channel_id = channel["channel_id"]

    #user joins the channel
    channel_functions.channel_join(token, channel_id)

    #3 messages are sent
    assert funcs.message_send(token, channel_id, "This is a valid message") \
         == {"message_id" : 0}
    assert funcs.message_send(token, channel_id, \
         "This is another valid message") == {"message_id" : 1}
    assert funcs.message_send(owner_token, channel_id, \
         "This is not your message") == {"message_id" : 2}
    #Initialisation finished

    #A invalid token is sent to the function
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        funcs.message_remove("111111", 0)

    #owner successfully removes a message
    assert funcs.message_remove(owner_token, 0) == {}

    # As message was removed, it can not be removed again
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Message does not exist"):
        funcs.message_remove(owner_token, 0)

    #user successfully removes his own message
    assert funcs.message_remove(token, 1) == {}

    #A owner tries to remove a invalid message based on message_id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Message does not exist"):
        funcs.message_remove(owner_token, -1)

    #A user tries to remove a invalid message based on message_id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Message does not exist"):
        funcs.message_remove(token, -1)

    #user is unable to remove a message not his/her's
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="User does not have permission"):
        funcs.message_remove(token, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_channel_addowner():
    Function tests for channel_addowner


    owner = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name", \
    token_owner = owner["token"]

    user1 = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name",\
    token1 = user1["token"]
    userid1 = user1["u_id"]

    user2 = auth_register("*****@*****.**",\
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name", \
    userid2 = user2["u_id"]
    token2 = user2["token"]

    #owner creates a channel and is automatically the owner
    channel = func.channels_create(token_owner, "TestChannel", True)
    channel_id = channel["channel_id"]
    # Initialisation finished

    #if given an invalid channel_id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Channel does not exist"):
        func.channel_addowner(token_owner, 100, userid1)

    #token 1&2 joins channel that owner created
    func.channel_join(token1, channel_id)
    func.channel_join(token2, channel_id)

    #token1 is not an owner of the channel
    with pytest.raises(AccessError,
                       match="User is not an owner of the channel"):
        func.channel_addowner(token1, channel_id, userid2)

    # owner successfully promotes user to owner
    assert func.channel_addowner(token_owner, channel_id, userid1) == {}

    # user 1 can now promote other to owner
    assert func.channel_addowner(token1, channel_id, userid2) == {}

    #token1/userid1 is already an owner of the channel
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="User is already an owner of the channel"):
        func.channel_addowner(token_owner, channel_id, userid1)

    # The function is called using a invalid token
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        func.channel_addowner("12345", channel_id, userid1)
def test_delete_NotOwner():
    A = auth_register("*****@*****.**", "wsad1990", "Good", "Morning")
    B = auth_register("*****@*****.**", "wsad1990", "Bad", "Night")
    Pub_channel = CF.channels_create(A['token'], 'DeleteChannel', 'True')
    token = B['token']
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']
    CF.channel_join(token, channelID)
    with pytest.raises(CF.ValueError):
        CF.channel_delete(token, channelID)
def test_noAdmain_join_list():
    A = auth_register("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019', "Hoya", "Lee")
    B = auth_register("*****@*****.**", "wsad1990", "Good", "Morning")
    Pub_channel = CF.channels_create(A['token'], 'Num2', 'True')
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']
    token1 = B['token']
    CF.channel_join(token1, channelID)

def test_memeber_addOwner():
    A = auth_register("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019', "Hoya", "Lee")
    B = auth_register("*****@*****.**", "wsad1990", "Good", "Morning")
    Pub_channel = CF.channels_create(A['token'], 'Test1', 'True')
    CF.channel_join(B['token'], Pub_channel['channel_id'])
    token = A['token']
    u_id = B['u_id']
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']  
    CF.channel_addowner(token, channelID, u_id)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_search_otherMember_success():

    B = auth_register("*****@*****.**", "wsad1990", "Good", "Morning")
    A = auth_register("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019', 'Hoya', 'Lee')
    Pub_channel = CF.channels_create(A['token'], 'Num0', 'True')
    CF.channel_join(B['token'], Pub_channel['channel_id'])

    token = B['token']
    query_str = 'Hello'

    OF.search(token, query_str)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_user_already_moved():
    B = auth_register("*****@*****.**", "wsad1990", "Tony", "Hex")
    A = auth_register("*****@*****.**", 'HoyaLee2019', 'Hoya', 'Lee')
    Pub_channel = CF.channels_create(A['token'], 'channelFirst', 'True')
    CF.channel_join(B['token'], Pub_channel['channel_id'])

    token = A['token']
    u_id = B['u_id']
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']

    with pytest.raises(CHF.AccessError):
        CF.channel_removeowner(token, channelID, u_id)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_standup_start():
    Test functions for standup_start

    # A valid token and channel successfully starts a standup - Owner
    owner = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "valid_password", "a",

    channel1 = channel_func.channels_create(owner["token"], "Owner", True)
    channel2 = channel_func.channels_create(owner["token"], "User", True)
    length = 1

    # Testing return time
    end_ex = get_standup_end(length)
    end_ac = standup_start(owner["token"], channel1["channel_id"], length)
    assert same_time(end_ex, end_ac["time_finish"])

    # A invalid token is used to access the function
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        standup_start("123456", channel2["channel_id"], length)

    # A valid token and channel successfully starts a standup - User
    user = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "valid_password", "a", "b")

    # User tries to start standup but has not joined the channel
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Cannot Access Channel"):
        standup_start(user["token"], channel2["channel_id"], length)

    # User starts standup
    channel_func.channel_join(user["token"], channel2["channel_id"])
    end_ex = get_standup_end(length)
    end_ac = standup_start(user["token"], channel2["channel_id"], length)
    assert same_time(end_ex, end_ac["time_finish"])

    # Channel id given does not exist
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Channel Does Not Exist"):
        standup_start(user["token"], 21512512521512, length)

    # Start standup when already running
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Standup Already Running"):
        standup_start(user["token"], channel2["channel_id"], length)

    # Standup works on private channel
    private = channel_func.channels_create(owner["token"], "Owner", False)
    end_ex = get_standup_end(length)
    end_ac = standup_start(owner["token"], private["channel_id"], length)
    assert same_time(end_ex, end_ac["time_finish"])
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_channel_removeowner():
    Function tests for channel_removeowner


    user1 = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name", \
    token1 = user1["token"]
    userid1 = user1["u_id"]

    user2 = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name", \
    token2 = user2["token"]
    userid2 = user2["u_id"]

    #token1 create a channel
    channel = func.channels_create(token1, "TestChannel", True)
    channel_id = channel["channel_id"]

    #token2 joins the channel token1 made
    func.channel_join(token2, channel_id)
    # Initialisation finished

    #user2 is not the owner, thus trying to removeowner raises an error
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=\
    "User id is not an owner of the channel"):
        func.channel_removeowner(token1, channel_id, userid2)

    # user2 is not the owner and tries to remove owner of channel
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match=\
    "User is not an owner of the channel or slackrowner"):
        func.channel_removeowner(token2, channel_id, userid1)

    #token1 makes token2 a owner
    func.channel_addowner(token1, channel_id, userid2)

    assert func.channel_removeowner(token1, channel_id, userid2) == {}

    #if given an invalid channel_id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Channel does not exist"):
        func.channel_removeowner(token1, 100, userid2)

    # The function is called using a invalid token
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        func.channel_removeowner("12345", channel_id, userid2)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_channels_create():
    Function tests for channels_create


    user1 = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name",\
    token1 = user1["token"]

    user2 = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name",\
    token2 = user2["token"]

    #user1 create a channel
    func.channels_create(token1, "TestChannel", True)
    # Initialisation finished

    assert func.channels_create(token1, "Channel1", True) == \
    {"channel_id" : 1}
    assert func.channels_create(token1, "Channel2", False) == \
    {"channel_id" : 2}

    # User can join public channel
    assert func.channel_join(token2, 1) == {}

    # User cannot join private channel
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, \
        match="Channel is private and user is not admin"):
        func.channel_join(token2, 2)

    # Channel cannot be created by an invalid token
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        func.channels_create("12345", "Channel3", True)

    #public channel, name longer than 20 characters
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=\
    "Name is longer than 20 characters"):
        func.channels_create(token1, "a" * 21, True)

    #private channel, name longer than 20 characters
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=\
    "Name is longer than 20 characters"):
        func.channels_create(token1, "a" * 21, False)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def channel_join():
    """ Adds an authorised user to a channel """

    token = request.form.get("token")
    channel_id = to_int(request.form.get("channel_id"))

    return dumps(channel.channel_join(token, channel_id))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_channel_join():
    Function tests for channel_join

    user1 = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name",\
    token1 = user1["token"]

    user2 = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name", \
    token2 = user2["token"]

    #user 2 create a channel
    channel = func.channels_create(token1, "PublicChannel", True)
    channel_ids = channel["channel_id"]
    # Initialisation finished

    #user 2 create a private channel
    channel2 = func.channels_create(token1, "PrivateChannel", False)
    channel_private = channel2["channel_id"]

    assert func.channel_join(token2, channel_ids) == {}

    #if given an invalid channel_id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Channel does not exist"):
        func.channel_join(token1, 100)

    # The function is called using a invalid token
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        func.channel_join("1234asdasd5", 1)

    #if channel is private and user is not the admin
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match=\
    "Channel is private and user is not admin"):
        func.channel_join(token2, channel_private)

    # A slackr owner leaves a private channel and can join back in
    func.channel_leave(token1, channel_ids)
    func.channel_join(token1, channel_ids)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_invalid_token():
    token = A['token'] + '10086'
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id']

    with pytest.raises(TF.AccessError):
        CF.channel_join(token, channelID)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_message_edit():
    Function tests for message_edit

    #Create users
    owner = auth_functions.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "pass123", \
         "Sally", "Bob")
    owner_token = owner["token"]

    user = auth_functions.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "pass123", \
         "Rayden", "Smith")
    token = user["token"]

    #owner creates a channel and so is the owner
    channel = channel_functions.channels_create(owner_token, "Name", True)
    channel_id = channel["channel_id"]

    #user joins the channel
    channel_functions.channel_join(token, channel_id)

    #3 messages are sent
    assert funcs.message_send(token, channel_id, "This is a valid message") \
         == {"message_id" : 0}
    assert funcs.message_send(token, channel_id, \
         "This is another valid message") == {"message_id" : 1}
    assert funcs.message_send(owner_token, channel_id, \
         "This is not your message") == {"message_id" : 2}
    assert funcs.message_send(token, channel_id, \
         "This is another valid message") == {"message_id" : 3}
    #Init finished

    #A owner edits a message
    assert funcs.message_edit(owner_token, 0, "This is a valid edit") == {}

    #A user edits his own message
    assert funcs.message_edit(token, 1, "This is another valid edit") == {}

    # A user edits a message with an empty string
    assert funcs.message_edit(token, 1, "") == {}
    assert funcs.message_edit(token, 3, "     ") == {}

    #A invalid token is sent to the function
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        funcs.message_edit("111111", 0, "This is a valid edit")

    #A owner tries to edit a invalid message based on message_id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Message does not exist"):
        funcs.message_edit(owner_token, -1, "This is a valid edit")

    #A user tries to edit a invalid message based on message_id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Message does not exist"):
        funcs.message_edit(token, -1, "A valid message edit")

    #A user tries to edit a message not his
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="User does not have permission"):
        funcs.message_edit(token, 2, "This is a valid message")

    #The edited message was too long
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Message length too long"):
        funcs.message_edit(owner_token, 0, "1" + create_long_string())
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_channel_details():
    Function tests for channel_details

    user1 = auth_register("*****@*****.**", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name", \
    token1 = user1["token"]
    userdict1 = {
        'http://*****:*****@test.com", \
    "valid_correct_password", "valid_correct_first_name", \
    token2 = user2["token"]
    userdict2 = {

    #token1 creates a channel and is automatically part of it as the owner
    channel = func.channels_create(token1, "TestChannel", True)
    channel_id = channel["channel_id"]
    # Initialisation finished

    #if user is not a member of the channel, has not joined yet
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match=\
    "Authorised user is not a member of the channel"):
        func.channel_details(token2, channel_id)

    assert func.channel_details(token1, channel_id) == {
        "name": "TestChannel",
        "owner_members": [userdict1],
        "all_members": [userdict1]

    # If a user changes names, this is reflected in channel_details
    user_profile_setname(token1, "another", "name")
    userdict1["name_first"] = "another"
    userdict1["name_last"] = "name"

    assert func.channel_details(token1, channel_id) == {
        "name": "TestChannel",
        "owner_members": [userdict1],
        "all_members": [userdict1]

    #if given an invalid channel_id
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Channel does not exist"):
        func.channel_details(token1, 100)

    # The function is called using a invalid token
    with pytest.raises(AccessError, match="Invalid token"):
        func.channel_details("12345", channel_id)

    # A second user joins the channel
    func.channel_join(token2, channel_id)

    assert func.channel_details(token1, channel_id) == {
        "name": "TestChannel",
        "owner_members": [userdict1],
        "all_members": [userdict1, userdict2]
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_channel_id_invalid():
    token = A['token']
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id'] + 14301580495

    with pytest.raises(CF.AccessError):
        CF.channel_join(token, channelID)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_channel_joined_failed():
    token = A['token']
    channelID = Prv_channel['channel_id']

    with pytest.raises(CF.AccessError):
        CF.channel_join(token, channelID)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_channelisID_NULL():
    token = A['token']
    channelID = None

    with pytest.raises(CF.AccessError):
        CF.channel_join(token, channelID)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_channelisID_invalid():
    token = A['token']
    channelID = Pub_channel['channel_id'] + 10086

    with pytest.raises(CF.AccessError):
        CF.channel_join(token, channelID)