Ejemplo n.º 1
 def comment(self, id):
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     jsonData = helper.getRequestBody()
     if jsonData != "":
         theShift = Shift.read(id, userId=loggedInUser)
         if not theShift:
             return error("Shift does not exist.",
         if theShift.type != "shift":
             return error("Resource is not of type shift",
         from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
         theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
         theData = json.loads(jsonData)
         if theUser.canRead(theShift):
             from server.models.comment import Comment
             Comment.create(theUser.id, theShift.id, theData["text"],
                            theData.get("subscribe") or False)
             return data(Shift.read(theShift.id, theUser.id))
             return error(
                 "Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to comment on this shift.",
         return error("No data for comment.", NoDataError)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def publish(self, id):
     # NOTE: should maybe take publishData url parameter - David 9/5/2009
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id, loggedInUser)
     if not theShift:
         return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
     if theShift.type != "shift":
         return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
     publishData = json.loads(helper.getRequestBody())
     # convert targets to actual database references
     if publishData.get("targets"):
         from server.models.group import Group
         from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
         theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
         targets = publishData["targets"]
         # convert short names to group ids
         shortNames = [target[1:] for target in targets if target[0] == "&"]
         groupIds = Group.shortNamesToIds(shortNames)
         # convert user name to user ids
         userNames = [target[1:] for target in targets if target[0] == "@"]
         userIds = SSUser.namesToIds(userNames)
         # create list of dbs being published to
         dbs = [Group.db(groupId) for groupId in groupIds]
         # validate groups
         writeable = theUser.writeable()
         if not set(dbs).issubset(set(writeable)):
             return error(
                 "Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to publish to some of these groups",
         # TODO: validate against blocked users - David 2/15/10
         dbs.extend([SSUser.db(userId) for userId in userIds])
         publishData["dbs"] = dbs
     return data(theShift.publish(publishData))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def publish(self, id):
     # NOTE: should maybe take publishData url parameter - David 9/5/2009
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id, loggedInUser)
     if not theShift:
         return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
     if theShift.type != "shift":
         return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
     publishData = json.loads(helper.getRequestBody())
     # convert targets to actual database references
     if publishData.get("targets"):
         from server.models.group import Group
         from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
         theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
         targets = publishData["targets"]
         # convert short names to group ids
         shortNames = [target[1:] for target in targets if target[0] == "&"]
         groupIds = Group.shortNamesToIds(shortNames)
         # convert user name to user ids
         userNames = [target[1:] for target in targets if target[0] == "@"]
         userIds = SSUser.namesToIds(userNames)
         # create list of dbs being published to
         dbs = [Group.db(groupId) for groupId in groupIds]
         dbs.extend([SSUser.db(userId) for userId in userIds])
         # validate
         writeable = theUser.writeable()
         if set(writeable) != set(dbs):
             return error("Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to publish to some of these gruops", PermissionError)
         publishData["dbs"] = dbs
     return data(theShift.publish(publishData))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def unpublish(self, id):
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id, loggedInUser)
     if not theShift:
         return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
     if theShift.type != "shift":
         return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
     return data(theShift.unpublish())
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def testDelete(self):
     json = shiftJson()
     json["createdBy"] = self.fakemary.id
     newShift = Shift.create(json)
     self.assertNotEqual(newShift, None)
     theShift = Shift.read(newShift.id, self.fakemary.id)
     self.assertEqual(theShift, None)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def unpublish(self, id):
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id, loggedInUser)
     if not theShift:
         return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
     if theShift.type != "shift":
         return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
     return data(theShift.unpublish())
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def testUpdate(self):
     json = shiftJson()
     json["createdBy"] = self.fakemary.id
     newShift = Shift.create(json)
     theShift = Shift.read(newShift.id, self.fakemary.id)
     self.assertEqual(theShift.summary, "changed!")
     db = core.connect(SSUser.privateDb(self.fakemary.id))
     del db[theShift.id]
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def testRead(self):
     json = shiftJson()
     json["createdBy"] = self.fakemary.id
     newShift = Shift.create(json)
     theShift = Shift.read(newShift.id, self.fakemary.id)
     self.assertEqual(theShift.source.server, newShift.source.server)
     self.assertEqual(theShift.source.database, newShift.source.database)
     self.assertEqual(theShift.createdBy, self.fakemary.id)
     db = core.connect(SSUser.privateDb(self.fakemary.id))
     del db[theShift.id]
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def comment(self, id):
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     jsonData = helper.getRequestBody()
     if jsonData != "":
         theShift = Shift.read(id)
         if not theShift:
             return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
         if theShift.type != "shift":
             return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
         from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
         theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
         theData = json.loads(jsonData)
         if theUser.canRead(theShift):
             from server.models.comment import Comment
             Comment.create(theUser.id, theShift.id, theData["text"], theData.get("subscribe") or False)
             return data(Shift.read(theShift.id, theUser.id))
             return error("Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to comment on this shift.", PermissionError)
         return error("No data for comment.", NoDataError)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def share(self, id, users):
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id)
     if not theShift or theShift.publishData.private:
         return error("You don't have permission to view this shift.", PermissionError)
     targets = users.split(" ")
     userNames = [target[1:] for target in targets if target[0] == "@"]
     userIds = SSUser.namesToIds(userNames)
     theShift.shareWith(userIds, fromUser=SSUser.read(loggedInUser))
     return ack
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def share(self, id, users):
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id)
     if not theShift or theShift.publishData.private:
         return error("You don't have permission to view this shift.",
     targets = users.split(" ")
     userNames = [target[1:] for target in targets if target[0] == "@"]
     userIds = SSUser.namesToIds(userNames)
     theShift.shareWith(userIds, fromUser=SSUser.read(loggedInUser))
     return ack
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def read(self, id):
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
     theShift = Shift.read(id, loggedInUser)
     if theShift and theUser.canRead(theShift):
         return data(theShift)
         if not theShift:
             return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
             return error("Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to view this shift. %s" % theShift, PermissionError)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def comments(self, id, start=None, end=None, limit=25):
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id)
     if not theShift:
         return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
     if theShift.type != "shift":
         return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
     if theShift.isPublic() or theUser.canRead(theShift):
         return data(theShift.comments(start=start, end=end, limit=limit))
         return error("Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to view comments on this shift.", PermissionError)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def unfavorite(self, id):
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id)
     if not theShift:
         return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
     if theShift.type != "shift":
         return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
     if theUser.canRead(theShift):
         return data(theUser.unfavorite(theShift))
         return error("Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to unfavorite this shift.", PermissionError)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def comments(self, id, start=None, end=None, limit=25):
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id, userId=loggedInUser)
     if not theShift:
         return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
     if theShift.type != "shift":
         return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
     if theShift.isPublic() or theUser.canRead(theShift):
         return data(theShift.comments(start=start, end=end, limit=limit))
         return error(
             "Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to view comments on this shift.",
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def delete(self, id):
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id, loggedInUser)
     if not theShift:
         return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
     if theShift.type != "shift":
         return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
     if theUser.canModify(theShift):
         return ack
         return error("Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to delete this shift.", PermissionError)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def read(self, id):
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
     theShift = Shift.read(id, loggedInUser)
     if theShift and theUser.canRead(theShift):
         return data(theShift)
         if not theShift:
             return error("Resource does not exist.",
             return error(
                 "Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to view this shift. %s"
                 % theShift, PermissionError)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def unfavorite(self, id):
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id)
     if not theShift:
         return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
     if theShift.type != "shift":
         return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
     if theUser.canRead(theShift):
         return data(theUser.unfavorite(theShift))
         return error(
             "Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to unfavorite this shift.",
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def unnotify(self, id):
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id)
     if not theShift:
         return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
     if theShift.type != "shift":
         return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
     if theUser.canRead(theShift):
         if theUser.isSubscribed(theShift):
             return ack
             return error("You are not getting notification from this comment thread.", NotBeingNotifiedError)
         return error("Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to be notified of events on this stream.", PermissionError)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def delete(self, id):
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id, loggedInUser)
     if not theShift:
         return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
     if theShift.type != "shift":
         return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
     if theUser.canModify(theShift):
         return ack
         return error(
             "Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to delete this shift.",
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def update(self, id):
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     jsonData = helper.getRequestBody()
     if jsonData != "":
         theShift = Shift.read(id, loggedInUser)
         if not theShift:
             return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
         if theShift.type != "shift":
             return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
         from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
         shiftData = json.loads(jsonData)
         theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
         if theUser.canModify(theShift):
             return data(theShift.update(shiftData))
             return error("Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to update this shift.", PermissionError)
         return error("No data for shift.", NoDataError)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def unnotify(self, id):
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     theShift = Shift.read(id)
     if not theShift:
         return error("Resource does not exist.", ResourceDoesNotExistError)
     if theShift.type != "shift":
         return error("Resource is not of type shift", ResourceTypeError)
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
     if theUser.canRead(theShift):
         if theUser.isSubscribed(theShift):
             return ack
             return error(
                 "You are not getting notification from this comment thread.",
         return error(
             "Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to be notified of events on this stream.",
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def update(self, id):
     from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
     loggedInUser = helper.getLoggedInUser()
     jsonData = helper.getRequestBody()
     if jsonData != "":
         theShift = Shift.read(id, loggedInUser)
         if not theShift:
             return error("Resource does not exist.",
         if theShift.type != "shift":
             return error("Resource is not of type shift",
         from server.models.ssuser import SSUser
         shiftData = json.loads(jsonData)
         theUser = SSUser.read(loggedInUser)
         if theUser.canModify(theShift):
             return data(theShift.update(shiftData))
             return error(
                 "Operation not permitted. You don't have permission to update this shift.",
         return error("No data for shift.", NoDataError)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def favorite(self, aShift):
     from server.models.favorite import Favorite
     from server.models.shift import Shift
     Favorite.create(self.id, aShift.id)
     return Shift.joinData(Shift.read(aShift.id), self.id)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def unfavorite(self, aShift):
     from server.models.favorite import Favorite
     from server.models.shift import Shift
     Favorite.readByUserAndShift(self.id, aShift.id).delete()
     return Shift.joinData(Shift.read(aShift.id), self.id)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def unfavorite(self, aShift):
     from server.models.favorite import Favorite
     from server.models.shift import Shift
     Favorite.readByUserAndShift(self.id, aShift.id).delete()
     return Shift.joinData(Shift.read(aShift.id), self.id)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def favorite(self, aShift):
     from server.models.favorite import Favorite
     from server.models.shift import Shift
     Favorite.create(self.id, aShift.id)
     return Shift.joinData(Shift.read(aShift.id), self.id)